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The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society

Volume , Issue suppl / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Mainly on molecular mechanism - cytokine chemokines of inflammation and the tissue restoration
近藤稔和, 石田裕子, 野坂みずほ
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 22-22, 2022.

Japanese Article Histogeny/tissue remodeling and mitochondria
新谷紀人, 岩田圭子, 野口雅史
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 23-23, 2022.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient study based on the single cell analysis
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 24-24, 2022.

Japanese Article Human norovirus pro-increase establishment using intestinal epithelia cells derived from human iPS cells
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 25-25, 2022.

Japanese Article Study dispatch - self inflammatory disorder - from Wakayama
改正恒康1), 金澤伸雄2,3), 邊見弘明1,4), 佐々木泉1), 加藤喬1), 山本明日美1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 26-26, 2022.

Japanese Article Auditory hallucination and hallucinatory biology, For a diagnosis, treatment of schizophrenia
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 27-27, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-1. One patient whom significant oral candidiasis developed in after docetaxel (DTX) single agent administration for lung adenocarcinoma
金尾光, 鈴木滋, 岡本健二朗, 田坂ゆかり, 武田侑也, 上田眞道, 角谷有吏子, 水間庸介, 松村達志
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 30-30, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-2. Examination of the factor for dosage interval of the tocilizumab hypodermic injection preparation in rheumatoid arthritis treatment about extension
藏本伸生, 松宮遼, 田中克典, 藤井隆夫
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 30-30, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-3. One case of NSE rise SCLC which we diagnosed in Bronchoscopic BAL, and the like
藤田悦生1), 星屋博信2), 堀谷亮介3), 横山陽香4), 河原正明1), 吉川和也5), 松本久子5), 東田有智5), 駿田直俊1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 30-30, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-4. An example of pulmonary/fort tuberculosis that produced pulmonary gladular cancer in affected side with a brain solitary tubercle postoperatively
中口恵太1), 小澤雄一2), 寺岡俊輔3), 藤本大智3), 早田敦志3), 赤松弘朗3), 洪泰浩3), 中西正典3), 山本信之3)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 30-30, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-5. About a technique choice for the deformity of jaw
上野一樹, 久米川真治, 橘五月, 和田仁孝, 朝村真一
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 31-31, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-6. One case of the angioleiomyoma which occurred in hard palate
長尾茉柚, 鈴木滋, 岡本健二朗, 田坂ゆかり, 武田侑也, 上田眞道, 角谷有吏子, 水間庸介, 松村達志
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 31-31, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-7. A case of tongue piercing at the tip of the tongue that could not be removed due to accidental bite
中村亮, 鈴木滋, 岡本健二朗, 田坂ゆかり, 武田侑也, 上田眞道, 角谷有吏子, 水間庸介, 松村達志
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 31-31, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-8. Efforts and the current situation for lymphedema
久米川真治1), 西郊靖子2), 梅本安則2), 寺村健三3), 坂本あきな3), 小川奈々3), 辻友晃3), 松浦由梨3), 朝村真一4)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 31-31, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-9. The improvement of the activities of daily living of patients with chronic phase cerebrovascular disorder and-affiliated examination of the foreign rehabilitation treatment time: Rearward observational study
材木力斗1,2), 上條義一郎2,3), 森木貴司4), 向井裕貴2), 田島文博2,4)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 32-32, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-10. Association with an outcome and the deglutition function of elderly patients hospitalized for the COVID-19 sixth wave in our hospital, the cognitive function
大高明夫, 幸田剣, 峯玉賢和, 飯島恵, 南方美由希
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 32-32, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-11. Examination of Ankle Foot Orthosis using the low temperature thermoplastic resin for patients with stroke
松崎誉1), 藤澤秀生1), 寺地美幸1), 仲河恒志2), 坂野元彦3)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 32-32, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-12. Investigation of locomotive syndrome and the depression of elderly people living in an area under the effect of COVID-19
田崎史江1), 辻富基美1), 紀本創兵1), 今岡真和2), 中村美砂2), 今井亮太2), 肥田光正2), 武田雅俊2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 33-33, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-13. Examination of the nourishment management for the bullous pemphigoid
前西佐映, 小畑摩由子, 阿部諒, 大山真穂, 東佑美, 田中明紀子, 小出知史, 望月龍馬, 石橋達也, 西理宏
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 33-33, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-14. One case of the vegan who presented with vitamin D deficiency osteomalacia
小畑摩由子1), 東佑美1), 田中明紀子1), 小出知史1), 望月龍馬1), 石橋達也1), 西理宏1), 丸山杏奈2), 古川安志2), 松岡孝昭2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 33-33, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-15. Relations of a quadriceps femoris muscle surface electromyogram signal and the oxygen consumption in the lower limbs exercise
辻友晃1), 川西誠1), 藤田恭久1), 幸田剣1), 田島文博1), 上條義一郎2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 33-33, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-16. About the line activity of the erector muscle of spine by the difference in arms, lower limbs ergograph motion
島大智, 橋崎孝賢, 箕島佑太, 田島文博
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 34-34, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-17. Inner neck status pulse at HUT, HDT in young adults, crossing study on vertebra movement venous blood flow rate
沖田崇1), 児嶋大介1), 谷口康裕1), 中井航也1), 小川奈々1), 坂本あきな1), 寺村健三1), 梅本安則2), 田島文博2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 34-34, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-18. Examination of three cervical carotid artery constriction that CEA was thought to be suitable for than CAS
横矢美穂, 仲河恒志, 石井健次, 伊藤雅矩, 中山由紀恵, 尾崎充宣, 中村善也
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 34-34, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-19. An example of the ganglioglioma which occurred in the cerebellum of elderly women
大谷侃, 佐々木貴浩, 矢本利一, 深井順也, 西林宏起, 中尾直之
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 34-34, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-20. One case of the juvenile cerebral infarction complicated with sarcoidosis
中西雄大1), 萬翔子2), 細隆信3), 小山佳輝1), 辻栄作1), 川口匠1), 林宣秀1), 岡田秀雄1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-21. One case of the multiple substantia alba lesion which developed in late onset by a hydrophilic coating agent after the percutaneous cerebral thrombosis collection technique
中島翔太, 土岐尚嗣, 中井康雄, 石井政道, 八子理恵, 深井順也, 中尾直之
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-22. One case of the giant cell arteritis with the rapidly advanced multiple intracranial chief editor stricture of artery
峯地顕太郎, 土岐尚嗣, 濱裕也, 友渕匡紀, 石井政道, 八子理恵, 中尾直之
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-23. We look at safety of hepatic artery chemistry embolus therapy (DEM-TACE) that used the Bevacizumab intraarterial injection for the unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma together and the rear about the effectiveness and examine a mark
植田昇太1), 園村哲郎1), 堀信一2), 堀篤史2), 槇谷和紘2), 万可3)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-24. Examination of the gastric arteries embolization using the dissolution type gelatin sponge in the pig
居平浩延, 佐藤大樹, 小池将隆, 風呂谷拓希, 熊本亮彦, 島望, 生駒顕, 南口博紀, 園村哲郎
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-25. Balloon combination lower PVE using NLI in the pig
奥平隆太, 東野信行, 福田耕大, 小池将隆, 上硲敦文, 生駒顕, 南口博紀, 園村哲郎
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-26. Usefulness of the oblique presentation method to expand subclavian vein at the custody of the central veins (CV) catheter port
風呂谷拓希, 東野信行, 園村哲郎, 福田耕大, 生駒顕, 南口博紀, 河合信行
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-27. Cardiac activity evaluation of the atrial fibrillation
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-1. Examination of the respiratory function prognosis in the late childhood of the very low birth weight infant whom we cared for in our hospital NICU
伊藤恭平, 西川香瑠, 平山健太郎, 土橋智弥, 村山友梨, 鈴木崇之, 利光充彦, 杉本卓也, 熊谷健, 徳原大介
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-2. Examination of the activated partial thromboplastin time before pediatric operation
西川香瑠1), 市川貴之1), 辻本弘1), 神波信次1), 徳原大介1), 平康雄大2), 箕浦直人2), 原嘉秀2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-3. One case that was treated with an Ilizarov wound external fixation device for talipes equinovarus complicated with spina bifida
大西麻紀子1), 山田宏1), 浅井宣樹2), 下薗英史2), 玉置哲也2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-4. One case of the acute purulent podarthritis that developed in infants
山本章, 木下裕文, 窪田誠治, 谷口隆哉, 友松晃一, 夏見勇多
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-5. One case of the achondrogenesis that needed foramen magnum decompression procedure for a foramen magnum stenosis in one month after birth
濱裕也1), 中西陽子1), 村山友梨2), 杉本卓也2), 熊谷健2), 北山真理3), 西林宏起3), 中尾直之3)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-6. The experience that was given the re-adhesion technique for the big finger complete amputation that passed more than 24 hours
橘五月, 成山晃弘, 三宅有理亜, 西岡俊彦, 坂田康裕, 久米川真治, 上野一樹, 和田仁孝, 朝村真一
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-7. Small experience of the supersonic wave guide lower median nerve high mud release for the carpal tunnel syndrome
石本悠介1), 曽根勝真弓1), 松山雄樹1), 村田顕優1), 木戸勇介1), 下江隆司1), 岩崎博1), 山田宏1), 寺村健三2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-8. One case that fracture of the distal radius produced big finger motor disorder for short flexor carpi radialis muscle postoperatively
井上慎吾1), 下江隆司1), 山田宏1), 舟津稔博2), 西澤佑介2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-9. Elucidation - Wakayama Health Promotion Study - of the epidemiology actual situation of Dupuytren contractures in this country
松山雄樹1), 下江隆司1), 橋爪洋1), 山田宏1), 林未統2), 岩田勝栄3), 宮井信行4)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-10. One patient who underwent artificial elbow joint replacement for rheumatic cubital distal end of humerus pseudarthrosis
村田顕優, 下江隆司, 福井大輔, 曽根勝真弓, 木戸勇介, 松山雄樹, 山田宏
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-11. It is an example of the ankle Gustilo3C compound fracture using the vein graft for revascularization
橘五月, 成山晃弘, 三宅有理亜, 西岡俊彦, 坂田康裕, 久米川真治, 上野一樹, 和田仁孝, 朝村真一
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-12. One patient who underwent artificial talar replacement for idiopathic talar necrosis
南野和佳1), 下江隆司1), 佐々本貴英2), 浅井宜樹3), 山田宏4)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-13. Histories of treatment of the synovium-related osteochondromatosis that occurred in a hip joint
上野健1), 西山大介1), 福井大輔1), 山中学1), 山田宏1), 谷口隆哉2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-14. A rare example of the rapid destruction type coxarthropathy with the bone infarction extensive to thighbone and a kneecap
貝持裕太1), 山中学1), 西山大介1), 福井大輔1), 山田宏1), 玉井英伸2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-15. One patient who underwent single condyle Total Knee Arthroplasty after the high tibial osteotomy
星野晃廣1), 山崎悟1), 橋本光司1), 村上公英1), 山東茂樹1), 川上守1), 久保井勇樹2), 前田孝浩3)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-16. One case of the distal biceps brachii muscle tendon rupture
中村裕一, 峠康, 麻殖生和博, 岩田勝栄, 籠谷良平, 中村憲太, 野田雄佑, 中谷如希
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-17. Two cases of the perforating branch propeller dermal flap for the skin loss that produced achilles tendon rupture postoperatively
野田雄祐, 岩田勝栄, 峠康, 麻殖生和博, 籠谷良平, 中村憲太, 中村裕一, 中谷如希
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 41-41, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-18. One patient who underwent tenorrhaphy for quadriceps femoris muscle tendon rupture
夏見勇多1), 木下裕文1), 窪田誠治1), 増田圭哉2), 三宅悠介3)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 41-41, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-19. Invention of the vertebral body reposition for the chest lumbar vertebrae burst fracture
中西竜一朗, 江川弘光, 中村正亨, 瀧口登, 辻本修平
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 41-41, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-20. Effect of the super early ambulation program on endoscopic lower spinal operations patients
中川雅文1), 延與良夫1), 前田孝浩1), 峯玉賢和1), 山本義男1), 中谷友洋1), 鈴木沙知1), 中川幸洋1), 寺口真年2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 41-41, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-21. One case of the lumbar spinal canal stenosis that XLIF(R) for the purpose of the indirect decompression needed decompression directly postoperatively
坂井智1), 筒井俊二2), 村上公英3), 野中研人4), 三宅稜2), 山田宏2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 42-42, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-22. One case of the thoracic vertebra intervertebral joint cysts which presented a paraplegia symptom
中務亮, 石口明, 増田圭哉, 山川量平, 太田泰宏
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 42-42, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-23. One case of the L5 separation sliding symptom given the fixation between the endoscopic lower vertebral body by the approach of both transintervertebral foramina
平井一成, 高見正成, 太地良, 上野健, 山田宏
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 42-42, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-24. An example of the kubisagari improved by thoracic vertebra correction fixation
三宅稜1), 高見正成1), 岡田基宏2), 太地良1), 村田鎮優1), 山田宏1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 42-42, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-25. Elucidation of the new molecular mechanism involved in the natural immunity reply through the nucleic acid sensor
山本明日美, 加藤喬, 佐々木泉, 改正恒康
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 43-43, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-26. The rise in blood triglycerides concentrations raises secretion and blood oestrogen level of stomach estrogen directly
伊藤隆雄, 山本悠太, 山岸直子, 金井克光
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 43-43, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-27. Molecular idea (3) of bifunctional nociceptin &μagonist
早野泰造1), 寺田翔1), 藤林舞1), 上野半兵衛1), 岸岡史郎2), 木口倫一3)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 43-43, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-28. Chronic inflammation hypothesis - TGF-βinhibitor - for the neurodegenerative disease
早野泰造, 寺田翔, 藤林舞, 上野半兵衛
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 43-43, 2022.