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The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society

Volume , Issue suppl / 2024
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article It is trace ... of 29 years in ... developing country medical care front line from Japanese medical care in "it was good to have been given birth"
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 22-22, 2024.

Japanese Article Paradigm shift - of the examination for innovativeness - CT of the Cenozoic era CT Photon Counting CT
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 23-23, 2024.

Japanese Article 1. The present situation and problem of the robot support surgery in the urologic treatment for cancer
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 24-24, 2024.

Japanese Article 2. About the current situation in the cancer new medicine development front line and future problem, directional - immunity checkpoint inhibitor, molecules target medicine, an oncogene panel examination -
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 25-25, 2024.

Japanese Article 3. Basic knowledge of the radiotherapy
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 26-26, 2024.

Japanese Article 4. Role of the palliative care in multidisciplinary cancer treatment
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 27-27, 2024.

Japanese Article 1. One case of the cervical vertebrae gangliocytoma of the elderly women who had the onset for the numbness of the postauricular region
松房健, 北山真理, 中尾直之
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 30-30, 2024.

Japanese Article 2. A case of the young brain tumor that led to a diagnosis of Papillary glioneuronal tumor by a molecular biologic diagnosis
矢本大洋, 中井康雄, 佐々木貴浩, 中西陽子, 中尾直之
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 30-30, 2024.

Japanese Article 3. The Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy which was complicated with mild acute subdural hematoma
中島翔太, 仲河恒志, 石井健次, 伊藤雅矩, 西林宏起
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 30-30, 2024.

Japanese Article 4. A case of Calcified Amorphous Tumor (CAT) with the severe aortic stenosis that led to a diagnosis with the ST rising type myocardial infarction onset
出崎祐気1), 尾崎雄一1), 谷口元城1), 西貴弘1), 樽谷玲1), 高畑昌弘1), 和田輝明1), 里神慶亮1), 塩野泰紹1), 山野貴司1), 北端宏規1), 國本秀樹2), 本田賢太朗2), 西川瑞希3), 小島史好3), 村田晋一3), 西村好晴2), 田中篤1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 30-30, 2024.

Japanese Article 5. Two patients whom we treated surgically for coronary artery aneurysm
柿本優介, 西村好晴, 上松耕太, 本田賢太朗, 國本秀樹, 中村諒, 中西靖佳, 出口雄也
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 31-31, 2024.

Japanese Article 6. One case of the infants who underwent supersonic wave probe squeeze technique for femoral artery false aneurysm
末永智浩, 垣本信幸, 土橋智弥, 鈴木崇之, 徳原大介
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 31-31, 2024.

Japanese Article 7. One case that the children patient which lasted against a backdrop of severe Ebstein deformity underwent collateral pathway coil embolization, and Fontan operated
石井宏弥1), 鈴木崇之2), 垣本信幸2), 末永智浩2), 徳原大介2), 上松耕太3), 西村好晴3), 味村亮祐4), 三宅雄一4), 佐藤大樹4), 園村哲郎4)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 31-31, 2024.

Japanese Article 8. About usefulness of the Introducer for the new endoscope in the diagnosis of the biliary tract lesion
杉原悠斗, 糸永昌弘, 田村崇, 川路祐輝, 山下泰伸, 蘆田玲子, 北野雅之
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 31-31, 2024.

Japanese Article 9. Cauter therapy for the unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients who received systemic medical therapy in our hospital
前島秀哉, 井田良幸, 谷口侑大, 加治汐里, 清水遼, 蘆田玲子, 井口幹崇, 前北隆雄, 北野雅之
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 32-32, 2024.

Japanese Article 10. One case of the recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma which we hepatectomized laparoscopic after LEN+HAIC
伊藤悠, 宮本篤, 速水晋也, 中村健介, 清水敦史, 北畑裕司, 竹内昭博, 本林秀規, 川井学
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 32-32, 2024.

Japanese Article 11. The use situation of Molnupiravir, Nilrmatrelvir for COVID-19 in our institution
藤田悦生1,5), 切士博文2), 榎木谷充3), 福島健4), 川端有紀4), 内海まゆみ4), 冨永ひでみ4), 田中里美4), 宮本紀江子4), 坂野洋南5)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 32-32, 2024.

Japanese Article 12. One patient who was able to evade the becoming severe of respiratory complications by using MI-E for a rib fracture, a person with high rank thoracic spinal cord injury who had the emphysema from acute phase
岩橋孝弥, 坂本あきな, 木村浩紀, 大高明夫, 村上公英, 幸田剣
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 32-32, 2024.

Japanese Article 13. A case of the achromasia malignant melanoma diagnosed with a mediastinal tumor
春谷勇平1), 小暮美和子1,2), 高橋祐一3), 垣貴大1), 金井一修1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 33-33, 2024.

Japanese Article 14. We look at the rear about no treatment, the progression-free survival period in the ICI effective case of progress, recurrence NSCLC and examine a mark
永井隆寛1), 赤松弘朗1), 村上恵理子1), 柴木亮太1), 早田敦志1), 清水俊雄1), 中西正典1), 洪泰浩1,2), 山本信之1,2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 33-33, 2024.

Japanese Article 15. About usefulness of POD packing coil and the i-ED coil Infini ExtraSoft/Soft combination in the coil embolization before the Fontan surgery
出口雅枝1), 園村哲郎1), 佐藤大樹1), 上硲敦文1), 垣本信幸2), 鈴木崇之2), 未永智浩2), 武内崇2), 鈴木啓之2), 徳原大介2), 福田耕大1), 東野信行1), 生駒顕1), 南口博紀1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 33-33, 2024.

Japanese Article 16. Two one patient who conducted the coil embolization using gadolinium contrast media for a pulmonary A-V malformation of the patients with allergy to iodine
中喬弘, 上硲敦文, 生駒顕, 三宅雄一, 味村亮祐, 玉井くるみ, 南口博紀, 園村哲郎
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 33-33, 2024.

Japanese Article 17. Rare one patient that left suprarenal vein flows into both left kidney vein and inferior vena cava
味村亮祐1), 福田耕大1), 東野信行1), 小山貴生1), 阪根大貴2), 辻智也2), 松岡孝昭2), 南口博紀1), 園村哲郎1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 34-34, 2024.

Japanese Article 18. One patient who responded to single arterial infusion chemotherapy and radiotherapy for the large spinocellular carcinoma of the lower lip
植田昇太, 園村哲郎, 味村亮祐, 奥平隆太, 熊本亮彦, 南口博紀
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 34-34, 2024.

Japanese Article 19. The effect that the vasoconstriction in the artery of the pig gives to NBCA embolus effect
三宅雄一1), 米満尚史2), 福田耕大1), 福井智也2), 島望2), 井上茂亮2), 生駒顕1), 園村哲郎1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 34-34, 2024.

Japanese Article 20. Bloodstream modeling of aldosterone concentrations in the adrenal vein sampling
福田耕大1), 加藤暢宏2), 東野信行1), 小山貴生1), 生駒顕1), 南口博紀1), 河合信行1), 園村哲郎1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 34-34, 2024.

Japanese Article 21. Analysis of the keloid tissue microenvironment using Single-nucleus RNA-seq
今福匡司1), 久米川真治2), 岩淵禎弘1), 朝村真一2), 橋本真一1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 35-35, 2024.

Japanese Article 22. Search of the new diagnosis marker by the single cell analysis of the hepatocellular adenoma
岩淵禎弘, 今福匡司, 橋本真一
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 35-35, 2024.

Japanese Article 23. An elucidation of cardiac muscle cells disorder with the heating-type cigarette smoke and the mechanism: Pay your attention to Ca2+ change abnormality and mitochondrial dysfunction
安田純平1), 納富拓也1), 堀之内孝弘2), 西谷(中村)友重1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 35-35, 2024.

Japanese Article 24. Participation of the bottom bank-related pain inhibitory system for the pain inhibition (Exercise-Induced Hypoalgesia) by the exercise
羽端章悟1), 村井昂太1), 上勝也1,2), 上拓馬3), 仙波恵美子4), 幸田剣1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 35-35, 2024.

Japanese Article 25. Cancers, and the like other than protac approach - thalidomide protac product - (2.5)
早野泰造, 持田沙織, 生駒芳久, 高木はるか, 北内信太郎, 篠田晋
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 36-36, 2024.

Japanese Article 26. As for cancers, and the like, it is - (3) for protac approach - neurodegenerative disease
早野泰造, 持田沙織, 生駒芳久, 高木はるか, 北内信太郎, 篠田晋
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 36-36, 2024.

Japanese Article 27. Estimate of the mechanism of the rTMS therapy for the depression using the functional magnetic resonance imaging at rest
喜多彬1,2), 石田卓也1), 玉置敦之1,3), 紀本創兵1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 36-36, 2024.

Japanese Article 28. First aid in Wakayama Medical University Hospital oral surgery for the past 2 years and fact-finding of duty-adaptive patients
大林建矢, 田坂ゆかり, 溝端直樹, 武田侑也, 上田眞道, 畑美緒, 中村亮, 長尾茉柚, 大友奈都子, 松村達志
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 36-36, 2024.

Japanese Article 29. The actual situation of the source of infection removal during perioperative oral cavity function management in the valvular disease of the heart surgery
島陽菜, 溝端直樹, 鈴木滋, 長尾茉柚, 乾真衣, 松下祥子, 小川朱紅, 出水夏恵, 松村達志
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 37-37, 2024.

Japanese Article 30. One case of peripheral enamel epithelial cancer which occurred in upper jaw
原田一生1), 田中章夫1), 木村雅友1,2), 和田健1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 37-37, 2024.

Japanese Article 31. One case of the odontogenic keratocyst of the lower jaw which is the huge that decompression procedure was effective
田中章夫1), 森恵一2), 原田一生1), 和田健1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 37-37, 2024.

Japanese Article 32. Five cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma given selective arterial infusion chemotherapy
田中章夫1), 原田一生1), 吉村良2), 角井一之3), 米本加奈子4), 磯本晃佑5), 和田健1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 37-37, 2024.

Japanese Article 33. Experience of the lips reconstruction in patients with head and neck cancer including lips
和田健1), 原田一生1), 服部舞子2), 吉村良3), 田中章夫1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 38-38, 2024.

Japanese Article 34. The actual situation of the source of infection removal during the perioperative oral cavity function management in the artificial joint operation
溝端直樹, 中村亮, 長尾茉柚, 大友奈都子, 島陽菜, 松下祥子, 寺地友梨, 中家真衣, 松村達志
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 38-38, 2024.

Japanese Article 35. It is a case of the hesitation dental implant alien substance which we did containing to a paranasal sinus
要田知新, 奥田勝也, 村上大地, 河野正充, 玉川俊次, 保富宗城
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 38-38, 2024.

Japanese Article 36. A case of hemolytic streptococcus-related acute otitis media that artificial cochlea setting resulted in the subperiosteal abscess around the implant postoperatively
岡田拓真, 森田洋平, 藤代拓, 酒谷英樹, 大谷真喜子, 河野正充, 保富宗城
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 38-38, 2024.

Japanese Article 37. A case which performed meatoplasty for Medial meatal fibrosis (MMF)
川端康平1), 河野正充1), 木下哲也2), 大谷真喜子1), 保富宗城1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 39-39, 2024.

Japanese Article 38. Two cases that caused necrotic infection to a nose paranasal sinus by methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
北村文哉1), 村上大地1), 塩崎貴斗1,2), 平山俊1), 早田幸子2), 河野正充1), 保富宗城1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 39-39, 2024.

Japanese Article 39. Two postpharyngeal crack hematomas of the elderly people who had the onset with an injury
桑添博紀1,2), 伊豫巧朗1,2), 塩崎貴斗1,2), 早田幸子1,2), 河野正充2), 玉川俊次2), 保富宗城2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 39-39, 2024.

Japanese Article 40. One case that caused a renal cell carcinoma postoperatively late lymph node recurrence
竹島大道, 塔筋央庸, 間島伸行, 若宮崇人, 岩橋悠矢, 川端大輝, 山下真平, 柑本康夫, 原勲
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 39-39, 2024.

Japanese Article 41. Examination about the calculus-related pyelonephritis of institution residents
岩橋悠矢, 塔筋庸央, 川端大輝, 出口龍良, 村岡聡, 若宮崇人, 山下真平, 柑本康夫, 原勲
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 40-40, 2024.

Japanese Article 42. One case of the necrotising fasciitis due to the fulminant form A group hemolytic streptococcus infection which was able to keep diseased limb
稲田麻衣子, 渡邉輝, 坂田康裕, 朝村真一
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 40-40, 2024.

Japanese Article 43. About usefulness of "helmet therapy after the suture resection + technique" in the premature closure of skull sutures
三宅有理亜1), 中西美貴1), 石本涼菜1), 久米川真治1), 和田仁孝1), 上村哲司2), 久徳茂雄3), 朝村真一1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 40-40, 2024.

Japanese Article 44. The rebuilding using Hughes flap and the musculus orbicularis oculi dermal flap for all inferior eyelid layer losses: From the viewpoint of eyes surface
上村和久1), 岩西宏樹2), 上野一樹1), 西岡俊彦1), 鈴木琢也1), 雑賀司珠也2), 朝村真一1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 40-40, 2024.

Japanese Article 45. Investigation about the actual situation of the need and the enforcement of the reinforcement of the psychologic aspect in sports settings
前田凌汰, 後藤賢二, 塚田卓巳, 山口隼澄, 幸田剣
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 41-41, 2024.

Japanese Article 46. Physical strength properties - basketball competition - of the competition group reinforcement player in Wakayama
吉松大樹, 後藤賢二, 勝山美佐, 根本怜, 幸田剣
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 41-41, 2024.

Japanese Article 47. Hypothesis - to be obtained from the case of the -2 local government for the construction of the sports medical science support system in the area for para-athletes
後藤賢二, 井田智之, 杉泰佑, 加藤莉奈, 幸田剣
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 41-41, 2024.

Japanese Article 48. About the characteristic of the adverse event that occurred during the rehabilitation medical care in the hospital for acute phase
安岡良訓1), 木下利喜生1), 橋崎孝賢1), 小池有美1), 幸田剣2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 41-41, 2024.

Japanese Article 49. About an early disaster rehabilitation support activity of Wakayama JRAT in the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake
材木力斗1), 岡本明幸2), 笠松優衣2), 橋本浩実1), 成田公子3), 小池有美1), 幸田剣1,2)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 42-42, 2024.

Japanese Article 50. Matching to lower limbs pain to be due to venous stasis in the childhood multi-system inflammation characteristics syndrome children patient
橋崎孝賢1), 木下利喜生1), 安岡良訓1), 小池有美1), 末永智浩2), 幸田剣3)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 42-42, 2024.

Japanese Article 51. The way of future Wakayama seeing from osteoporosis
古梅祐, 坂井智, 神前拓平, 藤木貴顕, 山崎悟, 川上守
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 42-42, 2024.

Japanese Article 52. It is rare one patient who had the lunar bone bone fracture for fracture of the distal radius
菅野裕一郎1), 林未統1), 峰巨1), 谷上正純1), 北裏卓也2), 石本悠介3)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 42-42, 2024.

Japanese Article 53. A case of the little finger flexor tendon skin lower tear by the pseudarthrosis after the hook of hamate bone fracture
石本悠介, 林未統, 峰巨, 谷上正純, 中田朋紀, 菅野裕一郎
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 43-43, 2024.

Japanese Article 54. One case of the purulent tendosynovitis due to the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease that infection spilled over into to the flexor of forearm muscle group
中務亮, 小島博嗣, 山口将則, 山下実輝
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 43-43, 2024.

Japanese Article 55. One case that produced a hipbone fatigue fracture after the total hip prosthesis reimplantation
貝持裕太1,2), 西山大介1), 福井大輔1), 山中学1), 岸拓暉1), 山田宏1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 43-43, 2024.

Japanese Article 56. One patient who was treated effectively with an echo guide lower nerve root block for the painful arm that cervical spine rear decompression fixation appeared postoperatively
南野和佳, 前田孝浩, 中川幸洋, 太地良, 佐々木貴英
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 43-43, 2024.

Japanese Article 57. Can you sense movement of the cerebral fluid by a case sonography Doppler method that sonography was useful for a diagnosis of the liquorrhea that occurred after the cervical vertebrae reoperation?
神前貴洋1), 石元優々1), 村田鎮優2), 岩崎博1), 筒井俊二1), 高見正成1), 井上慎吾2), 山田宏1)
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 44-44, 2024.

Japanese Article 58. About good adaptation of transcoccygeal vertebral canal plastic surgery (TSCP) for patients with lumbar spinal canal stenosis
山本悠太, 寺口真年, 岩崎博, 長田圭司, 石元優々, 山田宏
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 44-44, 2024.

Japanese Article 59. Examination of the reliability between the tester of the dynamic laxity of ligament-related evaluation in the computer-assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty
岸拓暉, 西山大介, 福井大輔, 山中学, 上野健, 山本章, 山田宏
The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 44-44, 2024.