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Nihon University Journal of Oral Science

Volume 39, Issue suppl / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Anatomical discussion of the temporomandibular joint surgery
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 1-1, 2014.

Japanese Article Theory of evolution of the extinction to investigate from ultrastructure and development
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 1-2, 2014.

Japanese Article A01. Elucidation of the tertiary structure change process of the hemoglobin with pH and the salt concentration change
桑田隆生1, 城座映明1, 寒河江登志朗2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 2-2, 2014.

Japanese Article A02. Examination of the salivary gland progenitor cells marker in in vivo
横山愛, 加藤治, 福島美和子, 吉垣純子
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 3-3, 2014.

Japanese Article A03. Construction and evaluation of the P.gingivalis gene expression custom array
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 3-3, 2014.

Japanese Article A04. Effect of the Osterix transcription factor on expression of bone sialoprotein gene
松村浩禎1, 小方頼昌1, 2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 3-4, 2014.

Japanese Article A05. About the initial bony formation ability of the silk fibroin sponge body using the rabbit thighbone
内田僚一郎1, 木場秀夫2, バワール ウジャール3, 荒井清司4, 谷本安浩1, 久保山昇5, 西山典宏1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 4-4, 2014.

Japanese Article A06. Apatite organization potency in the para-body fluid of the alkali hydrolysis treated poly(lactic acid-ε-caprolactone) copolymer film
布施恵, 續橋治, 田中宏征, 市村真奈, 深津晶, 福本雅彦
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 4-5, 2014.

Japanese Article A07. Relations of a cyst intracavitary CT level and the stroma of neoplasm microvessel density in the keratocyst-related odontogenic tumor
末光正昌1, 関谷浩太郎2, 関谷恵子2, 宇都宮忠彦1, 金田隆2, 久山佳代1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 5-5, 2014.

Japanese Article A08. Expression of ABCG2 in the adenoid cystic carcinoma and CD133
玉村亮, 岡田裕之, 菅野岳志, 寒河江登志朗
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 5-6, 2014.

Japanese Article A09. The selection media development of oral Corynebacterium genus bacteria and the intraoral distribution
續橋治, 布施恵, 田中宏征, 市村真奈, 深津晶, 福本雅彦
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 6-6, 2014.

Japanese Article A10. Liaison practice of the hospital "pain outpatient department of a mouth, a face, the head" attached to the Nippon University Matsudo school of dentistry and the summary
西村均1,2, 小倉京子1, 飯塚弘一, 和気裕之1, 齊藤孝親1, 久保英之1, 成田紀之1, 内田貴之1, 大久保昌和1, 神谷和伸1, 下坂典立1, 飯田崇1, 小原綾子1, 本田実加1, 小見山道1, 小野真紀子2, 萩原美緒2, 牧山康秀1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 6-7, 2014.

Japanese Article A11. Of the Botox(R) treatment in the nerve dentistry outpatient, actually
長坂加奈1,4, 成田紀之1,2, 神谷和伸2, 下坂典立2,4, 片岡尚一4, 牧山康秀1, 平山晃康3, 渋谷鑛4
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 7-7, 2014.

Japanese Article A12. One case of the endermosis that cytodiagnosis was useful
飯塚普子1, 田中茂男1, 久山佳代2, 松本敬2, 山本浩嗣2, 秋元芳明1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 7-7, 2014.

Japanese Article A13. An example of multiple stomatitis examined by the multiple drug remedy patients
木村利明, 渡辺巌
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 8-8, 2014.

Japanese Article A14. One case of the Treacher-Collins syndrome which suffered from treatment
富井高樹1, 田祐次郎1, 増田光1, 高橋香織1, 飛嶋大作1, 青木暁宣1, 石上享嗣1, 中田康一1, 北總征男2, 秋葉正一1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 8-9, 2014.

Japanese Article A15. One case of the enamel epidermal fiber dentinoma which occurred in lower jaw
鈴木雄祐1, 岡田仁恵1, 武田祥人1, 原正浩1, 山崎文恵1, 岩井聡1, 高橋康輔1, 伊藤耕1, 久山佳代2, 近藤壽郎1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 9-9, 2014.

Japanese Article A16. One case of histiocytosis that presented X-rays views of the dentigerous cyst resemblance
金尾真吾1, 石上大輔1, 藤本陽子1, 服部俊夫1, 荒井俊明1, 岩井聡1, 高橋康輔1, 伊藤耕1, 久山佳代2, 近藤壽郎1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 9-10, 2014.

Japanese Article A17. One patient who transformed into enamel epithelial cancer after the fenestration operation enforcement of dentigerous cyst in the tenth year
渡邊駿1, 須藤亜紀子1, 武田祥人1, 阿久津美和1, 枝卓志1, 河島睦1, 岩井聡1, 高橋康輔1, 伊藤耕1, 宇都宮忠彦2, 久山佳代2, 近藤壽郎1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 10-10, 2014.

Japanese Article A18. The case that arytenoid cartilage part edema was detected at extubation after the neck dissection
中村真実1, 鈴木正敏1, 丹羽秀夫2, 横山令平1, 卯田昭夫1, 玉繁和久1, 長坂加奈1, 森大智1, 矢野結1, 仲村早織1, 石川学1, 藤田裕1, 草間弘朝1, 片岡尚一1, 石川義継1, 岡部靖子1, 峯村麻由1, 加來洋子1, 下坂典立1, 石橋肇1, 山口秀紀1, 牧山康秀2, 渋谷鑛1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 10-10, 2014.

Japanese Article A19. Two cases of the elderly people who improved occlusion by comprehensive practice
今村隆一1, 遠藤弘康2, 加藤仁夫3
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 10-11, 2014.

Japanese Article A20. One case that applied all chin-like denture service and chin corrective surgery for patients with frame-related mandibular protrusion with the asymmetry of the face
伊藤耕1, 小林平2, 榎本豊3, 石上大輔1, 植田華奈3, 石井公恵2, 枝卓志1, 高橋康輔1, 會田雅啓2, 葛西一貴3, 近藤壽郎1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 11-11, 2014.

Japanese Article B01. Histopathological study on alveolar crest mucous membrane in the implant impaction department mucous membrane
阿部洋太郎, 宇都宮忠彦
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 11-12, 2014.

Japanese Article B02. Fundamental researches of the osteoporotic model rat which made bone density, the Synthetic Bone Mineral assorted feed which improved bone strength taken in
藤田佳奈美1, 中田浩史1, 渡辺丈紘1, 高橋卓裕1, 谷本安浩2, 岡田裕之3, 寒河江登志朗3, 金田隆4, 河相安彦1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 12-12, 2014.

Japanese Article B03. The durability of the glass fiber reinforcement type orthodontic wire
井波俊博1, 谷本安浩2, 山口大1, 西山典宏2, 葛西一貴1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 12-13, 2014.

Japanese Article B04. About the community medical care cooperation in the certain elderly people welfare institution in the hospital attached to this school
伊藤梓1, 梅澤幸司1, 飯島守雄2, 伊藤政之1, 林佐智代1, 仁平暢子1, 水野貴誠1, 猪俣英理1, 地主知世1, 西山めい1, 秋山真帆1, 村上絵梨1, 野本たかと1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 13-13, 2014.

Japanese Article B05. About a kind and criteria for selection of the babul impression material using - second report about the questionary survey of the hospital dentist clinical practice cooperation type institution attached to the Nippon University Matsudo school of dentistry in 2012 -
竹林千賀子, 若見昌信, 楠瀬有紗, 加藤仁美, 才川隆弘, 會田雅啓
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 13-14, 2014.

Japanese Article B06. In-hospital live learned behavior and generalization evaluation for WebClass in the denture prosthetics education
飯島守雄, 矢崎貴啓, 石井智浩, 伊藤誠康, 中田浩史, 木本統, 大久保昌和, 成田紀之, 河相安彦
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 14-14, 2014.

Japanese Article B07. Start nursing, an independence support society for the study in an area
伊藤政之, 竹蓋菜穂
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 15-15, 2014.

Japanese Article B08. About the association between acute coronary syndrome and periodontal disease
村松輝晃1, 大口純人2, 井上文央2, 伊東浩太郎1, 関谷浩太郎1, 長尾建3, 金田隆1, 坂巻達夫2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 15-16, 2014.

Japanese Article B09. Quantity of maxillary movement counting in the operation of the Le Fort type I osteotomy by the face impression core
植木宏之1, 伊藤耕1, 石上大輔1, 須藤亜紀子1, 友木里沙1, 高橋康輔1, 岩井聡1, 白鳥裕一2, 川村全3, 山口大3, 葛西一貴2, 近藤壽郎1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 16-16, 2014.

Japanese Article B10. Making of a fall, the fall score sheet in the ward
藤井智子1, 廣瀬誠子1, 谷野弦2, 神尚子1, 田中裕二3
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 16-17, 2014.

Japanese Article B11. About fact-finding - disorder about the chin cerebral function center eating, deglutition rehabilitation outpatient and a disease and association with the practice zone -
地主知世1, 猪俣英理1, 西山めい1, 仁平暢子1, 林佐智代1, 宮内知美2, 海老原美咲2, 虎見和代2, 出町千景2, 松本京子2, 野本たかと1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 17-17, 2014.

Japanese Article B12. About a visit to role - of the dentistry outline in 5 annual student and 3 annual student of this school particularly medical facilities -
松根健介1, 市村真奈2, 伊藤孝訓3, 渋谷鑛4, 牧村正治1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 17-18, 2014.

Japanese Article B13. Application of the transcranial magnetic stimulation method for the involuntary movement symptom
神谷和伸1, 成田紀之1, 下坂典立1, 3, 平山晃康2, 渋谷鑛3
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 18-18, 2014.

Japanese Article B14. Examination of reliability and the validity about the pain tolerance threshold measurement of the oral mucosa using Neurometer(R) CPT/C(R)
中島義雄, 伊藤菜那, 木本統, 河相安彦
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 18-19, 2014.

Japanese Article B15. Viscoelastic characteristic of various dental impression material about selective pressure impression method
岩崎正敏, 岩田好弘, 飯田崇, 小原綾子, 薦田祥博, 井上紗由美, 本田実加, 黒木俊一, 小見山道, 川良美佐雄
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 19-19, 2014.

Japanese Article B16. Fixed-quantity analysis about the sense of cooperation with a chin, muscles of neck activity and the jaw movement at chewing
石井智浩, 成田紀之, 神谷和伸, 河相安彦
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 19-20, 2014.

Japanese Article B17. The purpose of the oral neighborhood line muscular workout in the snoring outpatient department and the effect
渡邊愛斗1, 鈴木浩司1, 岩田好弘1, 淺野隆1, 青野寛史1, 吉村万由子1, 本木久絵1, 井上文央2, 大口純人2, 丹羽秀夫3, 坂巻達夫2, 川良美佐雄1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 39(suppl): 20-20, 2014.