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Nihon University Journal of Oral Science

Volume 41, Issue suppl / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article "Sport science support for the medal acquisition of the Winter Olympics"
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 1-1, 2015.

Japanese Article "The examination of the bone creation method in the treatment with implant" (the hyperostosis method)
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 1-2, 2015.

Japanese Article A01. The denture strengthens the chewing recognition
成田紀之, 神谷和伸, 石井智浩, 河相安彦
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 2-2, 2015.

Japanese Article A02. Functional analysis of the rhythmic chin muscles of neck activity
石井智浩, 成田紀之, 神谷和伸, 河相安彦
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 3-3, 2015.

Japanese Article A03. The effect that the difference of the dental CAD/CAM system apparatus gives to compatibility of the prosthesis
生田真衣, 淺野隆, 鈴木浩司, 本木久絵, 薦田祥博, 本田実加, 増田学, 西森秀太, 玉田沙佳, 黒木俊一, 川良美佐雄
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 3-3, 2015.

Japanese Article A04. The tongue cancer case which passed by super selective arterial infusion chemotherapy more than five years
糸井祥乃1, 堀内真千代1, 山口桜子1, 羽田紗綾1, 田中茂男1, 丹羽秀夫2, 荻野暁義3, 廣田均3, 平山晃康3, 小宮正道1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 3-4, 2015.

Japanese Article A05. Activity of the occipital eye field with the chewing
神谷和伸, 成田紀之, 石井智浩, 河相安彦
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 4-4, 2015.

Japanese Article A06. Examination of base material to use for a non-metal clasp denture and the clasp design
竹内広樹1, 川良美佐雄1, 岩田好弘1, 飯田崇1, 吉村万由子1, 小原綾子1, 岩崎正敏1, 井上紗由美1, 浅川龍人1, 神山裕名1, 安田明弘1, 小見山道1, 内田僚一郎2, 西山典宏2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 4-5, 2015.

Japanese Article A07. Development of the non-metal clasp denture materials which we strengthened with glass fiber
永倉愛夢, 谷本安浩, 西山典宏
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 5-5, 2015.

Japanese Article A08. Dynamic evaluation of the GFRP correction wire with the dentistry orthodontic force simulation system
南奈緒美1, 谷本安浩2, 井波俊博1, 山口大1, 葛西一貴1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 5-6, 2015.

Japanese Article A09. The case that put the twice under general anesthesia for the patients complicated with interstitial pneumonia in a short term
荒巻さやか, 山口秀紀, 片岡尚一, 草間弘朝, 堀内真千代, 田中茂男, 小宮正道, 渋谷鑛
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 6-6, 2015.

Japanese Article A10. Minor one patient in acknowledgment of left coronary artery circumflex artery constriction.
中村真実1, 大口純人2, 井上文央2, 草間弘朝1, 下坂典立1, 渋谷鑛1, 大峰浩隆3, 坂巻達夫2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 6-7, 2015.

Japanese Article A11. One case of the tevens-Johnson syndrome which a virus infection was suspected in at initial diagnosis
岩井聡1, 高橋康輔1, 青木暁宣1, 荒川勇斗1, 田島麻衣1, 枝卓志1, 河島睦1, 友木里沙1, 池谷美和1, 小倉直美1, 伊藤耕1, 坂巻達夫1, 近藤壽郎2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 7-7, 2015.

Japanese Article A12. 12 patients who underwent implant impaction technique with the bone creation in a general anesthesia bottom in our hospital
林文彦, 須藤亜紀子, 高橋香織, 中田康一, 石上享嗣, 秋葉正一
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 7-8, 2015.

Japanese Article A13. Efforts - MaliMali Program - to lifestyle improvement in the Kingdom of Tonga
竹内麗理1, 遠藤眞美2, 田口千恵子3, 有川量崇3, 松本京子4, 小林清吾5, 野本たかと2, 平塚浩一1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 8-8, 2015.

Japanese Article A14. Effects of low-nutrition by chewing dysfunction is on the whole body "One example of a chewing syndrome"
木村利明1, 渡辺巌1, 那須郁夫2, 坂巻達夫3, 落合邦康4
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 8-9, 2015.

Japanese Article A15. Establishment of biofilm control measures of Streptococcus mutans by the SspB peptide
市野澤隆宏1, 伊藤龍朗2, 清水武彦2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 9-9, 2015.

Japanese Article A16. Observation of the non-decalcification ground section of teeth by the protein silver impregnation method
桑田(楠瀬)隆生1, 鈴木久仁博1, 新美寿英2, 河野哲郎2, 玉村亮2, 岡田裕之2, 寒河江登志朗2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 10-10, 2015.

Japanese Article B01. Adjustment of the FDC-SP gene expression by the inflammatory cytokine
岩井泰伸, 能田佳祐, 山崎瑞穂, 加藤彩子, 松井沙莉, 高井英樹, 中山洋平, 小方頼昌
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 10-10, 2015.

Japanese Article B02. Effect of the inflammatory cytokine on transcription of the amelotin
山崎瑞穂1, 岩井泰伸1, 能田佳祐1, 松井沙莉1, 加藤彩子1, 高井英樹1,2, 中山洋平1,2, 小方頼昌1,2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 11-11, 2015.

Japanese Article B03. Comparison of the transcription control mechanism of the bone sialoprotein with cementoblast and osteoblasts
能田佳祐1, 山崎瑞穂1, 岩井泰伸1, 松井沙莉1, 加藤彩子1, 高井英樹1,2, 中山洋平1,2, 小方頼昌1,2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 11-12, 2015.

Japanese Article B04. Manufacture and evaluation of the fibronectin immobilization poly(lactic acid / glycolic acid) copolymer film
布施恵1, 深津晶1, 藤田大幹1, 小西賀美1, 田中宏征1, 小峯千明1, 渕上真奈1, 續橋治1, 福本雅彦1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 12-12, 2015.

Japanese Article B05. Fact-finding about training contents in the new face nursing staff training
増田千恵1, 根本愛子1, 廣瀬誠子1, 戸倉直美1, 奥山紫1, 南美歩1, 神尚子1, 田中裕二2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 12-13, 2015.

Japanese Article B06. Analysis by the questionnaire of the patients who received an initial diagnosis department with a chief complaint of bad breath
多田充裕, 須永肇, 李潤喜, 黒澤仁美, 海老原智康, 梶本真澄, 青木伸一郎, 岡本康裕, 遠藤弘康, 内田貴之, 大沢聖子, 土肥健二, 伊藤孝訓
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 13-13, 2015.

Japanese Article B07. Change of this "Matsudo eating deglutition workshop" to be able to put in the past 6 years hosted by a lecture student attending a lecture
猪俣英理, 遠藤眞美, 三田村佐智代, 地主知世, 西山めい, 三枝優子, 三橋聡, 野本たかと
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 13-14, 2015.

Japanese Article B08. Enforcement and the prospects of the outdoor learning in the biology
鈴木久仁博1, 桑田(楠瀬)隆生1, 海老原智康2
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 14-14, 2015.

Japanese Article B09. About the description of the end of a volume index of your important documentation "dentist of France" (annual Franzosischer Zahnarzt, 1733) of the Matsudo school of dentistry library possession
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 14-15, 2015.

Japanese Article B10. Noticed of the patients and the student who experienced patients attendant training
大沢聖子1, 内田貴之1, 青木伸一郎1, 多田充裕1, 遠藤弘康1, 岡本康裕1, 梶本真澄1, 海老原智康1, 李潤喜1, 黒澤仁美1, 須永肇1, 土肥健二1, 大山篤1, 川島正2, 吉野祥一3, 石井智浩4, 神谷直孝5, 伊藤誠康4, 牧村英樹6, 伊藤孝訓1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 15-15, 2015.

Japanese Article B11. Comparison ... between the model by comparison - image evaluation of the CBCT device
徳永悟士, 原慶宜, 村松輝晃, 金田隆
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 15-16, 2015.

Japanese Article B12. One case of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis that we consulted with about the synthesis of the maxillary sinus anterior wall
田島麻衣, 青木暁宣, 金尾真吾, 高橋康輔, 荒川勇斗, 枝卓志, 岩井聡, 河島睦, 友木里沙, 池谷美和, 小倉直美, 伊藤耕, 近藤壽郎
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 16-16, 2015.

Japanese Article B13. The case that we chose a dental implant and applied to patients with syndrome to fall
井下田繁子1, 鈴木若葉2, 五関たけみ3, 北川剛至1, 玉木大之1, 村上洋1, 加藤仁夫1
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 16-16, 2015.

Japanese Article B14. One case of the calculus of salivary gland extraction found in second submandibular duct
片海紫苑里, 林文彦, 秋葉雄登, 増田光, 秋葉正一
Nihon University Journal of Oral Science 41(suppl): 17-17, 2015.