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Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA

Volume , Issue suppl / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Recognition and wound new ... kinesitherapy and physiotherapy - meeting length greetings that are demanded of the 28th Fukuoka physical therapist association Legacy
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 1-1, 2019.

Japanese Article Thing ... which demands it from a physical therapist from a specialist in kinesitherapy - rehabilitation to cure planning recovery of the ability for basic operation
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 9-10, 2019.

Japanese Article Development ... of physiotherapy ... new physiotherapy based on the evidence
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 11-12, 2019.

Japanese Article It is basic ... of the presentation at the meeting the process of clinical studies to learn from study methodology - example of the physical therapy
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 13-13, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 1. Change over time and factor analysis of the bronchial drainage assistance degree in the person with cervical cord injury
須堯敦史, 中智樹, 有地祐人, 林哲生, 西村朗
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 15-15, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 2. Catecholamine dependence and effect of the kinesitherapy on severe heart failure that resulted in cachexia nutritional disorder
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 16-16, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 3. Investigation - about the duration of use of an acquisition process and the long leg brace of characteristic - basics movement of the independence walk procurer in the stroke hemiplegia person
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 17-17, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 4. Literature study on prognosis of the walk of patients with stroke
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 18-18, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 5. Pay the attention during an operation about a walking speed after the heart procedures before - operation at the discharge in patients; and -
大北彩未, 石松元太郎, 徳永貴之, 藤井良介
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 20-20, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 6. Effect - of the muscular strength reinforcement exercise that used physical therapy experience - IVES for the case that presented the muscle atrophy of the quadriceps femoris muscle by the right tibia compound fracture together
中島拓哉1), 嶋本伸人2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 21-21, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 7. An example of the stroke hemiplegia patients who had gait and improvement of the walking ability by functional electrical stimulation and kinesitherapy
新屋成征, 西敬太, 今村純平, 田中順子, 柴田元
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 22-22, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 8. The effect that the use of the ceiling run rail gives for the walk of the case that presented cerebellar ataxia
高野佳織, 遠藤正英, 田代耕一, 川崎恭太郎, 有薗瑳紀
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 23-23, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 9. The need of the nourishment systems construction in consideration of the rehabilitation in the convalescent rehabilitation ward
田中拓樹, 中里未央, 岩崎留巳子, 宗彩加, 高瀬真衣, 増谷拓治, 石田真奈, 朽原努, 竹本朋子, 諫武稔
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 25-25, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 10. Study - using associated factor - Dizziness Handicap Inventory of the walk reacquisition with the vestibular rehabilitation to patients with dizziness and Berg Balance Scale
岡真一郎1), 平田大勝2), 谷和3), 東裕一4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 26-26, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 11. As for the grip before operation in patients with proximal thighbone bone fracture, is it the pre-back prediction of the body function at an outcome?
樋口貴彦1), 赤川哲史1), 阿部春香1), 高橋博愛1), 橋田竜騎2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 27-27, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 12. Does the thighbone hyperantetorsio before the total hip replacement affect the hip joint extorsion muscular strength after the operation? - Look at the rear by the tendency score matching analysis; mark observational study -
藤田努1), 池村聡4), 阿波村龍一1), 岡澤和哉1), 菊竹智恵3), 川口謙一2,4), 中島康晴4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 28-28, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 13. Examination - by effective - Systematic review and Meta-analysis of the conservative treatment in patients with rotator cuff complete tear
烏山昌起1,2), 後藤昌史3), 田原敬士4), 河上淳一1), 政所和也5), 永松隆1), 今井孝樹1), 太田利亨1), 原田伸哉1), 工藤優1), 光野武志2), 尾池拓也2), 志波直人3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 29-29, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 14. Early home discharge prediction in patients with acute phase subarachnoid hemorrhage
瀧口夏美, 近藤あい, 高橋博愛, 溝越恵理子
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 31-31, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 15. Bad factor of the discharge transferring in elderly patients with acute phase cerebral infarction
井倉俊平1), 中山貴之1), 清原卓也2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 32-32, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 16. The tenth thoracic spinal cord infarction of spinal cord imperfection paralysed who got an indoor practical use walk by gait training using a long leg brace and the hoist trolleys, and returned to school
廣滝友里, 吉田傑, 今村純平, 西村政次郎, 田中順子, 柴田元
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 33-33, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 17. Evaluation of the physical active mass in the physical therapy of patients with cerebrovascular disease
古賀一平, 植松慧, 今村純平, 田中順子, 柴田元
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 34-34, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 18. The effect that the difference in shortening brace of the elbow joint extension type gives to a quantity of reposition of paralysis side subluxation
丸山千尋, 古里詩織, 中川理絵, 田才葵, 池田菜摘, 川崎恭太郎, 遠藤正英
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 35-35, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 19. Limit of evaluating a plantar flexion braking force of the ankle foot orthosis with plastic shoe insert subjectively
保坂公大, 松本大輔, 今村純平, 田中順子, 柴田元
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 37-37, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 20. Attempt of the objective evaluation method development about the plantar flexion braking force of the ankle foot orthosis with plastic shoe insert
松本大輔, 保坂公大, 今村純平, 田中順子, 柴田元
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 38-38, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 21. Immediate effect of the ambulatory exercise using Split-belt treadmill on patients with proximal thighbone bone fracture
有薗瑳紀1), 川崎恭太郎1), 中玉利一輝1), 田代耕一1), 脇坂成重1), 遠藤正英1), 玉利誠2,3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 39-39, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 22. The attention function of elderly people living in an area and relations of the fall risk
脇坂成重1), 中村益伸1), 時吉直祐2), 遠藤正英1), 玉利誠3,4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 40-40, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 23. Look at the rear in - our hospital harness rounds about bend adjustment of the articulated plastic ankle foot orthosis; mark investigation -
田代耕一, 脇坂成重, 遠藤正英
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 41-41, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 24. Comparison - by the difference of the transferring independence degree to movement analysis - paralysis side direction of the standing position turn in the stroke hemiplegia person
山本耕輔, 青木淳, 大田瑞穂
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 43-43, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 25. Use phantom limb pain and improvement of the walking ability mainly on example - sense of touch identification problem that showed by the physical therapy intervention for the leg amputation patients of the seriously ill ischemic limb; and -
山川青空海1), 久原聡志1), 中元洋子1), 蜂須賀明子1), 岡崎哲也2), 佐伯覚3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 44-44, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 26. Using localized - probabilistic tractography of the corticoreticular fibres in the connotation domain -
久保田勝徳1), 玉利誠2,3), 早川龍之介1), 脇坂成重1), 遠藤正英1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 45-45, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 27. Inspection - of the kinematic change for a factor, the swing phase between the space-time of effect on convalescent stroke hemiplegia person inspection - walk of the ambulatory exercise using the functional electrical stimulator
大田瑞穂, 青木淳, 岸本久哲, 菊池尊徳, 梶原千尋, 山田辰樹
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 46-46, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 28. About a factor to affect the difference in examination - walk assistance quantity about the walk prognosis of patients with putamen bleeding in the convalescence -
吉村雅史, 脇坂成重, 遠藤正英
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 47-47, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 29. Relations of the change of the walking hip joint expansion and contraction angle before and after the Total Hip Arthroplasty of the Osteoarthritis of the hip patients and the change of the gonalgia
谷口侑紀1), 緒方悠太1), 山添貴弘1), 佐藤孝二1), 石橋千直1), 久米慎一郎2), 大川孝浩2), 志波直人3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 30. Does the difference in movement speed of the rising sitting movement change a line activity pattern?
加納啓輔1), 野口裕貴1), 鈴木裕也1), 栗原和也2), 有働大樹3), 緒方政寿3), 十時浩二4), 山守健太1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 50-50, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 31. About the use situation and physical therapy of the Ilizarov wound external fixation in the leg fracture
青野達1), 溝口雅之1), 重本渉2), 松垣亨3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 51-51, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 32. One case that we walked and analyzed five months after the correction fixation backward for scoliosis idiopathic for adulthood
高嶋美甫1), 川口謙一2,3), 藤田努1), 阿波村龍一1), 岡澤和哉1), 落石慶衣1), 岡本花奈1), 幸博和3), 中島康晴3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 52-52, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 33. Factor - of the initial evaluation to influence 150 days after inspection - locomotorium rehabilitation enforcement of the predictor of the loss of ability from chronic disease of patients with gonarthrosis
田中創1,2), 西上智彦3), 牛田享宏2,4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 53-53, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 34. 1 case that early physical therapy was effective for patients with rapidly progressive interstitial pneumonia
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 55-55, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 35. Examination of the factor affecting the ADL of patients with severe heart failure of the respirator management that entered a room in the ICU
青山美樹, 陣内珠美, 井上慎太郎
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 56-56, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 36. The difference in movement speed of rising, the sitting influences line active mass
有働大樹1), 緒方政寿1), 栗原和也2), 鈴木裕也3), 野口裕貴3), 加納啓輔3), 山守健太3), 十時浩二4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 57-57, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 37. Attempt for the evaluation of the quality of the physical therapy intervention contents using the physical active mass meter
植松慧, 古賀一平, 今村純平, 田中順子, 柴田元
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 58-58, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 38. After examination comparison - advanced age forming procedures of belt anchorage and the H anchorage in Hand-Held Dynamometer examination - of the reliability between in the tester for patients and the tester
谷頭幸二1,3), 松尾愛1), 楢原貴雄1), 松村直樹2), 蜂須賀研二2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 59-59, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 39. Effect on effect on elderly inpatient - frailty state - of the less intensive exercise
倉本愛実1), 末松廣郎1), 財前暁1), 河本展良1), 松崎英章2), 寒竹啓太2), 石橋敏郎3), 木村美子4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 61-61, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 40. Experience of the physical therapy for thrombotic remaining elderly women in the left atria
橋口一広, 音地亮
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 62-62, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 41. Comparison between effect - shoes and bare foot - that difference in measurement condition gives to Star Excursion Balance test
西原翔太1,2), 吉里雄伸2,3), 原野達也2,4), 森本将司2), 田島慎也2), 松下大輝2), 二宮省悟2,5)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 63-63, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 42. Does the physical therapy intervention start date for the proximal thighbone bone fracture have an influence on the start days of the postoperative restroom excretion?
三苫明里, 渡辺寛, 木村香江, 吉村恵三, 村上美咲, 堀之内圭介, 森田昌嗣
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 64-64, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 43. About the effect that easy fall characteristics give to a test and Timed up & Go test and the single stepladder rank in a chair start for ten seconds
岡義晴1), 西原翔太1,2), 太郎良雄己1), 山下満博1), 稲田耕貴1), 二宮省悟2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 65-65, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 44. One case that promoted the reacquisition of the walk for patients with right hemiplegia that a physical image was affected
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 67-67, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 45. Using examination - outcome mRS of the factor associated with the function independence degree in patients with acute phase stroke -
池永勇二, 甲斐有希, 高橋博愛, 近藤あい
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 68-68, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 46. Characteristic of the physical activity according to the nutritional status in patients with stroke of the convalescent rehabilitation ward
早川智之1), 遠藤正英2), 江嵜健3), 元村隆弘4), 大峯三郎1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 69-69, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 47. Using one case - body constituent analyzer of the Parkinson's disease patients whom a quantity of muscle increased by kinesitherapy -
丸山ゆうみ, 石田治久
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 70-70, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 48. One case that we combined botulinum therapy with Honda walk assist to the hemiplegia patients three years after the cerebral infarction onset, and gait improvement was seen in
野上育寛, 御手洗七海, 坂口卓, 小田太士
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 71-71, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 49. Standing Test for Imbalance and Disequilibrium (SIDE) and relationship of WBI, the knee extension muscular strength maximum arrival time
坂井将健, 松岡健, 鍬田龍佑, 領家健之助
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 73-73, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 50. Effect on omarthralgia - of intervention - human trunk, lower limbs to develop by golf that we experienced from one case
荒木壱太1), 川越大輔2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 74-74, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 51. Inspection - in - normal adults with seat pressure and thoracic vertebra, the thorax laterodeviation concerned
下田護, 松岡健, 五郎丸剛士, 田川拓磨, 小林一裕
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 75-75, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 52. Inspection of the center of gravity instruction by the external stimulation
後藤加奈, 松岡健, 比嘉こづ美, 大坪義昭
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 76-76, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 53. Example - that we suffered from setting of the exercise load quantity by fast for case - long term that became the conservative medical treatment by sigmoid perforation
松江登史輝, 音地亮
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 77-77, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 54. One case of the severe left hemiplegia treated with training in standing up positively from an early stage
戸島七海, 西田千晴, 瀧口夏美, 高橋博愛, 溝越恵理子
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 79-79, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 55. Factor to have an influence on the walk independence degree of patients with stroke in the convalescence
古里詩織, 久保田勝徳, 脇坂重成, 日高健二, 遠藤正英
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 80-80, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 56. The physical abilities for patients with demyelinating polyneuritis chronic inflammation-related for acute phase and experience of the physical therapy that paid its attention to maintenance of the ADL
永田鉄郎, 熊谷謙一, 山内康太, 原山永世
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 81-81, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 57. Examination of the effect by the early ambulation of patients with acute phase stroke
安武光太朗, 桑原真樹, 力丸知子, 冨永依未, 中川京佳, 佐々木紘平, 松永仁平, 光吉遥, 楠原剛
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 82-82, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 58. The effect that the use of the ceiling run rail gives for the assistance walk using the long leg brace of patients with stroke
中嶋遼太郎, 脇坂成重, 有園瑳紀, 田代耕一, 遠藤正英
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 83-83, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 59. It is a one case using the combined effect of muscular strength reinforcement exercise and the EMS for a super old respiratory illness case
嶋田優紀, 森啓太朗
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 85-85, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 60. From efforts - respirator management bottom of the physical therapy from acute phase for the multiple injuries to walk acquisition -
松本真理子, 谷崎仁紀, 音地亮
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 86-86, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 61. One case that was given mitral valve replacement for the infective endocarditis that antibiotic exposure did not succeed
安部勇気, 明石聡美, 永家桂子, 徳永貴之, 藤井良介
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 87-87, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 62. Examination of the factor influencing ADL after the operation of the cardiovascular surgery patients who underwent thoracotomy
井上慎太郎, 伊藤雅史
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 88-88, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 63. About a change of the ADL of the elderly patients with the overlap disorder who had the delirium
土谷礼, 井上慎太郎, 陣内珠美
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 89-89, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 64. After the traffic injury feel dizzy; and is an effect of irradiating it vicinity of the stellate ganglion of the low response to headache dull level laser
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 91-91, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 65. Result in improvement for electrical stimulation therapy - line output, coordinated movement to the joint for the patients who have spinocerebellar degeneration in the past, and presented with a thighbone trochanter part bone fracture; or -
濱口翔, 森聡, 亀川史武
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 92-92, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 66. How much line activity is the exercise to be carried out on Bed doing?
鈴木裕也, 茅野孝之, 山守健太, 野口裕貴, 加納啓輔, 田中翔太, 永田鉄郎, 永島洋一
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 93-93, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 67. It is the deviation factor of the pass after the operation in patients with proximal thighbone bone fracture in our hospital for one week
因幡星二, 手嶋友里, 井倉俊平, 坂本翔平, 堤智妃呂
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 94-94, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 68. Efforts of the group rising exercise
徳田磨梨代, 松岡健, 西島涼, 福田政輝, 小野内雄
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 95-95, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 69. About a factor associated with frailty and the sarcopenia of the person of use of ambulatory rehabilitation newcomer comparison - by - subgrouping
中山大貴1), 田中創2,3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 97-97, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 70. The case that became available for goal setting by utilizing self-assessment, a revised edition (Occupational Self Assesment II) about the work
笠作康太郎1), 坂井美月1), 永友沙也佳1), 林尚子1), 右田大1), 大野有紗1), 土井篤2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 98-98, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 71. Through a walk video questionnaire using effect - various lower extremity orthosis that harness rounds give in the opinion of the harness choice -
大澤達也, 田代耕一, 遠藤正英
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 99-99, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 72. Use the Parkinson's disease patients' experience of the ceiling run rail in the walk
荒木悠平, 田代耕一, 川崎恭太郎, 有薗瑳紀, 脇坂成重, 日高健二, 遠藤正英
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 100-100, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 73. Practice report of the practice participation type bedside teaching instruction in our hospital
東健太, 明日徹
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 101-101, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 74. A cervical lordosis angle and the craniocervical part expansion and contraction exhibition muscular strength ratio, relations with the breathing muscular strength
久保田康仁, 松岡健, 小林一裕, 領家健之助
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 103-103, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 75. Comparison - with the difference in line active mass - walk line active mass in the exercise to be carried out in Bedside
茅野孝之, 鈴木裕也, 山守健太, 野口裕貴, 加納啓輔, 林雄利, 永島洋一, 永田鉄郎, 田中翔太
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 104-104, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 76. One case that was treated with muscle strengthening exercise using an RM conversion type for muscle atrophy accompanied with the plaster cast fixation
添田雄太, 浦上泰成
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 105-105, 2019.

Japanese Article Subject number 77. Load restrictions and relations of the backbone alignment
松本賢士, 安倍信子, 妹塚裕行, 甲斐之尋
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 106-106, 2019.