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Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA

Volume , Issue suppl / 2023
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the 32nd Fukuoka physical therapist association holding
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 1-1, 2023.

Japanese Article We think about the physical therapy of the VUCA (instability, uncertainty, vague complicatedly) times
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 29-29, 2023.

Japanese Article Importance of muscular strength, the motor function maintenance in the risk reduction of the viewpoint dementia onset of the analytical epidemiology to support the healthy protracted-life society of the VUCA era: Hisayama-machi study
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 30-31, 2023.

Japanese Article Overcoming of medical care and the faith conflict of the VUCA era
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 32-33, 2023.

Japanese Article Introduction - of latest joint treatment - joint facilitation
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 35-35, 2023.

Japanese Article To raise the spontaneous healing power of people: What about patients do you look at in DTMR(R)?
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 36-36, 2023.

Japanese Article About remedial intervention based on BOBATH Concept
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 37-37, 2023.

Japanese Article "Urban development through rehabilitation" - What we can do as physical therapists -
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 39-39, 2023.

Japanese Article About a role and the problem of the specialist job in school satchel club activities
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 40-40, 2023.

Japanese Article A role and problems of the physical therapist in the day service such as after school, and the like
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 41-41, 2023.

Japanese Article Sense exercise support by the tactile computerization and new cowound society
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 43-43, 2023.

Japanese Article Physical therapy of the VUCA era which a virtual reality technique clears
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 44-44, 2023.

Japanese Article Rehabilitation support system development and inspection to the maintenance period finger paralysis after the stroke
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 45-45, 2023.

Japanese Article From "the situation of education of the VUCA era and - student education about the future of the physical therapy"
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 47-47, 2023.

Japanese Article About management by objectives and education system in the tissue education
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 48-48, 2023.

Japanese Article Practice of the education for patients for patients with chronic low back pain
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 49-49, 2023.

Japanese Article Intervention effect measurement - smallest change (Minimal clinically important difference: MCID) of the physical therapy and clinical significance -
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 50-51, 2023.

Japanese Article Efforts for the pain network construction in the Fukuoka physical therapist
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 52-53, 2023.

Japanese Article For an evaluation for the gait disturbance of the stroke hemiplegia person and clinical practice based on intervention - evidence -
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 54-54, 2023.

Japanese Article The way of the physical therapy led by children and the family thinking from an international trend of the childhood rehabilitation
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 55-55, 2023.

Japanese Article Discussion about the exercise prescription to patients with heart disease when cardiopulmonary exercise testing cannot be provided
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 56-56, 2023.

Japanese Article O-001. Hip joint extension angle expansion is associated with hip joint accumulation load reduction after the total hip replacement
藤田努1,2), 濱井敏3,4), 岡澤和哉1), 奈須勇樹1), 川口謙一4), 中島康晴4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 58-58, 2023.

Japanese Article O-002. Knee joint extension range of motion and physical abnormal sensation influence the knee joint extension muscular strength in three months after the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
藤田慎矢1), 田中創1), 友岡佑太1), 西上智彦2), 今井亮太3), 徳永真巳4), 松田秀策4), 碇博哉4), 牛尾哲郎4), 吉本隆昌4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 59-59, 2023.

Japanese Article O-003. Development of the new therapy for the intractable bone fracture: Preliminary study using belt electrode type skeletal muscle electrical stimulation (B-SES)
坪内優太1,2), 高瀬良太3), 片岡高志3), 片岡晶志4), 津村弘2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 60-60, 2023.

Japanese Article O-004. About the exercise intensity decision at the AT level in patients with intractable malignant lymphoma
阿波村龍一1), 藤田努1), 宮里幸1), 北里直子1), 森山祥平3), 森康雄3), 川口謙一2), 加藤光次3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 61-61, 2023.

Japanese Article O-005. Is the use of the long-term arch support for the gonarthrosis effective for the denaturing progress prevention and improvement of Bone marrow lesions? - Change - of the terminal degenerative knee joint 1 case of one year
田中創1), 谷口隆憲2), 西上智彦3), 徳永真巳4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 63-63, 2023.

Japanese Article O-006. It is the approach to the patients using the echo in the achilles tendon rupture conservative therapy
照屋悠, 田中祥継, 押領司俊介, 蓑田桂介
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 64-64, 2023.

Japanese Article O-007. About the effectiveness of the job training support in one case - visit rehabilitation that a user in the 50s who presented with a higher brain function disorder by subarachnoid hemorrhage reached the working -
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 65-65, 2023.

Japanese Article O-008. Experience of the heart rehabilitation for the severeness frailty patients after acute myocardial infarction
兵頭正浩, 入江将考
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 66-66, 2023.

Japanese Article O-009. The satisfaction investigation about the human resources education system of the rehabilitation staff and examination of the improvement item
井倉俊平1), 中山貴之1), 石元葉月2), 石山絵里3), 三浦美早紀2), 因幡星二1), 古賀研人1), 北原佑輔3), 福井哲2), 小嶋栄樹4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 68-68, 2023.

Japanese Article O-010. Efforts of the physical therapist in the stroke medical treatment consultation for citizens of the prefecture at the PSC core hospital
田中正則, 岩本誠
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 69-69, 2023.

Japanese Article O-011. A report and effect of the efforts raising psychological safety in our hospital of 2 years
奥野将太, 井上智博, 田中雅也, 井本俊之
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 70-70, 2023.

Japanese Article O-012. Investigation - to invention and problem - therapeutist necessary to make "made ADL" "ADL doing"
今村純平, 内之浦真士, 田中順子, 柴田元
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 71-71, 2023.

Japanese Article O-013. Efforts for the industrialization of the corporate locomotorium examination by the cooperation with the Fukuoka area strategy promotion council
脇坂成重1,2), 朝田雄介2,3), 藤本俊4), 東原達矢5), 前田真6), 遠藤正英1,2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 72-72, 2023.

Japanese Article O-014. It is a change of the maximum muscular strength by the squat after the neuromuscular disease electrical stimulation (NMES) enforcement for the quadriceps femoris muscle of the TKA patients
金子敬太1), 瀧浩史1), 板井慎平1), 山本美咲1), 駿河隆史1), 政時恵介1), 富岡葵1), 小河慶太1,2), 吉本栄治3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article O-015. Characteristic of the muscle of leg activity before and after the foot grounding in Drop Vertical Jump and Landing
早稲田祐太1), 染川晋作2), 無津呂峻1), 蓮尾幸太1), 野原英樹1), 花田弘文3), 藤原明4), 原道也3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 75-75, 2023.

Japanese Article O-016. Relations with the gonycampsis angle during line activity and landing movement before landing in the front Hop movement
無津呂峻1), 染川晋作2), 早稲田祐太1), 鴛渕亮一1), 馬場達也1,5), 松井祐莉1), 蓮尾幸太1), 野原英樹1), 花田弘文3), 藤原明4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 76-76, 2023.

Japanese Article O-017. The outside, inside Single hop test and hip joint, knee joint muscular strength in the women's soccer player, association of the physical perception
藤田慎矢1), 田中創1), 大段喬1), 田中努1), 小山田泰健1), 河島美絵2), 近間英明3), 徳永真巳4), 松田秀策4), 碇博哉4), 吉本隆昌4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 77-77, 2023.

Japanese Article O-018. One case that reached it before we presented with the left Osteoarthritis of the hip, the right gonarthrosis and did function improvement, walk reacquisition by conservative therapy
谷崎仁紀1), 上村宏2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 78-78, 2023.

Japanese Article O-019. Does the human trunk, pelvis exercise influence the paralysis side knee joint hyperextension to develop at the walk of the stroke hemiplegia patients?
大田瑞穂1), 田邊紗織2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 80-80, 2023.

Japanese Article O-020. Wearing of Trunk Solution for patients with stroke is effect to be symmetric, and to give of the rising
古海真悟1), 吉村雅史1), 久保田勝徳1,2), 玉利誠3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 81-81, 2023.

Japanese Article O-021. Physical therapy - standing position, rising using the long leg brace for the case of the severeness hemiplegia patients who presented with disturbance of consciousness, comparison - of the line activity at walk
廣中浩亮1), 久保田勝徳1,2), 吉田大地1,2), 脇坂成重1,2), 日高健二1), 遠藤正英1,2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 82-82, 2023.

Japanese Article O-022. The case that Lateropulsion and failure of muscular coordination improved by the kinesitherapy using the extended position knee joint orthosis for patients with medulla oblongata outside and cerebellar infarction
新屋成征, 川満謙太, 奥野将太
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 83-83, 2023.

Japanese Article O-023. Operation and effect of the feedback tool for the purpose of the improvement in physical active mass and activity strength
清永彩夏1), 倉林尚寛1), 脇坂成重1,2), 日高健二1), 遠藤正英1,2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 84-84, 2023.

Japanese Article O-024. A quantity of load comparison - between effect - men and women to give separating it of the distal ankle tibiofibular joint
西村勇輝1), 壇司2), 池内亮1), 舌間寛士3), 舌間崇士3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 86-86, 2023.

Japanese Article O-025. Research of the physical active mass early after the operation in patients with proximal thighbone bone fracture
野副良介1), 蜂谷和弘1), 高山有美子2), 相川和美2), 田中正則1), 福士純一3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 87-87, 2023.

Japanese Article O-026. Look at the shoulder mirror; is comparison by the satisfactory group and non-satisfaction group in six months after the lower rotator cuff surgical repair
隅田涼平1), 田中創1), 小山田泰健1), 柴田倫聡1), 田畑杏之介1), 原元美1), 石原康平2), 井浦国生2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 88-88, 2023.

Japanese Article O-027. An early walking rate is associated with a conscious hip joint sense of incongruity after the total hip replacement after the operation: Look at the rear using Forgotten Joint Score; a mark observational study
田中友章1), 藤田努1), 岡澤和哉1), 奈須勇樹1), 濱井敏2,3), 川口謙一3), 中島康晴3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 89-89, 2023.

Japanese Article O-028. Example that was able to relieve a pain early as a physical therapist cooperated with a physician for the case that complicated lumbar vertebrae intervertebral joint-related low back pain and myogenetic low back pain
平峯直樹1), 金澤知之進2), 村上了1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 90-90, 2023.

Japanese Article O-029. About the effect that center of gravity movement distance gives to FIM on paralysis side in the gene locus of the stroke hemiplegia patients
金古翔太1), 脇坂成重1,2), 網本和3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 92-92, 2023.

Japanese Article O-030. The effect that the exercise with the arms rehabilitation tool of the stroke hemiplegia patients gives to muscle tone
入江美帆1), 脇坂成重1,2), 日高健二1), 吉田大地1,2), 冨田誠1), 渡邉一将3), 松井貴郁3), 遠藤正英1,2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 93-93, 2023.

Japanese Article O-031. The case that addition of the human trunk training was effective for BWSTT for improvement of the gait disturbance due to the cervical spondylotic myelopathy
松尾匡浩, 大石優利亜, 松崎英章
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 94-94, 2023.

Japanese Article O-032. Relations of rising speed and the paralysis side muscle of leg activity of patients with stroke
堀江崇人1), 脇坂成重1,2), 日高健二1), 吉田大地1,2), 久保田勝徳1,2), 遠藤正英1,2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 95-95, 2023.

Japanese Article O-033. Efforts - of our hospital for care instruction - family instruction for the family of patients with juvenile high rank cervical cord injury
穴井寛和, 今村純平, 田中順子, 柴田元
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 96-96, 2023.

Japanese Article O-034. Knowledge - that we compared the -2 case about the effect that the difference of the activity inside and outside the home in elderly people living in an area gave to physical activity and were obtained
高野碧1), 久保田勝徳1,2), 吉村雅史1), 脇坂成重1,2), 日高健二1), 遠藤正英1,2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 98-98, 2023.

Japanese Article O-035. One consideration of the approach for the disease control of the patients repeating acute exacerbation with chronic cardiac insufficiency
栗本雄太, 有働大樹, 野田健太, 松田和也
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 99-99, 2023.

Japanese Article O-036. More than efforts - GAP stage moderate disease of the interstitial pneumonia clinical path for the purpose of the early treatment of our hospital about the relationship of the rehabilitation evaluation -
原口玲未1), 松尾規和2), 岡元昌樹2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 100-100, 2023.

Japanese Article O-037. Examination of the factor after the transcatheter aortic valve custody technique in front of the art associated with the home discharge of patients
吉村有示1,2), 宮川幸大1), 吉田典子2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 101-101, 2023.

Japanese Article O-038. Examination about the association between prevalence and dialysis factor of locomotive syndrome in chronic maintenance haemodialysis patients
広田桂介1), 福島真仁1), 今井徹朗2), 橋田竜騎3), 馬場恵理子1), 玻座真琢磨4), 深水圭4), 松瀬博夫1), 平岡弘二3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 102-102, 2023.

Japanese Article O-039. What is the factor to determine the number of people of questionary survey - assistance about the assistance walk using the long leg brace for patients with stroke? -
東條明徳1), 久保田勝徳1,2), 脇坂成重1,2), 日高健二1), 遠藤正英1,2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 104-104, 2023.

Japanese Article O-040. The effect that presence or absence of ankle foot orthosis with plastic shoe insert gives for a line activity and foot pressure in the rising movement
古川真次1), 田代耕一1,2), 古川慶彦1), 堀内厚希1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 105-105, 2023.

Japanese Article O-041. The effect that the load ratio of the paralysis side sole gives to a walking speed at ankle foot orthosis with plastic shoe insert wearing made of carbon
川崎恭太郎1), 馬場智大1), 久保田勝徳1,2), 玉利誠2,3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 106-106, 2023.

Japanese Article O-042. Using the effect -3 axis accelerometer that the shortening brace of the elbow extension type gives to the center of gravity unrest at walk of the stroke hemiplegia person with the shoulder subluxation -
冨田誠1), 川崎恭太郎1), 久保田勝徳1,2), 田代耕一2,3), 玉利誠2,4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 107-107, 2023.

Japanese Article O-043. How does the long leg brace ambulatory exercise for patients with difficulty in walking by the stroke hemiplegia gain distance walked?
萬代陽介, 野崎潤一郎
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 108-108, 2023.

Japanese Article O-044. The hospitalized exercise tolerance improvement in patients affects the one-month exercise tolerance after the operation after the lung cancer technique
木戸孝史1), 奥野将太1), 白土健吾1), 川満謙太1), 大神汰一1), 小須田シオン1), 樋口卓哉1), 三宅彩音1), 安田学2), 山下智弘3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 110-110, 2023.

Japanese Article O-045. About the factor associated with the elective heart beat lower coronary bypass surgery postoperative outcome for angina
宮川幸大, 藤江亮太, 瀧口裕斗, 吉村有示, 堀口駿, 愛甲純也, 吉川和也, 大井拓帆, 石丸智之, 甲斐辰徳, 渡邊雄介
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 111-111, 2023.

Japanese Article O-046. About the ADL of patients with tissue deficit given lower limbs surgical revascularization and nutritional status and the association of the vital prognosis
大井拓帆, 宮川幸大
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 112-112, 2023.

Japanese Article O-047. Example that we planned the multi-type of job cooperation for severe acute pancreatitis, and we performed it, and continuous rehabilitation became ambulant
神崎大樹1), 有働真稀1), 北村直樹1), 金丸奈津美2), 大島翼2), 森田大輔2), 梅木雄大3), 本田稔3), 今石美和4), 田中宏典5)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 113-113, 2023.

Japanese Article O-048. One patient who got early ADL using a rehabilitation program for a short term to the acute aortic dissection stanford B patients
川上慧1), 山田英明2), 冨永尚樹3), 戸田未来雄3), 金川麻衣子3), 安藤憲祥1), 善明雄太4), 遠山奈雅博3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 114-114, 2023.

Japanese Article O-049. The effect that cat & dog gives to belt movement to be constipated
村田彰悟1), 永吉由香1), 池本太1), 小松孝2), 鹿子生健一2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 116-116, 2023.

Japanese Article O-050. The effect that difference in length of the length of the elastic knee orthosis gives for the culf outside thrust at walk
馬場智大1), 中島宏文2), 鷲頭直美2), 川崎恭太郎1), 久保田勝徳1.4), 脇坂成重1,4), 遠藤正英1,4), 玉利誠3,4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 117-117, 2023.

Japanese Article O-051. For a glenohumeral joint subluxation as compared with case - elbow joint flexure articulus humeri using the harness for the rotator cuff tear -
岡部達哉, 平岡千尋, 川崎恭太郎, 遠藤正英
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 118-118, 2023.

Japanese Article O-052. The effect that the heel supplementary amount of shoes give for walking ability for joint contracture of the ankle
柳瀬友哉1), 田代耕一1,2), 古川慶彦1), 堀内厚希1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 119-119, 2023.

Japanese Article O-053. Practice report - of the visit type community rehabilitation through the efforts - Onojo-shi working together business aiming at the care prevention of elderly people living in an area
大嶌裕1,2), 久保田勝徳2,3,4), 白川達也2,5), 尾崎信行2,6), 田代耕一2,4,7)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 120-120, 2023.

Japanese Article P-001. Examination of the factor related to independence of the stairs going up and down of patients with spinal compression fracture
保坂公大1,2), 大田尾浩3), 西栄里1), 今村純平1), 田中順子1), 柴田元1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 122-122, 2023.

Japanese Article P-002. Relations with a support request and the psychology properties of the studies in the medical system university student and the academic achievement
野中嘉代子, 齊藤貴文, 坪内優太, 大田瑞穂, 玉利誠
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 123-123, 2023.

Japanese Article P-003. The case that we planned the multi-type of job cooperation for severe respiratory failure, and early stage rehabilitation succeeded under VV-ECMO management
吉田拓也1), 神崎大樹1), 本田稔2), 柴田あや里3), 今石美和4), 田中宏典5)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 124-124, 2023.

Japanese Article P-004. The case that presented articulus humeri contractures from systemic joint flaccidity, and looked at the arthroscope, and performed a lower passiveness operation
辻野正吾, 津曲俊希
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 125-125, 2023.

Japanese Article P-005. An example of patients with infarction of spinal cord that was able to get transferring by the intervention that paid its attention to a human trunk function
藤島康幸, 河野菜未
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 126-126, 2023.

Japanese Article P-006. Comparison between care insurance certification for long-term care results and activities of daily living ability at visit investigation
松本大輔1), 今村純平1), 鳥越なお子2), 埴生真美2), 渡辺千恵2), 安永亜佑美2), 田中順子1), 柴田元1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 128-128, 2023.

Japanese Article P-007. The effect that the presence or absence of aid gives to foot part load of the rising movement
二宮有佳1), 田代耕一1,2), 古川慶彦1), 堀内厚希1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 129-129, 2023.

Japanese Article P-008. About adjustment of the harness which patients with convalescent rehabilitation ward hospitalization stroke that manufactured harness early perform before a discharge investigation - in the harness rounds of our - corporation
田代耕一1,2), 古川慶彦1), 堀内厚希1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 130-130, 2023.

Japanese Article P-009. Influence to the lower limbs load position by the presence or absence of ankle foot orthosis with plastic shoe insert in the rising movement of the stroke hemiplegia patients
佐藤美紗妃1), 田代耕一1,2), 古川慶彦1), 堀内厚希1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 131-131, 2023.

Japanese Article P-010. The effect that a structural difference of the harness gives to a quantity of reposition on paralysis side subluxation
永田武俊1,2), 平岡千尋2), 川崎恭太郎2), 橋本将志3), 遠藤正英1,4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 132-132, 2023.

Japanese Article P-011. Usefulness of the ICT education using the tablet in the technical school
吉澤隆志1), 仲村匡平2), 松浦優太3), 井上祥教4), 井上真太郎5), 古井雅也6), 桑原佑典4), 溝田勝彦1), 古後晴基1), 田中真一1), 北村匡大1), 永崎孝之1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 134-134, 2023.

Japanese Article P-012. Efforts to a new lifelong learning system in our hospital
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 135-135, 2023.

Japanese Article P-013. About the central sensitization of the fixation patients between the backward invasion lumbar vertebrae vertebral body and algetic relations
松本賢士, 甲斐之尋
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 136-136, 2023.

Japanese Article P-014. The course and physical therapy for the case that calcaneus fracture implant removal produced peroneal muscle dislocation of tendon postoperatively
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 137-137, 2023.

Japanese Article P-015. Pay the attention to the protective shrinkage at case - movement that presented the escape movement by TKA postoperative pain; and -
有川奏音, 谷崎仁紀, 水野健太郎
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 138-138, 2023.

Japanese Article P-016. One case that suffered from walking ability acquisition by tibia canopy bone fracture postoperative pain
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 140-140, 2023.

Japanese Article P-017. Acquisition example of the socks putting on and taking off movement in the case given the articular head prosthesis implantation for the femoral neck fracture
吉田遥貴, 松崎英章, 矢羽多雄也
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 141-141, 2023.

Japanese Article P-018. It is the examination of the factor associated with the days until the ambulatory exercise start in the ward after the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture technique for the acute phase of patients
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 142-142, 2023.

Japanese Article P-019. A change of the rehabilitation intervention number before and after the fact-finding conference introduction of severe cardiovascular disease in our hospital ICU and safe examination
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 143-143, 2023.

Japanese Article P-020. Efforts of the kinesitherapy in the dialysis in our hospital
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 144-144, 2023.

Japanese Article P-021. One case of the cerebellar infarction that anxiety of the home life decreased by the intervention to environmental factors, and everyday life became independent
小椋大輔, 保坂公大, 今村純平, 田中順子, 柴田元
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 146-146, 2023.

Japanese Article P-022. Example that higher brain function improvement was seen in by the early ambulatory exercise to patients with left thalamic bleeding
岩田将稔, 中村洋平, 川上彗, 縄田宥衣
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 147-147, 2023.

Japanese Article P-023. About the effect that hearing stimulation gives in the line output in the rising exercise on patients with severe stroke with disturbance of consciousness
原瑞樹1), 堀内厚希1,2), 古川慶彦1), 田代耕一1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 148-148, 2023.

Japanese Article P-024. Self-exercise instruction using the smart watch for patients with brain stem infarction
東原美咲, 大嶌裕
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 149-149, 2023.

Japanese Article P-025. One case that intervention of the low-frequency ambulatory rehabilitation led to improvement of the life movement from the improvement of the arms function of patients with brain stem infarction
井上直人, 嶺愛優人, 藤井弘通
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 151-151, 2023.

Japanese Article P-026. Examination of the need of the harness at discharge by ankle foot orthosis with plastic shoe insert and the gait evaluation of the bare foot
吉田大地1,2), 脇坂成重1,2), 日高健二1), 川崎恭太郎1), 金古翔太1), 冨田誠1), 堀江崇人1), 廣中浩亮1), 遠藤正英1,2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 152-152, 2023.

Japanese Article P-027. It is relations at time for the paralysis side stance phase of the paralysis side load rate and the walk in the rising of the stroke hemiplegia patients
今泉夏歩1), 田代耕一1,2), 古川慶彦1), 堀内厚希1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 153-153, 2023.

Japanese Article P-028. About physical active mass during the physical therapy intervention for the stroke hemiplegia patients difference - of the activity strength according to - years of experience
吉村雅史1), 清永彩夏1), 脇坂成重1,2), 日高健二1), 遠藤正英1,2)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (suppl): 154-154, 2023.