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The Nishinihon Journal of Urology

Volume , Issue suppl / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

English Article IL1. Effects of low intensity shock wave therapy on penile hemodynamics
Hong-Chiang Chang
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 70-71, 2022.

Japanese Article IL2. The role of the androgen receptor in urothelium tumor: Possibility of the hormonal therapies application for the bladder cancer
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 72-73, 2022.

Japanese Article SL1. Way of writing of the record that it may be said that there was how to write medical record - agreement
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 76-77, 2022.

Japanese Article SL2. Practical health data collection based on the lesson of the J-SPEED - Great East Japan Earthquake
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 78-79, 2022.

Japanese Article SP1-1. The fusion of artificial intelligence and the pathological diagnosis: The current situation and picture of the future
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 83-83, 2022.

Japanese Article SP1-2. Introduction of Canon medical systems Abierto Reading Support Solution
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 84-84, 2022.

Japanese Article SP2-1. Cancer treatment strategy by the control of the protein homeostasis
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 86-87, 2022.

Japanese Article SP2-2. Remote robot surgery toward Next 10 years
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 88-88, 2022.

Japanese Article SY1-1. What next-generation modality is promising for prostate cancer diagnosis? New imaging fusion PBx vs Liquid biopsy - New diagnostic imaging is promising -
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 91-91, 2022.

Japanese Article SY1-2. What next-generation modality is promising for prostate cancer diagnosis? New imaging fusion PBx vs. Liquid biopsy - Will liquid biopsy replace traditional tissue biopsy? ... Current challenges and future perspectives
三浦徳宣, 雑賀隆史
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 92-92, 2022.

Japanese Article SY1-3. Debate about the local treatment: Total or Focal
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 93-93, 2022.

Japanese Article SY1-4. Debate on Local Treatment : Total or Focal, Should or Shouldn't Local Treatment Be Used in Progressive Treatment? - Still Choose Total Treatment -
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 94-94, 2022.

Japanese Article SY1-5. How does the initial treatment for mCSPC change in the next ten years? We make genetic screening and determine a treatment strategy
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 95-95, 2022.

Japanese Article SY1-6. How does the initial treatment for mCSPC change in the next ten years? At first, AR target treatment is provided
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 96-96, 2022.

Japanese Article SY2-1. We look at the mirror in the childhood urologic surgery and are surveyed the lower surgery
有働和馬, 東武昇平, 野口満
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 99-99, 2022.

Japanese Article SY2-2. Mainly on future prospects - robot support peritoneoscope bottom pyeloplasty of the pediatric robot support poorness operation in the urologic domain -
宮崎健, 麻生信太郎, 立花昌寛, 中川千鶴, 藤川愛子, 郡家直敬, 岡部雄, 坪内和女, 松崎洋吏, 中村信之, 松岡弘文, 羽賀宣博
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 100-100, 2022.

Japanese Article SY2-3. It is ... to in reflux nephropathy practice - past and the future
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 101-101, 2022.

Japanese Article SY2-4. What would do to undescended testicle Next 10 Years - migration testis, a rise testis; -
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 102-102, 2022.

Japanese Article SY2-5. Shift medical care of the childhood urologic disease
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 103-103, 2022.

Japanese Article SY3-1. Surgical treatment Next 10 years of prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
松岡和福, 阿部裕典, 丸田紘子, 宮島茂郎, 平浩志, 吉田一博, 石井龍, 羽賀宣博
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 107-107, 2022.

Japanese Article SY3-2. About a diagnosis and the treatment of the low activity bladder
李賢1), 江藤正俊1), 高橋良輔2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 108-108, 2022.

Japanese Article SY3-3. Efforts to an external urethral sphincter study for development of the new regenerative therapy for the urinary incontinence
篠原麻由香1), 秋田泰之2), 花田麻里3), 住野泰弘4), 三股浩光1), 秦聡孝1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 109-109, 2022.

Japanese Article SY3-4. It is ... for the robot support surgery that is certain by future ... security in the past of the pelvic organ prolapse surgery
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 110-110, 2022.

Japanese Article SY3-5. We aim at the healthy longevity of women by urinary incontinence surgery
山本恭代, 金山博臣
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 111-111, 2022.

Japanese Article SY3-6. The urination control that we saw from brain
齊藤源顕, 山本雅樹, 清水孝洋
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 112-112, 2022.

Japanese Article SY4-1. We prepare for sarcomatous practice from tomorrow by knowledge in line with true clinical practice
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 115-115, 2022.

Japanese Article SY4-2. Urachal cancer
東武昇平, 野口満
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 116-116, 2022.

Japanese Article SY4-3. Carcinoma of penis, Next 10 Year
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 117-117, 2022.

Japanese Article SY4-4. Who is ten years of adrenal cortex cancer - next, Game changer? ...
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 118-118, 2022.

Japanese Article SY4-5. Urothelial carcinoma variant histology and subtype
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 119-119, 2022.

Japanese Article SY4-6. The future prospects of neuroendocrine system prostate cancer treatment
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 120-120, 2022.

Japanese Article SY5-1. About robot support nephrectomy
森實修一, 岩本秀人, 引田克弥, 本田正史, 武中篤
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 123-123, 2022.

Japanese Article SY5-2. The present of the 3D navigation surgery in RAPN and the future prospects
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 124-124, 2022.

Japanese Article SY5-3. Next 10 Years of the medical therapy for progressive renal cell carcinoma
高橋正幸, 金山博臣
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 125-125, 2022.

Japanese Article SY5-4. Future perioperative treatment strategy for the progressive renal carcinoma
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 126-126, 2022.

Japanese Article SY6-1. Appropriate correspondence in acute simple cystitis and iterative cystitis
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 129-129, 2022.

Japanese Article SY6-2. Treatment strategy of the complicated urinary tract infection in consideration of drug resistant bacterium
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 130-130, 2022.

Japanese Article SY6-3. Acute bacterial prostatitis, acute epididymitis
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 131-131, 2022.

Japanese Article SY6-4. A causative agent and treatment of the sexually transmitted disease
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 132-132, 2022.

Japanese Article SY7-1. Expectation to next-generation practice in the muscular layer noninvasion bladder cancer
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 135-135, 2022.

Japanese Article SY7-2. Muscle-invasive bladder cancer, Next 10 Years
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 136-136, 2022.

Japanese Article SY7-3. Kidney preservation therapy and upper urinary tract epithelial cancer
吉田崇, 木下秀文
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 137-137, 2022.

Japanese Article SY7-4. Metastatic urothelial carcinoma
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 138-138, 2022.

Japanese Article SY7-5. Development of the urothelial carcinoma screening that is simple and easy, and is low infestation
林哲太郎, 日向信之
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 139-139, 2022.

Japanese Article SY7-6. The prevention to think about from a risk factor of the urothelial carcinoma
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 140-140, 2022.

Japanese Article SY8-1. up to date of varicocele treatment
杉山星哲, 原綾英, 上原慎也
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 143-143, 2022.

Japanese Article SY8-2. Efforts of the infertility treatment in the Tokushima University Hospital
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 144-144, 2022.

Japanese Article SY8-3. About sexual dysfunction in the male infertility
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 145-145, 2022.

Japanese Article SY8-4. Efforts to fundamental researches of the male infertility in Yamaguchi University
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 146-146, 2022.

Japanese Article DP-1. Basic tone lecture I. The parallel carrier of the physician: Developmental transformation from a specialist job to a change type leader
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 149-149, 2022.

Japanese Article DP-2. Basic tone lecture II. "Self study and career up" in the work-style reform
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 150-150, 2022.

Japanese Article DP-3. Power word "diversity" to promote the work-style reform that is proposal - SDGs from Sustainable Development in JUA 2022 ...
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 151-151, 2022.

Japanese Article HP. Basic knowledge (the main story of afternoon sun) of the medical service under health insurance that intellect profits
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 155-155, 2022.

Japanese Article NCD. Japanese urologic academic conference NCD business update 2022
菊地栄次, 安井孝周, 賀本敏行
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 158-158, 2022.

English Article YU-1. Impact of mirabegron administration on the blood pressure and pulse rate in patients with overactive bladder
伊藤秀徳, 松尾朋博, 光成健輔, 大庭康司郎, 宮田康好
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 160-160, 2022.

English Article YU-2. Stainless mesh ureteral stent for malignant ureteral obstruction : a retrospective study
堀智裕, 川原徹也, 牧野友幸, 浦田聡子, 宮城徹
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 161-161, 2022.

English Article YU-3. TFE3 immunopositive papillary renal cell carcinoma : A clinicopathological and immunohistochemical, and genetic study
高松大1,2), 孝橋賢一2), 清澤大裕2), 木下史生1), 家入康輔1), 小田義直2), 江藤正俊1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 162-162, 2022.

English Article YU-4. BACH1 promotes the progression of renal cell carcinoma via upregulating oxidative stress-related tumorigenic activity
武本健士郎1), 小畠浩平1), 三浦健人2), 馬場崎隆志1), 宮本俊輔1), 関野陽平1), 北野弘之1), 後藤景介1), 池田健一郎1), 稗田圭介1), 林哲太郎1), 神沼修2), 日向信之1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 163-163, 2022.

English Article YU-5. Nesprin1 insufficiency in renal cell carcinoma is a prognostic indicator and a potential target for MYC inhibitor
福島貴郁, 小畠浩平, 小羽田悠貴, 田坂亮, 武本健士郎, 馬場崎隆志, 宮本俊輔, 北野弘之, 池田健一郎, 後藤景介, 稗田圭介, 林哲太郎, 日向信之
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 164-164, 2022.

English Article YU-6. A new therapeutic strategies through targeting SCG2 for sunitinib-resistant renal cell carcinoma
福元渉, 吉野裕史, 川上一誠, 玉井元規, 鑪野秀一, 榎田英樹
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 165-165, 2022.

English Article YU-7. An oral WT1 protein vaccine using a Bifidobacterium vector enhances the effect of immune checkpoint inhibitor in a syngenetic mouse with renal cell carcinoma
植木秀登1,2), 北川孝一2), 岡村泰義1), 板東由加里1), 原琢人1), 寺川智章1), 古川順也1), 中野雄造1), 藤澤正人1), 白川利朗1,2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 166-166, 2022.

English Article YU-8. Antitumor effects of orally administered rare sugar D-allose in bladder cancer
土肥洋一郎1), 田岡利宜也1), 張霞1), 松岡祐貴1), 吉原明秀2), 伊吹英美3), 羽場礼次3), 秋光和也2), 何森健2), 筧善行1), 杉元幹史1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 167-167, 2022.

English Article YU-9. Pathological Significance and Prognostic Role of WWC1 in Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Cancer
倉田博基, 光成健輔, 近藤翼, 正戸正人, 伊藤秀徳, 迎祐太, 中村裕一郎, 松尾朋博, 大庭康司郎, 望月保志, 酒井英樹, 宮田康好
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 168-168, 2022.

English Article YU-10. Tumor antigen vaccine enhances anti-tumor effects of Immune checkpoint inhibitors against refractory cancers.
上田翔平1), 牛島美保1), 入江厚2), 千住覚2), 伊藤甲雄3), 浜名洋4), 岸裕之4), 小笠原康悦3), 宇高恵子5), 西村泰治2), 江藤正俊1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 169-169, 2022.

English Article YU-11. A novel preventive approach for recurrent cystitis : thinking beyond the bladder
関戸崇了, 定平卓也, 丸山雄樹, 岩田健宏, 石井亜矢乃, 渡邉豊彦, 荒木元朗
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 170-170, 2022.

English Article YU-12. Evaluating the Learning Curve of Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy for Young Urology Surgeons
竹内玲衣, 茂田啓介, 梅田浩太, 勝井政博, 福本桂資郎
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 171-171, 2022.

English Article YU-13. Generation of human iPS cell-derived Leydig cells
佐藤克哉1,2), 河村駿1,2), 大西篤史1), 賀來泰大1), 岡田桂輔1), 千葉公嗣1), 小柳三千代2), 青井貴之2), 藤澤正人1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 172-172, 2022.

English Article YU-14. Senescent CD8 T cells maintain tumor immunity in aged individuals by acquiring NK-like cytotoxic activity
角田俊雄1,2), 鈴木淳平2), 菊川忠彦1), 山下政克2), 雑賀隆史1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 173-173, 2022.

Japanese Article O1-1. One case of the bladder urethra alien substance based on the insect
長妻克己, 市橋淳, 矢野裕介
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 176-176, 2022.

Japanese Article O1-2. One case of the 3a type renal injury which caused deep vein thrombosis
寺本友真1), 藤井孝法2), 花本昌紀2), 土井啓介2), 高村剛輔2), 中田哲也2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 176-176, 2022.

Japanese Article O1-3. One case of the JAST classification IIIb type renal injury that was able to be relieved by conservative treatment
井上翔太1), 鎌田聡子2), 杉野謙司1), 谷本竜太1), 佐々木克己1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 176-176, 2022.

Japanese Article O1-4. One case that preperitoneal space pseudocyst developed after the radical prostatectomy, and became the acute postrenal renal failure
篠原雅岳1), 藤井光英1), 松原聡彦2), 坂宗久1), 平尾佳彦1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 176-176, 2022.

Japanese Article O1-5. One case of the arterio-venous malformation in the pelvis diagnosed with hematuria
杉本裕紀1), 島本力1), 福原秀雄1), 井上啓史1), 砥上幸樹2), 尾崎マリナ2), 吉松梨香2), 松本知博2), 山上卓士2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 177-177, 2022.

Japanese Article O1-6. Report of the intravesical alien substance in the southern Tokushukai Hospital
川越淳平, 向山秀樹, 島袋浩勝
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 177-177, 2022.

Japanese Article O1-7. One case that produced scrotal pain due to the heterotopic bone formation after the laparoscopic kidney ureter total extraction
上條千太1,2), 宮田遥2), 堀寛太2), 古御堂純3), 菊地央3), 太田聡4), 篠原敏也4), 柏木明3), 熊谷章3)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 177-177, 2022.

Japanese Article O1-8. One case of the idiopathic renal rupture
関矢圭祐, 三村裕次, 清水孝明, 松本侑樹, 水沢弘哉
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 177-177, 2022.

Japanese Article O2-1. Examination of the lasting vascular access catheter custody technique using the over the guidewire method
太田雄飛1), 刑部博人1), 山本新九郎1), 波越朋也1), 島本力1), 福原秀雄1), 深田聡1), 田村賢司1), 蘆田真吾1), 辛島尚1), 井上啓史1), 松本竜季2), 寺田典生2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 178-178, 2022.

Japanese Article O2-2. An example of the essential renal bleeding that occurred in patients on dialysis
古賀彩華1), 山田翔大1), 前川暢秀1), 中西裕美1), 安田拓司1), 松尾朋博1), 大庭康司郎1), 望月保志1,2), 宮田康好1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 178-178, 2022.

Japanese Article O2-3. It is the clinical examination of the weight change after the kidney transplantation
野田輝乙, 宮内勇貴, 信森祥太, 鈴木大一郎, 塩出涼, 杉原直哉, 山川真季, 佐伯佳央里, 西村謙一, 福本哲也, 三浦徳宣, 菊川忠彦, 雑賀隆史
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 178-178, 2022.

Japanese Article O2-4. Thing ... which cadaveric renal offer and cadaveric renal transplantation - Organ Transplant Law in Nagasaki brought
望月保志1), 倉田博基1), 松田剛1), 迎祐太1), 中西裕美1), 光成健輔1), 岩田隆寿2), 松尾朋博1), 竹田昭子3), 大庭康司郎1), 大仁田亨2), 宮田康好1), 錦戸雅春2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 178-178, 2022.

Japanese Article O2-5. Comparison between CT volumetry and kidney dynamic scintigraphy after the transplant of the living renal transplantation donor before transplant in the renal function prediction
内藤宏仁, 上田修史, 本田智子, 松田伊織, 尾崎悠, 土肥洋一郎, 松岡祐貴, 加藤琢磨, 岡添誉, 田岡利宜也, 常森寛行, 杉元幹史
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 179-179, 2022.

Japanese Article O2-6. One case that underwent cadaveric renal transplantation for end stage renal failure with the long-term dialysis history 30 years or more
横山周平1), 坪井一朗1), 三谷一貴1), 吉岡彩織1), 小林祐介1), 中島宏親1), 永見太一1), 小川貢平1), 安食春輝2), 小池千明1), 本田聡1), 椎名浩昭1), 和田耕一郎1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 179-179, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-1. One case of the testicular maturity deformity kind (GCNIS-related germ cell tumor)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 179-179, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-2. One case of epididymis origin clear cell carcinoma associated with the cystadenoma
守屋良介, 梅津大輔, 中島信能, 槇原康亮
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 179-179, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-3. One patient who underwent testicular segmental resection for the metachronous testicular tumors which differed in a tissue type
鮫島智洋, 前田喜寛, 東俊之介, 村上栄敏, 山中達郎, 銘苅晋吾, 菊川浩明
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 180-180, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-4. One patient who received Paclitaxel + Carboplatin therapy for a primary seminal vesicle cancer
羽間悠祐, 田中亘, 宮川拓朗, 山口貴大, 渕上靖史, 内藤宏仁, 井口亮, 井上幸治, 寺井章人
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 180-180, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-5. One patient who the quick pathological diagnosis during the operation was negative, and had a diagnosis of well differentiated spermatic cord liposarcoma in permanent preparation
野田大将, 内田浩介, 飯島平祐, 袴田康宏, 神田裕佳, 今井伸, 工藤真哉, 米田達明
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 180-180, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-6. It is possibility of the foreign physical therapy in patients after the operation
井上泰1), 津留息吹1), 泉太郎1), 天河亮1), 稲津宏紀1), 中村真樹1), 吉松正1), 志賀淑之1), 福田明2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 180-180, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-7. Examination about the usefulness of the high atmospheric pressure oxygen inhalation therapy for the adverse event of the radiotherapy
山下朱生1), 三浦邦久2), 石原哲2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 181-181, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-8. Examination about the clinical problem now accepted under the medical system to propose of the AIDS prevention guideline
平賀紀行1), 白阪琢磨2), 四本美保子3), 川津友佳4), 原岡正志5), 小野誠之6)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 181-181, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-9. Research - patients questionnaire findings report - about the Fukuoka cancer regional alliances critical path
中村元信1), 森田勝2), 平原順子2), 内田喜子2), 早田由紀音2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 181-181, 2022.

Japanese Article O4-1. Early experience of the treatment with cyber knife for the low intermediate risk group prostate cancer (normal position radiotherapy)
山田陽司1), 今田肇2), 小野田敏博2), 溝口翔太2), 濱田英志2), 岩崎哲2), 鞆田義士2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 181-181, 2022.

Japanese Article O4-2. Example that accepted the source hesitation case to kidney after the prostate cancer encapsulated sealed radioactive source therapy
伊東直城1), 名切信1), 小宮景介1), 大西聡1), 星野龍志1), 末金宏基1), 小笠原尚之1), 植田浩介1), 野原正一郎2), 村木宏一郎3), 服部睦行3), 淡河恵津世3), 井川掌1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 182-182, 2022.

Japanese Article O4-3. Early experience of the perirectal hydrogel spacer custody in the proton radiotherapy for the localized prostate cancer
徐元錫1), 松田陽介1), 伊藤秀明1), 小林忠博1), 松本紗衣2), 建部仁志2), 朝日智子2), 佐藤義高2), 玉村裕保2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 182-182, 2022.

Japanese Article O4-4. Early experience of the hydrogel perirectal area spacer in the prostate cancer external beam radiation treatment
遠藤匠, 池田梨乃, 門野洋大, 鈴木一弘, 飯島正太, 森堂道, 杉崎裕香, 宋本尚俊, 加藤精二, 岡了, 内海孝信, 神谷直人, 鈴木啓悦
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 182-182, 2022.

Japanese Article O4-5. Examination of the radical irradiation for patients with elderly aged 75 or over local site prostate cancer
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 182-182, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-1. An example of the gastric cancer origin metastasis-related ureter tumor that combined modality therapy including the radiotherapy succeeded
川口義弘1), 成富一哉2), 川越伸俊3), 松永祥弘4), 小笠原尚之5), 井川掌5)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 183-183, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-2. An example of the renal-pelvis cancer which we perform a pulmonary metastatic focus resection, and long-term survival is got from
分田裕順1), 南口尚紀1), 立石雅宏2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 183-183, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-3. An example of the invasive renal-pelvis cancer which produced the increase of hematoma in the sudden renal pelvis, and led to nephrectomy
栗原侑生, 和田里章悟, 津島知靖, 白石裕雅, 徳永素, 窪田理沙, 久住倫宏, 市川孝治
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 183-183, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-4. An example of the renal-pelvis cancer which showed isolated metastases to breast
松原圭輔1), 早川望1), 佐々木雅英1), 塚田光1), 山田龍治1), 青木直人1), 相田紘一朗1), 中澤龍斗1), 篠田和伸1), 丸井祐二1), 小池淳樹2), 菊地栄次1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 183-183, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-5. One case that Pembrolizumab succeeded for a recurrence after the operation of the progressive renal-pelvis cancer
米田達明1), 内田浩介1), 野田大将1), 飯島平祐1), 袴田康宏1), 神田裕佳1), 藤崎明1), 今井伸1), 工藤真哉2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 184-184, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-6. One case of an ureter tumor, the in situ cancer which racked its brains about a diagnosis
玉城光由, 大城琢磨, 知念尚之
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 184-184, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-7. One case of Osteoclast-rich undifferentiated carcinoma which occurred in renal pelvis
山崎豪介1), 赤坂聡一郎1), 山崎清玄1), 奥村豊1), 柴瑛介2), 高場智久3)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 184-184, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-8. Two cases that we looked at the mirror for an upper urinary tract recurrence after the laparotomy total cystectomy, and low infestation was able to extirpate by lower surgery combination
荒樋智広, 岡田桂輔, 脇田直人, 寺川智章, 兵頭洋二, 千葉公嗣, 古川順也, 松下経, 重村克巳, 中野雄造, 藤澤正人
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 184-184, 2022.

Japanese Article O6-1. An example of the prostate cancer which changed the urethral stent to the hollow lift transurethral prostatic boost from the continuation custody for an urination disorder
木下貴之, 藤原豪, 能勢頼人, 寺本好告, 立川隆光
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 185-185, 2022.

Japanese Article O6-2. Use experience of the low volume desmopressin for the nocturia by the nocturia in our hospital
萩原喜一, 堀口裕, 田中康就, 符毅欣, 坂本昇, 佃文夫, 岡根谷利一, 古賀祥嗣
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 185-185, 2022.

Japanese Article O6-3. Study associated with an internal use continuance rate and the internal use continuation of low-dose desmopressin (DDAVP) for the male nocturia patients
梶原充, 井村雄介, 定秀孝介, 川崎真実, 神明俊輔
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 185-185, 2022.

Japanese Article O6-4. Are the effectiveness of 50 μg of early period of desmopressin doses for patients with nocturia with nocturia 80 years or older and the safe weight loss for examination ... elderly people need? ...
黒瀬浩文1,2), 小宮景介2), 小笠原尚之2), 植田浩介2), 築井克聡2), 西原聖顕2), 名切信2), 松尾光哲2), 末金茂高2), 井川掌2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 185-185, 2022.

Japanese Article O6-5. Examination about the continuity of the medical treatment for the prostatic hyperplasia
鶴井極巳1), 大平伸1), 新川平馬2), 覺前蕉1), 辻茂久1), 森中啓文1), 高崎宏靖1), 平田啓太1), 海部三香子1), 清水真次朗1), 古川洋二2), 藤井智浩1), 宮地禎幸1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 186-186, 2022.

Japanese Article O6-6. It is examined the case using the desmopressin in Kyushu University Hospital
平井良樹, 李賢, 後藤駿介, 木下史生, 松元崇, 門司恵介, 柏木英志, 塩田真己, 猪口淳一, 江藤正俊
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 186-186, 2022.

Japanese Article O6-7. Examination of initial use results of the desmopressin for the male nocturia patients in the Abiko Toho Hospital
山崎智也, 萩原琢也, 本郷智拡, 児島宏典, 松井幸英, 磯野誠, 藤尾圭, 大槻英男
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 186-186, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-1. Examination about anemia and the prognosis before the bladder total extraction in the invasive bladder cancer
山村走平, 湊晶規, 坂本卓郎, 藤本直浩
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 186-186, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-2. Clinical significance of adding bladder random biopsy to a transurethral bladder tumor resection
尾崎悠1), 田岡利宜也1), 松岡祐貴1), 松田伊織1), 本田智子1), 土肥洋一郎1), 内藤宏仁1), 加藤琢磨1), 岡添誉1), 常森寛行2), 上田修史1), 杉元幹史1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 187-187, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-3. Clinical examination of 5-aminolevulinic acid combination TURBT in our hospital
戸田逸朗1), 山下遥介1), 賀來泰大1), 石田貴樹3), 松下経1), 山口雷藏2), 藤澤正人1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 187-187, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-4. Significance of the quick pathological examination during the operation of the urethra stump in the total cystectomy of men
服部悠斗, 名越晶彦, 藤原佑, 神戸貴成, 峯佑太, 萩本裕樹, 阿部陽平, 堤尚史, 山崎俊成, 川喜田睦司
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 187-187, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-5. Prognostic examination after the bladder total extraction in elderly people 80 years or older
岩隈景子, 湊晶規, 藤本直浩
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 187-187, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-6. Examination of the pelvic internal organs total extraction in our hospital
藤岡大貴, 島田良希, 森田祥平, 田中幹人, 西川昌友, 原口貴裕
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 188-188, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-7. Examination of the rate of recurrence of sunshine TURBT and PDD-TURBT for the Ta bladder cancer in our hospital
重坂光二, 上田康生, 滝内秀和
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 188-188, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-8. Early experience of photodynamics diagnosis (PDD) using the aminolevulinic acid in our hospital supporting lower TUR-BT
前田喜寛, 東俊之介, 村上栄敏, 山中達郎, 鮫島智洋, 銘苅晋吾, 菊川浩明
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 188-188, 2022.

Japanese Article O8-1. For advanced age 90 years old after the urethral stent (memo refuse) custody at exchange time light selective prostatic transpiration technique (one case that chose PVP (Photoselective Vaporization of the prostate)
松田隆晴1), 大貫新太郎1), 前田智子1), 川田孝夫2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 188-188, 2022.

Japanese Article O8-2. One case that caused calcification in the Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate postoperative scar part
上條駿介1,2), 西井久枝1), 吉田正貴1,3), 野宮正範1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 189-189, 2022.

Japanese Article O8-3. Two patients who underwent HoLEP and laparotomy bladder diverticulum excision for urinary retention due to the prostatic hyperplasia with bladder diverticulum in one stage
坪井一朗, 吉岡彩織, 横山周平, 小林祐介, 中島宏親, 永見太一, 小川貢平, 小池千明, 本田聡, 椎名浩昭, 和田耕一郎
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 189-189, 2022.

Japanese Article O8-4. Clinical examination of CVP (contact process laser prostate transpiration technique) for prostatic hyperplasia prostatic estimated 80 ml in volume or more
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 189-189, 2022.

Japanese Article O8-5. Results of the prostatic hyperplasia surgery in our hospital
白石裕雅, 徳永素, 和田里章悟, 窪田理沙, 久住倫宏, 市川孝治, 津島知靖
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 189-189, 2022.

Japanese Article O8-6. Usefulness of PVP for the BPH patients with the low activity bladder which we diagnosed in UD: 506 clinical examination
白石航一, 木田和貴, 阿部立郎, 田中祥子, 相島真奈美, 眞崎拓朗, 志賀健一郎, 宮崎薫, 山口秋人, 内藤誠二, 武井実根男, 横溝晃
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 190-190, 2022.

Japanese Article O8-7. Early experience of HoLEP using the low energy laser in our hospital
吉永光宏, 野井拡, 菅尾英木, 高田剛
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 190-190, 2022.

Japanese Article O9-1. Rearward observational study of adrenal cortex cancer in Kyushu Okinawa District
仲西昌太郎1), 神波大己2), 猪口淳一3), 宮田康好4), 柿木寛明5), 齋藤誠一1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 190-190, 2022.

Japanese Article O9-2. One patient whom we treated surgically who included diaphragm merger excision for retroperitoneal de-well differentiated type liposarcoma close against diaphragm, iliopsoas muscle, left kidney
松島萌希, 岩田健宏, 富永悠介, 定平卓也, 片山聡, 西村慎吾, 別宮謙介, 枝村康平, 小林知子, 小林泰之, 渡部昌実, 渡邉豊彦, 荒木元朗
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 190-190, 2022.

Japanese Article O9-3. A retroperitoneal anastomosis angiomatous example
高橋えりか, 倉橋竜磨, 脊川卓也, 元島崇信, 村上洋嗣, 矢津田旬二, 杉山豊, 神波大己
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 191-191, 2022.

Japanese Article O9-4. One case of retroperitoneal origin Castleman disease discovered with the left hydronephrosis
内田浩介, 野田大将, 飯島平祐, 袴田康宏, 神田裕佳, 小嶋一平, 今井伸, 米田達明
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 191-191, 2022.

Japanese Article O9-5. Three patients who underwent the laparoscopic adrenalectomy by the retroperitoneal approach for isolated metastases to adrenals
貫井昭徳1), 中川崇志1), 植松稔貴1), 武井航平2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 191-191, 2022.

Japanese Article O9-6. One case that conducted a CT guide lower marking in front of the art for a metastatic retroperitoneal tumor, and was able to undergo laparoscopic exeresis
井村雄介, 定秀孝介, 神明俊輔, 梶原充
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 191-191, 2022.

Japanese Article O9-7. One case of the IgG4-related retroperitoneal fibrosis detected with bilateral submandibular gland swelling
川合裕也1), 那須良次1), 佐藤昌2), 河合保典2), 朝倉昇司3), 沖田千佳4)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 192-192, 2022.

Japanese Article O10-1. As a result of prostate biopsy of 2,017-2,021 years in our hospital, it is the comparison with 2,003-2,007 years
石塚直樹1), 堤秀孔1), 納谷幸男2), 鈴木啓悦3), 太田詔1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 192-192, 2022.

Japanese Article O10-2. Examination of the case that showed a significant cancer only from systematic biopsy in MRI/TRUS fusion image prostate aspiration biopsy
佃文夫, 田中康就, 符毅欣, 萩原喜一, 坂本昇, 岡根谷利一, 堀口裕, 古賀祥嗣
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 192-192, 2022.

Japanese Article O10-3. Examination of Intraductal carcinoma of the prostate (IDC-P) in the prostatic aspiration biopsy
岡田達憲, 空閑正樹, 児島偉人, 波止亮, 三好邦和, 吉川正博, 坂本直孝
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 192-192, 2022.

Japanese Article O10-4. Results of the MRI-TRUS fusion image guide bottom transperineal prostate biopsy
岡添誉1), 本田智子1), 松田伊織1), 尾崎悠1), 土肥洋一郎1), 松岡祐貴1), 加藤琢磨1), 田岡利宜也1), 上田修史1), 杉元幹史1), 山崎真理2), 末永武寛2), 平間裕美2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 193-193, 2022.

Japanese Article O10-5. Comparison of the prostate cancer rate of detection of MRI-US fusion biopsy and the Cognitive fusion biopsy
藤山健太, 畑山智哉, 郷力昭宏, 三田耕司
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 193-193, 2022.

Japanese Article O11-1. Examination about the treatment result of the preoperative chemotherapy for the local progressive bladder cancer
坂本卓郎, 山村走平, 湊晶規, 藤本直浩
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 193-193, 2022.

Japanese Article O11-2. Clinical examination of the Avelumab maintenance therapy for the unresectable or metastatic urothelial carcinoma in our hospital
坂本勇樹, 林哲太郎, 小羽田悠貴, 福島貴郁, 武本健士郎, 馬場崎隆志, 宮本俊輔, 小畠浩平, 北野弘之, 池田健一郎, 後藤景介, 稗田圭介, 日向信之
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 193-193, 2022.

Japanese Article O11-3. Report of the initial treatment experience of the Avelumab for the progressive urothelial carcinoma in our hospital
矢野哲弘, 尾崎啓介, 中島英, 林秀樹, 橋本寛文
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 194-194, 2022.

Japanese Article O11-4. Histories of treatment of the immune checkpoint inhibitor for the progressive urothelial carcinoma
田邊邦明1), 大石真之介1), 窪田雄介1), 坂本昭彦1), 杉山和隆1), 松本明彦1), 天野裕之2), 久米春喜3)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 194-194, 2022.

Japanese Article O11-5. Examination of the anticancer agent bladder infusion therapy for the non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (pTa high grade)
平松和磨, 牧田哲幸, 上山裕樹, 増田憲彦, 池内亮介, 砂田拓郎, 吉川武, 羽間悠祐, 村嶋隆哉, 西川信之
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 194-194, 2022.

Japanese Article O11-6. Examination of the short-term dd-MVAC therapy before operation for the muscle-invasive bladder cancer
松岡祐貴, 田岡利宜也, 松田伊織, 本田智子, 尾崎悠, 土肥洋一郎, 加藤琢磨, 岡添誉, 常森寛行, 上田修史, 杉元幹史
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 194-194, 2022.

Japanese Article O12-1. Treatment result of pembrolizumab for the metastatic urothelial carcinoma in our hospital
松本精宏, 榎本章子, 李政謙, 寺中さやか, 高橋正行
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 195-195, 2022.

Japanese Article O12-2. Use experience of Pembrolizumab for the urothelial carcinoma in our hospital
佐野雄芳, 鎌田聡子, 森聰博, 上松克利, 山田大介
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 195-195, 2022.

Japanese Article O12-3. Look at - multicenter rear about the effect of the Pembrolizumab therapy on urothelial carcinoma subtype with the tissue variant; mark examination -
湊晶規1), 古林伸紀2), 原田みりい1), 根岸孝仁2), 坂本直孝3), 宋裕賢4), 堀幹史5), 友田稔久6), 黒岩顕太郎5), 関成人4), 富崎一向1), 原田健一1), 中村元信2), 藤本直浩1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 195-195, 2022.

Japanese Article O12-4. Examination about the effectiveness, the safety of the Pembrolizumab therapy for the progressive urothelial carcinoma in advanced age and PS delinquent patients and the eosinophilic change
古林伸紀1), 湊晶規2), 根岸孝仁1), 坂本直孝3), 宋裕賢4), 堀幹史5), 原田みりい2), 小林裕貴1), 和田大和1), 黒岩顕太郎5), 関成人4), 藤本直浩2), 中村元信1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 195-195, 2022.

Japanese Article O12-5. Effect of the PPI to give an effect of the medical therapy on progressive urothelial carcinoma: Comparison between immune therapy and chemotherapy
原田みりい1), 富崎一向1,2), 板野滋2), 寺戸三千和3), 濱砂良一4), 原田修治5), 赤坂聡一郎1), 松本博臣1), 木室里依子1), 東島克佳1), 湊晶規1), 原田健一1), 藤本直浩1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 196-196, 2022.

Japanese Article O13-1. Initial Experience with Enfortumab Vedotin in Our Hospital
中西茂雄, 毛利晨佑, 宗宮快, 安宅祐一朗, 瀬戸太介, 柳原豊, 二宮郁, 岡本賢二郎, 山師定, 菅政治
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 196-196, 2022.

Japanese Article O13-2. Initial treatment experience of enfortumab vedotin for urothelial cancer in our hospital
信森祥太, 杉原直哉, 山川真季, 佐伯佳央里, 河野玲奈, 渡辺隆太, 野田輝乙, 西村謙一, 福本哲也, 三浦徳宣, 宮内勇貴, 菊川忠彦, 雑賀隆史
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 196-196, 2022.

Japanese Article O13-3. Therapeutic effect of enfortumab vedotin on advanced urothelial cancer and investigation of immune-related adverse events
高江洲大, 斎藤誠一, 仲西昌太郎, 木村隆, 芦刈明日香, 泉惠一朗, 下地昭久, 松尾智誠, 安田想, 吉岡拓哉, 新崎隼一
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 196-196, 2022.

Japanese Article O13-4. Initial use experience of enfortumab vedotin in our hospital
木村夏雄, 宮本周, 番場大貴, 黒住顕, 網谷兆康, 島敬之, 鈴木規之, 中津裕臣
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 197-197, 2022.

Japanese Article O13-5. Initial experience with enfortumab vedotin for urothelial carcinoma
酒井すずな1), 山崎安人1), 計屋知彰2), 青木大勇2), 西村直樹2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 197-197, 2022.

Japanese Article O13-6. Initial experience with enfortumab vedotin for advanced urothelial carcinoma
藤井照護, 島田幸暢, 上田晃嗣, 加藤昌生, 松原昭郎
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 197-197, 2022.

Japanese Article O13-7. Early experience of Enfortumab Vedotin for the progressive urothelial carcinoma
角陸文哉, 大豆本圭, 堀克仁, 佐々木雄太郎, 上野恵輝, 冨田諒太郎, 津田恵, 楠原義人, 布川朋也, 山口邦久, 山本恭代, 高橋正幸, 金山博臣
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 197-197, 2022.

Japanese Article O14-1. It is postoperative recurrent pre-rear predictor, and the radiologic form of renal cell carcinoma is associated with proteasome-related genetic expression
小畠浩平, 池田健一郎, 田坂亮, 小羽田悠貴, 武本健士郎, 福島貴郁, 馬場崎隆志, 宮本俊輔, 北野弘之, 後藤景介, 稗田圭介, 林哲太郎, 日向信之
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 198-198, 2022.

Japanese Article O14-2. 6 cases of the kidney spontaneous rupture which we experienced in our hospital
武内照生, 水嶋唯, 寺戸三千和, 稲富久人
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 198-198, 2022.

Japanese Article O14-3. galectin 9 in the renal carcinoma immune therapy, importance of the TIM-3 course
川嶋秀紀, 木村泰典
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 198-198, 2022.

Japanese Article O14-4. One case of the juxtaglomerular cell tumor of the elderly patients who were found as an accidental kidney tumor during haemodialysis introduction
金城友紘, 小西雅俊, 山本哲也, 大島純平, 金城孝則, 井上均
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 198-198, 2022.

Japanese Article O14-5. One case of the angiomyolipoma with the extension in the inferior vena cava
眞鍋笙之介, 脊川卓也, 倉橋竜磨, 元島崇信, 村上洋嗣, 矢津田旬二, 杉山豊, 神波大己
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 199-199, 2022.

Japanese Article O15-1. The condition of a patient analysis of the aging-related bladder function disorder using the aging mouse
中塚騰太1), 大平伸1), 刀祢重信2), 覺前蕉1), 森中啓文1), 高崎宏靖1), 平田啓太1), 新川平馬3), 古川洋二3), 清水真次朗1), 海部三香子1), 藤井智浩1), 宮地禎幸1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 199-199, 2022.

Japanese Article O15-2. The condition of a patient elucidation of the chronic prostatitis/chronicity pelvic pain syndrome using the prostatic organoid
北野弘之, 関野陽平, 宮本俊輔, 馬場崎隆志, 小畠浩平, 池田健一郎, 後藤景介, 稗田圭介, 林哲太郎, 日向信之
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 199-199, 2022.

Japanese Article O15-3. Metastasis to prostate cancer promotion mechanism through the activation of the CCL20-CCR6-Snail course by the AR signal inhibition
加納洋1), 泉浩二1), 鳥海蓮1), 中川竜之介1), 青山周平1), 神島泰樹1), 島田貴史1), 内藤伶奈人1), 門本卓1), 岩本大旭1), 八重樫洋1), 仲田浩規1,2), 溝上敦1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 199-199, 2022.

Japanese Article O15-4. The effect that prostate cancer gives to antibody responses on COVID-19 vaccination
郡家直敬, 羽賀宣博, 松岡弘文, 中村信之, 松崎洋吏, 坪内和女, 岡部雄, 宮崎健, 藤川愛子, 立花昌寛, 麻生信太郎, 中川千鶴
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 200-200, 2022.

Japanese Article O15-5. Usefulness as a diagnosis, the pre-rear marker of Claspin in upper urinary tract epithelial cancer
林哲太郎1), 馬場崎隆志1), 関野陽平1), 小林剛2), 仙谷和弘2), 武本健士郎1), 小畠浩平1), 北野弘之1), 池田健一郎1), 後藤景介1), 稗田圭介1), 大上直秀2), 日向信之1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 200-200, 2022.

Japanese Article O16-1. Use experience of Apalutamide in our hospital
山根浩史, 川本文弥, 村岡邦康
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 200-200, 2022.

Japanese Article O16-2. Histories of treatment of metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC) in our hospital
舟橋優里奈, 渡邊拓樹, 高岡直澄, 藤原真希, 高島靖, 川西博晃, 奥村和弘
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 200-200, 2022.

Japanese Article O16-3. The effectiveness of the second generation Antiandrogen after the revival for high risk/high volume mHSPC
溝上敦1), 橋根勝義2), 杉山豊3), 榎田英樹4), 原田健一5)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 201-201, 2022.

Japanese Article O16-4. Clinical comparison between Abiraterone and Enzalutamide for patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer in our hospital
渡邊広毅, 山本賢志, 樋口耕介, 松井健一郎, 清水貴大, 仲村和芳
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 201-201, 2022.

Japanese Article O16-5. The current situation of the medical therapy for the metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer in our hospital
岩崎和範, 石川天洋, 安部怜樹, 佐藤吉泰, 篠原麻由香, 高橋美香, 瀬治山伸也, 羽田真郎, 井上享, 澁谷忠正, 安藤忠助, 秦聡孝
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 201-201, 2022.

Japanese Article O16-6. Examination of the castration-resistant prostate cancer (m0CRPC) case not to have the distant metastasis in the municipal hospital 2 institution
浅井昭宏1), 近藤翼1), 鶴崎俊文1), 古川正隆2), 今里祐之2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 201-201, 2022.

Japanese Article O16-7. Treatment result of Abiraterone for the High risk endocrine therapy untreated metastatic prostate cancer in our hospital
北村聡, 山田裕二, 村蒔基次, 高橋昂佑, 福永博之, 楠瀬正史, 小倉壮真
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 202-202, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-1. Results of the combined modality therapy for 16 prostatic neuroendocrine system cancers in our hospital
城嶋和真, 湊晶規, 渡邉舟貴, 藤本直浩
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 202-202, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-2. Clinical examination of the prostatic small cell carcinoma in our hospital
堀克仁, 大豆本圭, 角陸文哉, 佐々木雄太郎, 冨田諒太郎, 上野恵輝, 津田恵, 楠原義人, 布川朋也, 山本恭代, 山口邦久, 高橋正幸, 金山博臣
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 202-202, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-3. About the treatment result of the hippopotamus diTaki cell in the Kumamoto center Hospital and the pre-rear predictor
濱田真輔, 上川彩乃, 浮池昌二朗, 今川大輔, 原一正, 濱田泰之
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 202-202, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-4. Treatment result of Ra-223 in our hospital in the metastases to bone case of the castration-resistant prostate cancer
久住倫宏, 白石裕雅, 徳永素, 和田里章悟, 窪田理沙, 市川孝治, 津島知靖
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 203-203, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-5. Use experience of radium chloride -223 for the castration-resistant prostate cancer with metastases to bone in our hospital
今野真思, 高梨将人, 藤岡あずみ, 平井耕太郎
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 203-203, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-6. Comparison between elderly aged 75 or over and safety of the docetaxel therapy in the non-elderly aged 75 or over and effectiveness
定岡美里1), 上條千太2), 西村陽子2), 三橋公美2), 松田博幸2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 203-203, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-7. Treatment result of the hippopotamus diTaki cell for the castration-resistant prostate cancer
植松陸, 亭島淳, 三田淑恵, 吉井貴彦, 中村一郎
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 203-203, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-8. Use experience of Ra223 for the castration-resistant prostate cancer in our hospital
前田隼太, 安野恭平, 大場健史, 丸山聡, 田中宏和
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 204-204, 2022.

Japanese Article O18-1. Role of the lymphatic vessel permeation extension degree evaluation in patients with prostate cancer which underwent radical total prostatectomy
島袋智之1,2), 松山豪泰1), 松本洋明1), 松本祐一1), 馬場智枝子1), 小澤翔1), 小林圭太1), 三角拓1), 伊藤英昭1), 平田寛1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 204-204, 2022.

Japanese Article O18-2. Perioperative results of the laparoscopic total prostatectomy in our hospital: Comparison between practiced hands
三井將雄, 杉本盛人, 川野香, 大枝忠史
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 204-204, 2022.

Japanese Article O18-3. Pathological examination of the cT1c prostate cancer sample which we diagnosed by Biparametric MRI
山元惇史, 森實修一, 守安絵美佳, 清水龍太郎, 寺岡祥吾, 西川涼馬, 山口徳也, 岩本秀人, 引田克弥, 本田正史, 武中篤
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 204-204, 2022.

Japanese Article O18-4. Clinical examination of the systemic diffusion emphasis MRI in the prostate cancer
新川平馬, 古川洋二
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 205-205, 2022.

Japanese Article O18-5. Examination of the usefulness of DWIBS in the prostate cancer metastases to bone search
本郷智拡, 萩原琢也, 児島宏典, 松井幸英, 山崎智也, 磯野誠, 藤尾圭, 大槻英男
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 205-205, 2022.

Japanese Article O18-6. Examination of the prostate cancer diagnosed with an examination of PET
有働和馬, 雪本弥仁雅, 前田晃宏, 草野脩平, 永瀬圭, 柿木寛明, 東武昇平, 野口満
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 205-205, 2022.

Japanese Article O18-7. Clinical examination of the prostate cancer case diagnosed by our hospital
森田陽1), 杭ノ瀬彩1), 水谷圭佑1), 近藤崇弘2), 坪井一朗3), 安藤展芳4), 前原貴典5), 西山康弘1), 新良治1), 小野憲昭1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 205-205, 2022.

Japanese Article O19-1. One patient who received Deflux infusion therapy for elderly people VUR during medical treatment institution entrance
山田陽司1), 片山直美2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 206-206, 2022.

Japanese Article O19-2. Early experience of the endoscopic Deflux infusion therapy in our hospital
松本博臣1), 奥村豊1), 大野大地2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 206-206, 2022.

Japanese Article O19-3. Use experience of the ArtiSential needle holder in the urologic laparoscopic surgery
寺戸三千和, 水嶋唯, 武内照生
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 206-206, 2022.

Japanese Article O19-4. Use experience of the fluorescence catheterization of ureter for the purpose of the prevention of the ureteric injury
本田智子, 常森寛行, 松田伊織, 尾崎悠, 土肥洋一郎, 内藤宏仁, 松岡祐貴, 加藤琢磨, 岡添誉, 田岡利宜也, 上田修史, 杉元幹史
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 206-206, 2022.

Japanese Article O19-5. Elucidation of the factor to have an influence on the satisfaction of the wound part in the abdominal surgery in a robot adjuvant bottom
藤川愛子, 岡部雄, 麻生信太郎, 立花昌寛, 中川千鶴, 郡家直敬, 宮崎健, 坪内和女, 松崎洋吏, 中村信之, 松岡弘文, 羽賀宣博
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 207-207, 2022.

Japanese Article O20-1. An example of mCRPC maintaining complete remission after the Abiraterone cancellation for a long term
佐藤和貴, 加藤吉健, 木内寛一
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 207-207, 2022.

Japanese Article O20-2. One case of the neuroendocrine system type prostate cancer
眞砂俊彦1), 星野貴洋1), 山口広司1), 瀬島健裕1), 山本なつみ2), 武田賢一2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 207-207, 2022.

Japanese Article O20-3. Two cases of drug-induced interstitial pneumonia during administration of apalutamide to mHNPC
山口雅也, 宇埜誠, 田中大介, 中塚浩一
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 207-207, 2022.

Japanese Article O20-4. 2 cases of prostatic small cell carcinoma,T4 where EP therapy succeeded, and nephrostomy withdrawal, own urination was enabled
細井隆之1), 長谷川暁人1), 遠藤侑1), 吉岡駿祐1), 入澤千晴2), 玉木信3), 星誠二4)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 208-208, 2022.

Japanese Article O20-5. An example of the prostate cancer sarcoma which long-term survival is got from by relief chemotherapy after the operation
渡邉祐, 倉橋竜磨, 脊川卓也, 元島崇信, 村上洋嗣, 矢津田旬二, 杉山豊, 神波大己
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 208-208, 2022.

Japanese Article O20-6. One case of the EOD4 castration-resistant prostate cancer maintaining CR by Enzalutamide for eight years
古崎正隆1), 内藤伶奈人1), 岩本大旭1), 八重樫洋1), 角野佳史1), 中嶋憲一2), 溝上敦1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 208-208, 2022.

Japanese Article O21-1. Two patients who evaded an artificial anus by a single-stage suture for the rectal injury that occurred during laparoscopic total prostatectomy
鍵山義斗, 西田健介, 望月英樹
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 208-208, 2022.

Japanese Article O21-2. Example that had a diagnosis of the Lynch syndrome which presented Muri-Torre syndrome by the gene close inspection of triple cancer (prostate cancer, transverse colon cancer, buccal region sebaceous gland cancer)
松田隆晴1), 大貫新太郎1), 前田智子1), 川田孝夫2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 209-209, 2022.

Japanese Article O21-3. One case of the prostate cancer which led to discovery with urinary retention and penile metastasis
山崎清玄1), 奥村豊2), 高場智久3), 山崎豪介1), 赤坂聡一郎1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 209-209, 2022.

Japanese Article O21-4. One case that a taxane-based anticancer agent was effective for prostatic mucinous adenocarcinoma
秋山耕亮1), 稗田圭介1), 林哲太郎1), 福島貴郁1), 馬場崎隆志1), 宮本俊輔1), 小畠浩平1), 北野弘之1), 池田健一郎1), 後藤景介1), 武島幸男2), 檜井孝夫3), 日向信之1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 209-209, 2022.

Japanese Article O21-5. An example of the prostatic basal cell carcinoma diagnosed by multiple metastases after the radiotherapy
井開拓実, 重松慶紀, 小林加直
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 209-209, 2022.

Japanese Article O21-6. One case that the membranous nephropathy was able to remit after the treatment with robot support peritoneoscope lower total prostatectomy (RARP) for the localized prostate cancer complicated with membranous nephropathy
竹内尚史1), 鏑木直人1), 松本信也1), 松本真一1), 松村大輔2), 佐藤英一2), 窪田徹矢3)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 210-210, 2022.

Japanese Article O22-1. Examination of the urination independence support in the national longevity medical care research center
西井久枝1), 上條駿介1,2), 野宮正範1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 210-210, 2022.

Japanese Article O22-2. The effect that accumulation of the abdominal viscera fat in men gives to incidence and the disease severity of the overactive bladder
松尾朋博, 伊藤秀徳, 光成健輔, 大庭康司郎, 宮田康好
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 210-210, 2022.

Japanese Article O22-3. Three cases of urinary retention, the neurogenic bladder which seemed according to the new corona vaccine
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 210-210, 2022.

Japanese Article O22-4. Examination about the continuity of the medical treatment for the overactive bladder
森中啓文1), 大平伸1), 鶴井極巳1), 新川平馬2), 覺前蕉1), 辻茂久1), 高崎宏靖1), 平田啓太1), 海部三香子1), 清水真次朗1), 古川洋二2), 藤井智浩1), 宮地禎幸1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 211-211, 2022.

Japanese Article O22-5. Zymso intravesical therapy (DMSO) is a treatment that balances safety, efficacy, and patient treatment preference
梶原充, 川崎真実, 井村雄介, 定秀孝介, 神明俊輔
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 211-211, 2022.

Japanese Article O22-6. The current situation and problems of the interstitial cystitis, bladder pain syndrome in our hospital (IC/BPS)
南里正晴, 松尾学
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 211-211, 2022.

Japanese Article O23-1. Results of the laparoscopic sacrum vagina fixation in the KKR Takamatsu Hospital
平間裕美1), 山崎真理1), 末永武寛1), 岡添誉2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 211-211, 2022.

Japanese Article O23-2. Three patients who underwent operations of the second for transvaginal mesh postoperative mesh exposure after a long term
花田麻里1), 大野仁1), 野村芳雄1), 新井隆司2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 212-212, 2022.

Japanese Article O23-3. One patient who showed a mesh sore in SUI recurrence, anterior wall of vagina after the TVT technique
高本均1), 三井將雄2), 原尚史1), 川合裕也3), 佐久間貴文1), 有地直子1), 安東栄一1), 山本康雄1), 石戸則孝1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 212-212, 2022.

Japanese Article O23-4. Function results of the robot support sacrum colpopexy not to use a retraction arm for
萩原琢也1), 児島宏典1), 本郷智拡1), 松井幸英1), 山崎智也1), 磯野誠1), 藤尾圭1), 三木淳2), 大槻英男1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 212-212, 2022.

Japanese Article O24-1. Two cases that reoperation by LSC was effective for the pelvic organ prolapse which recurred after the LSC technique
大塚崇史1), 松隈悠1), 岡真太郎1), 中村公彦1), 藤川公樹2), 白石晃司1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 212-212, 2022.

Japanese Article O24-2. Comparison of TVM and LSC/RASC for the pelvic organ prolapse in our hospital
伊藤秀徳, 松尾朋博, 光成健輔, 大庭康司郎, 宮田康好
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 213-213, 2022.

Japanese Article O24-3. Early experience of the robot support peritoneoscope lower sacrum vagina fixation in Nagasaki University
松尾朋博, 中村裕一郎, 安田拓司, 中西裕美, 大庭康司郎, 宮田康好
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 213-213, 2022.

Japanese Article O24-4. Treatment result of TVM using the PTFE mesh
鍬田知子, 渡邊成樹, 柏原宏美, 加藤稚佳子, 竹山政美
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 213-213, 2022.

Japanese Article O25-1. An examination for oncogene panel and individualization treatment for the castration-resistant prostate cancer in Hiroshima University
林哲太郎1), 池田健一郎1), 福島貴郁1), 小畠浩平1), 田坂亮1), 武本健士郎1), 北野弘之1), 後藤景介1), 稗田圭介1), 利田明日香2), 佐田野英2), 檜井孝夫2), 日向信之1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 213-213, 2022.

Japanese Article O25-2. Two cases of the prostate cancer neuroendocrine system differentiation given an examination for oncogene panel
齊藤皓平1), 武本健士郎1), 林哲太郎1), 馬場崎隆志1), 宮本俊輔1), 小畠浩平1), 北野弘之1), 後藤景介1), 池田健一郎1), 稗田圭介1), 難波将史2), 檜井孝夫3), 日向信之1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 214-214, 2022.

Japanese Article O25-3. About an examination for oncogene panel for the metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in our hospital
定秀孝介, 井村雄介, 神明俊輔, 川崎真実, 梶原充
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 214-214, 2022.

Japanese Article O25-4. Significance of the PSAnadir change in the CRPC pre-back prediction
武田宗万, 中野洋二郎, 山口朝臣, 奥村敬子
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 214-214, 2022.

Japanese Article O25-5. Examination of the ERG expression in the treatment-induced type neuroendocrine system prostate cancer
渡辺隆太1), 河野玲奈1), 沢田雄一郎5), 野田輝乙1), 西村謙一1), 福本哲也1), 三浦徳宣1), 宮内勇貴1), 倉田美恵2,3), 菊川忠彦1), 北澤理子4), 橋根勝義5), 雑賀隆史1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 214-214, 2022.

Japanese Article O25-6. Association between nutrition index marker and prognosis in the metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer
後藤景介1), 福岡憲一郎2), 畑山智哉3), 田坂亮1,3), 鍵山義斗4), 行廣和真5), 長谷川泰久5), 望月英樹4), 三田耕司3), 繁田正信2), 林哲太郎1), 日向信之1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 215-215, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-1. Three cases of the pelvic inflammatory disease with suspected urinary tract infection
大貫新太郎1), 前田智子1), 松田隆晴1), 川田孝夫2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 215-215, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-2. Examination of the acute prostatitis that occurred after the prostate biopsy
前田晃宏, 有働和馬, 雪本弥仁雅, 草野脩平, 永瀬圭, 柿木寛明, 東武昇平, 野口満
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 215-215, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-3. One case of the sudden gonad-formed bacterial nephritis
天野慎二, 松本尚
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 215-215, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-4. Examination of the kidney alternative therapy in the urosepsis
星野貴洋, 眞砂俊彦, 山口広司, 瀬島健裕
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 216-216, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-5. The chemosensitive change and ESBL producer separation situation of Proteus mirabilis in our hospital
丸山雄樹1), 定平卓也1), 岩田健宏1), 荒木元朗1), 片山聡1), 西村慎吾1), 別宮健介1), 枝村康平1), 小林知子1), 小林泰之1), 石井亜矢乃1), 渡邉豊彦1), 和田耕一郎2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 216-216, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-6. UTIs who had the purulent spondylitis
平野昌克, 大西裕之, 光森健二, 宮内康行, 高橋雄大, 前川けん
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 216-216, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-7. Clinical examination of the cystitis pneumatoides in our hospital
福永博之, 小倉壮真, 楠瀬正史, 北村聡, 高橋昂佑, 村蒔基次, 山田裕二
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 216-216, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-8. Predictor of quinolone-resistant Escherichia coli in the transrectal prostatic aspiration biopsy
門野洋大, 内海孝信, 鈴木一弘, 飯島正太, 森堂道, 杉崎裕香, 加藤精二, 宋本尚俊, 岡了, 遠藤匠, 神谷直人, 鈴木啓悦
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 217-217, 2022.

Japanese Article O27-1. An example of the kidney soft calculus disease who had the emphysematous pyelonephritis
青藤恵子, 山勢怜祐, 八木澤奈津希, 川端慧, 杉山真康, 藤村正亮, 三上和男
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 217-217, 2022.

Japanese Article O27-2. Comparison between PNL and ECIRS for the urinary calculus
松田健二1), 池田英夫1), 栗栖弘明1), 山口優香子2), 清水宏輔2), 江口賢2), 高井公雄2), 白瀧敬3)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 217-217, 2022.

Japanese Article O27-3. One case of the horseshoe kidney calculus of longer axis 23mm that use of clear Petra for the ureter and single use digital renal pelvis mirror Uscope was effective
青山真人1), 岡村なおき1), 島田久生1), 立花大和1), 北和晃1), 中村敬弘1), 岩井友明2), 内田潤次2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 217-217, 2022.

Japanese Article O27-4. Early experience of ECIRS in our hospital
村上栄敏, 前田喜寛, 東俊之介, 山中達郎, 鮫島智洋, 銘苅晋吾, 菊川浩明
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 218-218, 2022.

Japanese Article O27-5. Renal calculus more than 20mm, new perfusion method and treatment result in f-TUL for the coral calculus
曽我部裕文1), 新井明那1), 尾澤彰1), 伊勢田徳宏1), 原宏二2), 新井欧介3), 河野玲奈3), 渡辺隆太3), 西村謙一3), 雑賀隆史3)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 218-218, 2022.

Japanese Article O27-6. What is a factor influencing treatments of f-TUL for the renal calculus from 20mm to 30mm?
柿木寛明, 雪本弥仁雅, 前田晃宏, 草野脩平, 永瀬圭, 柿木優佳, 川崎麻紀, 有働和馬, 東武昇平, 野口満
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 218-218, 2022.

Japanese Article O28-1. Examination of the treatment result in the transurethral ureteric calculus crush technique
渡邊衛介, 安本博晃, 淺野耕助
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 218-218, 2022.

Japanese Article O28-2. One case of the sodium biurate calculus
小林泰之, 新井浩樹, 市丸直嗣
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 219-219, 2022.

Japanese Article O28-3. An example of the acid ammonium urate calculus
清田明日香, 脊川卓也, 倉橋竜磨, 元島崇信, 村上洋嗣, 矢津田旬二, 杉山豊, 神波大己
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 219-219, 2022.

Japanese Article O28-4. Significance of shortening during the ureteral stent custody period after the operation of TUL before operation as the prevention of existence febris UTIs
神明俊輔, 井村雄介, 定秀孝介, 梶原充
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 219-219, 2022.

Japanese Article O28-5. Examination of TUL for elderly people in our hospital 85 years or older
上野剛志, 中野芳紀, 大原慎也
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 219-219, 2022.

Japanese Article O28-6. Treatment result of the TUL case in our hospital
内野洋志, 持田蔵
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 220-220, 2022.

Japanese Article O29-1. An example of penile spindle cell carcinoma
鈴木駿太郎1), 中島駿佑1), 安部怜樹1), 岩崎和範1), 佐藤吉泰1), 篠原麻由香1), 甲斐友喜1), 羽田真郎1), 井上享1), 澁谷忠正1), 安藤忠助1), 秦聡孝1), 三股浩光2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 220-220, 2022.

Japanese Article O29-2. One case of the penile malignant lymphoma
松田伊織, 加藤琢磨, 本田智子, 尾崎悠, 土肥洋一郎, 内藤宏仁, 松岡祐貴, 岡添誉, 田岡利宜也, 上田修史, 杉元幹史
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 220-220, 2022.

Japanese Article O29-3. Clinical examination of the surgery case for the acute scrotum symptom
宗宮快, 毛利晨佑, 安宅祐一朗, 瀬戸太介, 中西茂雄, 柳原豊, 二宮郁, 岡本賢二郎, 山師定, 菅政治
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 220-220, 2022.

Japanese Article O29-4. Example that required microscope lower spermatic cord vein low degree ligature for the clot in the right spermatic cord varix
小島慎平, 月野浩二昌, 藤田直子
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 221-221, 2022.

Japanese Article O29-5. One case of the perineum invasiveness angiomyxoma
新澤玲, 門本卓, 内藤伶奈人, 岩本大旭, 八重樫洋, 川口昌平, 野原隆弘, 重原一慶, 泉浩二, 角野佳史, 溝上敦
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 221-221, 2022.

Japanese Article O29-6. One case of the wealth cellularity angiofibroma (Cellular angiofibroma) which occurred in a scrotum
安田幸平1), 吉田毅1), 原田修治2), 福田敦史2), 杉田佳弘2), 飯原清隆3)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 221-221, 2022.

Japanese Article O29-7. Example that we performed re-setting technique after the MRSA infection to artificial urethral sphincter, and good urine prohibition was obtained
久木元隆, 海法康裕, 楠本大樹, 小羽田悠貴, 三上穣太郎, 伊藤淳, 佐藤信
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 221-221, 2022.

Japanese Article O29-8. Examination of the testicular function protection using the PDE5 inhibitor for the aging-related testicular dysfunction
大平伸1), 刀祢重信2), 鶴井極巳1), 覺前蕉1), 辻茂久1), 森中啓文1), 高崎宏靖1), 平田啓太1), 海部三香子1), 清水真次朗1), 古川洋二3), 藤井智浩1), 宮地禎幸1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 222-222, 2022.

Japanese Article O29-9. Pay the attention to difference with examination - TWIST score and the LIM score about the usefulness in BAL score in the acute scrotum symptom case; and ...
雪本弥仁雅, 東武昇平, 野口満
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 222-222, 2022.

Japanese Article O30-1. Early experience of the robot support bladder total extraction in our hospital
田村丈1), 小林直人1), 小野孝司1), 渡邊健志2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 222-222, 2022.

Japanese Article O30-2. Examination of the predictor of the perioperative complications development about the robot support bladder total extraction
松川敦紀, 守安絵美佳, 山元惇史, 清水龍太郎, 寺岡祥吾, 西川涼馬, 山口徳也, 岩本秀人, 森實修一, 引田克弥, 本田正史, 武中篤
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 222-222, 2022.

Japanese Article O30-3. About the effect that the lymph node excision number in the robot support bladder total extraction gives for prognosis
山口徳也, 森實修一, 清水龍太郎, 西川涼馬, 寺岡祥吾, 岩本秀人, 引田克弥, 本田正史, 武中篤
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 223-223, 2022.

Japanese Article O30-4. Comparison of laparotomy bladder total extraction and the robot support bladder total extraction for the muscle-invasive bladder cancer
内藤伶奈人, 泉浩二, 門本卓, 岩本大旭, 八重樫洋, 川口昌平, 重原一慶, 野原隆弘, 角野佳史, 溝上敦
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 223-223, 2022.

Japanese Article O30-5. Examination of robot support bladder total extraction (RARC) in our hospital
太刀川公人, 伊藤悠, 栗栖知世, 松木雅裕, 高木良雄, 高橋敦
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 223-223, 2022.

Japanese Article O30-6. Comparison between safety and examination - laparotomy bladder total extraction - of the usefulness of the robot support peritoneoscope lower bladder total extraction in elderly people
宮崎健, 麻生信太郎, 立花昌寛, 中川千鶴, 藤川愛子, 郡家直敬, 岡部雄, 坪内和女, 松崎洋吏, 中村信之, 松岡弘文, 羽賀宣博
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 223-223, 2022.

Japanese Article O30-7. Examination of robot support peritoneoscope lower bladder total extraction (RARC) for the surgery history case in the pelvis including the radiation exposure
大関孝之, 北博之, 國重玲紋, 林泰司, 西岡伯
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 224-224, 2022.

Japanese Article O31-1. Intravesical heterotopic examination of the applier which we used during RARP technique in our hospital
青山周平, 泉浩二, 門本卓, 内藤伶奈人, 岩本大旭, 八重樫洋, 川口昌平, 野原隆弘, 重原一慶, 角野佳史, 溝上敦
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 224-224, 2022.

Japanese Article O31-2. Risk classification of the PSA recurrence (BCR) by the resection stump status of the robot support lower total prostatectomy (RARP)
畑山智哉, 藤山健太, 郷力昭宏, 三田耕司
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 224-224, 2022.

Japanese Article O31-3. Initial results of the robot support peritoneoscope lower total prostatectomy in our hospital and examination about the approach method
宋本尚俊, 門野洋大, 鈴木一弘, 飯島正太, 森堂道, 杉崎裕香, 加藤精二, 岡了, 内海孝信, 遠藤匠, 神谷直人, 鈴木啓悦
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 224-224, 2022.

Japanese Article O31-4. Examination about BMI and RALP pathology histology and surgery results
羽井佐康平, 梶原優太, 津川卓士, 坪井一馬, 井上陽介, 佐古智子, 村尾航, 江原伸
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 225-225, 2022.

Japanese Article O31-5. Examination of the robot support prostate complete removal (RARP) pN1 case
筒井顕郎, 柳井建二, 児浦未季史, 福地源司郎, 安達拓未, 原野正彦
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 225-225, 2022.

Japanese Article O31-6. Examination about the resection stump-positive case of the robot support peritoneoscope lower total prostatectomy in our hospital
安野恭平, 前田隼太, 大場健史, 丸山聡, 田中宏和
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 225-225, 2022.

Japanese Article O32-1. One case of the carcinoma in situ of the bladder which presented secondary Paget's Disease out of the breast to vagina, a labia
塚田光1), 早川望1), 松原圭輔1), 佐々木雅英1), 山田龍治1), 青木直人1), 相田紘一朗1), 中澤龍斗1), 篠田和伸1), 丸井祐二1), 小池淳樹2), 菊地栄次1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 225-225, 2022.

Japanese Article O32-2. An example of the bladder cancer which accepted plasmacytoid variant
生田弘文, 室岡和樹, 濱砂良一
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 226-226, 2022.

Japanese Article O32-3. One patient who detected a bladder origin adenocarcinoma after the sigmoid vesicostomy
井邊有紀, 矢津田旬二, 倉橋竜磨, 脊川卓也, 元島崇信, 村上洋嗣, 杉山豊, 神波大己
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 226-226, 2022.

Japanese Article O32-4. One case of the allantoic membrane ductal carcinoma
藤井孝法1), 寺本友真2), 花本昌紀1), 土井啓介1), 高村剛輔1), 中田哲也1), 小倉一真3)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 226-226, 2022.

Japanese Article O32-5. One case of condyloma-like cancer which occurred in the residual bladder urethra after the urinary diversion technique
花房隆範, 山中庸平, 今津哲央
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 226-226, 2022.

Japanese Article O32-6. One patient who preoperative chemotherapy was provided for progress allantoic membrane ductal carcinoma, and was able to obtain radical excision
横井那哉, 與那嶺智子, 田崎新資, 呉屋真人, 大城吉則
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 227-227, 2022.

Japanese Article O32-7. One patient who maintains long-term SD by bevacizumab + FOLFIRI therapy for the allantoic membrane ductal carcinoma which it is hard to resect with multiple metastases to bone
鈴木大一郎, 杉原直哉, 山川真季, 佐伯佳央里, 河野玲奈, 渡辺隆太, 野田輝乙, 西村謙一, 福本哲也, 三浦徳宣, 宮内勇貴, 菊川忠彦, 雑賀隆史
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 227-227, 2022.

Japanese Article O33-1. One case of the bladder adenocarcinoma which followed a rapid outcome
宗田大二郎, 榮枝一磨, 津川昌也
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 227-227, 2022.

Japanese Article O33-2. An example of the bladder cancer that the recurrence in the pelvis became clear by a cytologic test of re-three
鵜川聖也, 岩田健宏, 富永悠介, 定平卓也, 片山聡, 西村慎吾, 別宮謙介, 枝村康平, 小林知子, 小林泰之, 渡部昌実, 渡邉豊彦, 荒木元朗
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 227-227, 2022.

Japanese Article O33-3. One case of the recurrent bladder cancer which developed a disseminated BCG infection from head to foot during the infusion therapy in the BCG bladder
呉屋真人, 横井那哉, 與那嶺智子, 田崎新資, 大城吉則
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 228-228, 2022.

Japanese Article O33-4. 1 case that PR was obtained by Pembrolizumab administration for the multiple metastases to lung that produced after the renal-pelvis cancer technique and secondary bladder cancer postoperatively
原芳紀1), 藤川直也1), 山崎将頌1), 河本寛治1), 長本章裕2), 長田裕3)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 228-228, 2022.

Japanese Article O33-5. An example of metastatic urethral cancer that Pembrolizumab succeeded
望月拓, 喜納悠斗, 松本玲応奈, 花井孝宏, 三好康秀, 千葉喜美男
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 228-228, 2022.

Japanese Article O33-6. One case that Pembrolizumab succeeded for bladder small cell carcinoma
鮎瀬知彦1), 北川高士1), 下木原航太1), 蓼沼知之1), 古目谷暢1), 伊藤悠亮1), 村岡研太郎1), 林成彦1), 蓮見壽史1), 槙山和秀1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 228-228, 2022.

Japanese Article O34-1. Examination about the effectiveness of the ureter balloon die military ration in our hospital
古倉和紀, 渡部淳, 宅間敬晃, 植村祐一, 植垣正幸, 白波瀬敏明
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 229-229, 2022.

Japanese Article O34-2. Example that an ureteral stent detained you for acute pain associated with the ureter sciatic hernia, and was improved
野村武史, 林一誠, 森優, 伊達成基, 納谷佳男
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 229-229, 2022.

Japanese Article O34-3. It is one patient of the revelation circumcaval ureter during right kidney ureter total extraction technique
森田祥平, 藤岡大貴, 島田良希, 田中幹人, 西川昌友, 原口貴裕
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 229-229, 2022.

Japanese Article O34-4. Clinical examination of the stent graft custody technique for the ureteral artery fistula in our hospital
小野聡真1), 西岡遵1), 兵頭洋二1), 寺川智章1), 千葉公嗣1), 古川順也1), 重村克巳1), 中野雄造1), 岡田卓也2), 山口雅人2), 藤澤正人1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 229-229, 2022.

Japanese Article O34-5. A diagnosis and treatment of the essential renal bleeding using the flexible ureter mirror in the Abiko Toho Hospital
松井幸英, 大槻英男, 萩原琢也, 本郷智拡, 児島宏典, 山崎智也, 磯野誠, 藤尾圭
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 230-230, 2022.

Japanese Article O35-1. Examination about the retroperitoneal mirror lower total nephroureterectomy postoperative intravesical recurrence in the upper part urinary tract cancer
宗宮伸弥1), 小寺沢成紀1), 灰谷崇夫1), 東義人1), 山田仁1), 寒野徹1), 小堀豪2), 諸井誠司2), 赤尾利弥3)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 230-230, 2022.

Japanese Article O35-2. Examination of the effectiveness according to renal pelvis/ureter part with the Gemcitabine + Cisplatin therapy before operation for upper urinary tract epithelial cancer
小羽田悠貴, 林哲太郎, 田坂亮, 福島貴郁, 武本健士郎, 宮本俊輔, 馬場崎隆志, 小畠浩平, 北野弘之, 後藤景介, 池田健一郎, 稗田圭介, 日向信之
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 230-230, 2022.

Japanese Article O35-3. Can an ureter mirror in front of the art become the risk factor for an intravesical recurrence after the kidney ureter total extraction?
坂本昭彦1), 大石真之介1), 窪田雄介1), 田邊邦明1), 杉山和隆1), 松本明彦1), 天野裕之2), 中川徹3), 久米春喜4)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 230-230, 2022.

Japanese Article O35-4. The neutrophilic/lymphocytes ratio in upper urinary tract epithelial cancer, examination of the usefulness as the systemic inflammatory exponential pre-rear predictor of immunity
浅海昭宏, 小羽田悠貴, 林哲太郎, 福島貴郁, 武本健士郎, 馬場崎隆志, 宮本俊輔, 小畠浩平, 北野弘之, 池田健一郎, 後藤景介, 稗田圭介, 日向信之
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 231-231, 2022.

Japanese Article O35-5. Significance of the ureter mirror for the renal pelvis ureter tumor
西村裕貴, 岩西利親, 稲垣裕介, 吉岡巌, 高山仁志
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 231-231, 2022.

Japanese Article O35-6. A renal function change before and after the kidney ureter total extraction for perioperative chemotherapy in upper urinary tract epithelial cancer and examination of the associated factor
桐島史明, 小羽田悠貴, 林哲太郎, 福島貴郁, 武本健士郎, 馬場崎隆志, 宮本俊輔, 小畠浩平, 北野弘之, 池田健一郎, 後藤景介, 稗田圭介, 日向信之
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 231-231, 2022.

Japanese Article O36-1. Ipilimumab for progressive renal cell carcinoma of metastases to bone alone, examination of the nivolumab combination therapy
芝原拓児1), 中谷穂1), 岡本尭1), 松本龍貴1), 大西毅尚1), 落合悟2), 伊井憲子2)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 231-231, 2022.

Japanese Article O36-2. One case of the renal carcinoma which aggravated it after the temsirolimus administration, and was treated with Avelumab and Axitinib
各務裕, 松橋恵理子, 野村俊一郎
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 232-232, 2022.

Japanese Article O36-3. Use experience of the Avelumab + Axitinib combination therapy in progressive renal cell carcinoma
末金宏基, 植田浩介, 伊東直城, 渡辺晃太, 築井克聡, 上村慶一郎, 西原聖顕, 名切信, 松尾光哲, 末金茂高, 井川掌
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 232-232, 2022.

Japanese Article O36-4. Experience with Cabozantinib as Sequential Therapy for Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma
甲斐友喜1,2), 中島駿佑1), 安部怜樹1), 岩崎和範1), 篠原麻由香1), 羽田真郎1), 澁谷忠正1), 安藤忠助1), 秦聡孝1), 三股浩光1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 232-232, 2022.

Japanese Article O36-5. Usefulness of the Cabozantinib for progressive renal cell carcinoma
高島靖, 渡邊拓樹, 舟橋優里奈, 高岡直澄, 藤原真希, 川西博晃, 奥村和弘
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 232-232, 2022.

Japanese Article O36-6. Initial use experience of the combination therapy of the immune checkpoint inhibitor and tyrosine kinase inhibitor for progress renal cell carcinoma in our hospital
徳永貴範, 鄭泰秀
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 233-233, 2022.

Japanese Article O36-7. Early experience of the Pembrolizumab Axitinib combination therapy for the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma in our hospital
松崎信治, 岡市司, 志熊紘行, 長坂啓司, 浅井聖史, 矢野明, 田丁貴俊
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 233-233, 2022.

Japanese Article O36-8. Treatment result of the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma in the immune checkpoint inhibitor era
白石祐介, 古川順也, 平田淳一郎, 植木秀登, 佐野貴紀, 脇田直人, 岡村泰義, 坂東由加里, 原琢人, 寺川智章, 中野雄造, 藤澤正人
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 233-233, 2022.

Japanese Article O36-9. The case that was treated effectively with nivolumab, ipilimumab combination therapy for inferior vena cava tumor emboli of the left renal carcinoma
嘉川春生, 古謝将之
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 233-233, 2022.

Japanese Article O37-1. Early experience of robot support peritoneoscope lower heminephrectomy (RAPN) in our hospital
諸隈太, 武富英典, 三浦章成, 井上裕之, 佐藤暢晃
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 234-234, 2022.

Japanese Article O37-2. Examination about the factor of the renal function early after the operation in the robot support lower heminephrectomy
横井那哉, 與那嶺智子, 田崎新資, 呉屋真人, 大城吉則
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 234-234, 2022.

Japanese Article O37-3. About correlation of renal artery ischemia time and the eGFR rate of decline of RAPN
二宮郁, 毛利晨佑, 宗宮快, 瀬戸太介, 安宅祐一朗, 中西茂雄, 柳原豊, 岡本賢二郎, 山師定, 菅政治
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 234-234, 2022.

Japanese Article O37-4. Initial treatment results of robot support peritoneoscope lower heminephrectomy (RAPN) in our hospital
新里博, 宮城亮太, 大西弘重, 大山朝弘
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 234-234, 2022.

Japanese Article O37-5. Surgery results of the heminephrectomy in our hospital
長谷川泰久, 藤田曙, 行廣和真, 増本弘史
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 235-235, 2022.

Japanese Article O38-1. Examination of the follow-up with the image of the renal mass
堀永実, 進藤雅人
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 235-235, 2022.

Japanese Article O38-2. One case of the renal carcinoma multiple metastases that came by nivolumab chronic administration by combined modality therapy
宇都宮紀明, 大城碩輝, 中保良太, 清水洋祐, 金丸聰淳
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 235-235, 2022.

Japanese Article O38-3. One case using a checkpoint inhibitor immune for a renal carcinoma-like unknown primary cancer, the neovascularisation inhibitor
坂田裕介, 松下一樹, 石井淳一郎
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 235-235, 2022.

Japanese Article O38-4. One case of the metastatic renal-cell carcinoma which the radical excision that racked its brains about the correspondence of the immune-mediated adverse event with the Ipilimumab, Nivolumab administration is impossible of
大城琢磨, 知念尚之, 玉城光由
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 236-236, 2022.

Japanese Article O38-5. Three cases of hereditary leiomyomatosis renal cell carcinoma
吉岡拓哉, 新崎隼一, 高江洲大, 松尾智誠, 安田想, 下地昭久, 上間南海子, 泉惠一朗, 仲西昌太郎, 芦刈明日香, 木村隆, 斎藤誠一
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 236-236, 2022.

Japanese Article O38-6. One case of the kidney origin haemangiosarcoma which followed the sudden course
中保良太1), 清水洋祐1), 大城碩輝1), 山口立樹2), 請田翔子3), 宇都宮紀明1), 浅井沙月4), 石原美佐4), 橋本公夫4), 金丸聰淳1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 236-236, 2022.

Japanese Article O38-7. Two cases that presented hypophysial hypoadrenalism by ipilimumab + nivolumab combination therapy
榮枝一磨1), 宗田大二郎1), 渡部智文2), 津川昌也1)
The Nishinihon Journal of Urology (suppl): 236-236, 2022.