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Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society

Volume , Issue suppl / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article "Join going open comes", and spondarthritis society 29th arts and sciences meeting in Japan informs it of chairperson greetings
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 1-1, 2019.

Japanese Article LS. Etiology of a tendon, the ligament hold fast disorder and basic knowledge ... for condition of a patient - spondarthritis treatment
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 21-21, 2019.

English Article SS. Pathophysiology of PsA : from bench to bedside
Elizabeth Guilhon de Araujo
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 22-22, 2019.

English Article ES. The progressive nature of axSpA : why early and effective treatment matters for radiographic progression and how TNF acts on disease progression
Denis Poddubnyy
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 23-23, 2019.

Japanese Article MS1. The condition of a patient and treatment strategy of spondarthritis (SpA) to examine with an image
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 24-24, 2019.

Japanese Article MS2. About possibility and the limit of the joint echo in SpA
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 25-25, 2019.

Japanese Article ES1-1. The role of spontaneous lymphocytes in the condition of a patient of the autoimmune disease and recent knowledge
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 26-26, 2019.

Japanese Article ES1-2. Participation of the intestinal tract immunity in the condition of a patient of SpA and IBD
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 27-27, 2019.

Japanese Article ES2-1. It is ... from the viewpoint of the current situation and the representative of the SpA practice in Japan of problems - patients association
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 28-28, 2019.

Japanese Article ES2-2. The current situation and problem, the future prospects of the SpA diagnosis in Japan
冨田哲也(1), 松原優里(2), 中村好一(2)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 29-29, 2019.

Japanese Article O1-1. Examination of the detection frequency of the asymptomatic psoriatic arthritis views by the Doppler evaluation using the joint echo in patients with psoriasis and the clinical significance
田淵裕也(1), 本田哲也(2), 橋本求(3), 秋月修治(1), 中嶋蘭(1), 村上孝作(1), 吉藤元(1), 田中真生(3), 西谷江平(3,4), 村田浩一(3,4), 伊藤宣(3,4), 大村浩一郎(1)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 32-32, 2019.

Japanese Article O1-2. About an association between onset and skin disease severity and BMI of the joint symptom in patients with psoriasis
万代幸司(1,2), 乾健太郎(2), 岡野匡志(2), 山田祐太郎(2), 吉村仁志(5), 小池達也(3,4), 中村博亮(2)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 32-32, 2019.

Japanese Article O1-3. Examination of the BASDAI score in the psoriatic arthritis
市川奈緒美(1), 谷口敦夫(1), 常深祐一郎(2), 小林里実(2), 赤津みどり(1), 瀬戸洋平(1,3), 針谷正祥(1)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 33-33, 2019.

Japanese Article O1-4. Association between diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis and the inflammatory bowel disease-related joint pain and clinical manifestations and MMP-3 level
吉村仁志(1), 岡野匡志(2), 万代幸司(5), 山田祐太郎(2), 立石千晴(6), 鶴田大輔(6), 杉岡優子(3), 小池達也(3,4), 中村博亮(2)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 33-33, 2019.

Japanese Article O2-1. Secukinumab phase III study (MEASURE2-J) for patients with Japanese active ankylosing spondylitis
岸本暢将(1), 谷口敦夫(2), 藤重綾子(3), 金子周平(3), Porter Brian(4), Haemmerle Sibylle(5), 小林茂人(6)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 34-34, 2019.

Japanese Article O2-2. Prevalence study of the clinical manifestations in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and the axon-related lesion in the video diagnosis
岡野匡志(1), 乾健太郎(1), 万代幸司(1), 山田祐太郎(1), 杉岡優子(2), 小池達也(2,3), 中村博亮(1)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 34-34, 2019.

Japanese Article O2-3. Examination about clinical features of pustulosis palmaris et plantaris-related osteoarthritis (PAO: pustulotic arthro-osteitis) and the treatment
辻成佳(1), 石原陽子(2), 岸本暢将(3), 西川浩文(4), 谷口義典(4), 冨田哲也(5)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 35-35, 2019.

Japanese Article O2-4. Psychiatric diagnosis of patients with spondarthritis in the chronic pain outpatient department
三木健司(1,2), 行岡正雄(2)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 35-35, 2019.

Japanese Article O3-1. One case of the SAPHO syndrome complicated with IgA nephropathy
有井薫, 辻和也, 坂本敬, 小松俊哉, 安田早佑理
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 36-36, 2019.

Japanese Article O3-2. 1 case that was introduced on the suspicion of psoriatic arthritis, and was treated arthritis syphilitica and a diagnosis
平田絢子(1), 小倉剛久(1), 中村飛鳥(1), 片桐翔治(1), 高倉悠人(1), 井上有希(1), 武中さや佳(1), 荒尾和哉(2), 新山史朗(2), 亀田秀人(1)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 36-36, 2019.

Japanese Article O3-3. Three cases of HLA-B (46, 61)-positive Axial-SpA where two patients had a diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis type PsA
答島章公(1), 米田和夫(1), 鈴江愛(1), 山田祐嗣(2), 鹿島正弘(2), 吉田直之(2), 高見博文(2)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 37-37, 2019.

Japanese Article O3-4. An example of RF-positive ACPA-positive unclassifiable type youth characteristics idiopathy joint pain (JIA) whom edema of the dorsum of foot was characterized by
中野直子(1), 甲斐達也(2), 水木伸一(2)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 37-37, 2019.

Japanese Article P1-1. Examination of the usefulness of adalimumab for patients with psoriatic arthritis
森田明理, 奥山隆平, 加藤則人, 立石千晴, 益田浩司, 小川英作, 牧野貴充, 西田絵美, 鶴田大輔, 尹浩信
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 38-38, 2019.

Japanese Article P1-2. The effectiveness of the antiIL-17 inhibitor for the psoriatic arthritis in our hospital
亀田智広, 中島崇作, 宮城太一, 脇谷理紗, 加藤幹也, Mahmoud Mai, 島田裕美, 門脇則光, 土橋浩章
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 38-38, 2019.

Japanese Article P1-3. Hold fast evaluation by a supersonic wave and the palpation in the psoriatic arthritis
山田祐太郎(1), 乾健太郎(1), 岡野匡志(1), 万代幸司(1,2), 杉岡優子(3), 小池達也(3), 立石千晴(4), 鶴田大輔(4), 中村博亮(1)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 39-39, 2019.

Japanese Article P1-4. Examination of the treatment with biological drug for the spondarthritis in our hospital
矢部寛樹, 渡邉萌理, 小橋川剛, 八子徹, 南家由紀, 寺井千尋, 小竹茂
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 39-39, 2019.

Japanese Article P1-5. Effect with the TNF inhibition treatment on blood IL-17 level of patients with spondarthritis
村上美帆(1,2), 西本憲弘(1,2)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 40-40, 2019.

Japanese Article P2-1. Axon-related spondarthritis whole country epidemiologic survey
冨田哲也(1), 松原優里(2), 中村好一(2)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 40-40, 2019.

Japanese Article P2-2. Examination of spondarthritis in our hospital and the diagnosed case
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 41-41, 2019.

English Article P2-3. Treatment Patterns Among Japanese Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) : Hospital Claims Database Analysis
冨田哲也(1), 佐藤昌代(2), Rohan C. Parikh(3), Elizabeth Esterberg(3), Samantha K. Kurosky(3), 萩森恒平(2), 中條航(2)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 41-41, 2019.

Japanese Article P2-4. Arthritis reactive of patients with Japanese bladder cancer which received the infusion therapy in the BCG bladder, uveal flame, incidence and HLA phenotypic examination (single institution prospective study) of conjunctivitis
西川浩文(1), 谷口義典(1), 小笠原真沙実(1), 猪谷哲司(1), 辛島尚(2), 吉永泰彦(3), 岸本暢将(4), 小林茂人(5), 寺田典生(1)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 42-42, 2019.

Japanese Article P2-5. It is the comparison between areas fact-finding 2019 of the axon-related spondarthritis by multicenter epidemiologic studies
吉川卓宏(1), 多田久里守(2), 井上久(3), 小林茂人(4), 浦野房三(5), 梅田雅孝(6), 川上純(6), 佐々木貴紀(7), 竹内勤(7), 大西直樹(8), 渥美達也(8), 平田絢子(9), 亀田秀人(9), 近藤正一(10), 公文義雄(11), 田村直人(2), 松井聖(1)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 42-42, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-1. An example of "the ankylosing spondylitis" that resulted in purulent gonitis due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa during treatment in infliximab
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 43-43, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-2. An example of the tuberculous ileosacral arthritis that developed in an ANCA-related vasculitis, maintenance dialysis
中村友之(1), 清水克修(1), 関香織(1), 埴岡裕介(1), 中村遼太(1), 山上啓子(1), 後藤仁志(1), 並川崇(2)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 43-43, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-3. The case that paradoxical reaction with the TNF inhibitor administration appeared, and was improved by IL-17 inhibitor administration
多田久里守(1), 小林茂人(2), 大久保ゆかり(4), 林絵利(1), 井上久(3), 山路健(1), 田村直人(1)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 44-44, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-4. Two reports of Guselkumab treatment for refractory palmoplantar pustulosis osteoarthritis
田村誠朗, 吉川卓宏, 横山雄一, 古川哲也, 橋本哲平, 森本麻衣, 東直人, 松井聖
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 44-44, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-5. One case of the ankylosing spondylitis that body function restrictions improved by Adalimumab and bilateral total hip replacement remarkably
馬場識至, 西川瑠璃子, 関香織, 野里聡子, 宮城瑠美子, 角田慎一郎
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 45-45, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-6. Rare one case in acknowledgment of improvement of the lump inflammatory for the psoriasis vulgaris that resulted in inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm by ad usum externum medical treatment
雪平奈緒子, 小橋川剛, 八子徹, 渡邉萌里, 矢部寛樹, 南家由紀, 出光俊郎, 堀大治郎, 小竹茂
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 45-45, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-7. Have the onset for periphery joint pain, is an example with suspected arthritis reactive from abdominal lymphadenopathy and ileosacral arthritis
浅野諒子(1), 篠田晃一郎(1), 多喜博文(1), 戸邉一之(1), 小林茂人(2)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 46-46, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-8. Examination of the bamboo spine simple X-ray photogram with the treatment with biological drug of the ankylosing spondylitis
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 46-46, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-9. One case of the axon-related spondarthritis captivated by a diagnosis, treatment
原口和史(1,2,3), 吉野興一郎(1), 松浦恒明(2)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 47-47, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-10. One case of pustulosis palmaris et plantaris-related osteoarthritis that developed IgA vasculitis (Henoch-Schonlein) during secukinumab administration
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 47-47, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-11. It is two patients with the polymyalgia rheumatica symptom for SAPHO syndrome
友澤翔, 河野宗平, 藤田勝, 冨永康浩, 藤井充, 松田芳郎, 渡部昌平
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 48-48, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-12. An example of the SAPHO syndrome who had the IgA vasculitis
石田裕, 緒方篤, 比嘉慎二, 河本恵介, 吉峰由子, 石川那智, 川田翔司
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 48-48, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-13. An example of the ankylosing spondylitis that an AV block was the opportunity of the diagnosis
河本恵介, 川田翔司, 石川那智, 吉峰由子, 石田裕, 比嘉慎二, 緒方篤
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-14. One case of the nerve sarcoidosis that needed spondarthritis and differentiation
高山義裕, 小山賢介, 波呂浩孝
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-15. An example of the psoriatic arthritis that we came to the hospital for main complaint for sciatica, and discitis was a presenting symptom
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 50-50, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-16. An example of the arthritis reactive (Poncet's disease: Poncet's disease) that racked its brains about differentiation with fungous arthritis and the rheumatoid arthritis
北村卓司(1), 東口将佳(2), 西岡紘治(2), 松本智成(2), 山本隆文(1)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 50-50, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-17. Example that secukinumab was effective for the psoriatic arthritis that complicated nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
中島崇作, 亀田智広, 島田裕美, Mai Mahmoud Fahmy Mansour, 脇谷理沙, 加藤幹也, 宮城太一, 土橋浩章
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 51-51, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-18. An example of the psoriatic arthritis that produced cervical spine rotation restrictions in acknowledgment of a new life bone around a cervical spine dens
辻成佳(1), 東山眞里(2), 橋本淳(1), 野口貴明(1), 冨田哲也(3)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 51-51, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-19. Example that tonsillectomy was effective for treatment-resistant SAPHO syndrome
西川瑠璃子, 角田慎一郎, 宮城瑠美子, 野里聡子, 関香織, 馬場識至, 大北莉奈
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 52-52, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-20. An example of the SAPHO syndrome which racked its brains about differentiation with the diffuse idiopathic hyperostosis with the tightening of the whole body during medical treatment of the ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament of cervical spine
上野明子, 廣瀬啓, 平田愛美, 山村裕理子, 山村昌弘
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 52-52, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-21. One case of the enthesopathy associated with ankylosing spondylitis and the diagnosed vit D resistant rickets
平田愛美, 廣瀬啓, 山村裕理子, 上野明子, 山村昌弘
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 53-53, 2019.

Japanese Article P3-22. Including the examination of the effect of the tonsillectomy of 15 example - our hospital spondarthritis of the peripheral type spondarthritis treated effectively with tonsillectomy after the course of onset ten several years -
公文義雄(1), 吉田剛(1), 近澤宏明(1), 土井彰(2), 小林茂人(3)
Journal of Japan Spondyloarthritis Society (suppl): 53-53, 2019.