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Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care

Volume , Issue suppl / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article We say hello in the ninth Japan home health care association arts and sciences meeting holding
佐野けさ美, 椎名美恵子
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 1-1, 2019.

Japanese Article Trend - subject of the service standardization from a thing to a thing (service)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 48-48, 2019.

Japanese Article From the activity of thing - - Tokyo temporary nursing at home station association which both symbiosis society - you who tie it and I have by home health care -
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article Area, home health care theory in the nursing basic education
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 52-52, 2019.

Japanese Article For own possibility
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 54-54, 2019.

Japanese Article ... which lives in ordinary life - area
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 56-56, 2019.

Japanese Article About the directionality of understanding and the supporter of the care service to receive in an area
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 57-57, 2019.

Japanese Article ... area inclusion care system and treatment at home ... toward the local symbiosis society
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 58-58, 2019.

Japanese Article It is ... from the settings of practice - visit practice of the dementia care in the area
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 60-60, 2019.

Japanese Article The efforts which people with dementia are areas "commonly" and are continued living in
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 61-61, 2019.

Japanese Article Role ... of meaning - psychiatry health visitor of our being concerned
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 62-62, 2019.

Japanese Article About inflection of the specific act training in the at-home domain
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 64-64, 2019.

Japanese Article Utilization and effect of the specific act in the home health care
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 65-65, 2019.

Japanese Article With an activity after the specific act training completion, actually
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 66-66, 2019.

Japanese Article We think about why people and the person assist it from - "disorder"
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 68-68, 2019.

Japanese Article Temporary nursing at home to support a living and the quality of person in the place where we lived so long
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 69-69, 2019.

Japanese Article The discharge support from the medical treatment bed and community improvement to be able to live in peace
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 70-70, 2019.

Japanese Article Is the home health care center which job = I to protect health of the people regard as a community a fantasy?
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 72-72, 2019.

Japanese Article It is surveyed in the future of temporary nursing at home, the caring at home system in a quarter of century, the times of care insurance, the area inclusion care by the temporary nursing at home system foundation
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 73-73, 2019.

Japanese Article Look back on the foundation and the foundation of the temporary nursing at home system of the nursing-care insurance system
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 74-74, 2019.

Japanese Article Signpost to temporary nursing at home - future
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 75-75, 2019.

Japanese Article The family medical way in the area that a foreign resident increases
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 78-78, 2019.

Japanese Article - to regard community improvement as a connection from the support to the people in the - homeless person state making the community through support
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 79-79, 2019.

Japanese Article Diverse sexuality and coexistence in society as seen through カラフル@はーと group activities
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 80-80, 2019.

Japanese Article The current situation and problem of the quality evaluation of the temporary nursing at home
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 82-82, 2019.

Japanese Article The prospects in development and the practice application of the Japanese edition Omaha system for the visualization of the temporary nursing at home practice
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 83-83, 2019.

Japanese Article Efforts - VENUS project ... of the quality evaluation of the temporary nursing at home
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 84-84, 2019.

Japanese Article If we look and have of a multi-plane, it was like this and looks ... and, from a strength and the problem of the multi-plane service, thinks about future possibility
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 86-86, 2019.

Japanese Article We provide it comfortably, and leave it and take care of areas comprehensive bowel movement from 0 years old of the tweet to 100 years old yes
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 88-88, 2019.

Japanese Article Regulations of the study ethic examination of the main meeting and future problem
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 90-90, 2019.

Japanese Article We will do visualization of the temporary nursing at home practice! - Case study - to work in the front line of the temporary nursing at home
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 92-92, 2019.

Japanese Article Let's think about Disaster Prevention, disaster prevention education to be possible in their areas
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 94-94, 2019.

Japanese Article Art to support the treatment at home of patients with diabetes
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 96-96, 2019.

Japanese Article It is ... by the new standard of a trend and the field of problem - enteral feeding of the domestic product accompanied with the change of the connector-related world standard (ISO) in the end of November, 2021 on a deadline
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 100-100, 2019.

Japanese Article O-01. The need of the nursing intervention which we looked at the rear of the patients who underwent stoma ostomy and saw from mark investigation
井藤智恵1), 宮脇由江1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 103-103, 2019.

Japanese Article O-02. One case - that we turned thought and the wish of patients family and effect - patients family of the multi-type of job cooperation that assumed a rehabilitation program a tool into utility
小田嶋裕之1), 片岡今日子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 103-103, 2019.

Japanese Article O-03. Disaster prevention, disaster questionnaire actual situation report in the temporary nursing at home station
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 104-104, 2019.

Japanese Article O-04. Conduct the fire drill of the role tower of the health visitor whom a temporary nursing at home station manager recognizes for a tower required at a disaster required
田中美樹1), 植村小夜子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 104-104, 2019.

Japanese Article O-05. The current situation of the efforts about the risk management of the health visitor
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 105-105, 2019.

Japanese Article O-06. Characteristic of the temporary nursing at home in the legal system
酒井美絵子1), 蒔田寛子2), 尾崎章子3), 川村佐和子4)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 105-105, 2019.

Japanese Article O-07. Study on development prevention of the urgent visit request state to be able to put outside business hours
中野康子1), 川村佐和子2), 佐野けさ美3), 宮田乃有4)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 106-106, 2019.

Japanese Article O-08. Activity report (the second report) of the temporary nursing at home station by the educational foundation
岡部美保1), 棚橋さつき2), 新井明子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 106-106, 2019.

Japanese Article O-09. Internal use approach to the cancer terminally ill patients in being at home
澤野真秀1), 内田貞輔1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 107-107, 2019.

Japanese Article O-10. There is it because it is the issue of 8050 temporary nursing at home of ... other supporting the power that mother nursing a son continues living for
齋藤貴美子1), 橋本眞紀2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 107-107, 2019.

Japanese Article O-11. The end-of-life care example that we introduced enforcement and evaluation (the second report) ICT of the telemedicine for "end-of-life care support" in being at home into
林啓子1), 川口孝泰2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 108-108, 2019.

Japanese Article O-12. The temporary nursing at home that supported the thought that wanted to live in the house of the dementia cancer terminal patient and the wife who wanted to grant it by a family unit
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 108-108, 2019.

Japanese Article O-13. Care and the use that a person of nursing hopes for for child development support service of support contents from the analysis of the question paper at start
富岡里江1), 西留美子2), 篠原実穂2), 益田育子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 109-109, 2019.

Japanese Article O-14. Relation ... of support - child care project team to a nurse practicing the temporary nursing at home of medical care children
依田育子1), 山田直美2), 佐藤十美2), 本田美由紀2), 川村美和2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 109-109, 2019.

Japanese Article O-15. Support experience and support contents of the health visitor for the brothers of children with the medical care
高木歩実1), 杉浦太一2), 田中千代3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 110-110, 2019.

Japanese Article O-16. We tracheotomize it newly and are performed and support the at-home life of the children with medical care family that became the respirator management
大橋麻子1), 板垣信子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 110-110, 2019.

Japanese Article O-17. Team approach for the independence of patients with neurologic intractable disease in the youth
飯田直子1), 飯塚三恵子1), 佐藤秋代1), 山下すみ1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 111-111, 2019.

Japanese Article O-18. From temporary nursing at home of the support -9 year to elderly people with dementia to continue a single life while there is anxiety -
作山美智子1), 佐々木喜代子2), 安藤莉香1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 111-111, 2019.

Japanese Article O-19. Role ... of the nurse skin, excretion care authorization to belong to a case - temporary nursing at home station that a pressure sore with the infection healed
山口みどり1), 川崎広志1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 112-112, 2019.

Japanese Article O-20. It is ... from the relation to the daughter that ... ultrahigh voltage electron microscope age mother death of parent to consider a meaning of the example examination using GSV noticing a self-problem as a health visitor is not accepted
稗田洋子1), 大橋奈美2), 田端支普2), 笹山志帆子2), 松岡規代3), 北直美4), 藤原優子5), 久田玲子6), 久保好子7), 山本かおり8), 岡本双美子9), 橋本眞紀10)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 112-112, 2019.

Japanese Article O-21. Fall prophylactic - that we worked on with support - person, the family of the health visitor to the progressive supranuclear palsy medical treatment person who repeated a fall
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 113-113, 2019.

Japanese Article O-22. Of a role and the multi-type of job cooperation of the health visitor whom the family of the user arrested, actually
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 114-114, 2019.

Japanese Article O-23. A temporary nursing at home authorization nurse and clinical nurse specialist, characteristic of home health care practice and the multi-type of job cooperation of the health visitor
大橋奈美1), 岡本双美子2), 小泉亜紀子2), 田端支普1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 114-114, 2019.

Japanese Article O-24. Problem in the multi-type of job cooperation training program enforcement to promote understanding of the at-home return support
酒井知子1), 田中悠美1), 岩崎厚子2), 廣畑かおる2), 今福恵子3), 冨安眞理1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 115-115, 2019.

Japanese Article O-25. The actual situation about the cooperation with the health visitor by the visit care staff
原口道子1), 松田千春1), 中山優季1), 板垣ゆみ1), 笠原康代1), 小倉朗子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 115-115, 2019.

Japanese Article O-26. The consideration which we saw from examination according to the time of the cooperation with a health visitor and the visit pharmacist in the A temporary nursing at home station
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 116-116, 2019.

Japanese Article O-27. It is ... from the swing return marks of the house staff having examination ... at-home visit experience of "the encounter" to bind being at home with a hospital together effectively
畑吉節未1), 鵜飼知鶴1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 116-116, 2019.

Japanese Article O-28. For the realization of the patients care service that is integrated from - discharge support for PFM (patients support center) establishment -
徳永なおみ1), 池田恵理1), 坂本裕美1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 117-117, 2019.

Japanese Article O-29. Difficulties and coping in the practice that the new discharge support nurse experiences
佐藤知子1), 伊藤隆子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 117-117, 2019.

Japanese Article O-30. Efforts in the ward for the at-home life of the elderly both thighs amputee
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 118-118, 2019.

Japanese Article O-31. A function and problem of the home care support in the outpatient department of the local core hospital
横内理乃1), 依田純子1), 泉宗美恵1), 佐藤悦子1), 秋山奈菜子2), 金子仁美3), 武田真弓4), 穴水美和5)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 118-118, 2019.

Japanese Article O-32. Practice report of the discharge support using an examination "dream" and "talks" about the nursing intervention promoting the decision making for the discharge
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 119-119, 2019.

Japanese Article O-33. The actual situation and problem about the cooperation behavior after talking with a treatment at home cooperation base "refreshing counselor's office"
鈴木志律江1), 西田美保子1), 佐々木花奈2), 塚原紀子2), 大久保桂子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 119-119, 2019.

Japanese Article O-34. Medical treatment trip before the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS-D) patients with dementia becoming the noninvasive artificial respiration all day
松田千春1), 原口道子1), 中山優季1), 板垣ゆみ1), 笠原康代1), 小倉朗子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 120-120, 2019.

Japanese Article O-35. The current situation and problem of the use of temporary nursing at home of patients with intractable disease
板垣ゆみ1), 中山優季1), 原口道子1), 松田千春1), 笠原康代1), 小倉朗子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 120-120, 2019.

Japanese Article O-36. How to catch health visitors about the spiritual pain of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis medical treatment person in being at home
河村理絵1), 泉宗美恵2), 佐藤悦子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 121-121, 2019.

Japanese Article O-37. Examination about the medical treatment life support needs of the family caring for Parkinson's disease elderly people
冨安眞理1), 長谷部美紀2), 青木瞳2), 加納江理3), 田中悠美1), 酒井知子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 122-122, 2019.

Japanese Article O-38. From the relation using the concept of support - concordance of the self-care promotion through the talks of a Parkinson's disease user and the medical person -
小倉遊1), 内田繭子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 122-122, 2019.

Japanese Article O-39. Literature review about the support of the nurse to a family living together with the child in the hikikomori state
鈴木久子1), 関川久美子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 123-123, 2019.

Japanese Article O-40. The role of the "出張 暮らしの保健室" to enable elderly people to continue living in their familiar homes - Proposal for an effective support model by visiting nurses -
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 123-123, 2019.

Japanese Article O-41. Decision aiding ... which fixed its eyes on necessary life before role - discharge of the health visitor in the conference before discharge
宮崎美保1), 大橋奈美2), 前田知美3), 林照子4), 岡本双美子5), 橋本眞紀6)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 124-124, 2019.

Japanese Article O-42. Practice of the pediatric temporary nursing at home of the new college graduate nurse
樋口安喜子1), 塙真美子1), 塙慎太郎1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 124-124, 2019.

Japanese Article O-43. A characteristic and nursing of the selected nurse in the temporary nursing at home
佐藤千津代1), 鈴木浩子2), 富田真佐子2), 村田加奈子2), 渡部光恵1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 125-125, 2019.

Japanese Article O-44. The current situation and problem of the physician's performance which a selected nurse in the temporary nursing at home practices
渡部光恵1), 佐藤千津代1), 富田真佐子2), 鈴木浩子2), 村田加奈子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 125-125, 2019.

Japanese Article O-45. Effect of in connection with the acute phase hospital by the selected act nurse with the temporary nursing at home station
笹山志帆子1), 田端支普1), 大橋奈美1), 中西恵美2), 春岡登志子2), 岡本双美子3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 126-126, 2019.

Japanese Article O-46. Factor associated with the work engagement of the health visitor
下山みゆき1), 木立るり子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 126-126, 2019.

Japanese Article O-47. Process - of the growth based on new college graduate educational program shiningly one year - of the visit nurse
船渡川奈央1), 種子田みちよ1), 新井明子1), 岡部美保1), 棚橋さつき2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 127-127, 2019.

Japanese Article O-48. Education environment of the temporary nursing at home station and the actual situation of the new nurse education
杣木佐知子1), 中村裕美子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 127-127, 2019.

Japanese Article O-49. A learning process and associated factor before a new face health visitor being able to work as a member of the office autonomously
吉本照子1), 辻村真由子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 128-128, 2019.

Japanese Article O-50. Learning and continuing learning needs of participants in training on business management and human resource development at visiting nurse stations in A prefecture
辻村真由子1), 吉本照子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 128-128, 2019.

Japanese Article O-51. For the spread of "the health visitor personnel training utilizing the Step-up sheet" than ... practice briefing session, manager workshop holding results ...
駒井和子1), 田中陽子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 129-129, 2019.

Japanese Article O-52. Attempt of the personnel training program development utilizing the simulation education by the home health care
吉川幸江1), 佐野けさ美2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 129-129, 2019.

Japanese Article P-01. Using effect - Watanabe type family assessment/support model of the example review meeting of the family support by the multi-type of job -
小椋泰子1), 蒔田寛子2), 為永義憲2), 萩原有子3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 133-133, 2019.

Japanese Article P-02. Fact-finding of the nursing for the home care person who is in a bedridden state
久保田直子1), 宮田久美子1), 林裕子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 133-133, 2019.

Japanese Article P-03. The temporary nursing at home to the person with the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cares for schizophrenia
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 134-134, 2019.

Japanese Article P-04. Literature map about the temporary nursing at home practice to elderly people
青木瞳1), 冨安眞理2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 134-134, 2019.

Japanese Article P-05. Structure of the care plan to the user in the temporary nursing at home office which became clear by the implementation of the Omaha system
岩本大希1), 片山陽子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 135-135, 2019.

Japanese Article P-06. Association of a problem, intervention, the result that we saw in the disease grouping of the temporary nursing at home user who determined it by the implementation of the Omaha system
片山陽子1)2), 岩本大希1)3), 酒井昌子1)4), 藤野泰平1)5), 吉江悟1)6)7)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 135-135, 2019.

Japanese Article P-07. The actual situation of the discharge support of the A Hospital and future problem
堀内佳子1), 谷山祐子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 136-136, 2019.

Japanese Article P-08. Efforts of the discharge support in the nerve intractable disease ward
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 136-136, 2019.

Japanese Article P-09. Recognition for the use of temporary nursing at home of the person in charge of care prevention care management in the local inclusion support center (the welfare job)
長尾美香1), 松原みゆき2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 137-137, 2019.

Japanese Article P-10. Focus on the information sharing about elderly people with recognition - staying alone cancer about the cooperation with the health visitor whom a visit care job has; and -
田草川純子1), 佐藤悦子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 137-137, 2019.

Japanese Article P-11. The request to a nursing job and a fact and a nursing job of the cooperation of the drugstore pharmacist: Questionary survey to a drugstore pharmacist
杉本幸子1), 眞島崇2), 大原宏司3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 138-138, 2019.

Japanese Article P-12. Difference in recognition of the caregiver by the presence or absence of experience of the end-of-life care in being at home
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 139-139, 2019.

Japanese Article P-13. Consciousness of the care manager taking charge of patients with at-home end-stage cancer
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 139-139, 2019.

Japanese Article P-14. It is ... through the questionary survey to health care workers working in attitude survey - area of the grief care in the A city
山本弥生1), 岡本双美子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 140-140, 2019.

Japanese Article P-15. Analysis of the talk of the end-of-life care experience of the patients with cancer bereaved which led to volunteer activity after the end-of-life care in being at home
関川久美子1), 鈴木久子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 140-140, 2019.

Japanese Article P-16. Analysis ... from characteristic - visiting nursing record of the temporary nursing at home to a "cancer" medical treatment person and a "non-cancer" medical treatment person in the terminal phase
村田加奈子1), 富田真佐子1), 藤澤真沙子1), 鈴木浩子1), 西田幸典1), 野島あけみ2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 141-141, 2019.

Japanese Article P-17. ... which looks back on approach - medical institution to end-of-life care and local seamless ACP support from all over cancer treatment
山本初美1), 尾崎美保1), 齋藤徳美1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 141-141, 2019.

Japanese Article P-18. Factor to even contribute of a resident, the family for the end-of-life care in the institution which the care staff of the house for elderly people with the service catches
杉本健太郎1), 柏木聖代2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 142-142, 2019.

Japanese Article P-19. Caring at home disaster prevention workshop - Home Care BOUSAI Lab - activity report
佐藤純1), 橋爪健二1), 岡田理沙1), 金坂宇将1), 川添高志1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 143-143, 2019.

Japanese Article P-20. Interview investigation ... to the manager who experienced the current situation and problem - Kumamoto earthquake of business continuity plan (BCP) of the disaster in the temporary nursing at home station
石田千絵1), 金坂宇将2), 岡田理沙2), 川添高志2), 多江和晃3), 佐藤潤4), 久保祐子5)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 143-143, 2019.

Japanese Article P-21. Disaster Prevention measures to protect the life of a user and the family with high medical needs based on the experience of the health visitor who suffered from a large-scale disaster
佐々木裕子1), 白井裕子1), 小塩泰代2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 144-144, 2019.

Japanese Article P-22. From an interview investigation about the thought to life in study on support - future to be able to live in the area where staying alone elderly people lived so long -
前馬理恵1), 矢出装子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 144-144, 2019.

Japanese Article P-23. Development of the temporary nursing at home office depending on a characteristic of the intermediate and mountainous area
城所志津江1), 原弘子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 145-145, 2019.

Japanese Article P-24. An effect and problem of the lube Rick evaluation list utilization in the home health care studies training
山根友絵1), 蒔田寛子1), 為永義憲1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 146-146, 2019.

Japanese Article P-25. Problem - student self-assessment of the evaluation of the home health care studies training utilizing the lube Rick evaluation list and examination ... by the comparison of the teacher evaluation
為永義憲1), 蒔田寛子1), 山根友絵1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 146-146, 2019.

Japanese Article P-26. Evaluation of home health care studies practice and the simulation education in the home health care studies training
森本安紀1), 河野益美1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 147-147, 2019.

Japanese Article P-27. We learn with an experience of the student nurse which studied a home health care theory in the nursing general training
鈴木江利子1), 小川典子1), 藤尾祐子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 147-147, 2019.

Japanese Article P-28. A home health care training leader expects it in student nurse; learn
石村珠美1), 越膳杏子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 148-148, 2019.

Japanese Article P-29. The situation investigation first report about the medical care of children in the national temporary nursing at home station
小西克恵1), 横山由美1), 大海佳子2), 川崎綾香2), 田中道子3), 福井小紀子4)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 148-148, 2019.

Japanese Article P-30. The situation investigation second report about the medical care of children in the national temporary nursing at home station
大海佳子1), 横山由美2), 小西克恵2), 佐々木綾香1), 田中道子3), 福井小紀子4)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 149-149, 2019.

Japanese Article P-31. Communication and grasp contents of the health visitor for children and mother with high medical needs in the early stage of the at-home shift
若林麻里1), 佐藤朝美2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 149-149, 2019.

Japanese Article P-32. Literature examination about the at-home respite care to a family caregiver having home care children
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 150-150, 2019.

Japanese Article P-33. Through analysis of the support provided by consideration prefecture nursing society personnel training business about the support to promote the growth that the new college graduate health visitor caught
辰巳真由美1), 輿水めぐみ2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 151-151, 2019.

Japanese Article P-34. Examination about new college graduate nurse upbringing in the temporary nursing at home from literatures
大月真弓1), 菊地ひろみ1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 151-151, 2019.

Japanese Article P-35. Association that time for communication in the workplace and the employment of the health visitor are continuously: Crossing study
野口麻衣子1), 小林弘美1), 藤崎万裕2), 稲垣安沙1), 山本則子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 152-152, 2019.

Japanese Article P-36. Factor associated with the temporary nursing at home industry fixation intention of the health visitor
藤崎万裕1)2), 野口麻衣子3), 小林弘美3), 山本則子3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 152-152, 2019.

Japanese Article P-37. It is ... from the attitude survey of the health visitor of ... area for securing of human resources of the health visitor, upbringing, fixation
石橋佳代子1), 家崎芳恵1), 坂口良子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 153-153, 2019.

Japanese Article P-38. A problem and correspondence of securing of human resources of public health center ordinance-designated city of Hokkaido and the neighboring local government temporary nursing at home station, the education
青柳道子1), 岡田尚美2), 菊地ひろみ3), 宮田久美子4), 鹿内あずさ5), 長内さゆり5), 上田泉2), 照井レナ6), 服部裕子5), 竹生礼子7), 川添恵理子7)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 153-153, 2019.

Japanese Article P-39. The actual situation of the securing of human resources of the temporary nursing at home station in the metropolis and districts type health jurisdiction of Hokkaido
服部裕子1), 照井レナ2), 川添恵理子3), 竹生礼子3), 上田泉4), 岡田尚美4), 青柳道子5), 宮田久美子6), 鹿内あずさ1), 長内さゆり1), 菊地ひろみ7)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 154-154, 2019.

Japanese Article P-40. The current situation and problem of employment, upbringing of the new face visit nurse of the public health center ordinance-designated city in the way and the neighboring local government temporary nursing at home station
宮田久美子1), 鹿内あずさ2), 長内さゆり2), 岡田尚美3), 青柳道子4), 菊地ひろみ5), 竹生礼子6), 川添恵理子6), 服部裕子2), 照井レナ7), 上田泉3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 154-154, 2019.

Japanese Article P-41. Examination - by the role recognition - Delphi investigation of the health visitor in the caring at home
蒔田寛子1), 山根友絵1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 155-155, 2019.

Japanese Article P-42. The difference in nursing service contents in a health visitor and the hospital nurse and comparison of the burnout
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 155-155, 2019.

Japanese Article P-43. Confidence, will, practice of the health visitor by the local characteristic, difficult feeling and tendency to coping, examination of the burnout
伊藤隆子1), 松浦志野1), 菱田一恵1), 吉田めぐみ1), 藤田淳子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 156-156, 2019.

Japanese Article P-44. Association between feeling of difficulty and duties satisfaction of the health visitor
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 156-156, 2019.

Japanese Article P-45. Fact-finding about the viewpoint of the nursing intervention in the national temporary nursing at home station
奥田眞紀子1), 伊藤絹枝2), 伏見美貴子2), 梶原篤子2), 東田慶子3), 辰巳恵理4), 田丸勝巳5)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 157-157, 2019.

Japanese Article P-46. ... which looks back on the example examination according to result - sphere of the workshop for the purpose of the improvement in nursing intervention power of the health visitor
新山和枝1), 伊部美恵子2), 駒井和子3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 157-157, 2019.

Japanese Article P-47. The effect that "an example review meeting" of the psychiatry temporary nursing at home station gives to the nursing intervention ability of the new health visitor
池田百合江1), 阪上由美2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 158-158, 2019.

Japanese Article P-48. Reorganization of the temporary nursing at home system to continue filling up quantitatively qualitative by a variety of medical needs of the visit sphere that is a wide area
英香代子1), 吉本照子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 158-158, 2019.