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Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care

Volume , Issue suppl / 2020
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Home health care in response to needs to diversify
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 1-1, 2020.

Japanese Article Home nursing that meets diverse needs - Nursing with autonomy -
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 25-25, 2020.

Japanese Article Home health care and ethic
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 29-29, 2020.

Japanese Article About the emergency conveyance of elderly people from the situation of - at-home medicine -
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 33-33, 2020.

Japanese Article To support stable medical treatment life; current situation and problem - of - first aid conveyance
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 34-34, 2020.

Japanese Article - made with the structure which is necessary for hospital and at-home cooperation - area supporting the elderly people of the mountains
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 35-35, 2020.

Japanese Article About the current situation and the problem about the emergency service in the firefighting
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 36-36, 2020.

Japanese Article - to regard family-based nursing as current situation and problem - children of the pediatric caring at home
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 39-39, 2020.

Japanese Article Support - through temporary nursing at home and the multifunctional type business to home health care - medical children of children to needs to diversify with care and the family
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 40-40, 2020.

Japanese Article From temporary nursing at home - medical care my woman nursery school support model business of very delightful children learn; -
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 41-41, 2020.

Japanese Article About the promotion of the specific act training system about expectation to completion life in - home health care -
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 45-45, 2020.

Japanese Article Role of the health visitor who can connect to the safe life relief from specific act practice
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 46-46, 2020.

Japanese Article Work in temporary nursing at home station as a practice nurse
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 47-47, 2020.

Japanese Article The role that is sought by abuse prevention - temporary nursing at home of the mental patient living in an area some -
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 51-51, 2020.

Japanese Article Greed formation support - to be born from talks not to assume fact and problem - problem of the hikikomori support an axis
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 52-52, 2020.

Japanese Article Power (through meal support) of the nursing to support "we live"
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 55-55, 2020.

Japanese Article - to accept needs of - climate and a place, the individual treatment to support a honest thing surviving for a natural life span
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 56-56, 2020.

Japanese Article - to bring up readiness for end-of-life care from during - hospitalization to enable at-home end-of-life care by temporary nursing at home to support expectation and an initial visit
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 57-57, 2020.

Japanese Article Inflection of the family nursing science in the home health care
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 61-61, 2020.

Japanese Article For the society which can nurse it near efforts - people of nursing to protect the health of people in the future quietly well -
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 65-65, 2020.

Japanese Article A-001. Considering cooperation between hospitals and the community - What is currently required of hospitals -
永嶋智香1), 小池文子1), 木元千奈美1), 大村早苗2), 望月多恵子3), 横田佳苗4), 酒井範一5)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 69-69, 2020.

Japanese Article A-002. We think about significance and a support standard of the consultation support by the health visitor
河添こず恵1), 村瀬美香2), 木口綾子3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 69-69, 2020.

Japanese Article A-003. The current situation and problem of the caring at home accompanied with the new coronavirus infection spread
岡田まり1), 内藤いづみ2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 70-70, 2020.

Japanese Article A-004. We think about enforcement of the safe glycerin enema
栗田愛1), 大久保暢子2), 肥後恵美子1), 原好恵1), 奥村茂夫1), 杉下史紘1), 武田利明3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 70-70, 2020.

Japanese Article A-005. For a hospital, an institution, construction of the standard data set based on construction - community medical care plan of the information sharing base connecting being at home -
瀬戸僚馬1), 小林美亜2), 佐野けさ美3), 光城元博4), 岡峯栄子5), 大竹尊典6)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 71-71, 2020.

Japanese Article A-006. Let's work as a team to support people in living their lives the way they want to - Advance care planning in cooperation with hospitals and the community -
萩原有子1), 小椋泰子2), 蒔田寛子3), 渡邊奈緒美1), 森川里美1), 森田知子1), 森谷景子1), 鶴見志奈子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 71-71, 2020.

Japanese Article A-007. Correspondence - to home health care needs to diversify in response of the user - new model corona to state aggravation and a risk by the effect of new Corona
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 72-72, 2020.

Japanese Article A-008. Let's start with what we can do - Why not make an action card for the 72 hours after a large-scale disaster? -
鈴木伸子1), 佐々木裕子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 72-72, 2020.

Japanese Article A-009. Let's talk about visiting nursing for AYAs in the terminal stage of cancer - Understanding the AYA generation through cases where intervention was difficult -
高井由美子1), 増木いづみ1), 後藤里和子1), 園田芳美2), 吉田聖乃3), 齊藤祐希4), 鈴木奈都美5), 鈴木かおり6), 蒔田寛子7)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 73-73, 2020.

Japanese Article A-010. We become the health visitor who can prevent acute exacerbation even if there is heart failure, and can support continuation of the home care
多留ちえみ1), 笹山志帆子2), 田端支普2), 大橋奈美2), 大牛晴代3), 豊倉睦美4), 長谷康子5)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 73-73, 2020.

Japanese Article A-011. Role - of the nursing to - town planning that can live a life medical treatment in peace of the home health care sought by a social change to go to the change
佐々木詩子1), 繁澤弘子2), 藤野泰平3), 舩渡弘子4), 宮原彩5), 勝又美雪6), 山本知枝子7), 柴田万智子8)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 74-74, 2020.

Japanese Article A-012. Practical training evaluation considered by visiting nurses and teachers - Aiming to verbalize "What we want students to learn!" -
蒔田寛子1), 山根友絵1), 為永義憲1), 風間千晶2), 伊藤百合子3), 尾木みどり4)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 74-74, 2020.

Japanese Article O-001. A thought and activity about the role of the temporary nursing at home authorization nurse in the local inclusion care system
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 77-77, 2020.

Japanese Article O-002. The process that a health visitor draws will to the care of the foot lesion of the medical treatment person
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 77-77, 2020.

Japanese Article O-003. Examination - about the usefulness of the pamphlet utilization about study on development prevention - risk precaution of the urgent visit request state to be able to put outside business hours
中野康子1), 川村佐和子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 78-78, 2020.

Japanese Article O-004. The way of the foot care support of patients with elderly people diabetes in the home care support medical office
上野千代子1), 渡部洋子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 78-78, 2020.

Japanese Article O-005. From the inventory survey to a health visitor in factor - A prefecture influencing the infection prophylaxis behavior of the health visitor -
新藤真由美1), 佐藤悦子2), 泉宗美恵2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 79-79, 2020.

Japanese Article O-006. Recognition of the health visitor about the support to promote the growth development of home care children needing medical care
森田佳江1), 佐藤悦子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 79-79, 2020.

Japanese Article O-007. Recognition of the health visitor about the care to the man-made water, supplementation of the at-home elderly cancer terminal patient whom water, the diet intake decreased
園田芳美1), 佐藤悦子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 80-80, 2020.

Japanese Article O-008. Literature review about the temporary nursing at home practice using the ICT
原好恵1), 奥村茂夫1), 杉下史紘1), 肥後恵美子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 80-80, 2020.

Japanese Article O-009. Nursing to a disappointed temporary nursing at home user living like oneself by stoma construction again
池田由紀子1), 雨宮有子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 81-81, 2020.

Japanese Article O-010. The information that a health visitor collects at physical assessment enforcement
篠崎惠美子1), 山口直己2), 栗田愛1), 長谷川小眞子3), 藤井徹也2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 81-81, 2020.

Japanese Article O-011. Tentative plan of the temporary nursing at home process model based on a desire hierarchy-related theory of Maslow
酒井美絵子1), 蒔田寛子2), 尾崎章子3), 中野康子4), 川村佐和子5)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 82-82, 2020.

Japanese Article O-012. It is the difficult feeling of the nurse of the temporary nursing at home without experience in the decision aiding of the user of the terminal cancer by staying alone
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 82-82, 2020.

Japanese Article O-013. At-home end-of-life care support - to snuggle up to the thought of advance care planning - family in the caring at home
杉山幸穂1), 大木悠子1), 吉田聖乃1), 蒔田寛子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 83-83, 2020.

Japanese Article O-014. Aspect - of the health visitor whom we saw by translating a thought and practice into a language through decision aiding - talks in the terminal period on having done preinclination
高田雄貴1), 木村直樹1), 高橋啓太1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 83-83, 2020.

Japanese Article O-015. Recognition and enforcement for the ACP (advance care planning) of the nurse in the medical office
河面亜実1), 吉川加奈子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 84-84, 2020.

Japanese Article O-016. One instance case - that it seemed to be oneself of the patients and it seemed to be support - people to draw power to live and focused on power to live for cancer terminal phase with a feeling of ineffectualness with high medical dependence and supported
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 84-84, 2020.

Japanese Article O-017. Role - of the temporary nursing at home station in efforts - area to respect the decision making of the user
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 85-85, 2020.

Japanese Article O-018. Decision aiding - to at-home end-of-life care - family of elderly people
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 85-85, 2020.

Japanese Article O-019. Support - to the cancer terminal phase of the health visitor corresponding to the marital aspect changing in AYA generation - medical treatment life to survive as mother at home
高井由美子1), 増木いづみ1), 後藤里和子1), 蒔田寛子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 86-86, 2020.

Japanese Article O-020. Overtreatment of the at-home terminally ill elderly people whom a health visitor arrests
畑中文恵1), 新田紀枝2), 早川りか2), 久山かおる2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 86-86, 2020.

Japanese Article O-021. The actual situation of the mortuary care in the home health care of Fukushima
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 87-87, 2020.

Japanese Article O-022. Base of the practice of the experienced care manager in the at-home end-of-life care
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 87-87, 2020.

Japanese Article O-023. Analysis - of effect and problem - staff questionnaire results of the death conference in the temporary nursing at home
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 88-88, 2020.

Japanese Article O-024. Consideration about the relation of the nurse after a palliative care shift was possible from active treatment
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 88-88, 2020.

Japanese Article O-025. The narrator of the hurt story of the elderly people who became the social isolation from the critical situation of the life having told
河内瑞乃1), 大牛晴代1), 多留ちえみ2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 89-89, 2020.

Japanese Article O-026. Support to "the living like oneself" of the old cancer terminally ill patients of the single life
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 89-89, 2020.

Japanese Article O-027. - that we are associated, and the belief of - health visitor makes the psychological distance to a family caring for a medical treatment person of the staying alone alone in the daytime
大木悠子1), 杉山幸穂1), 吉田聖乃1), 蒔田寛子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 90-90, 2020.

Japanese Article O-028. Literature examination about the self-care of the elderly diabetes medical treatment person
佐野晃子1), 冨安眞理1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 90-90, 2020.

Japanese Article O-029. Nursing - to bring up power to understand intervention - oneself to the Parkinson's disease user that anxiety is strong, and symptom control is difficult, and to act
内野実由1), 内田繭子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 91-91, 2020.

Japanese Article O-030. Literature review about the accident at home of the staying alone Parkinson's disease patients
牛村春奈1), 林一美1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 91-91, 2020.

Japanese Article O-031. About recognition about the information sharing for "a transition stage at home" between the actual situation and the post of problem - first report nursing of in connection with a hospital between nursing jobs in the temporary nursing at home station -
永冨美知子1), 林由紀2), 加藤明美3), 加藤智子4), 山口桂子5)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 92-92, 2020.

Japanese Article O-032. Analysis - from problem consciousness for the actual situation and the post of problem - second report nursing cooperation of in connection with a hospital between nursing jobs in the temporary nursing at home station
林由紀1), 永冨美知子2), 加藤明美3), 加藤智子4), 山口桂子5)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 92-92, 2020.

Japanese Article O-033. Cooperation for the at-home shift by the foreign nurse for late childhood girls, the family requiring immunoglobulin replacement therapy and the multi-type of job
丹羽莉奈1), 植木美貴子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 93-93, 2020.

Japanese Article O-034. Practice of the nurse taking the home care support that fixed its eyes on the life after the discharge before hospitalization
川本裕美1), 伊藤隆子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 93-93, 2020.

Japanese Article O-035. The example that we shared with the local staff to grant the intention of the home discharge
井口拓也1), 丸山妙子1), 山口美津子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 94-94, 2020.

Japanese Article O-036. Multi-type of job cooperation aspiration prevention - that we worked in deference to the way of support - patients of the health visitor in the request for home medical treatment continuation of the cerebral infarction staying alone patients of life
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 94-94, 2020.

Japanese Article O-037. Support - to live in discharge support - area to the patients with the intellectual impairment
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 95-95, 2020.

Japanese Article O-038. Of the specialist in at-home practice in the medical cooperation with the health visitor for elderly people with at-home dementia think; through the interview of three specialists in - dementia support -
小林友美1), 佐藤悦子2), 依田純子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 95-95, 2020.

Japanese Article O-039. Intervention to efforts - pressure sore rounds of the visit activity by skin, the excretion care authorization nurse and future problem -
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 96-96, 2020.

Japanese Article O-040. From the analysis of the patients whom patients factor - discharge adjustment nurse who made a discharge support period in the University A Hospital prolong intervened in -
木下ゆみ1), 有村さゆり1), 勝有希子1), 石井礼奈1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 96-96, 2020.

Japanese Article O-041. Information in discharge conference for the infection onset prevention of the home discharge medical treatment person whom a health visitor seeks and the nursing summary
杉下史紘1), 奥村茂夫1), 肥後恵美子1), 原好恵1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 97-97, 2020.

Japanese Article O-042. Role - of the nursing in the cooperation of a nurse and the post of care of examination - pay nursing home of the nursing necessary for the end-of-life care of the elderly people in the institution
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 97-97, 2020.

Japanese Article O-043. For development - effect of the support sheet based on the foreign support on patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-like home care support, regional alliances -
原口道子1), 松田千春1), 中山優季1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 98-98, 2020.

Japanese Article O-044. - to look back on the situation of "the health room of the living" as the support and the correspondence to future role - repeater (continuation user)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 98-98, 2020.

Japanese Article O-045. For examination - hospital of the effect of the nursing manager training in the temporary nursing at home station and local cooperation reinforcement -
小沼葉子1), 吉田聖乃1), 蒔田寛子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 99-99, 2020.

Japanese Article O-046. Requirements of the office where a visit nurse can find a job in peace shiningly
西村恵理奈1), 山田雅子1), 高砂裕子2), 川添高志3), 金坂宇将3), 岡田理沙3), 佐藤直子4), 竹森志穂1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 99-99, 2020.

Japanese Article O-047. Noticed from correspondence of the new coronavirus infection expansion period that a temporary nursing at home station manager caught
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 100-100, 2020.

Japanese Article O-048. Characteristic of the temporary nursing at home station giving nursing to patients with use of respirator patients/intractable disease
板垣ゆみ1), 中山優季1), 原口道子1), 松田千春1), 笠原康代1), 小倉朗子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 100-100, 2020.

Japanese Article O-049. From the interview of current situation and problem - manager of the efforts to secure the quality of the small care home -
長内さゆり1), 村松真澄2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 101-101, 2020.

Japanese Article O-050. The process when student nurse made decision by employment to temporary nursing at home in new college graduates
井口貴代佳1), 西崎未和2), 田口理恵2), 河原智江2), 清水信輔2), 佐藤美樹2), 榎本晃子3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 101-101, 2020.

Japanese Article O-051. New college graduate health visitor the first-year growth process practicing temporary nursing at home in a remote island
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 102-102, 2020.

Japanese Article O-052. Efforts - in practice report - health visitor upbringing center first year about upbringing of the new health visitor by the cooperation with administration, a medical institution, the educational institution
加納美代子1), 笠原幸恵1), 松田優子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 102-102, 2020.

Japanese Article O-053. Development of the new face health visitor upbringing support tool for temporary nursing at home managers
吉本照子1), 辻村真由子2), 尾崎直子3), 吉田靖子4), 山崎潤子5), 小宮山日登美6), 権平くみ子7)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 103-103, 2020.

Japanese Article O-054. Association between new college graduate nurse adoption intention and system in the temporary nursing at home station
大月真弓1), 菊地ひろみ2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 103-103, 2020.

Japanese Article O-055. "The life image of the medical treatment person" that is insufficient for the student whom a health visitor feels in the company visit
楳田恵子1), 篠崎惠美子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 104-104, 2020.

Japanese Article O-056. A Current status and challenges of disaster countermeasures at visiting nursing stations - What you can do now to prepare for such a time -
松本真琴1), 柴原恵1), 岡田美幸1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 104-104, 2020.

Japanese Article O-057. Examination of the measures that stood on the current situation and the problem of the anti-disaster measures that the family of home care children to need medical care conveyed
笹木りゆこ1), 中島怜子1), 藤井徹也1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 105-105, 2020.

Japanese Article O-058. From the talk of the damaged experience of Disaster Prevention measures - health visitor to a user with high medical needs in the large-scale disaster -
佐々木裕子1), 白井裕子1), 小塩泰代2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 105-105, 2020.

Japanese Article O-059. Holding of the learning society to make the role of the health visitor to a junior high student carrying the next generation known to everyone
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 106-106, 2020.

Japanese Article O-060. Relation to patients with Type II diabetes mellitus with a mental disorder
佐藤麻衣1), 山口みどり1), 川崎広志1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 106-106, 2020.

Japanese Article O-061. Importance and enforcement degree evaluation about the office nursing by the nursing job
林一美1), 山崎智可2), 石黒範子3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 107-107, 2020.

Japanese Article O-062. At-home support of patients with leukemia that anticancer agent infusion therapy needs continuously for 28 days
市川礼子1), 林きよみ1), 佐藤美弥1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 107-107, 2020.

Japanese Article O-063. The current situation of the on admission request confirmation to the hospitalization children patient in the pediatric ward and the family
安形仁美1), 荒井優子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 108-108, 2020.

Japanese Article O-064. Of the heating cookery to soften meat at home, actually
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 108-108, 2020.