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Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care

Volume , Issue suppl / 2023
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The greetings that there is within the thirteenth Japan home health care association arts and sciences meeting home health care, striking distance
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 1-1, 2023.

Japanese Article "- to think about accessibility to home health care of - future that there is within home health care, the striking distance"
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 28-28, 2023.

Japanese Article For improvement of upbringing - accessibility of human resources of the home health care to push forward with a hospital for acute phase
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 29-29, 2023.

Japanese Article Remote death certification and nursing using the ICT in a remote island, the depopulated area
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 30-30, 2023.

Japanese Article The power that one health literacy alone lives for like oneself
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 31-31, 2023.

Japanese Article To send home health care, and to continue sending it
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 32-32, 2023.

Japanese Article We think about the future prospects from the birth of the home health care clinical nurse specialist, the improvement of role
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 33-33, 2023.

Japanese Article To utilize data by home health care? What kind of future can you aim at?
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 34-34, 2023.

Japanese Article Improve work efficiency and use of technology to "work like you're having fun" as a nurse
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 35-35, 2023.

Japanese Article Challenge - of - nursing technical school raising a nurse in an area
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 36-36, 2023.

Japanese Article Did you make it BCP -? Did you use it? Do that's nice.? !
角田直枝, 並木奈緒美, 大橋奈美, 飯田苗恵, 角川由香, 竹森志穂, 山本則子
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 37-37, 2023.

Japanese Article The meeting which gives thanks to late Kimiko Murakami
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 38-38, 2023.

Japanese Article The education, training plan on the basis of the double revision that "talked about upbringing of the next-generation health visitor utilizing e-Learning"
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 39-39, 2023.

Japanese Article We will actually experience a disaster prevention article about the preparation of the disaster of the intractable disease medical treatment person!
今福恵子1), 畑吉節未1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 42-42, 2023.

Japanese Article A problem and the solution in the caring at home offer: Joint ownership of practical knowledge of visit frequency and the timing and the best practice
古薗弘隆1), 野呂美香1), 水口義昭2
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 42-42, 2023.

Japanese Article It is ... from BCP (business continuity plan) and the BCM (the business continuation management) - BCP development simplified introduction in the temporary nursing at home office to the training and examination of the simulation
石田千絵1), 金坂宇将2), 岡田理沙2), 佐藤太地1), 菅野太郎3), 堀池諒4), 井口理1), 西田志穂1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 43-43, 2023.

Japanese Article An interchange meeting: From home health care innovation nurse's record support AI and an example of the task sharing
坪田康佑1), 高木大地2), 鳥谷将由3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 43-43, 2023.

Japanese Article Policy study for improvement in accessibility to medical care and the living temporary nursing at home service that nursing joins together
石原美和1)2), 大場紅莉1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 44-44, 2023.

Japanese Article We think about the personnel training that "makes use, and raises" a new college graduate health visitor
岡田理沙1), 阿部智子2), 金坂宇将1), 川添高志3), 佐藤直子4), 竹森志穂5), 西村恵理奈5), 山田雅子5)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 44-44, 2023.

Japanese Article The formation of "the area community supporting bereavement:" Through the grief care activity in the area
小野若菜子1), 中村めぐみ2), 永井智子3), 高本眞左子4), 市川美奈子4)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 45-45, 2023.

Japanese Article O1-1. It is ... using analysis - A prefecture National Health Insurance database of the characteristic of patients with old cancer which received a cancer-related treatment that discharge adjustment/discharge support was conducted
柳谷利恵1), 廣岡佳代1), 佐川美枝子1), 菅野雄介1), 福井小紀子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 48-48, 2023.

Japanese Article O1-2. Examination of the factor associated with the hospitalization of the visit practice user in 1 core city of the Tokyo metropolis
吉江悟1,2,3,4), 孫瑜3,5), 岩上将夫3,5), 佐方信夫3), 伊藤智子3,5), 田宮菜奈子3,5), 飯島勝矢1,2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 48-48, 2023.

Japanese Article O1-3. A trial of the teleconsultation to the health visitor by the nursing job with high specialty and examination of the practical use possibility
野口麻衣子1), 山花令子2), 砂田純子3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 49-49, 2023.

Japanese Article O1-4. Though "the hospital is comfortable, there is not freedom" support of the end-of-life care to the patients for heart failure terminal phase of the staying alone that catecholamine sustained administration needs
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 49-49, 2023.

Japanese Article O1-5. Conduct temporary nursing at home station and cooperation ... children with hospital temporary nursing at home feedback party; and ...
伊東佳洋, 篠原宏翠
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 50-50, 2023.

Japanese Article O2-2. Duties efficiency of the temporary nursing at home and fact-finding about the expectation
坪田康佑1), 高木大地2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 51-51, 2023.

Japanese Article O2-3. Improvement of the duties satisfaction using the thank you card
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 51-51, 2023.

Japanese Article O2-4. Risk factorial experiments of the incident example about a fall, the fall in the home care support
原口道子1), 笠原康代2), 松田千春1), 小倉朗子1), 板垣ゆみ1), 中山優季1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 52-52, 2023.

Japanese Article O3-1. Practice report (the first report) - match - about employment, upbringing of the new college graduate health visitor that the nurse training organization cooperated with temporary nursing at home station before finding work to temporary nursing at home station for the first time
村山浩代1), 大貫直子1), 大山晶子1), 水野美奈子2), 山桝文子2), 塚田桂子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 52-52, 2023.

Japanese Article O3-2. Efforts - of upbringing of practice report (the second report) - A temporary nursing at home station about employment, upbringing of the new college graduate health visitor that the nurse training organization cooperated with temporary nursing at home station for 2 years
水野美奈子1), 塚田桂子1), 井坂久美1), 山枡文子1), 村山浩代2), 大貫直子2), 大山晶子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 53-53, 2023.

Japanese Article O3-4. Of a thought and the judgment at process - emergency until the independent visit in the new college graduate health visitor for 24 hours wave; through return marks -
渡邊莉希1), 清水奈穂美2), 駒井和子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 53-53, 2023.

Japanese Article O3-5. From the example of elderly people with nursing intervention - chronic cardiac insufficiency of the new college graduate health visitor who assumed the thought cycle of the health visitor a base -
中村文音1), 清水奈穂美2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 54-54, 2023.

Japanese Article O4-1. Effect in "the feedback conference" by a hospital nurse and the health visitor
矢出装子1), 平岡桃重2), 前馬理恵1), 谷野多見子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 54-54, 2023.

Japanese Article O4-2. The thing which is demanded from a foreign nurse in a fact-finding area inclusion care system of the home care support by the outpatient department nurse
小平美由紀, 渡部光弘, 三浦香菜
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 55-55, 2023.

Japanese Article O4-3. We look back on support at the discharge of the user during the tube feeding in the nursing small scale multifunctional type home care
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 55-55, 2023.

Japanese Article O4-4. The current situation of the support of the nurse in the day care care and the medical information sharing
長谷川和貴子1), 渡邊章子2), 清水準一2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 56-56, 2023.

Japanese Article O4-5. For the establishment of the method to share the patients information between areas with a medical institution
杉山希1), 山下小夜子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 56-56, 2023.

Japanese Article O5-1. Choose support - respite hospitalization that continues living at home to the death that was able to see through ACP; and -
松川貴行1), 坂本敏行1), 小松正幸2), 西尾美帆3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 57-57, 2023.

Japanese Article O5-2. Effect of the decision aiding of the cancer medical treatment person in being at home
吉岡智美1), 家崎芳恵2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 57-57, 2023.

Japanese Article O5-3. Support of the health visitor in deference to the thought of the cancer terminally ill patients of the prime of life
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 58-58, 2023.

Japanese Article O5-4. New way ... of one instance case - hospice care that paid the attention to a sleep, and enabled at-home end-of-life care
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 58-58, 2023.

Japanese Article O5-5. Focus on a family (spouse) having aspect - the terminally ill cancer medical treatment person family's experience that at-home, nursed of hearts from the home care start period to end-of-life care; and -
川口幸恵1), 佐藤悦子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 59-59, 2023.

Japanese Article O6-1. Of succeeding for examination - future of the factor in in the individual promoting the reflection of the health visitor and the workplace pay the attention to arrest you again; and -
平野智子1), 藤桂2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 59-59, 2023.

Japanese Article O6-3. Examination of the factor influencing acceptance of the pediatric temporary nursing at home in the temporary nursing at home station
矢野由美子1), 上田みずほ2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 60-60, 2023.

Japanese Article O6-4. Adopt practice of the medical care on the first day of the home health care theory training
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 61-61, 2023.

Japanese Article O7-1. Effect on temporary nursing at home service by the new coronavirus infection outbreak
藤田淳子1), 池崎澄江2), 吉原由美子3), 高砂裕子3)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 61-61, 2023.

Japanese Article O7-2. Recognition of the manager about the cooperation system construction between the temporary nursing at home office under the disaster
村川奨1), 上田泉1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 62-62, 2023.

Japanese Article O7-3. Examination of the problem about setting, the administration of the pair station which whereas is abbreviation of the duties continuation plan
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 62-62, 2023.

Japanese Article O7-4. Fact-finding to risk communication - manager and the health visitor of the health visitor under the new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) outbreak
上田泉1), 村川奨1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 63-63, 2023.

Japanese Article O8-1. The actual situation of the money management support by the health visitor to a user having difficulty in local life
渡邉怜子1), 片平伸子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 63-63, 2023.

Japanese Article O8-3. Role - of regional alliances and the temporary nursing at home to support support - "quality of oneself" of elderly people with dementia of the staying alone to live in the area
浅野直子1), 籾木なつ美1), 疋津由利子1), 籾木拓朗1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 64-64, 2023.

Japanese Article O8-4. Look back toward 1 example that led to resources - suicide that can conjugate for with the urgent suicide feeling; and -
畠山愛子, 竹内香
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 64-64, 2023.

Japanese Article O8-5. Transduce a change, consultation of nursing intervention - consultation ahead that adjusted it to to be able to overlook a user, a nurse for pressure sore treatment prospectively together; and ...
金子清香1), 米村法子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 65-65, 2023.

Japanese Article O8-6. Problem ... of a fact and the support system of living a life at-home at-home support ... of patients with head skin cancer
行田菜穂美, 宇津宮薫
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 65-65, 2023.

Japanese Article Literature examination about the medical treatment life support for elderly people with heart failure
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 68-68, 2023.

Japanese Article Narrative review about the decision making of the person with vascular disease
片平伸子1), 大石朋子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 68-68, 2023.

Japanese Article Analysis of the problem follow-up interview for ACP practice and the ACP promotion of the health visitor who attended a seminar
古瀬みどり1), 東海林美幸2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 69-69, 2023.

Japanese Article The one instance case that planned urged, a timing of the support along the decision making, and added condition understanding to the intention
渡邉美也子1), 河本美妃1), 廣岡佳代2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 69-69, 2023.

Japanese Article The role that is demanded from medical care children and a trend and the health visitor of the study about the cooperation of the multi-type of job to support the family who undergo at home medical treatment
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 70-70, 2023.

Japanese Article Consideration to the difficulty of regional alliances in the development child with a disability and the family support
前田幸代1), 杉山あゆみ1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 70-70, 2023.

Japanese Article The current situation of the medical information sharing with health visitor and the hospital outpatient department nurse in the A city
岩瀬美保1), 酒井昌子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 71-71, 2023.

Japanese Article Support to consider that necessary for thought and the medical care children family to the disaster that the local officer of the depopulated area municipalities has
山田咲恵1), 渡邊友香2), 正源美穂3), 江本千晴4), 室矢剛志2), 荻原弘幸5), 照井レナ6), 永谷智恵2), 加藤千恵子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 71-71, 2023.

Japanese Article Fact-finding about the effect of preparations situation and COVID-19 of the infection measures in the temporary nursing at home office of Hokkaido
白川そよか, 塚本容子
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 72-72, 2023.

Japanese Article Infection prophylaxis measures to continue an offer of the temporary nursing at home under COVID-19 outbreak
富田美雪1), 柄澤邦江1), 小野塚元子1), 安田貴恵子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 72-72, 2023.

Japanese Article Analysis of the inventory survey to training effect - health visitor and the manager of the nursing job support project about home care
岡本泰子, 吉里孝子, 安達美樹, 石坂暁子, 市川麻紀, 清村留美, 江田由美子, 前田望花, 山本治美
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 73-73, 2023.

Japanese Article Introduce preceptorship
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 73-73, 2023.

Japanese Article Systematization - of the education according to reconsideration - role of discharge support, the medical treatment support education system for the nurse of the special functioning hospital
川本裕美1), 山口真美1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article Upbringing support of the new college graduate health visitor utilizing the education tool of a new college graduate health visitor program and the health visitor clinical ladder Step-up sheet
駒井和子1), 清水奈穂美2), 渡辺莉希1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 74-74, 2023.

Japanese Article Educational support of a temporary nursing at home authorization nurse, the home health care clinical nurse specialist in new college graduate health visitor upbringing
清水奈穂美1), 駒井和子2)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 75-75, 2023.

Japanese Article Of development and the student of the go to the actual place training that combined a local inclusion support center with temporary nursing at home station learn
山本真子1), 清水奈穂美1), 植村小夜子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 75-75, 2023.

Japanese Article Correspondence - to a difficult feeling in the training instruction of home health care training instruction support program verification - health visitor by the ICT
東海林美幸1), 古瀬みどり2), 小林淳子1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 76-76, 2023.

Japanese Article Efforts of the new training for the local symbiosis society
細川満子1), 水野芳子1), 芳賀邦子1), 市川香織1), 時田礼子1), 岸田るみ1)
Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care (suppl): 76-76, 2023.