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Organ Biology

Volume 12, Issue 1 / 2005
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Development of new organ preservation solution (ET-Kyoto solution)
Fengshi Chen1), Takayuki Nakamura2), Hiromi Wada1)
Organ Biology 12(1): 9-20, 2005.

Japanese Article Chimeric mice with human hepatocytes
Chise Tateno
Organ Biology 12(1): 21-28, 2005.

English Article Current Trend of Islet Transplantation
Naoya Kobayashi
Organ Biology 12(1): 29-37, 2005.

Japanese Article Cadaveric renal extraction method of our institution
剣持敬1, 2), 浅野武秀3), 丸山通広1), 大月和宣1), 岩下力1), 渡邉里美2), 西郷健一1, 2), 宮内英聡4), 白鳥享4), 落合武徳4)
Organ Biology 12(1): 39-46, 2005.

Japanese Article In vitro expansion of stem cells
Yoshihiro Ito
Organ Biology 12(1): 47-55, 2005.

Japanese Article Effects of leptin on mitogen-induced blastogenesis and sensitivities to immunosuppressive drugs of human peripheral-blood mononuclear cells
Toshihiko Hirano1), Kayo Henmi1), Sachiko Tanaka1), Tohru Iwahori 2), Abudushukur Mejit2), Naoto Matsuno2), Hironori Takeuchi 3), Kiyoshi Okuyama3), Takeshi Nagao2), Kitaro Oka1)
Organ Biology 12(1): 57-64, 2005.

Japanese Article Informed consent and, various issues surrounding the legal representative and the government guidelines (Second half)
丸山英二1), 絵野沢伸2), 若林正3), 小林英司3)
Organ Biology 12(1): 65-72, 2005.

Japanese Article Live donor liver transplant donor investigation
Organ Biology 12(1): 73-77, 2005.

Japanese Article The 20th pilgrimage verge transplant society Note
Organ Biology 12(1): 79-81, 2005.

Japanese Article Two cases of diabetic nephropathy that was able to remit for acute rejection after transplant in Deoxyspurgualin(DSG)
中川由紀, 齋藤和英, 高橋公太
Organ Biology 12(1): 83-84, 2005.

Japanese Article Use experience of recent Spanidin in our department
土岐大介, 田邊一成, 石田英樹, 宮本直志, 白川浩希, 新村浩明, 石川暢夫, 瀬戸口誠, 堀田茂*, 山口裕*, 東間紘
Organ Biology 12(1): 84-85, 2005.

Japanese Article Post-transplantation early calcineurin inhibitor - (CNl) use of Spanidin for the associated complications experience
金堀瑞穂, 佐藤裕之, 進藤雅仁, 浅沼宏, 宍戸清一郎
Organ Biology 12(1): 86-87, 2005.

Japanese Article Spanidin - a little old and the new immunosuppressive agents
Organ Biology 12(1): 88-89, 2005.