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Organ Biology

Volume 13, Issue 3 / 2006
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article / regenerative therapy innovation substituted from Organ Biology
Takehide Asano
Organ Biology 13(3): 191-191, 2006.

Japanese Article Innovation medical from SL-1 Robo Thich
Takeyoshi Dohi
Organ Biology 13(3): 235-238, 2006.

Japanese Article About the constitution of the SL-2 stem cells system and molecular base - normal and cancer stem cells system -
Atsushi Iwama
Organ Biology 13(3): 242-243, 2006.

Japanese Article Three-dimensional counting of the ice crystal property by RS, the A-1 cryogenic temperature micro slicer
Yasuyuki Sagara
Organ Biology 13(3): 249-252, 2006.

Japanese Article To see the freeze thaw process of RS, the A-2 plant cell; is the dynamics of the cell membrane
Uemura Matsuki
Organ Biology 13(3): 253-254, 2006.

Japanese Article Biological molecule functional analysis with RS, B-1 light probe molecules
Organ Biology 13(3): 261-263, 2006.

Japanese Article Exact design of highly advanced light functionality molecules for RS, the B-2 cells life phenomenon elucidation
Organ Biology 13(3): 264-266, 2006.

Japanese Article RS, B-3 fluorescence development transgenic rat innovation to result in
Eiji Kobayashi
Organ Biology 13(3): 268-269, 2006.

Japanese Article The use of immortalization cells to L-1 function substitution
Naoya Kobayashi
Organ Biology 13(3): 274-274, 2006.

Japanese Article Development and clinical application of the L-2 two levels method conservation
Yoshikazu Kuroda
Organ Biology 13(3): 280-282, 2006.

Japanese Article Regenerative therapy gaining momentum by the cell sheet engineering as the specialist in L-3 mechanic fusion innovation
Masayuki Yamato
Organ Biology 13(3): 286-286, 2006.

Japanese Article Inflection as a utility in the regenerative therapy and cellular medical supplies of S1-1 mesenchymal stem cells
Kiyoshi Yagi kernel
Organ Biology 13(3): 293-294, 2006.

Japanese Article Angiogenetic biochemical analysis using the S1-2 in vitro human neovascularisation model
Kazuhiko Kaji
Organ Biology 13(3): 295-296, 2006.

Japanese Article The construction of the culture model to extrapolate the cell response in the S1-3 organ and the medical supplies development or application to regenerative therapy
Toshiaki Takezawa
Organ Biology 13(3): 298-298, 2006.

Japanese Article After parenchymatous organ transplant of the cell therapy using Mesenchymal Stem Cell derived from S2-1 marrow examination - in the applied trial - rat alloheart transplantation model to immunosuppressive therapy
Shigeru Inoue Ichiro
Organ Biology 13(3): 303-304, 2006.

Japanese Article Liver NK-cell introduction therapy after the liver transplantation for the S2-2 liver cancer case
Great step Hideki
Organ Biology 13(3): 306-307, 2006.

Japanese Article Acquired tolerance after the organ transplantation of the S2-3 human and immunoregulation in the graft
Takaaki Koshiba
Organ Biology 13(3): 308-308, 2006.

Japanese Article Cancer therapy by the S2-4 functional immune cells introduction
Takashi Murakami
Organ Biology 13(3): 309-309, 2006.

Japanese Article Terminus ad quem and problem of the S2-5 islet cell transplantation
Shinichi Matsumoto
Organ Biology 13(3): 311-312, 2006.

Japanese Article S-3 resource person
Toru Tamaoki
Organ Biology 13(3): 317-317, 2006.

Japanese Article Experimental study for the S3-1 cardiac arrest donor liver transplantation success
Shigeto Miyagi
Organ Biology 13(3): 318-319, 2006.

Japanese Article Exhaustive genetic analysis of the renal graft in the S3-2 merge null donor
Organ Biology 13(3): 320-321, 2006.

Japanese Article Effect of the trypsin inhibitor in the pancreas conservation for S3-3 islet cell transplantation
Hirofumi Noguchi
Organ Biology 13(3): 323-324, 2006.

Japanese Article Impact of the stem cells biology to the S4-1 surgery region
Hideki Taniguchi
Organ Biology 13(3): 333-333, 2006.

Japanese Article Analysis of the stem cells system in the S4-2 hepatic duct out of the liver
Inlet mechanic
Organ Biology 13(3): 334-334, 2006.

Japanese Article The pancreas progenitor cells which are induced by S4-3 pancreatic acinus cells
Kazufumi Suzuki
Organ Biology 13(3): 335-336, 2006.

Japanese Article Differentiation instruction of endoblast system cells from S4-4 embryonic stem cell
Masahiro Yasunaga
Organ Biology 13(3): 337-338, 2006.

Japanese Article Development of the organ formation technology from artificial organ Motoi Hara who aimed at the S4-5 organ substituted regenerative therapy
Takashi Tsuji
Organ Biology 13(3): 339-340, 2006.

Japanese Article Does the susceptibility correlate with the age of clinical significance - renal-transplant recipients of the P1-1 immunosuppressive drug sensitivity testing; -?
Kentaro Sugiyama 1, Keiko Arakawa 1, Satoshi Toyama 1, Hiroshi Sato 1, Kazue Saito 2, Kota Takahashi 2, Tokuko Saito 2, Toshihiko Hirano 4
Organ Biology 13(3): 346-346, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination of the glycocalyx injury in P1-2 chronicity transplant nephropathy
張道新 1, 猪阪善隆 1, Ryoichi Imamura 2, Naoshi Ichimaru 2, Ai Otsuka two 3, Shiro Takahara 1
Organ Biology 13(3): 347-347, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination of the low temperature sustained perfusion conservation law in the cardiac arrest kidney donor of P1-3 elderly people
Tadashi Matsuno mischief, Hitoshi Iwamoto, Isao Akashi, Yuki Nakamura, Koichiro Hama, Konno law of nature, Jojima Maro who praises it, Ashizawa dragon person, Toru Iwahori, 長尾桓
Organ Biology 13(3): 348-348, 2006.

Japanese Article Comparison of insula pancreatica isolation results after the pancreas conservation using P1-4 M-Custodiol and the M-Kyoto solution
Hirofumi Noguchi 1, 2, Teru Okitsu 1, 3, Yasuhiro Iwanaga 1, 3, Hideo Nagata 1, 4, 林衆治 2, Shinichi Matsumoto 1, 4
Organ Biology 13(3): 349-349, 2006.

Japanese Article About viability of the islet cells for the study transported by air by the P1-5 United States
Satoshi Suzuki, Hiroshi Amemiya
Organ Biology 13(3): 350-350, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination of the efficacy of CP-1 Solution as the P1-6 human insula pancreatica freeze stock solution
Megumi Wakabayashi 1, Takashi Kenmochi 1, 2, Michihiro Maruyama 1, 2, Kenichi Saigo 1, 2, Naotake Akutsu 1, 2, Iwashita power 2, Otsuki Kazunori 2, Akiko Suzuki 3, Mariko Miyazaki 3
Organ Biology 13(3): 351-351, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination about the polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) bio person mechanic pancreas by the P1-7 freeze method
Lacquer intellect, Yanai 51, 日裏彰人, Corner Shoichiro, Kazutomo Inoue
Organ Biology 13(3): 352-352, 2006.

Japanese Article Contribution of the heparan sulfate proteoglycan in the P1-8 PDX-1 protein induction
Michiko Ueda, Hirofumi Noguchi, Shinichi Matsumoto, 林衆治
Organ Biology 13(3): 353-353, 2006.

Japanese Article Development of the new isolation method for P1-9 islet cell transplantation of immunity
李禎翼 1, 2, Takashi Kenmochi 2, 1, Itakurashin, Ryohei Nishimura 1, Nobuo Sasaki 1, Michihiro Maruyama 2, Hideaki Sakai 3
Organ Biology 13(3): 354-354, 2006.

English Article P1-10 An Extra-cellular Matrix-coated Intelligent Fabric Maintains and Improves Islet Function
Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Jorge D. Rivas-Carrillo, Noriaki Tanaka, Naoya Kobayashi.
Organ Biology 13(3): 355-355, 2006.

Japanese Article P1-11. Study on reproduction of β cells of the self-pancreas by the pancreas transplantation for the type 2 diabetes rat
島田和典1, 伊藤壽記2, 種村匡弘1, 菰田弘1, 大森健1, 文元雄一1, 川本弘一1, 宋京海1, 北川透1, 西田俊朗1, 澤芳樹1
Organ Biology 13(3): 356-356, 2006.

English Article P1-12 Signaling during pancreatic regeneration induces endocrine differentiation of pancreatic committed-endoderm derived from ES cells
Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo, Yong Chen, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Yuasa Takeshi, Noriaki Tanaka, Naoya Kobayashi
Organ Biology 13(3): 357-357, 2006.

English Article P1-13 Development of a newly implantable bio-artificial pancreas for treatment of diabetes
Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo, Yong Chen, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Yuasa Takeshi, Noriaki Tanaka, Naoya Kobayashi
Organ Biology 13(3): 358-358, 2006.

English Article P1-14 Maintenance of Human Islet Function Using Self-assembling Peptide Nanofibers
Nalu Navarro-Alvarez1, Jorge D. Rivas-Carrillo1, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez1, Yong Chen1, Haruo Misawa1, Takeshi Yuasa1, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto1, Jonathan R. T. Lakey2, Noriaki Tanaka1, Naoya Kobayashi1
Organ Biology 13(3): 359-359, 2006.

English Article P1-15 Regulation of cell morphology and gene expression in human hepatocytes by extracellular matrix and cell-cell interactions.
Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Jorge D. Rivas-Carrillo, Yong Chen, Noriaki Tanaka, Naoya Kobayashi
Organ Biology 13(3): 360-360, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination for the effect of the hepatocytes transplant in the P1-16 obstructive jaundice rat model
Masahiro Ito, Ryotaro Ito, Masashi Ikeno, Akihiko Horiguchi, Hideo Nagata, Shuichi Miyakawa
Organ Biology 13(3): 361-361, 2006.

Japanese Article Basic examination about the functional hepatocytes isolation from all P1-17 swine livers
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Naoya Kobayashi, Soji Yuasa, Yu Chin, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Jorge D. Rivas-Carrillo, Noriaki Tanaka
Organ Biology 13(3): 362-362, 2006.

English Article P1-18 Protection of double transgenic pig hepatocytes by expression of hDAF/hGT-III against human complement-mediated lysis and -cytotoxicity
Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo1, Yong Chen1 Nalu Navarro-Alvarez1, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez1, Kimiaki Tanaka1, Michiki Narushima1, Atsushi Miki1, Takeshi Yuasa1, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto1, Misawa Haruo2, Noriaki Tanaka1, Shuji Miyagawa3, Ryota Shirakura3, Naoyuki Taniguchi3, Yoichi Takahagi4, Tamotsu Shigehisa4, Naoya Kobayashi1
Organ Biology 13(3): 363-363, 2006.

Japanese Article Challenge -tacrolimus susceptibility and clinical outcome - to tailor-made treatment based on the lymphocytes susceptibility in the P1-19 liver transplantation
阿不都許庫尓米吉提 1, Tadashi Matsuno mischief 1, Toru Iwahori 1, Shinichiro Taira 1, Jojima Maro 1 who praises it, Konno law of nature 1, Isao Akashi 1, Koichiro Hama 1, Hitoshi Iwamoto 1, Ashizawa dragon person 1, Toshihiko Hirano 2, Kitaro Oka 2, 長尾桓 1
Organ Biology 13(3): 364-364, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination of the gene expression in the P1-20 rat liver transplantation nature generosity system
Picture Shin Nozawa 1, Katsunori Narahara 1, 2, 張慧 comes; 1, Akihiko Tsuchida 2, Tatsuya Aoki 2
Organ Biology 13(3): 365-365, 2006.

Japanese Article Construction of the immortalization cells using the person from P1-21 mechanic chromosome
Ryotaro Ito, Masahiro Ito, Masashi Ikeno, Akihiko Horiguchi, Hideo Nagata, Shuichi Miyakawa
Organ Biology 13(3): 366-366, 2006.

Japanese Article The construction of the immortalization hepatocytes using the person from P1-22 mechanic chromosome and examination for the safety
Masahiro Ito, Ryotaro Ito, Masashi Ikeno, Akihiko Horiguchi, Hideo Nagata, Shuichi Miyakawa
Organ Biology 13(3): 367-367, 2006.

English Article P1-23 A Newly Developed Implantable Bioartificial Liver Using Multi-Transplantation of Artifical Hepatic Tissue
Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo, Yong Chen, Haruo Misawa, Noriaki Tanaka, Naoya Kobayashi.
Organ Biology 13(3): 368-368, 2006.

English Article P1-24 Conditioned Medium Derived from Human liver Non-parenchymal Cells is useful for Hepatic differentiation of Human ES cells
Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo, Chen Yong, Tomoki Yamatsuji, Noriaki Tanaka, Naoya Kobayashi.
Organ Biology 13(3): 369-369, 2006.

Japanese Article Making of the laparoscopic ischemic hepatic failure porcine model for the P2-1 bio artificial liver development
Soji Yuasa, Naoya Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Yu Chin, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Jorge D. Rivas-Carrillo, Noriaki Tanaka
Organ Biology 13(3): 375-375, 2006.

Japanese Article Trial of the liver ischemia acquisition of resistance by the anoxia resistance of P2-2 liver epithelial cells and the increase
We go to Abe, Tsutomu Sato, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, 打波宇, Ise Norihito, Yamamoto Takezo
Organ Biology 13(3): 376-376, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination of the contribution of the apoptosis in the ischemic reperfusion injury using the P2-3 Bcl-2 transgenic mouse
Suzuki ちぐれ 1, 猪阪善隆 1, 2, Spring water chief vassal 3, Yoshitsugu Takahata 1, Takahito Ito 1, Shiro Takahara 2, 今井圓裕 1
Organ Biology 13(3): 377-377, 2006.

Japanese Article P2-4. We inhibit a warm ischemia re-perfusion injury by the isoflurane inhalation after a circulation of the blood in the lungs stop
藤永卓司1, 中村隆之1, 陳豊史2, 張吉天2, 青山晃博2, 浜川博司2, 庄司剛2, 阪井宏彰2, 板東徹1, 和田洋巳2
Organ Biology 13(3): 378-378, 2006.

Japanese Article Tissue protection effect for the renal ischemia reperfusion injury with P2-5 Carbamylated erythropoietin
Ryoichi Imamura 1, 猪阪善隆 2, Toshiki Moriyama 3, Naoshi Ichimaru 1, 張道中 2, Shiro Takahara 2, Akihiko Okuyama 1
Organ Biology 13(3): 379-379, 2006.

Japanese Article Effect on renal ischemia reperfusion injury of the P2-6 HGF/SF-MSP chimaera (Metron factor-1)
安部美寛 1, Hiromi Sakata 1, Yamada law of nature size 1, Hiroshi Egawa 1, Kotobuki, Toru Tamaoki 1, Paolo Michieli2, Akio Kawamura 1
Organ Biology 13(3): 380-380, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination of the blood flow improvement effect by the ventral canal cells transplant in the P2-7 rat hind leg ischemia model
Hirose Nobuyuki, Hiroshi Maeda religion, Morio Yamamoto, Re-Jan Chan, パリジャタ Rao, ラドバクリシュナン ギータラクシュミ, Small chestnut Shiro
Organ Biology 13(3): 381-381, 2006.

Japanese Article Cryopreservation and revival of the cells in the state that we cultured on P2-8 bibird gel film carrier
Yoshitaka Miyamoto 1, Picture Shin Nozawa 1, Tomoyo Takeuchi 2, Toshiaki Takezawa 2
Organ Biology 13(3): 382-382, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination about the cryopreservation of the liver for the purpose of the P2-9 cell isolation
Satoru Kurata light, Mariko Iwase, Yuki Nishimura, Masamoto Tamiko, Hajime Yasuhara
Organ Biology 13(3): 383-383, 2006.

Japanese Article It is an effect of the db-cAMP addition ET-Kyoto liquid more than the University of Wisconsin liquid in P2-10 rat liver conservation
趙向東 1, Takaaki Koshiba 2, Takayuki Nakamura 1, 鶴山竜昭 3, Plum glume 2, Toru Bando 1, Hiromi Wada 4, Koichi Tanaka 2
Organ Biology 13(3): 384-384, 2006.

Japanese Article Make the extraction heart of the P2-11 rat revive after conservation more than 72 hours; a study about the ectopic heart transplantation
Kunihiro Seki 1, Yoshida A 1, Naoyuki Hatayama 1, Sekino one 2
Organ Biology 13(3): 385-385, 2006.

Japanese Article P2-12 Separation culture method of adult liver progenitor cells
常盤孝義1, 山崎泰助1, 小野雅史1, 絵野沢伸2
Organ Biology 13(3): 386-386, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination of the cellular freeze stock solution in stem cells derived from P2-13 adipose tissue
Koichi Oishi, Hirofumi Noguchi, Hiroshi Yukawa, 林衆治
Organ Biology 13(3): 387-387, 2006.

Japanese Article P2-14 subject name, conservation of the skin tissue using the polyphenol
Tsuyoshi Kawazoe 1, 金学嬉 2, Shigehiko Suzuki 1, Naoki Morimoto 1, Shokyu Gen 2
Organ Biology 13(3): 388-388, 2006.

Japanese Article Suppression of the teratoma formation derived from an embryonic stem cell using P2-15 hTERT-TK
Haruo Misawa 1, Naoya Kobayashi 2, Alejandro Soto-Guti6rrez2, Yong Chen2, Jorge David Rivas-Carrillo2, Nalu Navarro-Alvarez2, Yusuke Endo 1, Toshifumi Ozaki 1
Organ Biology 13(3): 389-389, 2006.

Japanese Article Inspection of the GFP gene expression efficiency using the Sendai virus vector for stem cells derived from P2-16 adipose tissue
Hiroshi Yukawa 1, 3, Masahiro Suzuki 1, Koichi Oishi 1, Hirofumi Noguchi 1, Makoto Inoue 2, 林衆治 1
Organ Biology 13(3): 390-390, 2006.

Japanese Article Revascularization treatment by autologous marrow for the P2-17 peripheral arterial obstruction or the peripheral blood stem cell introduction
Iwashita power, Kenichi Saigo, Michihiro Maruyama, Naotake Akutsu, Otsuki Kazunori, Takashi Kenmochi
Organ Biology 13(3): 391-391, 2006.

Japanese Article Examination about the pulmonary reproduction instruction using the P2-18 Keratinocyte growth factor(KGF) manifestation vector
Katsura, Matsumoto Taro 1, Takaaki Abo 1, Seven island benevolence 1, 角田順久 1, Akihiro Nakamura 1, Tsutomu Tagawa 1, Takehiko Shoji 2, 永安武 1
Organ Biology 13(3): 392-392, 2006.

Japanese Article Using histologic examination - artificial bile duct transplant model of the P2-19 extrahepatic bile duct reproduction -
Mitsuo Miyazawa, Takahiro Torii, 合川公康, Katsuya Okada, Yoshihide Otani, Isamu Koyama
Organ Biology 13(3): 393-393, 2006.

Japanese Article Analysis of liver regeneration of oncogene ECT2 which is P2-20 Rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange-enhancement factor and expression in the cell kinetic and the function
Hiromi Sakata, Toru Tamaoki, Akio Kawamura
Organ Biology 13(3): 394-394, 2006.

Japanese Article Participation of Keratinocyte Growth Factor(KGF) in tracheal cartilage wound healing in the P2-21 rat tracheotomy site
Takaaki Abo 1, Katsura, Matsumoto Taro 1, Seven island benevolence 1, 角田順久 1, Akihiro Nakamura 1, Tsutomu Tagawa 1, Takehiko Shoji 2, 永安武 1
Organ Biology 13(3): 395-395, 2006.

Japanese Article Analysis of the reproduction development of tooth in the adult incisor tooth extraction alveus for the substituted regenerative therapy of P2-22 teeth
Satsugi Taiko 1, 2, Kazuhisa Nakao 1, 2, Morita pear Tsu child 1, 2, Ken Ishida Taro 1, 2, Takashi Tsuji 1, 2
Organ Biology 13(3): 396-396, 2006.