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Organ Biology

Volume 16, Issue 1 / 2009
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

English Article Engineered Rats for Innovative Medical Research
Eiji Kobayashi
Organ Biology 16(1): 40-41, 2009.

English Article From human somatic cells to human iPS cells-State of the art and future needs-
Kazuhiro Sakurada
Organ Biology 16(1): 43-43, 2009.

English Article Hepatic Differentiation of Human ES and iPS cells for Cell Therapies and Drug Discovery, Including Therapies for Hepatitis
Ira J.Fox
Organ Biology 16(1): 47-47, 2009.

English Article ST1-01 Hepatocyte Differentiation of Human Amnion-Derived Stem/Progenitor Cells
Fabio Marongiu1, Toshio Miki1, Aarati Ranade1, Keitaro Mitamura1, Shringi Sharma2, Tiffany Sellaro3, Ken Dorko1, Ewa C.S.Ellis4, Julio Davila5, Stephen C.Strom1
Organ Biology 16(1): 48-48, 2009.

English Article ST1-03 Development of liver regenerative therapy using glycoside-modified bone marrow cells
Hirohiko Ise, Toshihiro Akaike
Organ Biology 16(1): 50-50, 2009.

English Article ST1-04 Mesenchymal stem cells for liver regeneration
Oscar K.Lee
Organ Biology 16(1): 51-51, 2009.

English Article ST1-05 Definition of stem cell-derived hepatocyte
Goshi Shiota
Organ Biology 16(1): 52-52, 2009.

English Article ST1-08 Directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into functional hepatic cells and hepatic progenitor cells
Hongkui Deng
Organ Biology 16(1): 55-55, 2009.

English Article ST2-01 Antidiabetic Drugs:Is there hope for a cure?
Jun Wada
Organ Biology 16(1): 56-56, 2009.

English Article ST2-02 Islet transplantation in Japan
Teru Okitsu
Organ Biology 16(1): 57-57, 2009.

English Article ST2-03 Pancreatic Cell Bank and Artificial Bio Pancreas-The Problems and Alternatives of Pancreas or Islet Transplant
Bae Si-Hyun
Organ Biology 16(1): 58-58, 2009.

Matsumoto Shinichi1, Noguchi Hirofumi1, Naziruddin Bashoo2, Levy Marlon2
Organ Biology 16(1): 59-59, 2009.

English Article ST2-05 Development of an Implantable Typed Bioartificial Pancreas
Naoya Kobayashi1, Shuhei Nakaji2
Organ Biology 16(1): 60-60, 2009.

English Article ST2-06 Islet cells in a graft site are different than in the pancreas
Gordon C.Weir
Organ Biology 16(1): 61-61, 2009.

English Article S1-01 A new screening system of preservation solution for pancreas and islets
Takeshi Kikuchi, Kouji Negishi, Jun Hotta, Takashi Murakami, Eiji Kobayashi
Organ Biology 16(1): 62-62, 2009.

English Article S1-02 Exploiting protein cationization techniques in future cell therapy
Futami Junichiro
Organ Biology 16(1): 63-63, 2009.

English Article S1-03 Prevention of Oxidative Stress induced Organ Damage in a Porcine Brain Dead Donor Model
Stiegler Philipp1, Schweiger Martin1, Sereinigg Michael1, Greilberger Joachim2, Hallstrom Seth3, Iberer Florian1, Dandachi Nadja4, Punschart Andreas1, Marko Thomas5, Nemetz Wolfgang6, Tscheliessnigg Karlheinz7
Organ Biology 16(1): 64-64, 2009.

English Article S1-04 Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen:The potential of Medical gas Therapy for ischemia/reperfusion injury following thoracic organ transplantation
Atsunori Nakao1, 2, Jon Cardinal3, Ryujiro Sugimoto1, 2, Timothy R Billiar3, Kenneth R McCurry3, Yoshiya Toyoda1
Organ Biology 16(1): 65-65, 2009.

English Article S1-05 Lessons learned from Continuous Temperature Monitoring during 83 Human Islet Shipments;
Kathyryn R.Mueller, Connor Lyons, Phillip R.Rozak, Bradley P.Weegman, Efstathios S.Avgoustiniatos, Bernard J.Hering, David E.R.Sutherland, Klearchos K.Papas
Organ Biology 16(1): 66-66, 2009.

English Article S1-06 Experience of the donation of kidneys and eyes as a neurosurgerist for 25 years in Brain Attack Center Ota Memorial Hospital
Kosuke Ota
Organ Biology 16(1): 67-67, 2009.

English Article S1-07 Evaluation of a New Collagenase/Protease Preparation for the Isolation of Human Hepatocytes
Roberto Gramignoli1, Michael L.Green2, Andrew G.Breite2, Robert C.McCarthy2, Fabio Marongiu1, Shringi Sharma3, Ken Dorko1, Veysel Tahan1, Ewa C.S.Ellis4, David A.Geller5, Raman Venkataramanan3, Ira J.Fox5, Stephen C.Strom1
Organ Biology 16(1): 68-68, 2009.

Matsumoto Shinichi1, Noguchi Hirofumi1, Shimoda Masayuki2, Ikemoto Tetsuya1, Onaca Nicholas2, Jackson Andrew2, Tamura Yoshiko2, Olsen Greg2, Fujita Yasutaka1, Chujo Daisuke3, Takita Morihito1, Peng Han2, Kobayashi Naoya4, Naziruddin Bashoo2, Levy Marlon2
Organ Biology 16(1): 69-69, 2009.

English Article S1-09 Assessment of Collagenase and Neutral Protease Activity Following Sterile Filtration
Lakey Jonathan RT1, Mirbolooki M Reza1, Breite Andrew G2, McCarthy Robert C2, Dwulet Francis E2
Organ Biology 16(1): 70-70, 2009.

English Article S1-10 Mechanically Active Cell Culture System
Naruse Keiji
Organ Biology 16(1): 71-71, 2009.

English Article S2-01 Construction of artificial hepatic lobules-like spheroids on three dimensional culture device, CELLABLE.
Enosawa Shin1, Miyamoto Yoshitaka2, Kubota Hisayo3, Jyomura Tomoko4, Ikeya Takeshi4
Organ Biology 16(1): 72-72, 2009.

English Article S2-02 Experience of human hepatocyte isolation at the Institute of Organ Transplantation of Tongji Hospital Wuhan, China
Meng Fan-ying, Zhou Ping, Chen Zhi-shui, Han Meng, Xie Lin, Liu Yong, He Wen-tao, Li Shu-yuan
Organ Biology 16(1): 73-73, 2009.

English Article S2-03 Improvement of preserving hepatocyte in new method for the therapy of hepatocyte transplantation
Nakazawa Fumiaki1, Tamaki Toru2, Kawamura Akio2, Strom Stephan3, Fujikawa Seizo4
Organ Biology 16(1): 74-74, 2009.

English Article S2-04 Comparison of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Obtained from Placenta, Bone Marrow and Umbilical Cord Blood into Hepatogenic
Bae Si-Hyun1, Kim Gi Dae2, Park Seong Tae2, Choi Jong Young2, Yoon Seung Kew2, Hur Wonhee2, Oh Il Hoan2, Yoon Kun Ho2, Oh Seh Hoon2, Petersen Bryon E2
Organ Biology 16(1): 75-75, 2009.

English Article S2-05 The effect of bone marrow and hepatocyte transplantation against retrorsine-partial hepatectomy-induced liver injury in analbuminemic rats
Inagaki Mitsuhiro1, Zhang Biao1, Arikura Jun1, Ogawa Katsuhiro2, Kasai Shinichi1
Organ Biology 16(1): 76-76, 2009.

English Article S2-06 New therapy for promotion of regeneration and resolution of fibrosis in the liver by platelets:basic research to clinical trial
Murata Soichiro, Ohkohchi Nobuhiro, Watanabe Motonobu, Nakano Yoritaka, Myronovych Andriy, Fukunaga Kiyoshi
Organ Biology 16(1): 77-77, 2009.

English Article S2-07 Hepatocyte Transplantation (HTx) Extends Lifespan, Increases Branched Chain a-Keto Acid Dehydrogenase (BCKDH) Activity, and Improves Neurotransmitter and Blood Amino Acid Profiles in a Murine Model of Intermediate Maple Syrup Urine Disease (iMSUD)
Skvorak Kristen J.1, Paul Harbhajan S.2, Dorko Kenneth3, Marongiu Fabio3, Chace Donald4, Ferguson Carolyn5, Arning Erland6, Bottiglieri Teodoro6, Jansen Erwin E.W.7, Jakobs Cornelis7, Gibson K.Michael1, Homanics Gregg E.5, Strom Steven C.3
Organ Biology 16(1): 78-78, 2009.

English Article S2-08 Repopulation of the immunosuppressed retrorsine-treated infant rat liver with human hepatocytes
Tateno Chise, Tachibana Asato, Yoshizato Katsutoshi
Organ Biology 16(1): 79-79, 2009.

English Article S2-09 Liver Engineering Using Natural Livers as Scaffolds
Soto-Gutierrez Alejandro, Uygun Basak E., Yagi Hiroshi, Uygun Korkut, Yarmush Martin L.
Organ Biology 16(1): 80-80, 2009.

English Article S2-10 Hepatocyte Transplantation Procedure Utilizing In Vivo Propagated Hepatocytes
Ohashi Kazuo1, Tatsumi Kohei2, Tateno Chise3, Kataoka Miho4, Yoshizato Katsutoshi3, Shima Midori2, Utoh Rie1, Okano Teruo1
Organ Biology 16(1): 81-81, 2009.

English Article S3-01 Regenerative medicine for cerebral ischemia:cell transplantation, gene therapy and electrical stimulation
Organ Biology 16(1): 82-82, 2009.

English Article S3-02 Human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cells expressing S-TRAIL as a cellular delivery vehicle for human glioma therapy
Lata G.Menon1, Kathleen Kelly1, Hong Wei Yang1, Seung-Ki Kim2, Peter M.Black1, Rona S Carroll1
Organ Biology 16(1): 83-83, 2009.

English Article S3-03 Application of ES and iPS cells for the treatment of Parkinson's disease
Takahashi Jun
Organ Biology 16(1): 84-84, 2009.

English Article S3-04 Development of HESC-derived Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells for the Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury
Jane Lebkowski, Anthony Davies, Edward Wirth, Amanda Conta, Yelena Polonskaya, Jerrod Denham, R.Scott Thies, Catherine Priest
Organ Biology 16(1): 85-85, 2009.

English Article S3-05 Regulation of actin dynamics in growing neurons
Kohji Takei, Hiroshi Yamada, Tadashi Abe
Organ Biology 16(1): 86-86, 2009.

English Article S3-06 The pathology of dopamine signaling:from drug addiction to Parkinson disease
Girault J.A., Bertran-Gonzalez J., Matamales M..,, Stipanovich A.,, Maroteaux M..,, Alcacer, C.,, Valjent E.,, Herve D.
Organ Biology 16(1): 87-87, 2009.

English Article S4-01 Tissue Augmentation and clinical effect by White Blood Cell-Containing Platelet-Rich Plasma injection to the skin
Kawazoe Takeshi1, Kim Hak Hee2
Organ Biology 16(1): 88-88, 2009.

English Article S4-02 Function interaction between Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and spiral ligament fibrocytes underlies hearing recovery after MSC transplantation into the inner ear
Guangwei Sun1.2.3, Masato Fujii1, Tatsuo Matsunaga1
Organ Biology 16(1): 89-89, 2009.

English Article S4-03 Matrix metalloproteinase-9 contributes to the mobilization of bone marrow cells in the injured liver.
Kawai Kengo1, Takahara Terumi1, Xue Feng2, Kudo Hiroshi1, Yata Yutaka3, Zhang Wei1, Sugiyama Toshiro1
Organ Biology 16(1): 90-90, 2009.

English Article S4-04 Novel cell delivery system of bone marrow cells for treatment of myocardial infarction by coating with N-acetylglucosamine on the cell surface
Hirohiko Ise1, Satoshi Kobayashi2, Masafumi Takahashi2, Uichi Ikeda2, Mitsuaki Goto3, Toshihiro Akaike1
Organ Biology 16(1): 91-91, 2009.

English Article S4-05 Differentiating Stem Cells into Liver
Soto-Gutierrez Alejandro
Organ Biology 16(1): 92-92, 2009.

English Article S4-06 Biomaterial Technology of Drug Delivery for Regeneration Medicine
Tabata Yasuhiko
Organ Biology 16(1): 93-93, 2009.

English Article S4-07 Mesenchymal Stem Cells:Plasticity and Application
Oscar K.Lee
Organ Biology 16(1): 94-94, 2009.

English Article S4-08 Stem Cells in the embryonic kidney
Ryuichi Nishinakamura
Organ Biology 16(1): 95-95, 2009.

English Article S4-09 Large Maf Factors:Key Component for Beta-Cell Differentiation & Maturation
Wataru Nishimura, Arun Sharma
Organ Biology 16(1): 96-96, 2009.

English Article S4-10 Stem Cell Therapy for Severe Heart Failure.
Yoshiki Sawa
Organ Biology 16(1): 97-97, 2009.

English Article S4-11 New Developments in Regenerative Medicine
Clark K.Colton
Organ Biology 16(1): 98-98, 2009.

English Article S5-01 Mizoribine as sole immunosuppressive agent in islet xenotransplantation models:a candidate immunosuppressant causing no adverse effects on islets
Yamashita Michitoshi, Saito Takuro, Ise Kazuya, Ishii Show, Satoh Yoshihiro, Saito Takaharu, Oshibe Ikuro, Shimizu Hirofumi, Kenjo Akira, Kimura Takashi, Gotoh Mitsukazu
Organ Biology 16(1): 99-99, 2009.

English Article S5-02 Improved Outcome of Porcine Islet Isolation by Inhibition of Trypsin using Alpha-1 Antitrypsin
Shimoda Masayuki1, Matsumoto Shinichi2, Fujita Yasutaka3, Takita Morihito2, Ikemoto Tetsuya2, Chujo Daisuke4, Noguchi Hirofumi2, Naziruddin Bashoo1, Levy Marlon F1, Kobayashi Naoya5, Grayburn Paul A1
Organ Biology 16(1): 100-100, 2009.

English Article S5-03 Immunological behavior of enhanced green flourescent protein (EGFP) as a minor hitocomasptibility antigen with a special reference to skin isograft and in vivo cytotoxic assay
Pan Xuan-Chao1, Kimura Hiromitsu2, Sugawara Yasuhiko1, Makuuchi Masatoshi1, Kitazawa Yuhsuke3, Fuji-Funeshima Naoko4, Li Xiao-Kang5, Miyamoto Megumu5
Organ Biology 16(1): 101-101, 2009.

Kimura Hiromitsu1.2, Miyamoto Megumu2, Tanaka Kohichi3, Uemoto Shinji4
Organ Biology 16(1): 102-102, 2009.

English Article S5-05 Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells tolerize alloreactive T cells via MHC class II recognition in liver transplantation
Ohdan Hideki, Onoe Takashi, Banshodani Masataka
Organ Biology 16(1): 103-103, 2009.

English Article S5-06 Xenotransplantation of NaCS microencapsulated porcine islet cells in diabetic rats
Stiegler Philipp1, Stadlbauer Vanessa2, Hackl Florian1, Iberer Florian1, Lackner Carolin3, Hauser Oliver4, Schaffellner Silvia1, Strunk Dirk5, Tscheliessnigg Karlheinz1
Organ Biology 16(1): 104-104, 2009.

English Article S5-07 Profiles of xeno-glycoantigens of the cell from a1,3 galactosyltransferase knockout pig
Shuji Miyagawa1, Shunsaku Takeishi2, Aki Yamamoto1, Kosuke Ikeda3, Hitomi Matsunari3, Hiroshi Nagashima3, Masao Yamada2, Eiji Miyoshi4, Masahiro Fukuzawa1
Organ Biology 16(1): 105-105, 2009.

English Article S5-08 Conditions and parameters of T regulatory cell mobilisation in convenient haemopoietic stem cell mobilisation regimens
Rozenkov Vladislav1, Wang Lanfeng1, To Bik2, Lewis Ian D2
Organ Biology 16(1): 106-106, 2009.

English Article S5-09 Strategy to Induce Tolerance to Islets across Allogeneic/Xenogeneic Barriers
Kazuhiko Yamada
Organ Biology 16(1): 107-107, 2009.

English Article S6-01 Cell sheet engineering for regenerative medicine
Masayuki Yamato
Organ Biology 16(1): 108-108, 2009.

English Article S6-02 Intramuscular Transplantation of Engineered Hepatic Tissue Constructs Corrects Acute and Chronic Liver Failure in Mice
Navarro-Alvarez Nalu1, Soto-Gutierrez Alejandro1, Chen Yong2, Caballero-Corbalan Jose3, Hassan Wael2, Takei Jiro4, Tanaka Noriaki2, Fox Ira J5, Kobayashi Naoya2
Organ Biology 16(1): 109-109, 2009.

English Article S6-03 Sophisticated Construction of Artificial Tissue by Means of Basement Membrane Substratum Prepared by Cultured Epithelial Cells in Vitro
Katsumi Mochitate
Organ Biology 16(1): 110-110, 2009.

English Article S6-04 Cell therapy for kidney:Is it effective for kidney diseases?
Shinji Kitamura1, Masaru Kinomura1, Takeshi Sugaya2, Hirohumi Makino1
Organ Biology 16(1): 111-111, 2009.

English Article S6-05 Establishment of liver-like tissue in vitro through endothelium-mediated hepatocyte recruitment, polarization and function.
Yaakov Nahmias, Martin L.Yarmush
Organ Biology 16(1): 112-112, 2009.

English Article S6-06 Feasibility of liposome-encapsulated hemoglobin (LEH) as an oxygen carrier to cultured fetal and adult liver cells for liver tissue engineering
Sakai Yasuyuki1, Huang Hongyun1, Ohara Keiko2, Matsumoto Kunio2, Mizuno Atsushi3, Ohta Katusji3
Organ Biology 16(1): 113-113, 2009.

English Article S6-07 The Anterior Chamber of the Eye Allows Studying Human Islet Cell Biology In Vivo
Caicedo Alejandro1, Rodriguez-Diaz Rayner1, Molano R.Damaris1, Ricordi Camillo1.2, Berggren Per-Olof1.2, Pileggi Antonello1
Organ Biology 16(1): 114-114, 2009.

English Article S6-08 Biomaterials Design for ES/iPS Cells Engineering in Regenerative Medicine
Toshihiro Akaike
Organ Biology 16(1): 115-115, 2009.

English Article S7-01 Cryopreservation of human islets using hydroxyethyl starch and dimethyl sulfoxide
Takashi Kenmochi1, Takehide Asano2, Michihiro Maruyama1, Naotake Akutsu1, Taihei Ito1
Organ Biology 16(1): 116-116, 2009.

English Article S7-02 Death of Human Pancreatic B-cells Caused by 5-orto(toluene)-8-oxyquinolin and its Prevention by Non-Diabetogenic Binding of Zn+2-ions
Meyramov G.G., Meyramova A.G.
Organ Biology 16(1): 117-117, 2009.

English Article S7-03 N-glycolylneuraminic acid:a novel target for rejection in islet xenotransplantation
Tahara Hiroyuki1, Ohdan Hideki1, Ide Kentaro1, Basnet Nabin Bahadur1, Takematsu Hiromu2, Kozutsumi Yasunori2
Organ Biology 16(1): 118-118, 2009.

English Article S7-04 Increased Replication of Transplanted Human Beta Cells
Katsuta Hitoshi, Jung Min Ho, Katsuta Rimiko, Kennedy Jeffrey, Duran Luisa, Sgroi Dennis, Goldfine Allison, Lock Jennifer, Marselli Lorella, Nagaya Masaki, Bonner-Weir Susan, Weir Gordon C.
Organ Biology 16(1): 119-119, 2009.

English Article S7-05 A Longitudinal Survey of Adverse Events in clinical islet transplantation:one institutional experience
Takita Morihito1, Matsumoto Shinichi1, Noguchi Hirofumi1, Shimoda Masayuki2, Ikemoto Tetsuya1, Naziruddin Bashoo3, Onaca Nicholas3, Levy Marlon F.3
Organ Biology 16(1): 120-120, 2009.

Joana Ferrer, BP Weegman, WE Scott III, ES Avgoustiniatos, TM Suszynski, T Anazawa, DER Sutherland, BJ Hering, KK Papas
Organ Biology 16(1): 121-121, 2009.

English Article S7-07 Islet function and glycemic control after total pancreatectomy and islet autotransplant
Melena D Bellin, Juan J Blondet, Gregory J Beilman, Antoinette Moran, Bernhard Hering, David ER Sutherland
Organ Biology 16(1): 122-122, 2009.

English Article S7-08 Potency tests for assessing the quality of isolated pancreatic islets
Masafumi Goto1.2
Organ Biology 16(1): 123-123, 2009.

English Article S7-09 Ex-vivo expansion of adult human pancreatic islet beta cells
Shimon Efrat
Organ Biology 16(1): 124-124, 2009.

English Article S7-10 Islet transplantation and regeneration at the Baylor Research Institute
Noguchi Hirofumi, Levy Marlon F., Naziruddin Bashoo, Matsumoto Shinichi
Organ Biology 16(1): 125-125, 2009.

English Article S7-11 Effect of Alginate Source and Preparation Method on Biocompatibility of a Macroscopic Encapsulaton Device
Lakey Jonathan RT1, Mirbolooki Mohammad Reza1, Dorian Randy2, Storrs Rick2
Organ Biology 16(1): 126-126, 2009.

English Article S7-12 Steady Progress and Current Challenges in Clinical Islet Transplantation for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.
Camillo Ricordi1-6, Davide Mineo1.7, Antonello Pileggi1.2, Rodolfo Alejandro1.3
Organ Biology 16(1): 127-127, 2009.

English Article S8-01 Characterization of Human Amnion-Derived Stem Cells
Fabio Marongiu1, Roberto Gramignoli1, Brain Sicari1, Nisha Sambamurthy1, Veysel Tahan1, Kenneth Dorko1, Julio Davila2, Stephen C.Strom1
Organ Biology 16(1): 128-128, 2009.

English Article S8-02 Protective effects of carboxylated poly-L-lysine on hypothermic preservation of mouse induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells
KIM HakHee, Hyon Suong-Hyu, Matsumura Kazuaki, Bae Jung Yoon
Organ Biology 16(1): 129-129, 2009.

English Article S8-03 Human hepatic stem cell:the prospective isolation and characterization
Yun-Wen ZHENG, Bin LI, Yasuharu UENO, Hideki TANIGUCHI
Organ Biology 16(1): 130-130, 2009.

English Article S8-04 Isolation and Propagation of a Human CD133-Negative Colon Tumor Derived Cell Line with Tumorigenic and Angiogenic Properties
Navarro-Alvarez Nalu1, Kondo Eisaku2, Soto-Gutierrez Alejandro1, Kawamoto Hironobu2, Hassan Wael2, Nezuo Maiko2, Yuasa Takeshi2, Kubota Yasuhiro2, Nakahara Hiroyuki2, Tanaka Noriaki2, Kobayashi Naoya2
Organ Biology 16(1): 131-131, 2009.

English Article S8-05 Comparative analysis of endoderm formation efficacy between mouse ES cells and iPS cells
Masaya Iwamuro1, Toshiyuki Komaki2, Yasuhiro Kubota3, Masayuki Seita3, Hironobu Kawamoto3, Takeshi Yuasa3, Shahid M Javed3, Reham Hassan3, Wael Hassan4, Yuriko Nishikawa5, Eisaku Kondo5, Takahiro Hayashi6, Hiroyuki Nakahara6, Shuhei Nakaji7, Kazuhide Yamamoto1, Naoya Kobayashi3
Organ Biology 16(1): 132-132, 2009.

English Article S8-06 In vitro hepatic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells under differential exposure to liver-specific factors
Dima Simona Olimpia1, Chivu Mihaela2, Stancu Cosmin2, Dobrea Camelia3, Uscatescu Valentina4, Necula Laura2, Bleotu Coralia2, Ardeleanu Carmen3, Popescu Irinel1
Organ Biology 16(1): 133-133, 2009.

English Article S8-07 Multipotent stem cells from mammalian iris pigment epithelium
Guangwei Sun1.2, Mitsuko Kosaka3
Organ Biology 16(1): 134-134, 2009.

English Article S8-09 Therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stem cells in liver disease
Ochiya Takahiro
Organ Biology 16(1): 136-136, 2009.

English Article S8-10 A role of Wnt/beta-catenin signals in hepatic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
Shiota Goshi1, Tsuchiya Hiroyuki1, Umezawa Akihiro2, Hoshikawa Yoshiko1
Organ Biology 16(1): 137-137, 2009.

English Article S8-11 What might stem cells do for diabetes?
Gordon C.Weir
Organ Biology 16(1): 138-138, 2009.

English Article S9-01 Differentiation Control of Stem Cells by Immobilized Cytokines and Chemical Compounds
Yoshihiro Ito
Organ Biology 16(1): 139-139, 2009.

English Article S9-02 Development of the grapefruit flavonoid naringenin as an HCV therapy:efficacy, mechanism and delivery.
Yaakov Nahmias, Jonathan Goldwasser, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Raymond T Chung
Organ Biology 16(1): 140-140, 2009.

English Article S9-03 Bone Repair by Transplantation of hTERT-Immortalized Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Mice
Hiroyuki Nakahara1, Haruo Misawa1, Takashi Yuasa2, Masato Tanaka1, Horosuke Endo1, Hassan Reham Amgad1, Philippe Leboulch3.4, Noriaki Tanaka2, Toshifumi Ozaki1, Naoya Kobayashi2
Organ Biology 16(1): 141-141, 2009.

English Article S9-04 Reactive Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Attenuates Systemic Inflammation via sTNFRI under the control of NFkB.
Soto-Gutierrez Alejandro, Yagi Hiroshi, Parekkadan Biju, Yarmush. Martin L.
Organ Biology 16(1): 142-142, 2009.

English Article S9-05 Experimental Approach for Growth Inhibition of Human Malignancies by the Highly Efficient Anti-tumor Peptides Delivery System.
Eisaku KONDO
Organ Biology 16(1): 143-143, 2009.

English Article S9-06 Magnetic resonance imaging of transplanted mouse islets labeled with chitosan-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
Juang Jyuhn-Huarng1, Shen Chia-Rui2, Wang Jiun-Jie3, Kuo Chien-Hung4, Chien Yu-Wen1, Kuo Hsiao-Yunn2, Tsai Zei-Tsan5, Yen Tzu-Chen5
Organ Biology 16(1): 144-144, 2009.

English Article S9-07 In vivo Imaging of Atherosclerosis with Targeting Liposome and its Availability as a Drug Delivery System
Satoshi Hirohata
Organ Biology 16(1): 145-145, 2009.

English Article S9-08 Novel anti-cancer strategies using HVJ (Sendai virus) envelope vector
Yasufumi Kaneda
Organ Biology 16(1): 146-146, 2009.

English Article S9-09 New Perspectives on the Importance of Oxygen Consumption Rate in Islet Transplantation
Clark K.Colton
Organ Biology 16(1): 147-147, 2009.

English Article P-01 The Effect of Refreezing on Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem/Progenitor Cell Functions
Yoshitaka Miyamoto1, Koichi Oishi1, Hiroshi Yukawa1, Hirofumi Noguchi2, Masahiro Sasaki3, Hisashi Iwata4, Shuji Hayashi1
Organ Biology 16(1): 148-148, 2009.

English Article P-02 Self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffold for 3-D cell culturing under mechanical stimulation
Nagai Yusuke1, Kaihara Keiko1, Yokoi Hidenori2, Uesugi Koji2, Naruse Keiji1
Organ Biology 16(1): 149-149, 2009.

English Article P-03 Glucose metabolism in liver organoid-Simple assessment using by 13C-glucose breath test-
Tanaka Ken1, Matsuura Tomokazu2, Nagatsuma Keisuke1, Saito Masaya1, Takikawa Shingo1, Maehashi Haruka3, Okawa Kiyoshi3, Saito Ryuta4, Ishii Yuji4, Nakata Koji4, Tajiri Hisao1, Yanaga Katsuhiko4, Suzuki Masato2
Organ Biology 16(1): 150-150, 2009.

English Article P-04 Adenine nucleotide levels in closed enzymatic digestion system for porcine islet isolation
Oshibe Ikuro, Sato Yoshihiro, Sato Jun, Anazawa Takayuki, Saito Takaharu, Tsukada Manabu, Kimura Takashi, Kenjo Akira, Saito Takuro, Gotoh Mitsukazu
Organ Biology 16(1): 151-151, 2009.

English Article P-05 Disclosure of toxic environment to isolated islets during collagenase over-digestion
Tsukada Manabu1, Gotoh Mitsukazu1, Saito Takuro1, Ise Kazuya1, Kenjo Akira1, Kimura Takashi1, Satoh Yoshihiro1, Anazawa Takayuki1, Suzuki Shigeya2, Gotoh Mitsukazu1
Organ Biology 16(1): 152-152, 2009.

English Article P-06 Basic investigations for islets preserved by a new effective cooling system
Ikemoto Tetsuya1, Takita Morihito1, Sugimoto Koji2, Fujita Yasutaka3, Shimoda Masayuki4, Noguchi Hirofumi1, Naziruddin Bashoo5, Onaca Nicholas5, Shimada Mitsuo2, Levy Marlon F5, Matsumoto Shinichi1
Organ Biology 16(1): 153-153, 2009.

English Article P-07 Carbamylated erythropoietin (CEPO) ameliorated cyclosporine nephrotoxicity without stimulating erythropoiesis
Abe Toyofumi1, Isaka Yoshitaka2, Imamura Ryoichi1, Kakuta Yoichi1, Okumi Masayoshi1, Ichimura Naotsugu1, Okuyama Akihiko1, Takahara Shiro2
Organ Biology 16(1): 154-154, 2009.

English Article P-08 Hypothermic preservation of human hepatocytes with carboxylated poly-L-lysine
KIM HakHee, Hyon Suong-Hyu, Matsumura Kazuaki
Organ Biology 16(1): 155-155, 2009.

English Article P-09 Extracellular matrix formed by bovine periosteal cells
Akiyama Mari
Organ Biology 16(1): 156-156, 2009.

English Article P-10 Human Hepatocyte Propagation System in the Mouse Livers:Functional Maintenance of the Production of Vitamin K-Dependent Coagulation Factors
Tatsumi Kohei1, Ohashi Kazuo2, Tateno Chise3, Yoshizato Katsutoshi3, Okano Teruo2, Shima Midori1
Organ Biology 16(1): 157-157, 2009.

Matsumoto Shinichi1, Naziruddin Bashoo2, Lamont Jeffrey2, Ikemoto Tetsuya1, Shimoda Masayuki3, Fujita Yasutaka1, Takita Morihito1, Chujo Daisuke3, Tate Chad2, Onaca Nicholas2, Noguchi Hirofumi1, Matsumoto Shinichi1, Levy Marlon2
Organ Biology 16(1): 158-158, 2009.

English Article P-12 Cryopreservation of human adipose tissue-derived stem/progenitor cells with novel polymeric cryoprotective agents
Cho Hanhee1, Hyon Suong-Hyu1, Ohsaki Tateo2, Tsuremizu Hanae2, Fujimori Ryosuke2
Organ Biology 16(1): 159-159, 2009.

English Article P-13 Islet Purification Method Using Large Bottles Effectively Achieves High Islet Yield from Pig Pancreas
Masayuki Shimoda1, Yasutaka Fujita2, Morihito Takita3, Tetsuya Ikemoto3, Daisuke Chujo3, Hirofumi Noguchi3, Bashoo Naziruddin1, Marlon F Levy1.4, Naoya Kobayashi5, Paul A Grayburn1, Shinichi Matsumoto3.4
Organ Biology 16(1): 160-160, 2009.

English Article P-14 48-Hour Preservation, Resuscitation, and Transplantation of an Isolated Rat Heart with High Partial Pressure Carbon Monoxide Gas (PCO=4000hPa) and Oxygen (PO2=3000hPa)
Hatayama Naoyuki, Yoshida Yu, Seki Kunihiro
Organ Biology 16(1): 161-161, 2009.

English Article P-15 Immunoisolation effect of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) macro-encapsulated islets in type 1 diabetes therapy
Qi Zhi, Yamamoto Chizuru, Imori Naomi, Yanai Goichi, Hiura Akihito, Sumi Shoichiro
Organ Biology 16(1): 162-162, 2009.

English Article P-16 Repopulation of human origin hepatocyte progenitor-like cell line, THLE-5b, in Scid mouse liver under p21-mediated cell growth arresting condition.
Enosawa Shin1, Tokiwa Takayoshi2, Yamazaki Taisuke2
Organ Biology 16(1): 163-163, 2009.

English Article P-17 Comparison of ulinastatin, gabexate mesilate, and nafamostat mesilate in preservation solution for porcine islet isolation
Noguchi Hirofumi1, Naziruddin Bashoo2, Jackson Andrew2, Shimoda Masayuki3, Ikemoto Tetsuya1, Fujita Yasutaka1, Chujo Daisuke1, Takita Morihito1, Kobayashi Naoya4, Okitsu Teru5, Iwanaga Yasuhiro5, Nagata Hideo6, Ueda Michiko6, Onaca Nicholas1, Levy Marlon F.1, Matsumoto Shinichi1
Organ Biology 16(1): 164-164, 2009.

English Article P-18 Controlled-density gradient by changing the volumetric ratio of iodixanol and the purification solutions improves recovery rate in human islet isolation
Noguchi Hirofumi1, Ikemoto Tetsuya1, Naziruddin Bashoo2, Jackson Andrew2, Shimoda Masayuki3, Fujita Yasutaka1, Chujo Daisuke1, Takita Morihito1, Kobayashi Naoya4, Onaca Nicholas2, Levy Marlon F.1, Matsumoto Shinichi1
Organ Biology 16(1): 165-165, 2009.

English Article P-19 Evaluation of culture/preservation temperature of isolated human islets before transplantation
Noguchi Hirofumi1, Naziruddin Bashoo2, Jackson Andrew2, Shimoda Masayuki3, Ikemoto Tetsuya1, Fujita Yasutaka1, Chujo Daisuke1, Takita Morihito1, Kobayashi Naoya4, Onaca Nicholas2, Levy Marlon F.1, Matsumoto Shinichi1
Organ Biology 16(1): 166-166, 2009.

English Article P-20 Side population cells from an immortalized human liver epithelial cell line exhibit the property of liver stem/progenitor-like cells
Tokiwa Takayoshi1, Yamazaki Taisuke1, Enosawa Shin2
Organ Biology 16(1): 167-167, 2009.

English Article P-21 What to do with the amputated limb with long ischemia time?-New Maneuvers for the Ischemic Golden Period-
Araki Jun, Mihara Makoto, Narushima Sancho, Suga Hirotaka, Yoshimura Kotaro, Koshima Isao
Organ Biology 16(1): 168-168, 2009.

English Article P-22 Comparative study of the cellular pharmacodynamics of tacrolimus in renal transplant recipients treated with and without basiliximab.
Kentaro Sugiyama1, Kazuya Isogai1, Satoshi Horisawa1, Akira Toyama1, Hiroshi Satoh1, Kazuhide Saito2, Yuki Nakagawa2, Masayuki Tasaki2, Kota Takahashi2, Toshihiko Hirano3
Organ Biology 16(1): 169-169, 2009.

English Article P-23 Correlation of histopathology, islet yield, and islet graft function after islet autotransplantation in chronic pancreatitis
Kobayashi Takashi1, Sato Yoshinobu1, Yamamoto Satoshi1, Oya Hiroshi1, Kokai Hidenaka1, Tanaka Tomoharu2, Yonekawa Yukihide2, Matsumoto Shuichiro2, Anazawa Takayuki2, Manivel Carlos3, Carlson Annelisa2, Bellin Melena2, Hering Bernhard2, Sutherland David E.R.2, Hatakeyama Katsuyoshi1
Organ Biology 16(1): 170-170, 2009.

English Article P-24 The correlation of the result of islet isolations and clinical outcome of kidney transplantation from the same non-heart beating donors
Maruyama Michihiro1, Kenmochi Takashi1, Akutsu Naotake1, Iwashita Chikara1, Saigo Kenichi1, Otsuki Kazunori1, Ito Taihei1, Asano Takehide2
Organ Biology 16(1): 171-171, 2009.

English Article P-25 Cryopreserved hepatocyte transplantation from non-heart beating donor in rat
Yasuda Daisuke, Aoki Takeshi, Enami Yuta, Kusano Tomokazu, Matsuda Kazuhiro, Kusano Mitsuo
Organ Biology 16(1): 172-172, 2009.

English Article P-26 Gene set enrichment analysis for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles in one hour biopsy specimens of human kidney transplantation form donors after cardiac death
Kusaka Mamoru1, Iwamatsu Fumi1, Kuroyanagi Yoko2, Sasaki Hitomi1, Maruyama Takahiro1, Hayakawa Kunihiro1, Shiroki Ryoichi1, Sugitani Atsushi3, Kurahashi Hiroki2, Hoshinaga Kiyotaka4
Organ Biology 16(1): 173-173, 2009.

English Article P-27 The Impact of Operator Variables on Human Islet Isolation Toward Standardizing Islet Cell Processing Protocol
Ichii Hirohito, Khan Aisha, Miki Atsushi, Wang Xiojing, Sakuma Yasunaru, Mita Atsuyoshi, Barker Scott, Yamamoto Toshiyuki, Hanif Omaima, Montelongo Jorge, Szust Joel, Alejandro Rodolfo, Ricordi Camillo
Organ Biology 16(1): 174-174, 2009.

English Article P-28 Therapeutic Potential of a Human Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cell Based Liver-Assist Device for Fulminant Hepatic Failure
Yagi Hiroshi1, Parekkadan Biju1, Suganuma Kazuhiro2, Soto-Gutierrez Alejando1, Ronald Tompkins G1, Tilles Arno W1, Yarmush Martin L1
Organ Biology 16(1): 175-175, 2009.

English Article P-29 Effects of Exercise on Glucose Homeostasis in Clinical Islet Transplantation
Lauriola Vincenzo, Baidal David, Froud Tatiana, Messinger Shari, Mineo Devide, Bernetti Karina, Herrada Eva, Lagari Violet, Ricordi Camillo, Alejandro Rodolfo
Organ Biology 16(1): 176-176, 2009.

English Article P-30 Noninvasive Live Imaging of Intraocular Islet Allograft Rejection
Abdulreda Midhat1, Pileggi Antonello1, Faleo Gaetano1, Molano R.Damaris1, Bayer Allison L1, Berggren Per-Olof1.2, Ricordi Camillo1.2, Caicedo Alejandro1, Pileggi Antonello1
Organ Biology 16(1): 177-177, 2009.

English Article P-31 Allogeneic Islet Transplantation in the Anterior Chamber of the Eye
Pileggi Antonello1, Molano R.Damaris1, Abdulreda Midhat1, Faleo Gaetano1, Molina Judith1, Berggren Per-Olof1.2, Ricordi Camillo1.2, Caicedo Alejandro1, Pileggi Antonello1
Organ Biology 16(1): 178-178, 2009.

English Article P-32 The Unique Innervation of Human Islets
Rodriguez-Diaz Rayner1, Caicedo Alejandro1, Gans Itai1, Ricordi Camillo1.2, Berggren Per-Olof1.2, Caicedo Alejandro1
Organ Biology 16(1): 179-179, 2009.

English Article P-33 In Vivo Assessment of Islet Cell Innervation
Rodriguez-Diaz Rayner1, Caicedo Alejandro1, Speier Stephan2, Molano R.Damaris1, Molina Judith1, Ricordi Camillo1.2, Berggren Per-Olof1.2, Pileggi Antonello1, Caicedo Alejandro1
Organ Biology 16(1): 180-180, 2009.

English Article P-34 Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells suppress lymphocyte proliferation and prevent rat graft-versus-host disease but cloned MSCs are failed
Kitazawa Yusuke1, Li Xiao-Kang2, Kimura Hiromitsu2, Isaka Yoshitaka1, Takahara Shiro1
Organ Biology 16(1): 181-181, 2009.

English Article P-35 Functional evaluation of a chondrocyte sheeting immunodelusive immunoisolatied bioartficial pancreas (CSI-BAP)
Joon Ye KIM, Yu Seun KIM, Jeong IK LEE, Jin Ho Jeong, Yuri Cho, Yu Hui Fang, Yun-Jong Park
Organ Biology 16(1): 182-182, 2009.

Morgan Hamon1, Teruo Fujii2, Yasuyuki Sakai2
Organ Biology 16(1): 183-183, 2009.

English Article P-37 Cell shape regulation based on hepatocyte sheet engineering technologies
Takagi Soichi, Ohashi Kazuo, Ohno Maki, Utoh Rie, Okano Teruo
Organ Biology 16(1): 184-184, 2009.

English Article P-38 Evaluation of a hybrid artificial liver module containing ES cell-derived hepatic cells
Mizumoto Hiroshi1, Kajiwara Toshihisa1, Hayashi Shunsuke1, Ikeda Kaoru1, Nakazawa Kohji2, Ijima Hiroyuki1, Funatsu Kazumori1
Organ Biology 16(1): 185-185, 2009.

English Article P-39 Hepatocytes from Fibrotic Liver Possess High Growth Potential in Vivo
Manabu Nishie1, Chise Tateno2, Rie Utoh3, Kohashi Toshihiko4, Norio Masumoto4, Naoya Kobayashi1, Toshiyuki Itamoto4, Noriaki Tanaka1, Toshimasa Asahara4, Katsutoshi Yoshizato2
Organ Biology 16(1): 186-186, 2009.

English Article P-40 The Variability of Pro-inflammatory Cytokine/Chemokine Production from Human Islet Preparations Purified using Iodixanol (OptiPrep)- and Ficoll-based density gradient
Mita Atsuyoshi1, Ricordi Camillo2, Messinger Shari2, Miki Atsushi2, Misawa Ryosuke2, Barker Scott2, Molano R.Damaris2, Haertter R2, Khan Aisha2, Pileggi Antonello2, Miyagawa Shinichi1, Inverardi Luca2, Ichii Hirohito2
Organ Biology 16(1): 187-187, 2009.

English Article P-41 Metabolic Effects of Sitagliptin in Islet Transplant Recipients Requiring Exogenous Insulin.
Ricordi Camillo, Lagari-Libhaber Violet, Froud Tatiana, Baidal David Alejandro, Zapata Alphonso, Bernetti Karina, Curry Andrea, Alejandro Rodolfo
Organ Biology 16(1): 188-188, 2009.

English Article P-42 Pre-Transplant Culture does not affect viable beta cell number in human islet preparations
Ichii Hirohito, Miki Atsushi, Mita Atsuyoshi, Yamamoto Toshiyuki, Sakuma Yasunaru, Barker Scott, Inverardi Luca, Alejandro Rodolfo, Ricordi Camillo
Organ Biology 16(1): 189-189, 2009.

Ricordi Camillo, Mineo Davide, Froud Tatiana, Baidal David, Herrada Eva, Carreno Manuel, Ruiz Philip, Meneghini Luigi, Alejandro Rodolfo
Organ Biology 16(1): 190-190, 2009.

Ricordi Camillo, Mineo Davide, Zapata Alfonso, Allende Gloria, Froud Tatiana, Baidal David, Monroy Kathy, Faradji Raquel, Ricordi Camillo, Pugliese Alberto, Alejandro Rodolfo
Organ Biology 16(1): 191-191, 2009.

English Article P-45 Anti-oxidant Enzymes Variance in Human Islet Subset
Miki Atsushi, Ricordi Camillo, Mita Atsuyoshi, Misawa Ryosuke, Barker Scott, Molano Damaris, Pileggi Antonello, Inverardi Luca, Ichii Hirohito
Organ Biology 16(1): 192-192, 2009.

English Article P-46 Steroid with Exendin-4 in Pre-transplant Culture Improved Islet Quality and Viability
Miki Atsushi, Ricordi Camillo, Yamamoto Toshiyuki, Mita Atsuyoshi, Barker Scott, Inverardi Luca, Ichii Hirohito
Organ Biology 16(1): 193-193, 2009.

English Article P-47 Assessment of Collagenase and Neutral Protease Activity Following Sterile Filtration
Mirbolooki Reza1, Lakey Jonathan RT2, Mirbolooki Mohammad Reza2, Breite Andrew G3, McCarthy Robert C3, Dwulet Francis E3
Organ Biology 16(1): 194-194, 2009.

English Article P-48 Possibility of Hepatocytes for Cell Transplantation from Non-Heart Beating Donor Rat Liver after Warm ischemia and Cold Preservation, Using Two-Layer Method
Enami Yuta1, Aoki Takeshi1, Yu Jiwei2, Jiang Bojian2, Jin Zhenghao1, Odaira Masanori1, Nishino Nobukazu1, Yasuda Daisuke1, Koizumi Tomotake1, Kusano Tomokazu1, Matsuda Hirokazu1, Shimizu Yoshinori1, Miyamoto Yoichi3, Kusano Mitsuo1
Organ Biology 16(1): 195-195, 2009.

English Article P-49 Biological Evaluation of Multicellular Spheroids on Microfabricated Cell Array, CELL ABLE, using Cryopreserved/thawed Human Hepatocytes with Low Adhesion Capability
Yoshitaka Miyamoto1, Takeshi Ikeya2, Satoshi Suzuki3, Shin Enosawa1
Organ Biology 16(1): 196-196, 2009.

English Article P-50 Evaluation of Human Hepatocytes Pre- and Post-Hypothermic Storage for Viability and Metabolic Capacity
Roberto Gramignoli1, Fabio Marongiu1, Shringi Sharma2, Ken Dorko1, Veysel Tahan1, Ewa C.S.Ellis3, David A.Geller3, Raman Venkataramanan2, Ira Fox3, Stephen C.Strom1
Organ Biology 16(1): 197-197, 2009.

English Article P-51 In Vitro Formation of Tubular-Like Structure with Bile Duct Cell Characteristics from Human Amnion-Derived Stem Cells
Fabio Marongiu1, Toshio Miki2, Nisha Sambamurthy1, Ewa C.S.Ellis3, Donna B.Stolz4, John G.Lunz III1, Tiffany L.Sellaro2, Roberto Gramignoli1, Anthony J.Denetris1, Julio Davila5, Steohen C.Strom1
Organ Biology 16(1): 198-198, 2009.

English Article P-52 Erythropoietin and asialoerythropoietin is a strong modulator of angiogenesis by bone marrow cells
Shozo Mori, Tokihiko Sawada, Keiichi Kubota
Organ Biology 16(1): 199-199, 2009.

English Article P-53 The Use of A Self-assembling Novel Peptide Gel for Rat Islet Culture
Masayuki Seita1, Takeshi Yuasa1, Yasuhiro Kubota1, Hironobu Kawamoto1, Reham Hassan1, Hiromi Sasamoto1, Shahid M Javed1, Takahiro Hayashi2, Hiroyuki Nakahara2, Wael Hassan3, Masaya Iwamuro4, Shuhei Nakaji5, Noriaki Tanaka1, Naoya Kobayashi1
Organ Biology 16(1): 200-200, 2009.

English Article P-54 Human mesenchymal stromal cells show multimodal effects in an organotypic neurological system.
Devang K Thakor1, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez2, Martin Yarmush2, Yang D Teng1
Organ Biology 16(1): 201-201, 2009.

English Article P-55 Treatment of revascularization by the bone marrow cell against the chronic peripheric artery obstruction and the peripheral stem cell
Chikara Iwashita, Kenichi Saigoh, Michihiro Maruyama, Naotake Akutsu, Kazunori Ootsuki, Taihei Itoh, Takashi Kenmochi
Organ Biology 16(1): 202-202, 2009.

English Article P-56 Isolation of rat islets and functional culture of islets
Yasuhiro Kubota1, Takeshi Yuasa1, Masayuki Seita1, Hironobu Kawamoto1, Reham Hassan1, Hiromi Sasamoto1, Shahid M Javed1, Takahiro Hayashi2, Hiroyuki Nakahara2, Wael Hassan3, Masaya Iwamoto4, Shuhei Nakaji5, Noriaki Tanaka1, Naoya Kobayashi1
Organ Biology 16(1): 203-203, 2009.

English Article P-57 Comparative analysis of tumor-initiating capacity in CD133+ and CD133- cells of a human colon cancer cell SW620
Hironobu Kawamoto1, Takeshi Yuasa1, Yasuhiro Kubota1, Masayuki Seita1, Reham Hassan1, Hiromi Sasamoto1, Takahiro Hayashi2, Hiroyuki Nakahara2, Wael Hassan3, Masaya Iwamoto4, Shuhei Nakaji5, Noriaki Tanaka1, Naoya Kobayashi1
Organ Biology 16(1): 204-204, 2009.

English Article P-58 Differentiation of mouse iPS cells to osteoblasts for bone regeneration
Takahiro Hayashi1, Hiroyuki Nakahara1, Haruo Misawa1, Masato Tanaka1, Horosuke Endo1, Toshifumi Ozaki1, Yasuhiro Kubota2, Takeshi Yuasa2, Masayuki Seita2, Hironobu Kawamoto2, Shahid M Javed2, Reham Hassan2, Hiromi Sasamoto2, Wael Hassan3, Masaya Iwamuro4, Shuhei Nakaji5, Noriaki Tanaka1, Naoya Kobayashi1
Organ Biology 16(1): 205-205, 2009.

English Article P-59 Osteogenic differentiation of hTERT-immortalized human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells to repair palatine bony defects in rats
Wael Hassan1, Nalu-Navarro Alvarez2, Junji Mineshiba1, Takahiro Hayashi3, Hiroyuki Nakahara3, Noriaki Tanaka2, Shogo Takashiba1, Naoya Kobayashi2
Organ Biology 16(1): 206-206, 2009.

English Article P-60 Development of E-cadherin/Fc-based 3D Culture System for Large-scale ES/iPS Cells Production
Bayar Hexig1, Masato Nagaoka2, Toshihiro Akaike1
Organ Biology 16(1): 207-207, 2009.

English Article P-61 Embryoid Body Culture of Mouse ES Cells using Microfabricated Chip
Organ Biology 16(1): 208-208, 2009.

English Article P-62 Cell-chip Technology for 3D Co-culture of Hepatocytes and Fibroblasts
Organ Biology 16(1): 209-209, 2009.

English Article P-63 Development of a Whole Blood-perfusion Typed Bioartificial Liver to Treat Acute Liver Failure in Pigs
Naoya Kobayashi1, Shuhei Nakaji2
Organ Biology 16(1): 210-210, 2009.