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Organ Biology

Volume 22, Issue 3 / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Lung transplantation to remain to think
Organ Biology 22(3): 33-33, 2015.

Japanese Article (1) Plasticity of the liver epithelial tissue becoming the base of the hepatic regeneration
Organ Biology 22(3): 34-34, 2015.

Japanese Article (2) Antibody-related refusal in the liver transplant
Organ Biology 22(3): 35-35, 2015.

Japanese Article (3) It is possibility of the cells filling therapy after the hepatectomy due to Muse cells
Organ Biology 22(3): 36-36, 2015.

Japanese Article (1) We inhibit organ derangement after the cardiopulmonary arrest revival with the hydrogen gas inhalation therapy
Organ Biology 22(3): 37-37, 2015.

Japanese Article (2) Translational research for the treatment of the disorder donor lungs by drug inhalation in outside the body pulmonary perfusion (EVLP)
陳豊史, 伊達洋至
Organ Biology 22(3): 38-38, 2015.

Japanese Article (3) Examination of the usefulness of contrasting sonography (CEUS) in the pancreas transplantation
伊藤泰平1), 剣持敬1), 會田直弘1), 大島稔1), 大野慎一郎2), 鈴木敦詞3), 日下守4), 浅野武秀5), 星長清隆4), 松原久裕6)
Organ Biology 22(3): 39-39, 2015.

Japanese Article It is an effect of natural flavonol myricetin on survival after the function maintenance of S1-1 cryopreservation hepatocytes and transplant
絵野沢伸1), 崔昌浩1), 松成ひとみ2), 長嶋比呂志2)
Organ Biology 22(3): 40-40, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the sampling pancreas preservation law for S1-2 cardiac arrest lower pancreatic islet separation
圷尚武1), 丸山通広1), 大月和宣1), 松本育子1), 石田健倫2), 齋藤友永2), 西郷健一1), 長谷川正行1), 青山博道1), 野口洋文3)
Organ Biology 22(3): 41-41, 2015.

Japanese Article Special cells of S1-3 marrow mesenchyma system stem cells, the Muse cells replace it with liver constitution cells directly and contribute to injury liver tissue restoration
片桐弘勝, 新田浩幸, 高原武志, 長谷川康, 武田大樹, 眞壁健二
Organ Biology 22(3): 42-42, 2015.

Japanese Article Pluripotent analysis of pluripotent stem cells Muse cells existing in an S1-4 umbilical cord tissue
串田良祐1), 若尾昌平2), 明石英雄2), 西村範行3), 岩谷壮太3), 香田翼3), 森岡一朗3), 溝渕雅巳4), 飯島一誠3), 出澤真理1),2)
Organ Biology 22(3): 43-43, 2015.

Japanese Article Attempt of the intrahepatic natural killer cell injury activity inhibition for the pancreatic islet using the mesenchyma system stem cell derived from S2-1 marrow
石田伸樹, 石山宏平, 佐伯吉弘, 平田文宏, 田中友加, 大段秀樹
Organ Biology 22(3): 44-44, 2015.

Japanese Article It is examined the mycophenolate mofetil blood level measurement in the patients after S2-2 lung transplantation technique
矢吹皓1), 渡邉龍秋1), 菊地正史2), 野津田泰嗣1), 新井川弘道1), 松田安史1), 野田雅史1), 桜田晃1), 星川康1), 船橋淳一1), 遠藤千顕1), 岡田克典1)
Organ Biology 22(3): 45-45, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination about the CMV infection prophylaxis for the S2-3 CMV high risk blood group incompatibility kidney transplantation
岩本整, 今野理, 木原優, 横山卓剛, 小澤陽介, 中村有紀, 河地茂行
Organ Biology 22(3): 46-46, 2015.

Japanese Article One consideration for the generic medicine of the S2-4 immunosuppressive drug
Organ Biology 22(3): 47-47, 2015.

Japanese Article The change of the heteroplastic transplantation study in the S3-1 our hospital and new attempt
田原裕之, 井手健太郎, 大段秀樹
Organ Biology 22(3): 48-48, 2015.

Japanese Article S3-2 heteroplastic transplantation and adaptation of immunity
岩崎研太1), 三輪祐子2), 大西彰3), 小林孝彰1)
Organ Biology 22(3): 49-49, 2015.

Japanese Article The transplant results improvement strategy between clinical pig, primates in front of S3-3: Different kind renal graft survival 90 days by gene modification pig + new immunosuppressive therapy + donor pig cytomegalovirus (pCMV) exclusion or more
関島光裕, 佐原寿史, 山田和彦
Organ Biology 22(3): 50-50, 2015.

Japanese Article Making of the primate diabetes model using S3-4 domestic non-release clinical grade Streptozotocin (STZ) Zanosar (R)
五十嵐康宏1),2), 小野文子3), 猪村梢1), 猪村武弘1), 稲垣明子1), 後藤めぐみ1), 佐藤文俊4), 伊藤貞嘉2), 後藤昌史1)
Organ Biology 22(3): 51-51, 2015.

Japanese Article Step of the outside the body pulmonary perfusion (ex vivo lung perfusion: EVLP) in the S4-1 lung transplantation
陳豊史, 本山秀樹, 土屋恭子, 高萩明宏, 齊藤正男, 田中里奈, 宮本英, 大畑恵資, 高橋守, 近藤健, 青山晃博, 伊達洋至
Organ Biology 22(3): 52-52, 2015.

Japanese Article Search of the new liver, hepatocytes protection, function maintenance law that assumed S4-2 p62/SQSTM1 a key
尾崎倫孝1), 芳賀早苗1), 森田直樹2), 伊敏3)
Organ Biology 22(3): 53-53, 2015.

Japanese Article From organ preservation by the S4-3 active machine perfusion for function reproduction
小原弘道1),2), 松野直徒1),2),3), 森戸規之1), 森井湧太1), 平野俊彦4), 絵野沢伸2), 古川博之3)
Organ Biology 22(3): 54-54, 2015.

Japanese Article Step of the basic study for the clinical application of the S4-4 cardiac arrest donor liver transplant
宮城重人, 宮澤恒持, 米田海, 川岸直樹, 大内憲明, 里見進
Organ Biology 22(3): 55-55, 2015.

Japanese Article Soundness maintenance and function reproduction of the transplant liver by the S4-5 normal temperature / room temperature perfusion preservation
秦浩一郎, 岡村裕輔, 田中宏和, 平尾浩史, 久保田豊成, 稲本道, 玉木一路, 岡島英明, 海道利実, 上本伸二
Organ Biology 22(3): 56-56, 2015.

Japanese Article Organ preservation by the S4-6 high pressure vapor phase preservation method
畑山直之1), 内藤宗和2), 平井宗一1), 林省吾1), 曲寧1), 伊藤正裕1)
Organ Biology 22(3): 57-57, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination using control - renal tubules epithelium of the signal in oxidative phosphorylation and cells at the S4-7 low temperature perfusion
深井原1), 石川隆壽2), 島田慎吾2), 梅本浩平2), 大谷晋太郎2), 小林希4), 山下健一郎1), 嶋村剛3), 武冨紹信2)
Organ Biology 22(3): 58-58, 2015.

Japanese Article Application to severe heart failure of the Cell-Free type regenerative therapy using the S5-1 prostaglandin agonist
福嶌五月, 宮川繁, 澤芳樹
Organ Biology 22(3): 59-59, 2015.

Japanese Article Establishment of the innovative diabetes therapy by the S5-2 vascularization islet cell transplantation
高橋禎暢, 武部貴則, 谷口英樹
Organ Biology 22(3): 60-60, 2015.

Japanese Article Islet cell transplantation as the S5-3 regenerative therapy: The present conditions and the prospects
穴澤貴行, 岡島英明, 岩永康裕, 川口道也, 増井俊彦, 伊藤達雄, 多田誠一郎, 山根佳, 波多野悦朗, 海道利実, 上本伸二
Organ Biology 22(3): 61-61, 2015.

Japanese Article About efforts of PMDA for the practical use and the institutional frame of S5-4 regenerative therapy product
Organ Biology 22(3): 62-62, 2015.

Japanese Article Experience and problems of the antibody-related rejection in the O1-1 our hospital
篠田昌宏1), 山田洋平1), 星野健1), 河地茂行2), 板野理1), 尾原秀明1), 北郷実1), 日比泰造1), 阿部雄太1), 八木洋1), 松原健太郎1), 下島直樹1), 藤野明浩1), 黒田達夫1), 北川雄光1)
Organ Biology 22(3): 64-64, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of five brain death liver transplants in the O1-2 our hospital
眞壁健二, 高原武志, 新田浩幸, 長谷川康, 片桐弘勝, 武田大樹, 佐々木章
Organ Biology 22(3): 65-65, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination about the ethical and medical adaptability of the donor in the O1-3 living renal transplantation
正木紀行, 岩藤和広, 近藤晃, 蜂須賀健, 三木克幸, 三宮彰仁, 村上徹, 小山一郎, 北島久視子, 中島一朗, 渕之上昌平
Organ Biology 22(3): 66-66, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the living renal transplantation for O1-4 peritoneal dialysis patients
今野理, 横山卓剛, 木原優, 中村有紀, 岩本整, 河地茂行
Organ Biology 22(3): 67-67, 2015.

Japanese Article It is stability after the opening of the modified reagent in blood tacrolimus densitometry using the O2-1 ACMIA method
鈴木嘉治1), 高野恵輔2), 土岐浩介1),3), 大河内信弘2), 本間真人1),3)
Organ Biology 22(3): 68-68, 2015.

Japanese Article O2-2 Measurement of blood eltrombopag concentration in chronic hepatitis C patients treated with eltrombopag
柳町直哉1), 村田聡一郎2), 高野恵輔2), 百賢二1), 大河内信弘2), 本間真人1)
Organ Biology 22(3): 69-69, 2015.

Japanese Article Transplant stem cell in vivo fluorescent imaging in the O2-3 NIR-II far-red domain
湯川博1),2), 小野島大介2),3), 新岡宏彦4), 竹内司5), 大谷敬亨6), 三宅淳4), 石川哲也7), 馬場嘉信1),2),3),8)
Organ Biology 22(3): 70-70, 2015.

Japanese Article Development of separation, capture, the preservation device of blood circulation cancer cell (CTC) for the liquid biopsy (Liquid Biopsy) of O2-4 cancer
湯川博1),2), 小野島大介2),3), 馬場嘉信1),2),3),4)
Organ Biology 22(3): 71-71, 2015.

Japanese Article Study of the kidney fibrosis visualization by the O3-1 high definition DTI MR imaging method
貝森淳哉1), 猪阪善隆2), 畑中雅喜2), 山本聡子2), 市丸直嗣1), 藤川昭彦3), 柴田洋3), 藤森明3), 三好荘介3), 余川隆4), 黒田輝5), 守山敏樹6), 楽木宏実2), 高原史郎1)
Organ Biology 22(3): 72-72, 2015.

Japanese Article Toxic evaluation - of the magnetic nanoparticles by construction - hepatocytes cluster of the evaluation system by the O3-2 combination Natori Al cell cluster
宮本義孝1),2), 池内真志2), 野口洋文3), 鈴木聡4), 八木透5), 生田幸士2), 林衆治1)
Organ Biology 22(3): 73-73, 2015.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the hepatic regeneration molecules mechanism by the omics analysis of the O3-3 multi-layer
佐藤好宏1),2), 加藤恭丈1), 松本光代1), 蝦名真行1), 海野倫明2), 五十嵐和彦1)
Organ Biology 22(3): 74-74, 2015.

Japanese Article Inspection of the injury liver tissue repairing process with the O3-4 supersonic wave coagulotomy device
鈴木悠地1),2), 西塚哲1), 王挺2), 柿坂啓介2), 片桐弘勝1), 久米浩平1), 滝川康裕2)
Organ Biology 22(3): 75-75, 2015.

Japanese Article Change of the VE cadherin in O4-1 rat lung transplantation, the ischemic reperfusion pulmonary disorder model
田中里奈, 陳豊史, 斎藤正男, 高萩亮宏, 宮本英, 大畑恵資, 高橋守, 近藤健, 本山秀樹, 土屋恭子, 青山晃博, 伊達洋至
Organ Biology 22(3): 76-76, 2015.

Japanese Article primary graft dysfunction risk factor analysis of 173 O4-2 this country brain death lung transplantation
星川康1), 石橋直也1), 三好健太郎2), 南正人3), 陳豊史4), 白石武史5), 千田雅之6), 宮崎拓郎7), 芦刈淳太郎8), 秋場美紀1), 渡邊龍秋1), 新井川弘道1), 松田安史1), 野田雅史1), 伊達洋至4), 古川博之9), 近藤丘10), 岡田克典1)
Organ Biology 22(3): 77-77, 2015.

Japanese Article A convalescence evaluation of the cardiac arrest lower cadaveric renal transplantation using O4-3 KDPI/KDRI and examination about the usefulness
日下守1), 河合昭浩1), 竹中政史1), 深見直彦1), 佐々木ひと美1), 伊藤泰平2), 剣持敬2), 白木良一1), 星長清隆1)
Organ Biology 22(3): 78-78, 2015.

Japanese Article Comparison of rewarming perfusion law and the low temperature perfusion method in the O4-4 kidney
森井湧太1), 小原弘道1),4), 松野直徒1),2),4), 平野俊彦3), 絵野沢伸4), 古川博之2)
Organ Biology 22(3): 79-79, 2015.

Japanese Article Study of the effectiveness of the rewarming perfusion preservation in the O5-1 cardiac arrest donor liver
孟玲童1), 松野直徒1), 古郡茉利子1), 渡邉賢二1), 庄中達也1), 渡部剛1), 森戸規之2), 小原弘道2), 田崎嘉一1), 暮地本宙己1), 渡部剛1), 西川祐司1), 古川博之1)
Organ Biology 22(3): 80-80, 2015.

Japanese Article Study of the lower perfusion preservation to temperature-control using the O5-2 pig degraded liver
高野重徳1), 松野直徒1),2),3), 金子大樹1), 原田慎也1), 熊坂一輝1), 森戸規之3), 小原弘道3), 絵野沢伸1), 古川博之2)
Organ Biology 22(3): 81-81, 2015.

Japanese Article Making of all O5-3 room temperature perfusion preservation - place characteristics rat liver transplant models
岡村裕輔, 秦浩一郎, 田中宏和, 玉木一路, 稲本道, 門野賢太郎, 久保田豊成, 平尾浩史, 上本伸二
Organ Biology 22(3): 82-82, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination ... using 20% of protection effect - rats part liver transplant model of ADAMTS13 in the O5-4 part liver transplant
久保田豊成, 秦浩一郎, 平尾浩史, 田中宏和, 玉木一路, 稲本道, 岡村裕輔, 門野賢太郎, 上本伸二
Organ Biology 22(3): 83-83, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the extensive management type liver perfusion method that classified O5-5 perfusate purification into the field
森戸規之1), 小原弘道1), 松野直徒1),2),3), 絵野沢伸3), 渡邉賢二2), 平野俊彦4), 古川博之2)
Organ Biology 22(3): 84-84, 2015.