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Organ Biology

Volume 24, Issue 3 / 2017
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The 44th Japan organ preservation organism medical society academic meeting greetings
Organ Biology 24(3): 5-5, 2017.

Japanese Article I and organ preservation
Organ Biology 24(3): 35-35, 2017.

Japanese Article Omics science and medical applied new development
Organ Biology 24(3): 36-36, 2017.

Japanese Article The cell therapy can be replaced to organ transplantation; or ... hepatocytes transplant for a case
Organ Biology 24(3): 37-37, 2017.

Japanese Article Relation with my organ preservation, clinical study of the organ transplantation and Japanese organ preservation organism medical society
Organ Biology 24(3): 38-38, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the conditioning method for the fatty liver graft through the AMPK activation by the lecture (1) Ex vivo perfusion
島田慎吾1), 柴田賢吾1), 中薮拓哉1), 梅本浩平1), 小林希1), 藤好直1), 三好早香1), 早坂孝宏1), 石川隆壽1), 深井原2), 嶋村剛3), 武冨紹信1)
Organ Biology 24(3): 39-39, 2017.

Japanese Article Drug search to enable identification and that of expression of lecture (2) endothelial cells HLA inhibition signal
岩崎研太3), 前仲亮宏1,2), 三輪祐子3), 打田和治3), 斎藤寛子2), 小林孝彰1)
Organ Biology 24(3): 40-40, 2017.

Japanese Article S1-1 implantation and the present conditions and the prospects
Organ Biology 24(3): 41-41, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the S1-2 amnion transplant
外園千恵1,2), 石垣理穂2), 渡邉和誉2,3), 安久万寿子2), 福岡秀記1,2), 稲冨勉1,2), 中村隆宏1,4), 木下茂1,4)
Organ Biology 24(3): 42-42, 2017.

Japanese Article A problem and the future prospects in the clinical islet cell transplantation of S1-3 this country
明石優美1), 剣持敬2), 伊藤泰平2), 栗原啓2), 會田直弘2), 纐纈一枝3), 林未佳子3)
Organ Biology 24(3): 43-43, 2017.

Japanese Article Operation and development of S1-4 heart valve, the vascular tissue preservation bank
小川真由子, 平田直子, 福嶌教偉, 藤田知之, 小林順二郎, 北村惣一郎
Organ Biology 24(3): 44-44, 2017.

Japanese Article An acute cellular rejection diagnosis and treatment strategy based on the S2-1 FOXP3 genetic polymorphism
田中友加, 井手健太郎, 大段秀樹
Organ Biology 24(3): 45-45, 2017.

Japanese Article Tacrolimus individualization immunosuppressive therapy based on the S2-2 CYP3A5 genetic polymorphism
松田紗知1), 和田恭一1), 宇野貴哉1), 西野料司1), 老田章1), 瀬口理2), 簗瀬正伸2), 福嶌教偉2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 46-46, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect that S2-3 CYP3A5 and POR genetic polymorphism give to metabolism clearance of tacrolimus
鈴木嘉治1), 高橋一広2), 大河内信弘2), 本間真人1,3)
Organ Biology 24(3): 47-47, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect that a natural immunity reply by the natural killer cell after the cardiac muscle cells transplant derived from S3-1 iPS cells gives to transplant cells survival
中村優貴1), 宮川繁1), 吉田昇平1), 笹渡繁己2), 戸田宏一1), 豊福利彦2), 澤芳樹1)
Organ Biology 24(3): 48-48, 2017.

Japanese Article Manufacture of the liver bud (liver bud) using S3-2 humans iPS cells
村田聡一郎, 武部貴則, 関根圭輔, 谷口英樹
Organ Biology 24(3): 49-49, 2017.

Japanese Article up date of the organ reproduction study using S3-3 living body frame
八木洋1), 田島一樹1), 東尚伸1), 日比泰造3), 阿部雄太1), 北郷実1), 篠田昌宏1), 板野理2), 北川雄光1)
Organ Biology 24(3): 50-50, 2017.

Japanese Article Spleen reconsideration as the place of S3-4 hepatocytes transplant, the survival
許懷哲1,2), 絵野沢伸1,2), 小林英司2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 51-51, 2017.

Japanese Article Preservation method development of the highly-concentrated synovium stem cell preparation using the S3-5 humans serum
水野満, 片野尚子, 小森啓一郎, 藤井静花, 大関信武, 小田邉浩二, 関矢一郎
Organ Biology 24(3): 52-52, 2017.

Japanese Article Desensitization for the existing antibody-positive case in S4-1 liver transplant, the kidney transplantation
井手健太郎, 田中友加, 田原裕之, 大平真裕, 清水誠一, 田中飛鳥, 坂井寛, 石田伸樹, 柳川泉一郎, 中野亮介, 秋本修志, 今岡祐輝, 大段秀樹
Organ Biology 24(3): 53-53, 2017.

Japanese Article Significance of the DSA in the S4-2 renal transplantation
角田洋一1), 奥見雅由1), 古澤美由紀1), 海上耕平2), 石田英樹1), 田邉一成1)
Organ Biology 24(3): 54-54, 2017.

Japanese Article Significance of the DSA in the S4-3 lung transplantation
陳豊史, 齋藤正男, 合地史明, 中島大輔, 濱路政嗣, 本山秀樹, 青山晃博, 伊達洋至
Organ Biology 24(3): 55-55, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the significance of the examination for C1q binding capacity in the antibody-related type rejection after the S4-4 heart transplant
木村祐樹1), 熊井優人1), 黒田健輔1), 松本順彦2), 佐藤琢磨1), 瀬口理1), 福嶌五月2), 簗瀬正伸1), 藤田知之2), 小林順二郎2), 福嶌教偉1)
Organ Biology 24(3): 56-56, 2017.

Japanese Article From thought and the present conditions of the patients in the social background of the S5-1 heart transplant, it is the future problem and prospects of the heart transplant recipient transplant coordinator
堀由美子1,2), 三好英理1,2), 小西伸明1,2), 瀬口理2), 簗瀬正伸2), 三井佐代子1), 福嶌教偉2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 57-57, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the organ donation judging from the viewpoint of S5-2 inside the hospital donor coordinator, the ER doc
吉矢和久, 射場治郎, 小倉裕司, 藤本紫, 中土居智子, 嶋津岳士
Organ Biology 24(3): 58-58, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the implantation in the S5-3 East Japan and the future prospects
三瓶祐次, 乙部祐生, 長島清香, 益澤明広, 田村純人
Organ Biology 24(3): 59-59, 2017.

Japanese Article From the situation of the S5-5 metropolis and districts coordinator (Co)
Organ Biology 24(3): 61-61, 2017.

Japanese Article Burden on brain death lower organ donation system - donor family in S5-6 Fujita Health University and offer side medical staff reduction ...
纐纈一枝1), 宮島由佳1), 杉山祐佳1), 明石優美2), 剣持敬3), 星長清隆4)
Organ Biology 24(3): 62-62, 2017.

Japanese Article New development of the organ usability test technology by the S6-1 machine organ perfusion
小原弘道1,3), 松野直徒1,2,3,), 吉川遼1), 森戸規之1), 森井勇太1), 絵野沢伸1,3), 平野俊彦4)
Organ Biology 24(3): 63-63, 2017.

Japanese Article Conquest of the ischemic reperfusion injury based on the ultrastructure analysis in the S6-2 liver perfusion preservation
暮地本宙己1), 庄中達也2), 大谷将秀2), 合地美香子2), 石原洋3), 小原弘道4), 古川博之2), 松野直徒2,5)
Organ Biology 24(3): 64-64, 2017.

Japanese Article Search of the conditioning method at the S6-3 organ perfusion
深井原1), 小林希2), 島田慎吾3), 梅本浩平2), 中薮拓哉2), 柴田賢吾2), 早坂孝宏2), 鈴木崇史2), 大谷晋太郎2), 橋本咲月2), 三野和宏2), 嶋村剛4), 武冨紹信1,2,3)
Organ Biology 24(3): 65-65, 2017.

Japanese Article Clinical application to kidney preservation of the S6-4 continuation cooling perfusion preservation law
圷尚武1), 丸山通広1), 大月和宣1), 石田健倫2), 西郷健一1), 青山博道1), 剣持敬3), 野口洋文4)
Organ Biology 24(3): 66-66, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the present conditions and the new for a long time pulmonary preservation method of the S6-5 lungs preservation
松田安史, 大石久, 江場俊介, 星史彦, 勝俣博史, 兼平雅彦, 佐渡哲, 野田雅史, 桜田晃, 岡田克典
Organ Biology 24(3): 67-67, 2017.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the liver machine perfusion preservation using the S6-6 artificial red blood cells-containing perfusate
庄中達也1), 松野直徒1), 孟玲童1), 合地美香子1), 大谷将秀1), 高橋裕之1), 小原弘道2), 西川祐司3), 酒井宏水4), 東寛5), 古川博之1)
Organ Biology 24(3): 68-68, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts ... of transplanted liver device preservation strategy - Kyoto University aiming at soundness maintenance and the function reproduction of the S6-7 expansion adaptation organ
秦浩一郎, 岡村裕輔, 玉木一路, Nigmet Yermek, 田中宏和, 後藤徹, 田嶋哲也, 吉川潤一, 上本伸二
Organ Biology 24(3): 69-69, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the macroencapsulation device development to aim at the S7-1 different kind islet cell transplantation
Organ Biology 24(3): 70-70, 2017.

Japanese Article Importance of heterogeneous organ transplantation and the acquired tolerance instruction strategy that were not S7-2 dream
Organ Biology 24(3): 71-71, 2017.

Japanese Article The distance to the heteroplastic transplantation lungs survival between S7-3 world's longest GalT-KO pig, primates and future problem
佐原寿史1,2), 渡邊洋之助2,3), 清水章1), 永安武3), 山田和彦1,2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 72-72, 2017.

Japanese Article Study on control trend of the S7-4 pig intrinsic muscle retrovirus
Organ Biology 24(3): 73-73, 2017.

Japanese Article From regenerative therapy - self myeloid cells for the S8-1 hepatocirrhosis to the regenerative therapy using the pro-mesenchyma derived from an another family stem cell -
Organ Biology 24(3): 74-74, 2017.

Japanese Article S8-2 islet cell transplantation: The future prospects on the basis of clinical results
穴澤貴行, 岡島英明, 多田誠一郎, 山根佳, 井ノ口健太, 上本伸二
Organ Biology 24(3): 75-75, 2017.

Japanese Article Strategy to problem conquest of the S8-3 hepatocytes transplant
柳佑典1,2), 絵野沢伸3), 小林英司3), 中山功一4), 山座孝義5), 松浦俊治2), 岩崎昭憲1), 田口智章2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 76-76, 2017.

Japanese Article About the usefulness of the fat stem cell which the S8-4 rat lung transplantation model can put
下山孝一郎, 土谷智史, 渡邉洋之助, 橋本泰匡, Abdelmotagaly Elgalad, 畑地豪, 蒲原涼太郎, 宮崎拓郎, 松本桂太郎, 山崎直哉, 永安武
Organ Biology 24(3): 77-77, 2017.

Japanese Article Report about neovascularisation and the transplant efficiency in the subcutaneous islet cell transplantation using the S8-5 RGD group (Arg-Gly-Asp)-containing collagen material
植松智海1), 稲垣明子2), 中村保宏3), 後藤めぐみ2), 猪村武弘2), 猪村梢2), 五十嵐康宏2), 亀井尚1), 海野倫明1), 里見進1), 後藤昌史1,2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 78-78, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect on liver tissue in the sustained perfusion preservation using the O1-1 pig liver maintenance stand
竹内征也1), 吉田裕2), 柴野純一3), 佐藤満弘4), 松村昌典5), 松野直徒6), 合地美香子7), 古川博之8), 小原弘道9)
Organ Biology 24(3): 81-81, 2017.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the liver room temperature perfusion preservation law by the O1-2 outside the body blood reperfusion model
吉川遼1), 小原弘道1,3), 松野直徒1,2,3), 森戸規之1), 吉野聡4), 中田智裕5), 中條哲也5), 絵野沢伸3), 平野俊彦6), 古川博之2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 82-82, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the machine perfusion method application to O1-3 degraded liver transplant
吉川遼1), 小原弘道1,3), 松野直徒1,2,3), 森戸規之1), 吉野聡4), 中田智裕5), 中條哲也5), 絵野沢伸3), 平野俊彦6), 古川博之2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 83-83, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of O1-4 machine organ perfusion and the liver rating system by the high-speed temperature distribution measurement
長谷川海地1), 小原弘道1,3), 松野直徒1,2,3), 吉川遼1), 森戸規之1), 絵野沢伸1,3)
Organ Biology 24(3): 84-84, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the organ stock solution that O2-1 is new
加藤文法, 近藤由隆, 川越智子
Organ Biology 24(3): 85-85, 2017.

English Article O2-2 Therapeutic Relevance of Recombinant Antithrombin-III Supplementation in Static Cold Storage of Donor after Cardiac Death livers
Yermek Nigmet, Koichiro Hata, Yusuke Okamura, Ichiro Tamaki, Jiro Kusakabe, Junichi Yoshikawa, Toru Goto, Tetsuya Tajima, Hirokazu Tanaka, Shinji Uemoto
Organ Biology 24(3): 86-86, 2017.

Japanese Article Inspection ... in the construction - pig autologous renal transplantation model of the low temperature perfusion transplantation with the O2-3 intravenous feeding
虎井真司1), 吉本周平1), 小林英司2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 87-87, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of dissolved oxygen and the oxidative stress in the cryopreservation of O2-4 small intestine epithelium cells
中薮拓哉1), 深井原2), 島田慎吾3), 小林希1), 梅本浩平1), 柴田賢吾1), 早坂孝宏1), 鈴木崇史1), 大谷晋太郎1), 橋本咲月1), 三野和宏1), 嶋村剛4), 武冨紹信1,3)
Organ Biology 24(3): 88-88, 2017.

Japanese Article Long-term cryopreservation (eight years) of the stem cell derived from human adipose tissue at O2-5 -80 degrees Celsius
宮本義孝1,2), 池内真志1), 野口洋文3), 林衆治2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 89-89, 2017.

Japanese Article Stem cell cluster long-term cultural method using O2-6 embryoid body batch culture device TASCL (Tapered Stencil for Cluster Culture)
室伏善照1), 本多和也1,2), 池内真志3), 林衆治1)
Organ Biology 24(3): 90-90, 2017.

Japanese Article Inspection about the usefulness of ADP/ATP assay as the viability rating system in hepatocytes before O3-1 transplant
松村宗幸1), 猪村武弘2), 小笠原弘之1), 福岡健吾1), 稲垣明子2), 宮城重人1), 大橋一夫3), 海野倫明1), 亀井尚1), 里見進1), 後藤昌史1,2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 91-91, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the porous glass device for separation, the preservation of the O3-2 exosome
青木啓太1), 湯川博1,2), 小野島大介2,3), 山崎秀司4), 木原直人4), 小口亮平4), 高橋久美子4), 小高秀文4), 石川健治5), 堀勝5), 馬場嘉信1,2,3,6)
Organ Biology 24(3): 92-92, 2017.

Japanese Article Construction of the increase cancer cell, immune cell in vivo fluorescent imaging technology by the O3-3 quantum dot
北村晃大1), 湯川博2), 佐藤和秀3), 有本知子1), 小野島大介1,4), 石川哲也3), 馬場嘉信1,2,4,5)
Organ Biology 24(3): 93-93, 2017.

Japanese Article Inspection of the protection effect due to the mesenchyma system stem cell on O3-4 cardiac arrest donor liver graft
笹嶋秀憲, 宮城重人, 柿崎裕太
Organ Biology 24(3): 94-94, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the single cell isolation, capture device of the O3-5 blood circulation cancer cell
湯川博1,2), 久保山大貴1), 小野島大介2,3), 木原直人4), 田中宏昌3,5), 長谷哲也6), 石川健治5), 小高秀文4), 長谷川好規6), 堀勝1,3,5), 馬場嘉信1,2,3,5,7)
Organ Biology 24(3): 95-95, 2017.

Japanese Article The development of the O4-1 kidney machine perfusion experiment model: Examination of the renal function rating system
小倉亮介1), 吉池成弥1), 宮崎洵2), 寺口博也3), 岩永進太郎1), 黒岡武俊1), 中村真人1)
Organ Biology 24(3): 96-96, 2017.

Japanese Article Evaluation using the outside the body blood reperfusion model of the oxygenation rewarming machine perfusion for O4-2 renal function recovery
森井湧太1), 小原弘道1,3), 松野直徒1,2,3), 絵野沢伸3), 吉野聡4), 中田智裕5), 中条哲也5), 平野俊彦6), 古川博之2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 97-97, 2017.

Japanese Article Suggestion of universal renal function metrics by the machine perfusion that is applicable to O4-3 wide temperature area, perfusate
脇隆1), 森井湧太1), 小原弘道1,3), 松野直徒1,2,3), 絵野沢伸3), 吉野聡4), 中田智裕5), 中条哲也5), 平野俊彦6), 古川博之2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 98-98, 2017.

Japanese Article Protection effect of Pirfenidone on O4-4 ischemia reperfusion injury
齊藤正男, 陳豊史, 上田聡司, 栢分秀直, 徳野純子, 山岸弘哉, 合地史明, 岡部亮, 高萩亮宏, 濱路政嗣, 本山秀樹, 青山晃博, 伊達洋至
Organ Biology 24(3): 99-99, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of drug interactions of tacrolimus from genetic polymorphism of O5-1 CYP3A5 and clotrimazole
宇野貴哉1,3), 和田恭一1), 松田紗知1), 老田章1), 高田充隆3), 中島誠子2), 黒田健輔2), 瀬口理2), 簗瀬正伸2), 福嶌教偉2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 100-100, 2017.

Japanese Article Is it an instruction of the acquired tolerance in the O5-2 transportal vein islet cell transplantation? Is it the effectiveness of pancreatic islet Preconditioning before transplant?
山根佳, 穴澤貴行, 多田誠一郎, 井ノ口健太, 増井俊彦, 岡島英明, 上本伸二
Organ Biology 24(3): 101-101, 2017.

Japanese Article Comparison between drug sensitivity test MTT law and Celltiter-Glo method in the O5-3 healthy subject
塚口真穂登1), 笹原浩康1), 杉山健太郎2), 磯貝和也1), 田崎正行3), 中川由紀3), 齋藤和英3), 鈴木直人1), 高橋公太4), 冨田善彦3), 外山聡1), 平野俊彦2)
Organ Biology 24(3): 102-102, 2017.

Japanese Article We think about brain-dead donor age in the O5-4 pancreatic transplant
伊藤泰平1), 剣持敬1), 栗原啓1), 會田直弘1), 鈴木敦詞2), 河合昭浩3), 日下守3), 星長清隆3)
Organ Biology 24(3): 103-103, 2017.

Japanese Article Liver capacity increase mechanism in the O5-5 ALPPS maneuver
大塚直彦, 吉岡政人, 山本雄造
Organ Biology 24(3): 104-104, 2017.

Japanese Article Renal function evaluation GFRCT using the O5-6 contrasting CT can estimate renal function convalescence after the transplant
栗原啓1), 剣持敬1), 伊藤泰平1), 會田直弘1), 夏目貴弘2), 市原隆2), 外山宏3), 岩崎仁4), 長谷川みどり4), 河合昭浩5), 日下守5), 星長清隆5)
Organ Biology 24(3): 105-105, 2017.

Japanese Article Experience of the kidney transplantation from a cardiac arrest lower merge null donor in the O5-7 our hospital
富田祐介, 岩藤和広, 甲斐耕太郎, 三宮彰仁, 村上徹, 小山一郎, 中島一朗, 渕之上昌平
Organ Biology 24(3): 106-106, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect that the ischemia time in the O5-8 brain death lower pancreas transplantation gives
近藤晃, 岩藤和広, 頓所展, 甲斐耕太郎, 三宮彰仁, 村上徹, 小山一郎, 廣谷紗千子, 北島久視子, 中島一朗, 渕之上昌平
Organ Biology 24(3): 107-107, 2017.