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Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association

Volume 73, Issue suppl / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article A-001. Factor to kneel, and to influence movement after TKA
小池祐輔1),2), 対馬栄輝2), 石田和宏1), 宮城島一史1), 小松雅明1),2), 木村正一3), 森律明3), 西尾悠介3), 田中大介3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 15-15, 2022.

Japanese Article A-002. After TKA kneel; fact-finding of the movement
小池祐輔1),2), 対馬栄輝2), 石田和宏1), 宮城島一史1), 小松雅明1),2), 木村正一3), 森律明3), 西尾悠介3), 田中大介3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 15-15, 2022.

Japanese Article A-003. The change of an effect and the gross motor function of the lower limbs pedaling exercise for children with orthopedic postoperative spastic paraplegia: Single case study
井上孝仁, 和泉裕斗, 加藤久幸, 福士善信, 土嶺博希, 井上和広, 藤坂広幸
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 16-16, 2022.

Japanese Article A-004. Feasibility of the care prevention business utilizing the LINE official account in the corona evil
大河原和也, 大矢敏之
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 16-16, 2022.

Japanese Article A-005. The low back pain in the period of growth baseball player and association of the hip joint range of motion
森木研登1),2), 飯澤剛1), 青木光広3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 17-17, 2022.

Japanese Article B-001. Form of the acetabular labrum in DDH with the joint instability
喜澤史弥1),2), 鈴木大輔2), 名越智2), 金泉新2), 宮崎拓自3), 中村夢次郎3), 清水智弘3), 高橋大介3), 岩崎倫政3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 18-18, 2022.

Japanese Article B-002. The effect that compounded in a lifestyle factor and psychosociology on central sensitization of patients with chronic low back pain
森木研登1),2), 対馬栄輝2), 荻原啓文3), 遠藤龍之介2), 佐藤剛章3), 池本吉一1)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 18-18, 2022.

Japanese Article B-003. Investigation ... of characteristic - knee anterior cruciate ligament injury risk movement of the landing movement in the young basketball player
藤田向陽1), 井野拓実2), 綿谷美佐子2),3), 松本尚4), 佐藤洋一郎2), 金子知5)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 19-19, 2022.

Japanese Article B-004. Competition performance characteristics of the freestyle skiing moguls player, Effect - Pilot study of the ski boots wearing
井野拓実1), 松本尚2), 伊藤雄2), 伊藤孔一3), 山口聖太2), 武井侑理2), 寒川美奈4)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 19-19, 2022.

Japanese Article B-005. Examination of the factor affecting the achievement of the 3-month knee extension muscular strength target value after the Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction
鈴木信1),2), 石田知也1),3), 松本尚1), 伊藤雄1), 寒川美奈3), 青木喜満4)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 20-20, 2022.

Japanese Article B-006. Knee flexure excursion in the crotch extended position influences a maximal knee flexure angle for a swing phase after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
下澤駿介, 工藤優, 伊藤颯亮
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 20-20, 2022.

Japanese Article C-001. Examination of the factor before surgery to predict loss of ability from chronic disease to remain after the surgery in the lumbar disease
三木貴弘1),2), 近藤湧1), 渡邊勇太1), 樋口大輔3), 寒川美奈2), 竹林庸雄4)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 21-21, 2022.

Japanese Article C-002. It is examined the patients standpoint type evaluation in four months and the body function evaluation after the inside wedge-shaped dilatation-style high tibial osteotomy for the inside gonarthrosis
水野歩1), 越野裕太1), 木田貴英1), 井上雅之2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 21-21, 2022.

Japanese Article C-003. Walk style prediction - Pilot study - at discharge in the person with traumatic paraparesis of the chest lumbar vertebrae transitional region
菊地惇1), 田中耀介1), 松本聡子2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 22-22, 2022.

Japanese Article C-004. The effect that association and the amount of foot part arch between foot part arch evaluation methods give to a joint function
高橋和登1), 山口紗矢子2), 小林匠3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 22-22, 2022.

Japanese Article C-005. Mediation effect of the central sensitization syndrome on relations of pain and the loss of ability from chronic disease in the cervical regressive degeneration disease passed more than one year after the operation
近藤湧1), 三木貴弘1),2), 渡邊勇太1), 樋口大輔3), 竹林庸雄4)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 23-23, 2022.

Japanese Article C-006. Characteristic - of case - radiological finding that the foreign physical therapy for the hip joint disorder is effective
家入章1), 石田和宏1), 対馬栄輝2), 小玉裕治1), 木下幸大1), 大村恒太1), 阿部朋子1), 井上正弘3), 安部聡弥3), 三上貴司3), 菅野大己3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 23-23, 2022.

Japanese Article D-001. The case that muscle weakness remained in by the pain around the tendon after the achilles tendon rupture stitch
阿部はるか, 小野寺智亮, 荒木浩二郎, 菅原亮太, 谷口達也, 千田佑太
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 24-24, 2022.

Japanese Article D-002. Examination of the factor to affect locomotive syndrome of the osteoporotic patients
木下幸大, 石田和宏, 増田武志
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 24-24, 2022.

Japanese Article D-003. Look at the mirror; about a line cross section change and the articulus humeri muscular strength change of the rotator cuff line after the lower rotator cuff surgical repair
伊藤雄1), 松本尚1), 山口聖太1), 末永直樹2), 大泉尚美2), 吉岡千佳2), 山根慎太郎2), 松橋智弥2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 25-25, 2022.

Japanese Article D-004. Relative investigation of bone age, the physical characteristic and sports injury, disorder in the U-15 club team
吉岡伸郎1), 中川雄一1), 越智伸之1), 進藤正明2), 角井俊幸1)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 25-25, 2022.

Japanese Article D-005. We look at the mirror and are examined the early aim excursion after the operation after the lower rotator cuff surgical repair
山口聖太1), 松本尚1), 伊藤雄1), 末永直樹2), 大泉尚美2), 吉岡千佳2), 山根慎太郎2), 松橋智弥2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 26-26, 2022.

Japanese Article D-006. After the operation of RSA about a correlation of JOA score and Shoulder36 in the short term
遠藤弓広1), 鷲野紗季1), 小玉裕治1), 家入章1), 石田和宏1), 竹内裕介2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 26-26, 2022.

Japanese Article E-001. Examination about the actual situation of awakening inferior belly decubitus therapy non-responders in the non-intubation COVID-19 patients
杉浦宏和, 高橋正浩, 小山昭人
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 27-27, 2022.

Japanese Article E-002. Small experience of the foreign convalescent heart rehabilitation for the operation on the heart patients who needed long-term intensive care
徳重大輔1), 岡林宏明2), 松居喜朗3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 27-27, 2022.

Japanese Article E-003. Comprehensive intervention to the case that had COVID-19, and developed pneumothorax after the long-term respirator management secession
後藤文太1), 前田和平2), 石川慶大3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 28-28, 2022.

Japanese Article E-004. To the COVID-19 patients is experienced the intervention directly
米田健太郎, 廣田正和, 浅香翔梧, 桧山朋也, 髭内紀幸
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 28-28, 2022.

Japanese Article E-005. Examination of the hospitalization rehabilitation intervention effect on prostatic complete removal postoperative urinary incontinence
糸田隆大1), 宮口智美2), 杉正明2), 齋藤良行2), 渡辺智也1), 小島伸枝3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 29-29, 2022.

Japanese Article E-006. Example that underwent rehabilitation for the patients whom severe anemia followed for a religious reason after the colon cancer post-operative haemorrhage
高橋亜由美1), 前田和平2), 横山和之3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 29-29, 2022.

Japanese Article F-001. Using the difference - random forest method of predicted value and the actual value of patients with 2020 our hospital stroke judging from the relationship of dysfunction and the ability restrictions at discharge -
渡辺智也1), 小島伸枝2), 遠藤太一3), 三橋慧4)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 30-30, 2022.

Japanese Article F-002. Than the one case that showed by improvement of comparison between Triple Action coupling and Double Klenzack successor - Extension Thrust Pattern for the stroke hemiplegia patients ...
伊勢拓弥1), 石田陽子1), 杉田彩華1), 杉原俊一1), 春名弘一2), 小林菜実3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 30-30, 2022.

Japanese Article F-003. Examination of the factor associated with the walk independence degree in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy
佐藤佑太郎1), 太田経介2), 濱本龍哉1), 濱田恭子3), 松田涼1)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 31-31, 2022.

Japanese Article F-004. Decision tree analysis - for examination - our hospital convalescent admission persons about the factor of the need of the harness conference holding
伊藤一成, 稲田亨
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 31-31, 2022.

Japanese Article F-005. Development of the ankle foot orthosis with plastic shoe insert assisting a forehand foot locker and examination of the mechanism
春名弘一1), 昆恵介2), 佐藤健斗2), 中井要介3), 細谷志帆4),5), 阿部由依1), 田中勇治1)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 32-32, 2022.

Japanese Article F-006. The walk rebuilding for the visit rehabilitation for the person with the life period stroke to produce a knee joint extension pattern for mid-stance
高橋卓見1), 中渡勇希1), 森谷文喬1), 齋藤淳1), 中川智徳2), 橋本正志2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 32-32, 2022.

Japanese Article G-001. The effect that Visual Display Terminals (VDT) work and writing work give in an autonomic nerve activity, psychological stress, fatigue
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 33-33, 2022.

Japanese Article G-002. Than the questionary survey to Care manager and a harness user in fact-finding - Abashiri-shi of the harness follow-up about the ankle foot orthosis with plastic shoe insert user of the life period ...
田中亮人1), 佐藤健斗2), 春名弘一3), 佐川真章4)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 33-33, 2022.

Japanese Article G-003. The current situation investigation of the welfare refuge in Hokkaido which we went for a person in charge of municipalities
工藤篤志1),2), 古郡恵1),3), 早川康之1),4), 小嶋聡1),5), 畑原理恵1),6)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 34-34, 2022.

Japanese Article G-004. Problem ... which we saw from questionary survey for investigation - Care manager about the follow in the after of the lower extremity orthosis user for the life period in Asahikawa-shi and the suburbs
業天政人1),3), 小林浩2),3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 34-34, 2022.

Japanese Article G-005. A role and problem of the physical therapist in the community rehabilitation activity of our hospital
清水彩花, 奥山慶子, 秋山慶文, 三浦拓, 遠藤祐紀, 竹中宏幸
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article G-006. The actual situation report in the Hakodate-shi frailty prevention physical fitness test society and the future prospects
大角侑平1),2), 真壁悦子3), 吉荒龍哉1),4), 成田征司1),5), 三上達也2), 川井柚葉2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article H-001. Balance function of the Parkinson's disease patients living in an area with the fall experience, life range, characteristic of the walk self affirmation feeling
野田耀右1), 藤田博之1), 井上貴博1),2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article H-002. After the stroke about the difference between the hemisphere of the disease severity improvement by the Pusher phenomenon
渡辺篤1), 田口惇2), 牧野美里2), 高見彰淑2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article H-003. About difference between discharge independence degree and body function and higher brain function of the person with progressive supranuclear palsy
松田涼1), 佐藤佑太郎1), 濱本龍哉1), 濱田恭子2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article H-004. One case that we performed treadmill ambulatory exercise while we changed presence of the visual stimulus to patients with stroke that drew back by parkinsonism, and presented a foot, brachybasia, and improvement of the walking ability was found in
朝倉直人1), 高橋良輔2), 林達也1), 小岩幹2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article H-005. Change by the operational change of the brace conference in our hospital convalescent rehabilitation ward
小川峰巨1), 本間亜由美1), 伊藤一成1), 松田直樹2), 稲田亨1)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article H-006. "A case of life-time stroke hemiplegic patient who received botulinum therapy by switching from multiple injections of botulinum toxin type A to incobotulinum toxin A"
佐々木和馬, 佐伯拓磨, 平田雄慎
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article I-001. Relationship between downward vision and recognition of obstacles - Examination by different approach methods for healthy adults -
佐々木嶺歩, 伊藤一成, 稲田亨
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article I-002. About association with the abdominal line thickness in the maximal expiratory pressure
堀弘明, 千葉健, 佐橋健人
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article I-003. Efforts of the online feedback by the remote assessment for the care prophylactic promotion of local elderly people
井口佳紀1), 杉原俊一1), 伊藤誠也2), 金澤利律子2), 石田豊朗3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article I-004. About a factor associated with disease severity of locomotive syndrome in the certification for long-term care person and the outdoor walk independence
奥山真純, 竹内俊介, 田村亮, 佐野明里, 大國明日香, 高村雅二
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article I-005. The effect that the difference in training method gives to a line activity of gluteus maximus muscle, the gluteus medius muscle
太田貴康1), 井野拓実2), 佐藤洋一郎2), 三浦知紘3), 工藤優1), 太田雄介1)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 41-41, 2022.

Japanese Article I-006. Examination of the factor affecting the decision of footedness, the non-footedness
田中勇治1), 江良翼2), 春名弘一1), 細谷志帆3),4)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 41-41, 2022.

Japanese Article J-001. New attempt of our hospital in the performance evaluation after the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
三上達也1), 浮城健吾1), 清水健太1), 渡辺愛麗1), 三浦浩太1), 大谷真奈1), 小竹諭1), 大角侑平1), 吉田俊教1), 大越康充2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 42-42, 2022.

Japanese Article J-002. The effect that the change of the catastrophic thought before and after the Total Knee Arthroplasty gives to pain improvement until time after the operation for three months
小松雅明1),2), 対馬栄輝2), 石田和宏1), 小池祐輔1),2), 宮城島一史1), 木村正一3), 森律明3), 西尾悠介3), 田中大介3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 42-42, 2022.

Japanese Article J-003. Body function to influence lumbar vertebrae lordosis angle in one month after the lumbar herniated disk technique
宮城島一史1), 石田和宏1), 村本拓磨1), 古舘裕希1), 大谷貴之1), 百町貴彦2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 43-43, 2022.

Japanese Article J-004. Is the balance training for the chronic ankle instability symptom necessary for at least several weeks? A systematic review and meta-analysis
越野裕太1),2), 小林匠3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 43-43, 2022.

Japanese Article J-005. Knee joint extension after the inside knee cap thigh ligament reconstruction technique using the artificial ligament and change of the flexural muscular strength
大場健裕1), 小野良輔1), 太田萌香1), 佐々木和広1), 倉秀治2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 44-44, 2022.

Japanese Article J-006. Association of a change of the amount of foot part arch with the load and the form change of foot part intrinsic muscle, the plantar aponeurosis
小野寺珠里1), 大槻凌2), 小林匠3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 44-44, 2022.

Japanese Article K-001. One shaft of femur bone fracture postoperative case utilizing the movement analysis device three-dimensional for walk ache reduction
山畑祐也1), 佐伯拓馬1), 林達也1), 宝満健太郎2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 45-45, 2022.

Japanese Article K-002. Case ... which led to walk acquisition using foreign physical therapy - computer control knee coupling Kenevo for bilateral artificial leg cases
曽我部太輔, 小川隆平, 森泉茂宏
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 45-45, 2022.

Japanese Article K-003. Having a locomotorium disease; and fact-finding of the urinary incontinence in women during foreign rehabilitation going to hospital
米田由紀1), 渡邊華菜1), 宗山春香1), 藤田博之1), 井上貴博1),2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 46-46, 2022.

Japanese Article K-004. The effect that the difference in taping method gives to an arthrorisis effect on ankle
熊谷好花1), 井野拓実2), 木田貴英3), 神成透1), 角瀬邦晃1), 朝野玄太1), 佐藤洋一郎2), 荒戸拓美4), 二宮惇樹5), 三浦祐希6)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 46-46, 2022.

Japanese Article K-005. Validity of the lumbar vertebrae behavior flexibility evaluation using the motion sensor
小玉裕治, 村本拓磨, 石田和弘
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 47-47, 2022.

Japanese Article K-006. The generation comparison of the trunk rotation in the throw disorder shoulder patients
西川航平1), 鈴森雄貴1), 明本聡1), 新納拓也1), 小野寺悠介1), 及川直樹1),2), 榊善成1), 高橋和孝3), 岡村健司3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 47-47, 2022.

Japanese Article L-001. Using attitude survey - questionnaire for the bedside teaching after the designated rule revision -
平塚健太1), 成田大一1),2), 千葉馨3), 古館裕大2), 羽澤晃士1), 石田裕二3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 48-48, 2022.

Japanese Article L-002. Pay the attention to a change of investigation - outpatient department, hospitalization number of patients of the effect that our hospital rehabilitation department by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak received, attendance stop measures of the staff; and ...
工藤篤志1), 川村淳一1), 佐々木和広1), 佐藤史子1), 松本佳奈2), 岡村健司3), 倉秀治3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 48-48, 2022.

Japanese Article L-003. Efforts - refinement and problem of the outside trust physical therapist in the special elderly nursing home of the post of rehabilitation absence
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 49-49, 2022.

Japanese Article L-004. One case of the terminal heart failure that it cooperated, and the examination of intervention contents was necessary for the multi-type of job
黒澤響平1), 辻久美2), 齋藤肇1)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 49-49, 2022.

Japanese Article L-005. The satisfaction that a new face therapist feels
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 50-50, 2022.

Japanese Article M-001. Examination of the factor associated with the ability for promotion early after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
吉井孝成1), 岸本吉裕1), 久保田永美子1), 山田翔太1), 能地仁2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 50-50, 2022.

Japanese Article M-002. The clinical manifestations are associated with a psychosocial factor not a structural factor in the degenerative lumbar disease
芦田佑造1), 三木貴弘1),2), 近藤湧1), 藤田直輝1), 米谷早津紀1), 土部純平1), 竹林庸雄3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 51-51, 2022.

Japanese Article M-003. The effect that pain before and after the Total Knee Arthroplasty gives in a 6-month catastrophic thought after the operation
久保田永美子1), 岸本吉裕1), 吉井孝成1), 山田翔太1), 能地仁2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 51-51, 2022.

Japanese Article M-004. One case that we produced peroneal nerve palsy after the culf bone fracture, and the muscular strength improvement of the extensor hallucis longus muscle was prolonged
荒木浩二郎, 小野寺智亮, 菅原亮太, 谷口達也, 千田佑太, 阿部はるか
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 52-52, 2022.

Japanese Article M-005. It is the usefulness of the single leg squat test as the ability for stairs going up and down evaluation in patients after the TKA technique
川井柚葉1), 浮城健吾1), 大森啓司1), 三上達也1), 三浦浩太1), 館山唯1), 吉田俊教1), 大越康充2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 52-52, 2022.

Japanese Article M-006. Association with change over time and the each end-point of the single stepladder rank time knee extension angle in the Total Knee Arthroplasty
黒田あつむ1),2), 對馬栄輝3), 糸田英基1), 森谷大輔1), 城彰敏1)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 53-53, 2022.

Japanese Article N-001. Case with suspected referred pain derived from the other side intervertebral joint as a cause of the pain of lower extremities
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 53-53, 2022.

Japanese Article N-002. Examination of postoperative factors related to difficulty in descending one month after total knee arthroplasty
岸本吉裕1), 吉井孝成1), 久保田永美子1), 山田翔太1), 能地仁2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 54-54, 2022.

Japanese Article N-003. One case that paid its attention to posture and a gait change of the secondary Osteoarthritis of the hip
阿部朋子1), 家入章1), 小玉裕治1), 石田和宏1), 三上貴司2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 54-54, 2022.

Japanese Article N-004. Three-dimensional movement analysis ... of Knee-in movement and ... jump landing movement of the hip joint exercise of relationships
石田優衣1), 井野拓実2), 小笠原龍誠3), 佐藤洋一郎2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 55-55, 2022.

Japanese Article N-005. The effect that the preoperative catastrophic thought in the Total Hip Arthroplasty patients gives for postoperative pain and walking ability
梅田知里, 太田雄介, 大橋賢一, 手代木みなみ
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 55-55, 2022.

Japanese Article N-006. Example that a calcaneal region ache was prolonged after the patency achilles tendon rupture technique by the direct force
菅原亮太, 小野寺智亮, 荒木浩二郎, 谷口達也, 千田佑太
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 56-56, 2022.

Japanese Article O-001. An example of patients with progress lung cancer that quality of life improved by the pressure from a physical therapist to the multi-type of job-prone metastases to bone
美馬愛子1), 村岡法彦1), 呂隆徳1), 大田哲生2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 56-56, 2022.

Japanese Article O-002. One case of the end-stage bile duct cancer that the intervention to the main caregiver became important as visit rehabilitation
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 57-57, 2022.

Japanese Article O-003. Examination of the factor associated with the quality of life of our institution entrance user
國田康生, 千葉恒, 川辺洋忠, 松田絵美, 佐々木亮輔, 貝森大祐, 細木円果, 井上皓太
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 57-57, 2022.

Japanese Article O-004. See the rear about the change of activities of daily living independence degree and the motor function before and after the physical therapist intervention frequency change to super reinforcement type health center for the elderly residents; a mark investigation
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 58-58, 2022.

Japanese Article O-005. One case that breath came over, and paid the attention to life rhythm for a certain field work resumption, and visited it, and underwent rehabilitation
黄金勇吾, 工藤友美, 三政辰徳, 大畠誠, 村岡洋平
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 58-58, 2022.

Japanese Article P-001. One case that a load time ache strongly remained in after the foot part multiple bone fracture in the sole outside
谷口達也, 小野寺智亮, 荒木荒二郎, 菅原亮太, 千田祐太, 阿部はるか
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 59-59, 2022.

Japanese Article P-002. Effect of the central sensitization to the preoperation next in the lumbar spinal canal stenosis
岡音佑季1), 猪川輪哉2), 恒川博巳2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 59-59, 2022.

Japanese Article P-003. The effect that the knee joint extension restrictions in two months give to ability for knee joint function and movement after the operation in patients after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
熊谷創1), 前田健太郎1), 川村大介2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 60-60, 2022.

Japanese Article P-004. 1 case of the scoliosis that was able to plan improvement in ADL, quality of life by an offer of the foreign rehabilitation for the case that had anxiety to treatment
星山萌1), 野田耀右1), 藤田博之1), 井上貴博1),2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 60-60, 2022.

Japanese Article P-005. One case of patients with ACL, MCL injury that paid its attention to an exercise sense of fear and dysfunction
朝野玄太1),2), 角瀬邦晃1), 南大貴1), 神成透1)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 61-61, 2022.

Japanese Article P-006. After the operation of the Total Knee Arthroplasty patients about Mayor of steppe until four weeks
城敏彰, 糸田英基, 森谷大輔, 黒田あつむ
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 61-61, 2022.

Japanese Article Q-001. Physical therapy experience of congenital both tibias line loss children given knee bearing technique
土嶺博希1), 和泉裕斗1), 井上孝仁1), 井上和広1), 藤坂広幸1), 藤田裕樹2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 62-62, 2022.

Japanese Article Q-002. About the efforts of the animal-mediated activity using the adult dog in our hospital
山本昌明1), 中村幸子1), 打越一美&キラ2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 62-62, 2022.

Japanese Article Q-003. Investigation of the development properties and the sense of motor development delay children in our hospital, mental retardation children
梅井千夏1), 中野由子1), 寺山紗也佳2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 63-63, 2022.

Japanese Article Q-004. Inspection of the kinesitherapy effect on children with cerebral palsy of GMFCS level IV which reported a chronic pain
和泉裕斗, 土嶺博希, 井上孝仁, 井上和広, 藤坂広幸
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 63-63, 2022.

Japanese Article Q-005. An example of Down's syndrome that cough power improvement was found in by the approach to a human trunk line
吉田圭佑1), 岡村綾子1), 村岡法彦1), 志子田未央1), 佐藤聖1), 呂隆徳1), 大田哲生2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 64-64, 2022.

Japanese Article R-001. Pay the attention to - walker walk independence about the swelling course after the Total Knee Arthroplasty and effect on body function; and -
伊藤颯亮, 工藤優, 下澤駿介
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 64-64, 2022.

Japanese Article R-002. It is becoming it and the characteristic the type by the course of the pain strength in patients with convalescent rehabilitation ward hospitalization locomotorium disease
田村翔太郎, 宮澤亜紀, 山本航平, 菊川仁依菜
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 65-65, 2022.

Japanese Article R-003. One case of the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture which reported a thigh outside central part ache
小野寺智亮, 荒木浩二郎, 菅原亮太, 谷口達也, 千田佑太
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 65-65, 2022.

Japanese Article R-004. Effect of SIXPAD Foot Fit on convalescent rehabilitation ward inpatient and examination - randomized controlled trial - of the protocol
大塚航平1), 椎木綾乃1), 若松雅樹1), 垣内健佑1), 宮澤亜紀1), 相馬裕樹1), 金圭加1), 中野遥貴1), 春名弘一2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 66-66, 2022.

Japanese Article R-005. It is an effect of the early stage rehabilitation after the operation that lumbar spinal canal stenosis corresponds to postoperatively
對馬啓太, 岡音佑季
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 66-66, 2022.

Japanese Article R-006. Intervention ... based on the objective evaluation of one case - walk that the right knee arthralgia reduced after the left thighbone tibia osteotomy
小田祐輝1), 小池祐輔1), 石田和宏1), 宮城島一史1), 小松雅明1), 小玉裕治1), 田中大介2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 67-67, 2022.

Japanese Article S-001. 1 case - that we paid our attention to the line activity change around the knee joint by slight hemiplegia case - electromyogram that combination of HONDA walk assist and ankle foot orthosis with plastic shoe insert was useful
宇野奨吾1), 伊藤広和1), 高橋良輔2), 林達也1)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 67-67, 2022.

Japanese Article S-002. Does Wellwalk (WW-2000) improve walking ability in stroke patients with lower FIM cognitive items than conventional physiotherapy? - Matched case-control study -
中村洋平1), 丹波祐哉1), 前田泰平1), 櫻井瑞紀2)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 68-68, 2022.

Japanese Article S-003. Center of gravity change of patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuritis by the balance exercise using sight information
大村卓也, 糸田英基, 大友健司, 神藤連
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 68-68, 2022.

Japanese Article S-004. 1 case of the stroke hemiplegia patients with the lumbar lordosis posture that accepted reduction of the low back pain for HAL(R) waist type independence support more
浦家昇太, 三浦いずみ, 千代谷有美子, 金澤真由, 佐々木侑希, 工藤章, 杉原俊一
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 69-69, 2022.

Japanese Article S-005. Attempt of the clinical reasoning for the stroke hemiplegia patients who presented with various symptoms by parietal lobe injury
工藤直紀, 小野圭介, 林達也
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 69-69, 2022.

Japanese Article S-006. Examination - with one-week Well Walk intervention effect on convalescent stroke hemiplegia patients - single case design
長川比奈1), 田中大地1), 齋藤篤生1), 古田亮一1), 菅原和広2), 白坂智英3)
Proceedings of The Annual Congress of the Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association 73(suppl): 70-70, 2022.