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Volume 3, Issue 3 / 1971
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Convalescence of collagenosis
大島良雄, 勝田保男, 東威
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 1-6, 1971.

Japanese Article Basement Membrane
Kinichiro KAJIKAWA
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 7-14, 1971.

Japanese Article Study of the pathological chemistry of urinary complex carbohydrate
Masahiko Endo, Masaaki Masubuchi, Zensaku Yoshizawa, Osamu Namiki *, Eikichi Wakamatsu *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 15-16, 1971.

Japanese Article Urinary non-CPC precipitable protein-polysaccharide complex
South Ryoji, Toshi Tsugawa, Mamoru Yamaguchi, Tadao Orii, Chiba learning course, Toru Nakao
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 16-16, 1971.

Japanese Article Examination of urinary acid mucopolysaccharide (aMPS) of various disease
Masami Takimoto, Tatsuji Kano *, Hasato sincerity species *, Ryozo Okada *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 16-17, 1971.

Japanese Article About acid mucopolysaccharide of the systemic Eri Emma toe death patients urine
Shun Kurosawa light, 蕨治言, Ichiro Ishikawa, Yuichi Shiokawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 17-18, 1971.

Japanese Article Mucopolysaccharide in collagenosis
中沢浩二, 村田克己, 諸井泰興, 石川隆章, 飯塚健次郎, 大利昌久, 茂木安平*, 土田卓*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 18-19, 1971.

Japanese Article About acid mucopolysaccharide of the human serum
小倉卓, 村田克己*, 青山俊子*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 19-20, 1971.

Japanese Article Urinary and blood mucopolysaccharide of the cardiac infarction patients
大川真一郎, 杉浦昌也, 畑隆一郎*, 永井裕*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 20-22, 1971.

Japanese Article Acid mucopolysaccharide in the rheumatoid arthritis
新名正由, 米谷俊朗, 生越英二, 木内準之助, 菅野卓郎*, 田中守*, 福田邦夫*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 25-26, 1971.

Japanese Article Biochemical study of the high hyaluronic acid pleural effusion
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 26-26, 1971.

Japanese Article Mucopolysaccharide of Lipoblastic timor
Masayuki Kaneko, Hisashi Iwata, Yoji Terashima, Yasuhara benevolent administration, Masami Nakagawa, Isao Sugiura, Tadashi Nakagawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 26-27, 1971.

Japanese Article Histochemistry of the cornea mucopolysaccharide
Yasuo Mimura, Takenosuke Yuasa, Kazuo Matsumoto
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 27-28, 1971.

Japanese Article Histochemistry and fixed-quantity of the acid mucopolysaccharide of the inner ear
Hitoshi Saito, Osamu Mizukoshi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 28-29, 1971.

Japanese Article Histochemical differential diagnosis of the acid mucopolysaccharide
渡辺洋望, 大高裕一
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 29-30, 1971.

Japanese Article Histochemistry of the acid mucopolysaccharide in connective tissue-related tumor
Kazuo Misawa, Hiroshi Watanabe wish, Yuichi Otaka
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 30-31, 1971.

Japanese Article About differentiation of the juvenile connective tissue (undifferentiated mesenchyma system cells)
Kisaburo Sakakida, Yoichi Maki, Shiro Inoue, Takefumi Morotomi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 35-35, 1971.

Japanese Article Mechanism of liver fibrosis
岡崎勲, 加茂紘一郎, 織田正也, 亀谷麒与隆, 三辺謙
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 35-36, 1971.

Japanese Article Biosynthesis of liver fibrosis and the glycoprotein
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 36-37, 1971.

Japanese Article About connective tissue disorders in the fatty cirrhosis
赤塩浩一, 奥平雅彦, 村田克己*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 37-38, 1971.

Japanese Article It is the differentiation with the bleomycin lungs in pulmonary views, thing of the scleroderma
北村四郎, 岡村明治
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 39-40, 1971.

Japanese Article Radiation cardiac callosity
Sadao Nagahara, Shotaro Maeda, Keiko Sennai *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 40-41, 1971.

Japanese Article Discussion about the active expression of animal collagenase
永井裕, 堀久枝
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 45-45, 1971.

Japanese Article Vulnerary process and collagenase
Ushuku Gentaro, Ikuko Oyamada
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 45-46, 1971.

Japanese Article About a liver connective tissue hyperplasy mechanism in the chronic liver disease
Makoto Nakamura person, Mt. Koizumi husband
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 46-48, 1971.

Japanese Article Anti-inflammatory steroid effects for the collagen metabolism of the granulation tissue
Hideo Nakagawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 48-50, 1971.

Japanese Article Urinary hydrohydoroxyprolin: About a change in examination and morbidity of the normal particularly the disorders of endocrine system
五十嵐省吾, 藤原研司, 堺隆弘, 織田敏次
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 61-62, 1971.

Japanese Article Change of clinical condition and the leukocyte collagenase
Koichi Kawanishi, Nobuo Yamamoto, Terado Kuniaki
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 62-63, 1971.

Japanese Article Basic histologic change of experimental osteolathyrism
秋吉正豊, 鈴木公夫, 岡静夫, 中村亨
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 63-64, 1971.

Japanese Article About a fine structure of the elastic fiber
蕨治言, Tetsuro Ishikawa, Tetsu Yamazaki, Chiyuki Abe, Yuichi Shiokawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 67-68, 1971.

Japanese Article Effect to give to elastic fiber of the female sex hormone (premarin)
Takeshi Kitagawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 68-68, 1971.

Japanese Article Metabolism (forecast) of the female sex hormone by Fibrocyte
谷奥喜平, 植木宏明, 浅井洋子, 荒木紘江*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 68-68, 1971.

Japanese Article LE phenomenon in collagenosis
横張龍一, 鈴木輝彦, 勝田保男
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 69-69, 1971.

Japanese Article Rheumatic active clinicopathologic examination in rheumatic cardiac disease (RHD)
Hasato sincerity species, Tatsuji Kano, Ryozo Okada, Kazuo Kitamura, Masami Takimoto *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 69-70, 1971.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of the streptococcal polysaccharide antibody
Toshi Fujikawa, Hiroyuki Hikita, Kasagami Expo, Masahiko Okuni
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 70-70, 1971.

Japanese Article Cartilage mucopolysaccharide metabolism in the hereditary acid mucopolysaccharide abnormality symptom
Yoji Terashima, Hisashi Iwata, Masayuki Kaneko, Yasuhara benevolent administration, Masami Nakagawa, 楫野學而, Yasuo Sugiura, Tadashi Nakagawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 74-75, 1971.

Japanese Article One case of the Sanfilippo syndrome
鬼沢仁一, 李延彦, 中村了正, 竹内恵子, 水野悌一*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 75-76, 1971.

Japanese Article Systemic here re-Gnosis (tentative name)
森俊二, 石川英一*, 緒方孝平**, 鎌倉和江***
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 76-77, 1971.

Japanese Article An example of the secondary systemic amyloidosis with the goiter
鈴木信也, 河野勝昭, 大藤真
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 77-78, 1971.

Japanese Article Fine structure of the dermis connective tissue of Licnen sclerosus et atrophicans
Mizuho Yamada
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 78-79, 1971.

Japanese Article Collagenosis that initially occurred in lung
Makoto Washizaki, Hiomi Honma, Masao Tamura, Hiroichi Tanimoto, Hiroshi Okano
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 79-80, 1971.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient of the rheumatoid arthritis, one discussion about the diagnostic criteria
岡崎太郎, 斎藤輝信, 阿達敦彦, 三友紀男, 杉山尚
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 80-81, 1971.

Japanese Article Three cases of the SLE in acknowledgment of the transformation of the joint
秋月正史, 武田宏, 勝正孝
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 81-82, 1971.

Japanese Article About the collagen metabolism in the culture fibroblasts which separated from patients with scleroderma
新海浤, Masamitsu Ichihashi, Shigeharu Sano
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 86-87, 1971.

Japanese Article Manner of the mucopolysaccharide in the generalized scleroderma skin
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 87-89, 1971.

Japanese Article Mainly on the lesion of scleroderma, gastrointestinal tract judging from internal medicine and the lungs
斎藤泰弘, 野田茂寿
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 89-90, 1971.

Japanese Article Kidney lesion of scleroderma
Jugoro Takeuchi, 篠田晤
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 90-92, 1971.

Japanese Article From a pathologic viewpoint
Yasuhiro Hosoda
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 92-93, 1971.

Japanese Article Ultrastructure of the skin blood vessel in the scleroderma
広根孝衛, 福井米正
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 3(3): 93-94, 1971.