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Volume 13, Issue 4 / 1982
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Fibronectin and related substances
Michio Matsuda
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 177-184, 1982.

Japanese Article Pyridinoline cross-linking, which is found in the uterus
樋口京一, 竹田俊男, 清水克時*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 185-186, 1982.

Japanese Article Maturity of the bone collagen in the In vitro system
内山明好, 井上哲郎, 藤本大三郎
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 187-188, 1982.

Japanese Article For bone-tendon collagen pyridinoline cross-linking of the in vitro aging
清水克時, 山室隆夫, 樋口京一*, 竹田俊男*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 189-190, 1982.

Japanese Article Comparison between bone and distribution of the dentin collagen crosslink
久保木芳徳, 津崎まり, 佐々木哲*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 192-193, 1982.

Japanese Article Effect of the est low gene which gives it to mouse bones collagen bridging
At Katsu Shimizu, Takao Yamamuro, Kyoichi Higuchi *, Toshio Takeda *, Takaaki Otsuji **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 194-195, 1982.

Japanese Article Measurement of the bridging of the elastin with the amino acid analyzer and application to disease
Gain Damine man, Hiromi Oda, Shunji Karube, Yasushi Hayashi, Mitsuo Igarashi, Kazuhiko Taniguchi *, Shigeru Inoue **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 196-197, 1982.

Japanese Article Disulfide linkage of the basal membrane collagen peptide
Fujiwara Sakuhira, Yutaka Nagai
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 198-199, 1982.

Japanese Article About a new type of collagen seen in a chondrosarcoma
井上茂, 五十嵐三都男*, 林泰史*, 益田峯男*, 軽部俊二*, 木村博光*, 谷口和彦*, 立石昭夫**, 檜垣昇三**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 201-202, 1982.

Japanese Article Collagen of the chordoma
Kazuhiko Taniguchi, Mitsuo Igarashi, Yasushi Hayashi, Gain Damine man, Shunji Karube, Hiromi Oda, Shigeru Inoue *, Akio Tateishi **, Shozo Higaki **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 203-204, 1982.

Japanese Article About solubility of the skin collagen in the pandemic scleroderma
Mountain shade Akio, Hidekazu Ishikawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 205-206, 1982.

Japanese Article Sampling and type analysis of the stomach collagen
山谷文夫, 手塚統夫
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 207-208, 1982.

Japanese Article Collagen metabolic disorders in the atrophy skeletal muscle after the peripheral nerve injury
Hiroshi Sawai, Katsuyuki Fujii, Kagehisa Murota
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 209-210, 1982.

Japanese Article Comparison of the collagen generation ability in hepatocytes and non-epithelial-like cells
大西三朗, Y.Israel, H.Orrego
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 213-214, 1982.

Japanese Article Collagen desmoplasia in the hepatocytes primary culture system
Toshihiko Yajima, Masayoshi Kumegawa, Masahiko Hiramatsu *, Keiko Hatakeyama *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 215-216, 1982.

Japanese Article interaction with hepatocytes and the fibroblasts in the liver fibrosis process
亀谷麒与隆, 相磯貞和, 織田正也*, 土屋雅春*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 217-218, 1982.

Japanese Article Effect to give to the fibroblasts of the human gastric cancer cultured cell
内藤恭久, 嘉納勇, Daizaburo Fujimoto *, Kentaro Horiuchi *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 221-222, 1982.

Japanese Article About the collagenic fibril in the cells in the rabbit cultured skin tissue
足羽紀子, 大高裕一
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 223-224, 1982.

Japanese Article About the SH group of culture fiber cells, S-S combination
荒井完周, 阿部重人, 大古田陽子, 熊谷安夫, 田内美津子, 塩川優一
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 225-226, 1982.

Japanese Article Fixed-quantity of human urinary hydroxylysine including several kinds of renal disease and the sugar compound
高木タエ子, 宇宿源太郎, 服部新三郎*, 永村誠皓**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 229-230, 1982.

Japanese Article Effect to give to synovial cells collagen metabolism of the rheumatoid arthritis synovial fluid
Takeshi Tajiri, 蔡詩岳, Katsuyuki Fujii, Kagehisa Murota
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 231-232, 1982.

Japanese Article About a change of postpartum involution of the uterus and the hydroxyproline in an organ
Kiyoshi Shimizu, Kyutaro Maekawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 233-234, 1982.

Japanese Article Characteristic distribution of the proline product of the eyes organ differing in development
Takeo Matsuzawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 235-236, 1982.

Japanese Article Change of the mucopolysaccharide seen in human fatty cirrhosis
赤塩浩一, 落合裕子, 武林真智子, 村田克己*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 238-239, 1982.

Japanese Article Histochemical observation of the mucopolysaccharide in the human kidney
綿鍋維男, 渡辺洋望, 大高裕一
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 240-241, 1982.

Japanese Article Glycosaminoglycan of the tyroma coating layer
Hiromi Nagai, Hideo Arai, Masayuki Ito, Ken Sato, Masayoshi Motomiya, Jun Konno, Masahiko Endo *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 242-243, 1982.

Japanese Article About acid mucopolysaccharide in the person spinal fluid
Tadashi Higashiyama dragon, Tsutomu Nakamura, Sumio Masuda *, Hideki Nishiyama *, 蒋益隆 *, Toshiyuki Ozawa *, Shunnichi Inoue *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 244-245, 1982.

Japanese Article Analysis of the proteoglycan due to the matrix vesicle
Nobuhiko Katsura, Michiaki Sakata *, Toshikatsu Fujiwara *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 247-248, 1982.

Japanese Article Significance of the cartilago epiphysialis proteoglycan in the long bone longer axis growth
Hisashi Iwata, Masahiro Kobayakawa, Minoru Yoneta, Takeshi Watanabe, Tadashi Nakagawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 249-250, 1982.

Japanese Article About effects of the hyaluronic acid in the cartilage mucopolysaccharide metabolism
Masayuki Shinmei, Akio Yokoi, Yutaka Shimomura, Takashi Sakamoto *, Tomoko Maki *, Toshi Yamaguchi Jiro *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 251-252, 1982.

Japanese Article Change of the myocardium mucopolysaccharide in the course of experimental myocardial infarction
中村允人, 赤神宏尚, 柴田宣彦, 児島淳之介
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 254-255, 1982.

Japanese Article Human coronary mucopolysaccharide
Yuko Yokoyama, Katsumi Murata
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 256-257, 1982.

Japanese Article Study on quantitative evaluation of the artery disorder in stroke fortune-telling onset-related hypertensive spontaneous rat (SHRSP)
長谷川亢治, 川崎健, 斉藤光代, 竹内光吉, 伊藤浩行*, 岡本耕造*, 荒井親雄**, 柏倉義弘**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 258-259, 1982.

Japanese Article Role of the stomach tissue component to carry out for the healing of rat acetic acid ulcer
Mikio Ito, Yoshio Suzuki
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 261-262, 1982.

Japanese Article Biochemical study of the periodontal connective tissue
Yasushi Enomoto line, Tadashi Sakurai enthusiast, Toshio Kawase, Shigeru Saito
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 263-264, 1982.

Japanese Article Heterogeneity of the rabbit lung heparan sulfate
Masayoshi Motomiya, Hideo Arai, Hiromi Nagai, Masayuki Ito, Ken Sato, Jun Konno, Masahiko Endo *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 265-266, 1982.

Japanese Article Interaction of thrombin for the sulfation dermatan sulfate immobilization column and the antithrombin
舟橋美幸, 松本勲武, 瀬野信子
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 267-268, 1982.

Japanese Article Histochemical examination about the mucopolysaccharide in the cervical canal tissue at prostaglandin (PGs) and a lot of-related steroid hormone administration
石田雅巳, 加藤宏一, 菊池義公
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 270-271, 1982.

Japanese Article Effects of the glycosaminoglycan composition in the human uterine cervix cultured cell and sex steroid hormone and the prostaglandin
Masaji Tanaka, Mitsuru Yamada still, 中谷剛彬, Kinnichiro Mizuno, Yoshiaki Yagami
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 272-273, 1982.

Japanese Article Tissue degradation and glycosaminoglycans of the Muller tube
林奐, Keizo Katsumata, Osahiko Abe, Patricia K. Donahoe*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 274-275, 1982.

Japanese Article Metabolic regulation of the mucopolysaccharide with the sex hormone
Akira Mori, Makoto Uzuka *, Keisuke Nakajima *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 276-277, 1982.

Japanese Article Analysis of urinary mucopolysaccharide of patients with connective tissue disorder
佐藤克巳, 徳永正靱, 佐竹成夫*, 若松英吉*, 吉沢善作**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 279-280, 1982.

Japanese Article Urinary acid mucopolysaccharide in patients with renal failure
田中あけみ, 田辺薫, 岡野善行, 山岡小百合, 樋上忍, 一色玄, 揖場和子*, 松村敦子**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 281-282, 1982.

Japanese Article Complex carbohydrate of the intervertebral disk
The Marutani truth
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 283-284, 1982.

Japanese Article Polysaccharide metabolism of the bridegroom in the cultural trial and cultured cell of nucleus pulposus cells
Toshiyuki Kikuchi, Masaaki Yamagishi, Masayuki Shinmei, Yutaka Shimomura
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 285-286, 1982.

Japanese Article Acid mucopolysaccharide metabolism in normal and scleroderma skin fibroblasts
Ryuichiro Hata, Yoshifumi Ninomiya, Yutaka Nagai, Many Shimashin I *, Takeji Nishikawa *, Hitoshi Hatano *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 289-290, 1982.

Japanese Article Effect of various kinds of sugars on growth of human skin fibroblasts
Shigeto Abe, Great Yoko Furuta, Kan Arai lap, Yasuo Kumagai, Mitsuko Tauchi, Yuichi Shiokawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 291-292, 1982.

Japanese Article Animal collagenase-producing mechanism by the fibroblastic monolayer culture derived from rabbit liver
Katsuya Maruyama, Toshiji Kobayashi, Isao Okazaki *, Akira Ono *, Hideo Suzuki *, Kazuo Kashiwazaki **, Masaharu Tsuchiya **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 293-294, 1982.

Japanese Article Stillness, enzyme histologic examination of the artery blood vessel cultured cell
Kenichiro Harada, Masayuki Shiraishi, Shigeo Takebayashi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 295-296, 1982.

Japanese Article One case of the fetal Hurler syndrome
池野知康, 津川敏, 我妻浩治*, 南良二*, 中尾亨*, 谷口繁**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 299-300, 1982.

Japanese Article Acid mucopolysaccharide in the lesion of the hereditary bone cartilage abnormality mouse (twy mouse)
細田泰弘, 石井寿晴, 檜垣昇三*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 301-302, 1982.

Japanese Article Examination of α-L-iduronidase of the liver and the brain
藤林伸助, 南良二, 中尾亨
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 303-304, 1982.

Japanese Article Analysis of the mucopolysaccharide of systemic here re-Gnosis
檜垣昇三, 三輪隆, 立石昭夫, 村田克己*, 松岡耕二**, 三井洋司**, 林泰史***, 五十嵐三都男***
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 305-306, 1982.

Japanese Article Observation with the scanning electron microscope of the alveolus basement membrane
木田恵子, 高岡道夫, 徳山清之, 菰田敬三, 高谷泰正, 槇野博史, 太田善介, 大藤眞, 三好昭*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 309-310, 1982.

Japanese Article Observation of the elastic tissue of the thoracic aorta by the electron microscope scanning
増田茂, 渡辺洋望, 射場一光, 土屋直信, 大高裕一
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 311-312, 1982.

Japanese Article Microstructural change of the glomerule basement membrane in the diabetes rat
高谷泰正, 木田恵子, 高岡道夫, 菰田敬三, 徳山清之, 槇野博史, 太田善介, 大藤眞
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 313-314, 1982.

Japanese Article Sex steroid hormone receptor that is found in cultured human pathological mesenchymal cells
石井正治, 藤原祐三, 山室隆夫, 細川昌則*, 竹田俊男*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 316-317, 1982.

Japanese Article Noradrenaline receptor in the osseous tissue
宗円聡, 田中清介, 溝畑茂一
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 318-319, 1982.

Japanese Article About effect of progesterone which gives it to the differentiation of smooth peritubular contractile cells
Shingo Fujii, Toshio Nishimura
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 320-321, 1982.

Japanese Article Fibroblastic form in the wound granulation tissue
大井章史, 梶川欽一郎
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 323-324, 1982.

Japanese Article Disposal of denaturing connective tissue mechanism in the dermis
森下美知子, 設楽篤幸, 佐藤信輔, 本好捷宏, 佐藤良夫
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 325-326, 1982.

Japanese Article Observation of the electron microscope of the experimental joint pain by Type II collagen
鈴木清之, 額賀幸一, 藤井克之, 田尻健, 蔡詩岳, 室田景久
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 327-328, 1982.

Japanese Article About a calcareous deposit of the rotator cuff
井上一, 橋詰博行, 周鉅文, 田辺剛造, 赤堀治*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 329-330, 1982.

Japanese Article About inflammatory reaction and the oxygen activation in human leukocytes
Tsuguo Tezuka, Fumio Yamaya
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 332-333, 1982.

Japanese Article Study on experimental pulmonary fibrosis
吉田哲, 山田多啓男, 波多野元久, 平松正彦*, 南直臣*, 木内英則**, 山本恵一郎**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 334-335, 1982.

Japanese Article Study on origin of the pulmonary emphysema
Tetsu Yoshida, Mountain Satoshi Tada man, 宮田捷信, Motohisa Hatano, Toshihiko Yajima *, Masayoshi Kumegawa *, Hidenori Kiuchi **, Keiichiro Yamamoto **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 336-337, 1982.

Japanese Article Freeze fracture electron microscope of amyloid fiber in the cutaneous amyloidosis and the adjacent epidermis basilar cells and the fibroblastic cell membrane
北島康雄, 柳原誠, 森俊二
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 339-340, 1982.

Japanese Article Examination by KMnO_4 of the lichen amyloidosis with the lipodysproteinemia
麻上千鳥, 西岡和恵, 藤田英輔
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 341-342, 1982.

Japanese Article The amyloid protein which is seen in Senescence accelerated mouse(SAM)
Kyoichi Higuchi, Atsuko Matsumura, Kenji Hashimoto, Masanori Hosokawa, Mika Irino, Kimio Yasuhira, Toshio Takeda, Katsuji Shimizu *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 343-344, 1982.

Japanese Article Examination of the onset factor-like mucopolysaccharide approved in BAMM administration rabbit urine
Masato Kitahata, Yasuhiro Uchiyama, Hidekazu Ishikawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 346-347, 1982.

Japanese Article Systemic sclerosis (PSS) and pulmonary disease
Hirobumi Kondo, Ken Uchida, Akio Yoshii, Sadao Kashiwazaki
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 348-349, 1982.

Japanese Article 2 autopsies case of diffuse scleroderma (PSS) with a kidney lesion and the pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage
熊谷安夫, 阿部重人, 山形寿太郎, 海老原功, 塩川優一, 福田芳郎*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 350-351, 1982.

Japanese Article Study on joint lesion of the scleroderma
森伊津子, 富井正邦*, 高野慎*, 本間光夫*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 352-353, 1982.

Japanese Article 1 autopsy case that presented acute renal failure, pulmonary disorder for systemic scleroderma
治部達夫, Kiyoaki Tanimoto, Yasuoki Moroi, Takebayashi Machiko, Katsumi Murata
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 354-355, 1982.

Japanese Article It is examination by making it it a score of the change of the serum test value of patients with scleroderma given low frequency overnight hook-fishing therapy
Manabu Maeda, Shunji Mori
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 356-357, 1982.

Japanese Article Electron microscopic study of thready material in Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
山村弟一, 佐野栄春
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 360-361, 1982.

Japanese Article Eosinophilic fasciitis
Shunei Tanabe, Norio Otsuki, Ai Kawashima male, Saburo Nakamura *, Minoru Kida *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 362-363, 1982.

Japanese Article 2 cases of Relapsing Polychondritis
Kohei Yamauchi, Junji Matsumoto, Shigeto Tomita, Toshio Ito, Takashi Isobe, Takuo Fujita
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 364-365, 1982.

Japanese Article Two cases of the rheumatoid arthritis that caused Mutilating change
伊藤真綱, 今給黎篤弘, 三浦幸雄
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 368-369, 1982.

Japanese Article Examination of the rheumatoid arthritis pulmonary disease
Yoshihiko Takeda, Yasuo Matsuoka, Hisao Takahashi, Kawano common rule, Shoichiro Irimajiri, Ippei Fujimori, Junya Fukuda *, Shizuo Tamura **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 370-371, 1982.

Japanese Article 1 discussion about the origin of collagenosis myocardial fibrosis
Nagao Kawai, Ryozo Okada, Hidetoshi Shiozu *, Masato Nagahama *, Yoshimine two husbands *, Yoshiro Fukuda *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 372-373, 1982.

Japanese Article Clinical study of the antipoly-adenosine diphosphate ribose antibody in the systemic lupus erythematosus
Shigeru Takato, Katsumi Murata, Hideo Okazaki *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 374-375, 1982.

Japanese Article The minute form of osteoblasts and ossiferous mechanism
Kenji Yamagata, Iwao Maeyama, Yoshizo Yamamoto, Ryota Toyoshima, Ato Kojiro
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 377-378, 1982.

Japanese Article Calcification of the auricular cartilage due to decalcification bones and ossification phenomenon
Hiromichi Nishina
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 379-380, 1982.

Japanese Article Condition of a patient analysis of fibrous dysplasia by the nude mice transplant
石井正治, 藤原祐三, 山室隆夫, 伊藤元彦*, 竹田俊男**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 381-382, 1982.

Japanese Article Effect on microcurrent culture chick embryo bones
Tsuyoshi Kusumoto husband, Osamu Namiki *, Hiromichi Toyoshima *, Koji Watanabe *, Hiroshi Tagawa *, Yutaka Togawa **, Hiroshi Watanabe wish ***
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 383-384, 1982.

Japanese Article X-ray biological and hard histological examination of the trabecular bone of coxarthrosis femoral head
沖田伸治, 三海幸雄, 今給黎篤弘, 伊藤康二*, 出沢正徳*, 谷田具豊彦*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 387-388, 1982.

Japanese Article Experimental study of the prevention of tendon adhesion using the Collagen membrane
Osamu Kojima, Taisuke Hirasawa, Kisaburo Sakakida, Teruo Miyata *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 389-390, 1982.

Japanese Article Examination of Osteoporosis
海沼滋典, 佐藤俊祐, Yoshiharu Koshiishi, Mikio Matsuura *, Minoru Kameda **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 391-392, 1982.

Japanese Article Study of the side effect of the adrenocorticosteroid
Yoshiharu Koshiishi, 佐藤俊祐, 海沼滋典, Mikio Matsuura *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 393-394, 1982.

Japanese Article The measurement by the laser nephelometry of CIG
高橋修三, 斉藤良治, 一関和子, 真木正博
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 397-398, 1982.

Japanese Article Localization of the fibronectin with various lesion skin
Hiroyuki Nagata, Hiroaki Ueki
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 399-400, 1982.

Japanese Article About effect to give to fibronectin and fibroblasts hyperplasia of the fibrin substrate structure
上山護, 平川舜, 新野洋一*, 海野俊雄*, 浦山功*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 401-402, 1982.

Japanese Article Effect of the polypeptide which gives it to the collagen metabolism of rat hepatogenous epithelial cells
Masahiko Hiramatsu, Keiko Hatakeyama, 南直臣, Toshihiko Yajima *, Masayoshi Kumegawa *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 405-406, 1982.

Japanese Article Observation by the electronmicroscopic autoradiography about relations with fibroblasts of the experimental foreign body granulation tissue and hepatocytes nucleus and heparin
鈴木晟幹, 渡辺洋望, 白石正二, 田村壽将, 大高裕一
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 407-408, 1982.

Japanese Article Experimental study about the repair of the articular cartilage defect
Great middle Masahiro, Masayoshi Uemura, Yoshiaki Mori, Tsuneo Kimura
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 409-410, 1982.

Japanese Article One case of the chronic intraarticular hematoma
Yasunori Okada, Kinnichiro Kajikawa, Chuhei Munehiro *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 411-412, 1982.

Japanese Article Relations with passage cultural method of rabbit epidermal cells and passage cells and substrate
Yasuyuki Shinohara, Teruyuki Nakajima
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 13(4): 413-414, 1982.