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Volume 14, Issue 3 / 1983
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About collagenolysis during a postpartum involution of the uterus period
清水澄, 前川久太郎
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 106-107, 1983.

Japanese Article Collagen metabolism in patients with normalcy and scleroderma skin fibroblasts
畑隆一郎, 砂田泰伸, 二宮善文, 永井裕, 多島新吾*, 西川武二*, 籏野倫*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 108-109, 1983.

Japanese Article About human meniscal collagen and non-collagen protein
Hiromitsu Kimura, Hiroshi Shoji, D. R. Miller, Shunji Karube *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 110-111, 1983.

Japanese Article New pyridinium derivative included in the cow nuchal ligament elastin
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 112-113, 1983.

Japanese Article Successive change of the shoulder of the white leghorn and the hip joint collagen
福田公孝, Seiichi Ishii, Yo Imai *, Teruo Ishibashi *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 114-115, 1983.

Japanese Article About significance of the quantity of unstable hip joint children umbilical cord collagen
守都義明, 小武守研二, 小比賀薫, Kozo Tanabe
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 116-117, 1983.

Japanese Article Biochemical examination of the soft tissue collagen in congenital dislocation of the hip
織田弘美, 五十嵐三都男, 林泰史, 軽部俊二, 井上茂, 坂口亮*, 君塚葵*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 118-119, 1983.

Japanese Article Difference of the collagenolysis due to collagen molecular species
Ikuko Oyamada, Mitsuhiko Kitaoka, Chotaro Araki, Hidekatsu Yoshioka, Ushuku Gentaro
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 120-121, 1983.

Japanese Article Animal collagenase activity of the liver homogenate in the experimental rat hepatic fibrosis
丸山勝也, 小林利次, 岡崎勲*, 小野明*, 鈴木秀郎*, 柏崎一男**, 土屋雅春**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 122-123, 1983.

Japanese Article Animal collagenase-producing mechanism in the monolayer culture of the cells which we obtained than rabbit liver
Isao Okazaki, Akira Ono, Hideo Suzuki, Katsuya Maruyama *, Toshiji Kobayashi *, Kazuo Kashiwazaki **, Masaharu Tsuchiya **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 124-125, 1983.

Japanese Article Instruction of the argentophil fiber organization potency of the hepatogenous cultured cell (Chang liver cell) with ethanol
Kiyotaka Kamegaya, Tetsu Watanabe, Masahiko Miyazawa, Masaya Oda *, Masaharu Tsuchiya *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 126-127, 1983.

Japanese Article Collagen molecular species in the human cirrhosis
工藤美恵子, 赤塩浩一, 村田克己, 大沼文男*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 128-129, 1983.

Japanese Article Observation of the microscopic electron microscope by the thready material-PAP method in Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
山村弟一, 佐野榮春
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 130-131, 1983.

Japanese Article Collagen change of Cutis hyperelastica
山蔭明生, 前田秀文, 石川英一
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 132-133, 1983.

Japanese Article Digestion in fibroblasts of the collagen fiber
Toshihiko Yajima, Masayoshi Kumegawa *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 134-135, 1983.

Japanese Article Examination of the electron microscope of the smooth muscle development in the human fetal uterus
Iku Konishi life, Shingo Fujii, Hitoshi Okamura
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 136-137, 1983.

Japanese Article A preparation and property of the neogenesis cow rib cartilage proteoglycan core protein
Masayuki Shinmei, Yutaka Shimomura, Shigeo Matsuyama, Gunji Mamiya *, 宮崎匡輔 *, Takashi Okuyama *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 138-139, 1983.

Japanese Article It is separated and purified the cartilage proteoglycan by the metrizamide density gradient method
松本智子, 岩崎勝郎, 清水一由*, 桂暢彦*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 140-141, 1983.

Japanese Article Comparison of bovine cornea and sclera proteoglycan (PG)
Yasuko Aoyama, Masayuki Kaneko, Isao Takaku, Nobuhiko Katsura *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 142-143, 1983.

Japanese Article Proteoglycan having the collagenous core protein which chicken fetal cartilage composed
Hiroharu Kimata, Sakaru Suzuki
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 144-145, 1983.

Japanese Article Enzymatic study in the semilunar destruction mechanism
中川智之, 永井裕*, Peter Ghosh**, T.K.F.Taylor**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 146-147, 1983.

Japanese Article Comparison of glycolipid of fetal bovine cartilage and the adult cow cartilage
Eisuke Hanada, Shinya Kawahata, Kunio Konno
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 148-149, 1983.

Japanese Article Bones to look at to a hereditary osteodystrophy rat [osteogenic disorder rat (OD rat)], cartilaginous characteristic
Hisashi Iwata, Hisashi Mochizuki, Tadashi Nakagawa, Susumu Makino *, Sachiyuki Hayashi *, Yoshio Kishimoto *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 150-151, 1983.

Japanese Article About a neck, the chest of humans, the proteoglycan of the lumbar vertebrae intervertebral disk
蒋益隆, 西山秀木, 井上駿一, 東山義龍*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 152-153, 1983.

Japanese Article Study of the intervertebral disk metabolism
Toshiyuki Kikuchi, Masayuki Shinmei, Masaaki Yamagishi, Riyosuke Fujita, Yutaka Shimomura
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 154-155, 1983.

Japanese Article Glycosaminoglycan of the bovine permanent tooth tooth germ enamel organ
Emiko Sato, Yumi Okada, Shigeki Takehana, Nakane law of nature, Yoichiro Kameyama
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 156-157, 1983.

Japanese Article Examination about the glycosaminoglycans production of the upheaval-related dermatofibrosarcoma
前川嘉洋, 野上玲子, 工藤昌一郎
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 158-159, 1983.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic examination of human skin PG using the antibovine nasal cartilage PG antibody
Masato Kitahata, Hidefumi Maeda, Hidekazu Ishikawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 160-161, 1983.

Japanese Article Histochemical observation of cytoplasm and the intranuclear mucopolysaccharide
Haruhisa Takizawa, Asuwa Noriko, Hiroshi Watanabe wish, Yuichi Otaka
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 162-163, 1983.

Japanese Article Sulfation mucopolysaccharide affinitas animal lectin
北垣温子, 松本勲武, 瀬野信子
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 164-165, 1983.

Japanese Article Trial of the simple classification fixed-quantity of the glycosaminoglycan
佐々木ひとみ, 松本勲武, 瀬野信子
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 166-167, 1983.

Japanese Article Free uronate new assay
林四郎, 渡辺稔, 木村篤*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 168-169, 1983.

Japanese Article Free uronate new assay
林四郎, 渡辺稔, 木村篤*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 170-171, 1983.

Japanese Article Temporarily quick half assay of urinary mucopolysaccharide
黄光前, 祐川和子, 折居忠夫
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 172-173, 1983.

Japanese Article Mucopolysaccharide abnormality in the Werner's syndrome
Kayoko Toda, Atsuko Matsumura, Masanori Hosokawa, Toshio Takeda, Hajime Hamamoto *, Katsuji Shimizu **, Shoji Ishii **, Kei Hara sentence ***, Iwao Matsushita ***
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 174-175, 1983.

Japanese Article Analysis of the heparan sulfate in the liver of the Hurler syndrome
Chiharu Igarashi, 池野知康, Toshi Tsugawa, South Ryoji *, Susumu Nakao *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 176-177, 1983.

Japanese Article About isoenzyme of α-L-iduronidase
藤林伸助, 南良二, 我妻浩治, 中尾享
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 178-179, 1983.

Japanese Article Isolation and identification of the aging amyloid (AS_SAM) seen in normal mouse serum common antigen-related ingredient
Kyoichi Higuchi, Atsuko Matsumura, Atsuko Honma, Kenji Hashimoto, Masanori Hosokawa, Takeshita historiography, Kimio Yasuhira, Toshio Takeda, Katsuji Shimizu *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 180-181, 1983.

Japanese Article About the localization in the living body of the mouse aging amyloid protein (AS_SMA) common antigen-related material
竹下修史, 樋口京一, 松村敦子, 入野美香, 戸田佳代子, 竹田俊男
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 182-183, 1983.

Japanese Article Biochemical change in the addition law of the human glomerule basement membrane
冠木敬一郎, 海老原功, 小出輝, 大野丞二
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 184-185, 1983.

Japanese Article Histochemical observation of the mucopolysaccharide in the human kidney
綿鍋維男, Hiroshi Watanabe wish, Yuichi Otaka
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 186-187, 1983.

Japanese Article Fine structure of bovine Descemet's membrane
Hiroshi Makino, Hiroyuki Toyofuku, Keizo Komoda, Michio Takaoka, Kiyohisa Tokuyama, Yasumasa Takaya, Hiramatsu sincerity, Zensuke Ota
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 188-189, 1983.

Japanese Article Observation of the electron microscope about the aging change of the rat aortic internal elastic membrane
Shigeru Masuda, Hiroshi Watanabe wish, Yuichi Otaka
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 190-191, 1983.

Japanese Article Effect of the elastase which gives it to a viscoelastic characteristic of the fibrosis lungs, the lung parenchyma
佐々木秀樹, 池田英樹, 下内章人, 樋口純子, 佐藤忍, 高橋敬治, 安井昭二
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 192-193, 1983.

Japanese Article About pulmonary fibrosis ability of bleomycin and the pepleomycin
Hidenori Kiuchi, Takuji Kawaguchi, Hoya success, Keiichiro Yamamoto, Tetsu Yoshida *, Mountain Satoshi Tada man *, Motohisa Hatano *, Masahiko Hiramatsu **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 194-195, 1983.

Japanese Article Change by the addition law of the human pulmonary chondroitin sulfate
荒井秀夫, 永井宏美, 佐藤研, 伊藤正幸, 本宮雅吉, 今野淳
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 196-197, 1983.

Japanese Article Biochemical study of the pulmonary alveolar proteinosis bronchovesicle cleansing liquid glycosaminoglycan
Ken Sato, Hideo Arai, Hiromi Nagai, Masayuki Ito, Hiroshi Sato, Masayoshi Motomiya, Jun Konno
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 198-199, 1983.

Japanese Article Association between granuloma formation and hair follicle-associated sebaceous gland system in so-called lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei
Atsushi Shitara good luck, Yoshio Sato
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 200-201, 1983.

Japanese Article Quantitative examination of the factor for the human skin connective tissue hyperplasy in age
Hisashi Aoyama
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 202-203, 1983.

Japanese Article Scleral 2, 3 fundi diseases by being thick
高久功, 金子昌幸
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 204-205, 1983.

Japanese Article Examination of the electron microscope of the bulky calcified lesion found in Lupus erythematosus profundus
Chidori Asagami, Namihana Shiro, Eisuke Fujita
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 206-207, 1983.

Japanese Article About the calcification of the rotator cuff
Hajime Inoue, Masashi Ishikawa, Kozo Tanabe, Osamu Akahori *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 208-209, 1983.

Japanese Article Effect to give to collagen composition ability of the Arthus reaction in the guinea pig skin
籏持淳, 植木宏明
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 210-211, 1983.

Japanese Article Examination of the lymphokine regulating fibrosis extension
河崎恒久, 宮村正美, 福田善弘, 中野博, 井村裕夫
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 212-213, 1983.

Japanese Article About possibility of the active oxygen as the etiology of the diffuse panbronchiolitis
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 214-215, 1983.

Japanese Article Clinical studies about sclerodactylia (sclerodactyly)
富井正邦, 鏑木淳一, 高野慎, 東條毅, 本間光夫, 大曾根康夫*, 森伊津子*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 216-217, 1983.

Japanese Article The X-ray observations on hand lesions of systemic scleroderma
森也寸史, 前田学, 森俊二
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 218-219, 1983.

Japanese Article Examination about peripheral circulation dynamics of PSS
Kazuo Hisamoto, Yutaka Uchida, Yasusuke Okazaki, Kazue Nishioka, Eisuke Fujita
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 220-221, 1983.

Japanese Article About the increase change of the dermis proliferative disease
奥知三, 深水秀一, 井上邦雄, 山田瑞穂, 森口隆彦*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 222-223, 1983.

Japanese Article Anticollagen antibody in the systemic sclerosis
近藤啓文, 福井光文, 内田憲, 柏崎禎夫
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 224-225, 1983.

Japanese Article Scleroderma, hypertrophic scar, localization of the fibronectin in the dermatofibroma
長田浩行, 植木宏明
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 226-227, 1983.

Japanese Article Distribution of fibronectin in the malignant tumor of the gynecology
高橋修三, 斉藤良治, 一関和子, 田口純子, 真木正博
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 228-229, 1983.

Japanese Article Chemical ornamentation effect of the fibrin bearer in the fibroblastic adhesion increase
上山護, 林鴻程, 平川舜, 新野洋一*, 安田肇*, 浦山功*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 230-231, 1983.

Japanese Article Observation of the electron microscope about the organization of the thromboangiitis obliterans
岡田仁克, Kinnichiro Kajikawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 232-233, 1983.

Japanese Article About arterial intima hypertrophy in the experimental allergic arthritis
青木重久, 生田耕司, 野々垣常正, 伊藤美武
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 234-235, 1983.

Japanese Article Effect to give to experimental aorta atherosclerosis of the elastase and elastic fiber
勝沼英宇, 海老原隆郎, 清水航一, 岩本俊彦, 清川道夫
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 236-237, 1983.

Japanese Article Examination according to the angiosclerosis degree about the human coronary mucopolysaccharide
Yuko Yokoyama, Katsumi Murata
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 238-239, 1983.

Japanese Article Morphological investigations of myocardial fibrosis in diabetes
Mitsuru Shimizu, Nagao Kawai *, Ryozo Okada *, Kazuo Kitamura *, Yoshiro Fukuda *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 240-241, 1983.

Japanese Article Examination of the Raynaud's phenomenon of patients with collagenosis by RI angiography and the blood pool scan
Yutaka Matsuo, Yoshiki Sakazume, Mari Miyakawa, Masami Mashita, Takeyuki Suzuki, Tatsuya Miyamae
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 242-243, 1983.

Japanese Article Abnormality of 3 families and connective tissue of Osteogenesis imperfecta
Teruo Takada, Takanori Fukami, Yasuo Imai, 武中睦美, Kazunari Sakaguchi, Hisamitsu Baba, Pipe spring Masaharu, Akio Yoshimoto, Takuo Fujita, 新海浤 *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 244-245, 1983.

Japanese Article Study of osteoporosis by microdensitometry method in RA: Part 2 Effect of corticosteroid
海沼滋典, Akio Ueki, 佐藤俊祐, Yoshiharu Koshiishi, Mikio Matsuura *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 246-247, 1983.

Japanese Article Search of the vitamins D_3 receptor in the osseous tissue
宗円聡, 田中清介
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 248-249, 1983.

Japanese Article Effect of the monensin on culture cartilage cells
Toshihide Kajiwara, Takeshi Tajiri, Katsuyuki Fujii, Kagehisa Murota, Satoru K.Nishimoto*, Marvin L.Tanzer*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 250-251, 1983.

Japanese Article About effect of the microgalvanic stimulation in the organ culture of the chick embryo tibia
Tsuyoshi Kusumoto husband, Osamu Namiki *, Hiroshi Tagawa **, Hiroshi Watanabe wish ***
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 252-253, 1983.

Japanese Article Observation of the electron microscope of the intramedullary bony callus by the electrical stimulation
近藤順, 楠岡公明, 今給黎篤弘, 三浦幸雄
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 254-255, 1983.

Japanese Article Experimental study about the prevention of tendon adhesion
奥田良樹, 小島修, 中村堯, 平沢泰介, 榊田喜三郎, 宮田暉夫
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 256-257, 1983.

Japanese Article Effect of epidermal growth factor which gives it to collagen composition of the osteogenic established cell line
平松正彦, 南直臣, 久米川正好*, 矢嶋俊彦*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 258-259, 1983.

Japanese Article About typing procollagen composition ability of the osteoclastoma
Taizo Shiraishi, Toshio Matsumoto *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 260-261, 1983.

Japanese Article For cross-linked peptides containing pyridinoline
土倉相, 斎藤滋
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 262-263, 1983.

Japanese Article Observation of the electron microscope of the fibrous connective tissue in various abnormal proliferations
Shoji Shiraishi, Akira Suzuki trunk, Nidus avis Ryoichi, Hiroshi Watanabe wish, Yuichi Otaka
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 264-265, 1983.

Japanese Article About DPS-III type fiber found in collagen fiber morphosis in In vitro
伊東多加志, 星野洸
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 266-267, 1983.

Japanese Article About transition form to nucleus pulposus fibrocartilage-related than the chorda-related nucleus pulposus in the intervertebral disk
Toshihiko Watanabe, Akihiko Tanaka, Kisaburo Sakakida, Kiyoshi Otani *, 茅野文利 **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 268-269, 1983.

Japanese Article About refinement and the property of the cartilage proteoglycan (PG) protein core
1, Shimizu reason, Nobuhiko Katsura, Tomoko Matsumoto, 須々田幸一
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 270-271, 1983.

Japanese Article Histochemical study on intranuclear mucopolysaccharide in the spermatogenesis process
Akira Suzuki trunk, 吉浜勲, Haruhisa Takizawa, Hiroshi Watanabe wish, Yuichi Otaka
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 14(3): 272-273, 1983.