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Volume 16, Issue 3 / 1985
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Variety of the type V collagen
山形貞子, 山形達也*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 94-95, 1985.

Japanese Article Change in presence and the healing process of the type V collagen [α1(V),α2(V),α3(V)] during a rabbit extraction socket wound
栗田賢一, 武井達夫, 河合幹, 橋本洋子*, 早川太郎*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 96-97, 1985.

English Article The collagen components of human blood vessels
Motoyama, T., Murata K., Kotake C.
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 98-99, 1985.

Japanese Article Refinement of the type III collagen from a human placenta
Toshihiko Hayashi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 100-101, 1985.

Japanese Article About separation, a purification procedure of the collagen from a peripheral nerve
辻美智子, 藤井克之, 梶原敏英, 田中孝昭, 太田光宣, 池本恭子, 室田景久
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 102-103, 1985.

Japanese Article Characteristics of the collagen composition due to the fibroblasts of the origin such as Recklinghausen's disease
Takehana Yoshihiro, Hiroshi Konomi, Masataka Arima, Toshihiko Hayashi *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 104-105, 1985.

Japanese Article About localization of the basal membrane (type IV) collagen in the experimental foreign body granulation tissue
Akihiko Ishida, Yu Shoji, Sano order Jiro, Shigeru Sato *, Masamichi Ishizaki *, Yuichi Sugizaki *, Nobuaki Yamanaka *, Horse cedar Yozo *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 106-107, 1985.

Japanese Article Observation of a light microscope in the primary culture in the immature adeps collagen gel and the electron microscope
Inoshiyama Kenichi, Hidekatsu Yoshioka, Ushuku Gentaro
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 108-109, 1985.

Japanese Article Ornithine to cow connection retina basement membrane type collagen generation
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 110-111, 1985.

Japanese Article Collagen composition due to In vivo and in vitro liver cells
Ryuichiro Hata, Haruki Senoo, Hisashi Hori branch, Yoshifumi Ninomiya, Hiroshi Konomi, Yutaka Nagai, Kenjiro Wake *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 112-113, 1985.

Japanese Article Instruction of the argyrophilic fiber organization potency of the hepatogenous cultured cell (Chang liver cell) with ethanol
亀谷麟与隆, Kensuke Kobayashi, Masahiko Miyazawa, Isao Okazaki *, Masaya Oda **, Masaharu Tsuchiya **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 114-115, 1985.

Japanese Article Granulocytic inflammatory response and effect of collagen and the mucopolysaccharide
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 116-117, 1985.

Japanese Article Histamine receptor out of the synovium in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
宗円聡, 田中清介, 山本哲
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 118-119, 1985.

Japanese Article About the vascular disease in the synovial tissue of the rheumatoid arthritis
Shigehisa Aoki, Koji Ikuta, Tsunemasa Nonogaki, 伊藤美武
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 120-121, 1985.

Japanese Article Study on connective tissue in senescence accelerated mouse (SAM)
樋口佳代子, 宇谷厚志, 松村敦子, 細川昌則, 樋口京一, 河野篤子, 米津智徳, 竹田俊男, 松下睦*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 122-123, 1985.

Japanese Article Age changes of the bone in senescence accelerated mouse (SAM)
松下睦, 一坂章, 笠井隆一, 奥村秀雄, 山室隆夫*, 細川昌則*, 樋口京一*, 樋口佳代子*, 河野篤子*, 米津智徳*, 竹田俊男*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 124-125, 1985.

Japanese Article Pathological examination in the rat aging
Kunihiko Wakaki, 谷内宗臣, Yutaka Tanaka, Fumitomo Koizumi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 126-127, 1985.

Japanese Article About the form of cultured skin fibroblasts derived from Acrogeria and a function
永井透, 小林聡也, 伊藤雅章, 佐藤良夫
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 128-129, 1985.

Japanese Article About an isolation and nature of the elastase activity of different kinds in human burn granulation tissue
来住準一, 橋本洋子, 河合俊彦, 早川太郎, 青山久*, 井沢洋平**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 130-131, 1985.

Japanese Article Refinement and property of the effusion gelatinase of the inflammatory acute phase
Hideo Nakagawa, Susumu Tsurufuji *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 132-133, 1985.

Japanese Article Enzymatic study in the denaturing articular cartilage
Osamu Yamada group, Tomoyuki Nakagawa, Masataka Higuchi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 134-135, 1985.

Japanese Article Immunohistochemical search of the collagenase inhibitor
Toshihiko Kawai, Next house Junichi, Taro Hayakawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 136-137, 1985.

Japanese Article Animal collagenase and plasminogen activator activity in rabbit large intestine tissue culture medium
小山田郁子, 猪山賢一, 宇宿源太郎
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 138-139, 1985.

Japanese Article Tear image of the glomerule basal membrane found in a chronic serum sickness nephritis rat
Nishimura Akira Makoto, Sect field Kenji, Michio Takaoka, Hiroshi Makino, Zensuke Ota
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 140-141, 1985.

Japanese Article Chemical change of the rat glomerule basal membrane put in the diabetes state for a long term
Roofed gate Keiichiro, Noriaki Shimada, Teru Koide, Joji Ono
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 142-143, 1985.

Japanese Article Mucopolysaccharide affinity animal lectin II
Nobuko Seno, Isamu Matsumoto, North fence Atsuko, Harumi Yamaguchi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 144-145, 1985.

Japanese Article About reducing group sugar of the person urinary chondroitin sulfate
松江一, 遠藤正彦
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 146-147, 1985.

Japanese Article Endometrial PAPS
Hiroshi Munakata, Mamoru Isemura, Zensaku Yoshizawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 148-149, 1985.

Japanese Article About the effect of the thyroid hormone on basis metastatic response in the synthesis of sulfation mucopolysaccharide sulfate
岩村千代, 田中あけみ, 樋上忍, 中尾瑞子, 一色玄, 福田雅一*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 150-151, 1985.

Japanese Article A critical period and complex carbohydrate of the limbs skeletal malformation
Fumiko Matsui, Atsuhiko Ohira, Takashi Shoji Jiro, Hiroshi Nogami *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 152-153, 1985.

Japanese Article Histochemical study of the chicken embryo phocomelia (micromelia) limb cartilage complex carbohydrate with the 6-Amino nicotinamide(6-AN) administration
平林義章, 山田和順, 森陽*, 本多厚*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 154-155, 1985.

English Article Acidic glycosaminoglycans in human liver cirrhosis at various stages
K. Murata, K. Akashio
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 156-157, 1985.

English Article Acidic Glycosaminoglycans in Human Coronary Arteries
Y. Yokoyama, K. Murata
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 158-159, 1985.

Japanese Article Proliferative change and acid mucopolysaccharide in the eyes tissue
Takako Nishiuchi, Yasuo Mimura
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 160-161, 1985.

Japanese Article Histologic histochemical examination about the desmopasia mechanism in the scirrhous gastric carcinoma
川瀬恭平, 三浦馥, 近藤成彦, 岩瀬克己, 宮川秀一, 稲垣喜治, 高村公範
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 162-163, 1985.

Japanese Article Analysis of urinary oligosaccharide of each GM_1 gangliosidosis subtype
Yukitoshi Takahashi, Yoko Takagi, 祐川和子, Tadao Orii
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 164-165, 1985.

Japanese Article One case of the diffuse fasciitis with the eosinophilia
三友紀男, 菊地淳一, 杉山尚, 沢井高志*, 京極方久*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 166-167, 1985.

Japanese Article One case of systemic sclerosis that showed chronic pericardial fluid effusion, and died of cerebral hemorrhage
Tadayuki Mitamura, Katsumi Murata, Terumasa Miyamoto, Tsuyoshi Tange *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 168-169, 1985.

Japanese Article One case of Localized nodular myositis
矢野啓介, 波多野誠*, 篠原佳年*, 宮脇昌二*, 太田善介*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 170-171, 1985.

Japanese Article One case of Hydroxylysine deficient collagen disease
海野俊雄, 関東裕美, 増谷衛, 石原勝, 中山靖久*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 172-173, 1985.

Japanese Article Study of osteoporosis by microdensitometry method in RA: Part 4 Outcome of alfacalcidol for the steroid-treated group
輿石義靖, 川合真一, 大曾根康夫, 山田秀裕, 佐藤俊祐*, 海沼滋典*, 松浦美喜雄**, 大塚稔**, 亀田実***, 林徹****, 香宗我部滋****
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 174-175, 1985.

Japanese Article About protein in a calcified granule in Dermatomyositis
Yoshinori Kuboki, Tsuzaki まり, Tetsu Sasaki *, Kazuhiko Taniguchi **, Shozo Higaki **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 176-177, 1985.

Japanese Article Of the amyloidosis classroom case during past 20 years is clinical; statistical observation
麻上千鳥, 西岡和恵, 藤田英輔
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 178-179, 1985.

Japanese Article One case of MC-TD with the trigeminal nerve sensory disturbance
Yutaka Matsuo, First deer Mayumi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 180-181, 1985.

Japanese Article The lymphokine which is involved in the collagen fibrosis in the liver of the chronic active hepatitis
Tsunehisa Kawasaki, Shuji Seko, Hiroshi Nakano, Hiroo Imura
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 182-183, 1985.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic study of Cardiac myxoma
Masayuki Takagi, Toshibumi Takakuwa, Shinichiro Ushigome
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 184-185, 1985.

Japanese Article About a test for the detection of the laminin
阿部重人, 中村隆一, 堀越哲*, 小出輝*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 186-187, 1985.

Japanese Article Glomerulus laminin in the glomerulonephritis
堀越哲, 小出輝, 谷口修*, 阿部重人**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 188-189, 1985.

Japanese Article Characteristics of a basal membrane of the adenoid cystic carcinoma and the stromal ingredient
Doi Makoto Den, Nobuo Nakajima, Mitsuko Sofue, Tsukidate Kazuo, 赤尾清剛, Jun Takeuchi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 190-191, 1985.

Japanese Article Basal cell carcinoma, fibronectin in the spinocellular carcinoma, distribution of the laminin
乃木田俊辰, 工藤昌一郎, 野上玲子, 前川嘉洋
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 192-193, 1985.

Japanese Article Extraction of the human liver tissue fibronectin
Mamoru Isemura, Zensaku Yoshizawa, Hiromi Nagai *, Masayoshi Motomiya *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 194-195, 1985.

Japanese Article Localization of the fibronectin in moving anterior epithelia of the cornea cells and the actin
中川成則, 渡辺潔, 西田輝夫*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 196-197, 1985.

Japanese Article Adjustment of the fibronectin production in the culture rabbit cornea piece
田中均, 西田輝夫*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 198-199, 1985.

Japanese Article The growth of corneal epithelium cells and fibronectin, effect of the EGF on adhesive property
Kiyoshi Watanabe, 中川成則, Teruo Nishida *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 200-201, 1985.

Japanese Article Change of the fibronectin with the fibroblastic aging
岡博昭, 森口隆彦, 谷太三郎
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 202-203, 1985.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic examination of the granuloma annulare
Seiji Takeuchi, Yoshio Sato
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 204-205, 1985.

Japanese Article About a composed style of fibronectin (FN) of the cartilage surface of rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
塩沢俊一, 塩沢和子, 清水伸一, 藤田拓男
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 206-207, 1985.

Japanese Article Immunopathology study on distribution of the immune contribution material in the connective tissue
Junko Nishikawa, Asuwa Noriko, 吉浜勲, Nidus avis Ryoichi, Hiroshi Watanabe wish, Yuichi Otaka
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 208-209, 1985.

Japanese Article Examination of the fibroblasts doubling time of various skin disease
Kudo Shoichiro, Toshitatsu Nogita, Reiko Nogami, 前川嘉洋, Toshiro Hayashibara *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 210-211, 1985.

Japanese Article Effect of the adjuvant administration on experimental inner cartilage bone in the rat and myelogenesis
Mitsuhiko Kitaoka, Inoshiyama Kenichi, Ikuko Oyamada, Hidekatsu Yoshioka, Kunihiko Tomota, Ushuku Gentaro
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 212-213, 1985.

Japanese Article Histochemical examination about the locality of prostaglandins in the placenta before and after the onset of labor pains
石田雅巳, 加藤宏一
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 214-215, 1985.

Japanese Article Monokine in the collagen secretion of skin fibroblasts, effect of the lymphokine
近藤啓文, 福井光文, 柏崎禎夫
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 216-217, 1985.

Japanese Article The measurement of the patients with diffuse scleroderma urinary heparan sulfate by the Radioimmunoassay method
内山安弘, 北畠雅人, 石川英一
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 218-219, 1985.

Japanese Article Prognosis investigation of dermatomyositis (adults)
Akira Hidano, Kayoko Kaneko, Yoko Arai, Rika Kikuchi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 220-221, 1985.

Japanese Article Effect of vitamin E deficiency to give to experiment pulmonary fibrosis
Hideki Sasaki, Shunji Fujii, Kazuhiro Osanai, Hideki Ikeda, Takaharu Takahashi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 222-223, 1985.

Japanese Article The measurement of type III procollagen peptide in blood bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) in interstitial pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis
永田真, 木内英則, 関谷進一郎, 神野孝子, 山本恵一郎, 吉田哲*, 山田多啓男*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 224-225, 1985.

Japanese Article Effect on complex carbohydrate and alveolar macrophage function in bronchoalveolar cleansing liquid (pulmonary alveolar proteinosis origin)
Ken Sato
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 226-227, 1985.

Japanese Article Disorder properties judging from a connective tissue of the human coronary (left anterior descending artery) hardening
Arai parent male, Nobuyuki Abe, Kokichi Takeuchi, Mitsuyo Saito, Motoharu Hasegawa, Yoshitaka Takayama *, Kenji Suzuki **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 228-229, 1985.

Japanese Article SHRSP coronary arteries disorder properties judging from a connective tissue
Nobuyuki Abe, Kokichi Takeuchi, Mitsuyo Saito, Arai parent male, Motoharu Hasegawa, Yoshitaka Takayama *, Kenji Suzuki **, Hiroyuki Ito ***, Kozo Okamoto ***
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 230-231, 1985.

Japanese Article Disorder properties judging from a connective tissue of the human cerebral artery (deutocerebrum) hardening
Motoharu Hasegawa, Nobuyuki Abe, Kokichi Takeuchi, Mitsuyo Saito, Arai parent male, Yoshitaka Takayama *, Kenji Suzuki **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 232-233, 1985.

Japanese Article About agglomeration deposition with guanidine hydrochloride of the proteoglycan
Nobuhiko Katsura, 田中祺一郎, Tomoko Matsumoto *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 234-235, 1985.

Japanese Article Property of the professional Theo dermatan sulfate with the small molecule-related core protein of the calf skin
Etsuji Matsunaga, 新海浤
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 236-237, 1985.

Japanese Article About property of blood proteoglycan
Mari Niwa, Mitsuko Sofue, Doi Makoto Den, 赤尾清剛, Tsukidate Kazuo, Nobuo Nakajima, Jun Takeuchi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 238-239, 1985.

Japanese Article Biochemical immunologic study on degenerated intervertebral disc of the lumbar disease
西山秀木, 井上駿一, 広瀬彰, 土田豊実, 豊田敦*, 谷口克**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 240-241, 1985.

Japanese Article Localization of the intervertebral disk proteoglycan
Masayuki Shinmei, Toshiyuki Kikuchi, 宮崎匡輔, Yutaka Shimomura, Kiyoshi Mukai *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 242-243, 1985.

Japanese Article About cow cornea, scleral proteoglycan
百武とよ子, 金子昌幸, 高久功, 桂暢彦*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 244-245, 1985.

Japanese Article About the effect of the substrate which gives it to the proteoglycan composition of chick lens epithelial cells
Kiyoshi Nakazawa, Shuzo Iwata
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 246-247, 1985.

Japanese Article About the resolution of the cartilage matrix
Tando Kosaku, Minoru Watanabe, 林四朗
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 248-249, 1985.

Japanese Article Examination of the dermis connective tissue of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (second type)
Mountain shade Akio, Masato Kitahata, Yasuhiro Uchiyama, Hidekazu Ishikawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 250-251, 1985.

Japanese Article Hyaluronic acid of the cow vitreous body
金子昌幸, 高久功, 桂暢彦*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 252-253, 1985.

Japanese Article Intraocular fate of the fluorescence mark hyaluronic acid
宮内聡, 岩田修造, 桜井勝清*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 254-255, 1985.

Japanese Article Is the hyaluronic acid a factor of the cell growth?
米田雅彦, 木全弘治, 鈴木旺, 清水暁*, 西義美*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 256-257, 1985.

Japanese Article Study on tendon adhesion prevention effect of the hyaluronic acid
並木脩, 長谷川清, 内西兼一郎*, 伊藤恵康*, 木村記行*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 258-259, 1985.

Japanese Article Desmosine obtained from the pig aorta, isodesmosine-containing glycopeptide
相川純一郎, 宗像浩, 伊勢村護, 吉沢善作
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 260-261, 1985.

Japanese Article Formation mechanism of the neo-desmosine
Yasushi Nagai
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 262-263, 1985.

Japanese Article Study on early diagnostic method of the emphysema
保谷功, 川口卓治, 笠岡恭, 山本恵一郎, 吉田哲*, 山田多啓男*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 264-265, 1985.

Japanese Article Change of migration and the elastin of vascular smooth muscle cells
Yukiko Hikita, Toshiro Oyama, Hiroaki Nakamura *, Seiitsu Murota **, Katsumi Murata ***
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 266-267, 1985.

Japanese Article Microscopic ultra-thin sections staining power of various fibers with silicon tungsten acid, acetic acid Uraniru mixture
吉浜勲, 増田茂, 足羽紀子, 渡辺洋望, 大高裕一
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 268-269, 1985.

Japanese Article Change of the organ artery internal elastic membrane of the Marfan's syndrome
竹林茂夫, 島田修, 瀬川勝
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 270-271, 1985.

Japanese Article Variation of urinary desmosine and hydroxyproline amount in various diseases
青木宏明, 倉光薫, ツワン・ユーゲル, 山本恵一郎, 吉田哲*, 山田多啓男*, 柏俣正典**, 平松正彦**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 272-273, 1985.

Japanese Article Effect to give to collagen composition ability of the Arthus reaction in the guinea pig skin
籏持淳, 武田孝爾, 植木宏明
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 274-275, 1985.

Japanese Article Effect to give thickness of the collagen fiber of the dermatoplasty
高柳きよみ, 羽田野徹夫, 青山久, 佐々田健四郎*, 橋本洋子**, 早川太郎**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 276-277, 1985.

Japanese Article About the number of the placenta traces and involution of the uterus
Kiyoshi Shimizu
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 278-279, 1985.

Japanese Article Effect of dibutyryl cAMP which gives it to a collagen composition of osteoblastic (MC3T3-E1)
Masahiko Hiramatsu, 柏俣正典, 南直臣, Eiko Ikeda *, Masayoshi Kumegawa *, Ryuichiro Hata **, Yutaka Nagai **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 280-281, 1985.

Japanese Article Effect to give to the growth of culture smooth-muscle cells of Dimethyl sulfoxide
Shogo Katsuta, 岡田仁克, Isao Nakanishi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 282-283, 1985.

Japanese Article About yellow dye of fuchsin eosinophilic collagen fibers as a parameter of age-related degeneration of the intervertebral disc
秋吉正豊, 赤司興正*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 284-285, 1985.

Japanese Article Localization of the Auerbach plexal development and glycosaminoglycan in the chicken embryo and the fibronectin
Shigeru Ueno, 林奐, Jotaro Yokoyama *, Keizo Katsumata *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 286-287, 1985.

Japanese Article About joining structure of the rat aorta smooth-muscle cells and elastic laminae of arteries
中村裕昭, 疋田由紀子*, 大山俊郎*, 室田誠逸**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 288-289, 1985.

Japanese Article Study on high polymer adsorption structure by living body materials (biomaterials)
西山勝弘, 牧野恒和, 長瀬達憲, 川瀬俊夫, 斎藤滋
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 16(3): 290-291, 1985.