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Volume 20, Issue suppl / 1988
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

A. H. Reddi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 23-23, 1988.

Japanese Article About collagen molecular species
Yutaka Nagai
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 25-25, 1988.

Japanese Article Dynamics of the collagen in pulmonary fibrosis
Nobuyuki Kobayashi, Katsumi Murata, Terumasa Miyamoto
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 27-27, 1988.

Japanese Article Examination of the quantity of immunoreactive prolyl hydroxylase out of serum in the interstitial lung disease and the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
The Nagata truth, Tetsu Yoshida *, Kaoru Kuramitsu, Hoya success, Hidenori Kiuchi, Keiichiro Yamamoto
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 28-28, 1988.

Japanese Article Air vesicle structure reconstruction in pulmonary fibrosis
Yu Fukuda, Horse cedar Yozo, V. J. Ferrans*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 29-29, 1988.

Japanese Article Pathomorphologic examination of pulmonary fibrosis in collagenosis
Yoshimura connection, 坂元亨宇, Yasuhiro Hosoda
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 30-30, 1988.

Japanese Article Examination of pulmonary fibrosis in the rheumatoid arthritis
Good field Seiji, Masanori Adachi, Masakuni Tomii, Yasuo Matsuoka, Shoichiro Irimajiri, Junya Fukuda *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 31-31, 1988.

Japanese Article Pulmonary fibrosis of collagenosis
Hirobumi Kondo, Sadao Kashiwazaki
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 33-33, 1988.

Japanese Article Discussion about the etiology of MPS IH/S
佛淵孝夫, 貝原信紘 *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 36-36, 1988.

Japanese Article Characteristic of long-term follow-up of the congenital backbone epiphysis bone dysplasia (SED congenita-spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia congenita) and urinary mucopolysaccharide
岩田久, 杉浦保夫*, 寺島洋治**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 38-38, 1988.

Japanese Article Induction of the callus prolongation method in systemic bone disease treatment
Yasui summer student, Kojimoto Haruo, Nobuhito Araki, Yoshihiro in the new line, Yutaka Shimomura
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 39-39, 1988.

Japanese Article About histories of treatment by intramedullary extensible rod for osteogenesis imperfecta
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 40-40, 1988.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of the antiintermediate filament antibody in collagenosis
Takahiro Suzuki, Hirobumi Kondo, Sadao Kashiwazaki
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 41-41, 1988.

Japanese Article Comparison of the Thy-1-positive arborescent epidermal cells in the skin lesion of the model animal of the SLE and the Ia-positive Langerhans' cell
Hideo Kanauchi, Fukumi Furukawa, Sadao Imamura
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 41-41, 1988.

Japanese Article About a lung tissue, pleural effusion, molecular size of FN of bronchoalveolar cleansing liquid (BALF)
Hiromi Nagai, Shigeru Shimoda, Tatsuya Abe, Hideo Arai, Masayuki Ito, Masayoshi Motomiya, Jun Konno
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 44-44, 1988.

Japanese Article Histochemical study on mitral acid mucopolysaccharide
Chizuko Watanabe, Masaya Sugiura, Shinichiro Okawa, Yuji Ito, Virtue Fumiko, Shigeru Maeda, Tamotsu Imai, Kenji Kuboki
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 45-45, 1988.

Japanese Article Elastase-Elastin metabolism mechanism and smooth-muscle cells
Akihiko Tamura, Koichi Shin, Shinya Shimizu, Kei Sato kernel, Daiji Ono, Hisashi Arai, Hideyo Katsunuma
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 45-45, 1988.

Japanese Article Four cases of stellate spontaneous pseudo scars
Eiji Saito, Yoshihiko Takiguchi, Fumio Kaneko
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 46-46, 1988.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic examination of fibronectin (FN) in the liver tissue in experimental disorder liver animal models
Hideaki Ohara, Miyako Tonai, Yutaka Yamanaka period, Toshiaki Yoshida, Ryoichi Kato, Takashi Oguri, Koji Ikuta *, Nagamatsu Kiyokazu *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 47-47, 1988.

Japanese Article One case of the primary biliary cirrhosis complicated with rheumatoid arthritis
松尾寛, 堀江良一*, 松崎剛*, 山本一彦*, 中川武正*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 48-48, 1988.

Japanese Article Cloning of the cartilage proteoglycan gene
Takaaki Tanaka, Katsuyuki Fujii *, Takeshi Tajiri *, 蔡詩岳弁 *, Kagehisa Murota *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 49-49, 1988.

Japanese Article Active expression of type I collagen gene of human liver parenchymal cells
畑隆一郎*1, 小路武彦*2, 和泉伸一*2, 中根一穂*2, 榊原耕子*3, 倉田俊一*4, 妹尾春樹*5, 林利彦*6
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 50-50, 1988.

Japanese Article Adjustment of the basal membrane gene in the polycystic kidney disease model
Prawns Isao Hara, Teru Koide, P. D. Killen*, G. R. Martin*, G. W. Laurie*, Y. Yamada*, K. S. Brown*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 50-50, 1988.

Japanese Article Localization of the VI type collagen in the rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synovium lining membrane and the significance
岡田保典, 源利成*, 上田善道**, 中西功夫**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 51-51, 1988.

Japanese Article Fibroblastic examination in the rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue
Mitsunori Yamakawa, 高木理彰, Takashi Sato, Katsushi Tajima, Shinya Oe, Yutaka Imai
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 52-52, 1988.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic examination of the HLA DR, DQ, DP in the RA synovium outer layer
Takashi Sato, Akio Suda, 高木理彰, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Mitsunori Yamakawa *, Yutaka Imai *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 52-52, 1988.

Japanese Article Hyaluronic acid biosynthesis in guinea pig abdominal cavity inflammation
Hamura Yukiko, Akira Ito, Akira Mori, Yasunori Okada *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 53-53, 1988.

Japanese Article Analysis of the collagen in the human chondrosarcoma tissue
中川弘彰, 高木克公, 北川敏夫, 北岡光彦*, 小山田郁子*, 宇宿源太郎*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 54-54, 1988.

Japanese Article About effect of the HA in the growth of mouse breast tumor cell line (BTH-1)
Hiroaki Yamamoto, Koichi Fujishiro
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 54-54, 1988.

Japanese Article Comparison of the intercellular cement in the histologic subtype of the mouse malignant fibrous histiocytoma
Hiroaki Yamamoto *, **, Koichi Fujishiro *, Ichiro Yamamoto **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 55-55, 1988.

Japanese Article Pathological examination of the knee joint in the pro-osteoarthritis spontaneous attack C57 black mouse
元谷智敬, 阪本桂造, 並木脩, 藤巻悦夫, 菱川健司*, 山崎亨*, 吉木周作*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 57-57, 1988.

Japanese Article Cartilage degenerative process in the C57 black mouse knee joint cartilage
中村靖史, 山本謙吾, 岡部智行, 河合清, 落合洋, 今給黎篤弘, 三浦幸雄
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 57-57, 1988.

Japanese Article About collagenase in the degenerated intervertebral disc and inhibitor
Riyosuke Fujita, Tomoyuki Nakagawa, Osamu Yamada group, Shoichi Ichimura, 平林冽
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 59-59, 1988.

Japanese Article Change over time of the proteoglycan in the dog lumbar vertebrae intervertebral disk nucleus pulposus after the Chymopapain infusion
New Taisuke Tobe, Seiko Harata, 末綱太, Hiroyuki Akimoto, 岡本佳隆, Toshiya Nakamura *, Masahiko Endo *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 59-59, 1988.

Japanese Article Change of the glycosaminoglycan in the ossification of the yellow ligament
岡本佳隆, Seiko Harata, New Taisuke Tobe, Toshiya Nakamura *, Masahiko Endo *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 60-60, 1988.

Japanese Article Morphologic study on association of the extracellular matrix in the periodontal membrane formation
石井秀彦, 野坂洋一郎
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 61-61, 1988.

Japanese Article Localization of the extracellular matrix (E.C.M.) protein with becoming it changes rat endometrial decidua
Mitsuhiko Kitaoka, Nakagawa Hiroaki, Hidekatsu Yoshioka, Ushuku Gentaro
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 61-61, 1988.

Japanese Article Fabric of the glomerule basal membrane which enzymatic treatment revealed
Kenichi Yomo, 一安朗, Kumagaya success, Shuji Ikeda, Michio Takaoka, Hiroshi Makino, Zensuke Ota
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 62-62, 1988.

Japanese Article Study of the electron histochemistry of the mucopolysaccharide out of the mast-cell granule sulfate
Junichi Kida, Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, Kazuyori Yamada
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 64-64, 1988.

Japanese Article VI type collagen and 100nm period microfibril structure
Kunihiko Kobayashi, Yoko Hashimoto *, Taro Hayakawa *, 星野洸
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 65-65, 1988.

Japanese Article Proliferative suppression of human vascular endothelial cells with the type V collagen
Hiromi Oda, Toshiro Oyama *, Yasuko Koshihara **, Katsunori Fukuda ***
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 65-65, 1988.

Japanese Article Long-term cultural method of Swarm rat cartilage meat species cells
Seiji Saito, Rush-Presbyterian-St, J. H. Kimura*, K. E. kuettner*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 66-66, 1988.

Japanese Article Role of the extracellular matrix in the ossific process
Shinichi Urata, Masanori Sato, Goro Asano, Masahiro Furuya *, Hiru Kawamichi male *, Yasumasa Shirai *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 67-67, 1988.

Japanese Article Synthetic mechanism of prolyl-hydroxylase in corneal cells
間武雄, 山田裕之, 浅野伍朗, Winston*, W. Y. Kao*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 67-67, 1988.

Japanese Article About a fibroblastic property derived from culture humans skin
高木理彰, 山川光徳, 奈良林至, 田嶋克史, 大江信哉, 今井大, 佐藤隆司*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 68-68, 1988.

Japanese Article Binding in hemodynamics and in vivo of the antibody for the heparan sulfate proteoglycan
Hiroshi Makino, Shuji Ikeda, Kenichi Yomo, Kumagaya success, Shuzo Hirakawa, Zensuke Ota
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 69-69, 1988.

Japanese Article An endometrial form change and study on ups and downs of the fibronectin
Junichi Nagasaki, 森定優 *, Rihachi Iizuka *, Toshio Yamaguchi **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 70-70, 1988.

Japanese Article Production of the fibronectin in the hepatocellular carcinoma cell line
Kazunori Fukuda, Yukiko Ogasawara, Tatsuo Murakami, Masamichi Kamishiro
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 70-70, 1988.

Japanese Article Experimental heart coronaritis and fibronectin
永松和潔, Shinichi Iwasaki, Tsunemasa Nonogaki, Koji Ikuta, Shigehisa Aoki, Zenshiro Onouchi *, 名倉一昌 **, Takaaki Ohashi ***
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 71-71, 1988.

Japanese Article Plasminogen activator inhibitor in the human articular cartilage cell culture
Osamu Yamada group, Tomoyuki Nakagawa, Shoichi Ichimura, Fujita Kosuke, R. W. Stephens*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 73-73, 1988.

Japanese Article Carbohydrate chain of the swine plasma fibronectin
Atsuko Hayashi, Atsuko Ogawa, Isamu Matsumoto, Nobuko Seno
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 74-74, 1988.

Japanese Article About the proteoglycan of the human placenta
Toshi Onodera, Yoshinori Kuboki *, Takehana Yoshihiro **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 74-74, 1988.

Japanese Article Transtime change of the quantity of type II collagen in the ossiferous protein group (Bone inductive protein(s)) transplant rat subcutaneous tissue
Hiroo Yamaguchi, Masaaki Kawamura, Mariko Tazaki *, Chikako Kobayashi *, Mizuno Mochi *, Yoshinori Kuboki *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 77-77, 1988.

Japanese Article About effects of the new anticancer drug Herbimycin
Tsuguo Tezuka, Takeshi Yanagisawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 77-77, 1988.

Japanese Article Can hyaluronidase (Hase) break down PG in an acquaintance?
林四朗, Minoru Watanabe
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 78-78, 1988.

Japanese Article About the collagen in connective tissue disorder symptom fibroblasts, professional Theo dermatan sulfate core albuminous metabolism
Madoka Hirabayashi, Akemi Tanaka, Gen Isshiki
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 79-79, 1988.

Japanese Article Observation with a systemic frame of chondroosteodystrophy rat (ocd/ocd) with the systemic subcutaneous dropsy and a cartilaginous optical microscope and the electron microscope
菊川馨一朗, 亀井孝幸, 鈴木勝士, 真板敬三*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 80-80, 1988.

Japanese Article Systemic scleroderma and esophageal pressure level
Yukiko Shikano, Manabu Maeda, Shunji Mori, Yasuichi Koshino *, Yasutoshi Muto *, Tetsu Takai **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 80-80, 1988.

Japanese Article An example of circular elastic fiber solubility giant cell granuloma (AEGG)
Uda Koji, Toru Yamada Taro *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 81-81, 1988.

Japanese Article Effect of heparin on experimental foreign body granulation tissue growth
Akira Suzuki trunk, Asuwa Noriko, Hiroshi Watanabe wish, Ishii Toshiharu, Yuichi Otaka, Keiichi Yoshida *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 81-81, 1988.

Japanese Article About contribution of mesangiolysis in the diabetic nodular lesion morphosis
Kenzo Ikeda, Jin Yokoyama, 内藤毅郎, Tomosugi Naohisa, Yutaka Kida *, Akira Oshima **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 82-82, 1988.

Japanese Article 1 autopsy case that was terminal, and showed histology of lymphomatoid granulomatosis -malignant lymphoma to skin, lungs of the lethal midline granuloma
Kenji Takagi, 香宗我部滋 *, 陳光偉 **, Kenichiro Yamaguchi **, Hiroshi Murakami **, Koichi Kitada **, Tadashi Tsuboi sedan chair **, Masahiko Miyazawa, Tetsu Hayashi **, Hisao Ito **, Tetsuya Hachiya ***
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 20(suppl): 82-82, 1988.