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Volume 23, Issue suppl / 1991
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Ingredient of the vessel walls matrix
Katsumi Murata
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 21-22, 1991.

Japanese Article Specificity in eyes of immunity
Yasuo Mimura
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 23-23, 1991.

Japanese Article Constitution and purpose of this symposium
Toshihiko Hayashi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 24-24, 1991.

Japanese Article Role of the integrin in the corneal epithelium wound healing
Teruo Nishida
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 25-25, 1991.

Japanese Article Fibronectin receptor of the skin epidermis
Kenichi Toda
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 26-26, 1991.

Japanese Article Neutrophil of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, fibronectin receptor in line male blast cells
Shirokami May, 三浦眞司 *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 27-27, 1991.

Japanese Article Bond style of fibroblasts and the collagen
Katsutoshi Yoshizato
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 28-28, 1991.

Japanese Article Growth, differentiation and ECM receptor of signal transduction and epidermal cells
Yasuo Kitajima, Han signature, Owari part Katsushi *, Yuji Nishizawa *, Hideo Yaoita
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 29-29, 1991.

Japanese Article Hyaluronic acid and connective tissue
米田雅彦, 木全弘治
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 30-30, 1991.

Japanese Article Hyaluronic acid and endothelium camerae anterioris cells
Kazunori Miyata
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 31-31, 1991.

Japanese Article Parenchyma of cornea and VI type collagen
Koji Hirano
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 32-32, 1991.

Japanese Article Keratocyte and collagen
Hiroshi Mishima
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 33-33, 1991.

Japanese Article Flesh around the eyes neovascularity
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 34-34, 1991.

Japanese Article About an intraocular neovascularisation inhibitory system
Hideyuki Hayashi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 35-35, 1991.

Japanese Article About the angiogenetic observation by the rabbit ear chamber method and the effect of the drug
Hideki Nakanishi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 36-36, 1991.

Japanese Article Endochondral ossification and neovascularisation
Masaharu Takigawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 37-37, 1991.

Japanese Article Angiogenetic in vitro experiment system
Seiitsu Murota
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 38-38, 1991.

Japanese Article About distribution of the protease in the synovial tissue of the rheumatoid arthritis and pattern of manifestation
Takashi Sawai, Masahisa Kyougoku
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 39-39, 1991.

Japanese Article The specific increase of the neovascularity endothelial cells in the rheumatoid arthritis synovium and the mechanism
川上誠, 木谷敦, 原まさ子, 鈴木王洋, 川口鎮司, 石塚俊晶, 日高利彦, 松木泰憲, 川越光博, 中村治雄
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 39-39, 1991.

Japanese Article Immunohistochemical examination of the C_57 black mouse articular cartilage keratan sulfate
Kazuya Sanbe, Kengo Yamamoto, Atsuhiro Imakiire, Yukio Miura, Eiko Amano *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 40-40, 1991.

Japanese Article Immunohistochemical study on rat incisal fibronectin localization
澤田隆, 見明康雄, 柳澤孝彰
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 41-41, 1991.

Japanese Article Formation mechanism of the VI type collagen aggregate (100nm period microfibril) in the mouse cornea
Makoto Nakamura, Koji Hirano, Shinobu Awaya, Miya Kobayashi *, Kunihiko Kobayashi *, 星野洸 *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 42-42, 1991.

Japanese Article Immunohistochemical examination of the network structure of the glomerule basal membrane
Kenichi Yomo, Hiroshi Makino, Original Toshinori, Yoshikazu Hayashi, Yasushi Yamazaki, Zensuke Ota
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 43-43, 1991.

Japanese Article Study of the electron microscope on calcification of the abnormal collagen in experimental formation disorder dentin
Mimyou Yasuo, Takashi Sawada, 柳澤孝彰
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 43-43, 1991.

Japanese Article Extraction of the VI type collagen from the human adipose tissue and immunohistologic search
The Osamu Takasaki effect, Fujiwara Sakuhira, Hiroshi Araumi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 44-44, 1991.

Japanese Article Examination in the application as the tissue substitution-related medical material of the ornamentation fibrin
Yuzo Ezaki, Masaki Nishihara, Makoto Takahashi, Yoshihito Takano, Takeo Katakura
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 44-44, 1991.

Japanese Article Put it in a granuloma generation process; a study by the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of the phosphorus most metabolism
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 45-45, 1991.

Japanese Article The fibrinoid arteritis that we induced after an antigen creation to a sensitization rabbit, immunohistologic study on fibrositis
Junko Nishikawa, Akira Suzuki trunk, 綿鍋維男, Toshi Ishii fine weather, Hiroshi Watanabe wish, Hiroyuki Shimada
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 46-46, 1991.

Japanese Article The collagen composition of the stellate cell of liver is regulated by an extracellular matrix.
Haruki Senoo, Ryuichiro Hata *, Kenjiro Wake, Yutaka Nagai *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 47-47, 1991.

Japanese Article 3 autopsies case of systemic scleroderma who had hepatic failure and mixed connective tissue disease
Junichi Kaburagi, Shin Takano, Yuzo Funatsu, Shinichi Kawai *, Masataka Kuwana **, Tsuyoshi Tojiyo **, Bird liman parent male ***, *** which is related to Yoshimura, Yasuhiro Hosoda ***
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 48-48, 1991.

Japanese Article The material which affects swine liver hyaluronidase (Hase) activity
林四朗, Kazutoshi Nemoto
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 48-48, 1991.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic dynamics of Tenascin in the inflammatory skin disease with the epidermis - dermis border part lesion
Masashi Ono, 籏持淳, Hiroaki Ueki
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 49-49, 1991.

Japanese Article Localized immunohistologic examination of the extracellular matrix receptor in the glomerule
槇野博史, 四方賢一, 森岡茂, 和田淳, 原本俊則, 柏谷忠俊, 太田善介
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 49-49, 1991.

Japanese Article Effect of L-ascorbic acid 2 - phosphoric acid on culture keratocyte
雑賀司珠也, Kenshiro Uenoyama, Kenji Hiroi *, Akira Oshima **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 50-50, 1991.

Japanese Article Histologic examination of the hyperplasia sclera in true microphthalmia
Nobuko Kishimoto, 湖崎淳, Hiroshi Okuma, Masanobu Uyama
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 51-51, 1991.

Japanese Article Search of the bone morphogenetic factor in hamster osteosarcoma and mRNA
Takaaki Tanaka, Katsuyuki Fujii, Mitsunobu Ota, Takeuchi Hidemi, Jun Kitamura, Kagehisa Murota
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 52-52, 1991.

Japanese Article Na, effect of the K ion to give to the elastin composition of culture vascular smooth muscle cells
Time Koichiro, Many Shimashin I, Takeji Nishikawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 52-52, 1991.

Japanese Article Histochemical study on type I in the developmental process of the chicken embryo eyes tissue and type II collagen gene expression
東範行, 内田正浩*, 細田泰弘*, 多島新吾**, 西川武二**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 54-54, 1991.

Japanese Article Study on mechanism of action for the fibroblasts of the gastric cancer cells in the metalloprotease production
Kenichiro Aizu, 窪地淳 *, Yamazaki alone **, Keiichi Yoshino, Isao Okazaki ***, Hideo Matsui, Atsushi Shimada, Fukase, Hitoshi Katai, Yoshihide Otani ****, Arimori Masaki *, Kyuya Ishibiki, Osahiko Abe
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 55-55, 1991.

Japanese Article Localized examination of the collagen productive cells in the gastric cancer tissue by Prolyl 4-hydroxylase
Hideo Matsui, 窪地淳 *, Keiichi Yoshino, Isao Okazaki **, Toshimi Sato ***, Kurasawa Kenichiro, Atsushi Shimada, Hitoshi Katai, Yoshihide Otani ****, Arimori Masaki *, Kyuya Ishibiki, Osahiko Abe
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 55-55, 1991.

Japanese Article Maturity, live mechanical examination about structure properties of the rabbit flexor tendon in the aging process
Shunsuke Morito, 高井信朗, 康原正弘, Yoshiki Okuda, Kazuo Tamai, Inoue wish, Taisuke Hirasawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 56-56, 1991.

Japanese Article Basement membrane permeation ability and matrix metalloproteinase-9(92kDa gelatinase /IV type collagenase of U937 cells
渡辺秀人, 岡田保典*, 中西功夫
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 57-57, 1991.

Japanese Article Length-Tension relations of growth and the alveolar wall of the lung
Makoto Sada, Shuichi Kato, Kazuo Takada, Katsuyoshi Iwabuchi, Yumiko Takahashi, Shinobu Sato, Takaharu Takahashi, Hitonobu Tomoike
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 58-58, 1991.

Japanese Article Examination of the enzyme digestion in the light microscope histochemistry
Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, Isogai grammar, Kazuyori Yamada
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 60-60, 1991.

Japanese Article Proliferative characteristics of the cultured cell derived from neurofibroma
Osamu Ishikawa, Hidekazu Ishikawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 62-62, 1991.

Japanese Article Effects of the PDGF which gives it to the collagen production of culture smooth-muscle cells (SMC)
Shiro Jimi, Noriyuki Sakata, Shigeo Takebayashi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 63-63, 1991.

Japanese Article Analysis of type III collagen glycosylation products
曽川堅一, 宇多弘次, 西川雅子*, 村上光太郎*, 富松利明*, 吉岡泰子*, 伏谷秀治**, 高杉益光**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 64-64, 1991.

Japanese Article Of the pulmonary elastin with the embryonic age change quantitatively and is qualitative alteration
Yuko Uemura, Koji Okamoto, 中村康寛 *, Yukio Tanaka **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 64-64, 1991.

Japanese Article Fibroblastic cell adhesion ability and cell membrane lipids analysis derived from keloid
Hall Masahiro
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 65-65, 1991.

Japanese Article Examination of metalloproteinase in colorectal cancer (RCM-1) derived from human and fibrosarcoma (HT1080) and the invasive ability
Kazuki Nabeshima, Naoto Komada, Platelet Hiroyuki, Tadashi Kawano
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 65-65, 1991.

Japanese Article Composition change due to inflammation of the human gum of mandible (eruption most rear molar tooth efferent part) glycosaminoglycan
川村匡宏, Aiko Kamata, Sakaki Tetsuya
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 66-66, 1991.

Japanese Article Mucopolysaccharide dysbolism type II (Hunter syndrome)
祐川和子, Toshiya Sasaki, 増江道哉, Toshiharu Tomatsu, Seiji Fukuda, Tadao Orii, Katsuyuki Tamai *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 66-66, 1991.

Japanese Article Abnormality of the collagenase gene expression in Cutis Laxa fibroblasts
Koji Takeda, 籏持淳, 和田民孑, Hiroaki Ueki, Shoji Kawano *, Tetsuro Morita *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 67-67, 1991.

Japanese Article Examination of the hyaline material in Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis
Kazumoto Katagiri, The Osamu Takasaki effect, Fujiwara Sakuhira, 新海浤, Tomomichi, Ono *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 68-68, 1991.

Japanese Article Immunohistochemical study of the mucopolysaccharide of the human temporomandibular joint articular disc
Toshiya Takigawa, Michio Koyama, Shigeyuki Fujita, Tadahiko Iizuka
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 68-68, 1991.

Japanese Article It is a comparison with a reeler mouse and the normal mice the glycosaminoglycan which is present in brain
Fumiko Matsui, Atsuhiko Ohira, Takashi Shoji Jiro, Yutaka Kariya *, Keiichi Yoshida *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 69-69, 1991.

Japanese Article Chondroitin sulfate isomer of the gingival crevicular fluid
Sadashi Okazaki, Aiko Kamata *, 川村匡宏 *, Yoshimichi Gonda, Sakaki Tetsuya *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 69-69, 1991.

Japanese Article About turnover of glycosaminoglycans
Toshio Yamaguchi, 森定優 *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 70-70, 1991.

Japanese Article Ultrastructural examination of glomerule, the renal tubular basement membrane with the high-resolution scanning electron microscope
Yasushi Yamazaki, Hiroshi Makino, Kazue Hironaka, Zensuke Ota
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 71-71, 1991.

Japanese Article Examination of the change of blood and urinary vitronectin concentrations in patients with glomerulonephritis
Shigeru Morioka, Hiroshi Makino, Kenichi Yomo, Jun Wada, Zensuke Ota, Mina Uchida *, Masashi Shimooka *, Kazuo Ii *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 72-72, 1991.

Japanese Article Localized immunohistologic examination of vitronectin, C5b-9 complex(MAC) in the glomerulonephritis tissue
Jun Wada, Hiroshi Makino, Kenichi Yomo, Shigeru Morioka, Zensuke Ota
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 72-72, 1991.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic study on vitronectin (VN) localization in the experimental ischemic disorder local part of a liver over time
Akihiko Tanaka, Hideaki Ohara, Miyako Tonai, Yutaka Yamanaka period, Ryoichi Kato, Takashi Oguri, Koji Ikuta *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 73-73, 1991.

Japanese Article A mouse epidermis basal membrane by the microwave fixation pay attention to the hemidesmosome part in particular
Osawa profit two, Yoichiro Nosaka
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 74-74, 1991.

Japanese Article Change of procollagenase (PC) by the fibroblastic aging and the collagenase inhibitor (CI) production
Masanori Nakata, Yuichi Oishi, Motoi Hayase, 三嶽孝予, 井上紳太郎, Tadashi Matsui *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 23(suppl): 75-75, 1991.