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Volume 31, Issue 2 / 1999
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The cloning of the disease gene and molecular clinical condition analysis
Yusuke Nakamura
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 81-81, 1999.

Japanese Article Joint destruction and the correspondence judging from matrix metabolism
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 82-83, 1999.

English Article Analyses of gene knockout mice for aggrecan and link protein
Hideto Watanabe, Yoshihiko Yamada
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 85-85, 1999.

Japanese Article Spinal formation and Pax-1/MFH-1
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 86-86, 1999.

Japanese Article Analysis of the cartilage transcription mechanism and the application
妻木範行*, ****, 木村友厚**, Yoshihiko Yamada***, 越智隆弘*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 87-87, 1999.

Japanese Article Matrix protease and joint clinical condition
Naoki Ishiguro
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 87-87, 1999.

Japanese Article Expression of Matrilin in the joint and role as the adhesion factor
加藤幸夫, 申鳴, 牧平清澄*, 藤本栄作**, 生田義和**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 88-88, 1999.

Japanese Article Crystal deposition-related arthrosis
Ikuko Masuda
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 88-88, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the therapy judging from a mechanism of the joint destruction for rheumatoid arthritis
Michiko Tsuji, Katsuyuki Fujii
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 89-89, 1999.

Japanese Article Gene therapy for the joint disease
Shunichi Kubo, Takumi Ikeda
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 89-89, 1999.

Japanese Article Localization and function in the cell cortex of the model matrix metalloprotease
Motoharu Seiki
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 90-90, 1999.

Japanese Article Interaction of a cancer cell and the extracellular matrix in the metastasis
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 90-90, 1999.

Japanese Article Matrix metalloprotease (MMP) and invasion, metastasis
Yasunori Okada
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 91-91, 1999.

Japanese Article Decrease of the growth of neovascularisation in the knockout mouse of MMP-2 and the cancer cell
Tsuyoshi Ito
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 91-91, 1999.

Japanese Article XVI type collagen onset associated with the interkinesis of cell proliferation
赤木淳, 多島新吾, 石橋明, 山口典子*, 永井裕**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 93-93, 1999.

Japanese Article Activation of a type I collagen gene, the promoter in hair papilla cells of the period of growth folliculus pili
Eri Sugitani, Katsuhiko Arai, Kokichi Uehara, Kazunori Mizuno *, Benoit de Chrombrugghe**, Toshihiko Hayashi *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 94-94, 1999.

Japanese Article New transmembrane proteoglycan of the human ligamentum flavum
Masahiro Yukawa, Kazunari Takeuchi *, Wataru Nakamura, Seiko Harata *, Keiichi Takagaki, Masahiko Endo
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 95-95, 1999.

Japanese Article About expression and cartilage matrix synthetic promotion effects in the cartilage of the midkine
Susumu Ota, Toshiko Muramatsu *, Takashi Muramatsu *, Hisashi Iwata
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 97-97, 1999.

Japanese Article Expression and change over time of Osteopontin(OPN) in rat experimental myocardial infarction (MI)
小松原一正, 村上充, 草地省蔵, 二宮善文, 武田賢治, 岩部明弘, 上田敏行, 瀬悟之, 綾田陽子, 辻孝夫
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 98-98, 1999.

Japanese Article The abnormality of the genes in the signal peptide part of the cathepsin K seen in Pycnodysostosis and the functional analysis
Ryo Fujita, Ken Nakata, Yasui summer student, Konomu Matsui person, Eiichiro Kataoka, Takahiro Ochi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 98-98, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination about the effect that a hepatocyte growth factor gives to fibronectin splicing
Teruhiko Inoue, Kazuki Nabeshima, Shimao Yoshinari, Tadashi Kawano
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 99-99, 1999.

Japanese Article Transcriptional control mechanism of the Msx-1 gene
Hideo Matsui, Junko Fujita, Ichiro Uyama, Yoshiyuki Komori, Atsushi Sugioka, 蓮見昭武, Rajendra Raghow*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 99-99, 1999.

English Article Biosynthesis and Function of the SHAPHA complex
Lisheng Zhuo, Masahiko Yoneda, Koji Kimata
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 100-100, 1999.

Japanese Article Denaturation and reconstitution of the epidermis basal membrane at anuran larva metamorphosis
Osawa profit two, Yoichiro Nosaka
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 101-101, 1999.

Japanese Article Study on indirect cartilage repair by the autologous callus transplant
Takuya Yamamura, Osamu Namiki, Hiroshi Tsuzuki Taro, Jin Katagiri, Etsuo Fujimaki
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 102-102, 1999.

Japanese Article Basic examination about gastrointestinal carcinoma treatment with the MMR inhibitor
Yoshihide Otani, Naoki Igarashi ***, Kimata University, Tsuyoshi Yokoyama justice, Wada Norihito, Yoshihiko Sakurai ****, Tetsuro Kubota, Koichiro Kumai, Masato Fujii *, Kaori Kameyama *, Yasunori Okada **, Masaki Kitajima
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 105-105, 1999.

Japanese Article Effect of the tenascin inducer in tumor growth and the metastasis of breast cancer cells
日下部守昭, Jun Yoshiki, Kenichi Takaku, Noriko Hiraiwa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 106-106, 1999.

Japanese Article Expression of metastasis and Tenascin-C of osteosarcoma
田中雅, 瀬戸正史, 山崎隆, 吉田利道, 坂倉てるよ, 内田淳正
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 106-106, 1999.

Japanese Article Coexpression and onset of XVIII type collagen and the XV type collagen that we showed with the liver and a liver cancer tissue of separation
内藤一郎, 佐渡義一, 友野靖子, 真鍋康二, 藤原敬士, 金吉俊彦, 東俊宏, 平川聡史, 二宮善文
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 107-107, 1999.

Japanese Article Correlation of change over time and chronic stage left ventricle (LV) indexes of caboxyterminal peptide of type I procollage(PICP), carboxyterminal telopeptide of type I collagen(ICTP) after the acute myocardial infarction (AMI) reperfusion success
Mitsuru Murayama, Grassland storehouse-saving, 末澤知聡, Shunji Takemoto, Junichi Hayashi, 大西弘倫, Kazumasa Komatsubara, Takao Tsuji, Yoshifumi Ninomiya *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 108-108, 1999.

Japanese Article Analysis of the cross-linked amino acid of the human great vessels elastin with the HPLC
Takashi Sawai, Mika Watanabe *, 宇月美和, Mayumi Iwasaki, Hideyuki Umeda **, Toru Suyama three **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 109-109, 1999.

Japanese Article A catalase of the ephippia as the model of the elastin bridging response and the lysyl oxidase which we conjugated
赤川貢, 須山亨三
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 110-110, 1999.

Japanese Article Expression of elastase inhibitor (elafin) of the epidermis keratinocytes in response to dermis polymorphonuclear cells permeation
多島新吾, 田中信彦, 石橋明
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 110-110, 1999.

Japanese Article Expression of connective tissue growth factor(CTGF) in pulmonary fibrosis
潘立華, Hirohira Yamauchi *, 宇月美和, Hiroko Yoshida *, Toru Nakanishi **, Masaharu Takigawa **, Hironishi Inoue *, Takashi Sawai
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 112-112, 1999.

Japanese Article Activated control of the liver Ito cell by 5-Lipoxygenase inhibitor AA861
加藤里奈*, **, 中村洋**, 深井文雄*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 112-112, 1999.

Japanese Article Inhibition of the adhesion based on control and that of protein tyrosine phosphorylation by fibronectin (FN) origin anti-adhesive property peptide (III14-2) and the apoptosis
神谷貞浩*, **, 中村洋*, 大脇敏之**, 深井文雄**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 114-114, 1999.

Japanese Article About an evaluation of pulmonary fibrosis of patients with diffuse scleroderma by serum KL-6 concentrations
Kenichi Yamane, 尹浩信, Masahide Kubo, Yazawa Norihito, Kanako Kikuchi, Kunihiko Tamaoki
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 115-115, 1999.

Japanese Article About a change of the quantity of hardening department of patients with morphoea and histidinohylysinonorleucine in the non-hardening department
Masaaki Tamura, Osamu Ishikawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 115-115, 1999.

Japanese Article Effect of the interleukin-12 expression plasmid DNA intramuscular injection on Tight-skin(TSK) mouse
辻淳子, 中沢正年*, 佐々木哲雄, 奥田研爾**, 中嶋弘, 飯島克昌***, 服部俊治***
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 116-116, 1999.

Japanese Article Expression of urocortin in a rheumatoid arthritis synovium tissue and the synovial fluid and CRF receptor
宇月美和, 笹野公伸*, 村松康成*, 戸恒和人*, 高橋和広*, 沖隆**, 飯野和美**, 澤井高志
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 117-117, 1999.

English Article Dermatopontin and collagen interacts with platelet-derived growth factor BB and modulates its biolological activity
Osamu Okamoto, Sakuhei Fujiwara, Susumu Takayasu
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 118-118, 1999.

Japanese Article Interaction with transforming growth factor-beta 1 of the extracellular matrix ingredient
渋谷博美, 岡本修*, 藤原作平*, 高安進*
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 118-118, 1999.

Japanese Article About the growth factors in culture epidermis keratinocyte of the human hypertrophic scar skin and culture fibroblasts
Yoshinari Matsumoto, Akemi Hayakawa *, Shuhei Torii **
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 120-120, 1999.

Japanese Article Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and HGF receptor (c-Met) expression of cultured skin fibroblast
川口鎮司, Masayoshi Harigai, Chikako Fukazawa, Kae Takagi, Tomoko Sugiura, Shuji Ota, We rise among fields, Masako Hara, Naoyuki Kamatani
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 120-120, 1999.

Japanese Article Human normal brain and brain outside organs, expression of MMP-producing inducer EMMPRIN in the brain tumor
Tetsuro Samejima, Kazuki Nabeshima *, Yasunori Okada **, Shinichiro Wakisaka, Tadashi Kawano *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 121-121, 1999.

Japanese Article TIMP-1 in Raji cells and the expression of TIMP-3 gene are regulated by different signal transduction
郭暁奎, Kyoko Yamashita, Nishimura Kotobuki daylight *, Toshio Iwata *, 後藤滋巳 *, Iwata harmony person **, Taro Hayakawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 121-121, 1999.

Japanese Article Mechanism of the fibrosis improvement in experimental liver fibrosis
Isao Okazaki, Tetsu Watanabe, Hoonosawa Shigenari, New Maki Oka, Sawako Yuasa, Lower boundary Kaori, Katsuya Maruyama *
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 122-122, 1999.

Japanese Article Protease activity of gelatine purified fibronectin fractions
Fujisaki eyes, Toshiharu Hattori
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 122-122, 1999.

Japanese Article Permeation activity acquisition mechanism of human cervical zone cancer cell SKG-II by the cytoclesis with normal fibroblasts
佐藤隆, 酒井威明, 平川舜*, 伊東晃
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 123-123, 1999.

Japanese Article Micro pit effect
久保木芳徳, 菊池裕子*, 菊池佑二**
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 123-123, 1999.

Japanese Article Change of growth factors in the micromelia mouse growth cartilage
平林義章, 藤森修
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 124-124, 1999.

Japanese Article Gene expression suppression by 3 noncoding region (3-UTR) of human connective tissue growth factors (CTGF)sDNA
Satoshi Kubota, Takako Hattori, Toru Nakanishi, Masaharu Takigawa
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 125-125, 1999.

Japanese Article Immunohistochemical search of the foreign gene expression in the chondrocalcin overexpression transgenic mouse using FLAG epitope tag
Konomu Matsui person, Ken Nakata, Sakae, Adachi Jiro *, Kimura friend thickness **, Muki example line, Osamu Katsumata *, Yasui summer student, Eiichiro Kataoka, Ryo Fujita, Takahiro Ochi
CONNECTIVE TISSUE 31(2): 126-126, 1999.