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Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine

Volume 22, Issue 3/4 / 1976
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 75-86, 1976.

Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 87-95, 1976.

English Article Modern Problems on Blood Preservation
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 96-107, 1976.

Japanese Article Infusion effect of the prothrombotic complex preparation on patients with congenital factor VII deficiency
Izumi Takeuchi, Shojiro Ikematsu, Minoru Ukita, Katsuhiro Fukutake
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 108-109, 1976.

Japanese Article Examination results by the immunodiffusion of blood clotting factor XIII in "liquid person plasma" and a fibrin body to the degradation product (FDPs)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 109-111, 1976.

Japanese Article Infusion effect of the factor XIII preparation on factor XIII deficiency
福井弘, 吉章, 三上貞昭, 徳田晴厚, 山本徹也, 山口敏昭*, 伊藤登*, 藤巻道男**, 村上文夫***
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 111-114, 1976.

Japanese Article Examination about the hemostasis level after the deficiency factor infusion in hemophilia
長山勝, Toshiro Kaneta, Sotoharu Yamada *, Akira Yoshioka **, 長山勝 ***
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 114-116, 1976.

Japanese Article Surgery case of the hemophilia-related pseudotumor that occurred in ilium
Tokuda fine weather thickness, Hiroshi Fukui, Kunio Yoshida, Shun Taniguchi Shiro *, Noriyuki Kawasaki *, Kenji Masuhara *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 116-118, 1976.

Japanese Article Some problems in the transfusion therapy
山田外春, 井土熊野, 大西英利, 出口克巳, 金児大二, 竹肉敏明, 神前五郎*, 村上文夫**, 福井弘***
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 118-120, 1976.

Japanese Article About the change that the platelet received at cryopreservation
Yasuhiko Ando, Noritoyo Fujiyama, Takemichi Hirano *, Brook Teppei **, Mitsuto Hasegawa **
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 120-121, 1976.

Japanese Article Study on bleeding factor with aortic operations
石丸新, 北村昌之, 田原真, 百目木公一, 本郷勉, 堀口泰良, 古川欽一, 高橋雅俊, 藤巻道男*, 外野正己**, 川村明夫***, 井上勝男****, 二之宮景光*****
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 121-123, 1976.

Japanese Article A change of the blood clotting fibrinolytic system at the liver surgery and examination of the transfusion
Iwao Oikawa, Akio Kawamura, Isao Saito, Akira Tamaoki, Sadami Sekiguchi, Yoichi Kasai, Shigeharu Nagasawa *, Suguru Abe **, Michio Matsuda ***, Goro Kosaki ****
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 123-126, 1976.

Japanese Article About a change of the fibrinogen progressing with blood preservation
Michio Matsuda, Yoshiko Hasegawa, Kunio Wakabayashi *, Nobuhiko Yoshida **, Michio Fujimaki ***, Suguru Abe ****, Junichi Yasuda *****
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 126-128, 1976.

Japanese Article About fibrinogen in a human white blood cell
中島克子, 広田忠臣
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 128-129, 1976.

Japanese Article Study on 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate of banked blood red blood cells
岡口弥, Masanobu Ishida, Hiroshi Toyama *, Hideo Yamamura **, Shigeki Yokoyama 1), Shigeru Sasagawa 2), Takao Okuda 3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 129-131, 1976.

Japanese Article About a change by the temperature of the preserved blood
笹川滋, Ruth Shiloh, 徳永栄一, 下野修
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 131-133, 1976.

Japanese Article About denaturization of the banked blood
Shigeru Sasagawa, Ruth Shiloh, Eiichi Tokunaga, 下野修, Shigeo Nakagawa *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 133-135, 1976.

Japanese Article About a washing degree of the washing person red blood cell suspension
塚本新次郎, 堀江真理子, 田中正好
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 135-136, 1976.

Japanese Article New special red blood cell ingredient therapy
Hironari Kawagoe, Shiro Kobayashi *, Junzo Kodama *, Shigeru Sasagawa **, Kenichi Kojima ***
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 136-138, 1976.

Japanese Article We assume Cyclic Path Centrifuge the center and are studied the erythrocyte membrane with the red blood cell analysis system
Shigeo Nakagawa, Tetsuya Kobayashi, Shigeru Sasagawa *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 138-140, 1976.

Japanese Article About leukocyte transfusion by consecutive blood centrifugal separation device (Celltrifuge)
小島健一, 追手巍, 黒田誠*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 140-142, 1976.

Japanese Article About two leukemia that we detected than transfusion liquid
佐藤峰雄, 渡部準之助, 大河内一雄*, 星崎東明
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 142-143, 1976.

Japanese Article About effect on COHb by the city pollution in the blood donor
伊藤仁, 道部融, 大河内一雄*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 143-145, 1976.

Japanese Article 1 family of the Ah type
Frost village Bunichi, Noriko Matsumoto, Seiichi Nishikawa, Yasuto Okubo *, Masayoshi Tanaka *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 145-146, 1976.

Japanese Article 1 family of the blood type with a phenotype similar to a Rh null type
Yuko Miyamoto, Yasukazu Miyoshi, Mitarai Anko, Masayoshi Tanaka *, Hideo Yamaguchi *, Yasuto Okubo *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 146-146, 1976.

Japanese Article About family system of the Ax type
Hidekazu Uchiyama, Hiromi Inoue, 近行正昭, Naoki Kyoko, Akemi Murakami, Takeshi Nishizaki, Shuji Onodera *, Keiichi Ito *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 146-146, 1976.

Japanese Article An example of the type B subtype
Shinobu Yamada, Kiyomi Yamamoto
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 146-146, 1976.

Japanese Article One case of Hyperosmolar Syndrome due to hypertonic dehydration
Soil light Zhuang six, Nobuyoshi Shimizu, Toshio Kasai, Maejima shark kernel, Meeting of the two-love stars Kiyoo, Hozumi Kimura, Takeshi Omoto 1,000 generations
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 147-147, 1976.

Japanese Article The present situation and the future of the frozen blood transfusion
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 147-148, 1976.

Japanese Article Manufacture of the low fibrinogen factor VIII agent
Toshiaki Yamaguchi, Noboru Ito, Hiroshi Fukui *, Kunio Yoshida **, Kazuo Okochi ***
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 148-148, 1976.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the HB antigen of the donor in North Kyoto (4 cities and 13 towns)
Hajime Fukui, Shunzo Tsuji, 十倉保宣 *, Yosuke Sakurai *, Haruo Kawamura *, Shu Kitamura *, 1, Sakae, Toyota *, Masanori Masuda *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 148-149, 1976.

Japanese Article About family system having a type B mixture blood corpuscle different in the strength
Yasuto Okubo, Hideo Yamaguchi, Tadao Tomita, Nobuo Nagao, Masayoshi Tanaka
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 150-150, 1976.

Japanese Article An example of antiblood Jk^b
Tsuyoshi Matsumoto, Hideo Yamaguchi, Tadao Tomita *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 152-152, 1976.

Japanese Article About neonatal jaundice and an exchange blood transfusion case thought to be the ABO blood group system incompatibility by the blood for exchange transfusion
Tadashi Motokawa, Masao Ukai, Shinichi Hayashi, Junko Tateno, Mizue Atsuko *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 22(3/4): 152-153, 1976.