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Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine

Volume 28, Issue 6 / 1982
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Hitoshi Ohto, Yoichi Shibata, Makoto Uchikawa, Hiroshi Tohyama, Yasunobu Nonaka*, Yasuo Hashimoto*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 495-503, 1982.

Fumio Komatsu, Keiichi Okamura, Hiroko Daidoji
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 504-511, 1982.

Japanese Article Judgment of the type A subtype by the Falcata japonica agglutinin
中島たみ子, 小暮正久, 古川研, 伏見隆子*, 武田幸子*, 村田愿*, 岡崎正太郎*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 514-515, 1982.

Japanese Article Family system of the Am type due to the allele
Shizuka Yasue, Bath towel Reiko, Shizuko Hisada, Kazumi Tsutsui, Ryozo Yoshimoto, Harada beauty root, Shintaro Shiobara *, Kennichi Hattori *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 515-517, 1982.

Japanese Article 1 case that we included autoantibody antiA_1 in in serum with A_1 type B
村岡利生, 畠山昇*, 庄司節子**, 大久保康人***, 瀬尾たい子***
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 517-518, 1982.

Japanese Article Family system regarded as Cis type AB
Shunji Takahashi, Masa Hayashi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 518-520, 1982.

Japanese Article One case thought to be Acquired B
神白和正, 山本千春, 横山昭子, 清水勝*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 520-522, 1982.

Japanese Article One case of the blood type chimaera
Shigeru Hara, Shigeko Murata, Kumiko Takiguchi, Hisako Saito, Akiko Ishii, Masataka Tabe, Hachiro Nakajima *, Eiko Nakazawa *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 522-522, 1982.

Japanese Article Blood type Chimera-Dispermic Chimerism? approved for a volunteer blood donor
Hachiro Nakajima, Eiko Nakazawa, Tatsuro Ikeuchi *, Satoko Fukuda **, Yoshihiro Yamada male **
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 522-523, 1982.

Japanese Article About the adsorption to a blood corpuscle of Lewis activity glycolipid which we extracted from a human digestive system organ
Masahisa Kogure, Tamiko Nakajima, Ken Furukawa
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 523-525, 1982.

Japanese Article About 2 families of the Kp(a-b-c+) type unlike the homoindividual of Kp^c and 2 families of Ko
Masateru Kikuchi, Shinichi Urano, Nobuyoshi Endo, Taiko Seo *, Yasuto Okubo *, Hideo Yamaguchi *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 525-526, 1982.

Japanese Article Two cases of 1 family of Kp(a+) which we found to a Japanese for the first time and antiKp^a
永尾暢夫, 冨田忠夫, 堀勇二, 谷上純子, 上恵子, 大久保康人, 山口英夫, 田中正好
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 526-528, 1982.

Japanese Article About 1 family of the rare blood type Ge (-) holding an antiGe antibody
江頭貞臣, 松下喜八郎, 瀬尾たい子*, 大久保康人*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 528-529, 1982.

Japanese Article One case thought to be the antiPr^a antibody
Tsutomu Kitamura, 中嶋茂宏, Michito Ichimaru, Kawamichi Taisuke *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 529-531, 1982.

Japanese Article AntiT antibody value in a cancer patient serum
新井陽子, 坪山明寛, 武藤良知, 高久史麿
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 531-532, 1982.

Japanese Article Agglutinin in response to the Cad antigen distribution of a Cad(+++) blood corpuscle case and humans and Cad blood corpuscle
小暮正久, 中島たみ子, 古川研, 伏見隆子*, 武田幸子*, 村田愿*, 岡崎正太郎*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 532-534, 1982.

Japanese Article Study on anti-Mi^a antibody
Makoto Uchikawa, Hiroshi Toyama, Shuhei Sato *, Mano ability Chen *, Hiroshi Kawamata *, Eiichi Tokunaga *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 534-535, 1982.

Japanese Article Quick test for the detection of the irregular antibody by the Polybrene-coombs method
伊藤忠一, 山端久美子, 木川喜栄子, 菊地正幸
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 536-537, 1982.

Japanese Article Experience of the blood grouping using Polybrene
斎藤恵, 中嶋八良
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 537-537, 1982.

Japanese Article Examination about the medium for the irregular antibody detection
高橋博之, 工藤善範, 草野はるみ, 松田仁志, 鈴木明, 千葉緑, 斉藤まち子, 滝沢金八郎, 田村真, 遠藤信義*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 538-539, 1982.

Japanese Article Immunohematologic application of the staphylococcus aureus protein A
山崎順啓, Shogo Masuda *, Naoko Takeda **
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 539-541, 1982.

Japanese Article About effect to give to a case and an examination of anemia with suspected PPF and anti-erythrocyte antibody which is present in Albumin preparation of transfusion
曽和正, 石田萠子, 新谷浩, 飯田直宏*, 岡本緩子**, 大久保滉**
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 541-542, 1982.

Japanese Article About the reactiveness of the enzymatic treatment blood corpuscle
Kusano Harumi, Hitoshi Matsuda, Midori Chiba, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Kudo good example, Akira Suzuki, Takizawa Hachiro Kim, 田村眞, Kasai Morio, Nobuyoshi Endo *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 543-545, 1982.

Japanese Article Examination about the test for the detection of the serum due to the enzymatic treatment blood corpuscle and plasma Lewis antigen
Misako Egawa, Naohiro Ozawa, Emi Yamamoto, Yoko Furukawa, Masaru Shimizu
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 545-546, 1982.

Japanese Article Development and evaluation of the LIM- micro plate Coombes method
山中烈次, 宮尾照子, 佐治博夫, 細井武光
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 546-547, 1982.

Japanese Article Cooperation experiment about the standardization of the Coombes serum by the ICSH
Junichi Ozaki, Junichi Yasuda, Tadashi Matsuhashi, Tamio Fukuyama *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 547-549, 1982.

Japanese Article Is going to give you blood in this hospital transfusion part; the irregular antibody screening of the patients
Yasushi Kanemitsu, Crossroads Mitsuyo Hayashi, Yoko Fujikawa, Fujita going child, Mitsuko Akiyama, Takayuki Iwanaga, Atsushi Horiuchi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 549-550, 1982.

Japanese Article Analysis of the ABO blood group system that we saw from a detected irregular antibody
Yurika Hyodo, 小林信昌, Taeko Kubo, Islet eyes, Katsuto Watanabe
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 550-552, 1982.

Japanese Article The irregular antibody which was detected in this hospital
Kazuya Yoshida, 粟野文剛, Shigehiko Shimada *, Irisawa Akihito **, Akira Ishihara **, Koichi Aso **
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 552-553, 1982.

Japanese Article Red blood cell irregular antibody of the volunteer blood donor
武田幸子, 山中ひろ, 持田和代, 小林容子, 村田愿, 岡崎正太郎
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 553-554, 1982.

Japanese Article About blood group substance in amniotic fluid
山田紀子, 吉田一枝, 郷矢智子, 池田泰雅, 矢切良穂, 浮田昌彦*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 555-556, 1982.

Japanese Article Blood transfusion reaction for the premature baby with the ABO incompatibility combination between mother children
Bamboo Hisao Mine
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 556-557, 1982.

Japanese Article Examination of ABO-HDN by the FICB(Fetal Indirect Coombs Bilirubin) law
Akira Ito, Chiemi Suzuki, Mie Yamazaki, Yoshihisa Kai, Tadashi Yokomichi Taro *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 557-558, 1982.

Japanese Article The effect that the frequency of the antiE antibody of the pregnant woman and antiE antibody give to E-positive children
Masahiko Ukita, Noriko Yamada *, Tetsuji Maeda *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 558-560, 1982.

Japanese Article One case of the delayed-type anaemia haemolytic immune with the Rh-D transfusion with incompatible blood
Everybody sees it; Keiko, Yoshitomo Muto, 坪山明寛, Yoko Arai, Noriko Miyauchi, Naoko Takahashi, Hatsuko Utsumi, Fumimaro Takaku
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 561-562, 1982.

Japanese Article About the prevalence of the posttransfusional antiE antibody
Setsuko Yano, Hiromi Sato, Mamiko Suda, 大導寺裕子, Okamura transone, Fumio Komatsu
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 562-562, 1982.

Japanese Article Examination of the antiE antibody in the factor E transfusion with incompatible blood
並木芳子, 古川洋子, 山本恵美, 江川美沙子, 坂本久浩, 清水勝
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 562-564, 1982.

Japanese Article 1 case thought to be the blood transfusion reaction due to the Jr^a antibody
Chiaki Sato, Hill Shouguang, Yoshio Arai *, Toshikazu Masuda **, 村田愿 ***
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 564-565, 1982.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the delayed-type hemolysis blood transfusion reaction by antiJk^a
Hisahiro Yoshida, Yataro Yoshida
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 565-566, 1982.

Japanese Article About a posttransfusion early side effect in this hospital
Chieko Nakata, Keiko Yamamoto, Kobayashi three Tsu man, Toyoko Okawa, Yutaka Hirose, Tatsuhei Kondo
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 567-569, 1982.

Japanese Article One case of autoimmune haemolytic anaemias (Rh group specificity autoantibody positivity) to see the early onset of the alloantibody
村井順一郎, 永宮トシ子, 東海谷美代子, 中林広栄, 黒木哲夫, 浅井毅*, 西野光一*, 山下隆*, 梅山馨*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 569-571, 1982.

Japanese Article Transfusion case in autoimmune haemolytic anaemias
大導寺裕子, Setsuko Yano, Hiromi Sato, Mamiko Suda, Okamura transone, Fumio Komatsu
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 571-572, 1982.

Japanese Article Distribution of the dextran antibody in the Japanese
Masuhiko Takaori, Ryoichi Otsuka, 沼本篤男
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 572-573, 1982.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of 292 haptoglobin therapy
大城盂, 向井清, 高橋顕, 神前五郎
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 573-575, 1982.

Japanese Article About the serum protein fraction of the volunteer blood donor
Takahiko Shibahara, Hiroyasu Noma, Fusa Takaku person *, Shigeru Hara *, Kenji Kurono **, Ken Hirohashi **
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 576-578, 1982.

Japanese Article The fact of the serologic test for syphilis in the general donor
Abe まを, Taiko Ishino, Yasuo Kanda, Masumi Baba, Yoichi Amemiya
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 578-579, 1982.

Japanese Article The present conditions of an emergency test, the leaving a shed in the transfusion part
Takizawa Hachiro Kim, 田村眞, Kasai Morio, Hitoshi Matsuda, Midori Chiba, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Kusano Harumi, Kudo good example, Akira Suzuki, Machiko Saito
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 579-580, 1982.

Japanese Article The present situation and problems of the transfusion in this hospital
Takayuki Iwanaga, Fujita going child, Crossroads Mitsuyo Hayashi, Yoko Fujikawa, Mitsuko Akiyama, Yasushi Kanemitsu, Atsushi Horiuchi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 581-582, 1982.

Japanese Article Discussion about the significance of the fresh frozen plasma administration
Kagemitsu Ninomiya
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 582-584, 1982.

Japanese Article Examination of surgical operation and Maximum Surgical Blood Order Schedule
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 584-586, 1982.

Japanese Article Effect to give to a living body of 400 ml of drawing blood
Sadami Sekiguchi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 586-588, 1982.

Japanese Article It is a change 2 of the frozen thawed red flood cell at 3-DPG, ATP, Sup. Hb, transtime of CPC, P_50
Existence bamboo Hiroko, Tomio Takahashi, Fumio Hirata, Yoshiaki Maeda, Motoyuki Yoshinari
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 589-589, 1982.

Japanese Article About the cryopreservation of the platelet and the in vitro function
池田星子, 津田佐登子, 太田タキ子, 中村誠, 隅田幸男*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 589-590, 1982.

Japanese Article Two cases of the delayed hemolytic reaction due to the antiJk^b antibody
Masaaki Otsuka, Hiroshi Nakata, Kazumi Kinjo, Fusako Fujii, 稲葉頌一, Kazuo Okochi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 590-590, 1982.

Japanese Article Three cases of the fetal erythroblastosis due to the antiE antibody
Masaaki Otsuka, Todoroki former friend, Kazuo Okochi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 590-591, 1982.

Japanese Article From the antigen possession of serum Nakatani antigen about the antibody onset
大河内一雄, 古川ミチヨ*, 吉川啓子*, 後藤信代*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 591-592, 1982.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the HBe antigen antibody by the enzyme immunoassay
Hiroto Okuda, Machiko Morimoto, Taki Ota child, Makoto Nakamura
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 592-592, 1982.

Japanese Article Classification of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma judging from a cell surface marker
藤原弘一, 桜井健一, 西村要子, 山口一成*, 男山順子**, 松岡幸則**, 福江親司**
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 593-593, 1982.

Japanese Article 1 case of the pemphigus vulgaris that showed complete response by plasmapheresis
Tetsushi Kiyokawa, Tetsuro Tomota *, Masayoshi Kino *, Kenichi Sakurai **, Koichi Fujiwara **
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 593-594, 1982.

Japanese Article DIC with the post partum massive bleeding
岩永知子, 高松純*, 楳木康弘*, 広方洋一郎*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 28(6): 594-594, 1982.