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Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine

Volume 43, Issue 1 / 1997
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Mechanism of pathogenesis of posttransfusion GVHD and the control
Takao Hirano
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 1-7, 1997.

Yasuhiko Fujii*, Yuzou Ooba*,**
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 8-12, 1997.

English Article A Modified Counting Method for Very Small Number of Residual White Blood Cells in Platelet Concentrates by Flow Cytometory
Mitsunobu Tanaka, Taiko Seno, Noriko Okuni, Hirotoshi Shibata, Yoshio Kobayashi, Yasuto Okubo, Hideo Yamaguchi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 13-20, 1997.

Japanese Article Adaptation of the platelet transfusion
Hikaru Sasaki
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 23-26, 1997.

Japanese Article Claim of the surgical system clinic
Fumio Fukumura, Yukihiro Tomita, Ryo Kojima Expo, Hiroshi Imoto, Shigeki Morita, Takaharu Tominaga, Hisataka Yasui, 稲葉頌一 *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 27-29, 1997.

Japanese Article Supply of the HLA matched platelet
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 30-33, 1997.

Japanese Article Alloimmune prevention with the transfusion filter
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 34-38, 1997.

Japanese Article The detection and identification of the anti-platelet antibody
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 39-43, 1997.

Japanese Article Platelet transfusion and thrombopoietin
Akira Ishida, Makoto Handa
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 44-47, 1997.

Japanese Article Why is it autotransfusion now?
Fuji Takeshi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 49-51, 1997.

Japanese Article Prevention and autotransfusion of posttransfusion GVHD
Takayoshi Takahashi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 52-54, 1997.

Japanese Article Quality of life of the patients before and after the autotransfusion
新名主宏一, 東憲孝, 下野治子
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 55-61, 1997.

Japanese Article Cost performance of the autotransfusion
Nobuhiro Wakimoto
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 62-64, 1997.

Japanese Article Adaptation and medication method of the erythropoietin
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 65-67, 1997.

Japanese Article Why can you not introduce autotransfusion?
Yukio Nakamura
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 68-70, 1997.

Japanese Article Policy for problems and promotion in the autotransfusion enforcement
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 71-74, 1997.

Japanese Article The role that transfusion therapy Committee achieves for autotransfusion promotion
Jun Takamatsu tree
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 75-78, 1997.

Japanese Article Hepatitis virus various topics
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 79-83, 1997.

Japanese Article A side effect of the transfusion and the measures
Kenji Tadokoro
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 84-84, 1997.

Japanese Article One patient who responded to methylprednisolone pulse therapy for the aplasia pure red cell which occurred after ABO incompatibility bone marrow transplantation in the chronic myelogenous leukemia
古家寛司, 若山聰雄, 田中順子, 津森道弘, 畠添敏光, 大國智司, 佐藤利昭, 石倉浩人*, 岩田由守*, 児玉るみ*, 陶山洋二*, 加藤譲
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 84-84, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination about the assay of stem cells with the whole blood
Tsutomu Nomura, The Kazu Ikeda truth, Yuko Nakamura, Miki Toyoshima, Koichi Kawanishi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 85-85, 1997.

Japanese Article Cooperation to peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in our blood center
河石久仁子, 山口弓子, 原田博道, 中田一正, 中本富子, 中川文雄, 宗像寿子, 兵頭英出夫*, 小田健司*, 阿部和弘*, 木村昭郎*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 85-85, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) in this hospital
Kazutaka Sunami, Suguru Omoto Jiro, Hideo Harada, Paths of Hiroshi Yamane *, Hiroyuki Nakayama *, Yoshio Katayama *, Yasushi Hiramatsu *, Nawa reason Ichiro *, Yano sentence *, Akihiro Bessho *, Takashi Arakawa *, Takashi Toyoshima virtue *, Katsushi Shinagawa *, Fumihiko Ishimaru *, Mine Harada *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 85-86, 1997.

Japanese Article Specific examination of antineutrophil monoclonal antibody TAG1,TAG3
谷口菊代, 谷広ミサエ*, 平岡朝子*, 高田昇*, 小林正夫**, 上田一博**, 岡田浩佑***
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 86-86, 1997.

Japanese Article The PCR-SSCP method ,PCR-SSP method of DNA typing - NA of the neutrophilic membrane specific antigen origin
Asako Hiraoka, 谷廣 Misae, Emi Kurita, Ryoko Yamaguchi, Noboru Takada, Michio Yamakido, Kikuyo Taniguchi *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 86-87, 1997.

Japanese Article Development of the oxygen high permeability bag in the conservation of the high unit platelet preparation
It is the best among a mountain village, Masayuki Miyahara, Koichi Kitajima, Koji Suzuki *, History of Taku Ito *, Spring Kazuo *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 87-87, 1997.

Japanese Article About the manufacture of the plate for the antiplatelet antibody screening using the buffy coat layer of RC-MAP
Rie Funatsu, Konishi truth Rie, Junko Tateno, Masaaki Mizui, Fumio Nakagawa, Toshi Munakata child
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 87-87, 1997.

Japanese Article About the detection situation of the irregular antibody in the volunteer blood donor
Naoki Kyoko, 近行正昭, Masayuki Miyahara, Koichi Kitajima
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 87-88, 1997.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the preserved blood-style autotransfusion of our hospital
藤井康彦, 大庭雄三*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 88-88, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the aplastic anemia that hepatitis G virus (HGV/GBV-C) RNA became with positive during the course that received frequent transfusion
Eriko Nishihara, Sachiko Omoto, Jun Imamura, Tanaka Masaji *, 朝日尉友 *, Hiroshi Taguchi country *, Isao Miyoshi *, 佐々木匡秀
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 89-90, 1997.

Japanese Article An instruction and effect of treatment of CD16-positive cells in Langerhans cell histiocytosis
廣瀬政雄, 黒田泰弘
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 90-90, 1997.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the autotransfusion in this hospital
Mitsuhiro Fujishima, Stem Miwako, Ami Ito, Makiko Miyachi, Yukihisa Matsukawa, Hiroaki Ide, Masahisa Koga, Yasushi Egami Ichiro
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 91-92, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination by the spectrum analysis of the heartbeat change at the autologous blood drawing blood
眞鍋庸三, Tomohiko Kubota *, Masao Hiratsuka *, Yoshio Taniguchi, Kazuya Aono, Tsukamoto Suehiro *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 92-92, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of complications with the autologous blood platelet sampling operation
Haruko who resigns from the post, Koichi Shinmyouzu, Keiko Higo, Maigi Hiroyuki, Hiroko Watanabe, Province near the capital charges Tomoko, Mitsuhiro Osame
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 92-93, 1997.

Japanese Article Freeze autologous transfusion for partus caesareus of the placenta previa pregnancy and the results
Yukio Sumida, Kenji Hara *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 93-93, 1997.

Japanese Article Utility of new surgery blood preparations system T&S&Radiation
Takao Himeno, Shuto Izumi, Miyako Expo, Hiroshi Kikuchi, Morio Ito
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 93-93, 1997.

Japanese Article The irradiation enforcement situation in the Okinawa center
當眞郁子, Noriko Chinen, Kina Morio, Italy wave Tsuneo
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 93-94, 1997.

Japanese Article About the present conditions of the irradiation cooperation to blood for the transfusion in the Fukuoka center
Kaoru Matsuura positive, 菊永健志, Hiroaki Nakamura, Seiko Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Sato, Yoshiaki Maeda
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 94-94, 1997.

Japanese Article Quick fixed-quantity of the HTLV-I provirus
Kumiko Nishihara, Keiko Yoshiki, Middle Manzo Yoko, Fukuyoshi Yoko, Kazunari Yamaguchi, Masao Matsuoka *, Kenichiro Eto, 田宮貞宏
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 94-94, 1997.

Japanese Article Hepatitis G virus infection with the transfusion
Suguru Kojima Jiro, Taku Miyazaki, Hiroyuki Sato, Yoshiaki Maeda
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 94-95, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination - of mass screening - specimen pretreatment by the PCR
Koji Matsumoto, Fumihiro Takakura, Hiroyuki Sato, Yoshiaki Maeda
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 95-95, 1997.

Japanese Article Use experience of the irregular test for antibodies system by the column syphilo-agglutination test
Keiko Higo, Maigi Hiroyuki, Koichi Shinmyouzu, Hiroko Watanabe, 東憲孝, Province near the capital charges Tomoko, Haruko who resigns from the post, Mitsuhiro Osame
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 95-95, 1997.

Japanese Article Analysis of the blood type in Dolichos biflorus of ABO indicating the negative origin
Sakoda Iwane, Makoto Kumamoto, Hideji Oshikawa, Tatsuko Wakamatsu, Play field Kishi, The Tomoho Nabekura beauty, Shingu world three, 嶽元衣久代 *, Taiko Seo *, Yasuto Okubo *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 95-96, 1997.

Japanese Article About the present conditions of the coagulation study in the fresh frozen plasma transfusion case of the Fukuoka University Hospital
吉浦洋子, 宮崎昌樹, 堤千恵, 川島博信, 後藤潮, 小野順子, 鷹野壽代*, 丹生恵子*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 96-96, 1997.

Japanese Article The blood type of the ABO incompatibility allogeneic marrow transplantation patients and antiA, change of the antiB antibody
中田弘, 金城和美, 藤井フサ子, 中村淑美, 稲葉頌一
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 96-97, 1997.

Japanese Article The action situation to transfusion therapy adequacy in this hospital
宮国毅, Nakamoto sub-man, Yamada parent Ichiro, Uezu Tomio *, Kazuhiko Akamine *
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 97-97, 1997.

Japanese Article An examination of transfusion and management supply system
Hisada honesty, Noda clothes Satoko, Miki Tanaka *, Morooka Tsu charges child *, Unoike Naokuni **
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 97-98, 1997.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problems of the transfusion management in our hospital
久保田緑, 高以来千春, 池田緑, 石川喜久, 奥野忠良, 安藤文英*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 98-99, 1997.

Japanese Article For returned goods zero
Manabu Murakami, Morihisa joy, Lower river Kumiko, Boundary Kazuyo, Toshio Noguchi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 99-99, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of the change over time of various platelet activation markers of the platelet concentrate (PC)
野原正信, 副島知子, 高嶋聡子, 田中真典, 田中明美, 比嘉幸枝, 中田浩一, 坂本久浩, 菊池亮*
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 99-100, 1997.

Japanese Article Hemolytic reaction due to SMANCS in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
Takanori Higashiya, Hiroyuki Kawano, Mitsuko Ogawa, Kayoko Aiura, 佐川公矯
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 101-102, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the neonates thrombocytopenia purpura due to the HPA-4b antibody
日高琢二, 大川内雅洋, 北島均, 伊藤淳一, 佐藤東*, 井口雄三*, 真鍋寛司**, 吉武国利**, 池田一彦**, 荒添悟**, 藤原弘一**, 野原正信***, 坂本久浩***
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 102-102, 1997.

Japanese Article AML that produced HLA antigens and platelet antibody during the course, one case of M2
佐分利能生, 森山恭子, 河野克巳*, 中村章*, 石川和子*, 渡辺芳文**, 渡辺聖司***
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 102-103, 1997.

Japanese Article Jehovah's Witnesses and transfusion medical care
Takashi Ishihara, Yoshiomi Tanabe, Yuji Kawahata, Sumio Azuma, Toshiro Hirashima, Yuzo Shibahara
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 104-104, 1997.

Japanese Article Utility of the identification diagnosis by the VNTR polymorphism
Maigi Hiroyuki, Kokubunji daylight *, Seisuke Taniwaki *, Koichi Shinmyouzu, Keiko Higo, Hiroko Watanabe, Haruko who resigns from the post, Province near the capital charges Tomoko, 東憲孝, Mitsuhiro Osame
Japanese Journal of Transfusion Medicine 43(1): 104-105, 1997.