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Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy

Volume 57, Issue 3 / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the Japanese transfusion, Director of cell therapy society assumption of office problem and prospects - of - Japan transfusion, cell therapy society
Takayoshi Takahashi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 97-97, 2011.

Masaru Shimizu1), Michiko Takenaka2), Sadamitsu Yamamoto3), Hisami Ikeda3), Hirotoshi Shibata4), Yoshiaki Maeda5), Kiyoshi Hiruma6)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 131-138, 2011.

English Article Time from cord blood collection to processing and temperature influence the quality of mononuclear cell products isolated using a density-gradient protocol
Miki Yuzawa1), Tokiko Nagamura-Inoue1), Ikuo Ishige1), Kazuo Ogami1), Tomoki Tamura1), Atsuko Takahashi2), Hideki Kodo2), Satoru Yamaguchi3), Arinobu Tojo1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 139-145, 2011.

Hidekatsu Sakata1), Keiji Matsubayashi1), Hiromi Takeda1), Shinichi Kishimoto1), Hiromi Ihara1), Shinichiro Sato1), Toshiaki Kato1), Kenji Tadokoro2), Hisami Ikeda1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 146-152, 2011.

Satoko Shimada1), Hiroyasu Yasuda2), Sumako Sato1), Hiroshi Kato1), Shinako Hashimoto3), Hiromi Komiya4), Yasuji Noritake5), Shoichi Ito6), Masaki Kikuchi6), Kana Sasaki7), Kenichi Ogasawara7), Hitoshi Ohto2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 153-159, 2011.

Hisako Kitsukawa1), Kinuyo Kawabata1), Hiroyasu Yasuda1), Minae Takasaki1), Masami Kikuchi1), Akiko Sugawara1), Shunnichi Saito1), Miho Okutsu1), Satoshi Ono1), Takahiro Kanno1), Hayato Matsumoto2), Kazuyoshi Sakai3), Kennji Kojimahara3), Hitoshi Ohto1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 160-163, 2011.

Kanagawa Prefectural Joint Meeting of Hospital Transfusion Committees, Junichi Terauchi1), Kazuyo Yagi2), Shinichi Otani2), Akira Ito3), Shoichi Inaba3), Nobumasa Kobayashi4), Shunichi Kato4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 164-168, 2011.

Yasuji Kouzai1), Tamae Hamaki1), Kazunari Yamada1), Katsuhiro Kogure1), Kouichi Kajiwara1), Keiko Hoshi1), Ayako Toriumi2), Michiyo Nakahara2), Tomoko Igarashi2), Kazumasa Kajiro2), Hideki Kodo1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 169-172, 2011.

Tetsu Yamamoto1), Sadamitsu Yamamoto1), Takemi Kubo1), Tetsuo Honma1), Koji Hashimoto2), Kazuhiko Suzuki2), Hisami Ikeda2), Tsugio Takeuchi3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 173-177, 2011.

Hidefumi Kato1), Shigeru Takamoto1), Chikako Odaka2), Kimitaka Sagawa3), Yasutaka Hoshi4), Yasuhiko Fujii5), Yuji Yonemura6), Noriaki Iwao7), Asashi Tanaka8), Hitoshi Okazaki9), Shun-ya Momose9), Junichi Kitazawa10), Hiroshi Mori11), Akio Matsushita12), Hisako Nomura13), Hitoshi Yasoshima14), Yasushi Ookusa15), Yoshiaki Okada2), Isao Hamaguchi2), Kazunari Yamaguchi2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 178-183, 2011.

Ryuji Tanosaki1), Kazuo Muroi2), Tokiko Nagamura-Inoue3), Akaru Ishida4), Shuichi Mizuta5), Taira Maekawa6), Tsuneo Ito7), Koji Kishino2), Tomoe Uemura8), Tsuneo A Takahashi9), Hitoshi Ohto10), for the Cell Processing Guideline Working Group of the Japan Society of Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapy (JSTMCT)11)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 184-187, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination about the removal with the adsorption beads of the blood transfusion reaction-related material isolated than a platelet during preservation
田中成憲, 林智也, 谷慶彦, 平山文也
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 188-196, 2011.

Japanese Article Where is the examination of infection before and after the transfusion necessary to?
Kunisuke Kubota
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 197-198, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. The attitude survey of a medical technologist, the nurse about the atypical platelet transfusion in this hospital
Nao Takagi 1), Masako Nagase 1), Masahiko Nakagawa 1), Yasutaka Kakigi 2), Takayoshi Miyake 2), Akio Takada 1), Shigeru Nakano period 1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 200-200, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. About an approach for the I&A auditee of our hospital
嶋崎真知子1), 平塚紘大1), 佐藤圭司2), 小林一3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 200-201, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. For the maintenance of the urgent transfusion system in this hospital
Riverbank enthusiast picture 1), Ryoji Takano 1), Ryu Nagao children 1), Hiroshi Goto true 1), Ryota Washimi 1), Chie Takeda 1), Fielder Kenji 1), Miho Yamaguchi 1), 清水斎 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 201-201, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. About a transplant source and the number of in the hematopoietic cells transplant case the use of platelet preparation
Reiko Miura 1), Asami Sato 1), Sayo Sano 1), South slope Masami 1), Baldness Ranko 1), Takeshi Sato 1), 今井陽俊 2), Yoshio Kiyama 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 201-201, 2011.

Japanese Article 6. About the breakdown of the cause preparation of the nonhemolytic blood transfusion reaction that saw according to the disease of the blood receiver
東寛, Katsui many Norie, Tatsuya Sekimoto, Hideki Abe, Hiroyuki Onodera, Kazuhiro between the kudzu, 池田久實
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 202-202, 2011.

Japanese Article 7. Correspondence to use of type AB FFP large quantities by the plasma exchange at the ABO type mismatch kidney transplantation
鈴木一彦, 葛間一裕, 本間稚広, 加藤俊明, 池田久實
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 202-203, 2011.

Japanese Article 8. About the establishment of the use pulse-taking examination committee of the blood preparation for the transfusion
Period field Shuichi 1), Akio Shigematsu 2), Teruo Endo 3), Kunihiko Miura 4), 森田曜江 5), 今井陽俊 6), Tomoya Takahashi 7), Yutaka Tomota 1), Machiko Shimazaki 8), Yasutaka Kakigi 9), Miyazaki A 10), Kenichi Oki 11), 永幡美鈴 12), 及川雅寛 13), Shinichiro Sato 14), 本間稚広 14), Kazuhiro 14 between the kudzu), Kazuhiko Suzuki 14), 池田久實 14)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 203-203, 2011.

Japanese Article 9. About use of cryoprecipitate experience in the cardiovascular surgery surgery
Kaori Shimatani 1), Average static Kumi 1), Takatoshi Osafune 1), Kunihiko Miura 1), 男澤千啓 1), Hideo Sato 2), Eiichiro Hatta 3), Katsuhiko Nakanishi 3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 203-204, 2011.

Japanese Article 10. 1 adult with paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria case due to the IgM type Donath-Landsteiner antibody
Sumiko Akino, Koichi Hayashi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 204-204, 2011.

Japanese Article 11. 1 case of the neonatal neutropenia
Osamu Takahashi example 1), Tsutsui Yoriko 1), Hiromi Kawai 1), Taketo Nihei 1), 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 204-204, 2011.

Japanese Article 12. 1 case of antiM detected in infants
Tomoya Takahashi, Masae Kondo, Teruyo Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Sasaki, Kiyoto Ishida, Rieko Fujie, Yukiko Matsumoto, Kameishi Naoko, Shunji Takahashi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 204-204, 2011.

Japanese Article 14. About indirect antiglobulin law-negative pH dependence-related antiM that a pregnant woman holds
Tachi Juri Oka 1), Takeshi Ishimaru 1), Hisashi Ohashi 1), Shinichiro Sato 1), Forest pure beauty 2), Tetsu Kawaguchi 2), Toshiaki Kato 1), 池田久實 1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 205-205, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. About ABO subtype (Bm) in Tohoku District, the detection situation of the RhD subtype volunteer blood donor
Yoshiko Ogiyama, Shoichi Ito, 高橋美都保, 小原健良, Masateru Kikuchi, Yoshihiro Sawamura, Takashi Ito
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 209-209, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. About the detection situation and the supply situation of the rare blood type volunteer blood donor of Tohoku District
高橋美都保, Shoichi Ito, Yoshiko Ogiyama, 小原健良, Masateru Kikuchi, Yoshihiro Sawamura, Takashi Ito
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 209-209, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. About the technical cooperation to a medical institution by the blood center
鎌田博子, 畑澤貴子, 寺田亨, 二部琴美, 國井華子, 吉田斉, 佐藤貴美子, 伊藤美恵子, 阿部真, 佐々木芳明, 面川進
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 210-210, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. Change of the irregular antibody detection situation in this hospital
Shunji Takahashi, Yuko Ishiyama, Masatoshi Narazaki, Yoshiko Arikawa, Katsushi Tajima
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 210-210, 2011.

Japanese Article 6. About ABO incompatibility pregnancy and mother antibody titers
One Tanaka, Okubo etiquette reason, Is Kaneko; arrive, Kana Taneichi, Yoshiko Tamai, Etsuro Ito
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 210-211, 2011.

Japanese Article 7. An investigation with the literature of the MN blood type incompatibility fetal erythroblastosis in Japan
Cheap Yasushi Tahiro, Hitoshi Odo
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 211-211, 2011.

Japanese Article 8. About the induction of the check list before autologous blood sampling
Sachiko Sato 1), Fumiko Isozaki 1), Takeshi Notoya 2), Mikako Kumagai 2), Ikue Sato 2), Ayako Sasaki 1), Tadashi Fujishima kernel 2), Kenichi Sawada 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 211-211, 2011.

Japanese Article 9. The preserved blood-style autotransfusion situation in our hospital for the past 3 years
舛甚義幸1), 山田麻美1), 塗谷智子1), 兎内謙始1), 久保恒明1),2), 立花直樹1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 211-212, 2011.

English Article 10. Flow Cytometric Analysis of Stored Platelets: What Happens After Filtration?
ノレット・ケネス, 斎藤俊一, 大戸斉
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 212-212, 2011.

Japanese Article 11. Make a transfusion pass of the in-hospital unification; and is ... from ... order to enforcement
Takako Kikuchi 1), Kazumi Nishizuka 1), 2), Mountain single Riyu child 1), Chiaki Nakayama 1), Kita Naoshi Shima beauty 1), 乗田生子 1), Noriko Takahashi 1), Rumiko Tsukidate 1), Ono A Teruko 1), Saori Kudo 1), Chizuru Yamaguchi 2), 山本磨知子 2), Makiko Inomata 2), Junichi Kitazawa 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 212-213, 2011.

Japanese Article 12. The case that indirect direct Coombs' test became positive, and racked its brains about conformity blood in long-term transfusion patients of approximately 30 years
Takayuki Watanabe, Aya Endo, Star Masako, Hashimoto Harumi, Great Chisato Kyoko, Yasuko Sakuma, Hiroyuki Kanbayashi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 213-213, 2011.

Japanese Article 13. About in-hospital inspection of the transfusion therapy in this hospital
兎内謙始 1), Asami Yamada 1), 舛甚義幸 1), 塗谷智子 1), Tsuneaki Kubo 1), 2), Naoki Tachibana 1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 213-213, 2011.

Japanese Article 14. About inspection of the action 1-transfusion therapy of the transfusion inside the hospital inspection in this hospital -
Yoshiko Naganuma, Mihoko Sanbe, Yasuko Sugawara, Wataru Okumura
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 213-214, 2011.

Japanese Article 15. About the patrol instruction of action 2-transfusion settings of the transfusion inside the hospital inspection in this hospital -
Yasuko Sugawara, Mihoko Sanbe, Yoshiko Naganuma, Wataru Okumura
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 214-214, 2011.

Japanese Article 16. Is an action of the nurse education training activity of Fukushima combination transfusion therapy Committee
Kazuya Watanabe 1), 6), Takashi Arakawa 2), 6), Takashi Ito 3), 6), Tsugio Igari 4), 6), Takao Kunori 5), 6), Takahiro Sugano 4), 6), Hitoshi Odo 4), 6)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 214-215, 2011.

Japanese Article 17. Work on the enlightenment to a successive nurse in Aomori combination transfusion therapy Committee
Yoshiko Tamai 1), 2), Junichi Kitazawa 1), 3), Tanaka alone 1), 2), 兎内謙始 1), 4), 小舘昭示 1), 5), Munenori Kataoka 1), 5), Satoru Murakami religion 1), 5), Yasushi Abe sentence 1), 5), Hisashi Matsuyama tree 1), 6), Naoki Tachibana 1), 4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 215-215, 2011.

Japanese Article 18. I&A space research activity report in Miyagi combination transfusion therapy Committee
Masayoshi Minegishi 1), 2), Shinichi Urano 1), 3), Kazuaki Ujiie 1), 4), Kazuya Endo 1), 5), Toshihiro Ito 1), 6), Actual form Kazunori 1), 7), Osamu Sasaki 1), 8), Taku Watanabe 1), 9), Hiroyuki Takahashi 1), 2), Yutaka Shoji 1), 10), Takashi Ito 1), 3), Shigeru Tsuchiya 1), 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 215-216, 2011.

Japanese Article 19. About the suggestion of the activated policy of transfusion therapy Committee from - Akita combination transfusion therapy Committee questionary survey−
阿部真1), 面川進1), 村岡利生2), 林崎久美子3), 西成民夫4), 新津秀孝5), 藤島直仁6), 高橋勝弘7), 井畑博7), 笹嶋聡7)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 216-216, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. The summary of the society authorization system
Junichi Kitazawa
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 216-216, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. From the situation of the authorized transfusion laboratory technician
Kinuyo Kawahata
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 217-217, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. From the situation of society authorization, the apheresis nurse
Miyoko Goto
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 217-218, 2011.

Japanese Article 6. From the situation of society authorization, the transfusion nurse
The Kita Naoshi Shima beauty
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 218-218, 2011.

Japanese Article It is the update of the evidence level proper use of the albumin preparation
Toshi Yasumura
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 219-219, 2011.

Japanese Article NET EXCEPTION Err: Could not connect to host
鶴田まゆみ1), 大久保桂子1), 橋詰幸子2), 清瀧肇博2), 丸山正昭3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 219-220, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. Examination about the clinical study of the substituted platelet (R-PC) preparation using M-sol
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 220-220, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. One case of the elective operation patients that a rare irregularity antibody was detected
白鳥徹1), 藤澤慶子2), 飯島達哉2), 宮原祥子2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 220-220, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. About the blood preparation supply situation of Nagano present conditions - of the - production duties collection
Kitamura Fuki husband
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 220-221, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. Viewpoint - from a basic hospital of need of joint transfusion therapy Committee of Nagano and concrete contents - south sincerity
Shintaro Shiobara
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 221-221, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. For the establishment of Nagano combination transfusion therapy Committee
Yasushi Ota
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 221-221, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. An action of joint transfusion therapy Committee in Yamanashi
Noriaki Iwao
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 221-222, 2011.

Japanese Article Present conditions - of the transfusion medical care in transfusion white paper 2010 - this country
Shigeru Makino justice
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 223-224, 2011.

Japanese Article For the start of the society authorization transfusion nurse system
Shuichi Mizuta
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 224-224, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. The statistics investigation of the HTLV-I test for antibodies in the volunteer blood donor in Aichi
鳥居紀宏, Ritsuko Hayashi, Kenichi Oya, Yoko Sato, Kenjiro Kitaori, 濱口元洋, Jun Takamatsu tree
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 224-224, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. Reduction of the fibrin separation of the fresh frozen plasma derived from ingredient drawing blood
Ueda U.S. man, Yoshimi Nishioka, Ruriko Endo, Takayanagi beauty line, 濱口元洋, Jun Takamatsu tree
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 224-225, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. The present conditions and the problem of the transfusion regime of Mie judging from questionary survey
Makoto Morimoto 1), 2), Akito Kobayashi 1), 3), Shigemi Imai 1), 4), Islet spirit 1), 4), Ken Shinoda line 1), 5), Akitsugu Oishi 1), 5), Masuya Masahiro 1), 5), Koji Oka 1), 6), Shigehisa Tamaki 1), 7), South Nobuyuki 1), 8)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 225-225, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. Improvement in the transfusion service and the effect
Shizuka Ito 1), Chiaki Kato 1), Yumi Watanabe 1), 前田奈弥 1), Sukeyuki Matsumoto 1), Akira Yamamoto person 2), Tadashi Matsushita 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 225-225, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. The temperature examination of the transportation container, cold insulation agent for the red blood cell preparation
Naoto Yamaji 1), Keiko Mori 1), Katsuhiko Matsuba 1), Onishi まり 2), Shiho Morio 2), Tetsunori Shibazaki 3), Shigehisa Tamaki 3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 225-226, 2011.

Japanese Article 6. Discussion according to the time about a side effect in the erythrocyte transfusion and the irregular antibody prevalence
佐藤元泰, Sugita Michiyo, Ryoko Shigeta, Kazuyuki Naito
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 226-226, 2011.

Japanese Article 7. An action to proper use of the albumin preparation in this hospital
Yasuyo Matsumoto 1), Naoko Hayashi 1), Katsuhiro Utsumi 1), Yukihiro Nishikawa 1), Koji Oka 2), Genji Suzuki 2), Tadashi Tanaka 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 226-226, 2011.

Japanese Article 8. Experience of the plasma fibrinogen level emergency measurement induction at massive bleeding in this hospital
Tsuyoshi Matsumoto 1), Akitsugu Oishi 1), Hideo Wada 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 226-226, 2011.

Japanese Article 9. The present conditions of the neonatal transfusion in this hospital
Great Hisako Kuboi, Aya Shimizu, High a little over four, Takahiro Kashiwagi, Emi Hayashi, Akiko Katai, Reiko Niwa, 安藤高宣, Motoaki Uruma, History of Sakae Kato, Shigeru Takamoto
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 226-227, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. The present conditions after the ABO blood group gene analytical method induction using the Luminex method in the examination of requests such as ABO subtypes
Yasuo Fukumori 1), Hiroyuki Ishii 1), Saori Ito 2), Akiko Ono 1), Saito order 1), Nishizawa ankle seedling 1), Keiko Kimura 1), Keiji Yoshimura 1), 中埜粛 1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 229-229, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. One case that it was thought the direct report to a physician of the irregular antibody result effectively
Shima Mio, Miho Komatsu, Yasuyo Fujii, Kiyoshi Hiramatsu child, Yumiko Masuda, Yukari Abe, Takehiro Kawano
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 229-230, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. Safety of validity and the transfusion of the irregular antibody screening
Miyoko Arimoto 1), 岡前文子 1), 市邉明美 1), Setsuko Teranishi 1), Keiko Nakaya 2), 藤原通恵 2), Hirohiko Tokunaga 1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 230-230, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. 1 case that produced antif antibody by pregnancy
Fujita going child 1), Eri Yamada Kei 1), Daisuke Ide 1), Chiemi Sugano 1), Shiho Ito 1), Yoshiko Mine 1), Yasushi Kanemitsu 1), Hiroyuki Morishima 1), Takashi Ashida 1), 松村到 1), Keiko Kimura 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 230-230, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. About the establishment of the self-blood outpatient in our hospital
中村文彦1), 森本武次2), 津田勝代2), 土屋直道2), 南睦2), 脇本理栄子2), 飯岡大3), 前迫善智3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 230-231, 2011.

Japanese Article 6. About an examination of bacterial culture of the preserved blood-style autotransfusion in our hospital
徳野治1), 橋本誠1), 荻野智子1), 杉本健1), 西郷勝康2), 南博信1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 231-231, 2011.

Japanese Article 7. The allogeneic marrow transplantation case that an unrelated person donor held HLA antigens
山本茉美, Manabu Yamaoka, Inoue window, Yukari Terajima, Tetsuji Otani, Shuji Onishi, Forest Ichiro Sana, Shosaku Nomura
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 231-231, 2011.

Japanese Article 8. The participation of the transfusion part in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in this hospital
Takashi Ashida, Eri Yamada Kei, Daisuke Ide, Chiemi Sugano, Shiho Ito, Yoshiko Mine, Fujita going child, Yasushi Kanemitsu, Hiroyuki Morishima, 松村到
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 231-231, 2011.

Japanese Article 9. A comparison of CD34 absolute number measurement and the HPC level measurement at peripheral blood stem cell sampling (PBSCH)
Noriko Fujita 1), Junko Ikemoto 1), Yoko Kanamori 2), Kokubunji daylight 1), Toshiaki Kai 1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 231-232, 2011.

Japanese Article 12. The present conditions and problems of the plasma derivative management
Miwa Maeda, Kosei Nishida, Tomomi Tsujiuchi, Mayumi Hasegawa, Junko Harada, Hilum pond Mayumi, Wave Yoshimasa who congratulates it, Masaki Hayakawa, Masanori Matsumoto, Yoshihiro Fujimura
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 232-233, 2011.

Japanese Article 13. An action of the examination of posttransfusion infection rate of use improvement in this hospital
Kumiko Ogawa, Naoko Suganuma, Noriko Kitamura, Masanori Seta
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 233-233, 2011.

Japanese Article 14. Specimen storage before transfusion and the action for the examination of infection before and after transfusion
Yoshie Tanaka, Masaki Hirakawa, 片川鈴予, Nobuyuki Yamashita, Naoko Kurokawa, Mamoru Inoue, Masako Deguchi, Yutaka Kobayashi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 233-233, 2011.

Japanese Article 15. About the acquisition situation of transfusion management charges in Kyoto
Noriko Mori 2), Former Kawahira 1), Yutaka Ueda 1), Moriguchi Kotobuki virtue 1), Yutaka Kobayashi 1), 朴昌禧 1), Kawarasaki success 1), Hiroshi Fujii 1), Yukari Matsui 2), Hiroyuki Inoue 2), Hiromi Komori 2), Yuji Sasada 2), Toru Inaba 2), 辻肇 1), 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 233-234, 2011.

Japanese Article 16. The analysis about the super urgent transfusion case in this hospital
Tomoko Yamashita 1), 茂籠弘子 1), Inner Sachiko Hayashi 2), Kozue Yamamoto 1), Hiroshi Yumoto 2), South exit Hitoshi 2), Hodohara Yoshiko 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 234-234, 2011.

Japanese Article Field of new activity ... of challenge - laboratory technician to advanced cell therapy, reproduction treatment development in Kyoto University
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 234-234, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. From a diagnosis of the HIV practice to treatment
Daisuke Kasai
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 234-235, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. A problem of transfusion and the hepatitis B virus reactivation
田守昭博 1), 2), Megumi Fujino three 1), Yuki Matsumoto 1), Shinichi Takeda 1), Shigeko Ojima 1), Norifumi Kawata 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 235-235, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. Transfusion and HCV, HEV
Tamio Nakahara 1), Takayuki Takeuchi 1), Yoshihide Fujiyama 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 235-235, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. Is ... mainly on malaria with the likelihood of the infection by pyrexic disease - transfusion to be found in an overseas passenger
Toshimasa Nishiyama
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 57(3): 235-236, 2011.