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Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy

Volume 59, Issue 4 / 2013
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Rearranging of the replacement therapy - standard therapies method for the coagulation disorder
Tadashi Matsushita
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 571-578, 2013.

Mikiko Sakuragi1), Tomoko Kiyokawa1), Mika Hosokawa1), Tomomi Kiyama1), Mayumi Nakao1), Tamayo Ikeda1), Machiko Oshida2), Hiroshi Aochi1), Keisuke Nagamine1), Yoshiaki Tomiyama1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 579-585, 2013.

Yumiko Maouda1), Mio Shima1), Miho Komatsu1), Yasuyo Kamogawa1), Kiyoko Hiramatsu1), Yukari Watanabe1), Kanae Ikezoe2), Takehiro Kohno1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 586-592, 2013.

Yasutaka Kakinoki1), Masako Nagase2), Nao Takagi2), Daisuke Uchimura3), Shinichiro Sato3), Shigeru Takamoto3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 593-600, 2013.

Japanese Article It is frequency, a developmental mechanism, testing, prevention, treatment a recent finding of the allergic blood transfusion reaction
Fumiya Hirayama
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 601-612, 2013.

Japanese Article Establishment - of the erythroid immortalization cell line for artificial production of SL "applied likelihood - red blood cells to iPS cells - transfusion medical care"
Yukio Nakamura
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 636-636, 2013.

Japanese Article Summary of the SY-01. society authorization system
Yoshimasa Urasaki
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 636-637, 2013.

Japanese Article Role of the specialist in SY-02. authorization
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 637-637, 2013.

Japanese Article Role of the SY-03. authorization transfusion laboratory technician
Akemi Ueno, Megumi Omori, Makiko Miyamoto, Megumi Kosaka
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 637-637, 2013.

Japanese Article SY-04. society authorization, autotransfusion, role of the apheresis nurse
Kyoko Shima
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 637-638, 2013.

Japanese Article Role of SY-05. society authorization, the clinical transfusion nurse
Southern Megumi Sendai
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 638-638, 2013.

Japanese Article Effect of the SY-06. I&A authorized institution acquisition
Mayuko Hamada 1), Kanako Kochi 1), Tokumitsu Naoko 1), Him Valley Hiroyasu 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 638-638, 2013.

Japanese Article Effect of the SY-07. society authorized system acquisition
Toshi Yasumura
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 638-639, 2013.

Japanese Article The O-01. Hokuriku three prefectures production section collection about the cooperation situation to an irrigation platelet after becoming it
Chestnut lower Takumi, Akihiro Asai, Yayoi Kitamura, Yuko Honjo, Makoto Nitta, Hajime Hirai, 圓満字豊, Jun Takamatsu tree
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 639-639, 2013.

Japanese Article About the correspondence situation to further safety measures for the blood of the O-02. HBV infection history
Hiromi Araki, Reason field Minako, Wide village Yoshiko, Yumi Izumitani, 三輪晃洋, Hajime Hirai, 圓満字豊, Jun Takamatsu tree
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 639-639, 2013.

Japanese Article About posttransfusion HBV infection identified by O-03. spontaneous report
Yasushi Shiobara 1), Keiko Kawada 1), Takashi Yoshida 1), Toshi Yasumura 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 639-640, 2013.

Japanese Article About O-04. Fukui combination transfusion therapy Committee
Miki Matsubara 1), Toshiaki Yoshida 1), Kiyoko Shiota 1), Shigetaka Toyooka 1), Yoshimasa Urasaki 2), Takanori Ueda 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 640-640, 2013.

Japanese Article Transfusion to O-05. antiHI antibody carrier
Mina Nomura, Maki Utsumi, 佐藤英洋, Shizuka Yasue, 高見昭良
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 640-640, 2013.

Japanese Article O-06. 1 case that we judged to be an Ael type by genetic testing 3 law about the blood type that was mismatched for a table, the back
道野淳子, 安村敏, 佐竹伊津子, 中出祥代, 西野主眞, 島京子, 芳村直樹
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 640-641, 2013.

Japanese Article 1 case that detected O-07. mimicking antibody and suspected antiE, antiS
Aya Okamoto 1), Keiko Oshima 1), Kenichi Yoshida 1), Takayuki Nakata 1), Mari Kawakami picture 1), Yasushi Masaki 1) 2), Toshiaki Okazaki 1) 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 641-641, 2013.

Japanese Article 3 cases that was unidentifiable in response to a panel cell for the identification of all O-08. in this hospital
Yoko Kobayashi, Yoshimasa Urasaki, Ebita Yumie, Sachiko Tanaka, Takanori Ueda
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 641-641, 2013.

Japanese Article 1 case that produced antiM antibody by O-09. transfusion
Itsuko Satake, Sachiyo Nakade, Way field Junko, 西野主眞, Kyoko Shima, 宮園卓宣, Jun Murakami, Toshi Yasumura, Naoki Yoshimura
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 641-642, 2013.

Japanese Article It is passenger lymphocyte syndrome(PLS) with the IgM type erythrocyte antibody after O-10. marrow destructive pre-treatment transplant
佐藤英洋, Maki Utsumi, Mina Nomura, Shizuka Yasue, 高見昭良
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 642-642, 2013.

Japanese Article Fresh frozen plasma consumption increase after the O-11. PDF induction
Maki Utsumi, 佐藤英洋, Mina Nomura, Shizuka Yasue, 高見昭良
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 642-642, 2013.

Japanese Article One patient whom we were able to save by O-12. perioperative urgent massive blood transfusion
Makiko Miyamoto 1), Akemi Ueno 1), Megumi Omori 1), Megumi Kosaka 1), Toshiji Takamura 1), Yamaguchi Masaki 2), Shunichi Nitta 3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 642-643, 2013.

Japanese Article ABO blood group system judging from forensic medicine
Keihiko Kominato
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 644-645, 2013.

Japanese Article 1. A system of administration and the use results of the division preparation in the NICU
Natsumi Nishimoto, Takayuki Maruhashi, Takahiro Sugai, Kozue Susa, Keiko Yokote, Yoko Hashimoto, Makiko Takizawa, Yokohama Akihiko
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 645-645, 2013.

Japanese Article 2. It is possible about the concrete countermeasure for the use of inappropriateness example of the albumin preparation to where in the hospital which there is not of the ... independent transfusion part; or ...
Kimiyo Ogawa 1), Kazumi Kimura 2), Kanako Sakashita 2), Tode Hiroyuki 1), Tatsuya Shiga 3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 645-646, 2013.

Japanese Article 3. A serum albumin level and the albumin preparation administration results in the high volume penicillin G user in this hospital
Hiroshi Fujita 1), Tide valley proton 2), Masako Fujimoto 2), Yu Asaka good luck 2), Interval Yuki 2), Chiaki Otake 2), Mari Hoshino 2), Shigeko Nishimura 1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 646-646, 2013.

Japanese Article 4. One case of the chronic subdural haematoma troubled with by platelet transfusion because of false sacrifice thrombocytopenia
Masato Tosa 1), Hiroshi Fujita 2), Stone Yumiko Hama 3), Shigeko Nishimura 2), Takafumi Ide 1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 646-646, 2013.

Japanese Article 5. One case of posttransfusion Possible TRALI (transfusion-associated acute pulmonary disorder) which occurred in the septicemic course
Takashi Tanikawa 1), Saito Fuyuhiko 1), 武藤沙起里 1), Junichi Ochi 2), Michiko Tanaka 2), Masahiko Ichioka 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 646-647, 2013.

Japanese Article For induction - safer transfusion medical care of the society authorization, clinical transfusion nurse system -
Tetsunori Tazaki
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 647-647, 2013.

Japanese Article 1. The activity of society authorization, the clinical transfusion nurse in this hospital
Kazuo Takezawa
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 647-647, 2013.

Japanese Article 2. Stand, and put up the meeting of the team approach in medical care Gunma society authorized transfusion-related nurse in the transfusion
Chikako Maeda
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 647-648, 2013.

Japanese Article 3. From the viewpoint of change - physician in this hospital transfusion part by the nurse society authorization, clinical transfusion placement
Yokohama Akihiko
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 648-648, 2013.

Japanese Article 4. A role of the Red Cross blood center
Akiko Makita
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 648-648, 2013.

Japanese Article About the present conditions of the I-1. drawing blood side effect
Kimie Kishimoto, Miyoko Wakana, Teruko Tsukamoto, Ryo Nakade, Hirofumi Teshima, God former Masatoshi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 650-651, 2013.

Japanese Article Trial to education for patients for posttransfusion hyperferremia by the I-2. clinic transfusion nurse
Mayumi Matsumoto 1), Kiyomi Hasegawa 1), Hiramoto exhibition size 2), Hiroko Mine 2 that it is the way it goes), Kimiya Ito 2), Yasukazu Odaka 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 651-651, 2013.

Japanese Article Role of the apheresis nurse in the I-3. team approach in medical care
Mayumi Matsumoto 1), Kiyomi Hasegawa 1), Yu Yoshioka foster child 2), Hiramoto exhibition size 3), Hiroko Mine 3 that it is the way it goes), Kimiya Ito 2) 3), Yasukazu Odaka 3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 651-651, 2013.

Japanese Article About the gene typing of one kind of Bm type of the II-4. ABO subtype
Hiroyuki Ishii, Yasuo Fukumori, Kumiko Okuda, Keiko Kimura, Matsukura fine weather way, Keisei Kawa
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 651-652, 2013.

Japanese Article About a HBs antigen fixed-quantity positive case in our II-5. center (mainly on the association with other hepatitis markers)
Flowing tide Hiromi, Akane Kobayashi, Eriko Tani, Motoko Okubo, Tomoko Morimoto, Iwata sum Tomoko, Keiko Imanishi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 652-652, 2013.

Japanese Article Twin case of neonatal allogeneic immune thrombocytopenic purpura (NAITP) where the contribution of II-6. HLA antigens was suggested
Manabu Yamaoka 1), Shuji Onishi 1), Very much your Uchida 1), Inoue window or 1), 山本茉美 1), Yukari Terajima 1), Misao Abe 1), Ikkei Ishii 1), Shosaku Nomura 1), Kenji Mine 2), Yasuhide Kawasaki 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 652-652, 2013.

Japanese Article The need of the III-7. "estrangement - safe roller pump type rapid transfusion equipment development with present conditions - Europe and America of the rapid transfusion device in this country"
Taro Taketomi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 652-652, 2013.

Japanese Article A construction and use turn of eventss of the operational system of division into three of red blood cells dope in the III-8. this hospital
青地寛, Hall agriculture Mika, Tomomi Kiyama, Sakuragi beauty Motoko, Tamayo Ikeda, Mayumi Nakao, Tomoko Kiyokawa, 永峰啓丞, Yoshiaki Tomiyama
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 652-653, 2013.

Japanese Article 1 case of Wilson's disease that we continued FFP before III-9. live donor liver transplant and transfused
市邉明美 1), 岡前文子 1), Miyoko Arimoto 1), Setsuko Teranishi 1), Keiko Nakaya 2), 藤原通恵 2), Hirohiko Tokunaga 1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 653-653, 2013.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the no transfusion treatment enforcement in the III-10. this hospital
Tomoko Yamashita 1), 茂籠弘子 1), Hidekazu Segawa 2), South exit Hitoshi 1), Hodohara Yoshiko 1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 653-653, 2013.

Japanese Article The occurrence of blood transfusion reaction situation (the second report) in the IV-11. this hospital
Small Hitomi Nomoto, Junko Ikemoto, Reiko Irie, Noriko Fujita, Rie Murata, Kazuhiro Maeda, Keiko Matsushita, County valley Tetsuo, 藤盛好啓, Toshiaki Kai
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 653-653, 2013.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the blood transfusion reaction report in the IV-12. this hospital
Wakimoto Rieko, Takeji Morimoto, 南睦, Katsuyo Tsuda, Naomichi Tsuchiya, Masashi Shimada, Fumihiko Nakamura
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 653-654, 2013.

Japanese Article Analysis about the present conditions of posttransfusion hyperferremia in the IV-13. university hospital
Takashi Ashida 1) 2), Ami Kawano 1), Eri Yamada Kei 1), Daisuke Ide 1), Chiemi Sugano 1), Yuko Kato 1), Tsubakimoto Yuko 1), Shiho Ito 1), Yoshiko Mine 1), Fujita going child 1), Yasushi Kanemitsu 1), Hiroyuki Morishima 1), 松村到 1) 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 654-654, 2013.

Japanese Article Combination of Electronic Record, authentication system and slip use in the V-14. transfusion service
Miho Komatsu 1), Shima Mio 1), Yasuyo Kamokawa 1), Kiyoshi Hiramatsu child 1), Yumiko Masuda 1), Yukari Watanabe 1), Kanae Ikezoe 2), Takehiro Kawano 1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 654-654, 2013.

Japanese Article Transfusion inside the hospital round in the V-15. this hospital
Ikuyo Hayakawa, Makoto Hashimoto, Tomoko Ogino, Valley Ayumi, Osamu Tokuno, Mariko Okuno, Etsuko Tomiyama, Takeshi Sugimoto, Hiroshi Minami sincerity
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 654-655, 2013.

Japanese Article Questionary survey about the transfusion service in the V-16. regional alliances hospital
Yasushi Kanemitsu 1), Ami Kawano 1), Eri Yamada Kei 1), Daisuke Ide 1), Chiemi Sugano 1), Yuko Kato 1), Tsubakimoto Yuko 1), Shiho Ito 1), Yoshiko Mine 1), Fujita going child 1), Hiroyuki Morishima 1), Takashi Ashida 1) 2), 松村到 1) 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 655-655, 2013.

Japanese Article Problem of the plasma derivative management in the VI-17. Nara medical college transfusion part
Mayumi Hasegawa 1), Miwa Maeda 1), Hilum pond Mayumi 1), Junko Harada 1), Nomura branch cloth 1), Tomomi Tsujiuchi 1), Kosei Nishida 1), Inner Takashi Ike man 1), Yukimasa Sugiyama 2), Masayuki Uno 2), Masaki Hayakawa 1), Masanori Matsumoto 1), Yoshihiro Fujimura 1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 655-655, 2013.

Japanese Article The present situation of the disposal blood in the VI-18. this hospital
Fujita going child 1), Ami Kawano 1), Eri Yamada Kei 1), Daisuke Ide 1), Chiemi Sugano 1), Yuko Kato 1), Tsubakimoto Yuko 1), Shiho Ito 1), Yoshiko Mine 1), Yasushi Kanemitsu 1), Hiroyuki Morishima 1), Takashi Ashida 1) 2), 松村到 1) 2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 655-656, 2013.

Japanese Article It is the examination on a delivery of goods blood preparation expiration date before and after becoming it blood center block in the VI-19. Nara medical college Hospital
Kosei Nishida, Junko Harada, Tomomi Tsujiuchi, Hilum pond Mayumi, Tomoko Ochi, Miwa Maeda, Mayumi Hasegawa, Inner Takashi Ike man, Masaki Hayakawa, Masanori Matsumoto, Yoshihiro Fujimura
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 656-656, 2013.

Japanese Article 1. About use of the fresh frozen plasma by the plasmapheresis in the ABO blood group system incompatibility liver transplantation in Kyoto
Tomoko Kawamura
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 656-656, 2013.

Japanese Article 2. About a function and a role of the innovation- Kinki block blood center of the blood business (wide area business administration system) -
Keisei Kawa
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 656-657, 2013.

Japanese Article WT1 peptide cancer immunotherapy
Haruo Sugiyama
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 657-657, 2013.

Japanese Article 1. The latest information of hepatitis B
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 657-658, 2013.

Japanese Article 2. The present conditions of the posttransfusion infection and the measures
Flat Rikizo
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 658-658, 2013.

Japanese Article 3. Domestic self-support of the antiHBs human normal immunoglobulin preparation
Hiroshi Matsuzaki
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 59(4): 658-659, 2013.