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Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy

Volume 60, Issue 6 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Production of the antiD antibody after the RhD mismatch peripheral blood stem cell transplantation
森政樹1), 藤原慎一郎1), 岸野光司2), 室井一男2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 575-576, 2014.

Yu Naito, Yoshiaki Hayashi, Mitsuaki Akino, Shinobu Wakamoto, Mitsuhiro Fujihara, Chihiro Homma, Hisami Ikeda, Shigeru Takamoto
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 577-584, 2014.

Toru Miyazaki, Keiji Matsubayashi, Shinichiro Sato, Toshiaki Kato, Hisami Ikeda, Syuichi Kino, Shigeru Takamoto
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 585-591, 2014.

Yukiko Inoue1), Maiko Morita1), Nobuyo Goto1), Yasuko Sagara1), Kazuo Irita1), Tadanori Yamochi2), Toshiki Watanabe2), Masako Iwanaga4), Isao Hamaguchi3), Hiroyuki Kiyokawa1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 592-599, 2014.

Asashi Tanaka1), Shigeyoshi Makino2), Shuichi Kino3), Junichi Kitazawa4), Hirokazu Tsuno5), Kimitaka Sagawa6), Koki Takahashi7), Makoto Handa8)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 600-608, 2014.

Japanese Article The establishment of the new laboratory procedure for the CD36 antibody detection
尼岸悦子, 林智也, 高陽淑, 松山宣樹, 石井博之, 松倉晴道, 保井一太, 平山文也
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 609-613, 2014.

Japanese Article Is engaged in transfusion medical care as recollection - laboratory technician; and ...
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 616-616, 2014.

Japanese Article NET EXCEPTION Err: Could not connect to host
大野優輝子1), 高橋慎子1), 西塚和美1), 乗田生子1), 喜多島直美1), 中山千晶1), 築舘ルミ子1), 菊池貴子1), 山片りゅう子1), 山口千鶴2), 山本磨知子2), 北澤淳一2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 616-617, 2014.

Japanese Article 2. Effect of the study session for the safe transfusion therapy practice
三浦聡子1), 山崎喜子1), 須藤のり子1), 工藤美代子1), 塗谷智子1),2), 盛小枝子1),2), 吹田淳子1),2), 成田美保子1),2), 立花直樹2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 617-617, 2014.

Japanese Article 3. About prior questionary survey at self-blood drawing blood practical skill instruction
吉田斉, 國井華子, 山手昌子, 佐藤貴美子, 伊藤美恵子, 二部琴美, 鎌田博子, 阿部真, 面川進
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 617-617, 2014.

Japanese Article 4. Comparison between automatic transfusion inspection equipment (solid phase methods and gel column syphilo-agglutination test) and irregular test for antibodies evaluation by hand method
小野貴子, 曳地理絵, 川畑絹代, 安田広康, 小野智, 菊地正美, 菅原亜紀子, 斎藤俊一, 丹治友姫, 芳賀希美, 畠山浩昭, 大戸斉
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 617-618, 2014.

Japanese Article 5. One discussion with the HBc test for antibodies criteria change in the Tohoku block pipe
佐藤和人, 竹屋成美, 土居明紀子, 高橋裕子, 春川啓文, 佐藤一弘, 鈴木光, 伊藤孝
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 618-618, 2014.

Japanese Article 6. Analysis of the serum ferritin in the patients to a quantity of transfusion 40 unit using a quantity of erythrocyte transfusion alert system
長沼良子1), 奥村亘1),2), 松岡稔1), 黒田敏子1), 三部美穂子1), 狩野郁子1), 大本英次郎3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 618-618, 2014.

Japanese Article 7. Investigation about the antiJra-producing case in the first pregnancy
荻山佳子, 伊藤正一, 高橋美都保, 小原健良, 鈴木光, 伊藤孝
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 618-619, 2014.

Japanese Article 8. About quantity of B antigen and type B glycosyltransferase activity of the type AB indicating antiB and the partial cohesion
高橋美都保, 伊藤正一, 荻山佳子, 小原健良, 鈴木光, 伊藤孝
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 619-619, 2014.

Japanese Article 9. About a judgment case of the Bm type which utilized ABO genetic analysis
伊藤正一1), 荻山佳子1), 高橋美都保1), 小原健良1), 鈴木光1), 伊藤孝1), 小笠原健一2), 内川誠3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 619-619, 2014.

Japanese Article 10. After thawing of the cryopreservation umbilical blood and quality evaluation after the washing
岩木啓太1), 藤原実名美1), 工藤善範1), 郷野辰幸1), 石岡夏子1), 阿部真知子1), 佐藤裕子1), 成田香魚子1), 高橋博之1), 大西康2), 張替秀郎1),2), 峯岸正好3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 619-620, 2014.

Japanese Article 11. The change (1990-2013) of the childhood apheresis for the purpose of the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
大原喜裕1), 佐野秀樹1), 赤井畑美津子1), 小林正悟1), 藁谷朋子1), 細矢光亮1), 菊田敦2), 小川千登世2), 菅野隆浩3), 大戸斉3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 620-620, 2014.

Japanese Article 12. Children with severe infection that erythrocyte antibody Jka and the incompatible red blood cell-rich granulocyte transfusion were given in
芳賀希美1), 安田広康1), 川畑絹代1), 藁谷朋子2), 佐野秀樹2), 菊田敦3), 大戸斉1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 620-620, 2014.

Japanese Article 13. The present conditions of the urgent transfusion in our hospital for the past 3 years
舛甚義幸, 種市佳奈, 山田麻美, 兎内謙始, 立花直樹
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 620-621, 2014.

Japanese Article 14. Invention of preparation choice and the withdrawal in the ER emergency transfusion
作間靖子1), 神山龍之介1), 星雅子1), 橋本はるみ1), 大知里京子1), 渡辺隆幸1), 目黒修2), 神林裕行1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 621-621, 2014.

Japanese Article 15. 2 cases that was conveyed to our hospital after the O-type emergency transfusion enforcement in another hospital
太野美穂子1), 小田原聖1), 小野寺洋子1), 千葉拓也1), 武田美香1), 高舘潤子1), 佐々木さき子1), 後藤健治1), 鈴木啓二朗2), 諏訪部章2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 621-621, 2014.

Japanese Article 16. Erythrocyte transfusion-dependent examination in our hospital
藤島直仁, 佐々木綾子, 佐藤郁恵, 熊谷美香子, 能登谷武, 高橋勉
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 621-622, 2014.

Japanese Article 17. Liver, pancreas of 117 autopsies, analysis of ferrugination and the quantity of in the heart transfusion
奥村亘1),2), 松岡稔2), 長沼良子2), 黒田敏子2), 三部美穂子2), 狩野郁子2), 田村元3), 大本英次郎4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 622-622, 2014.

Japanese Article 18. Examination about the effect of the transfusion on onset and that of cerebral hemorrhage by the antithrombocytic agent administration
鈴木裕子1), 大戸斉1), 北原孝雄2), 相馬一亥2), 佐藤公俊3), 佐藤澄人3), 岡秀宏3), 藤井清孝3), 玉井佳子4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 622-622, 2014.

English Article 19. Radiation and leukofiltration affect microparticle formation during whole blood storage.
Kenneth Nollet1),2), Takako Ono1), Shunnichi Saito1), Hitoshi Ohto1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 622-623, 2014.

Japanese Article 20. Washing and clinical response of the platelet preparation by the bicarbonic acid Ringer's solution
及川伸治, 三浦正光, 田口剛, 星尚宏, 川島航, 堀部泰人, 浦野慎一, 鈴木光, 峯岸正好, 伊藤孝
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 623-623, 2014.

Japanese Article NET EXCEPTION Err: Could not connect to host
寺田亨, 松田明, 阿部真, 面川進
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 623-623, 2014.

Japanese Article 22. 2011 Fukushima combination transfusion therapy Committee questionary survey (the second report): For improvement of stocktaking and activity
渡邉範彦1),5), 樫村誠1),5), 高木勝宏1), 紺野恭宏1), 荒川崇1),5), 国島瞳1), 後藤香2),5), 在原登2),5), 渡部和也3),5), 菅野隆浩1),5), 八木卓造1), 九里孝雄1),5), 今野金裕1),5), 大戸斉4),5)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 624-624, 2014.

Japanese Article S-1. Activity after the authorized acquisition and future problem
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 624-624, 2014.

Japanese Article S-2. Activity after society authorization, the clinical transfusion nursing license acquisition
鈴木桂子1), 渡部和也2), 角田三郎3), 大田雅嗣3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 624-625, 2014.

Japanese Article S-3. The present conditions and role of the authorized transfusion laboratory technician whom transfusion medical care demands it from
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 625-625, 2014.

Japanese Article S-4. Academic activity for authorized transfusion laboratory technician upbringing in present of the authorized transfusion laboratory technician and future Akita
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 625-625, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect on handling and test value ... of basic precaution - drawing blood pipe in drawing blood duties
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 625-625, 2014.

Japanese Article 1. Instructional activity to a transfusion laboratory technician
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 626-627, 2014.

Japanese Article 2. An effect of tranexamic acid and overseas circumstances
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 627-627, 2014.

Japanese Article 3. New development of the blood business
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 627-628, 2014.

Japanese Article Study about the promotion of the school blood donation including an evaluation of safety and the effectiveness of the red blood cell dope derived from 200 ml of blood donation and the initial blood donation
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 628-628, 2014.

Japanese Article 1. The present conditions of the examination of transfusion of the small and medium size scale hospital judging from Yamanashi I&A Committee activity
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 628-629, 2014.

Japanese Article 2. Transfusion duties in the accession first year
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 629-629, 2014.

Japanese Article 3. Approach of the examination of transfusion education for the small and medium size scale medical institution
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 629-630, 2014.

Japanese Article 4. minimum requirement of the examination of transfusion
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 630-630, 2014.

Japanese Article 1. Though we acquired the qualification of the clinical transfusion nurse, how does ... conjugate?
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 630-630, 2014.

Japanese Article 2. The future prospects as the approach as the autotransfusion nurse and the clinical transfusion nurse
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 630-631, 2014.

Japanese Article 3. The activity as the authorized clinical transfusion nurse and future problem
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 631-632, 2014.

Japanese Article 1. The future of the cell therapy using the chimeric antigen receptor gene introduction T cell
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 633-633, 2014.

Japanese Article 2. Specific CTL therapy for viral infections intractable after transplant
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 633-634, 2014.

Japanese Article 3. Clinical development of the new cancer immune therapy with the TCR gene modified T-cell infusion
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 634-634, 2014.

Japanese Article 1. Granulocytes sampling: in our hospital About efficiency according to the use of ingredient drawing blood device, erythrocyte sedimentation accelerant
藤井敬子, 小林優人, 廻勇輔, 閘結稀, 池田亮, 浅野尚美, 小郷博昭, 藤井伸治
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 636-636, 2014.

Japanese Article 2. It is ... for securing of trial - stability-like platelet preparation of the platelet donor pooled expansion using the trimmer accelerator
小島麻美, 芦田久美子, 小川峰津江, 高見正恵, 中島千香, 深井祐子, 為本朋子, 石井乃生子, 内藤一憲, 大森久仁子, 石原義造, 冨田徳子, 川邉修, 池田和眞
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 636-637, 2014.

Japanese Article 3. Establishment (the second report) of the new natural killer cell activity rating system by the natural killer cell surface antigen expression analysis
大星航1),2), 多田智紀2), 安藝健作3), 細井英司3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 637-637, 2014.

Japanese Article 4. It is ... about activity ... of the Hiroshima combination transfusion therapy particularly visit consultation business
藤井輝久, 高田昇, 田中純子, 岩戸康治, 二宮基樹, 小野和身, 荒谷千登美, 山本昌弘, 入船秀典, 古本雅明, 有馬明彦
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 637-638, 2014.

Japanese Article 5. The change of the use in the Okayama University Hospital for the past 15 years and change of the blood products waste ratio for the transfusion
浅野尚美, 小郷博昭, 池田亮, 閘結稀, 小林優人, 廻勇輔, 藤井敬子, 藤井伸治
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 638-638, 2014.

Japanese Article 6. It is examination by CCI about the effectiveness of the platelet transfusion for 24 hours
鬼松幸子1), 氏家知佳1), 山本直子1), 内田立身2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 638-638, 2014.

Japanese Article 7. 1 case that was thought to be involved in the side effect that the antiE antibody which was lower than detectivity was hemolytic
藤本奈々1), 西岡桂子1), 高橋徹2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 638-638, 2014.

Japanese Article NET EXCEPTION Err: Could not connect to host
石原智子1), 兒玉るみ1), 足立絵里加1), 三島清司1), 竹谷健2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 639-639, 2014.

Japanese Article 9. Critical bleeding occurs; 1 case using massive blood transfusion and the genetically-modified active form blood clotting factor VII preparation
大峠祐子1), 尾川洋治1), 中井稔1), 長崎真琴1), 柏木康江2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 639-639, 2014.

Japanese Article 10. Fy (a-) blood type emergency transfusion
梶岡宜子, 玉木俊治
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 639-640, 2014.

Japanese Article 11. 2 cases that was conveyed to our hospital while atypical compatible blood was transfused
伊達英子, 見山晋一, 岡村さやか
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 640-640, 2014.

Japanese Article 12. One case of the fetomaternal transfusion syndrome that a blood type after the mother's body first aid conveyance presented a chimeric state
瀧本朋美1), 李悦子1), 小田直輝1), 仁木恵里加1), 中山聡一朗2), 苛原稔2), 庄野実希3), 三木浩和1), 安倍正博1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 640-640, 2014.

Japanese Article 13. 1 case of the pregnant woman that HLA antigens were detected by a red blood cell irregular test for antibodies
李悦子1), 小田直輝1), 瀧本朋美1), 仁木恵里加1), 中山聡一朗2), 苛原稔2), 三木浩和1), 安倍正博1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 640-641, 2014.

Japanese Article 14. Transfusion case to the patients who presented with T-Polyagglutination
平岡朝子1), 栗田絵美1), 小松真由美1), 野間慎尋1), 河野真由1), 山岡愛子1), 廣瀬祥子1), 矢内綾佳1), 藤井輝久2), 斎藤誠司2), 山崎尚也2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 641-641, 2014.

Japanese Article 15. One case that antiFyb antibody was not detected in all automatic transfusion survey instrument ECHO
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 641-641, 2014.

Japanese Article 16. Analysis of the red blood cell panagglutination response with the EDTA
森唯, 大野夏果, 坂本慶子, 福村瞳, 川尻なぎさ, 猿渡晃, 中橋祥隆, 直木恭子, 土肥博雄
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 641-642, 2014.

Japanese Article 17. The day by a little over 50 engineers, the duty system and transfusion education
岡田士郎, 濱田桃子, 甫木山綾香, 久保美沙子, 佐竹小百合, 門脇芽里, 山本綾, 米澤真理子, 今村初子, 杉本和彦
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 642-642, 2014.

Japanese Article 18. The present conditions of transfusion collation, the enforcement using the PDA in our hospital and the side effect input
秋田誠1), 土居靖和1), 越智千晶1), 高野須広道1), 谷口裕美2), 西宮達也2), 羽藤高明1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 642-642, 2014.

Japanese Article 19. About the system to the massive blood transfusion at rolling blackouts
樋口信久1), 折田友美1), 平松成奈美1), 田邉稔1), 丹下雅貴1), 福島臣啓2), 實金健3), 石井史子1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 642-643, 2014.

Japanese Article The present situation of the posttransfusion infection
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 60(6): 643-643, 2014.