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Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy

Volume 61, Issue 1 / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The formation of the bone marrow blood clot in the marrow sampling
藤原慎一郎1), 森政樹1), 室井一男2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 1-2, 2015.

Japanese Article Blood business after the "law about the promotion of the appropriate offer of hematopoietic stem cells to use for transplant" enforcement
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 3-7, 2015.

Junichi Watanabe1), Ken Sato1),2), Toshikatsu Horiuchi1), Kayo Ito2), Sachiko Iwanaga2), Takeshi Sakaguchi2), Shoichiro Kato1), Reina Hikota1), Takaaki Maekawa1), Takeshi Yamamura1), Ayako Kobayashi1), Yukiko Osawa1), Shinichi Kobayashi1), Akira Tsuji2), Fumihiko Kimura1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 8-13, 2015.

Japanese Article Activity and role: of Aomori combination transfusion therapy Committee Strategy for skill up of health care providers engaged in transfusion
田中一人1),6), 北澤淳一2),6), 玉井佳子1),6), 岡本道孝3),6), 兎内謙始4),6), 村上知教5),6), 阿部泰文5),6), 柴崎至5),6), 立花直樹4),6)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 14-18, 2015.

Japanese Article 200 ml of blood donation and drawing blood standard
室井一男1), 浅井隆善2), 竹下明裕3), 岩尾憲明4), 梶原道子5), 松崎浩史6)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 19-23, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. About the transfusion case that the irregular antibody information from other institutions was useful
村井良精1), 遠藤輝夫1), 盛合美加子1), 小林大介1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 25-25, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Investigation of the irregular antibody for low-frequency Miltenberger antigen, the Wra antigen
宮崎孔, 久保晴敬, 内村大祐, 今絵未, 大橋恒, 松林圭二, 佐藤進一郎, 加藤俊明, 池田久實, 紀野修一, 高本滋
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 25-26, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Detection frequency of the low frequency antigen Miltenberger antigen in Hokkaido
久保晴敬, 三浦佳乃, 宮崎孔, 大橋恒, 松林圭二, 佐藤進一郎, 加藤俊明, 紀野修一, 池田久實, 高本滋
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 26-26, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Elucidation of blood change of HEV RNA in the HEV-positive volunteer blood donor and the HEV antibody
飯田樹里, 吉政隆, 坂田秀勝, 松林圭二, 佐藤進一郎, 加藤俊明, 池田久實, 紀野修一, 高本滋
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 26-26, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Change of the quality of the red blood cell preparation by the rise in storage temperature
内藤祐, 秋野光明, 本間稚広, 紀野修一, 池田久實, 高本滋
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 27-27, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. 1 case that the platelet which we washed for a person of haptoglobin loss several times was effective
林宜亨1), 秋野光明1), 宮崎孔1), 中田匡信2), 三浦玲子2), 今井陽俊2), 藤原満博1), 本間稚広1), 紀野修一1), 山本哲3), 池田久實1), 高本滋1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 27-27, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. About efforts at use of blood products input in our hospital
米岡麻記, 重松明男, 石岡聡子, 櫻澤貴代, 伊藤誠, 渡邊千秋, 澁谷斉, 清水力
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 27-28, 2015.

Japanese Article 8. It is efforts of becoming it albumin preparation uniform management in the transfusion section of our hospital
高木奈央1), 旭千佳1), 木元宏弥1), 中川正彦1), 武田晃典1), 幸村近1), 柿木康孝2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 28-28, 2015.

Japanese Article 9. Use trend of the platelet preparation in our hospital
河原好絵, 花田大輔, 渡辺直樹, 高橋裕之, 友田豊, 藤井聡
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 28-29, 2015.

Japanese Article 10. One case that a cross mating test became incompatible by gamma globulin administration in large quantities
櫻澤貴代, 渡邊千秋, 石岡聡子, 伊藤誠, 米岡麻記, 澁谷斉, 重松明男, 清水力
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 29-29, 2015.

Japanese Article 11. One patient who agreed in the condition of a patient of leukemia, and saw the increase and decrease of the quantity of ABO blood group antigen
高橋道範1), 坂口良典1), 筒井自子1), 武田紫2), 西尾充史1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 29-29, 2015.

Japanese Article 12. One case that performed the blood grouping of the baby, and became the blood type disagreement between the mother and the child
堀岡希衣1), 的場光太郎1), 早川輝1), 高橋道範2), 坂口良典2), 政氏伸夫3), 寺沢浩一1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 30-30, 2015.

Japanese Article WS-1. Instructional activity as the clinical transfusion nurse in "a transfusion duties briefing session"
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 30-30, 2015.

Japanese Article WS-2. Role of a fact and the nurse of the transfusion in the emergency visit
佐藤友美, 金田豊子
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 30-31, 2015.

Japanese Article WS-3. Role of the nurse in transfusion therapy settings in our hospital
藤理沙, 荒香織, 綱淵真奈美, 橋本みどり
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 31-31, 2015.

Japanese Article "The viewpoint as present conditions of the Japanese transfusion medical care and future fine-view - clinician -"
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 31-31, 2015.

Japanese Article We learn from the evidence obtained from 3 cases
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 33-34, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. One case of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) cured by introduction and the steroid dosage of the early plasma exchange after the onset
小笠原仁1), 中川悟2), 鎌田耕輔1), 山居聖典1), 相澤弘1), 吉原綾子1), 木村あさの1), 小塚源儀3), 福田美穂子3), 成田知4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 34-34, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Two patients who erythrocyte transfusion was provided while preceding, and were able to save steroid administration for the anemia gravis due to autoimmune haemolytic anaemias
小笠原仁1), 中川悟2), 鎌田耕輔1), 山居聖典1), 相澤弘1), 吉原綾子1), 木村あさの1), 小塚源儀3), 福田美穂子3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 34-34, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. One case of the emergency visit patients who held the antibody for the Miltenberger-related antigen
神山龍之介1), 渡辺隆幸1), 星雅子1), 橋本はるみ1), 大知里京子1), 作間靖子1), 緑川カナエ2), 神林裕行1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 34-35, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. From histories of treatment in possibility - our hospital of the plasma exchange for the ANCA-related vasculitis -
福島直太郎, 田中健一, 松永佳子, 鈴木沙和子, 渡邉公雄, 草野裕樹, 林義満, 旭浩一, 寺脇博之, 中山昌明, 渡辺毅
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 35-35, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Analysis of the urgent transfusion in the Tohoku University Hospital for the past 3 years
佐藤裕子, 成田香魚子, 岩木啓太, 細川真梨, 郷野辰幸, 阿部真知子, 石岡夏子, 関修, 工藤善範, 藤原実名美, 張替秀郎
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 35-35, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. About the present conditions of the transfusion PDA certification in our hospital
奈良崎正俊, 柴田早紀, 石山裕子, 高橋俊二, 有川芳子, 中川美貴子, 加藤裕一, 加藤丈夫
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 35-36, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. Questionary survey about the side effect report system
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 36-36, 2015.

Japanese Article 8. Basic examination of all automatic transfusion survey instrument (Erytra)
小田原聖1), 後藤健治1), 佐々木さき子1), 高舘潤子1), 太野美穂子1), 武田美香1), 千田友美1), 千葉拓也1), 外川洋子1), 鈴木啓二朗2), 諏訪部章2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 36-36, 2015.

Japanese Article 9. Inspection interval of red blood cells irregular antibody screening (1W vs. 2W) differences due to antibody detection rate of the late-onset hemolytic side effects incidence
菊地正美, 安田広康, 川畑絹代, 小野智, 斎藤俊一, 小野貴子, 曳地理絵, 芳賀希美, 皆川敬治, 安部舞衣子, 菅原亜紀子, 三浦里織, 渡部和也, 大戸斉
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 36-37, 2015.

Japanese Article 10. About the platelet concentrate HLA-LR "Japan Red Cross" by the ICFA method crossmatch situation
阿部和眞, 岸友子, 岩渕佳那恵, 佐藤洋子, 岩城大輔, 小原健良, 鈴木光, 伊藤孝
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 37-37, 2015.

Japanese Article 11. About an examination of request of neonates same kind immune thrombocytopenia (NAIT)
岸友子, 阿部和眞, 岩渕佳那恵, 佐藤洋子, 岩城大輔, 小原健良, 鈴木光, 伊藤孝
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 37-37, 2015.

Japanese Article 12. About individual NAT introduction
鈴木光, 佐藤和人, 土居明紀子, 池田洋平, 佐藤一弘, 伊藤孝
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 37-37, 2015.

Japanese Article 13. About the factor which has an influence on the red blood cell preparation waste ratio of the prefecture medical institution
一條浩一1), 清水貴人1), 内海喜美江1), 柴田正道1), 澤村佳宏1), 白取靖士1), 中川國利1), 峯岸正好2), 藤原実名美3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 37-38, 2015.

Japanese Article 14. About questionary survey after the supply system introduction beyond the prefectural border in Aomori
柴崎至, 片岡宗則, 佐藤等志, 橋本信孝
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 38-38, 2015.

Japanese Article 15. Transfusion supply after the 2011 3.11 earthquake disaster in Fukushima
樫村誠1), 高木勝宏1), 渡邉範彦1), 紺野恭宏1), 蓬田萌1), 大友裕志1), 九里孝雄1), 菅野隆浩1), 今野金裕1), 在原登2), 大戸斉3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 38-39, 2015.

Japanese Article 16. It is ... simulated practical skill and e-learning by invention - transfusion therapy Committee of the in-hospital transfusion therapy study session
工藤柳子1), 西塚和美1),2), 乗田生子1), 大野優輝子1), 高橋慎子1), 中山千晶1), 築館ルミ子1), 喜多島直美1), 菊池貴子1), 山片りゅう子1), 山口千鶴2), 山本磨知子2), 北澤淳一2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 39-39, 2015.

Japanese Article 17. Introduction of the pre-operative autologous blood donation pass
丹真理子1), 佐藤智子1), 工藤誠子1), 工藤佐智子1), 佐藤毅2), 野澤立3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 39-39, 2015.

Japanese Article 18. About the nurse training by Akita combination transfusion therapy Committee
上村克子1),2), 樋渡佳代子1),3), 藤島直仁1),4), 阿部真1),5), 面川進1),5)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 39-40, 2015.

Japanese Article It is ... through the activity of the clinical transfusion nurse and the making of future fine-view - transfusion notebook
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 40-40, 2015.

Japanese Article Constitution and immune therapy of the adult T cell leukemia
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 41-42, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. Two cases of the fetomaternal transfusion syndrome in our hospital
岩田晃裕1), 関芳恵1), 佐藤元泰1), 繁田涼子2), 石井寿弥2), 武田明果3), 松永有里4), 館明日香4), 大西千夏4), 佐野美保4), 森川重彦4), 本田茂5), 塚田知代5), 大野敏行5), 佐藤尚子6), 杉本匠6), 渡辺隆1),6)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 42-42, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Examination of the blood transfusion reaction occurrence situation in our hospital
加藤友理1), 松浦秀哲1), 永田梨奈1), 沼尻茜1), 村松知佳1), 村山元秀1), 荒川章子1), 倉橋美千代1), 杉浦縁1), 岡本晃直2), 水田秀一1),2), 赤塚美樹2), 恵美宣彦1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 42-42, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Efforts and present conditions report to patients with posttransfusion hyperferremia as the team approach in medical care in our hospital
吉本一恵1), 齊木泰宏1), 市川潤1), 冨田敦和2), 惠谷里奈2), 河野彰夫3), 森下剛久3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 42-43, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. About fact-finding of the erythrocyte transfusion for irregular antibody-positive patients
山田千亜希, 渡辺弘子, 都築茉里子, 永井聖也, 古牧宏啓, 芝田大樹, 藤原晴美, 石塚恵子, 金子誠, 竹下明裕
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 43-43, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Role (than a nurse questionnaire) that is demanded from transfusion therapy Committee
多和田嘉明1), 内藤和行2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 43-43, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. Examination of the cold agglutinin titer assay for autoimmune haemolytic anaemias diagnoses
石山和樹, 藤田江美, 松尾友仁, 清水彩, 高四強, 林恵美, 片井明子, 丹羽玲子, 安藤高宣, 宇留間元昭, 中山享之, 加藤栄史
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 44-44, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. About the enforcement situation of erythrocytic form antigen screening and the antigen reporting in the blood center
府内結惟, 杉浦孝俊, 由井洋樹, 清水幸代, 加藤美鈴, 平井肇, 竹尾高明, 高松純樹
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 44-44, 2015.

Japanese Article 8. About manufacture of the cryoprecipitate in our hospital and the use situation
星野鉱二1), 長谷川愛実1), 山本慶隆1), 世良由美子1), 野口和希子1), 近藤勝1), 鈴木久三2), 市橋卓司2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 44-45, 2015.

Japanese Article 9. About the use of cryoprecipitate situation in our hospital obstetrics and gynecology department
神谷光宏1), 市川寛子1), 岩崎年宏2), 西脇聡史2),3), 杉浦勇2),3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 45-45, 2015.

Japanese Article 10. Examination about the quantity of peripheral blood stem cell sampling prediction
杉浦縁1), 松浦秀哲1), 水田秀一1),2), 永田梨奈1), 沼尻茜1), 加藤友理1), 村松知佳1), 村山元秀1), 荒川章子1), 倉橋美千代1), 岡本晃直2), 赤塚美樹2), 恵美宣彦1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 45-45, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. The acute lymphoid leukemia that antiHLA antigens derived from a donor appeared after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and became the platelet transfusion refractoriness
岡智子1), 山崎純代2), 平田裕人2), 白神大志1), 森本有紀1), 田嶌政治1), 谷口亜希子3), 直川匡晴1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 47-48, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. Examination about the quality of cells to use for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
芦田隆司1), 中野勝彦1), 福島靖幸1), 川野亜美1), 山田枝里佳1), 井手大輔1), 前田岳宏1), 菅野知恵美1), 加藤祐子1), 椿本祐子1), 岸野好純1), 伊藤志保2), 藤田往子3), 金光靖1), 森嶋祥之1), 松村到1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 48-48, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. High titer antiA in the ABO blood group measure mismatch live donor liver transplant, antiA of the case that held antiB antibody, change of antiB antibody titers
細川美香1), 中山小太郎純友1), 櫻木美基子1), 中尾まゆみ1), 森川珠世1), 清川知子1), 青地寛1), 永峰啓丞1), 和田浩志2), 丸橋繁2), 江口英利2), 永野浩昭2), 冨山佳昭1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 48-48, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Examination of CD34 counts in the allogeneic marrow transplantation (BMT)
寺嶋由香利, 山岡学, 大澤眞輝, 北村里菜, 井上まどか, 阿部操, 大西修司, 伊藤量基, 石井一慶, 野村昌作
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 48-49, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Examination about the expectant mothers case with positive irregular antibody in our center
渡辺理紗1), 片山徹1), 稲岡千佳子1), 安井昌博1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 49-49, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. - to explain the clinical significance of the antibody for new trial - irregularity antibody possession patients by the transfusion exclusive duty engineer
井手大輔, 福島靖幸, 川野亜美, 山田枝里佳, 菅野知恵美, 椿本祐子, 加藤祐子, 金光靖, 森嶋祥之, 芦田隆司, 松村到
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 49-49, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. Comparison of the irregular test for antibodies with two autoanalyzers
福島靖幸1), 中野勝彦1), 川野亜美1), 山田枝里佳1), 井手大輔1), 前田岳宏1), 菅野知恵美1), 椿本祐子1), 加藤祐子1), 伊藤志保2), 藤田往子3), 金光靖1), 森嶋祥之1), 芦田隆司1), 松村到1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 49-50, 2015.

Japanese Article 8. The disposal situation and measures of blood products for the transfusion
入江玲子, 大塚真哉, 小野本仁美, 藤田典子, 村田理恵, 前田和宏, 池本純子, 藤盛好啓
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 50-50, 2015.

Japanese Article 9. The present conditions of the blood products emergency conveyance request in our hospital
井上寛之, 住田由香理, 森教子, 小森浩美, 笹田裕司, 稲葉亨, 堀池重夫
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 50-50, 2015.

Japanese Article 10. The present conditions and problems of the urgent transfusion in the Nara medical college Hospital
下村志帆, 前田美和, 長谷川真弓, 辻内智美, 門池真弓, 馬場由美, 上野華恵, 隅志穂里, 西田幸世, 早川正樹, 松本雅則
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 50-51, 2015.

Japanese Article 11. About a trend of the number of night emergency tests with the examination of transfusion automation
堀端容子1), 峯梓1), 冨坂竜也1), 中島志保1), 松浪美佐子1), 花岡伸佳1),2), 園木孝志1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 51-51, 2015.

Japanese Article 12. 1 case that racked its brains about the blood grouping of the patients who were urgently conveyed by night
大塚真哉, 池本純子, 入江玲子, 小野本仁美, 藤田典子, 村田理恵, 前田和宏, 藤盛好啓
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 51-51, 2015.

Japanese Article 13. About the false-positive significance of the back study by the column syphilo-agglutination test in the idiopathic chronic cold agglutinin disease
冨田孝子1), 橋本ひろみ1), 森本和秀1), 藤本ひろみ1), 大幡真也2), 小西和吾1), 久保田義則1), 杉本健2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 51-52, 2015.

Japanese Article 14. ... which is resident to new trial - surgery part by the transfusion exclusive duty engineer
加藤祐子1), 中野勝彦1), 福島靖幸1), 川野亜美1), 山田枝里佳1), 井手大輔1), 前田岳宏1), 菅野知恵美1), 椿本祐子1), 伊藤志保2), 藤田往子3), 金光靖1), 森嶋祥之1), 芦田隆司1), 松村到1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 52-52, 2015.

Japanese Article 15. Efforts for the revision of the transfusion record system with the electronic chart introduction and the early record completion
小松美保, 志磨美緒, 鴨川康代, 平松潔子, 増田有美子, 渡邊由香理, 河野武弘
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 52-52, 2015.

Japanese Article 16. Second-born child antenatal care of the pregnant woman who was first-born child neonates same kind immune thrombocytopenia (NAIT)
上田真弘, 早川郁代, 橋本誠, 南陽介, 南博信
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 52-53, 2015.

Japanese Article Clinical adaptation of the erythropoietin preparation
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 53-53, 2015.

Japanese Article 1 granulocyte transfusion - light and shade -
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 53-54, 2015.

Japanese Article 2 thrombocytopoiesis factors
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 54-54, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. It is: from the situation of the authorized medicine About an authorized medicine system
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 54-55, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. It is: from the situation of the authorized laboratory technician Mainly on questionnaire results
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 55-55, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. It is: from the situation of the authorized nurse The fact and problems of the society authorization nurse
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 55-55, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. It is: from the situation of the medical service under health insurance Authorized system and medical service fees
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 55-56, 2015.

Japanese Article Old days, now of the cancer medical therapy and the future
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 58-59, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. About the present conditions of the HTLV-1 horizontal disease transmission and a production antibody of the early period of infection 1 - -
相良康子1), 守田麻衣子1), 井上由紀子1), 後藤信代1), 平山秀明1), 迫田岩根1), 入田和男1),2), 清川博之1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 59-59, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. About the present conditions of the HTLV-1 horizontal disease transmission and a production antibody of the early period of infection 2 - -
井上由紀子1), 守田麻衣子1), 後藤信代1), 平山秀明1), 相良康子1), 迫田岩根1), 入田和男1),2), 清川博之1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 59-60, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. About the trend after the HBc antibody standard change
上田勇佑1), 藤村佳世子1), 中野稔1), 大野徹也1), 田久保智子1), 真鍋寛司1), 橋口聖一1), 迫田岩根1), 入田和男1),2), 清川博之1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 60-60, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. The present conditions of the examination of posttransfusion infection in our hospital
富松貴裕1), 高嶋絵実1), 河野節美1), 宮崎泰彦1), 加島健司2), 佐々木人大3), 高田寛之3), 池邉太一3), 大塚英一3), 佐分利能生3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 60-61, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Judgment of the cisAB type by the DNA typing
山崎久義1), 吉村崇1), 桐山佳子1), 中山みゆき1), 江崎利信1), 伊佐和美3), 小笠原健一3), 渡邉聖司1), 迫田岩根1), 入田和男1),2), 清川博之1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 61-61, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. The use situation of the cryoprecipitate in our hospital
山田麻里江1), 山田尚友1), 中尾真実1), 東谷孝徳1), 久保田寧2),3), 木村晋也3), 末岡榮三朗1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 61-62, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. One case of delayed hemolytic reaction (DHTR) suspected in our hospital
竹本有希, 中島瑞枝, 増永晴子
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 62-62, 2015.

Japanese Article 8. 1 case that transfused you in two months after birth, and developed hepatitis C approximately one year later
中島篤人1), 舞木弘幸1), 外室喜英1), 尾前歩1), 原口安江1), 窪田恵美1), 野口はるひ1), 濱田平一郎1), 古川良尚1), 加治建2), 西川拓朗3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 62-63, 2015.

Japanese Article 9. One case of the transfusion therapy by the use of heart-lung machine emergency surgery for the neonates whom it is hard to stop bleeding of
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 63-63, 2015.

Japanese Article 10. It is efforts of the consumption reduction in ... plasma exchange for proper use
関恵美1), 宮崎真奈美1), 渡部旭子1), 渕久美1), 徳永真美1), 梅田晃世1), 結城孝子1), 佐藤まゆみ1), 梶原富士子1), 末松照子1), 大野栄治2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 63-64, 2015.

Japanese Article 11. The transfusion system at disaster in our hospital
佐藤まゆみ1), 宮崎真奈美1), 関恵美1), 渡部旭子1), 渕久美1), 徳永真美1), 梅田晃世1), 結城孝子1), 梶原富士子1), 末松照子1), 稲垣伸洋2), 大野栄治3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 64-64, 2015.

Japanese Article 12. The use actual situation of the asking a preposterous price albumin preparation in our hospital and future problem
真榮城良子, 前田結香, 得能寛子, 松川幸久, 高橋明子, 井手洋昭, 藤島充弘, 鷹野壽代
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 64-65, 2015.

Japanese Article 13. About the introduction of the electronic chart in the Kyushu cancer center
吉本千尋1), 崔日承2), 稲垣二郎3), 鵜池直邦2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 65-65, 2015.

Japanese Article 14. Preparation blood type management after the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in our hospital
立川良昭1), 岩男千恵子1), 辛島恵子1), 榎本恵梨果1), 河内一馬1), 荒金嵩子1), 廣瀬遥香1), 宮子博2), 緒方正男1), 白尾國昭1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 65-66, 2015.

Japanese Article 15. Construction and the present conditions of the washing platelet adjustment system in the medical institution
古賀嘉人1),2), 中道志織1),2), 中村浩哉1),2), 川口千穂1),3), 川口智穂1),3), 瀬崎昌代1),3), 深堀由紀子1),2), 上田博4), 田口潤5), 長井一浩1), 宮崎泰司1),5)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 66-66, 2015.

Japanese Article 16. About the effectiveness of the antiA antiB antibody titers prior registration of the volunteer blood donor in the platelet concentrate HLA-LR "Japan Red Cross" supply
田原大志1), 中村仁美1), 山口惠津子1), 井上純子1), 黒田ゆかり1), 宮本彰1), 迫田岩根1), 入田和男1),2), 清川博之1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 66-67, 2015.

Japanese Article 17. It supports the present conditions and transfusion of the brain death lower organ transplantation in the Kyushu University Hospital
山口恭子1), 青木香苗1), 池松陽子2), 江頭貞臣1), 平安山知子2), 岩崎浩己2), 赤司浩一2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 67-67, 2015.

Japanese Article 18. It is studied a culture increase and the cryopreservation of person tapering off vein wall and the periphery vein neighborhood adipose tissue as mesenchymal cells resources
隅田幸男1), 北村妙子1), 海宝雄人2), A.W.Rowe3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(1): 67-67, 2015.