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Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy

Volume 61, Issue 6 / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Freeze bag damage at peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cells thawing
関上智美1), 入内島裕乃1), 滝沢牧子2), 丸橋隆行1), 横手恵子3), 半田寛2), 横濱章彦1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 513-514, 2015.

Japanese Article About domestic self-support promotion of albumin with the team approach in medical care
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 515-521, 2015.

Eiko Date1), Shinichi Miyama1), Nagisa Kawashiri2), Kasumi Suzuki2), Youko Fuke2), Tomoko Kusumi3), Mitsunobu Tanaka3), Keiko Kimura3), Junko Takahashi3), Yoshihiko Tani3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 522-528, 2015.

Hitoshi Kanno1), Shigeyoshi Makino2), Junichi Kitazawa3), Asashi Tanaka4), Shuichi Kino5), Koki Takahashi6), Makoto Handa7), Kazuo Muroi8)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 529-538, 2015.

Ryuya Tomisaka1), Nobuyoshi Hanaoka1),2), Azusa Mine3), Shiho Nakajima1), Yoko Horibata1), Misako Matsunami1), Yoshinobu Nakamura3), Hiroaki Oishi3), Takashi Sonoki1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 539-545, 2015.

Ryota Okazaki1), Takeshi Taketani2),3), Rumi Kodama1), Erika Adachi1), Tomoko Ishihara1), Tomomi Sadakata1), Rie Kanai3), Seiji Mishima1), Atsushi Nagai1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 546-549, 2015.

森純平1), 岩間輝1), 松本真実2), 内藤祐3), 林宜亨3), 栗原勝彦2), 秋野光明3), 柴雅之1), 岡崎仁1), 佐竹正博1), 田所憲治1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 550-555, 2015.

Japanese Article The urgent supply system of blood products for the transfusion in the relief plan medical at a Kochi disaster
溝渕樹1), 山崎隆久2), 北川晋士1), 濱田秀誠1), 吉門早苗1), 関文1), 中山伸1), 木村勝1), 西森郷子3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 556-560, 2015.

Japanese Article underreporting in the blood transfusion reaction surveillance
岩尾憲明1), 加藤栄史2), 小高千加子3), 高本滋4), 佐川公矯5), 藤井康彦6), 米村雄士7), 田中朝志8), 岡崎仁9), 岡田義昭10), 大日康史3), 野村久子11), 松下明夫12), 北澤淳一13), 森宏14), 八十嶋仁15), 大隈和3), 山口一成3), 大坂顯通16), 浜口功3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 561-566, 2015.

Japanese Article Introduction of society authorization, the apheresis nurse system by the Japanese transfusion, cell therapy society
池田和眞1),9), 井関徹2),9), 奥山美樹3),9), 山本晃士4),9), 金森平和5),9), 松崎浩史6),9), 室井一男7),9), 大戸斉8)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 567-570, 2015.

Japanese Article For safe transfusion medical care
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 573-574, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. It is ... about the change of present conditions, future ... I & A system of I & A
山内史朗1),2), 峯岸正好1),3), 立花直樹1),4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 574-574, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. About the urgent transfusion preparations correspondence of the transfer patients removal of a ban - of the preparation request by the patients of - previous medicine blood type information
奈良崎正俊, 石山裕子, 柴田早紀, 高橋俊二, 中川美貴子, 加藤裕一, 石澤賢一
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 574-574, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. Introduction preparations and the operational situation of the allogeneic cryoprecipitate in our hospital
細川真梨, 成田香魚子, 加藤愛美, 郷野辰幸, 岩木啓太, 石岡夏子, 阿部真知子, 関修, 佐藤裕子, 工藤善範, 藤原実名美, 張替秀郎
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 574-575, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Efforts to albumin preparation proper use in our hospital
佐久間香, 西村美南, 八巻里佳, 中井和枝, 橋本樹, 服部尚士
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 575-575, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Efforts of "the well-known degree investigation about transfusion therapy and the blood products proper use"
藤原実名美1), 島貫美和子1),2), 佐藤美佳3), 佐々木夫起子2), 清水貴人4), 佐々木大4), 峯岸正好5), 張替秀郎1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 575-576, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. About the transfusion medicine education for the resident correspondence - in the - blood center
國井華子, 吉田斉, 鎌田博子, 二部琴美, 寺田亨, 冨樫めぐみ, 齋藤貴仁, 高嶋和弘, 阿部真, 面川進
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 576-576, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. Process until "at-home transfusion guidelines draft" (manual) making
黒田優1), 佐藤勇人1), 渡辺眞史1), 佐藤千恵2), 清水博2), 大内清則3), 大本英次郎4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 576-576, 2015.

Japanese Article 8. Multicenter prospective study about the peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cells sampling: Spectra-Auto vs. Spectra-Optia (the third report)
池田和彦1),6), 大戸斉1),6), 田野崎隆二2),6), 室井一男3),6), 藤盛好啓4), 藤原実名美5)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 576-577, 2015.

Japanese Article 9. Examination of ten autoimmune bullosis given a plasma exchange
菊池信之, 松村奈津子, 石川真郷, 森龍彦, 大橋威信, 花見由華, 三浦貴子, 加藤保信, 大塚幹夫, 山本俊幸
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 577-577, 2015.

Japanese Article 10. It is change over time after the fusion of CD34-positive cells stored by the simple freeze method
赤木智昭1), 冨士井孝彦1), 貝塚望2), 瀬川恵2), 寺澤儀男2), 立花直樹2), 久保恒明1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 577-578, 2015.

Japanese Article 11. Characteristic of the transfusion in the NICU
渡辺眞史, 竹屋成美, 黒田優
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 578-578, 2015.

Japanese Article 12. One case of the neonates same kind immune thrombocytopenia due to HLA antigens
星雅子1), 渡辺隆幸1), 根本円1), 神山龍之介1), 大澤裕美1), 橋本はるみ1), 石井佳代子1), 大知里京子2), 作間靖子2), 神林裕行1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 578-578, 2015.

Japanese Article 13. One case of the posttransfusion seven months children who showed antiE antibody temporarily after birth
久米田麻衣, 佐藤秀信, 小山内崇将, 金子なつき, 田中一人, 山形和史, 玉井佳子, 伊藤悦朗
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 578-579, 2015.

Japanese Article 14. Change of the nurse society authorized transfusion activity before and after the transfusion nurse Network start
塗谷智子1), 三浦聡子1), 山崎喜子1), 須藤のり子1), 工藤美代子1), 相内宏美1), 北川三千枝1), 二階愛理1), 佐藤ゆり子1), 中田陽子1), 伴佳奈1), 久保章子1), 越後雅子1), 立花直樹2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 579-579, 2015.

Japanese Article 15. Activity effect of a transfusion nurse and the laboratory study, transfusion part for the FFP-related incident decrease
北川三千枝1), 塗谷智子1), 山崎喜子1), 三浦聡子1), 須藤のり子1), 工藤美代子1), 相内宏美1), 二階愛理1), 佐藤ゆり子1), 中田陽子1), 伴佳奈1), 久保章子1), 白坂町子1), 浅利佳奈2), 山田麻美2), 舛甚義幸2), 兎内謙始2), 立花直樹2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 579-580, 2015.

Japanese Article 16. It is ... introduction edition ... Let's world cafe
大野優輝子1), 西塚和美1),2), 乗田生子1), 喜多島直美1), 中山千晶1), 山片りゅう子1), 北澤淳一2),3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 580-580, 2015.

Japanese Article 17. About the transfusion education training and the effect that blood center conducted for a nurse
吉田斉, 國井華子, 寺田亨, 二部琴美, 伊藤美恵子, 鎌田博子, 阿部真, 面川進
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 580-581, 2015.

Japanese Article 18. Effect (the second report) that radiation exposure and leukopheresis give for the microparticle formation of the whole blood preparation
斎藤俊一1), Kenneth E.NOLLET1),2), 小野貴子1), Alain M.NGOMA3), 大戸斉1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 581-581, 2015.

Japanese Article 19. Examination of the Del type adsorption dissociation test using the antiD blend reagent
高橋美都保, 伊藤正一, 荻山佳子, 浅野朋美, 鈴木光, 峯岸正好, 清水博
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 581-581, 2015.

Japanese Article 20. The same kind and usefulness of the blood type genotyping in autoantibody carriers
荻山佳子, 伊藤正一, 高橋美都保, 入野美千代, 鈴木光, 峯岸正好, 清水博
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 581-582, 2015.

Japanese Article 21. Examination of the ABO type of saliva which we obtained from a Bm type individual and the nail sample
伊藤正一, 荻山佳子, 高橋美都保, 菱沼智子, 鈴木光, 峯岸正好, 清水博
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 582-582, 2015.

Japanese Article 22. Efforts to ABO blood group same model PC-HLA preparation supply
岩渕佳那恵, 岸友子, 伊藤正一, 横山裕志, 浦野慎一, 鈴木光, 大地山正明, 峯岸正好, 清水博
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 582-583, 2015.

Japanese Article 23. The present conditions and problem of the PC-HLA preparation supply to the medical institution in the Tohoku block
岸友子, 阿部和眞, 岩渕佳那恵, 及川一美, 伊藤正一, 鈴木光, 峯岸正好, 清水博
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 583-583, 2015.

Japanese Article 24. Efforts to appropriate supply of the platelet preparation in the Tohoku district
小砂子智, 田村智子, 鶴間和幸, 横山裕志, 浦野慎一, 大地山正明, 峯岸正好, 清水博
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 583-583, 2015.

Japanese Article Sampling, processing, the preservation of hematopoietic stem cells, a problem and the prospects of the management: Introduction of AMED sponsored research business and the society activity
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 584-584, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. The refinement of the platelet-rich plasma and application to regenerative therapy
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 584-585, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. The present conditions and problem about the preparation method / operation aspect in the present conditions and the problem our hospital about a formula of the cryoprecipitate and the operational aspect
田中由美, 松本剛史
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 585-585, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. The effectiveness and problem of the washing platelet
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 585-585, 2015.

Japanese Article An additional remark: About the present conditions of the washing platelet technical cooperation
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 585-586, 2015.

Japanese Article Thing - to expect it of a nurse in the prevention, early detection, treatment of guidelines on TRALI and TACO - blood transfusion reaction for the purpose of differential diagnosis and the treatment
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 588-589, 2015.

Japanese Article 1. One case that was able to confirm Tn-polyaggulutination nine years later
尾崎牧子1), 土手内靖1), 西山記子1), 福永真紗美1), 谷松智子1), 西山政孝1), 上田陽子2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 589-589, 2015.

Japanese Article 2. One case that the column syphilo-agglutination test was a type B judgment, but judged to be B (A) by a tube test and genetic screening
小田直輝, 李悦子, 瀧本朋美, 仁木恵里加, 三木浩和, 安倍正博
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 589-589, 2015.

Japanese Article 3. The case that was not judged to be Rh-negative because a large quantity of Rh-positive blood was transfused to Rh-negative patients
平岡朝子1), 野間慎尋1), 廣瀬祥子1), 栗田絵美1), 山岡愛子1), 矢内綾佳1), 小松真由美1), 河野真由1), 山崎尚也2), 齋藤誠司2), 藤井輝久2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 589-590, 2015.

Japanese Article 4. Examination about time required Turn-around Time (TAT) of the each duties process in the transfusion duty
小郷博昭1), 浅野尚美1), 池田亮1), 閘結稀1), 石川立則1), 吉岡尚徳1), 小林優人1), 高木尚江1), 藤井敬子2), 藤井伸治1), 大塚文男1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 590-590, 2015.

Japanese Article 5. Consideration about the present conditions of the nonhemolytic blood transfusion reaction, adverse event in the Hiroshima University Hospital and the correspondence
藤井輝久1), 齊藤誠司1), 山崎尚也1), 廣瀬祥子2), 栗田絵美2), 山岡愛子2), 矢内綾佳2), 小松真由美2), 河野真由2), 野間慎尋2), 平岡朝子2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 590-590, 2015.

Japanese Article 6. One case of childhood myeloid leukemia that developed sepsis by Escherichia coli pollution of the platelet preparation
岡崎亮太1), 竹谷健2),3), 兒玉るみ1), 足立絵里加1), 石原智子1), 定方智美1), 金井理恵3), 三島清司1), 長井篤1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 590-591, 2015.

Japanese Article 7. The case that presented with dyspnea after transfusion, and was estimated as cardiogenic pulmonary edema
西満子1), 津野晃正1), 池田美和1), 西原えり子1), 小倉克巳1), 今村潤1), 吉田行貴2), 上岡樹生3), 松村敬久3), 杉浦哲朗1),3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 591-591, 2015.

Japanese Article 8. The use situation of the platelet preparation in our hospital
石本倫子, 平井裕加, 西博子, 下村真由美, 岡田由香里
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 591-591, 2015.

Japanese Article 9. The present conditions and problems of the critical bleeding case in our hospital
高野須広道1), 土居靖和1), 越智千晶1), 秋田誠1), 谷口裕美2), 西宮達也2), 羽藤高明1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 591-592, 2015.

Japanese Article 10. The division preparation supply system and operation in a little transfusion of neonates, children
山本由美子1), 渡邉理香1), 前田由香里1), 小島奈緒美1), 高尾真由美2), 藤井康彦1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 592-592, 2015.

Japanese Article 11. About the enforcement of the in-hospital inspection round in our hospital
山本綾1), 門脇芽里1), 佐竹小百合1), 久保美沙子1), 米澤眞理子1), 杉本和彦2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 592-592, 2015.

Japanese Article 12. Construction of the transplant cells management system for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using a transfusion system
文屋涼子1), 中桐逸博1), 岡井美樹1), 仲井冨久江1), 松橋佳子2), 田坂大象3), 通山薫1), 和田秀穂1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 592-593, 2015.

Japanese Article 13. Expression in the healthy subject donor at peripheral blood stem cell sampling addicted to citric acid, analysis about the electrolyte abnormality
藤井敬子1),3), 石川立則2),3), 吉岡尚徳2),3), 廻勇輔3), 藤原英晃3), 小林優人2),3), 高木尚江2), 閘結稀2), 池田亮2), 浅野尚美2), 小郷博昭2), 藤井伸治2),3), 大塚文男1),4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 593-593, 2015.

Japanese Article 14. Case of -D- where transfusion was provided by cooperation with the blood center safely
津野晃正1), 西満子1), 池田美和1), 西原えり子1), 小倉克巳1), 今村潤1), 石黒光葉2), 吉澤泰昌2), 山本哲也2), 上岡樹生3), 杉浦哲朗1),3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 593-593, 2015.

Japanese Article 15. About the holding of the transfusion testing practical skill workshop in the blood center without the laboratory
松尾節恵, 八木谷誠, 佐々木信之
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 593-594, 2015.

Japanese Article 16. Correlation of hospital bed capacity and blood supply according to blood products supply trend for the transfusion and the prefecture
北川晋士, 濱田秀誠, 溝渕樹, 木村勝
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 61(6): 594-594, 2015.