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Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy

Volume 63, Issue 1 / 2017
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Irregular antibody estimate using "an erythrocyte antigen information retrieval system" by the Web
志方えりさ1),2), 佐々木貴代子3), 平塚ひとみ3), 田島八重子3), 中山智祥2),3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 1-2, 2017.

Naomi Asano, Hiroaki Ogo, Toru Ikeda, Yuki Hinokuchi, Naoe Takagi, Miwa Yamakawa, Takanori Yoshioka, Yujin Kobayashi, Masaru Asada, Keiko Fujii, Nobuharu Fujii
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 3-8, 2017.

Takaaki Maekawa1), Ken Sato1),2), Kosuke Takano1), Yosuke Okada1), Noriaki Tachi1), Masahiro Teramoto1), Toshikatsu Horiuchi1), Reina Saga1), Shoichiro Kato1), Takeshi Yamamura1), Junichi Watanabe1), Kaori Ishizeki2), Kayo Ito2), Sachiko Iwanaga2), Takeshi Sakaguchi2), Ayako Kobayashi1), Shinichi Kobayashi1), Fumihiko Kimura1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 9-14, 2017.

Tamae Mori1), Mayumi Nishida1), Yoshie Ogasawara1), Daiki Shimomura2), Mutsumi Minami2), Miyuki Furuya2), Fumihiko Nakamura2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 15-22, 2017.

Shigeko Nishimura1), Yuko Takada2), Chiaki Ohtake2), Michiyo Nakahara2), Hiroyuki Asaka2), Tomoko Igarashi2), Hironobu Hyodo3), Hiroshi Fujita1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 23-29, 2017.

Hiromi Hashimoto1), Shinya Ohata2), Takako Tomita1), Kazuko Konishi1), Yoshinori Kubota1), Maki Kanzawa3), Yosuke Minami4), Takeshi Sugimoto2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 30-35, 2017.

Itsuhiro Nakagiri1), Miki Okai1), Fukue Nakai1), Ryoko Bunya1), Hirotoshi Tokunaga2), Yoshiko Matsuhashi2), Taizo Tasaka2),3), Kaoru Tohyama4), Hideho Wada1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 36-39, 2017.

Japanese Article Questionary survey about the transfusion therapy enforcement in Tottori
但馬史人1),10), 福田彰則2),10), 田中孝幸3),10), 小村裕美3),10), 柴田俊輔4),10), 阿藤孝二郎5),10), 日野理彦6),10), 湯田範規7),10), 佐々木信之8),10), 藤井秀樹9),10)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 40-45, 2017.

Japanese Article Construction of transplant cell management system applying transfusion system
文屋涼子1), 中桐逸博1), 岡井美樹1), 仲井富久江1), 松橋佳子2), 田坂大象2),3), 通山薫4), 和田秀穂1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 46-49, 2017.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient of MDS and topic of treatment - these days
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 53-53, 2017.

Japanese Article Transfusion therapy - present situation and problem - in the local core hospital
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 53-54, 2017.

Japanese Article Message - routine duties to a laboratory technician carefully -
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 54-54, 2017.

Japanese Article 1. Estimation of specific antibody mixed with pan-reactive using FCM method
菱沼智子, 伊藤正一, 荻山佳子, 浅野朋美, 峯岸正好, 清水博
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 54-55, 2017.

Japanese Article 2. Analysis on phagocytosis rate of erythrocytes sensitized with warm autoantibodies with specificity of Rh
伊藤正一, 菱沼智子, 荻山佳子, 浅野朋美, 峯岸正好, 清水博
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 55-55, 2017.

Japanese Article 3. Analysis about the blood type (phenotypic) of the blood donated blood of in a U.S. base
入野美千代1), 伊藤正一1), 荻山佳子1), 菱沼智子1), 浅野朋美1), 峯岸正好1), 清水博1), 生田満2), 柴崎至2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 55-56, 2017.

Japanese Article 4. Examination of the red blood cell irregular antibody production with the erythrocyte transfusion to children
安部舞衣子1), 川畑絹代1), 小野智1), 斎藤俊一1), 小野貴子1), 高野希美1), 皆川敬治1), 鈴木裕恵1), 渡邉万央1), 菅原亜紀子1), 菊地正美1), 三浦里織1), 奥津美穂1), 渡部和也1), 馬場千華子1), 安田広康1), 池田和彦1), 玉井佳子2), 北澤淳一3), 大戸斉1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 56-56, 2017.

Japanese Article 5. The quantity of evaluation - ACD-A liquid victim's blood of the ingredient blood donation citric acid response and association with the electrocardiogram QTc time
中居賢司, 田口千晴, 久保聖子, 佐藤泰子, 高橋明美, 中島みどり, 伊藤寛泰
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 56-56, 2017.

Japanese Article 6. We look at the rear about the volunteer blood donor whom we were able to effectively utilize with the change of the product exclusion criteria by the examination for ALT and analyze a mark
田口剛, 佐藤真依子, 後藤琢也, 内海喜美江, 一條浩一, 春川啓文, 佐藤一弘, 堀部泰人, 峯岸正好, 清水博
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 56-57, 2017.

Japanese Article 7. About the efforts to an examination of posttransfusion infection in our hospital
木村俊平, 高橋美咲, 樋口悦子, 芳賀寛和, 山本雅一, 佐藤伸二
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 57-57, 2017.

Japanese Article 8. Efforts to division platelet preparation in Akita
伊藤美恵子, 山手昌子, 土田睦子, 佐藤貴美子, 阿部真, 面川進
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 57-57, 2017.

Japanese Article 9. The use of washing platelet situation of our hospital
加藤亜有子1), 田森由貴子1), 清水盛也1), 道下吉広2), 波多野善明2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 57-58, 2017.

Japanese Article 10. The present conditions of the washing platelet transfusion in our hospital
佐々木綾子, 佐藤郁恵, 熊谷美香子, 能登谷武, 藤島直仁, 高橋勉
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 58-58, 2017.

Japanese Article 11. About the present conditions and a transfusion regime of the autotransfusion in Akita
吉田斉, 國井華子, 寺田亨, 二部琴美, 鎌田博子, 阿部真, 面川進
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 58-59, 2017.

Japanese Article 12. An incidence and risk factor of the delayed-action side effect in the patients who received self-blood drawing blood several times
鈴木啓二朗1), 小田原聖2), 千田友美2), 外川洋子2), 千葉拓也2), 太野美穂子2), 高舘潤子2), 佐々木さき子2), 後藤健治2), 諏訪部章1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 59-59, 2017.

Japanese Article 13. Findings of the transfusion-associated examination for all medical institutions in Aomori that received supply of the red blood cell liquid allogeneic in 2015
田中一人1), 玉井佳子1), 金子なつき1), 小山内崇将1), 久米田麻衣1), 阿島光1), 山形和史1), 伊藤悦朗1), 村上知教2), 柴崎至2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 59-59, 2017.

Japanese Article 14. Questionnaire findings report about "an at-home transfusion guidelines draft" (manual)
黒田優1), 竹屋成美1), 佐藤勇人1), 渡辺眞史1), 大内清則2), 阿彦忠之3), 佐藤伸二4), 大本英次郎5)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 59-60, 2017.

Japanese Article 15. About support of the blood center in the safe transfusion therapy system construction
國井華子, 吉田斉, 二部琴美, 寺田亨, 鎌田博子, 阿部真, 面川進
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 60-60, 2017.

Japanese Article 16. Experience transfusion usability test authorization system (new I&A system) Tohoku's first auditee
沼澤ひろみ1), 奥村亘1), 加藤美加1), 三部美穂子2), 押野敏子1), 五十嵐裕尚2), 阿部周一1), 松岡稔1), 大本英次郎1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 60-61, 2017.

Japanese Article 17. Perform auditee of a transfusion usability test (I&A system); and from experience of - old I&A and new I&A -
林崎久美子, 竹原純子, 藤田秀文, 仁村隆
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 61-61, 2017.

Japanese Article 18. Questionnaire survey ... for operational situation ... new system auditee institution of the new I&A system (transfusion usability test authorization system)
山内史朗1),2), 峯岸正好3),4), 立花直樹3),5), 田中朝志3),6)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 61-62, 2017.

Japanese Article 19. Contribution of the medical technologist in the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
斎藤俊一, 小野智, 小野貴子, 皆川敬治, 鈴木裕恵, 渡邉万央, 川畑絹代, 菊地正美, 安田広康, 高野希美, 安部舞衣子, 湯田ゆかり, 横川京子, 大塚節子, 原田佳代, 鈴木裕子, 池田和彦, 大戸斉
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 62-62, 2017.

Japanese Article 20. The effect that mixture granulocytes give at peripheral blood stem cell thawing during a freeze period
赤木智昭1), 太田健2), 久保恒明2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 62-62, 2017.

Japanese Article 21. The general optimization of the childhood apheresis method for the purpose of the peripheral blood stem cell sampling and examination in the safety
大原喜裕1),2), 大戸斉3), 田崎哲典4), 佐野秀樹2), 望月一弘2), 赤井畑美津子1),2), 小林正悟2), 藁谷朋子1),2), 伊藤正樹1), 細矢光亮1), ノレット ケネス エリック3), 池田和彦3), 小川千登世5), 菅野隆浩6), 色摩弥生7), 菊田敦2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 62-63, 2017.

Japanese Article 22. Multicenter observational, prospective study (interim report) about the adverse event at the hematopoietic stem cells infusion
藤原実名美1), 池田和彦2),17), 藤原慎一郎3), 室井一男3),17), 金森平和4),17), 藤井伸治5), 奥山美樹6),17), 芦田隆司7), 亀田和明8), 長村登紀子9),17), 田崎哲典10), 高橋勉11), 森毅彦12), 井関徹13),17), 日野雅之14), 篠原明仁15), 田野崎隆二16),17), 大戸斉2),17)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 63-64, 2017.

Japanese Article 23. Comparison of manual plasma depletion in the ABO minor mismatch marrow processing and the marrow concentration with the apparatus
岩木啓太, 伊藤智啓, 細川真梨, 郷野辰幸, 阿部真知子, 石岡夏子, 佐藤裕子, 関修, 成田香魚子, 藤原実名美, 張替秀郎
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 64-64, 2017.

Japanese Article 24. Recurrence by the deletion of HLA incompatible after Haploidentical transplantation and transplant
小野智1), 皆川敬治1), 小野貴子1), 鈴木裕恵1), 渡邉万央1), 川畑絹代1), 安田広康1), 池田和彦1), 高橋信久2), 大原喜裕2), 小林正悟2), 赤井畑美津子2), 望月一弘2), 伊藤正樹2), 佐野秀樹2), 菊田敦2), 大戸斉1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 64-64, 2017.

Japanese Article 25. 1 case thought to be AIHA which the haptoglobin did not decrease
坂本忍, 大久保亜紀子, 太田政利
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 64-65, 2017.

Japanese Article 26. About obstetrics and gynecology department bleeding, use of fibrinogen preparation by the cardiovascular surgery surgery
奈良崎正俊, 柴田早紀, 石山裕子, 中川美貴子, 加藤裕一, 石澤賢一
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 65-65, 2017.

Japanese Article 27. One case flooding at the delivery that we were able to save though it becomes a high K blood symptom, the ventricular tachycardia
経塚標1), 奥津美穂1), 小島学1), 鈴木聡1), 添田周1), 大戸斉2), 藤森敬也1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 65-65, 2017.

Japanese Article 28. Chronic DIC case due to aortic dissection that was able to largely reduce fresh frozen plasma transfusion by surgery and addition of the medical therapy
鈴木裕子1), 原田佳代1), 大塚節子1), ノレット E ケネス1), 大戸斉1), 大河原浩2), 池田和彦2), 野地秀義2), 小川一英2), 池添隆之2), 藤宮剛3), 瀬戸夕輝3), 佐藤善之3), 高瀬信弥3), 佐戸川弘之3), 横山斉3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 66-66, 2017.

Japanese Article (1)-1. About questionary survey about the transfusion for small institutions in Toyama
冨田章代1), 島京子1), 山田智恵美1), 吉田志布1), 石黒ひろみ1), 河内芳美1), 宮田裕実子1), 彼谷裕康2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 68-68, 2017.

Japanese Article (1)-2. Transfusion education by the clinical transfusion nurse in the nurse new face training
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 68-68, 2017.

Japanese Article (1)-3. The production situation of irradiation washing platelet -LR "Japan Red Cross" and irradiation washing platelet HLA-LR "Japan Red Cross"
酒田寿美恵, 横家信華, 圓満字豊, 高松純樹
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 68-69, 2017.

Japanese Article (2)-1. 1 case of the antiK which we experienced in our hospital
岡本彩1), 大島恵子1), 川上麻里絵1), 山口大介1), 正木康史1),2), 川端浩1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 69-69, 2017.

Japanese Article (2)-2. 2 cases that a difference was seen in in response strength by a column syphilo-agglutination test and a tube test
山本富夫1), 道野淳子2), 富山隆介2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 69-69, 2017.

Japanese Article (2)-3. The case that partial D became clear in our hospital
山谷明子, 宮脇夕佳, 柴田美姫
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 69-69, 2017.

Japanese Article (2)-4. About an irregular antibody approved for patients with cold agglutinin disease
山口大介1), 大島恵子1), 岡本彩1), 川上麻里絵1), 正木康史1),2), 川端浩1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 69-70, 2017.

Japanese Article (3)-1. One case of treatment-resistant pediatric warm-type autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA)
富山隆介, 安村敏, 中出祥代, 佐竹伊津子, 道野淳子, 島京子, 北島勲
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 70-70, 2017.

Japanese Article (3)-2. AIHA where RBC transfusion was unavoidable for lifesaving
押野寛美1), 寺前愛梨1), 青木真衣1), 河合泰一2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 70-71, 2017.

Japanese Article (3)-3. 1 case that the specimen for the crossmatch presented strong haemolysis
浜田麻由子1), 村山洋子1), 徳満尚子1), 彼谷裕康2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 71-71, 2017.

Japanese Article (4)-1. Posttransfusion HEV infection
佐藤英洋, 内海真紀, 宮川英子, 安江静香, 高田恵美, 山崎宏人
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 71-71, 2017.

Japanese Article (4)-2. 1 case that was regarded as NAIT due to HLA antigens
道野淳子, 安村敏, 富山隆介, 中出祥代, 佐竹伊津子, 島京子, 北島勲
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 71-72, 2017.

Japanese Article (4)-3. One case of the thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura that was resistant to a plasma exchange
水牧裕希, 高橋稚奈, 齋藤千鶴, 杉盛千春, 小谷岳春, 山口正木
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 72-72, 2017.

Japanese Article (4)-4. One patient who showed fibrin separation at FFP administration in a route
松田安史1), 坂井晴香1), 増永志穂1), 海老田ゆみえ1), 小林洋子1), 山内高弘1), 鈴木孝二2), 松原美紀3), 豊岡重剛3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 72-72, 2017.

Japanese Article About sampling, processing, preservation, the infusion of hematopoietic stem cells
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 72-73, 2017.

Japanese Article Critical bleeding and venous thromboembolism in the obstetric domain
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 74-75, 2017.

Japanese Article 1. Cardiovascular surgery surgery and transfusion
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 75-75, 2017.

Japanese Article 2. The condition of a patient and transfusion treatment at massive bleeding
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 75-75, 2017.

Japanese Article About the supply and demand system of blood products (correspondence as the Tokai Hokuriku block blood center supply and demand management section)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 75-76, 2017.

Japanese Article 1. Computer cross match introduction in our hospital and the operational situation
中山小太郎純友, 細川美香, 櫻木美基子, 中尾まゆみ, 森川珠世, 清川知子, 青地寛, 永峰啓丞, 冨山佳昭
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 79-80, 2017.

Japanese Article 2. Multifaceted examination of the blood transfusion reaction occurrence situation
鴨川康代, 志磨美緒, 小松美保, 平松潔子, 南有美子, 渡邊由香理, 河野武弘
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 80-80, 2017.

Japanese Article 3. Examination about transfusion duties in the Kyoto Univ. Hospital out of the testing
南谷真衣, 万木紀美子, 丹羽紀実, 竹川良子, 菱田理恵, 三浦康生, 平位秀世, 前川平
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 80-80, 2017.

Japanese Article 4. Correspondence of the bag division to a little transfusion patients, the syringe division
万木紀美子, 平位秀世, 丹羽紀実, 竹川良子, 菱田理恵, 南谷真衣, 三浦康生, 前川平
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 80-81, 2017.

Japanese Article 5. Until ward duties - introduction by the transfusion exclusive duty engineer and future problem -
井手大輔1), 岩本ちづる1), 中野勝彦1), 福島靖幸1), 川野亜美1), 山田枝里佳1), 前田岳宏1), 椿本祐子1), 金光靖1), 前川清1), 芦田隆司1), 杉山千翔2), 岸本晴歩2), 大西晴江2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 81-81, 2017.

Japanese Article 6. The problems that a transfusion nurse and a transfusion laboratory technician conducted the in-hospital round, new face training, and became clear
東田元子1),3), 吉田正明2),3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 81-81, 2017.

Japanese Article 7. The information sharing of the clinical transfusion nurse team and transfusion section by the ordinary assembly holding and cooperation reinforcement
日南淳子1), 池添香苗1), 濱保由喜枝1), 向井梢1), 杉山望美1), 岩本千聡1), 河野武弘2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 81-81, 2017.

Japanese Article 8. Still the incident does not disappear
芦田隆司, 地守慶亮, 前田朋子, 岩本ちづる, 中野勝彦, 上岡紀美子, 岡野伸子, 福島靖幸, 川野亜美, 山田枝里佳, 井手大輔, 前田岳宏, 椿本祐子, 金光靖, 前川清
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 81-82, 2017.

Japanese Article 9. 1 case that held multiple irregularity antibodies, and came to have difficulty in securing of conformity blood
岡一彦1), 横田由梨1), 村田優1), 福井理恵1), 金子仁臣2), 今田和典1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 82-82, 2017.

Japanese Article 10. About the role of the report of the examination of irregular antibody screening positive case
桝井恵里1), 橋本ひろみ1), 冨田孝子1), 小西和吾1), 久保田義則1), 杉本健2), 岡成光2), 瀧川悟史2), 松本穣2), 西山勝人2), 田中克英2), 西井弘2), 宗實孝2), 武士昌裕2), 顔邦男2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 82-82, 2017.

Japanese Article 11. The detection situation of the irregular antibody for the high incidence antigen in our hospital
岩本ちづる, 前田朋子, 地守慶亮, 中野勝彦, 福島靖幸, 川野亜美, 山田枝里佳, 井手大輔, 前田岳宏, 椿本祐子, 金光靖, 前川清, 芦田隆司
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 82-83, 2017.

Japanese Article 12. Epitope analysis of the monoclonal antibody with the ABH carbohydrate chain array
高橋順子1), 舘野浩章4), 佐藤隆4), 村上竜也1), 吉本真紀子1), 高橋英夫1), 田中光信1), 矢部隆一3), 堀勇二1), 松倉晴道1), 成松久4), 谷慶彦2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 83-83, 2017.

Japanese Article 13. The allograft case that caused 2 degrees anaphylactic shock by platelet transfusion
蒸野寿紀1), 堀善和1), 大岩健洋1), 山下友佑1), 栗山幸大1), 細井裕樹1), 中島志保2), 堀端容子2), 松浪美佐子2), 西川彰則1),2), 田村志宣1), 園木孝志1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 83-83, 2017.

Japanese Article 14. One case of the chronic neutrophilic leukemia in acknowledgment of posttransfusion sudden hypoxemia
長岡由紀子1), 髭野昭子1), 菅真紀子2), 安見正人2), 柿本綱之2), 田所誠司2), 小杉智2), 武弘典2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 83-84, 2017.

Japanese Article 15. One case of the low titer cold agglutinin disease in acknowledgment of strong autoagglutination
細川美香1), 中山小太郎純友1), 櫻木美基子1), 中尾まゆみ1), 森川珠世1), 清川知子1), 青地寛1), 永峰啓丞1), 加藤恒2), 冨山佳昭1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 84-84, 2017.

Japanese Article 16. The case that intractable GI bleeding improved by radical operation of the aortic stenosis
早川正樹, 酒井和哉, 長谷川真弓, 前田美和, 辻内智美, 馬場由美, 下村志帆, 隅志穂里, 上野華恵, 松下彰利, 杉邑俊樹, 梅木弥生, 松本雅則
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 84-84, 2017.

Japanese Article 17. Attempt to assume O-type Rh (+) blood products regular stock for critical bleeding
森本麻帆1), 阿賀加奈1), 桶口三香子1), 三澤眞人2), 福本悟3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 84-85, 2017.

Japanese Article 18. Problems in the another hospital conveyance of urgent O-type erythrocyte transfusion patients
角谷勇実, 川村知織, 金海仁在, 瀬口周, 児玉真由美, 前田琢磨, 宮田茂樹
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 85-85, 2017.

Japanese Article 19. Correspondence to urgent transfusion in our hospital and the contents
中野勝彦, 前田朋子, 地守慶亮, 岩本ちづる, 福島靖幸, 川野亜美, 山田枝里佳, 井手大輔, 前田岳宏, 椿本祐子, 金光靖, 前川清, 芦田隆司
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 85-85, 2017.

Japanese Article 20. About urgent transfusion correspondence by the obstetrics and gynecology department practice aspect each other support system (OGCS) conveyance in our hospital
大西修司, 阿部操, 佐能もも香, 樫本梨沙, 大澤眞輝, 井上まどか, 寺嶋由香利, 山岡学, 伊藤量基, 野村昌作
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 85-86, 2017.

Japanese Article 21. Examination about the case of the pregnancy and childbirth lying in woman who underwent pre-operative autologous blood donation in our center
片山徹1), 江口政志1), 安井昌博1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 86-86, 2017.

Japanese Article 22. Comparison of the allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell sampling (mononuclear leukocyte sampling) law using Spectra Optia
江口政志1), 片山徹1), 安井昌博1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 86-86, 2017.

Japanese Article 23. Peripheral blood stem cell sampling (PBSCC) by weight loss cyclophosphamide (CY), the G-CSF combination in the multiple myeloma (MM) patients
志村勇司1), 黒田純也1), 知念良顕1), 名越久朗1), 古林勉1), 堀池重夫1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 86-87, 2017.

Japanese Article 24. Preparation and quality evaluation of mesenchymal stem cell preparation TEMCELL HS injection
入江玲子, 村田理恵, 杉山寛貴, 原田由紀, 大塚真哉, 小野本仁美, 奥田典子, 前田和宏, 黒田将子, 池本純子, 吉原享子, 吉原哲, 岡田昌也, 山原研一, 相馬俊裕, 藤盛好啓
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 87-87, 2017.

Japanese Article 25. The request situation of the granulocytes test for antibodies in the Osaka Red Cross hospital
村田優1), 福井理恵1), 横田由梨1), 岡一彦1), 藤野寿典3), 今田和典1),2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 87-87, 2017.

Japanese Article 26. Granulocytes sampling using hydroxyethylated starch 130000 (HES 130000)
山岡学, 阿部操, 佐能もも香, 樫本梨沙, 大澤眞輝, 井上まどか, 寺嶋由香利, 大西修司, 伊藤量基, 野村昌作
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 87-88, 2017.

Japanese Article 27. Quantitative observation of the in vitro neutrophilic extracellular trap formation with the heme protein
大渕絢子1), 炬口真理子1), 橋本誠2), 南陽介2), 井本しおん3), 河野麻理4), 西郷勝康1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 88-88, 2017.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient and treatment of acquired bleeding disorders
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 88-88, 2017.

Japanese Article 1. Recent topic in the viral chronic hepatitis
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 88-89, 2017.

Japanese Article 2. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation update
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 89-89, 2017.

Japanese Article 3. Recent understanding about the adaptation of the platelet transfusion
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 89-89, 2017.

Japanese Article 4. Developmental mechanism of the allergic blood transfusion reaction with blood products and the plasma derivative
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 63(1): 89-90, 2017.