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Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy

Volume 65, Issue 3 / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Fibrinogen preparation denatured after the high temperature dissolution liquid infusion
植松正将, 阿南昌弘, 松浦見帆, 野呂光恵, 今井厚子, 大木浩子, 田坂大象, 山本晃士
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 517-518, 2019.

Japanese Article Cytomegalovirus infection measures after the allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 519-524, 2019.

Japanese Article Use guidelines on fresh frozen plasma (FFP) based on scientific grounds [the revision second edition]
松下正1), 長谷川雄一2), 玉井佳子3), 宮田茂樹4), 安村敏5), 山本晃士6), 松本雅則7)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 525-537, 2019.

Japanese Article Criteria for use of food additives of the potassium adsorption filter to small capacity division preparation
藤田浩1)2), 五十嵐滋1)3), 奥田誠1)4), 梶原道子1)5), 小山典久1)6), 鷹野壽代1)7), 細野茂春1)8), 松崎浩史1)9), 宮作麻子1)10), 矢澤百合香1)11), 宮田茂樹1)12)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 538-543, 2019.

高見昭良1)9), 松下正2), 緒方正男3)9), 藤井伸治4)9), 久冨木庸子5)9), 藤原慎一郎6)9), 松本雅則7), 冨山佳昭8)9)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 544-561, 2019.

Masami Kamimura1), Toshinari Aoki1), Misato Sato1), Momo Watanabe1), Naoe Ohki1), Ayano Kawai1), Masayoshi Masuko2), Koh Nakata1), Takashi Ushiki1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 562-567, 2019.

Hidekazu Onodera1), Yuji Kaneko1), Toshiyasu Koike1), Kanae Fukuda1), Takaaki Abe1), Junichi Hirayama1), Masayuki Shiba1), Shigeru Igarashi1), Tadashi Nagai1)2), Masahiro Satake1), Kenji Tadokoro3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 568-576, 2019.

Shunji Kawamoto1), Takahiro Terashima1), Norimitsu Kurogi1), Tomoaki Noritomi2), Hiroshi Maeno2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 577-583, 2019.

小山内崇将1), 金子なつき1), 田中一人1), 久米田麻衣1), 阿島光1), 内田亮1), 大和美都1), 北山眞任2), 廣田和美2), 福田幾夫3), 山形和史4), 玉井佳子1), 伊藤悦朗1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 584-586, 2019.

Hiroko Oki, Atsuko Imai, Mitsue Noro, Seisyo Uematsu, Masahiro Anan, Koji Yamamoto, Taizo Tasaka
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 587-589, 2019.

Yasufumi Matsuda1), Haruka Sakai1), Shiho Masunaga1), Yumie Ebita1), Yoko Kobayashi1), Kana Oiwa2), Miyuki Okura2), Koji Suzuki3), Yusei Ohshima3), Yoshimasa Urasaki4), Miki Matsubara5), Shigetake Toyooka5), Takahiro Yamauchi1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 590-594, 2019.

Yoshiaki Okada, Osamu Yamada, Masayuki Suzuki, Fumiko Uchino, Maiko Yama, Yuka Katoh, Yuumi Honda, Kenji Ikebuchi
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 595-599, 2019.

Mika Hosokawa1), Hirokazu Kashiwagi2), Kotarosumitomo Nakayama1), Mikiko Sakuragi1), Mayumi Nakao1), Tamayo Morikawa1), Tomoko Kiyokawa1), Hiroshi Aochi1), Keisuke Nagamine1), Hirohiko Shibayama2), Yoshiaki Tomiyama1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 600-605, 2019.

Yukari Okayama1), Makoto Hashimoto2), Yumi Kaibara1), Keiko Ikumi1), Masahiko Mori1), Tatsuya Akishino1), Taeko Kitamoto3), Keiko Kasuya3), Yumiko Inui4), Atsuo Okamura4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 606-610, 2019.

English Article Storage of thawed fresh frozen plasma in an active transport refrigerator for prehospital use
Hiroshi Fujita1), Miyuki Teratani2), Yuki Hazama2), Michiyo Nakahara2), Hiroyuki Asaka2), Shigeko Nishimura1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 611-614, 2019.

Japanese Article Construction of management, the operational system of the cell therapy preparation (TEMCELL HS note (R)) in the Hyogo College of Medicine Hospital
杉山寛貴1), 池本純子1), 吉原哲1)2), 山本菜生1), 大野万佑子1), 原田由紀1), 大塚真哉1), 小野本仁美1), 村田理恵1), 前田和宏1), 奥田典子1), 吉原享子1)2), 岡田昌也2), 山原研一1)2), 藤盛好啓1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 615-620, 2019.

Japanese Article The current situation and the prospects of the Tokai Branch in the transfusion usability test authorization system (I&A system)
橋ヶ谷尚路1)12), 飛田規2)12), 小杉浩史3)12), 玉木茂久4)12), 安藤高宣5)12), 長谷川勝俊6)12), 丸山美津子7)12), 森本剛史8)12), 伊藤裕子9)12), 井上千好10)12), 進藤仁11)12), 加藤栄史5)12)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 621-627, 2019.

Japanese Article After current situation and problem - new system shift of the transfusion usability test authorization system (I&A system) after two years -
飛田規1)11), 峯岸正好2)11), 坊池義浩3)11), 渡邊千秋4)11), 梶田幸夫5)11), 道野淳子6)11), 高杉淑子7)11), 土居靖和8)11), 鷹野壽代9)11), 田中朝志10)12)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 628-633, 2019.

Japanese Article Comparison of the antiA/B titration of a tube test and the column centrifuging syphilo-agglutination test in the healthy subject
松浦秀哲1)2), 赤塚美樹1)3), 松野貴洋1)2), 杉浦縁1)2), 荒川章子1)2), 及川彰太1)2), 吉田純平4), 古杉光明4), 恵美宣彦3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 634-641, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. Development of the platelet antigen genotypical typing reagent using Luminex system
中野学1), 高橋大輔1), 宮崎孔1), 佐藤進一郎1), 加藤俊明1), 山本哲2), 池田久實2), 紀野修一1), 牟禮一秀1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 643-643, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. Effect on quality of the red blood cell preparation exposed to 28 degrees Celsius from 4 degrees Celsius preservation
有澤史倫1), 内藤祐1), 秋野光明2), 名村喜一郎1), 本間稚広1), 山本哲3), 池田久實3), 紀野修一1), 牟禮一秀1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 643-644, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. The effect that storage temperature of the production whole blood gives to solidification ability of the plasma on the drawing blood next day
林宜亨1), 布施久恵1), 若本志乃舞1), 藤原満博1), 内藤祐1), 名村喜一郎1), 本間稚広1), 山本哲2), 池田久實2), 紀野修一1), 牟禮一秀1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 644-644, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. Outbreak of HEV aggravation strain in the volunteer blood donor in Hokkaido
小林悠1), 飯田樹里1), 坂田秀勝1), 吉政隆1), 中内健太1), 長谷部千登美3), 佐藤進一郎1), 加藤俊明1), 池田久實2), 山本哲2), 紀野修一1), 牟禮一秀1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 644-645, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. About the case that HBV infection was suspected in by the maternal antibody from a donor
村井良精1), 遠藤輝夫1), 盛合美加子1), 柳原希美1)2), 井山諭3), 高橋聡1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 645-645, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. An effect and problem of the I&A transfusion usability test authorization
渡邊千秋1), 加畑馨2), 早瀬英子1), 伊藤誠1), 上床貴代1), 魚住諒1), 林泰弘1), 秋沢宏次1), 清水力1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 645-645, 2019.

Japanese Article 7. Transfusion therapy using the dilution-style autotransfusion in the abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery
新井田周宏1), 大川陽史2), 柳清洋佑2), 井上聡巳2), 川上祥碁3), 田中健翔3), 佐野敏之3), 菊谷浩樹3), 見上正将4), 龍田彩子5), 岩原笑美5), 安藤ひとみ5), 皆川彩奈絵5), 中崎ひとみ5), 本川弘美5)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 645-646, 2019.

Japanese Article 8. 1 case that we were able to save using autotransfusion for the predicted massive bleeding surgery of irregular antibody-positive patients
岸真衣1), 唐思健1), 佐々木潤1), 須田美喜子2), 櫻田卓3), 前田俊之3), 村木里誌3), 下岡良典4), 成田浩二4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 646-646, 2019.

Japanese Article 9. Construction of the safe supply, re-IV infusion system of the ascitic filtration concentration re-IV infusion law (CART)
平田一馬1), 中村浩三1), 今昌幸1), 小松良一1), 大京寺均2), 岡田功2), 中野晋太郎3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 646-647, 2019.

Japanese Article 10. One case that it is thought that the MR activity to the nursing department is important
平塚紘大, 芳賀寛史, 山本健, 森下勝哉, 菅原拓男, 紀野修一, 牟禮一秀
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 647-647, 2019.

Japanese Article 11. Examination about the preventive measures against falls due to VVR
増川みゆき1), 城戸弥生1), 算用子裕美1), 荒木あゆみ1), 金井ひろみ1), 山本哲1), 牟禮一秀2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 647-648, 2019.

Japanese Article 12. Investigation about the current situation of the foreign transfusion in our hospital
田中希実音, 大塚浩平, 河原好絵, 高橋裕之, 花田大輔, 渡辺直樹, 大原律子, 友田豊, 藤井聡
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 648-648, 2019.

Japanese Article 13. One case of the ABO main mismatch bone marrow transplantation needing time for the blood type conversion to a donor type
旭千佳1), 高木奈央1), 木元宏弥1), 柿木康孝2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 648-648, 2019.

Japanese Article 14. One patient who was able to have a diagnosis of mixed type AIHA by the measurement of the cold agglutinin titer
林泰弘1), 渡邊千秋1), 伊藤誠1), 上床貴代1), 魚住諒1), 秋沢宏次1), 早瀬英子1), 井口晶裕2), 清水力1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 648-649, 2019.

Japanese Article 15. Significance of the neutrophil associated IgG measurement in the autoimmune neutropenia
宮崎孔1), 高橋大輔1), 東寛2), 佐藤進一郎1), 加藤俊明1), 池田久實3), 紀野修一1), 山本哲3), 牟禮一秀1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 649-649, 2019.

Japanese Article "The future image of correspondence and hemo- bidiLance to a transfusion adverse event"
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 649-650, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. One case that ABO genotyping was useful in the judgment of the cis A2B3 type of neonates
上床貴代, 渡邊千秋, 伊藤誠, 魚住諒, 林泰弘, 早坂光司, 秋沢宏次, 早瀬英子, 豊嶋崇徳
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 652-652, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. 1 case that required fetal blood transfusion for fetuses, fetal erythroblastosis by antiD
魚住諒1), 渡邊千秋1), 伊藤誠1), 上床貴代1), 林泰弘1), 早坂光司1), 馬詰武2), 早瀬英子1), 秋沢宏次1), 豊嶋崇徳1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 652-652, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. Analysis of the HDFN case that reticulocyte count low level was prolonged by multiple Rhesus antibodies
内村大祐1), 宮崎孔1), 佐藤進一郎1), 池田久實2), 山本哲2), 紀野修一1), 牟禮一秀1), 加藤美加3), 若林崇3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 653-653, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. Examination of the usefulness of the high sensitive IgG subclass analysis for the onset prediction of fetuses, the fetal erythroblastosis
村井良精1), 遠藤輝夫1), 盛合美加子1), 柳原希美1)2), 田中信悟1)2), 永原大五1)2), 高橋聡1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 653-653, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. Examination of the number of transfusion and the number of the exposure donors for neonates
林泰弘, 渡邊千秋, 猪股百華, 伊藤誠, 上床貴代, 魚住諒, 秋沢宏次, 早瀬英子, 豊嶋崇徳
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 653-654, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. About the division production and stable securing of platelet preparation in the Hokkaido block
内藤祐1), 有澤史倫1), 佐藤聡一1), 内藤友紀1), 布施久恵1), 林宜亨1), 若本志乃舞1), 藤原満博1), 名村喜一郎1), 本間稚広1), 山本哲2), 池田久實2), 紀野修一1), 牟禮一秀1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 654-654, 2019.

Japanese Article 7. Property evaluation of platelet Lysate (PL) which we prepared from expired platelet preparation
若本志乃舞1), 藤原満博1), 布施久恵1), 名村喜一郎1), 本間稚広1), 山本哲2), 池田久實2), 紀野修一1), 牟禮一秀1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 654-655, 2019.

Japanese Article 8. Change of the marker by the follow-up of the hepatitis E virus-positive volunteer blood donor
金城果歩1), 飯田樹里1), 小林悠1), 坂田秀勝1), 佐藤進一郎1), 池田久實2), 山本哲2), 紀野修一1), 牟禮一秀1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 655-655, 2019.

Japanese Article 9. Investigation about the current situation of T&S in our hospital
田中希実音, 河原好絵, 大塚浩平, 山中まゆみ, 高橋裕之, 佐渡正敏, 藤井聡
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 655-655, 2019.

Japanese Article 10. Collaboration with the small medical institution and blood center for the transfusion regime construction
森下勝哉, 菅原拓男, 紀野修一, 牟禮一秀
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 655-656, 2019.

Japanese Article 11. Efforts of the allogeneic transfusion evasion in the elective thoracic aorta surgery
新井田周宏1), 菊谷浩樹2), 佐野敏之2), 川上祥碁2), 田中健翔2), 井上聡巳3), 仲澤順二3), 内山博貴3), 柳清洋佑4), 大川陽史4), 村川進5)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 656-656, 2019.

Japanese Article "The condition of a patient and transfusion therapy at massive bleeding oriented to hemostasis"
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 656-657, 2019.

Japanese Article The current situation of weekend TACO and the blood transfusion reaction
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 660-661, 2019.

Japanese Article The change of the treatment of blood disorder
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 661-661, 2019.

Japanese Article An encounter with transfusion, the cellular therapeutics and the step
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 661-662, 2019.

Japanese Article For activation of joint transfusion therapy Committee in the area
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 662-662, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. The current situation of the small medical institution in the transfusion medical care of Iwate and future approach
長岡芳男9), 千葉和久1)2), 吉田こず恵2)3), 鈴木啓二朗2)4), 岡村三枝子2)5), 後藤健治2)6), 佐々木辰也2)7), 高橋弥栄子2)8), 工藤琢身2)8), 中居賢司2)9), 佐熊勉2)5), 伊藤達朗2)10), 諏訪部章2)4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 662-663, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. Activity ... of the nurse practice second report - Aomori joint transfusion therapy committee authorization transfusion sectional meeting of the transfusion education for small medical institution, medical office duty nurses
塗谷智子1)8)9), 中田陽子1)8), 西塚和美2)8), 乗田生子2)8), 小笠原圭子3)8), 境峰子4)8), 鶴谷博美5)8), 玉井佳子6)9), 立花直樹7)9), 北澤淳一7)〜9)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 663-663, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. Relation to a small medical institution in Miyagi combination transfusion therapy Committee
清水貴人1)4), 及川伸治1)4), 藤原実名美2)4), 畠山紀子3)4), 高橋知子3)4), 安藤京子3)4), 中川國利1)4), 張替秀郎2)4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 663-664, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. Relation of joint transfusion therapy Committee in the small medical institution
林崎久美子1)2), 菅原剛1)3), 柳谷由己1)3), 阿部真1)4), 樋渡佳代子1)5), 上村克子1)6), 小塚源儀1)7), 道下吉広1)8), 加賀谷聡1)9), 西成民夫1)10), 小笠原仁1)7), 天満和男1)5), 星野良平1)11), 藤島直仁1)12), 面川進1)4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 664-664, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. Approach to a small medical institution by Yamagata combination transfusion therapy Committee
黒田優1), 小田島千尋1), 佐藤勇人1), 渡辺眞史1), 押野敏子3), 佐藤伸二2), 大本英次郎3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 664-665, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. Relation of Fukushima combination transfusion therapy Committee and the small medical institution
渡邉範彦1), 樫村誠1), 齋藤絵梨子1), 渡部和也2), 大戸斉9)10), 峯岸正好1)10), 須田滉3)10), 管桂一4)10), 笹木恵美子5)10), 渡辺隆幸6)10), 塩川秀樹7)10), 山田朋美8), 味戸一宏8), 木村隆弘8)10), 池田和彦9)10)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 665-665, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. Blood type agreement transfusion ... not to make the corresponding ... blood corpuscle saving, reduction of working hours DTT processing and alloantibody in the Yamagata University transfusion part of the multiple myeloma therapeutic drug daratumumab (antiCD38) administration case made
奈良崎正俊, 大塚那奈, 柴田早紀, 石山裕子, 加藤裕一, 東梅友美, 石澤賢一
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 665-666, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. 1 case of the multiple myeloma that presented hemolytic anemia after Daratumumab administration
金子なつき1), 小山内崇将1), 内田亮2), 阿島光1), 大和美都1), 山形和史2), 間山恒2), 鎌田耕輔2), 玉井佳子1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 666-666, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. Change of direct Coombes in daratumumab treated patients
長沼良子, 奥村亘, 押野敏子, 長谷川毅, 加藤美加, 沼澤ひろみ, 阿部周一, 大本英次郎
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 666-666, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. One patient who raised Passenger Lymphocyte Syndrome after the allogeneic peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
力丸峻也1), 高野希美1), 川畑絹代1), 小野智1), 皆川敬治1)2), 渡邉万央1), 鈴木裕恵1), 佐々木睦美1), 高橋沙樹1), 安田広康2), 木村哲3), 池添隆之3), 池田和彦1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 666-667, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. About transfusion therapy during haemodialysis
大竹美和1), 荒井めぐみ1), 川口洋2), 大島久美3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 667-667, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. The prospective study about the adverse event with the hematopoietic cells infusion: Children and low weight case analysis
皆川敬治1)2), 大戸斉1)2), 奥山美樹2), 藤原実名美2), 金森平和2), 藤原慎一郎2), 室井一男2), 森毅彦2), 笠間絹代2), 井関徹2), 長村登紀子2), 藤井伸治2), 芦田隆司2), 亀田和明2), 諫田淳也2), 廣瀬朝生2), 高橋勉2), 長井一浩2), 田野崎隆二2), 池田和彦1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 667-668, 2019.

Japanese Article 7. Efforts to the safe division preparation transfusion in our hospital NICU
千田友美1), 井上優花子1), 小田原聖1), 外川洋子1), 高舘潤子1), 後藤健治1), 鈴木啓二朗2), 諏訪部章2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 668-668, 2019.

Japanese Article 8. The examination of IgG type antiB antibody titers 4,096 times support system to an ABO blood group mismatch liver transplant
石岡夏子, 伊藤智啓, 細川真梨, 郷野辰幸, 岩木啓太, 阿部真知子, 佐藤裕子, 関修, 成田香魚子, 藤原実名美, 張替秀郎
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 668-669, 2019.

Japanese Article 9. Change of the quantity of Jra antigen in c.-262C>T of the ABCG2 gene and the c.421C>A mutation
荻山佳子, 伊藤正一, 入野美千代, 菱沼智子, 浅野朋美, 大山政則, 清水博
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 669-669, 2019.

Japanese Article 10. Monocytic englobement study using the red blood cell varying in quantity of Jra antigen
伊藤正一, 菱沼智子, 荻山佳子, 浅野朋美, 入野美千代, 大山政則, 清水博
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 669-669, 2019.

Japanese Article 11. 1 case that antiKpa was detected
内田亮1), 金子なつき1), 小山内崇将1), 阿島光1), 大和美都1), 山口公平2), 玉井佳子1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 669-670, 2019.

Japanese Article 12. One case of weakD which a difference produced in response strength by the difference of the note position for the blood corpuscle of the gel column syphilo-agglutination test
岩木啓太, 伊藤智啓, 細川真梨, 郷野辰幸, 石岡夏子, 阿部真知子, 佐藤裕子, 関修, 成田香魚子, 藤原実名美, 張替秀郎
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 670-670, 2019.

Japanese Article 13. Were you able to make VVR generating the reduction by the female weight standard tightening at drawing blood?
澤村佳宏, 川合靖子, 新林佐知子, 七島浩貴, 佐藤菜穂子, 増田真理, 中川國利
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 670-671, 2019.

Japanese Article 14. Factor and good use of measures - pulse oximeter ... of the faint out of the blood donation venue in the whole blood drawing blood
久保聖子, 中島みどり, 高橋久美代, 岩渕淑子, 高橋明美, 田口千晴, 佐藤泰子, 伊藤寛泰, 中居賢司
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 671-671, 2019.

Japanese Article 15. Analysis of the hemoglobin level misfit in the Fukushima volunteer blood donor
仙波ゆかり1), 齋藤和枝1), 渡邉美奈1), 鴫原花織1), 関純子1), 佐藤紀子1), 篠原伸1), 齋藤絵梨子1), 渡邉範彦1), 樫村誠1), 後藤あや2), 峯岸正好1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 671-671, 2019.

Japanese Article 16. Efforts to the blood commuter pass conveyance collection
中川國利, 中島信雄, 澤村佳宏, 佐々木大, 築館和良, 柴田正道
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 671-672, 2019.

Japanese Article 17. It is ... after questionary survey - combination transfusion therapy Committee start about the transfusion medical care in Iwate for eight years
長岡芳男1), 中居賢司1)2), 中村秀一1), 酒多桃子1), 千葉和久2), 吉田こず恵2), 鈴木啓二朗2), 岡村三枝子2), 後藤健司2), 佐々木辰也2), 高橋弥栄子2), 工藤琢見2), 佐熊勉2), 伊藤達朗2), 諏訪部章2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 672-672, 2019.

Japanese Article 18. About the current situation of promotion of the appointed hour delivery and the urgent carrying out blood operation
寺田亨, 三浦吉尚, 佐々木順, 阿部真, 面川進
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 672-673, 2019.

Japanese Article 19. Analysis about a request and customer needs sent by a medical institution
吉田斉, 國井華子, 寺田亨, 二部琴美, 鎌田博子, 清水慎一, 阿部真, 面川進
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 673-673, 2019.

Japanese Article 20. Problem to be able to see from the findings of the disposal blood in Yamagata and the transfusion regime
小田島千尋1), 黒田優1), 佐藤勇人1), 渡辺眞史1), 佐藤伸二2), 大本英次郎3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 673-674, 2019.

Japanese Article 21. About findings of the nonhemolytic blood transfusion reaction in Akita
國井華子, 吉田斉, 鎌田博子, 阿部真, 面川進
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 674-674, 2019.

Japanese Article 22. About efforts and auditee of transfusion usability test system (I&A) in our hospital
渡辺隆幸1), 阿部柊1), 白谷泰祐1), 神山龍之介1), 星雅子1), 橋本はるみ1), 石井佳代子1), 馬場佐知子2), 小野和恵2), 永山季代子2), 作間靖子4), 神林裕行3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 674-674, 2019.

Japanese Article 23. Efforts of the round aiming at safe transfusion duties
吉田有沙, 佐久間ゆう子, 佐藤裕敬, 大宮千賀子, 佐藤梢, 田島悦子, 安藤恵美, 柿崎真由美, 佐藤順子
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 674-675, 2019.

Japanese Article 24. Analyze a transfusion-associated incident report after the new hospital integration; and role in ... transfusion Committee and future problem ...
藤田尚美, 安藤裕子, 佐藤至代, 齋藤弓恵
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 675-675, 2019.

Japanese Article 25. Efforts for the ISO 15189 acquisition in the northeastern Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital Banking Inspection Department transfusion section
齊藤梨絵1), 浅野裕子1), 佐藤裕李1), 藤田智咲1), 大場祐輔1), 櫻田明美1), 泉義彦1), 沖津庸子2)3), 高橋伸一郎1)3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 675-676, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. For enhancement and development of the transfusion education to a nurse
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 678-679, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. Q&A of the transfusion nursing
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 679-679, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. Gunma transfusion-related authorized nurse society
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 679-680, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. Ibaraki transfusion-related authorized nurse training sectional meeting
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 680-680, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. Saitama combination transfusion therapy Committee - transfusion duties examination subcommittee - nurse sectional meeting
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 680-680, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. Committee specialized in a nurse at Nagano blood donation promotion council transfusion therapy section
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 680-680, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. Nurse at Chiba combination transfusion therapy Committee working group
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 680-681, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. Niigata nurse sectional meeting
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 681-681, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. Transfusion infection
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 681-681, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. About transfusion-associated information card and a standard master
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 681-682, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. Operation and problem of the transfusion-associated information card
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 682-682, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. Irregular antibody card operation - Being careful and unresolved -
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 682-682, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. Of the transfusion-associated information card for effectively utilizing it from - irregularity antibody possession card, experience of the blood type card issuance -
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 682-683, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. Efforts of the "red blood cell irregular antibody possession card" in Saitama issuance and future development
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 683-683, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. The active transport refrigerator, ATR operation results for the urgent atypical conformity transfusion in the lifesaving center Initial doctor's office
浅香祐幸1), 寺谷美雪1), 中原美千代1), 間由紀1), 大谷彩恵1), 杉山和宏2), 西村滋子3), 藤田浩3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 683-684, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. 1 case of the Gy (a-) pregnant woman holding antiGya
松浦見帆, 大木浩子, 今井厚子, 野呂光恵, 植松正将, 阿南昌弘, 田坂大象, 山本晃士
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 684-684, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. Red blood cell preparation management in the Tokai University Oiso Hospital
兵藤理, 梶谷由美子, 大菅淳
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 684-684, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. The domestic management system and preparation procedure of the TEMCELL HS note
中塩屋千絵, 板垣浩行, 小山暁史, 今泉満明, 櫻井朋美, 池田瞳, 杉本達哉, 豊崎誠子
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 684-685, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. Experience of the antiDib (Diego b)-positive autotransfusion case
上原茅紘, 廣瀬有香, 名倉豊, 會田砂良, 間舘恵理, 奥谷美紅, 中村潤子, 川端みちる, 澤田良子, 池田敏之, 岡崎仁
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 685-685, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. The case that the postural false anemia that we experienced is suspected in our hospital
大矢未来, 岡崎江里子, 渡邉玲, 森山昌彦, 石橋小百合, 佐久間香枝, 西村加世, 中川美子, 原口京子, 奧山美樹
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 685-685, 2019.

Japanese Article 7. Efforts of the public information about the transfusion therapy
原田佐保1), 瀧澤かすみ1), 黒沢英里1), 小峰弘美1), 岩上薫1), 柴徳生1)2), 山崎悦子3), 上條亜紀1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 685-686, 2019.

Japanese Article 8. One case that HBs antibody made the change into positive by the maternal antibody from blood products during malignant lymphoma treatment
齊藤理央1), 菅原未稀1), 杉田好1), 石川貴徳1), 小沼善明1), 中島あつ子1), 樋口敬和1), 古川翔2), 岡村隆光2), 森田公夫2), 犬飼敏彦2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 686-686, 2019.

Japanese Article 9. The cooperation of an engineer and the nurse in the transfusion therapy: A problem and the prospects
橋口友恵1), 朝倉信之介2), 奥田慎也3), 中西由佳1), 薄井彩1), 家久来侑奈2), 三品瑠璃子2), 竹林ちあき3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 686-686, 2019.

Japanese Article 10. One case for patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm of the type I CD36 loss for transfusion
岸まい子1), 奥田誠1), 町田保1), 栗林智子1), 日高陽子1), 山田由香里1), 遊佐貴司1), 祖父江晃基1), 藤原ゆり1), 瀬崎晴美1), 田中美里1), 橋本紗織1), 石橋瑞樹1), 齋藤光平1), 大菅貴寛1), 佐瀬千佳1), 佐藤暢一2), 小原明1), 塩野則次1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 686-687, 2019.

Japanese Article 11. Efforts of the staff training for the purpose of the cooperation improvement by the mutual understanding of a medical institution and the blood center
浦谷寛1), 落合永2), 神崎隆一2), 竹内祐貴2), 大久保理恵2), 林務1)3), 藤崎清道2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 687-687, 2019.

Japanese Article 12. Examination of the number of the in-hospital appropriate stock of the red blood cell preparation
永田則子, 小川寿代, 佐藤克亘, 高野沙季, 小田行雄, 森山亨, 土屋達行
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 687-687, 2019.

Japanese Article 13. About appropriate inventory control of the red blood cell preparation
正木杏奈1), 有馬和奈1), 田部裕二1), 岩切文子1), 山辺晴美1), 小本美奈1), 高野波留美1), 内田一弘2), 大谷慎一3), 宮崎浩二3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 687-688, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. Platelet transfusion - proper use and recent topic -
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 688-688, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. The future image that is found in a transfusion system
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 688-688, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. Blood products information management with the block chain
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 688-689, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. Blood products ordering system
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 689-689, 2019.

Japanese Article An emergency disease and abnormality of immunity
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 690-690, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. Perform auditee of I&A; and need - of the other types of job cooperation in the - transfusion therapy
山本敦子1), 岡田元1), 濱口幸司1), 山本喜之1), 鈴木祐子1), 河合涼1), 池口未華1), 杉浦利美2), 飯田雅子2), 近藤えりか2), 澤正史3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 690-691, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. After current situation - Ver.55 shift of Tokai Branch I&A after three years -
飛田規1)11), 小杉浩史2)11), 玉木茂久3)11), 長谷川勝俊4)11), 安藤高宣5)11), 伊藤裕子2)11), 森本剛史6)11), 丸山美津子7)11), 井上千好8)11), 橋ヶ谷尚路9)11), 進藤仁10)11), 加藤栄史5)11)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 691-691, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. The complaint occurrence situation of blood products for the transfusion in the Tokai Hokuriku block blood center
神藤和昭, 谷川美佳子, 市川小百合, 圓藤ルリ子, 大西一功
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 691-692, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. For the service improvement to a medical institution with the goal of 100% of addition rates of - blood corpuscle antigen information -
深谷陽子, 倉科かすみ, 清水幸代, 横家信華, 圓藤ルリ子, 大西一功
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 692-692, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. About T&S correspondence in the Aichi Medical University Hospital
松尾友仁1), 槇山愛弓1), 藤田江美1), 石山和樹1), 高四強1), 安藤高宣1), 林恵美1), 片井明子1), 丹羽玲子1), 中山享之1)2), 加藤栄史1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 692-692, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. Precision management of FCXM in the kidney transplantation of our hospital
丸山美津子1), 牧野達也1), 西川晃平2), 橋口裕樹3), 松本剛史1), 大石晃嗣1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 692-693, 2019.

Japanese Article 7. About effect measurement of the platelet transfusion in our hospital
太田貴江, 松浦秀哲, 林由芽, 坂本悠斗, 白木真理, 松野貴洋, 及川彰太, 西垣亮, 加藤友理, 荒川章子, 杉浦縁, 藤井紀恵, 三浦康生
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 693-693, 2019.

Japanese Article 8. The use results and problem of the cryoprecipitate in our hospital
片野由里子, 浅野栄太, 石田秀和, 大橋葉津希, 佐藤弦士朗, 帖佐光洋, 二宮空暢, 北川順一, 伊藤弘康
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 693-693, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. About operation of the self-cryoprecipitate in our center
村田理恵1), 原田由紀1), 杉山寛貴1), 小野本仁美1), 大野万佑子1), 黒田将子1), 池本純子1), 大西里歩3), 吉原哲1)2), 山原研一2), 藤盛好啓1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 696-696, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. Efforts for the operational rule common knowledge of T&S and the effect
北畑建太1), 志磨美緒1), 鴨川康代1), 平松潔子1), 南有美子1), 渡邊由香理1), 泉原由美子1), 日南淳子2), 河野武弘1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 696-696, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. 1 case that it detected antiJk3+ antiJkb, and issued "transfusion-associated information card"
大前和人, 松本克也, 灰塚隆太, 松本莉沙, 森多恵子, 廣田浩二, 寺田勝彦
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 696-697, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. Examination of the blood priming dose in our hospital in skill in transcatheter aortic valve shrubbery (TAVI)
西村静香, 笹田裕司, 小森浩美, 高林敏之, 今西唯, 藤井瀬菜, 稲葉亨, 堀池重夫
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 697-697, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. Examination about the enzyme method abbreviation in the irregular test for antibodies
北原陽一郎, 青谷真樹, 市下和博, 川淵靖司
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 697-697, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. Evaluation of the transfusion effect of 3 cases given erythrocyte transfusion for autoimmune haemolytic anaemias
大橋裕子, 船江博幸
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 697-697, 2019.

Japanese Article 7. About the use of Daratumumab situation and the examination to patients with multiple myeloma of transfusion
阿部操, 山岡学, 北睦実, 北畑もも香, 大澤眞輝, 井上まどか, 寺嶋由香利, 大西修司, 伊藤量基, 野村昌作
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 697-698, 2019.

Japanese Article 8. Correspondence to daratumumab-treated patients
岡一彦, 村田優, 中藤裕子, 神楽所みほ, 福井理恵, 今田和典
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 698-698, 2019.

Japanese Article 9. 2 cases thought to be cisAB which we experienced in our hospital
中藤裕子, 村田優, 神楽所みほ, 福井理恵, 岡一彦, 今田和典
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 698-698, 2019.

Japanese Article 10. 1 case that antiPP1Pk antibody was detected
澁谷江里香1), 万木紀美子1), 菱田理恵1), 大野志織2), 平位秀世1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 698-699, 2019.

Japanese Article 11. One case of fetal erythroblastosis (HDFN) by high titer antiRh17 (antiHro) successful by fetal blood transfusion and exchange blood transfusion for birth
櫻木美基子1), 味村和哉2), 中山小太郎純友1), 細川美香1), 中尾まゆみ1), 森川珠世1), 清川知子1), 青地寛1), 永峰啓丞1), 遠藤誠之2), 木村正2), 冨山佳昭1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 699-699, 2019.

Japanese Article 12. 1 case of the pregnant woman who racked the brains about identification and the titration of the Miltenberger-related antibody
長谷川真弓1), 下村志帆1), 谷山歩1), 梅木弥生1), 松本雅則1), 佐道俊幸2), 小林浩2), 内川誠3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 699-699, 2019.

Japanese Article 13. Transfusion duties training of the person of day night duty in our hospital
上田真弘, 神田織江, 津崎里奈, 早川郁代, 川本晋一郎, 南博信
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 699-699, 2019.

Japanese Article 14. Examination of the eyes alignment specimen preparations of the tube test
村田優, 中藤裕子, 神楽所みほ, 福井理恵, 岡一彦, 今田和典
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 699-700, 2019.

Japanese Article 15. The transfusion preparation disposal is decrease, significance of the person of society authorization multi-type of job collaboration
竹内志津枝1), 馬場章子1), 川恭子1), 前堂由香梨1), 前田紘子1), 羽渕加代子1), 楠本壽子2), 吉田昌弘2), 米谷昇3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 700-700, 2019.

Japanese Article 16. Introduction and evaluation of the interview sheet before drawing blood in the preserved blood-style autotransfusion
奈木麻美1), 池添香苗1), 日南淳子1), 坂田真美子1), 坂本達恵1), 塩見七緒1), 夫希望1), 宮上雄太1), 森村友貴1), 平松潔子2), 河野武弘2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 700-700, 2019.

Japanese Article 17. The enforcement situation of the examination of posttransfusion infection in our hospital for 8 years
廣田綾子, 茂籠弘子, 小室伸子, 内林佐知子, 湯本浩史, 南口仁志
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 700-701, 2019.

Japanese Article 18. About the occurrence of blood transfusion reaction situation of blood products in our hospital and the plasma derivative
地守慶亮, 前田朋子, 中野勝彦, 福島靖幸, 川野亜美, 井手大輔, 前田岳宏, 椿本祐子, 金光靖, 芦田隆司
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 701-701, 2019.

Japanese Article 19. Examination of the usefulness of the prophylaxis for the platelet transfusion side effect in patients with blood disorder
川野亜美1), 芦田隆司1)2), 地守慶亮1), 前田朋子1), 中野勝彦1), 福島靖幸1), 井手大輔1), 椿本祐子1), 前田岳宏1), 藤田往子1), 金光靖1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 701-701, 2019.

Japanese Article 20. One case that caused 2 degrees transfusion-associated pulmonary disorder (TRALI) by platelet preparation
赤木佑衣奈1), 村田祥吾1), 山下友佑1), 小浴秀樹1), 田中顕1), 弘井孝幸1), 大岩健洋1), 小畑裕史1), 蒸野寿紀1), 亀谷孝志2), 冨坂竜矢2), 中島志保2), 堀端容子2), 松浪美佐子2), 西川彰則1), 田村志宣1), 園木孝志1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 701-702, 2019.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient and diagnosis of the hemostasis dysfunction
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 702-702, 2019.

Japanese Article The current situation and development of the at-home transfusion
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 702-703, 2019.

Japanese Article To show the specialty of the nurse
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 703-703, 2019.

Japanese Article It is ... for new development - minimal residual disease (MRD) negative conversion of multiple myeloma treatment
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 703-704, 2019.

Japanese Article Development - of the new short-cut method (Osaka law) using corresponding - 0.01M DTT to transfusion examination abnormality by the daratumumab
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 704-704, 2019.

Japanese Article For strength and weakness ... further use expansion of the self-fibrin paste
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 704-705, 2019.

Japanese Article Cell therapy in treatment-resistant acute graft-versus-host disease
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 705-705, 2019.

Japanese Article From this of iPS cells study and the transfusion medical care
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 708-708, 2019.

Japanese Article The current situation of the transfusion medical care and the future prospects
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 708-709, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. It is a 1 case with suspected irregularity antiB in B+O blood type chimera
中尾真実1), 山田麻里江1), 山田尚友1), 久保田寧2)3), 木村晋也3), 末岡榮三朗1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 709-709, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. Performance evaluation of all automatic transfusion survey instrument ORTHO VISION TM Analyzer Max
井本祐司1), 泉田久美子1), 山崎恵1), 山下孝明1), 松永彰1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 709-710, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. The ABO blood group system subtype that we detected in the case that presented weak positive reaction by an examination for blood type back
舞木弘幸, 宮元珠華, 外室喜英, 浜田平一郎, 古川良尚
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 710-710, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. Examination of the enzyme method abbreviation in the irregular antibody screening
吉田雅弥, 田中希歩, 石田彩華, 龍正樹, 川口謙一, 北里浩
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 710-711, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. 1 case that detected multiple irregularity antibodies after the transfusion
宮元珠華, 舞木弘幸, 外室喜英, 浜田平一郎, 古川良尚
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 711-711, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. 1 case of the neonates that a shift of antiA from mother and antiD, PAIgG was thought about
江頭弘一1), 池田美咲1), 溝上真衣1), 藤好麻衣1), 塩塚成美1), 橋本好司2), 中島収2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 711-712, 2019.

Japanese Article 7. About the supply situation of an antibody for the high incidence antigen detected by an examination of request and the rare blood
中園智子, 北原美加, 桐山佳子, 鈴木佳寿美, 山崎久義, 渡邉聖司, 橋口聖一, 島村益広, 松山博之, 入田和男
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 712-712, 2019.

Japanese Article 8. About the contribution to the area using the transfusion examination DVD which we manufactured in our hospital
山田麻里江1), 山田尚友1), 中尾真実1), 久保田寧2)3), 木村晋也3), 末岡榮三朗1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 712-713, 2019.

Japanese Article 9. Efforts and effect of the blood center aiming at the technical improvement of the examination of transfusion in the small and medium size medical institution
小田秀隆, 東谷孝徳, 松本岩雄, 石井恵美, 松本浩二, 松崎浩史
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 713-713, 2019.

Japanese Article 10. Summary of the comment of authorized transfusion laboratory technician study 12 years
東谷孝徳, 小田秀隆, 松本岩雄, 松本浩二, 松崎浩史
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 713-714, 2019.

Japanese Article 11. We can do it as report and explanation - laboratory technician of the transfusion test result
渡部旭子1), 赤田椋1), 林大樹1), 宮崎真奈美1), 関恵美1), 大立律子1), 結城孝子1), 佐藤まゆみ1), 梶原富士子1), 末松照子1), 蒲池綾子1), 馬場眞澄2), 岩里桂太郎2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 714-714, 2019.

Japanese Article 12. One case of the neonates same kind immune thrombocytopenia due to antiHLA antigens
下山治香1)2), 米村雄士1), 有山朝子1)2), 崎田紫織1)2), 石原綾子1)2), 大隈雅紀2), 金本人美3), 橋口裕樹3), 福吉葉子1)2), 内場光浩1), 吉松秀隆4), 松井啓隆1)2)5)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 714-715, 2019.

Japanese Article 13. About rare allyl detected in PC-HLA registration volunteer blood donor in Kyushu
浦上晶生, 藤本量, 山口惠津子, 中山みゆき, 黒田ゆかり, 橋口聖一, 島村益広, 松山博之, 入田和男
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 715-715, 2019.

Japanese Article 14. Questionnaire survey about the use of blood products in 2016 Kumamoto
崎田紫織1)2), 米村雄士1)4), 有山朝子1)2), 石原綾子1)2), 下山治香1)2), 福吉葉子1)2), 大隈雅紀1)2), 内場光浩1), 松井啓隆1)〜3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 715-716, 2019.

Japanese Article 15. Efforts of the quantity of in-hospital storage decision of the red blood cell preparation in our hospital
富松貴裕1), 宇留島裕1), 高嶋絵美1), 宮崎泰彦1), 奥廣和樹2), 高田寛之2), 大塚英一2), 佐分利能生2), 加島健司3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 716-716, 2019.

Japanese Article 16. One case of the HBV infection with the platelet preparation of the NAT window period
齊藤楓, 赤司春菜, 上田勇佑, 田原大志, 篠崎隆平, 大野徹也, 田久保智子, 江崎利信, 長野冬子, 高石英美, 永吉裕二, 橋口聖一, 島村益広, 松山博之, 入田和男
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 716-717, 2019.

Japanese Article 17. About the judgment reservation case in the HTLV-1 identification test
相良康子1), 中村仁美1), 井上由紀子1), 後藤信代1), 平山秀明1), 島村益広1), 松山博之1)2), 入田和男1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 717-717, 2019.

Japanese Article 18. About the usefulness of the examination of HTLV-1 antibody confirmation by the Line Immunoassay method
中村仁美1), 相良康子1), 井上由紀子1), 後藤信代1), 平山秀明1), 島村益広1), 松山博之1)2), 入田和男1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 717-717, 2019.

Japanese Article 19. The present situation and the problems of the preparations of the medical institution about the transfusion medical care at disaster in Kyushu District: Survey by the person concerned with Kyushu each prefectural combination transfusion therapy Committee society
長井一浩1)5), 井清司2)5), 榮鶴義人3)5), 押川秀次4)5), 山下明洋4)5), 久冨木庸子1)5), 古賀浩光1)5), 相良英範2)5), 續隆文2)5), 北折健次郎4)5), 野村秀洋3)5), 松尾辰樹1)5), 満留裕己3)5), 宮下幸一郎3)5), 山下隆司1)5), 米村雄士2)5)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 718-718, 2019.

Japanese Article 20. 1 case of aplastic anemia without the haemolysis symptom of the thing detecting a PNH-positive blood corpuscle at the high ratio
福吉葉子1)2), 米村雄士1), 有山朝子1)2), 石原綾子1)2), 崎田紫織1)2), 下山治香1)2), 大隈雅紀2), 内場光浩1), 川口辰哉3), 松井啓隆1)2)4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 718-718, 2019.

Japanese Article 21. 1 case of PLS which presented severe hemolytic anemia after ABO minor mismatch kidney transplantation
松尾綾花1), 山口恭子1), 榎本麻里1), 藤野恵子1), 青木香苗1), 堀田多恵子1), 平安山知子2), 亀崎健次郎2), 赤司浩一2), 康東天1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 719-719, 2019.

Japanese Article 22. 2 cases that was treated with transplantation of autologous hematopoietic stem cells after the sampling with the Plerixafor administration
濱田平一郎1), 古川良尚1), 中島篤人1), 中島恵美1), 橋ノ口寛仁1), 原口安江1), 外室喜英1), 宮元珠華1), 舞木弘幸1), 石塚賢治2), 有馬直佑2), 林田真衣子2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 719-720, 2019.

Japanese Article The future image of the transfusion management section: Plasma derivative management and clinical studies
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 723-724, 2019.

Japanese Article Function ... which is taking a lesson from the past - Pleo fatty tuna pick of the serum protein preparation
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 724-724, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. 1 case that we held HLA antigens, and a red blood cell crossmatch became incompatible
宮元珠華, 舞木弘幸, 外室喜英, 原口安江, 中島篤人, 橋ノ口寛仁, 古城剛, 濱田平一郎, 古川良尚
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 724-724, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. About the case that showed estrangement in results of serologic test method and the ABO genotyping
舞木弘幸, 宮元珠華, 外室喜英, 原口安江, 中島篤人, 橋ノ口寛仁, 古城剛, 濱田平一郎, 古川良尚
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 724-725, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. Comparison between FC500 and FACSCantoTM II in the CD34 counts measurement
藤好麻衣, 池田美咲, 溝上真衣, 塩塚成美, 柳場澄子, 江頭弘一, 橋本好司, 大崎浩一, 中島収
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 725-725, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. One patient whom antiA shifted by an immunoglobulin large quantities IV therapy and transfused O-type red blood cell preparation to
山田麻里江1), 山田尚友1), 中尾真実1), 久保田寧2)3), 木村晋也3), 末岡榮三朗1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 725-726, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. About a blood transfusion reaction occurrence investigation in our hospital
前田結香, 鷹野壽代, 藤島充弘, 高橋明子, 得能寛子
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 726-726, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. It is activity ... of ... transfusion therapy Committee about the blood transfusion reaction surveillance system in our hospital
藤本純子1), 矢野智英2), 中村弘子2), 崔日承3), 中山秀樹4), 末廣陽子3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 726-726, 2019.

Japanese Article 7. Perform efforts of the blood donation promotion to an analysis - medical care system student of the HBs antibody titers of the hepatitis B vaccination student; and -
岩崎潤子, 松崎浩史
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 726-727, 2019.

Japanese Article 8. Efforts of the problem solution type go to the actual place training
松尾綾花, 山口恭子, 青木香苗, 榎本麻里, 前田茜, 堀田多恵子, 康東天
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 727-727, 2019.

Japanese Article 9. One patient who it detected antiDib+ antiFyb, and issued transfusion-associated information card
山崎恵1), 泉田久美子1), 井本祐司1), 嶋田裕史1), 松永彰2), 熊川みどり3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 727-728, 2019.

Japanese Article 10. The current situation of the T&S operation in the operating room of our hospital
宇留島裕1), 遠藤啓1), 高嶋絵実1), 富松貴裕1), 宮崎泰彦1)2), 奥廣和樹2), 高田寛之2), 佐分利能生2), 大塚英一2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 728-728, 2019.

Japanese Article 11. About the blood products conveyance situation and the problems using the air shooter
池田美咲, 溝上真衣, 藤好麻衣, 塩塚成美, 柳場澄子, 江頭弘一, 橋本好司, 大崎浩一, 中島収
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 728-729, 2019.

Japanese Article 12. About efforts of our hospital for the transfusion usability test authorization (I&A) auditee and the effect
宮園卓宜1), 中島彩乃2)3), 藤山裕輝2), 新屋果蓮1)3), 小田原千里1)3), 牧野桃子1)3), 兼石知香1)3), 久保友恵2), 中野伸亮1), 高塚祥芝1)3), 宇都宮與1), 帆北修一3)4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 729-729, 2019.

Japanese Article 13. About duties improvement effect by I&A and ISO15189
米丸友香里1), 山田彩1), 山口大輔1), 波野千晴1), 沖茂彦1), 下釡絵美2), 浦岡千晶2), 吉田真一郎3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 729-729, 2019.

Japanese Article 14. About usefulness of the frozen thawed red flood cell preservation using DiaMed CellFreeze/DiaMed CellThaw
黒木沙央里, 稲田直樹, 藤川瑞稀, 岩切望美, 小山田栄子, 金丸恭子, 坂元あい子, 竹ノ内博之, 久冨木庸子
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 729-730, 2019.

Japanese Article 15. Epidemiologic survey of the HTLV-1 horizontal disease transmission carrier in Kyushu District
相良康子1), 中村仁美1), 大隈和2), 浜口功2), 島村益弘1), 松山博之1), 入田和男1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 730-730, 2019.

Japanese Article 16. A change of cell membrane protein GPIb/IX of the 22 degrees Celsius bank blood scutellum and the measures
菊池亮, 高濱和夫, 福島摩紀
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 730-731, 2019.

Japanese Article 17. Study on usefulness of the Polyolefin bag for the new platelet preservation
長井一浩1), 中村浩哉1), 原田浩1), 古賀嘉人1), 薬師寺千明2), 城野栄次2), 徳永素子2), 山岡久時2), 宮崎泰司1)3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 731-731, 2019.

Japanese Article 18. One that there was less quantity of sampling than CD34 cell count in peripheral blood and could not remain improvement of the sampling quantity even as for the combination of the Plerixafor
濱田平一郎1), 古川良尚1), 中別府聖一郎2), 舞木弘幸1), 外室喜英1), 中島篤人1), 宮元珠華1), 原口安江1), 橋之口寛仁1), 古城剛1), 新居亮彦2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 731-732, 2019.

Japanese Article 19. Aging-related EBV-positive DLBCL which was carried out, and was able to save granulocyte transfusion (GTX) for early corynebacterium jeikeium sepsis after the allograft
片山映樹1), 坂田真規1), 柳井優花1), 本田周平1), 吉田奈津美1), 長松顕太郎1), 高野久仁子1), 河野利恵1), 緒方正男2), 白尾國昭1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 732-732, 2019.

Japanese Article 20. Operational experience of the TEMCELL (R)HS note for 2 years
平安山知子1), 前田茜1), 松尾綾花2), 榎本麻里2), 青木香苗2), 山口恭子2), 國崎祐哉1), 前田高宏1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 732-733, 2019.

Japanese Article 21. The current situation of the foreign transfusion of our hospital: The actual situation of 4 unit erythrocyte transfusion
吉田朝子1), 福吉葉子1)2), 石原綾子1)2), 崎田紫織1)2), 下山治香1)2), 米村雄士2), 内場光治2), 松井啓隆3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 733-733, 2019.

Japanese Article 22. The current situation of the urgent transfusion in our hospital and operational evaluation
立川良昭, 岩男千恵子, 辛島恵子, 赤坂理恵子, 荒金嵩子, 河内一馬, 平岡あずさ, 緒方正男, 白尾國昭
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 733-733, 2019.

Japanese Article 23. Examination of the procedure change to raise safety of the urgent transfusion for the critical bleeding
古賀嘉人1), 中村浩哉1), 北薗誠也1), 深堀由紀子1), 川口智穂2), 川口千穂2), 長井一浩1), 宮崎泰司1)3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 733-734, 2019.

Japanese Article 24. 1 case that antiJra was detected for pregnancy 36 weeks
井本祐司1), 泉田久美子1), 山崎恵1), 嶋田裕史1), 松永彰1)2), 熊川みどり3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 734-734, 2019.

Japanese Article 25. The case that detected antiE, antic, antiJka, antiM by frequent transfusion
橋ノ口寛仁, 舞木弘幸, 宮元珠華, 外室喜英, 原口安江, 中島篤人, 古城剛, 濱田平一郎, 古川良尚
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 734-735, 2019.

Japanese Article 26. The current situation and problem of the examination of transfusion of patients receiving daratumumab preparation in our hospital
崎田紫織1)2), 米村雄士1)2), 吉田朝子1)2), 石原綾子1)2), 下山治香1)2), 福吉葉子1)2), 内場光浩1)2), 松井啓隆1)〜3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 735-735, 2019.

Japanese Article 27. Examination about the DTT processing condition suitable for the examination of the use of DARA patients
藤川瑞稀, 稲田直樹, 黒木沙央里, 岩切望美, 小山田栄子, 金丸恭子, 坂元あい子, 竹ノ内博之, 久冨木庸子
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 735-736, 2019.

Japanese Article 28. Application to chimerism analysis after the allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation using the Indel seasonal polymorphism
舞木弘幸, 宮元珠華, 外室喜英, 原口安江, 中島篤人, 橋ノ口寛仁, 古城剛, 濱田平一郎, 古川良尚
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 736-736, 2019.

Japanese Article 29. 1 case that showed importance of the general interpretation in the NAIT-related examination
藤本量1), 浦上晶生1), 黒田ゆかり1), 井上浩二2), 東矢俊一郎3), 鈴木佳寿美1), 永吉裕二1), 島村益広1), 黒野海斗3), 坪根美枝3), 酒見好弘3), 山下博徳3), 松山博之1)4), 入田和男1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 736-736, 2019.

Japanese Article 30. Three cases who had thrombocytopenia autoimmune for a blood-forming organ tumor
佐分利能生1), 奥廣和樹1), 高田寛之1), 宮崎泰彦1), 大塚英一1), 遠藤啓2), 宇留島裕2), 高嶋絵美2), 富松貴裕2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 65(3): 737-737, 2019.