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Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy

Volume 68, Issue 6 / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Examination for erythrocytic form (examination for erythrocytic series) guidelines (four revision)
奥田誠1)14)15), 池本純子2)15), 石丸健3)15), 内川誠4)15), 梶原道子5)15), 北澤淳一6)14)15), 国分寺晃7)15), 小山典久8)15), 竹下明裕9)15), 三浦邦彦10)15), 安田広康11)15), 松本雅則12)14), 松下正13)14)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 539-556, 2022.

Kanako Yamashita1), Tomohiko Sato1), Miyuki Ishibashi1), Kenichiro Ishii1), Shingo Horiguchi1), Tadahiro Gunji2), Hiroto Ishii2), Hiroki Yokoyama2), Takeshi Saito2), Shingo Yano2), Tetsunori Tasaki1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 557-564, 2022.

Japanese Article Similarity and difference - posttransfusional after GVHD (graft-versus-host disease) - same kind hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 566-567, 2022.

Japanese Article Dispatch from the "transfusion therapy of the small medical institution" district
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 567-567, 2022.

Japanese Article About relation - muscle of leg strain (leg cross) exercise to drawing blood side effect measures at blood donation -
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 567-568, 2022.

Japanese Article 1. Subsequent blood donation behavior in the initial high school student volunteer blood donor
黒田優, 小野寺卓, 渡辺眞史, 鎌塚栄一郎
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 568-568, 2022.

Japanese Article 2. About changes, and the like of the Hb Hb of the frequent ingredient volunteer blood donor in Akita
阿部真, 高橋美紀子, 山本有里子, 山手昌子, 國井修, 長井剛, 面川進
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 568-569, 2022.

Japanese Article 3. Cannot sense a vasovagal reflex at blood donation beforehand; or - Preliminary report -
増田友之1), 坂本季生1), 岩崎佑紀1)2), 西海枝武志1), 高橋明美1), 中島みどり1), 乳井和夫1), 梅野真和1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 569-569, 2022.

Japanese Article 4. For current situation and problem - entire surface shift after the WEB ordering system introduction in Fukushima -
宮崎真希, 荒川崇, 渡邉範彦, 長谷川修, 本間和宏, 國分秀俊, 井村健, 田辺昇司, 紺野恭宏, 五十嵐満, 神林裕行
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 569-569, 2022.

Japanese Article 5. Efforts of the red blood cell disposal blood reduction in the small and medium size hospital in Yamagata
鎌塚栄一郎1)3), 石井尚子1)3), 黒田優1)3), 石澤賢一2)3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 569-570, 2022.

Japanese Article 6. Effect ... that ... transfusion therapy Committee participation gives to blood business about blood center in the transfusion medical care and the cooperation of the medical institution
面川進, 國井華子, 吉田斉, 寺田亨, 阿部真
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 570-570, 2022.

Japanese Article 7. It is effect ... by the ... transfusion therapy Committee participation + online regular assembly about the cooperation of blood center and the medical institution in the transfusion medical care
國井華子, 寺田亨, 吉田斉, 阿部真, 面川進
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 570-571, 2022.

Japanese Article 8. A patient with mixed IgG and IgM warm autoantibodies who struggled to cope at night
佐々木綾子1), 能登谷武1), 熊谷美香子1), 佐藤郁恵1), 奈良美保1), 伊藤正一2), 高橋直人1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 571-571, 2022.

Japanese Article 9. It is a case utilizing the genotyping for the Jra antigen examination of the children who presented with fetal anemia by antiJra
伊藤正一, 荻山佳子, 入野美千代, 阿蘓秀樹, 柴崎至
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 571-571, 2022.

Japanese Article 10. 1 case that FCM analysis was useful in the follow-up of the fetal children whom we transfused because of hydrops fetalis by antiJra
荻山佳子1), 伊藤正一1), 阿蘓秀樹1), 柴崎至1), 當瀬ちひろ2), 桂木真司3), 大戸斉4)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 571-572, 2022.

Japanese Article 11. The thawing work efficiency of the hematopoietic stem cells freeze product and examination of the quality
奥津美穂1)2), 皆川敬治3), 高野希美3), 松原麻衣3), 高橋沙樹3), 力丸峻也3), 佐々木睦美3), 渡邉万央3), 渡部文彦3), 小野智3), 川畑絹代3), 植田航希1)3), 三村耕作1)3), 池田和彦1)3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 572-572, 2022.

Japanese Article 12. One case that held antiHLA antigens in a short term by PBSCT between the relatives from an antiHLA antigens possession donor
渡部文彦1), 力丸峻也1), 高野希美1), 佐々木睦美1), 渡邉万央1), 松原麻衣1), 小田原聖1), 高橋沙樹1), 皆川敬治1), 小野智1), 川畑絹代1), 森博隆3), 高橋裕志3), 池田和彦1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 572-573, 2022.

Japanese Article 13. One patient whom Passenger Lymphocyte Syndrome developed in after the ABO blood group mismatch live donor liver transplant
伊藤智啓1), 岩木啓太1), 細川真梨1), 郷野辰幸1), 石岡夏子1), 阿部真知子1), 佐藤裕子1), 関修1), 成田香魚子1), 菅原新吾2), 藤原実名美1), 張替秀郎1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 573-573, 2022.

Japanese Article The current situation of the blood products WEB ordering
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 575-575, 2022.

Japanese Article Lecture 1. Operation of blood products ordering system (BOS) in our hospital
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 575-575, 2022.

Japanese Article Lecture 2. Problems of the blood products WEB ordering
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 575-575, 2022.

Japanese Article Lecture 3. Problems of the blood products WEB ordering
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 575-576, 2022.

Japanese Article Lecture 4. Problem of the blood products WEB ordering in our hospital
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 576-576, 2022.

Japanese Article 1. The use situation and problems of the blood products ordering system in our hospital
飯田文緒1), 中村和代1), 小林あゆみ1), 木村愛子1), 上村美帆1), 原田法彰1), 石渡愛実2), 竹森美紀2), 深川良子1), 野崎昭人1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 576-576, 2022.

Japanese Article 2. About the operation of the blood products ordering system of our hospital
中野さくら1), 山本満里奈1), 有馬和奈1), 内山杏奈1), 田部裕二1), 岩切文子1), 小本美奈1), 遠藤洋2), 大谷慎一3), 宮崎浩二3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 576-577, 2022.

Japanese Article 3. Patient's share of medical expenses reduction and duties efficiency by the invention of the examination order ring system before transfusion
名倉豊, 池田敏之, 中村潤子, 川端みちる, 澤田良子, 古谷江梨子, 廣瀬有香, 小堀恵理, 中島一樹, 高橋奈緒実, 比嘉良瑚, 岡崎仁
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 577-577, 2022.

Japanese Article 4. About efforts to blood products consumption reduction in the cardiovascular surgery surgery
今野雄斗, 岸野光司, 黒瀬幸汰, 古川泳玉, 秋山小雪, 武井生成, 秋山友子, 尾島佐恵子, 進藤聖子, 小林美佳, 大槻郁子, 山本千裕, 藤原慎一郎
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 577-577, 2022.

Japanese Article 5. Fresh frozen plasma fusion as the practice support
原田佐保, 工藤麻衣, 瀧澤かすみ, 黒沢英里, 小峰弘美, 菅谷文乃, 柴徳生
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 577-578, 2022.

Japanese Article 6. Experience of the COVID-19 convalescent plasma sampling in the blood center
澤村佳宏, 青木毅一, 難波寛子, 石丸文彦, 牧野茂義
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 578-578, 2022.

Japanese Article 7. It is transfusion management for the perioperative period of the brain death liver transplant for patients with hemophilia that became the decompensated cirrhosis by HIV/HCV coinfection
小松遼平1), 藤森祐多1), 鳥海綾子1), 五十嵐靖浩1), 松橋博子1), 松岡牧1), 浅尾裕美子1), 黒田留以1), 女ヶ沢遥1), 弥永侑子1), 清水翔太1), 斎藤俊一1), 滝澤輝弥1), 藤村亮介1), 橋本亮佑1), 深町茂1), 山崎理絵1), 長谷川康2), 田野崎隆二1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 578-578, 2022.

Japanese Article 8. One case that abdominal cavity - vein shunts construction patients underwent PBSCH, and sampling suffered from
松井大知1), 松岡諒1), 秋山裕輝1), 横山真夏美1), 神山智基1), 宮本友佳1), 木村好文1), 藤原慎一郎2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 578-579, 2022.

Japanese Article 9. The X-linked agammaglobulinaemia that blood grouping was found out in the beginning
渋谷祐介, 池田瞳, 田代優也, 梶谷由美子, 大崎宏太, 濱崎ななみ, 中塩屋千絵, 今泉満明, 吉川千尋, 板垣浩行, 杉本達哉, 豊崎誠子
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 579-579, 2022.

Japanese Article Molecular target therapy for the acute leukemia
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 579-579, 2022.

Japanese Article About the relation of HLA compatibility and HLA antigens in the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 581-582, 2022.

Japanese Article 1. Effect of the automatic transfusion inspection equipment update in the blood grouping
川野真央, 藤井明美, 高崎理那, 藤山真希, 浅賀裕太朗, 小川和子
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 582-582, 2022.

Japanese Article 2. 2 cases that was affected by an examination of transfusion by antiCD38 antibody medicine administration history
石川悟1), 藤澤雄大1), 片山有紀1), 篠原正勝1), 立川敏治1), 谷浩二1), 賀川久美子2), 柴田泰伸2), 尾崎修治2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 582-582, 2022.

Japanese Article 3. Examination of the indirect antiglobulin test interference period in daratumumab treated patients
佃恵里加1), 李悦子1), 瀧本朋美1), 小田直輝1), 原田武志2), 藤井志朗2), 中村信元2), 三木浩和1), 安倍正博1)2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 582-583, 2022.

Japanese Article 4. Usefulness of the hematopoietic preceding cell count using automatic blood corpuscle analyzer XN-9100
石田由香1), 伊賀千環1), 亀岡千映子1), 川本光江2), 名和由一郎3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 583-583, 2022.

Japanese Article 5. Agglutinate may precipitate it in chilling and preserving it after the fresh frozen plasma fusion
石原智子1), 兒玉るみ1), 足立絵里加1), 定方智美1), 藤原宇志1), 荒木剛1), 矢野彰三1), 井上政弥2), 竹谷健2), 小林正夫3), 粟木原修治3), 鈴木佳寿美3), 岡田千波3), 竹林恒平3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 583-583, 2022.

Japanese Article 6. It is the current situation of becoming it and a future problem the preserved blood-style self-blood drawing blood collection in our hospital
三木浩和1), 李悦子1), 佃恵里加1), 小田直輝1), 瀧本朋美1), 三木佐知子2), 三木こずえ2), 尾形美子2), 大浦雅博3), 曽我部公子3), 藤井志朗3), 山下一太4), 高丸菜都美5), 渡邊浩良6), 西村正人7), 岩佐武7), 安倍正博1)3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 583-584, 2022.

Japanese Article 7. About pre-operative autologous blood donation and the cardiac activity state in elderly patients 80 years or older
吉田智子1), 仲井富久江1), 文屋涼子1), 永井智美1), 野上さくら1), 中桐逸博4), 村上美香2), 宗川裕子2), 瀬戸口奈緒美2), 真野美季2), 吉岡麻里衣2), 清水里紗3), 近藤英生1)3), 和田秀穂3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 584-584, 2022.

Japanese Article 8. Efforts for the blood products ordering system introduction
池田亮, 浅野尚美, 小郷博昭, 閘結稀, 高木尚江, 谷勝真, 浦田知宏, 住居優一, 木村真衣子, 藤井敬子, 藤井伸治
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 584-584, 2022.

Japanese Article 9. About a drug information activity of the blood center which changed by a corona evil
川尻なぎさ, 蓮井彬, 船津理恵, 櫻井聡, 小林正夫
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 584-585, 2022.

Japanese Article 10. Attempt of the transfusion technical education to a person in charge of accommodation being on duty
細川早織1), 輝平咲季1), 木村美優1), 高杉淑子2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 585-585, 2022.

Japanese Article 11. Detailed investigation - of efforts (the first report) - transfusion line toward the safe transfusion therapy
小野綾香1), 浅野尚美2), 高木尚江1)2), 川村夢乃1), 鈴木香織1), 海内千春1), 山成洋子1), 西村美佐恵1), 萬永洋子1), 岡崎友香1), 日下幸子1), 松島幸枝1), 干野摩阿1), 保本裕子1), 阿部遙1), 上田春花1), 藤井伸治2)3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 585-585, 2022.

Japanese Article 12. The use situation of our hospital after the albumin uniform management and future problem
文屋涼子1), 仲井富久江1), 吉田智子1), 永井智美1), 野上さくら1), 中桐逸博4), 村上美香2), 宗川裕子2), 中山早苗2), 高嶋花美2), 清水里紗3), 近藤英生1)3), 和田秀穂3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 585-586, 2022.

Japanese Article 13. Result and problem by the massive blood transfusion protocol (MTP) introduction that we saw from the transfusion examination room
藤澤雄大1), 片山有紀1), 石川悟1), 篠原正勝1), 立川敏治1), 谷浩二1), 賀川久美子2), 柴田泰伸2), 尾崎修治2), 川下陽一郎3), 大村健史3)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 586-586, 2022.

Japanese Article 14. One case of HDFN which performed an exchange transfusion based on the information of mother who obtained it from other institutions
齊郷莉奈1)2), 野間慎尋1)2), 栗田絵美1)2), 山岡愛子1)2), 矢内綾佳1)2), 小松真由美1)2), 柏原真由1)2), 小川茂樹1)2), 北川裕華1)2), 井上暢子2), 石田誠子2), 山崎尚也2), 藤井輝久2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 586-587, 2022.

Japanese Article 15. 1 case that autoimmune haemolytic anaemias developed after the bone marrow transplantation, and racked its brains about a choice of the red blood cell preparation
土手内靖, 伊藤春香, 高橋志津, 高石治彦
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 587-587, 2022.

Japanese Article 16. Fibrinogen abnormality symptom avoiding preoperative FFP infusion
小西達矢1), 山之内純2), 重松恵嘉2), 秋田誠2), 岡本康二2), 土居靖和2), 谷口裕美3), 高須賀康宣3), 竹中克斗1)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 587-587, 2022.

Japanese Article 17. One case of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) which racked its brains about a judgment of the end of the plasma exchange
溝渕樹1), 上村宗範1), 佐竹小百合2), 長谷川智子2), 山崎美香2), 山崎浩史2)
Japanese Journal of Transfusion and Cell Therapy 68(6): 587-588, 2022.