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Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia
Volume 23, Issue / 2011
English Article Japanese Article
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Greetings of the 23rd Japan geriatric anesthesia society holding 野口隆之 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 1-1, 2011. |
Usefulness of β blocker in elderly people 山蔭道明 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 18-18, 2011. |
General anesthesia of super elderly people (90 years or older) using remifentanil 最首俊夫 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 19-19, 2011. |
The surgery part administration that we saw from an anesthesiologist 上農喜朗 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 20-20, 2011. |
Anti-aging (anti-aging) medicine for anesthesiologists 米井嘉一 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 22-22, 2011. |
1-1. Effect of the nicorandil giving it to body temperature altered and peripheral circulation during elderly people lumbar vertebrae surgery 吉野利尋1, 金田徹1, 鈴木利保1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 24-24, 2011. |
1-2. About a change of the renal function in the femoral neck fracture surgery perioperative period of super elderly people using - estimation glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) - 高木治1, 宇山真司1, 竹田智浩1, 鬼頭秀樹1, 谷口周平1, 並里大1, 山崎ゆか1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 25-25, 2011. |
1-3. One consideration about the usefulness of the preoperation echocardiography in the elderly people femur fracture 54 case 江藤孝史1, 古賀聡子1, 河辺聡1, 大石一成1, 宇野太啓1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 25-25, 2011. |
1-4. Safe examination about Minimally Invasive Anesthesia which elderly people receive 堀田蘭1, 柴田康之2, 富田彰1, 長柄祐輝1, 前村早紀1, 宗宮奈美恵1, 林幸代1, 西脇公俊2 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 26-26, 2011. |
1-5. Examination of the abatement of propofol method in the Total Knee Arthroplasty of elderly people 竜田ちひろ1, 一丸達郎1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 26-26, 2011. |
1-6. About the effect that the age difference of the individual gives for a response at renal ischemia reperfusion injury (comparison between young people and elderly people) 日下淳也1, 荻原洋二郎1, 萩原聡1, 新宮千尋1, 岩坂日出男1, 野口隆之1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 27-27, 2011. |
1-7. Challenge - to experimental examination - anti-aging of the prevention of aging 野口隆之1, 古賀寛教1, 日下淳也1, 松本重清1, 新宮千尋1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 27-27, 2011. |
2-1. Examination of the use of remifentanil situation in the person at elderly people, ultrahigh voltage electron microscope age 櫻井行一1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 28-28, 2011. |
2-2. Remifentanil in elderly people, sustained phenylephrine balanced anesthesia 金出政人1, 茗荷良則1, 戸坂真也1, 長岡京子1, 高橋俊次1, 山口美知子1, 柴田茂樹1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 29-29, 2011. |
2-3. Features of the palliative care for patients with oral cancer 縣秀栄1, 大内貴志1, 小板橋俊哉1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 29-29, 2011. |
2-4. One case that conducted epidural analgesia of the perioperative morphine for the femoral neck fracture of patients with cancer pain during morphine administration 増田祐也1, 縣秀栄1, 大内貴志1, 小板橋1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 30-30, 2011. |
2-5. 2 cases that managed the abdominal incisional hernia surgery of patients with old impaired pulmonary function in arachnoid of spinal cord lower endocranium outside balanced anesthesia (CSEA) 小出真由1, 住友正和1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 30-30, 2011. |
2-6. The slight dementia Patient 1 case that we ate peridural catheter postoperatively and, however, were forced to a catheter withdrawal by in anticoagulation 立川真弓1, 島崎睦久1, 新井丈郎1, 奥田泰久1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 31-31, 2011. |
2-7. One case that cancer of the esophagus developed an epidural abscess postoperatively 有阪理英1, 平島潤子1, 横田美幸1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 31-31, 2011. |
3-1. FloTrac sensor, anesthesia management of the ruptured aneurysm surgery of the super elderly people using the PreSep-Oximetry catheter 竜田ちひろ1, 藤田愛1, 背戸口秀一1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 32-32, 2011. |
3-2. Example that sick sinus syndrome was discovered by introduction at the general anesthesia 野村真紀恵1, 縄田瑞木1, 相川和之1, 小倉信1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 33-33, 2011. |
3-3. Bradycardia severe during laser prostate enucleation and one case in acknowledgment of hypotension 田嶋来夢1, 志水隼人2, 神田学志1, 大原義隆1, 長谷川愼一2, 竹田清1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 33-33, 2011. |
3-4. An example of the octopus key point type cardiomyopathy (suspicion) that occurred postoperatively 井上真理子1, 畑埜義雄1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 34-34, 2011. |
3-5. One case of the super old abdominal aortic aneurysm explosion that suffered from perioperative care 杉野貴彦1, 野手英明1, 田村哲也1, 河野真人1, 川出健嗣1, 辻麻衣子1, 松永安美香1, 新美太祐1, 坪内宏樹1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 34-34, 2011. |
3-6. An example of the elderly people whom it became VT during an operation, but we cured quickly and were able to save 野手英明1, 坪内宏樹1, 杉野貴彦1, 河野真人1, 松永安美香1, 辻麻衣子1, 川出健嗣1, 新美太祐1, 田村哲也1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 35-35, 2011. |
4-1. An example of the elderly people whom a pulmonary oedema developed in postoperatively 藤田和也1, 安部竜児1, 松本浩司1, 野口隆之2 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 36-36, 2011. |
4-2. 1 case that hyperkalemia progressed to during the surgery of the liver tumor microwave solidification method 太田権守1, 秦明典1, 赤松哲也1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 37-37, 2011. |
4-3. Anesthesia experience of the abdominal surgery of elderly people complicated with progressive muscular dystrophy 木梨瑶子1, 竜田ちひろ1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 37-37, 2011. |
4-4. One case of the elderly patients who were able to diagnose cancer of transverse colon by a symptom with porphyria cutanea tarda 石邊奈津紀1, 竜田ちひろ1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 38-38, 2011. |
4-5. The case that aspirated a denture, and needed extraction in the large intestine fiber 小野悦子1, 竜田ちひろ1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 38-38, 2011. |
4-6. Anesthesia experience of the larynx trachea separation technique of patients with multiple system atrophy 卞麻美1, 由木晴花1, 西池聡1, 土田英昭1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 39-39, 2011. |
4-7. One case that removed the foreign body in mouth of elderly people under the general anesthesia 卞麻美1, 木田紘昌1, 土田英昭1 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 23: 39-39, 2011. |