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Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia
Volume 33, Issue / 2021
English Article Japanese Article
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The 33rd Japan geriatric anesthesia association geriatric anesthesia and heart chairperson greetings 山浦健 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 3-3, 2021. |
The front line of the heart failure practice in the super-aged society 筒井裕之 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 19-19, 2021. |
Surgical treatment of the severe heart failure 塩瀬明 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 20-20, 2021. |
Name of an era "Reiwa" and Manyoshu 東茂美 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 21-21, 2021. |
1. Consider perioperative body temperature management and shivering measures in the elderly 金城健大 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 22-22, 2021. |
2. Role of the post-operative pain team in the elderly people medical care 重松研二 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 23-23, 2021. |
1. Operating room environment and infection measures 白水和宏 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 24-24, 2021. |
2. About new coronavirus infection correspondence of Fukuoka 野田英一郎 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 25-25, 2021. |
The past, the present, the future of the drug for external use in pain treatment 山口重樹 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 26-26, 2021. |
How does super aging confront it as Japan, an anesthesiologist of the super declining birthrate? 山蔭道明 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 27-27, 2021. |
Experience of the COVID-19 infection in the operating room 堀下貴文 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 28-28, 2021. |
A report and use experience about the Remy masochist lymphangioleiomyomatosis 白水和宏 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 29-29, 2021. |
GA-AW-1. Examination - using - electron paramagnetic resonance (ESR) device which oxidative stress participates in in delirium after the elderly people technique in the elective heart, great vessels surgery 栗林由英, 松本重清, 小山淑正, 北野敬明 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 30-30, 2021. |
GA-AW-2. 1 case that combined permeation block anesthesia with the patients with chronic respiratory failure, and was given the craniotomy blood species removal under the general anesthesia 進歩, 川崎俊宏 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 31-31, 2021. |
GA-AW-3. An example of the elderly people cerebral aneurysm that caused cardiac standstill with the slight mechanical stimulation to an endocranium 関尭文, 吉田朱里, 川股知之 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 32-32, 2021. |
GA-AW-4. Paravertebral block in the thoracic surgery surgery of elderly people: It is comparison with the epidural analgesia about the low blood pressure after the operation 秋田優実, 藤村直幸, 赤坂泰希, 濱地良輔, 坂田いつか, 永松華奈子, 新井千晶, 坂井寿里亜, 自見宣郎, 吉野淳 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 33-33, 2021. |
GA-O1-1. It is efforts in our hospital about the electrocardiogram monitor after the operation 吉村美穂, 小野雄介, 梅原真澄, 崎村正太郎 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 34-34, 2021. |
GA-O1-2. Introduction of the prevention of spray shield making for the operating room which we can frequently use for an in-hospital Harry call 加治淳子 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 35-35, 2021. |
GA-O1-3. Efforts for the occupational exposure reduction in the operating room 濱口裕江, 後藤晃一郎, 蓑輪行輝, 土岐和芳, 栗原郁実 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 36-36, 2021. |
GA-O1-4. Trend of the super elderly people surgery in our hospital 牧嶋啓, 福地香穂, 吉村速 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 37-37, 2021. |
GA-O1-5. Trend of the super elderly people surgery in our hospital for the past 3 years older than 90 years 高森遼子, 大屋皆既, 甲斐哲也 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 38-38, 2021. |
GA-O1-6. Mainly on an activity of the medical quality Management Department where COVID-19 third wave in one district municipal hospital-response - anesthesiologist acts as the head - 貝沼関志 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 39-39, 2021. |
GA-O2-1. Examination of the aortic stenosis case of Paradoxical low flow rate in elderly people, the low-pressure range 小寺厚志 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 40-40, 2021. |
GA-O2-2. About the spirometry enforcement situation before operation of patients 85 years or older 福地香穂1), 田邉光和子2), 住江麻衣子2), 東晶子2), 松岡友香2), 藤本鮎美2), 竜田ちひろ2), 池田水子2) Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 41-41, 2021. |
GA-O2-3. The clinical proposal for patients with pre-frailty advanced age colon cancer: What is the appropriate anesthesia for patients with clinical question advanced age colon cancer? 水野樹1), 松田圭二2), 岡志郎3), 西村潤一4), 村田幸平5), 田中千恵6), 吉田陽一郎7), 吉田好雄8) Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 42-42, 2021. |
GA-O2-4. Examination about the blood pressure fluctuation during the modified type electroconvulsive therapy in elderly people 趙成三 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 43-43, 2021. |
GA-O2-5. It is fact-finding about the delirium after the operation in our hospital 國廣優梨子, 松角貴子 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 44-44, 2021. |
GA-O2-6. Retrospective study of severe shivering cases after general anesthesia in the elderly 武田明己1), 角田博2), 杉野繁一2), 山内正憲2) Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 45-45, 2021. |
GA-O3-1. Experience of perioperative care for the Meigs syndrome with the mass bilateral pleural effusion in elderly patients 野地善恵, 小原伸樹, 五十洲剛 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 46-46, 2021. |
GA-O3-2. Example that we anesthetized it and managed of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy for the sword sheath type trachea (Saber sheath Trachea) patients 田所賢人, 廣瀬佳代, 縄田瑞木, 小松郷子 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 47-47, 2021. |
GA-O3-3. One case that preceded, and was able to resect tracheotomy under the local anesthesia for a laryngeal foreign body safely 小川薫, 芝順太郎, 竹内護 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 48-48, 2021. |
GA-O3-4. An example of the elderly ileus patients that muscle relaxant action was prolonged by hypermagnesemia 大久保美穂, 重松研二, 秋吉浩三郎 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 49-49, 2021. |
GA-O4-1. One case of patients with aortic stenosis that became the cardiopulmonary arrest after the Total Knee Arthroplasty 中島孝輔, 牧嶋啓, 大澤さやか, 住江誠, 白水和宏, 辛島裕士, 山浦健 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 50-50, 2021. |
GA-O4-2. One patient whom we put under general anesthesia who used peripheral nerve block together for the femoral neck fracture of patients with severe chronic heart failure due to the dilated cardiomyopathy 米本周平 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 51-51, 2021. |
GA-O4-3. Anesthesia experience of elderly patients who had non-operation on the heart Tetralogy of Fallot 田代佳子, 前川拓治, 宮崎友理, 新谷亮祐, 手島琢 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 52-52, 2021. |
GA-O4-4. Example that it was thought that it was caused by a non-convulsive accumulation state associated with the cerebral infarction in delayed awaking for acute phase 河野悠 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 53-53, 2021. |
GA-O4-5. Transfusion priming dose for the elective operation that bleeding in our hospital is expected 荒木建三 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 54-54, 2021. |
GA-O4-6. Examination from the position of the anesthesia exclusive duty pharmacist in the case that showed the solidification in the intravenous feeding circuit of the Remy masochist lymphangioleiomyomatosis besylic acid salt and cloudiness 岩本遼1), 鈴木史人2) Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 55-55, 2021. |
GA-O5-1. Examination of a preoperation heart complications risk in the thighbone bone fusion of elderly people and perioperative complications 大屋皆既, 田邉光和子, 住江麻衣子, 松岡友香, 池田水子 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 56-56, 2021. |
GA-O5-2. We see the rear of the complications during the background factor of elderly people and the operation and weigh a mark against super elderly people (90 years or older) in the total hip replacement 高森信乃介, 吉野淳, 藤村直幸 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 57-57, 2021. |
GA-O5-3. The perioperative current situation of the elderly people femur fracture in our hospital 黒川修二, 渡辺博 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 58-58, 2021. |
GA-O5-4. Prognostic examination by the anesthesia method in the thighbone neck, trochanter part bone fracture of elderly people in our hospital 澤田修, 河野裕美, 崎村正太郎 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 59-59, 2021. |
GA-O5-5. The present situation investigation of the frozen shoulder practice 齋藤可奈1), 鎌田ことえ2), 杉野繁一2) , 廣瀬聰明3), 山内正憲2) Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 60-60, 2021. |
GA-O5-6. Usefulness of the nerve block and physical therapy in the treatment of the frozen shoulder: Subgroup analysis in the network meta analysis 茂木章一郎, 杉野繁一, 鎌田ことえ, 山内正憲 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 33: 61-61, 2021. |