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Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia

Volume 31, Issue / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In "the holding of the 31st Japan geriatric anesthesia society"
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 2-2, 2019.

Japanese Article A characteristic and frailty sarcopenia of the elderly people disease
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 20-20, 2019.

Japanese Article How does super aging ride out population decline society?
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 21-21, 2019.

Japanese Article About VPD (Vaccine preventable diseases) in hospital infection measures
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 22-22, 2019.

Japanese Article Mishaps in medical practice and legal problem concerning the anesthesiologist
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 23-23, 2019.

Japanese Article ... dream in word no hearing ... "sedative training on @ day in @ month in 20@@ year" - early days in the resident second year than a diary of Mr. A ...
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 24-24, 2019.

Japanese Article About the sedation of elderly people
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 25-25, 2019.

Japanese Article From a viewpoint of the sedative breathing monitoring of elderly people
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 26-26, 2019.

Japanese Article Because they do not present with perioperative care - respiratory organs complications of patients with elderly people cancer
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 27-27, 2019.

Japanese Article The revival technology that is necessary in an operating room
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 28-28, 2019.

Japanese Article Airway control in the geriatric anesthesia
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 29-29, 2019.

Japanese Article Is the medium-and-long term convalescence in the perioperative period influenced by a choice of the inhalation anesthetic?
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 30-30, 2019.

Japanese Article Extrapolation from perioperative circulation management - aortic stenosis care of elderly people
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 31-31, 2019.

Japanese Article Anesthesia management and higher brain function disorder of elderly people
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 32-32, 2019.

Japanese Article The current situation and the future of cancer treatment of elderly people
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 33-33, 2019.

Japanese Article Radiotherapy of elderly aged 75 or over cancer
小口正彦, 吉岡靖生
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 34-34, 2019.

Japanese Article Perioperative airway control of patients with old cancer
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 35-35, 2019.

Japanese Article It is painkilling after the operation of elderly people
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 36-36, 2019.

Japanese Article Effect change of the muscle relaxant which we want to know at geriatric anesthesia and the muscle relaxation analepticum
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 37-37, 2019.

Japanese Article How should anesthesiology - anesthesiology of the artificial intelligence era face each other with an advanced study?
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 38-38, 2019.

Japanese Article Problems of the opioid treatment of elderly people: We learn from European and American circumstances
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 39-39, 2019.

Japanese Article It is new pain-killer ... with expectation ... new agent type to opioid analgesic with a few side effects
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 40-40, 2019.

Japanese Article Usefulness of non-invasive hemodynamics monitoring (esCCO) in the elderly people anesthesia
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 41-41, 2019.

Japanese Article O-1. Anesthesia management of the acute type A aortic dissection case that had cardiac arrest at operating room admission
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 42-42, 2019.

Japanese Article O-2. 2 cases that managed transinfraclavicular approach TAVI by local anesthesia combination sedation law
小坂真, 伊藤健二, 鈴木利保
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 43-43, 2019.

Japanese Article O-3. Experience just after the aortic valve balloon expansion technique treatment technique for super elderly people for emergency
野地善恵, 小原伸樹, 五十洲剛, 村川雅洋
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 44-44, 2019.

Japanese Article O-4. Low flow quantity, 1 case that introduced a percutaneous cardiopulmonary adjuvant for low-pressure range aortic stenosis electively, and performed transcatheter aortic valve custody technique (TAVI) of super elderly people
佐藤光1), 村上徹2), 吾妻俊弘2), 小林直也2), 戸田法子2), 山内正憲2)
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 45-45, 2019.

Japanese Article O-5. Relations of the perioperative course and age of transcatheter mark aortic valve custody technique (TAVI)
三好寛二1), 中村隆治2), 池尻佑美1), 濱田宏3), 河本昌志3)
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 46-46, 2019.

Japanese Article O-6. Body movement inhibition at the backbone subarachnoid space puncture with the premedication of the Yokukansan in elderly people with dementia
立川泰平, 尾下幸子, 尾上賢, 木田樹里, 竹峰和宏
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 47-47, 2019.

Japanese Article O-7. Of the use of the morphine administration to subarachnoid space in the femur fracture surgery of elderly people, actually
立川泰平, 尾下幸子, 尾上賢, 木田樹里, 竹峰和宏
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 48-48, 2019.

Japanese Article O-8. 1 case of the articular head prosthesis implantation for the femoral neck fracture that racked its brains about an anesthesia method choice
黒川修二, 渡辺博
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 49-49, 2019.

Japanese Article O-9. The anesthesia experience that combined continuous epidural analgesia with sustained spinal cord subarachnoidal anesthesia for the open surgery of patients with old pneumonia with a history of the larynx complete removal
太田権守1), 菅井直介2)
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 50-50, 2019.

Japanese Article O-11. 1 case that we combined erector muscle of spine side eretor spinae plane (ESP) block with the mammectomy of elderly people and managed
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 52-52, 2019.

Japanese Article O-12. An example of the elderly people patients whom a cardiac arrest developed in during thoracoscopic pulmonary malignant tumor surgery
山口敦生, 小川真生, 土田英昭
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 53-53, 2019.

Japanese Article O-13. Two cases that we were operated on under the general anesthesia for pneumothorax complicated with the surgery adaptive lung cancer that there was not, and treatment at home was enabled
松橋麻里, 渡邉逸平
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 54-54, 2019.

Japanese Article O-14. Anesthesia experience of the most elderly patients who underwent respiratory surgery in our hospital
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 55-55, 2019.

Japanese Article O-15. The case that internal carotid artery thromboendarterectomy was performed in for the elderly people who presented with disturbance of consciousness suddenly
渡部恭大, 金田徹
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 56-56, 2019.

Japanese Article O-16. One case that did not develop cerebral infarction though the trachea intercepted a right common carotid artery during lymphadenectomy to invade for a long time
有阪理英1), 横田美幸2), 田中久博1), 近江靖司1)
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 57-57, 2019.

Japanese Article O-17. 1 case that preoperative sarcopenia was regarded as a husky voice and a cause of dysphagia after the operation
山上有紀1), 中野安耶子1), 伊東祥子2), 佐野愛1), 別宮小由理1), 白神豪太郎1)
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 58-58, 2019.

Japanese Article O-19. Modified type electric convulsive therapy for the pacemaker wearing patients
樋口裕樹, 羽深鎌一郎
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 60-60, 2019.

Japanese Article O-20. One case of the elderly patients who received modified type electric convulsive therapy after the catheter ablation for PSVT
濱口眞輔, 小倉奈々子, 山田哲平, 藤井宏一, 山口重樹
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 61-61, 2019.

Japanese Article O-21. Through the case that resulted in cerebral infarction about cancellation medicine "antithrombotic drug cancellation medicine" after early stomach cancer ESD of the patients with - atrial fibrillation in preoperation
千々和陽介, 中川陽介, 七松恭子, 福升晃子, 升田茉莉子, 吉岡清佳, 大里彰二郎, 横田美幸
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 62-62, 2019.

Japanese Article O-22. Significance as the postoperative complications predictor of Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index judging from association with Platelet-lymphocyteratio in patients with old renal carcinoma
渡邊大祐1,3), 三浦邦久2), 上原優子1), 大中俊宏1), 水嶋章郎1)
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 63-63, 2019.

Japanese Article O-23. The course of the elderly people who required intensive care after the emergency surgery after the elective surgery and prognostic inspection
小澤拓郎, 金澤正浩
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 64-64, 2019.

Japanese Article O-24. After the operation of the elective chest, abdominal surgery of super elderly people of the 90 years old level about painkilling and a postoperative course
中村隆治1), 三好寛二2), 池尻佑美2), 濱田宏3), 河本昌志3)
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 65-65, 2019.

Japanese Article O-25. About a factor after the operation for the femoral neck fracture for six months about death: We look at the rear of 538 cases and examine a mark
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 66-66, 2019.

Japanese Article O-26. Examination of the aortic valve custody technique (TAVI) 5 case conducted to 90 years or older in our hospital
玉利裕佳1), 松成泰典2), 中森裕毅2), 境倫宏2), 亀井政孝2)
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 67-67, 2019.

Japanese Article O-27. Evaluation of the Japanese edition CERAD-NAB (CJ-MIE) constitution item for the facilitation
中森裕毅, 境倫宏, 玉利裕佳, 松成泰典, 亀井政孝
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 68-68, 2019.

Japanese Article O-28. Making of Japanese edition CERAD-NAB (CJ-MIE) and problem by the difference of the cultural verbal background
中森裕毅, 境倫宏, 玉利裕佳, 松成泰典, 亀井政孝
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 69-69, 2019.

Japanese Article O-29. Presence - of the seatmate to the preoperation loanword of whom and one or - elderly people receiving explanation of the anesthesia
佐藤和香子, 讃井將満
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 70-70, 2019.

Japanese Article O-30. One case that we fell into CVCI during the general anesthesia introduction of patients with thyroid cancer with the trachea permeation and urgently tracheotomized
井上浩太1), 平島潤子1), 水野樹2), 横田美幸1)
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 71-71, 2019.

Japanese Article O-31. 1 case of the elderly people who overlooked a bone defect for full dentures
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 72-72, 2019.

Japanese Article O-32. One case that delayed awaking occurred after the desflurane anesthesia of elderly patients
金澤正浩, 小澤拓郎
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 73-73, 2019.

Japanese Article O-33. Comparison of the anesthesia management of the elderly aged 75 or over in our institution in these 15 years
石川雄樹, 田中克哉
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 74-74, 2019.

Japanese Article O-34. Examination of the perioperative risk factor for cancer of the esophagus recurrence, the metastasis
長谷川麻衣子, 向原桂香, 上村裕一
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 75-75, 2019.

Japanese Article O-35. Examination of the validity as a fact of the time required of Japanese edition CERAD-NAB (CJ-MIE) and the perioperative end-point
中森裕毅, 境倫宏, 玉利裕佳, 松成泰典, 亀井政孝
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 76-76, 2019.

Japanese Article O-36. An effect and problem (the second report) of the diaphragm echo in first aid, the intensive care
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 77-77, 2019.

Japanese Article O-37. Change of ECOG Performance Status before and after the surgery in the elderly surgery patients of the poor overall status
小林優佳, 安間記世, 野間祥子, 関口早恵, 前原康宏, 長田理
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 78-78, 2019.

Japanese Article O-38. The chin is how to correct gaps
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 79-79, 2019.

Japanese Article O-39. The case that caused a serious anaphylactic shock at induction of anaesthesia
森島光一郎, 井上浩太, 見市光寿, 風戸拓也, 中川陽介, 七松恭子, 横田美幸
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 80-80, 2019.

Japanese Article O-40. Three patients who were hard to puncture the intrathecal anesthesia by the lower limbs orthopedics surgery of elderly people, and conducted epidural anaesthesia for a case
篠崎正彦, 柴田衛, 吉岡斉
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 81-81, 2019.

Japanese Article O-41. Anesthesia experience of the laparoscopic colic left half resection for patients with old myasthenia gravis
足立健彦, 木口貴夫, 佐々木由紀子
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 82-82, 2019.

Japanese Article O-42. 1 case that developed ventricular tachycardia during articular head prosthesis implantation
織田寛子1), 藤吉哲宏2), 白水和宏1), 瀬戸口秀一3), 辛島裕士2)
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 83-83, 2019.

Japanese Article O-43. Example that urgently did the left internal jugular vein puncture in lateral decubitusposition for evacuating for the case that it was hard to secure of the periphery vein
柴田衞, 篠崎正彦, 吉岡斉
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Geriatric Anesthesia 31: 84-84, 2019.