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Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo

Volume 49, Issue / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

English Article Past, Present and Future of Upper Extremity Prostheses
Diane J. Atkins
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 39-39, 2015.

English Article Intercultural and occupational therapy[Machine Translation] (異文化と作業療法)
Md. Mahfuzer. Rahman
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 49-49, 2015.

English Article Occupational therapy in different cultures[Machine Translation] (異文化における作業療法)
Asha Karunatilake
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 49-50, 2015.

English Article Occupational Therapy Practice in a Canadian Multi-Cultural Context ; Perspective from a global Occupational Therapist
Tony Le
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 50-50, 2015.

English Article Leap for being the fastest growing occupational therapy changes in Korea
Jongsu Noh
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 52-53, 2015.

English Article The current practice of Occupational Therapy in Taiwan
Mei-Hsiang Chen
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 53-53, 2015.

English Article The Philippine OT Practice : A Reflection of Collaborative and Transformative Responses to National Healthcare Agenda, Global Competitiveness, and Market Demands
Anthony S Grecia
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 53-54, 2015.

English Article Activities of Japanese occupational therapists - centering on the Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 54-54, 2015.

Japanese Article We think about the awkwardness of the development child with a disability from occupational therapy
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 79-79, 2015.

Japanese Article Operative photograph workshop ... for occupational therapists working by ... clinical practice to polish a viewpoint of the work
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 80-80, 2015.

Japanese Article Attempt ... of the resident education - Kobe to wear wide clinical competence City medical center center municipal hospital rehabilitation Engineering Department
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 81-81, 2015.

Japanese Article What do you do message ... from OT frontier spirit company OT when and where? Continue asking it, and there are always answers there; is ...
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 85-85, 2015.

Japanese Article Risk management in the early Hand Therapy of the finger flexor tendon injury
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 86-86, 2015.

Japanese Article O1012. Preoperation, postoperative quality of life investigation in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome
山田玄太, 田崎和幸, 野中信宏
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 100-100, 2015.

Japanese Article O1013. Using investigation - The Japanese Orthopaedic Association lesion about hip joint evaluation questionnaire (JHEQ) of satisfaction and activities of daily living after the Total Hip Arthroplasty -
筆内一也, 妹尾賢和, 草木雄二
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 101-101, 2015.

Japanese Article O1014. Pass examination of the extensive rotator cuff tear
前田竜也, 後藤正喜, 森川真博
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 102-102, 2015.

Japanese Article O1015. Relations with a pinch power and the arms loss of ability from chronic disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
坂口和輝, 松山宜之, 鍋倉由佳, 小川加苗, 岡佳純
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 103-103, 2015.

Japanese Article O1016. Motor function of the Parkinson's disease patients, cognitive function, the effectiveness of the dance for the neurologic manifestation
橋本弘子1,2), 高畑進一2), 内藤泰男2), 宮口英樹3), 中西一3,4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 104-104, 2015.

Japanese Article O1017. Intervention - that we paid our attention to one case - motor learning of the spinocerebellar degeneration that ability for walking speed and standing position maintenance improved
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 105-105, 2015.

Japanese Article O1018. Occupational therapy for four Cal dystonia of the clarinetist
高島千敬1), 奥結季恵1), 藤本侑大1), 小仲邦1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 106-106, 2015.

Japanese Article O1019. Experience of the occupational therapy intervention in the awakening poorness operation of the brain tumor
桑原陽子1), 鈴木真弓1), 安達淳一2), 高橋秀寿3), 牧田茂4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 107-107, 2015.

Japanese Article O1020. Intervention in elderly people with stroke for early discharged discharged to home - That can be as exclusive occupational therapist -
工藤裕美, 大堀具視
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 108-108, 2015.

Japanese Article O1021. Occupational therapy for patients with our hospital feeling great vessels disease
上枝博, 西濱美絵, 小坂美江, 田淵牧子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 109-109, 2015.

Japanese Article O1022. Case - that we reached the behavior modification by the principle of effect - social composition of the OT in the heart rehabilitation
浮ヶ谷俊博, 三岡相至
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 110-110, 2015.

Japanese Article O1023. About an association between nutritional disorder and body function of patients with heart great vessels disease
満山兼一郎, 生須義久, 高柳麻由美, 山下遊平
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 111-111, 2015.

Japanese Article O1024. Efforts of our hospital for patients with severe aortic stenosis
姫野麻菜美1), 斎藤和也1), 中島真治1), 湯口聡1), 吉鷹秀範2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 112-112, 2015.

Japanese Article O1025. Occupational therapy of the case encephalopathic after the revival with the severe heart disease
高井京子, 二杉美穂, 中西卓也, 塚越亨, 小椋雅也
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 113-113, 2015.

Japanese Article O1026. Examination of the occupational therapy for patients with heart disease having comorbidities
萩野谷哲秀1), 川崎宗泰2), 森田祥之1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 114-114, 2015.

Japanese Article O1027. Efforts - of characteristic - occupational therapy of the ADL by the presence or absence of haemodialysis (HD) of the chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients
西村彰紀1), 神田高臣1), 池田崇2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 115-115, 2015.

Japanese Article O1028. The effectiveness of the occupational therapist intervention to promote the behavior modification of patients with diabetes
成田雄一1), 藤崎公達2), 甲嶋義史1), 田邉寛則1), 井戸川由花1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 116-116, 2015.

Japanese Article O1029. One case that we planted it, and will improved through a work activity after the type ventricular assist device wearing technique and returned to at home that was complicated with Becker type muscular dystrophy
阪口勇一, 石田順子, 吉田路子, 池口良輔, 松田秀一
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 117-117, 2015.

Japanese Article O1030. Using the life act improvement management plant; an example of the type ventricular assist device wearing patients
武田智徳1), 鈴木真弓1), 花房祐輔1), 高橋秀寿2), 牧田茂2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 118-118, 2015.

Japanese Article O1031. Examination of the factor associated with articulus humeri excursion restrictions at initial training of the patients after the breast cancer technique
竹内寛人1), 神保武則1), 辺土名隆1), 福田倫也2), 谷野裕一3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 119-119, 2015.

Japanese Article O1032. Efforts - to patients with epilepsy to have - redundant disorder for occupational therapy of future epilepsy
村木慈1), 稲川利光1), 川合謙介2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 120-120, 2015.

Japanese Article O1033. The pain in the elderly person with a disability and relations of the activity time
石亀智洋, 橋戸孝枝, 渡辺浩司, 関本有華, 福田卓民
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 121-121, 2015.

Japanese Article O1034. Examination - day after day, two days a week of the motor learning in the line output adjustment problem, comparison - of the exercise frequency of one day a week
冨田希1), 深谷直美1), 首藤智一1), 青柳陽一郎2), 才藤栄一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 122-122, 2015.

Japanese Article O1035. Comparison - with change - ten years ago according to the purpose of the sprint therapy in the hand surgery domain
野中信宏, 田崎和幸, 山田玄太, 宮崎洋一, 貝田英二
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 123-123, 2015.

Japanese Article O1036. Short-term effect of the CI therapy that we provided at the same time for two three hours a day
清水雅裕, 小口和代, 石川真希, 大橋知広
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 124-124, 2015.

Japanese Article O1037. Long-term effect with the therapy with TMS and CI therapy
阿曽秀昭1), 米澤一喜2), 浦田康平1), 田村麻恵1), 足立広樹1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 125-125, 2015.

Japanese Article O1038. Examination of the ADL improvement factor in patients with convalescent stroke
祝あゆみ1), 大石志保1), 古川智巳1), 鈴木章仁1), 務台均1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 126-126, 2015.

Japanese Article O1039. Examination of the factor having an influence on the effect of our hospital modified CI therapy
太田有人, 小口和代, 清水雅裕
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 127-127, 2015.

Japanese Article O1040. Example that the intervention that paid its attention to the outside world recognition and the mutual understanding in the ICU improved ADL
児島範明1), 松本恵実1), 梅本安則1), 山上敬太郎2), 端野琢哉3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 128-128, 2015.

Japanese Article O1041. Relations with a walking speed and the muscle of the upper limb strain of the stroke hemiplegia patients
神谷克二, 舩渡勝弘
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 129-129, 2015.

Japanese Article O1042. Inspection - of the failure of muscular coordination reduction using the failure of muscular coordination reduction effect -3 dimensions movement analysis device of the spinocerebellar degeneration by the pressurization shirt wearing of the marketing product
木谷圭佑1), 竹内健二1), 毛利弘貴1), 垣田清人2), 上田聖1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 130-130, 2015.

Japanese Article O1043. Examination about the effect on 2 cases duration of type A botulinal toxin administration and the occupational therapy with the arms spasticity
野口佑太1), 川村豪伸2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 131-131, 2015.

Japanese Article O1044. The effect of the botulinum therapy on case that became all ADL assistance by a vegetative state and inspection of the easy care
小林克行1), 宮城浩一2), 鈴木聡3), 泉從道3), 西尾由衣4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 132-132, 2015.

Japanese Article O1045. Experience of the occupational therapy to the case that received orthopedic selective spastic control surgery (OSSCS) for the arms of patients with stroke for a chronic phase
笹沼里味1), 高木真人1), 島田真一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 133-133, 2015.

Japanese Article O1046. Pay the attention to effect - attention function that the difference in exercise problem of the prism adaptation results in; and -
濱開成, 興呂木祐子, 上拾石秀一, 本田喬
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 134-134, 2015.

Japanese Article O1047. Approach to the diet scene for patients with left unilateral spatial neglect
小豆嶋晃一, 中沼華澄, 小野寺咲里
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 135-135, 2015.

Japanese Article O1048. Examination of the intervention method to patients in US Navy using Eye camera
板橋知也1), 木村大介2,3), 石川真太郎1), 千原壮智1), 山田和政2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 136-136, 2015.

Japanese Article O1049. Examination of the eyes using the eye camera in an on desk aspect form and the ADL scene of patients with unilateral spatial neglect
千原壮智1), 木村大介1,2,3), 石川真太郎1), 板橋知也1), 山田和政1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 137-137, 2015.

Japanese Article O1050. Through the relation to patients with aphasia that a native language is English
大西留美, 木下未和
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 138-138, 2015.

Japanese Article O1051. It is examination about fatigue after the stroke in the stroke acute phase
務台均1,2), 古川智巳2), 祝あゆみ2), 鈴木章仁2), 埴原秋児1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 139-139, 2015.

Japanese Article O1052. About ADL according to the form of the bridge lesion in the acute phase rehabilitation and an outcome
峯哲也1), 尾谷寛隆1), 上原敏志1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 140-140, 2015.

Japanese Article O1053. Relationship - of relationship - finger-nose test and FMA, ARAT, STEF of an examination and the arms function test using the three-dimensional movement analysis
毛利弘貴, 竹内健二, 土井博文, 上田聖
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 141-141, 2015.

Japanese Article O1054. Associated - with finger operation and the rectangle area on effect - non-paralysis side that the position of the paralysis side arms gives for posture adjustment
清水学, 岡村正孝, 佐藤智晴, 横田行弘
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 142-142, 2015.

Japanese Article O1055. Examination of the factor associated with the discharge of patients with acute phase cerebral infarction in the university hospital
磯ふみ子1), 清水希1), 大久保篤史1), 大久保英梨子1), 東登志夫2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 143-143, 2015.

Japanese Article O1056. The end-stage metastases to spine paraplegia case that was able to be given role support as mother after home discharge
徳山未希子, 森本小百合
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 144-144, 2015.

Japanese Article O1057. Investigation - using the diseased limb preservation for bone soft part tumor of the arms generating and examination - arms function test and the quality of life evaluation of the cutting case
櫻井卓郎1,3), 間賀部勝巳2), 加藤陽子3), 川井章1,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 145-145, 2015.

Japanese Article O1058. Example that improvement was seen in by occupational therapy and intervention of NST for the case that presented previous cachexia
甲嶋義史1), 成田雄一1), 井戸川由花1), 田邉寛則1), 藤崎公達2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 146-146, 2015.

Japanese Article O1059. One case that intervened by occupational therapy after all shoulder blade enucleation
田畑智1), 川島寛之2), 木村慎二1), 五十嵐文枝1), 高野真優子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 147-147, 2015.

Japanese Article O1060. Experience of the occupational therapy intervention for the case that presented chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
壱岐尾優太1), 佐賀里昭1), 吉田佳弘1), 東登志夫2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 148-148, 2015.

Japanese Article O1061. The long-term course of the occupational therapy of the finger for the diffuse scleroderma
麦井直樹1), 大畠幸恵1), 染矢富士子2), 竹原和彦3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 149-149, 2015.

Japanese Article O1062. Cooking movement of patients with diffuse scleroderma
大畠幸恵1), 麦井直樹1), 染矢富士子2), 竹原和彦3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 150-150, 2015.

Japanese Article O1063. Of the middle age mentally-disabled person who showed a characteristic tendency "separate it grip -"; analysis of the electromyogram study in the movement
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 151-151, 2015.

Japanese Article O1064. Effect - of fall second report - prophylaxis practice at gene locus movement
渡部喬之1,2), 迫力太郎1), 長島潤1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 152-152, 2015.

Japanese Article O1065. About the effect that fall prophylactic exercises and deglutition exercises give to deglutition function improvement
藤原健一1), 佐藤彰博1), 對馬均2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 153-153, 2015.

Japanese Article O2066. Histories of treatment of one case that had history of rheumatoid arthritis, and was injured for forearm both bones, carpal fracture
秋元裕太朗1), 佐藤真一2), 内田徹3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 154-154, 2015.

Japanese Article O2067. Experience of the occupational therapy for the case provided for for a forearm crushed wound dermanaplasty and negative pressure closed treatment
大木原徹也1), 鈴木真弓1), 小泉浩平1), 鳥尾哲矢2), 牧田茂3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 155-155, 2015.

Japanese Article O2068. One case that it was somatosensory, and pain disappeared in what we applied attention to, and the weeding that was a hobby was got
林節也1), 布目幸司1), 竹中孝博2), 田中利典1), 森憲司1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 156-156, 2015.

Japanese Article O2069. Example that presented with an ADL disorder by contractures after the proximal end of humerus bone fracture technique, and performed articulus humeri mobilization
青山俊喜1), 有泉宏紀1), 藤巻圭太2), 佐藤真一3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 157-157, 2015.

Japanese Article O2070. Two radiculopathy cervical vertebrae symptom in acknowledgment of shoulder elevation improvement-related by occupational therapy by the voluntary movement assistance type electrostimulator (IVES) outside assist mode combination
向井祐介1), 宗村麻紀子1), 妹尾麻代1), 小林士郎2), 原行弘1,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 158-158, 2015.

Japanese Article O2071. Investigation of the fragile bone fracture for patients with late effects of cerebral stroke
山本和雅1), 仲辻良仁1), 北折俊之2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 159-159, 2015.

Japanese Article O2072. Examination - from the viewpoint of - rehabilitation nourishment about the nourishment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with foreign occupational therapy, muscular strength, physical activity-related relations
山岸誠, 鴻井建三, 宇田川淳子, 箭川えりか, 古田崇浩
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 160-160, 2015.

Japanese Article O2073. Precaution about validity and the use of the IPAQ Japanese edition for the Osteoarthritis of the hip patients
花房謙一1), 常深志子1), 藤野祥二1), 長尾徹2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 161-161, 2015.

Japanese Article O2074. Comparison - with normal elderly people using characteristic - Spinal Mouse of the spinal column alignment in the cervical spondylotic myelopathy
半谷智辰1), 芳賀久美1), 岩渕真澄2), 白土修2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 162-162, 2015.

Japanese Article O2075. Using inspection - SEM of the LDF model in the elderly people with the locomotorium disease -
宮脇利幸1,2), 下田佳央莉1), 熊本圭吾2), 外里冨佐江3), 岩谷力2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 163-163, 2015.

Japanese Article O2076. Effect of the occupational therapy on patients with proximal thighbone bone fracture in the convalescent rehabilitation ward
紙本和紀1), 西田征治2), 近藤敏2), 河野法明1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 164-164, 2015.

Japanese Article O2077. Consideration of the role of the occupational therapy in the ABCDE bundle
安井真理香1), 小泉浩平1), 鈴木真弓1), 古田島太2), 牧田茂3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 165-165, 2015.

Japanese Article O2078. Relation to the Little League player by the occupational therapist
江口智樹1), 工藤大志1), 見目智紀2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 166-166, 2015.

Japanese Article O2079. Conduct AMPS and A3 evaluation for a case after orthopedics disease and disorder recognition - rotator cuff of shoulder tear operation; and -
竹内靖乃1,2), ボンジェペイター3), Anders Kottorp4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 167-167, 2015.

Japanese Article O2080. We look at the mirror of the rotator cuff of shoulder tear patients, and is the ability for mental rotation associated with results after the lower surgical repair?
西岡貴志1), 中島亮1,2), 今井晋二1,2), 園田悠馬1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 168-168, 2015.

Japanese Article O2081. The best case of the stroke hemiplegia which improvement was seen in by the therapy that put a canalization repetition therapy together for repetition transcranial magnetic stimulation and concentrated occupational therapy
前田正憲1), 前川祐介1), 坂口辰伸1), 片井聡2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 169-169, 2015.

Japanese Article O2082. Flaccid paralysis - that exercise with one consideration - antigravity electric therapy digit for arms flaccid paralysis due to the cerebral infarction is possible
椙田芳徳1), 鳥居廣明2), 小田隆史3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 170-170, 2015.

Japanese Article O2083. Examination - in the hospitalization rehabilitation of effect on chronic phase stroke hemiplegia patients - our hospital of the repetition transcranial magnetic stimulation for the paralysis side arms function recovery
伊藤俊幸1), 西尾大祐1), 高橋秀寿2), 木川浩志1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 171-171, 2015.

Japanese Article O2084. Experience of the mesh-glove electrical stimulation for patients with acute phase cerebral infarction
新田藍1), 高橋友哉2), 新明史江2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 172-172, 2015.

Japanese Article O2085. About the enforcement to the convalescent of "the therapy with low-frequency iterative transcranial magnetic stimulation and intensive occupational therapy"
漆谷直樹1), 山根伸吾2), 石川愛佳1), 玉代浩章1), 岡本隆嗣1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 173-173, 2015.

Japanese Article O2086. One case of the locked-in syndrome that was a chance to regain the life that introduction of the communication aid was independent
坂口雄哉, 淺井康紀, 大畑友鈴奈
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 174-174, 2015.

Japanese Article O2087. The case that became controllable using a simple sling for the shoulder subluxation with the stroke hemiplegia by oneself
荒木正人, 梅本安則
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 175-175, 2015.

Japanese Article O2088. Importance - of the mental change in approach - youth to returning to school
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 176-176, 2015.

Japanese Article O2089. A change and noticed of "wanting to do it" by "showing the life" in the at-home cerebrovascular person with a disability
竹内幸子1), 大嶋伸雄2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 177-177, 2015.

Japanese Article O2090. Example that an evaluation, the management of the occupational therapist allowed oral intake start
須藤崇行1), 阿志賀大和2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 178-178, 2015.

Japanese Article O2091. On admission sense, will in patients with convalescent stroke, association of the cognitive function and discharge paralysis side arms motor function
大橋拓朗1), 佐藤惇史1), 木皿悠太1), 山根和広1), 藤田貴昭2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 179-179, 2015.

Japanese Article O2092. Usefulness of gene locus posture constancy metrics (gene locus IPS) in the jacket attendant court lady independence distinction of the stroke hemiplegia patients
畑中康志1,2), 望月久2), 大森みかよ1), 清水弘之1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 180-180, 2015.

Japanese Article O2093. Is the laterality present in a recovery process of the hemisphere of cerebellum injury?
中村洸貴, 森涼子, 吉尾雅春
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 181-181, 2015.

Japanese Article O2094. Examination - with change - surface electromyogram of the communicated movement at finger extension movement of patients with stroke accompanied with the function recovery
神尾昭宏1), 服部憲明2), 畠中めぐみ2), 矢倉一2), 宮井一郎2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 182-182, 2015.

Japanese Article O2095. Introduction of the arms function recovery team
坂口辰伸1), 前田正憲1), 片山真一1), 勝山澄江1), 片井聡2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 183-183, 2015.

Japanese Article O2096. After the procedures in the intensive care unit coexistence - of work of occupational therapy - counselee to the respirator patients and the safe secession
河手武1), 益満美寿2), 小村和人1), 島内貴弘1), 轟木由美1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 184-184, 2015.

Japanese Article O2097. Metrics of the higher brain function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
土江由紀子, 落合翔子, 望月強併
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 185-185, 2015.

Japanese Article O2098. Significance of an occupational therapist intervening in the internal disorder from the ICU
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 186-186, 2015.

Japanese Article O2099. We think about a relation across the term
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 187-187, 2015.

Japanese Article O2100. About association of the characteristic self-efficacy and everyday life activity, quality of life of patients with cancer
山鹿隆義1), 坂本明之2), 中曽根沙妃1), 上野七穂1), 吉村康夫1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 188-188, 2015.

Japanese Article O2101. Literature study on remedial relations of a client and the occupational therapist of the brain tumor
原田佳典1), 鹿田将隆2), 櫻井卓郎3), 野藤弘幸4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 189-189, 2015.

Japanese Article O2102. About an outcome after a breast cancer postoperative lymphedema frequency and onset factor and the onset
八代英之1), 里宇明元2), 辻哲也2), 田沼明3), 田尻寿子3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 190-190, 2015.

Japanese Article O2103. Making - of examination and the question paper original bill of the content validity by the standard item investigation - Delphi method of the patients satisfaction of the occupational therapy in the palliative care
山口良介1,2), 會田玉美3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 191-191, 2015.

Japanese Article O2104. Predictor between the convalescence of articulus humeri extorsion excursion restrictions occurring in (accessory nerve preservation case) after the cervical dissection for head and neck cancer
加藤るみ子, 田尻寿子, 田尻和英, 田沼明
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 192-192, 2015.

Japanese Article O2105. About OT early intervention and continuation during shading restrictions for the rays dynamics therapy for the malignant brain tumor
角田明子1), 橋本幸香1), 新田雅之3), 猪飼哲夫2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 193-193, 2015.

Japanese Article O1106. The measurement of the cable power of traction for the skeletal pattern body-powered upper extremity prosthesis which improved the appearance characteristics
福井信佳1), 永井栄一1), 平林伸治2), 川村慶3), 松本成将3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 194-194, 2015.

Japanese Article O1107. Experience the training of children with congenital left hand finger defect that payment of the myoelectric upper limb prosthesis was found in
三好直樹1), 山根好夫2), 加藤弘明3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 195-195, 2015.

Japanese Article O1108. About the case that it led to before myoelectric upper limb prosthesis manufacture through a training program using the myoelectric upper limb prosthesis for the training
吉村学1), 妹尾勝利2), 東野孝治3), 藤原弘達1), 鴨生賢悟4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 196-196, 2015.

Japanese Article O1109. Because amputees becomes a user of the body-powered upper extremity prosthesis in reexamination - of the occupational therapy program for the body-powered upper extremity prosthesis; -
永井栄一1), 谷合義旦1), 平林伸治2), 川村慶3), 西野誠一3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 197-197, 2015.

Japanese Article O1110. Study on appearance-related improvement of the body-powered upper extremity prosthesis
濱田茉里奈1), 福井信佳2), 川村慶3), 西野誠一3), 平林伸治4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 198-198, 2015.

Japanese Article O1111. Role - of the occupational therapy in the general municipal hospital in multi-type of job cooperation - cutting rehabilitation to learn from an elderly hip disarticulation person
田内悠太1), 山下妙子1), 内山侑紀2), 福田能啓2), 道免和久3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 199-199, 2015.

Japanese Article O1112. Reproducibility of the muscular strength rating system with the new small sthenometry apparatus
岡崎太郎1), 西村誠次2), 桐山由利子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 200-200, 2015.

Japanese Article O1113. Attempt of articulus humeri and the elbow joint stress analysis using the muscles and bones model by the difference in throw form
椎名義明1), 小林龍生1), 三瓶良祐1), 青山亮介2), 赤嶺宏樹2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 201-201, 2015.

Japanese Article O1114. From a change of the relationship -3 year of ROM and the ADL ability in long-term medical treatment patients -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 202-202, 2015.

Japanese Article O1115. The current situation and problem of the body-powered upper extremity prosthesis
中川正己1), 村田郁子1), 小川真里1), 平林伸治2), 福井信佳3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 203-203, 2015.

Japanese Article O2116. About the cutting finger re-adhesion postoperative chilly non-tolerance (cold intolerance) using a - Cold Intolerance Symptom Severity (CISS) evaluation vote -
越後歩1), 井部光滋1), 志田恭一1), 長谷川輝永1), 土田芳彦2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 204-204, 2015.

Japanese Article O2117. After the elbow part pipe syndrome technique comparison - with validity - STEF and Sollerman test (Rosen Score) of the skill movement evaluation in the patients
井戸芳和1,2), 内山茂晴2), 小松雅俊2), 林正徳2), 加藤博之1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 205-205, 2015.

Japanese Article O2118. It is Therapy after the operation for the hobby activity reacquisition of the ZoneIII-8 finger amputation case
大石大, 藤原亮, 町田佐和, 芝藤康代
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 206-206, 2015.

Japanese Article O2119. The case report which sprint therapy was provided for a bone fracture due to the sports injury and played a game early and returned to
中西理佐子, 栗田健, 小野元揮, 平山優佳, 柿澤香織
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 207-207, 2015.

Japanese Article O2120. One case of RA after the soft tissue reconstruction for the ulnar deviation which devised the sprint for the piano performance
松尾絹絵1), 中川夏子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 208-208, 2015.

Japanese Article O1121. HANDS therapy in the convalescent rehabilitation ward
石垣賢和1), 朝倉直之2), 菅原英和3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 209-209, 2015.

Japanese Article O1122. Inspection of the long-term effect of the arms physical exercise using Brain-machine interface (BMI) in the chronic phase stroke severeness hemiplegia patients
西本敦子1), 藤原俊之2), 牛場潤一3), 阿部薫4), 里宇明元1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 210-210, 2015.

Japanese Article O1123. Examination of the effective intervention method of the voluntary movement assistance type electrical stimulation for patients with convalescent stroke
那須綾, 中原忍, 徳永望, 首藤茉里奈, 矢野高正
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 211-211, 2015.

Japanese Article O1124. Effect of the arms physical exercise using the power gloves system on patients with cerebrovascular disorder
大曽史朗1), 磯直樹1,2), 森内剛史1,2), 諸麥俊司3), 東登志夫4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 212-212, 2015.

Japanese Article O1125. Effect of the robot training on stroke paralysis side arms with the severe sensory disturbance
宮坂裕之1), オランドアッバス1), 武田湖太郎1), 富田豊1), 園田茂1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 213-213, 2015.

Japanese Article O2126. Difference of the cortex broadcast time between ipsilateral hand intrinsic muscle and the same name muscle of handedness - non-handedness
桐本光, 田巻弘之, 松本卓也, 大西秀明, 大山峰生
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 214-214, 2015.

Japanese Article O2127. Analysis - SIAS, FMA of the sensorimotor function to contribute to the improvement of the paralysis side arms function of patients with convalescent stroke, association - of the STEF improvement level
山根和広1), 佐藤惇史1), 大橋拓朗1), 片平安美1), 藤田貴昭2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 215-215, 2015.

Japanese Article O2128. Lateral center of gravity unrest by the positional difference of the paralysis side arms for the single paralysed
岡村正孝1), 佐藤智晴2), 清水学3), 横田行弘4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 216-216, 2015.

Japanese Article O2129. Comparison - with role - STEF, FMA, ARAT of STEF in the diachronic evaluation of the arms function after NEURO15
竹内健二1), 山崎龍之介2), 中武展子1), 垣田清人2), 上田聖1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 217-217, 2015.

Japanese Article O2130. About the effectiveness of the arms physical exercise by the robot suit HAL simple joint arms type
西村正彦, 金城雄生, 長嶺英樹, 菅原健一, 石内勝吾
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 218-218, 2015.

Japanese Article O2131. Analysis - using examination - tendency score matching of the motor function to become the attendant court lady performancer of patients with stroke and the inducer of the difference of the practice situation
藤田貴昭1), 佐藤惇史2), 山根和広2), 大橋拓朗2), 山本優一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 219-219, 2015.

Japanese Article O2132. An example of the stroke hemiplegia which the use frequency of the paralysis side arms improved by concrete movement instruction
森朱美, 岩崎香里, 清水威次郎
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 220-220, 2015.

Japanese Article O2133. For severe sensory disturbance to an everyday life activity for the participation of the paralysis side arms
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 221-221, 2015.

Japanese Article O2134. Effect on stroke hemiplegia person inspection of the foot bath using the maneuver of the empty hand
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 222-222, 2015.

Japanese Article O2135. It is necessary passive ROM exercise in acute stroke? - To early realization of self-movement -
中西恵, 工藤裕美, 大堀具視
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 223-223, 2015.

Japanese Article O1136. The example that noticed of the memory impairment was obtained by a business problem
石川哲也1), 横井安芸2), 宮本礼子3), 林純子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 224-224, 2015.

Japanese Article O1137. Introduction - of case - memory notebook of Cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome mainly on the memory impairment
多羅澤怜実, 市川博祥
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 225-225, 2015.

Japanese Article O1138. The case that memory note took root in by improvement of the disorder recognition
尾形拓哉, 宮崎由美, 下津恵美, 太田和彦
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 226-226, 2015.

Japanese Article O1139. Using the video of invention - smartphone of the aid for the case with memory impairment and the aphasia -
杉山瞬1), 田中秀和1), 浜田智哉1), 山下愛茜2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 227-227, 2015.

Japanese Article O1140. Applied approach of the cognitive-behavioral therapy to promote "noticed" of patients with higher brain function disorder
小原朋晃1), 大嶋伸雄2), 中本久之3), 大野彰啓4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 228-228, 2015.

Japanese Article O1141. A rubber hand illusion: Brain area that is associated with body schema - fMRI study -
小段裕太1), 久田麻由2), 松本奈々恵1), 三谷章1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 229-229, 2015.

Japanese Article O1142. Ideational apraxia, one consideration about the treatment for the ideokinetic apraxia symptom which appeared on the lesion side
酒谷晃生1), 秦千穂1), 山口真一1), 木村敏信2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 230-230, 2015.

Japanese Article O1143. 2 cases of the physical paraphrenia which learned the management of the paralysis limb by rehabilitation
内山大輔1), 温井啓太1), 大黒涼1), 石合純夫2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 231-231, 2015.

Japanese Article O1144. About the effect that an intention of the intention transmission gives to the pantomime expression of the ideokinetic apraxia case
河野正志, 谷頭幸恵, 湯川喜裕, 富永孝紀
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 232-232, 2015.

Japanese Article O1145. Speed of the finger imitation in the limb kinetic apraxia
近藤智1,2), 前田眞治1), 山本潤1,3), 菅原光晴4), 原麻理子5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 233-233, 2015.

Japanese Article O1146. Improvement of the attitude by the meaningful work toward patients with motor impersistence
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 234-234, 2015.

Japanese Article O1147. Invention for the artificial leg liner wearing exercise of the lower amputees who presented with a various higher brain function disorder
竹島なつき, 國友淳子, 平田樹伸, 平井良太, 山本満
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 235-235, 2015.

Japanese Article O1148. Examination from the viewpoint of error type of 3 cases that presented a clothing disorder
山本潤1,2), 前田眞治1), 近藤智1,3), 菅原光晴4), 原麻理子5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 236-236, 2015.

Japanese Article O1149. The best case of patients with higher brain function disorder that we made the evaluation list that paid its attention to a cerebral function and conducted an evaluation and intervention, and insulin self-care was enabled
東泰弘1,2), 高畑進一2), 西川智子2), 井出寛1), 金尾洋子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 237-237, 2015.

Japanese Article O1150. Examination of the visual stimulus which is appropriate for person with dementia support using fMRI
津曲優子1), 高田橋篤史1), 藤元登四郎2), 田村俊世3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 238-238, 2015.

Japanese Article O2151. Characteristic of the young driver in the driving risk detection problem using the video
佐々木努1), 安部朋子2), 平尾由香3), 小島孝郎4), 山田恭平5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 239-239, 2015.

Japanese Article O2152. Development of the evaluation method of the disturbance of attention using a latent time problem and the work problem
金谷匡紘1,2), 大柳俊夫3), 山田恭平2,4), 中島そのみ5), 仙石泰仁5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 240-240, 2015.

Japanese Article O2153. The effectiveness of the driving training for patients with right hemiplegia
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 241-241, 2015.

Japanese Article O2154. Analysis - of tendency to working - true car driving evaluation of patients with higher brain function disorder
松井沙耶香, 川村直希, 洪明華, 荒川隼介, 小池知治
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 242-242, 2015.

Japanese Article O2155. Effectiveness of activities using the direct stimulation method was graded for patients with attention disorder
渡辺裕生1), 福本倫之2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 243-243, 2015.

Japanese Article O2156. Approach to the awareness improvement for the walk in patients with right hemisphere injury
久保裕彰1), 横山陽子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 244-244, 2015.

Japanese Article O2157. An example of the unilateral spatial neglect that showed estrangement in BIT and the oculomotor improvement process during the walk
橋本晋吾1,2), 長谷公隆1), 種村留美2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 245-245, 2015.

Japanese Article O2158. Feature abstraction of the unilateral spatial neglect symptom by the fixation point analysis of the image to horizontally reverse
大松聡子1,2), 河野正志2), 富永孝紀2), 河島則天1,3), 森岡周1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 246-246, 2015.

Japanese Article O2159. Sensory input trainig to left ignored by the beads cushion adopted type machine
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 247-247, 2015.

Japanese Article O2160. Comparison - of examination - top-down approach and the bottom up approach about the usefulness of the approach for patients with left unilateral spatial neglect
菅原光晴1), 前田眞治2), 南雲浩隆3), 原麻理子4), 山本潤2,5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 248-248, 2015.

Japanese Article O2161. The case that intervention to preattentive process gave an effect for behavior inhibition
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 249-249, 2015.

Japanese Article O2162. Association between apathy and depression - cognitive function - in cerebrovascular disorder aftereffects
川埼めぐみ1,2), 寳珠山稔2,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 250-250, 2015.

Japanese Article O2163. Examination - about the relation of nerve base - occupational therapy of the Pacing disorder
上田奈津貴, 野本義則
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 251-251, 2015.

Japanese Article O2164. From all over example - hospitalization of the frontal lobe injury that noticed a difference of the disease insight with the family based on PCRS in the course until after discharge -
比田亜希, 北山朋宏
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 252-252, 2015.

Japanese Article O2165. Husband - that we appealed and "learned from failure" and caused remarkable functional decline taking the opportunity of the trouble with - neighborhood of the wife of the higher brain function person with a disability who assumes irritability cardinal symptom
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 253-253, 2015.

Japanese Article O2166. About trial of ICT tool "Arata" supplementing the life of the higher brain function disorder case
種村留美1), 長尾徹1), 野田和恵1), 中田修1), 種村純2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 254-254, 2015.

Japanese Article O2167. Association between cognitive function and behavior prediction using the rock, paper, scissors
坂本蒔日香, 雄山正崇, 中山可奈子, 森岡寛文, 中越竜馬
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 255-255, 2015.

Japanese Article O2168. Examination - from disease severity of the button operation - Balint syndrome of the electronic equipment of the case that presented Balint syndrome
砂川耕作1,2), 船山道隆3), 中川良尚4), 種村留美2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 256-256, 2015.

Japanese Article O2169. An example in acknowledgment of metamorphopsia limited to eyes by a left occipital lobe lesion
難波忠明1), 東久保美穂1), 大西慶彦1), 田中尚2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 257-257, 2015.

Japanese Article O2170. Is good by patients about the association of DAD score in the forgetfulness outpatient department and various examination score with consideration - dementia and the family; to advise it; -
西田明日香1), 欅篤2), 文山裕亮1), 安原啓志3), 榎本有希3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 258-258, 2015.

Japanese Article O1171. Examination (the first report) of the remedial index of the group production activity for elderly people with dementia
高口由紀1), 浅野有子1), 柏川晴香1), 横山奈緒子2), 根本清貴3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 259-259, 2015.

Japanese Article O1172. The factor which contributes to the quality of life evaluation of patients with severe dementia
永田優馬1,2), 田中寛之1,2), 内藤泰男2), 植松正保1), 西川隆2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 260-260, 2015.

Japanese Article O1173. Problem of the garbage in elderly people with dementia
野田和恵1), 種村留美1), 長尾徹1), 中田修1), 相良二朗2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 261-261, 2015.

Japanese Article O1174. Analysis using the covariance structure analysis about the effect factor of the recognition function of elderly people resident in an area participating in the care prevention, dementia prevention business
木村大介1,2), 竹田徳則1), 大浦智子1), 今井あい子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 262-262, 2015.

Japanese Article O1175. Analysis using the covariance structure analysis about the desire structure of elderly people with dementia
石川真太郎1), 木村大介1,2,3), 千原壮智1), 板橋知也1), 山田和政1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 263-263, 2015.

Japanese Article O1176. For the reacquisition of dementia initial intensive support - purpose of life activity toward the mild cognitive impairment -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 264-264, 2015.

Japanese Article O1177. From an investigation at bionomics of elderly people with dementia and relative - mental hospital hospitalization with the care burden feeling of the family -
塩田繁人1,2), 杉本優輝1), 稲口葉子1), 柴田克之2), 北村立3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 265-265, 2015.

Japanese Article O1178. Importance - of adjusting environment by discharge support - out reach of the severe dementia that loitering, violence is seen in
安田圭志1), 坂井一也2), 千葉亜紀1), 松本裕二1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 266-266, 2015.

Japanese Article O1179. Convalescence prediction - logarithm of the recognition and the behavior in patients with dementia and straight line predictive model -
渡邊愛記1), 鈴木誠1), 小滝治美2), 佐々木寛法2), 福田倫也1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 267-267, 2015.

Japanese Article O1180. From the comparison of the difference in article recognition degree by the exhibition means and - color, black and white with the dementia progress degree concerned and a photograph, the tablet terminal -
浅野朝秋1), 中山梨絵2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 268-268, 2015.

Japanese Article O2181. Examination of the informational support contents for the caregiver of elderly people with dementia
藤田彩花1,2), 竹田徳則2), 大浦智子2), 神田太一1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 269-269, 2015.

Japanese Article O2182. Examination of the usefulness about the dementia evaluation by the use of behavior observation evaluation AOS of dementia in the recovery rehabilitation ward
佐藤英人1), 竹田徳則2), 草名一輝1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 270-270, 2015.

Japanese Article O2183. Using - intelligence evaluation scale with maintenance and the quality of life of feelings, the interest interest of elderly people with severe dementia concerned -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 271-271, 2015.

Japanese Article O2184. Experience introduction of the personal style of recollection for the example that presented apathy
小田真徳, 森田綾能
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 272-272, 2015.

Japanese Article O2185. For the fall prevention of elderly people with dementia
沼口太飛1), 辻美和1), 岡村太郎2), 藤元登四郎3), 三山吉夫4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 273-273, 2015.

Japanese Article O2186. Relations of the brain atrophy in the patients who received forgetfulness in neurology for main complaint and cerebral blood flow and the neuropsychological examination
備前宏紀1), 山名知子2), 冨山直輝3), 木村大介3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 274-274, 2015.

Japanese Article O2187. Using effect - functional near-infrared light spectroscopy device (fNIRS) that the operation program of the cell-phone gives to the cognitive function and prefrontal area of normal elderly people -
吉原理美1), 石原早紀子1), 齋藤明子1), 黒岩直美2), 畑幸彦3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 275-275, 2015.

Japanese Article O2188. Using effect - functional near-infrared light spectroscopy device (fNIRS) that a walk program while hum a song gives in the prefrontal area of normal elderly people -
石原早紀子1), 吉原理美1), 齋藤明子1), 黒岩直美2), 畑幸彦3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 276-276, 2015.

Japanese Article O2189. About a prefrontal activity change about the motor learning using previous shape of a head NIRS through the writing movement in - healthy subject -
鳥越夕妃, 類家裕介, 阿部正之
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 277-277, 2015.

Japanese Article O2190. Exercise practice using NIRS and examination of the local cerebral blood flow change conjugation of exercise images
磯直樹1,3), 森内剛史1,3), 佐賀里昭2,3), 田平隆行4), 東登志夫5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 278-278, 2015.

Japanese Article O2191. Inspection of association with MMSE of Short Form of the MMSE (six remembrance studies) and the validity in the outcome prediction
鬼塚北斗, 関真吾, 秋武祐生, 森川信行
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 279-279, 2015.

Japanese Article O2192. Examination - in perioperative care of the short-term intervention effect on patients with cognitive functional decline - femoral neck/trochanter region bone fracture of reading aloud, writing, the calculation training
田中ゆう, 石川朋奈, 小関昇平, 山本喜美夫
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 280-280, 2015.

Japanese Article O2193. Inspection of the effect that the double problem lower walk training in weak elderly people resident in an area gives to a cognitive function
萩原崇1), 北村智哉1), 小島宏志1), 堀江淳2), 阿波邦彦2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 281-281, 2015.

Japanese Article O2194. An example of elderly people with institution entrance dementia that the interruption of the diet decreased using bone conduction headphones
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 282-282, 2015.

Japanese Article O2195. 1 case that the occupational therapy in the ward was effective for BPSD of dementia in the convalescent rehabilitation ward
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 283-283, 2015.

Japanese Article O1196. About the support method of the occupational therapist in the special support school
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 284-284, 2015.

Japanese Article O1197. Development of the observation check list in the special support education
本田藍, 辛島千恵子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 285-285, 2015.

Japanese Article O1198. School life support using the life act improvement management to children with the situational taciturnity
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 286-286, 2015.

Japanese Article O1199. Questionary survey about the social participation situation of the development child with a disability
関森英伸1,2), 谷口敬道1,2), 杉原素子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 287-287, 2015.

Japanese Article O1200. Content analysis of the consultation of the occupational therapist for the autism spectrum children in the special support school
倉澤茂樹1), 立山清美2), 丹葉寛之3), 浅井郁子4), 島津雅子5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 288-288, 2015.

Japanese Article O2201. Examination of needs for the occupational therapy in the pediatric rehabilitation clinic for the development child with a disability
森川純子1), 新井紀子2), 渡邉静代1), 家森百合子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 289-289, 2015.

Japanese Article O2202. Support - for the future when utilization - teacher, a protector, infants of ADOC-S (school edition work choice decision aiding software) in the kindergarten hope
仲間知穂, 友利幸之介
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 290-290, 2015.

Japanese Article O2203. Based on the advice from change - experienced person of the protector in the attendance at school conference -
大戸普賢1), 儀間智2), 森川敦子3), 河野美穂4), 藤本圭司1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 291-291, 2015.

Japanese Article O2204. Is the sense - exercise play useful for reduction of "the behavioral disorder" of the preschooler?
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 292-292, 2015.

Japanese Article O2205. Development of the special support education area patrol consultation business that usually utilized community resources in the school
渡邉清美, 関森英伸, 谷口敬道
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 293-293, 2015.

Japanese Article O2206. Examination about the movement acquisition of children with autistic spectrum disorder
佐野美沙子1,2), 山口佳小里1), 寳珠山稔2), 深津玲子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 294-294, 2015.

Japanese Article O2207. A characteristic of a sense processing function and the nonverbal communication behavior of the autistic spectrum children with the intellectual impairment and the relations
岩田真李, 辛島千恵子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 295-295, 2015.

Japanese Article O2208. Study on effective work instruction method for children having autistic spectrum
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 296-296, 2015.

Japanese Article O2209. About the effect that snooze Ren (multiplex sense environment) gives a person
野村寿子1), 木島拓郎1), 西聖二2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 297-297, 2015.

Japanese Article O2210. Using investigation - JPAN of the coordinated movement in the junior high student -
新井紀子1), 松島佳苗2), 田畑阿美1), 加藤寿宏2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 298-298, 2015.

Japanese Article O1211. From the relation to the personality disorder example in the usefulness - our hospital, medical observation method ward of OTIPM (occupational therapy intervention process model) in the judiciary occupational therapy in psychiatry -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 299-299, 2015.

Japanese Article O1212. We see the rear about the support to be connected for the rate of hospitalization reduction to see from the attribute of patients with mental disorder hospitalized during out reach support and study mark analysis
真下いずみ1,2), 橋本健志1), 四本かやの1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 300-300, 2015.

Japanese Article O1213. Attempt - of the practice report to recovery support - family in the psychiatry daycare
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 301-301, 2015.

Japanese Article O1214. The effect that a peer support activity gives to a participant
加藤由里子1), 立入昌美2), 井手瞳3), 古賀誠1,4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 302-302, 2015.

Japanese Article O1215. - to support the local life of attendance at school support - mentally disordered offenders to the medical observation method subjects
佐藤拓也, 棟近展行
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 303-303, 2015.

Japanese Article O1216. Using subjective effect on patients with feelings accommodation difficulty - single system design of the mind Fournet's occupational therapy -
織田靖史1,2), 京極真3), 西岡由江2), 宮崎洋一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 304-304, 2015.

Japanese Article O1217. Occupational therapy to patients with depression to repeat a list cut by stress
林良太1), 稲富宏之2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 305-305, 2015.

Japanese Article O1218. One instance case - that a change was seen in with occupational therapy - bone fracture for patients with intractable schizophrenia
古賀悠理子, 熱田智子, 胎中美夏
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 306-306, 2015.

Japanese Article O1219. Factor to affect the subjective feeling at discharge of patients with schizophrenia for acute phase
大畠久典1,2), 四本かやの3), 平良勝1,4), 橋本健志3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 307-307, 2015.

Japanese Article O1220. One instance case of the pervasive developmental disorder that led to working from long-term withdrawal
村上萌1), 竹林宏克1), 林輝男2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 308-308, 2015.

Japanese Article O1221. Significance and the role that an occupational therapist intervenes in to raise employment will
小原亜紀, 宮崎宏興
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 309-309, 2015.

Japanese Article O1222. Through a working support program by efforts - daycare of the working support to a mental patient -
重松純子, 大石玲子, 田丸和宏
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 310-310, 2015.

Japanese Article O1223. About the current situation of the working support for the psychiatry emergency ward inpatient
長原美穂1), 塩田繁人1), 西村優1), 大西真澄美1), 木谷知一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 311-311, 2015.

Japanese Article O1224. Occupational therapy for patients with medical office consultation not to be restored of the social participation state long-term after the symptom reduction
四本かやの1,3), 奥村満佐子2,3), 橋本健志1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 312-312, 2015.

Japanese Article O2225. Pay its attention to cognitive function and rhythm perception of schizophrenia - Intervention of rehabilitainment(RT) -
中澤太志1), 白石香有里1), 十河正樹2), 畑田早苗2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 313-313, 2015.

Japanese Article O2226. The effect that a work activity gives to autonomic nervous system on patients with schizophrenia
江口喜久雄1), 小浦誠吾2), 江口奈央3), 田村沙耶花1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 314-314, 2015.

Japanese Article O2227. From a change of 1 case - event related potential (ERP) of schizophrenia that had a nerve plastic change by cognitive corrective therapy -
井上貴雄1), 豊巻敦人2), 宮崎茜2), 大久保亮2), 久住一郎2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 315-315, 2015.

Japanese Article O2228. Improvement of the viability (functional capacity) by the NEAR intervention for patients with ambulatory schizophrenia
星野藍子1), 山内彩2), 河野直子2), 尾崎紀夫2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 316-316, 2015.

Japanese Article O2229. One case that a graduation problem of the NEAR was an opportunity, and a hobby escalated
芳賀大輔1), 上田昌弘2), 濱野学3), 田口巧1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 317-317, 2015.

Japanese Article O2230. Case that the work that peace of mind and meaning have been migrated to the security life
蜂谷亮子, 宮崎宏興
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 318-318, 2015.

Japanese Article O2231. Example - that we repeated - medical care hospitalization to do hospitalization with the hope while following dignity, but came to be able to be hospitalized with hope voluntarily
野々内絵里子1), 宮崎宏興2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 319-319, 2015.

Japanese Article O2232. From the investigation in the mental hospital in characteristic - Hyogo when a multi-organization cooperates an occupational therapist in psychiatry domain -
太田貴仁1), 宮崎宏興2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 320-320, 2015.

Japanese Article O2233. Support - process - that the case that hikikomori was in a state came to regain activity for a long time of the OT in the mental patient group home
鈴木一広1), 水野高昌2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 321-321, 2015.

Japanese Article O2234. One instance case - that got a role by the intervention that focused on resumption - work of the work in the new environment
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 322-322, 2015.

Japanese Article O2235. Emotional condition, psychoneurotic change of others and the person with schizophrenia by exercising
神志那武1,2), 四本かやの3), 橋本健志3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 323-323, 2015.

Japanese Article O2236. Association between work and life satisfaction with the spontaneous interchange with the community
柳橋真希, 宮崎宏興
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 324-324, 2015.

Japanese Article O2237. Through the course before the example that effect - uneasiness that the work called the record served as is strong, and the prospect of the discharge did not stand reaching the area life stability -
末澤涼子1), 山根寛2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 325-325, 2015.

Japanese Article O2238. Through the example that occupational therapy practice - work accomplishment that focused on treatment environment adjustment improved -
三枝広平1), 坂本春美1), 杉原初美1), 古賀誠2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 326-326, 2015.

Japanese Article O2239. Examination of the music ability in schizophrenia
畑田早苗1), 澤田健2), Allen E Thornton3), William G Honer4), 井上新平5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 327-327, 2015.

Japanese Article O2240. Process (the first report) that the elderly people who had the paralysis in handedness by a stroke reach the rebuilding of the life
阿諏訪公子1,2), 戸ケ里泰典2), 横山由香里3), 谷木龍男4), 徳永千尋5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 328-328, 2015.

Japanese Article O2241. Aim at effect - depressed mental state and self-knowledge of the life act improvement management for the case having difficulty in generalization to ward ADL saying "do not do it because can do it"; and -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 329-329, 2015.

Japanese Article O2242. An example of the stoma patients that disorder reception was promoted by touch care
中畑誠一, 横山和之, 濱田貴文, 松尾明
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 330-330, 2015.

Japanese Article O2243. The effect that social skill gives in pain sympathy and a psychology factor
田中陽一1,2), 佐藤剛介1,2), 大住倫弘1,3), 森岡周1,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 331-331, 2015.

Japanese Article O2244. Factor of the confusion that the family of patients with cerebrovascular disorder that is ADL non-independence feels after the discharge
曽我部泰地1), 兼田敏克1,2), 高畑進一2), 西川智子2), 堀島優花1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 332-332, 2015.

Japanese Article O2245. Structure of the faith conflict that the patients receiving Hand Therapy experience
多田哲也1,2), 京極真3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 333-333, 2015.

Japanese Article O2246. Factor of the faith conflict that an occupational therapist associating with the terminally ill patients experiences
増田典子1,2), 京極真3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 334-334, 2015.

Japanese Article O2247. Vertical section study - using Change over time of the quality of life component in the person with ALS and background - SEIQoL-DW of 3 years
高橋香代子1), 喜多村美里2), 田仲美春3), 相馬美里4), 福田倫也1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 335-335, 2015.

Japanese Article O2248. - of a work activity and the going out will that change - oneself of the quality of life can be made up mainly of in the bed of the person with high spinal cord injury concerned
赤穂善行1,2), 住田幹男1), 砂田一郎1), 森脇昌也1), 山本詠子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 336-336, 2015.

Japanese Article O2249. Qualitative analysis - by interview SCAT to the quality of life examination -3 example of the example to become the staying alone in a flop house via a convalescent rehabilitation hospital
細川大瑛, 小林志帆, 井上那築, 林純子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 337-337, 2015.

Japanese Article O1250. About improvement of the number of deglutition of elderly people by the positive laughter
辻村肇1,2), 松村雅史2,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 338-338, 2015.

Japanese Article O1251. For the correspondence that intervention - staff mainly on the impulse control for the social behavior disorder unified -
長曽我部綾乃, 田口潤智, 重村祐介
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 339-339, 2015.

Japanese Article O1252. Practice - of the remote nursing using at-home support - videophone of the seriously disabled child who utilized ICT (information and communication technology)
太田緑1), 吉田奈緒1), 引地明大1), 林時仲2), 三田勝己2,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 340-340, 2015.

Japanese Article O1253. The Internet communication in the outpatient with Asperger's disorder or schizophrenia
渡部貴史1), 鈴木國文2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 341-341, 2015.

Japanese Article O1254. Distance - to one consideration - peer supporter of the foreign occupational therapy for the neurosis case that repeated 2 degrees attempted suicide
服部律子1), 北端裕司2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 342-342, 2015.

Japanese Article O1255. From analysis of the pressure of inspection - occupational therapist of the communication of an occupational therapist and the seriously disabled child in the activity introduction scene -
濱田匠1), 菊池紀彦2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 343-343, 2015.

Japanese Article O1256. Comparison between drawing characteristic and brush strokes movement - development child with a disability and normal children - in the brush strokes problem using the liquid crystalline pen tablet
池田千紗1,2,3), 中島そのみ4), 後藤幸枝2), 大柳俊夫5), 仙石泰仁4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 344-344, 2015.

Japanese Article O1257. The attempt that performed effect measurement of the intervention of the occupational therapist by the supporter of a seriously disabled child, the person using COPM
中村幸子1), 白井彰人2), 花本奈央2), 山下加代子2), 神谷みを1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 345-345, 2015.

Japanese Article O1258. Graded approach for the self catheterization movement acquisition for girls with spinal cord injury
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 346-346, 2015.

Japanese Article O1259. Inspection about the sense information to determine a sitting movement pattern
北山淳1), 原義晴1), 福本倫之1), 南征吾1), 成瀬進2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 347-347, 2015.

Japanese Article O1260. Support for staying alone life return after the total hip replacement of elderly people with the cognitive impairment
佐藤正彬1), 上村智子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 348-348, 2015.

Japanese Article O1261. The example that the feedback using the video was effective for cooking training
山崎竜弥, 神田太一, 土岐紗緒里, 可児史織, 松山太士
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 349-349, 2015.

Japanese Article O1262. The one case that led to returning to school in living staying alone by the occupational therapy that ran side by side by the nourishment management with the multi-type of job
田中舞1), 桐山由利子1), 木倉敏彦2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 350-350, 2015.

Japanese Article O1263. Examination about the effectiveness of the ward life not to use the wheelchair for
塚本倫央, 梶川大輔, 本竹由香里, 蒲池有加, 川原一郎
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 351-351, 2015.

Japanese Article O1264. For diet movement acquisition of the one that presented the left shoulder paralysis, the right failure of muscular coordination by cerebral damage
山中綾子, 富田悠, 濱中将, 淺井真希, 安井晴香
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 352-352, 2015.

Japanese Article O1265. Relation with the couple who became available for home life against the prediction of the medical person
平塚千尋, 田宮高道, 川内谷健, 中本絵莉, 村上浩平
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 353-353, 2015.

Japanese Article O1266. Before and after factor - crisis of cerebral apoplexy to influence the IADL of the person with at-home stroke comparison - from enforcement frequency of the housework
楠田耕平1,2), 種村留美2), 齋藤嘉子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 354-354, 2015.

Japanese Article O1267. From a comparison between factor - on admission FIM and discharge FIM to have an influence on the home discharge -
成田朱里1), 小坂部圭二1), 寺尾卓1), 村上正和1), 澄川幸志2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 355-355, 2015.

Japanese Article O1268. From a viewpoint of problem - area inclusion care of the medication management of at-home need of nursing care elderly people -
上村智子1), 岩井里美2), 梅林千恵2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 356-356, 2015.

Japanese Article O1269. Search of the factor associated with the life satisfaction drop after the discharge of patients with stroke discharged from the hospital at home for acute phase
水口寛子1,2), 藺弁田洋美1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 357-357, 2015.

Japanese Article O2270. Using effect - SF-36 that a restroom movement independence degree gives in the quality of life of patients with thighbone neck/trochanter part bone fracture -
細谷若菜, 森下史子, 木下剛, 宮本恵
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 358-358, 2015.

Japanese Article O2271. See the rear of the FIM restroom-related item in the rehabilitation ward for - our hospital convalescence to think about importance of the approach to urination management; from a mark investigation -
黒田康裕1), 川邉千津子3), 松雪孝広1), 山本吉雄1), 山下早百合2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 359-359, 2015.

Japanese Article O2272. Factor to influence the transferring in the restroom in the severeness hemiplegia patients
小坂部圭二1), 成田朱里1), 寺尾卓1), 村上正和1), 澄川幸志2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 360-360, 2015.

Japanese Article O2273. Association between various examinations for balance and restroom movement
寺尾卓1), 成田朱里1), 小坂部圭二1), 村上正和1), 澄川幸志2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 361-361, 2015.

Japanese Article O2274. Association with the toilet activities independence of the evaluation according to the toilet activities item in patients with acute phase stroke
伊藤輝佳1), 河尻博幸1), 柳瀬敦志1), 林博教2), 木村伸也2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 362-362, 2015.

Japanese Article O2275. Gender gap of the joint angle in the diet movement
中武潤1), 鳥取部光司1), 帖佐悦男1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 363-363, 2015.

Japanese Article O2276. Relation for elderly people with end-stage dementia that got oral intake by having an independent diet scene
宝田光1), 三浦正樹2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 364-364, 2015.

Japanese Article O2277. From nourishment for life support to pleasure, a diet leading to social participation
井戸川由花1), 成田雄一1), 甲嶋義史1), 田邉寛則1), 藤崎公達2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 365-365, 2015.

Japanese Article O2278. Efforts of the diet support team in the care health center for the elderly
菊修一郎, 牧弥生, 村口公子, 阪口友理恵, 仲田裕行
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 366-366, 2015.

Japanese Article O2279. One case that diet movement improved by multidirectional evaluation and training of eating dysphagia
小山雅之, 北山朋宏
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 367-367, 2015.

Japanese Article O2280. Time characteristic - every lower item constituting examination - dressing activity of the clothing time required of patients with stroke
佐々木祥太郎, 大森圭貢, 畠山真弓, 大宮一人
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 368-368, 2015.

Japanese Article O2281. The nail clippers assistance situation at our hospital convalescent ward discharge and the factor
舩渡勝弘, 神谷克二
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 369-369, 2015.

Japanese Article O2282. Examination - from factor - recognition functional side to have an influence on the jacket attendant court lady ability of the convalescent hemiplegia patients
齋藤良行1), 佐藤由夏1), 東弘幸1), 高村雅二2), 小川太郎3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 370-370, 2015.

Japanese Article O2283. Degree of difficulty of the movement associated with the wash body movement of the stroke hemiplegia patients
北村新1), 大高洋平1,2), 坂田祥子1), 近藤国嗣1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 371-371, 2015.

Japanese Article O2284. About a factor about the role acquisition in the cooking of the single paralysed
西聡太, 真栄城一郎, 野尻晋一, 山永裕明
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 372-372, 2015.

Japanese Article O1285. Possibility - to see it from occupational therapy intervention - questionary survey and motion study for the hand pain which the beautician holds
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 373-373, 2015.

Japanese Article O1286. Significance of the participation of the occupational therapist in the establishment of the working shift support office
土居義典1), 土屋景子2), 久安美智子1), 金山祐里2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 374-374, 2015.

Japanese Article O1287. Through foreign occupational therapy and an example in its twenties aiming at cooperation - early reinstatement with the workplaces -
清水竜太1), 邨松美都樹1), 平野彩1), 都丸哲也2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 375-375, 2015.

Japanese Article O1288. About the current situation and a problem of the reinstatement support in the acute phase from the questionary survey to - therapist -
近藤大輔1), 佐藤さとみ2), 村田郁子3), 徳本雅子4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 376-376, 2015.

Japanese Article O1289. Development of the work-life balance standard for mental health service users
谷村厚子, 石井良和
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 377-377, 2015.

Japanese Article O1290. Repeat an interview using example - life act improvement management that led a case to appeal to "to want to return to original work" to the working shift support institution; and -
中村毎途1), 神藤理美子1), 荒木孝子1), 三井忍2), 吉崎正1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 378-378, 2015.

Japanese Article O1291. One instance case of the working support for the member with pervasive developmental disorder in the psychiatry daycare
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 379-379, 2015.

Japanese Article O1292. One case that came by reacquisition by agriculture by use of managing it life act improvement
纐纈功, 田邊夏美, 中島由美, 宮本美恵子, 橋本康子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 380-380, 2015.

Japanese Article O1293. About one patient moved for reinstatement in pursuit of "true needs" for a heart to swing
塩田千紘, 鎌田大啓
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 381-381, 2015.

Japanese Article O1294. Example that reinstatement advanced to in what we actually went to the traditional tofu shop and observed smoothly
石川尭典1), 中畑誠一1), 濱田貴文1), 松尾明1), 野水眞2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 382-382, 2015.

Japanese Article O2295. Two years - from long-term support - ADL of mother who presented with a higher brain function disorder in 50s to working
清野佳代子1), 水品朋子1), 坂本一世1), 倉持昇1), 柳原幸治2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 383-383, 2015.

Japanese Article O2296. One consideration to a higher brain function person with a disability who achieved reinstatement by early intervention and trial attendance
金平桜, 宮崎宏興
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 384-384, 2015.

Japanese Article O2297. The case that showed the improvement of the higher brain function disorder by the intervention after the workplace visit
飯田夕妃美1), 大賀祐美2), 松川勇2), 船山道隆3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 385-385, 2015.

Japanese Article O2298. From support contents of the examination - Hiroshima higher brain function center of the effective reinstatement support method for the higher brain function person with a disability -
川原薫1), 花房萌子1), 中川真実1), 藤井美香1), 酒井弘美2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 386-386, 2015.

Japanese Article O2299. About the factor of the work speed drop of the person with traumatic cerebral damage
石田順子1,2), 種村留美2), 上田敬太3), 松田秀一1), 村井俊哉3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 387-387, 2015.

Japanese Article O2300. Convalescent rehabilitation for the at-home working to a person with C4 cervical cord injury
對間泰雄, 松本琢麿, 横山修, 松元健, 松田健太
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 388-388, 2015.

Japanese Article O2301. Through 1 case that presented efforts - injury-related subarachnoid hemorrhage for the acquisition of the driving skill -
佐藤佑一, 高橋彩佳, 佐々木陽子, 川上拓也
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 389-389, 2015.

Japanese Article O2302. Examination of the occupation return program of the cello player who presented with left hemiplegia
村上雄太1), 土屋景子2), 金山祐里2), 谷口恵美1), 安永雅1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 390-390, 2015.

Japanese Article O2303. The cerebrovascular disorder example that we worked on for working continuation in the foreign occupational therapy
土谷里織1), 坂上真理2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 391-391, 2015.

Japanese Article O2304. The current situation and problem of the working support for a locomotorium disease and the cerebrovascular disease in Rousaibyoin
徳本雅子1), 佐藤さとみ2), 村田郁子3), 近藤大輔4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 392-392, 2015.

Japanese Article O2305. For knitting activity - local participation, interchange to a male user in the ambulatory rehabilitation -
水島眞由美1), 井岡史織2), 机里恵1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 393-393, 2015.

Japanese Article O2306. Example and inflection - of support - life act improvement management to event participation along the hope of the family
萬屋京典, 八木田眞光
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 394-394, 2015.

Japanese Article O2307. The experience that was able to make it participate in the wedding ceremony of the grandchild by conveying the thought of the person, the family
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 395-395, 2015.

Japanese Article O2308. Role - that OT in charge of improvement - hospitalization of the going out frequency after the convalescent ward discharge by the peer support served as it
中里創1), 上野繕広1), 久尾友員1), 岩谷清一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 396-396, 2015.

Japanese Article O2309. About the effect that the field work in the person with a disability support institution gives to an institution user
中西一1,2,3), 木下遥3), 石附智奈美5), 木村浩彰4), 宮口英樹5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 397-397, 2015.

Japanese Article O1310. About the long-term effect of "the life act improvement management" on elderly people follow-up study - of -2 year
能登真一1), 村井千賀2), 竹内さをり3), 岩瀬義昭4), 中村春基5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 398-398, 2015.

Japanese Article O1311. - with effect on physical active mass and purpose of life factor - time-budget survey in the care prevention business (the primary prevention) participant concerned
小市健二1,3), 関野志穂2), 呉泰雄3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 399-399, 2015.

Japanese Article O1312. Study on introduction effect of the life goal setting technique (Life Goal Setting Technique) in the day care type care prevention classroom of the second prophylactic subjects
由利禄巳1,2), 高畑進一1), 西川智子1), 藤井有里2), 岡万理3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 400-400, 2015.

Japanese Article O1313. Characteristic of the second prophylactic risk person in the care prevention "salon of the rest" business participant
竹田徳則, 木村大介, 大浦智子, 今井あい子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 401-401, 2015.

Japanese Article O1314. Effect - randomization comparative study - that occupational therapy in coordination with a challenge standard, the ability standard balance of elderly people gives it in quality of life
吉田一平1,2), 美馬寛子1), 野中哲士3), 平尾一樹4), 小林隆司5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 402-402, 2015.

Japanese Article O1315. Approach to the case that presented suffering for staying alone life return
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 403-403, 2015.

Japanese Article O1316. One case that investigated a living condition using a life act confirmation table after the discharge
仙田春菜, 北山朋宏
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 404-404, 2015.

Japanese Article O1317. Report of the use experience to a person of course of the QOLIBRI (Quality of life after Brain Injury, quality of life of the person with cerebral damage) making for Japan and brain damage resident in an area
鈴木めぐみ1), 太田喜久夫2), 前田晃子1), 内藤真理子3), 近藤和泉4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 405-405, 2015.

Japanese Article O1318. Of the one-day life using the work balance self-diagnosis for the visit rehabilitation user look back and is tried the program
野尻亜希1,2), 小林法一3), 大嶋伸雄3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 406-406, 2015.

Japanese Article O1319. The independence for the MTBI women who passed supports 12 years after the injury
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 407-407, 2015.

Japanese Article O1320. Inspection - by the cross-sectional study for effect - area residence elderly people that an achievement motivation standard gives in work participation, a feeling of purpose of life, role awareness
佐野伸之1,2), 京極真3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 408-408, 2015.

Japanese Article O1321. Client-centered cooperative intervention is ability for IADL effect to give
金野達也1,2), 斎藤さわ子3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 409-409, 2015.

Japanese Article O1322. From analysis of the origami accomplishment that made be conscious of examination - purpose and a meaning of the motivation to use when an occupational therapist offered an activity to the subjects -
淺井憲義1), 高橋香代子2), 浅沼辰志3), 丸達也4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 410-410, 2015.

Japanese Article O1323. The practice that focused on work using ADOC in the day service: Example report
上江洲聖1,3), 久志仁2), 友利幸之介3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 411-411, 2015.

Japanese Article O1324. Having seen it from the treatment needs investigation for occupational therapy program reconfigurations
古賀誠1,3), 立入昌美2), 加藤由里子3), 石井良和4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 412-412, 2015.

Japanese Article O1325. Inflection of the problem item of AMPS as the opportunity to know the needs of the aphasic person
影山正恭, 阿諏訪公子, 河野崇, 朝倉直之
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 413-413, 2015.

Japanese Article O1326. Questionary survey about the resumption of operation manual Aomori version plan of the person with stroke
成田句生1), 野田美保子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 414-414, 2015.

Japanese Article O1327. The practice that focused on the work performancer in the patients after the Total Knee Arthroplasty reduces a catastrophic thought
平賀勇貴, 許山勝弘, 平川善之
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 415-415, 2015.

Japanese Article O1328. An example of the arms injury that a role before the injury was able to maintain by winning a usable handle
宮木しげ美, 西家由莉子, 松村文典
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 416-416, 2015.

Japanese Article O1329. It is the effectiveness of the driving training for patients with paraplegia with the uneasiness for the operation of the hand-operated driving device
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 417-417, 2015.

Japanese Article O2330. Exploratory study of the arms function associated with the attention function of elderly people resident in an area
中島大貴1), 林浩之2), 金田紘佳1), 市川歩1), 冨山直輝2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 418-418, 2015.

Japanese Article O2331. Hold a user-based exhibition; and efforts - in - ambulatory rehabilitation
清藤怜子1), 吉川法生2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 419-419, 2015.

Japanese Article O2332. Development of the work activity health degree standard for need of nursing care elderly people
西田典史1,2), 嘉成望1), 荻山泰地1), 丸達也1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 420-420, 2015.

Japanese Article O2333. The example that we got work to expect using an at-home return pass, and at-home return allowed
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 421-421, 2015.

Japanese Article O2334. A trace of the quality of life of elderly people receiving occupational therapy at home of one year: Randomized controlled trial
今西美由紀1), 友久久雄2), 日垣一男3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 422-422, 2015.

Japanese Article O2335. Efforts - to example - life act improvement associated with mental temporary nursing at home after the source of the petty offense arrest record person
樋本英司1), 石浜実花1), 西田典真1), 石山満夫2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 423-423, 2015.

Japanese Article O2336. Collaboration of a teacher and the occupational therapist in the work learning of the special support school
小林郁, 太田聡子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 424-424, 2015.

Japanese Article O2337. Examination of the construct validity of the pleasure rating system of elderly people version, the leisure activity
本家寿洋1,2), 山田孝3), 石井良和4), 澤村大輔1), 小林法一4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 425-425, 2015.

Japanese Article O2338. Examination of the usefulness in the occupational therapy of seal type men Tal commitment robot Paro
松田和也1), 森淳一1), 佐藤浩二2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 426-426, 2015.

Japanese Article O2339. Analysis of the collection of occupational therapy example reports example aiming at the construction of the intervention strategy of the acute phase occupational therapy
白砂寛基1,2), 谷口敬道1,2), 藤田亘1), 杉原素子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 427-427, 2015.

Japanese Article O2340. - to look back on the life with intervention - album to a case to wish, "I want to grow for a person"
鈴木亮太1), 伊海友雪1), 南雲洋明1), 鈴木達也2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 428-428, 2015.

Japanese Article O2341. For high quality behavior modification one case - - that is not oneself previous anymore using the video feedback
布目幸司, 林節也, 田中利典, 森憲司
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 429-429, 2015.

Japanese Article O2342. The one instance case that became the clue to social participation by assuming a hobby before the illness an axis
小名忍1), 岸上博俊2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 430-430, 2015.

Japanese Article O2343. Evaluation and approach - using self-assessment (OSA-II) about occupational therapy - work that aimed at the role reacquisition from work deprivation
鈴木竜治1), 竹原敦2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 431-431, 2015.

Japanese Article O2344. Work fringe one instance case - after the stroke that we presented with effect - aphasia that becoming it gave in the quality of life of a client and the family
北野竜樹, 中村元紀, 宮武慎, 近江孝之, 中宇地堅大
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 432-432, 2015.

Japanese Article O1345. Based on results of the questionary survey of current situation and problem - national hospital mechanism of the occupational therapy enforcement situation for respiratory illness -
川邊利子, 錦織愛, 井上貴美子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 433-433, 2015.

Japanese Article O1346. Consideration - by the quantitative side of effect - acute phase rehabilitation of the rehabilitation to proximal thighbone bone fracture
小林勇矢1), 青木啓成1), 大塚功2), 西村直樹1), 井口隼人3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 434-434, 2015.

Japanese Article O1347. Based on questionnaire findings in need - our hospital of the group activity to be carried out in the hospital in physical disability domain -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 435-435, 2015.

Japanese Article O1348. About an effect of the perception exercise approach in the skill acquisition process
片岡聡子, 白石かおり, 十河正樹, 井上美和, 畑田早苗
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 436-436, 2015.

Japanese Article O1349. Occupational therapy after the lumbosacral joint rear fixation in our hospital
東久也1), 川本徹1), 伊藤大貴1), 小川倫永子1), 中島晶2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 437-437, 2015.

Japanese Article O2350. One consideration - to a slight mentally-disabled person through how to accept families - OT intervention in the Personalization acquisition support process
平本憲二1), 上島健1), 小田渉2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 438-438, 2015.

Japanese Article O2351. Relative examination with oculomotor activity and the mind and body function in elderly people resident in an area
井上忠俊1,2), 上城憲司2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 439-439, 2015.

Japanese Article O2352. For work accomplishment assessment to keep alive for a cognitive level of Allen and the support of the person of relative examination - dementia with the evaluation results of other recognition, performancers -
浅野有子1), 高口由紀1), 東ヶ崎裕1), 池田八郎2), 根本清貴3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 440-440, 2015.

Japanese Article O2353. Through a case found in behavior a change by efforts - day care rehabilitation shift of the day care rehabilitation which gathered aphasic persons -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 441-441, 2015.

Japanese Article O2354. The effect that group occupational therapy resulted in to the patients of the convalescent rehabilitation ward
五味茜, 青木將剛, 金井宏
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 442-442, 2015.

Japanese Article O1355. Invention - to use the communication to a person with cervical cord injury, support - smartphone, the elevator of activities of daily living by oneself
牛膓昌利1), 白濱勲二2), 横田志恵1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 443-443, 2015.

Japanese Article O1356. The communication support that utilized the email with the family to patients with ALS
谷本健治1), 岸上博俊2), 鎌田康広1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 444-444, 2015.

Japanese Article O1357. Examination - that we focused on the mental psychologic aspect of adaptation - subjects of the intention transmission device using event related potential P300
大寺亜由美1), 高橋香代子2), 田中久弥3), 福田倫也1,2), 淺井憲義4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 445-445, 2015.

Japanese Article O1358. Development of the portableness simple arms training apparatus for the stroke hemiplegia arms
酒井弘美1), 安倍あき子1), 橋野賢2), 石黒圭応3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 446-446, 2015.

Japanese Article O1359. Suggestion of the effective communication method of the life support robot for elderly people with dementia
西浦裕子1), 井上剛伸1), 二瓶美里2), 大澤由美子3), 大中慎一4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 447-447, 2015.

Japanese Article O1360. About the construction of the welfare tool support service model for patients with ALS summary and usage - of - SMART-systems for ALS
米崎二朗, 池田真紀
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 448-448, 2015.

Japanese Article O1361. Support - to problem accomplishment in map "of role and function -" life of the occupational therapist in the welfare tool support service to patients with ALS
池田真紀, 米崎二朗
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 449-449, 2015.

Japanese Article O1362. Through thought - qualitative analysis of the wife about the communication support of patients with ALS -
鈴木康子1), 星克司1), 菅原由貴子1), 稲田優磨2), 河合俊宏3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 450-450, 2015.

Japanese Article O1363. Efforts - by conformity - multi-type of job cooperation of the input switch to quadriplegia and patients with diagnosed ALS
植田友貴1,3), 三橋和彦2), 古我知成3), 東嶋美佐子4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 451-451, 2015.

Japanese Article O1364. Graded approach for patients with ALS that is negative against intention transmission device introduction by a depressed state
一場弘行1), 児玉悦志1), 菊地豊1), 美原盤2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 452-452, 2015.

Japanese Article O2365. Making of the subjectivity evaluation list to reflect the structure of the chair
清水麻衣子1), 合田央志2), 岸上博俊3), 八田達夫3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 453-453, 2015.

Japanese Article O2366. About the usefulness of development - trace coda (TM) of the quantitative evaluation apparatus of the arms coordinated movement function -
水岡崇1), 石谷典子1), 深澤喜啓1), 加藤順一2), 原良昭3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 454-454, 2015.

Japanese Article O2367. Development of the hair slide tool for one hand
中松貴子1), 濱裕光2), 中松俊介1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 455-455, 2015.

Japanese Article O2368. Research and development of arms rehabilitation support robot SEMUL
釘宮慎太郎1), 佐藤浩二2), 森照明3), 菊池武士4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 456-456, 2015.

Japanese Article O2369. Efforts - for the excretion in introduction - restroom of the restroom list
森永真依, 福本智樹, 稲垣豪, 松原佳南, 前田真緒
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 457-457, 2015.

Japanese Article O2370. Difference - of the assistance burden with examination - car and the welfare vehicle of the getting on and off movement to a car on stroke hemiplegia person
緒方匡1,3), 岩瀬義昭2), 関根正樹4), 田村俊世4), 藤元登四郎5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 458-458, 2015.

Japanese Article O2371. Pay the attention to rise - heartbeat, the blood pressure with three kinds of mattresses, percutaneous arterial oxygen saturation, expiration end carbon dioxide; and -
関根英哉1), 松本哲朗1), 樋口恵1), 千島佑一2), 瀧本絵梨1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 459-459, 2015.

Japanese Article O2372. The multi-type of job cooperation and role in a choice, the conformity of the welfare tool
竹嶋理恵1), 崎山美和2), 近藤知子1), 井上剛伸2), 硯川潤2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 460-460, 2015.

Japanese Article O2373. Histories of treatment of the artificial leg wearing to both B-K amputation patients who had the finger gangrene
亀山紘樹1), 松本純一1), 寺部雄太2), 大平吉夫3), 安藤弘4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 461-461, 2015.

Japanese Article O2374. Practice of a medical social worker and the development support workshop by the developer
中村美緒1,2), 井上薫2), 白銀暁1), 井上剛伸1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 462-462, 2015.

Japanese Article O1375. Efforts introduction - of the problems that appeared from survey - investigation of the on admission visit instruction addition rate of use founded from 2014 and the enforcement institution
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 463-463, 2015.

Japanese Article O1376. With the effect that the office experience that performed during efforts - hospitalization for the home discharge of patients with juvenile dementia results in -
中越太一1), 中川明子1), 田村謙1), 前田栄子2), 廣中美智2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 464-464, 2015.

Japanese Article O1377. We are hale and hearty, and there be a working occupational therapist to make a livable area even if we suffer from dementia
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 465-465, 2015.

Japanese Article O1378. With the aim of improving nutritional status of visiting rehabilitation users - That can OT in the region -
米村真砂美1), 田所芳子1), 米増雪子1), 辻本美香2), 武澤明子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 466-466, 2015.

Japanese Article O1379. We find better work using comprehensive environmental agent questionnaire (CEQ) at a hospital for acute phase
河本敦史1), 籔脇健司2), 堀田真一1), 中西徹1), 井上博幸1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 467-467, 2015.

Japanese Article O1380. Relations of a style and the body function of the bedclothing in elderly people resident in an area
森田光生1,2), 大高洋平2,3), 倉上光市2), 坂井力1), 三村聡男2,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 468-468, 2015.

Japanese Article O1381. Attempt of the driving resumption program in the welfare institution
建木健1,2), 鵜原瑠奈2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 469-469, 2015.

Japanese Article O1382. The study on psyche function in patients with proximal thighbone bone fracture: Comparison with elderly people resident in an area
岩井緑1), 林浩之2), 中島大貴1), 中村守吾1), 金田紘佳1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 470-470, 2015.

Japanese Article O1383. About the fall factor of the person requiring nursing care having difficulty in walk
濱田俊彦1), 西聡太1), 今田吉彦2), 野尻晋一1), 山永裕明1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 471-471, 2015.

Japanese Article O1384. One case of the care health center for the elderly entrance that behavior modification was obtained by a work activity from hemiplegia and a depressed state associated with the aphasia
浦部多雅代1), 内昌之2), 浦部智章1), 志田亜沙美1), 小島英郎1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 472-472, 2015.

Japanese Article O1385. Analysis - of the questionary survey for examination - meeting attendants of the role of the occupational therapist in the community care meeting
梶川民子1), 木村知行1), 柴田克之2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 473-473, 2015.

Japanese Article O1386. Strategic - that we made use of the network of care prevention home delivery of cooked foods classroom - elderly people who spread from the senior volunteer group
石山満夫, 石浜実花
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 474-474, 2015.

Japanese Article O1387. It is - nickname through with mind by "the talks project with local inhabitants": AWA cafe project -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 475-475, 2015.

Japanese Article O1388. A problem and occupational therapy of local inclusion care system/area inclusion care ward
田邉寛則1), 梅川淳一2), 加藤令恵3), 成田雄一1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 476-476, 2015.

Japanese Article O1389. Example - that we paid attention to - faith conflict to realize the collaboration with other types of job to a user and conducted a relation
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 477-477, 2015.

Japanese Article O1390. The contents of thinking about rehabilitation type day service center. - What is the rehabilitation type day service center ? -
中村聡1), 沼田景三1,2,3), 井ノ元雅也2), 山田怜奈2), 沖嶋今日太1,2,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 478-478, 2015.

Japanese Article O1391. ADL maintenance improvement, and the like than effect - questionary survey of the therapeutist ward working full time in the system addition -
藤村健太1), 平野明日香1), 加藤正樹1), 加賀谷斉2), 才藤栄一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 479-479, 2015.

Japanese Article O1392. Progress report - of the business - 2014 occupational therapy promotion activity pilot business who brings up the teller occupational therapist of the each municipalities, and promotes local occupational therapy
清水兼悦, 仙石泰仁, 浅野葉子, 小岩伸之, 菊地啓介
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 480-480, 2015.

Japanese Article O1393. Introduction - strategic from the experience of the day service new setup - idea
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 481-481, 2015.

Japanese Article O1394. Attempt of the foreign support program that fixed its eyes on day service introduction
堀田牧, 小山明日香, 橋本衛
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 482-482, 2015.

Japanese Article O2395. It is case report using the life act improvement management for occupational therapy
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 483-483, 2015.

Japanese Article O2396. Based on the conversation record with pains - occupational therapist of the occupational therapist in charge of terminal phase, palliative care analysis and support - from an interpersonal support theory
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 484-484, 2015.

Japanese Article O2397. Progress report - of result - 2014 occupational therapy promotion activity pilot business of the simulated On-the-Job Training workshop of person in charge of Buddhist priest society municipalities window upbringing
菊地啓介, 仙石泰仁, 浅野葉子, 岩永輝明, 清水兼悦
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 485-485, 2015.

Japanese Article O2398. Questionary survey to a therapist after the intervention by the life act improvement management
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 486-486, 2015.

Japanese Article O2399. Activity introduction of a fall, the fall prevention team
浜岡憲二1), 三村兼代2), 濱田全紀3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 487-487, 2015.

Japanese Article O1400. Perform the training program that adopted possibility - PBL of the pediatric at-home occupational therapy education; and -
伊藤直子1), 関本充史1), 田島明子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 488-488, 2015.

Japanese Article O1401. To make use of an authority of multi-types of job clinical ladder in the career development of the occupational therapist
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 489-489, 2015.

Japanese Article O1402. For satisfaction - effect-like education of the new face education -
西濱美絵, 亀山愛
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 490-490, 2015.

Japanese Article O1403. About the new education system in our hospital
北山朋宏, 竹内茂伸
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 491-491, 2015.

Japanese Article O1404. Investigation according to the main sickness and wound of user in the temporary nursing at home station
渋谷明子, 後藤論行
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 492-492, 2015.

Japanese Article O1405. Difference for the term for the counselee by the clinical experience of the occupational therapist
広江祐司1), 野村健太2), 白石めぐみ3), 八子満悠子4), 會田玉美5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 493-493, 2015.

Japanese Article O1406. Examination of the communicative competence using Evaluation of Social Interaction (ESI) in the rehabilitation staff
松本吉史1), 栃岡佳樹1), 大嶋幸慈1), 西田典史2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 494-494, 2015.

Japanese Article O1407. Hyogo Prefecture Occupational Therapists Association Education Department of the activities and initiatives.
尾上奈緒子1), 本多伸行2), 岡野裕3), 中村太一4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 495-495, 2015.

Japanese Article O2408. Comparison - of examination - futsal experience, the crafts experience of the intervention effect of the on-site training program on occupational therapy student before and after stigma
中村泰久1), 森本真太郎1), 来島修志2), 山中武彦2), 石井文康2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 496-496, 2015.

Japanese Article O2409. Than the questionary survey for current situation and problem - training school of the before graduation education about cancer to an occupational therapy student -
三木恵美, 岡村仁
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 497-497, 2015.

Japanese Article O2410. Globalization education in the occupational therapy education
須山夏加1,2), 金寿蓮1), 木下正信1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 498-498, 2015.

Japanese Article O2411. About "harassment," how should you educate him in the occupational therapy subject?
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 499-499, 2015.

Japanese Article O2412. Effect of the preparations for lessons problem in the lecture
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 500-500, 2015.

Japanese Article O2413. About the stress reaction of the student in the bedside teaching and the sleep situation using -3 dimensions of acceleration sensors -
齋藤利恵1), 八並光信2), 丹羽正利1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 501-501, 2015.

Japanese Article O2414. The effect that social skills training gives to the social skill of the occupational therapy student and characteristic self-efficacy
山形隆造, 大野宏明, 土屋景子, 井上桂子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 502-502, 2015.

Japanese Article O2415. Survey of the students with anxiety about the clinical trainings - Findings from the group with the students in all grades -
中浦俊一郎, 上松剛, 加藤和貴
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 503-503, 2015.

Japanese Article O2416. About relations of consciousness and the self-efficacy of the occupational therapy subject student using - text mining -
永井貴士1), 小澤莉沙2), 河村章史1,3), 竹中孝博2,4), 樅山貴子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 504-504, 2015.

Japanese Article O2417. Examination of the factor associated with the view on decease in the occupational therapy student
針替明世1), 藤原健一1), 葛西真理1), 岩佐博人2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 505-505, 2015.

Japanese Article O1418. Qualitative study - that we analyzed a support problem in situation - international cooperation of the refugees person with a disability by the dispute in Syria
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 506-506, 2015.

Japanese Article O1419. From the viewpoint of trend - consultant about medical international development and the international collaboration -
石井清志1), 河野眞2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 507-507, 2015.

Japanese Article O1420. About a change of the consciousness of the model school teacher before and after introduction and the effect - business start of the model of the Inclusive education in the Republic of Tajikistan -
河野眞1), 石井清志2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 508-508, 2015.

Japanese Article O1421. Of the Japanese occupational therapist judging from therapist - counselee relations stand; consideration - using the collection of position - Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists example reports
酒井ひとみ1), 横井賀津志1), 西井正樹1), 中村裕樹2), 小松和史2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 509-509, 2015.

English Article O1422. A importance of medical instrumental in international cooperation - Appropriate technology in pediatric OT in Nicaragua -
Akira Teramura1), Masayuki Watanabe2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 510-510, 2015.

Japanese Article O2423. Development of the application to promote use of the Hand of the affected side in the real life: ADOC for Hand
大野勘太1), 竹林崇2), 友利幸之介3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 511-511, 2015.

Japanese Article O2424. Examination of the basic operation item in the FIM improvement group of patients with cerebrovascular disorder serious case
中間賢二1), 窪田正大2), 八反丸健二1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 512-512, 2015.

Japanese Article O2425. 1 case of patients with chronic phase stroke that the arms function improved by combination of botulinum therapy and optional assistance type electrical stimulation (IVES)
横山啓明1), 長縄敏毅1), 長縄伸幸2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 513-513, 2015.

Japanese Article O2426. The current situation and problem of "the practice that focused on meaningful work for counselee" in the convalescent rehabilitation ward
清水一輝1,2), 宮前珠子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 514-514, 2015.

Japanese Article O2427. Attitude survey about practice (EBP) based on the scientific grounds of the occupational therapist in the convalescent rehabilitation ward
増田雄亮1), 八重田淳2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 515-515, 2015.

Japanese Article P1001a. One case of the cervical spondylotic myelopathy of the old athetoid type of cerebral palsy
藤井園子1), 和田郁雄2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 516-516, 2015.

Japanese Article P1002b. One case of the left greater tubercle bone fracture that the dull pain of the stomach limited motion of left upper extremity
中村さやか, 稲川利光
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 517-517, 2015.

Japanese Article P1003c. Look at the mirror; association of JOA and articulus humeri automatic range of motion and DASH of the shoulder of the lower rotator cuff surgical repair patients
三井貴史1), 守谷梨絵1), 渡利太1), 檜谷興2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 518-518, 2015.

Japanese Article P1004d. Extensive obese example that was complicated with the left finger cellulitis for paraplegia due to the lumbar vertebrae purulent spondylitis, and suffered from basic movement, transferring acquisition
間山亮, 小出静香, 前田恭子, 間嶋満
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 519-519, 2015.

Japanese Article P1005e. Change in 4 factors of JHEQ in after preoperation operation of the THA patients
河村麻衣1), 稲熊成憲1), 室生祥2), 松田達男3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 520-520, 2015.

Japanese Article P1006f. It is an inhibitor of the domestic work in the patients after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
椎名勇介, 宮内秀徳, 妹尾賢和, 石垣直輝
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 521-521, 2015.

Japanese Article P1007g. 1 case that ADL ability improved through a relation with the pain
佐藤雅1), 飯尾智憲1), 中村眞理子2), 中村充雄2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 522-522, 2015.

Japanese Article P1008h. The effect that a cognitive function gives to the ADL recovery of patients with proximal thighbone bone fracture
二宮享介1), 紙本和紀1), 近藤敏2), 西田征治2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 523-523, 2015.

Japanese Article P1009a. Examination about the FIM motion item in patients with femoral neck fracture that led to restroom movement independence
小西陽子, 桑原菜々美, 村井貴, 勝野妙子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 524-524, 2015.

Japanese Article P1010b. Using exercises in efforts - gene locus of the function maintenance in patients with rheumatoid arthritis having a long contraction of a disease period -
二之宮篤子, 小林祐喜, 大森由望, 安井祐子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 525-525, 2015.

Japanese Article P1011c. About the association between MP joint excursion and grip after the finger extensor muscle tendon transfer in the rheumatoid arthritis
佐藤信治, 井上浩二, 島原範芳
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 526-526, 2015.

Japanese Article P1012d. Relation of efforts and the occupational therapist of the rheumatic education hospitalization in our hospital
後藤祐美1), 川瀬智隆1), 岩口奈未1), 宮本茂輝2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 527-527, 2015.

Japanese Article P1013e. It is examined the occupational therapy after the operation for the case that we operated for in the swan-neck deformity for the finger a lot
畔上祐理子1), 関谷繁樹2), 吉澤貴弘2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 528-528, 2015.

Japanese Article P1014f. Examination of one case that conducted the articulus humeri function rebuilding by anti-side cowl muscle transfer
本間慧子, 保井規忠, 徳若雅之
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 529-529, 2015.

Japanese Article P1015g. An example of the occupational therapy for the rotator cuff size tear conservative therapy shoulder
岩橋佑介1), 菊本孝文1), 栩野崇1), 中江聡2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 530-530, 2015.

Japanese Article P1016h. Relations of the catastrophic thought for the pain in patients with arms locomotorium disease and the psychosocial stress
永易利夫, 森聡
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 531-531, 2015.

Japanese Article P1017a. One case that thermalgia improvement was obtained by sense stimulation
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 532-532, 2015.

Japanese Article P1018b. Than the fact-finding about the difference of the ADL practice situation by significance - night and day of the night belt intervention of the occupational therapist in the convalescent rehabilitation ward -
中原忍, 矢野高正, 下條明美, 伊藤美津子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 533-533, 2015.

Japanese Article P1019c. Trial in the CI therapy of the Aid for Decision-making in Occupation Choice for hand (ADOC-H) print edition: Example examination
大谷愛1), 竹林崇1), 古河慶子2), 友利幸之介3), 道免和久4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 534-534, 2015.

Japanese Article P1020d. Examination of reliability and the validity of Japanese edition Action Research Arm Test
天野暁1), 竹林崇1), 梅地篤史1), 橋本幸久1), 道免和久2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 535-535, 2015.

Japanese Article P1021e. Relative examination with the outcome after acute phase hospital discharge comment on current events value results and the convalescent hospital discharge in patients with stroke
黒田真梨, 寺島有希子, 足立亜維子, 細江浩典
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 536-536, 2015.

Japanese Article P1022f. About convalescence prediction-style precision of the discharge advisability in patients with our hospital stroke
後藤理恵1), 塚田徹1), 曽根稔雅2), 五百川和明2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 537-537, 2015.

Japanese Article P1023g. Allied predictor to determine the diet form of patients with stroke with dysphagia
塚田徹, 後藤理恵, 椎野良隆
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 538-538, 2015.

Japanese Article P1024h. Attempt - of the clinical reasoning for the recovery of experience - hand of the occupational therapy aiming at the diet movement acquisition of patients with stroke severeness right hemiplegia and the neurorehabilitation
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 539-539, 2015.

Japanese Article P1025a. Investigation - from factor - initial occupational therapy evaluation for home discharges of patients with acute phase stroke
椿野幸子1,2), 小西有美子1), 鈴木由美3), 藤井浩美2,4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 540-540, 2015.

Japanese Article P1026b. The effect that a state at crisis of cerebral apoplexy gives in the outcome from a ward for acute phase
五百川和明1), 曽根稔雅1), 長谷川敬一2), 塚田徹2), 金田麻利子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 541-541, 2015.

Japanese Article P1027c. Comparison - of factor - first time for home discharges of patients with acute phase cerebral infarction and the last occupational therapy evaluation
鈴木由美1), 椿野幸子2,3), 藤井浩美3,4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 542-542, 2015.

Japanese Article P1028d. Inspection - using bathroom repair factor - FIM in patients with cerebrovascular disorder
片野圭子1), 桑名智子1), 田村真衣1), 徳永由太2), 崎村陽子3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 543-543, 2015.

Japanese Article P1029e. Efforts for the early stage rehabilitation start rate improvement for patients with acute phase cerebral infarction in our hospital
大久保篤史1), 大久保英梨子1), 磯ふみ子1), 清水希1), 東登志夫2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 544-544, 2015.

Japanese Article P1030f. Attempt - exploratory case series - that we combined CI therapy with the multiple neuromodulation in patients with stroke
竹林崇1), 花田恵介1), 天野暁1), 梅地篤史1), 道免和久2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 545-545, 2015.

Japanese Article P1031g. For patients with cerebral infarction right hemiplegia, pay the attention to the estrangement of the example score between report - STEF, DASH using DASH; and -
山本浩平1), 藤原瑞穂2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 546-546, 2015.

Japanese Article P1032h. Choice - of the injection site by the precedent intervention of case - occupational therapy given a therapy with treatment with botulinal toxin and occupational therapy for the arms spasticity of the chronic phase after the cerebral infarction
池ヶ谷正人1), 伊東寛史1), 村瀬あゆ美1), 竹川徹2), 安保雅博2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 547-547, 2015.

Japanese Article P1033a. Through the episode of care of the possibility -2 case of the ambulant treatment for patients with stroke that combined occupational therapy with low-frequency repetition transcranial magnetic stimulation -
佐野哲也, 下田亜由美, 小川元大, 永房鉄之, 美津島隆
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 548-548, 2015.

Japanese Article P1034b. The therapy with 2 degrees type A botulinal toxin administration and occupational therapy improves the severe spastic arms paralysis after the stroke
小澤弘幸1), 佐瀬洋輔1), 田口健介1), 兼目真里1), 安保雅博2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 549-549, 2015.

Japanese Article P1035c. Effect when it was given in Flexor digitorum superficialis in the treatment with botulinal toxin individually
村山拓也1), 大原綾子1), 櫻庭彰人1), 徳永由太2), 崎村陽子3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 550-550, 2015.

Japanese Article P1036d. The transcranial magnetic stimulation for patients with cerebrovascular disorder, botulinum therapy and the for a short term intensive occupational therapy promote the arms motor function for convalescence, a chronic phase
磧梨沙1), 峰岡貴代美1), 彌永登美江1), 井上勲2), 土井篤3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 551-551, 2015.

Japanese Article P1037e. Example that combined an inhibition of spasticity sprint with botulinum therapy
村井貴, 松本直也, 浅野昌宏
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 552-552, 2015.

Japanese Article P1038f. Report - of the follow-up of the experience -1 year of CIMT curing it for one case in acknowledgment of cognitive functional decline
橋本幸久1), 竹林崇1), 天野暁1), 古河慶子2), 道免和久2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 553-553, 2015.

Japanese Article P1039g. Examination - according to improvement - motor palsy disease severity for the paralysis arrangements in the ADL by Hybrid Assistive Neuromuscular Dynamic Stimulation (HANDS) Therapy
阿部薫1), 藤原俊之2), 金子遥1), 倉澤友子1), 里宇明元3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 554-554, 2015.

Japanese Article P1040h. One - that occupational therapy experience - visual feedback for the spinocerebellar degeneration was effective
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 555-555, 2015.

Japanese Article P1041a. Examination of the role of the occupational therapy in consideration of the non-exercise symptom in the Parkinson's disease patients
勝山このみ1), 高島千敬1), 小仲邦1,2), 阿部和夫3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 556-556, 2015.

Japanese Article P1042b. From a viewpoint of analysis - prophylactic sheeting of the gene locus posture in the Parkinson's disease -
山田麻和, 山下智花子, 増村広志, 川瀬成望, 井上亮子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 557-557, 2015.

Japanese Article P1043c. Experience efforts for the at-home return of patients with ALS
玉寄歩1), 矢野俊恵2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 558-558, 2015.

Japanese Article P1044d. Relation until driving resumption of the example that presented a higher brain function disorder, neurologic manifestation by central neurological lupus
飯尾円, 奥村修也, 竹田茉里
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 559-559, 2015.

Japanese Article P1045e. Based on the comparison with adults normal patients with characteristic - lumbar vertebrae disease of the pinch power in the cervical spine disease -
野口直人1,2), 土岐新太1), 外里冨佐江2), 中澤公恵1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 560-560, 2015.

Japanese Article P1046f. Pay the attention to factor examination - experience and work of the depressive symptom in patients with heart disease of illness; and -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 561-561, 2015.

Japanese Article P1047g. We look at the rear about the occupational therapy of haemodialysis patients in our hospital and examine a mark
松本雅光, 池知良昭
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 562-562, 2015.

Japanese Article P1048h. After search - bow region aorta artificial blood vessel replacement of the approach method for severe disturbance of consciousness using far-red spectrometry (NIRS) one case - who had the cerebral infarction
安竹正樹1), 久保田雅史1), 嶋田誠一郎1), 馬場久敏1), 腰地孝昭2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 563-563, 2015.

Japanese Article P1049a. Our hospital, efforts until real - present of the occupational therapy in the heart great vessels disease and future problem -
牟田奈々1), 佐野智行1), 堤文生3), 大塚祥司2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 564-564, 2015.

Japanese Article P1050b. Two cases of the childhood short enteropathy that a delay of the motor development improved well
千田聡明, 松永俊樹, 島田洋一
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 565-565, 2015.

Japanese Article P1051c. Occupational therapy for the heart great vessels disease in our hospital after the 2014 medical service fees revision
川瀬智隆1), 清水悠1), 石橋孝1), 江藤謹司2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 566-566, 2015.

Japanese Article P1052d. Study of the factor influencing the rehospitalization of patients with heart failure
鈴木亮佑, 池知良昭
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 567-567, 2015.

Japanese Article P1053e. Examination of the factor about quality of life of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
田上真亜子1), 久保倫人1), 木村沙織1), 森孝志2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 568-568, 2015.

Japanese Article P1054f. Suggestion - obtained from the life of a certain one consideration - elderly woman about the occupational therapy of the person receiving home oxygen therapy
吉永幸恵1), 近藤知子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 569-569, 2015.

Japanese Article P1055g. Importance - that an occupational therapist intervenes about the intervention from an early stage including preoperation, drain custody average in the breast cancer perioperative period from - early stage
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 570-570, 2015.

Japanese Article P1056h. Invention and consideration of the rehabilitation support for patients with male breast cancer
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 571-571, 2015.

Japanese Article P1057a. Case - that inflection - team approach of the life act improvement management for patients with end-stage cancer reached the realization in an early stage of going out
藤井和正, 徳永奈穂子, 内海奈那子, 小間坂友祐, 堀内恵里
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 572-572, 2015.

Japanese Article P1058b. Possibility of the occupational therapy in the head and neck cancer perioperative period
三浦裕幸1), 今野信宏2), 坪田大2), 佐藤絵理子1), 鈴木芙由子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 573-573, 2015.

Japanese Article P1059c. Clinical reasoning about the occupational therapy of patients with blood cancer in our hospital
池知良昭1), 三木恵美2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 574-574, 2015.

Japanese Article P1060d. It is compared the arms function three months after after operation before skill in breast cancer
渡邉友浩1), 守谷梨絵1), 吉田豊1), 三好和也2), 河田健吾2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 575-575, 2015.

Japanese Article P1061e. Occupational therapy to patients with Pancoast's tumour
金武綾乃, 後藤啓士郎
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 576-576, 2015.

Japanese Article P1062f. The current situation of the cancer rehabilitation and the effect on patients with cancer of the subnutrition in our hospital
田中悠, 武田正則
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 577-577, 2015.

Japanese Article P1063g. Going out, staying out support of patients with terminal gastric cancer with multiple metastases to bone
千田茂1), 西川拡志1), 谷口尚美1), 山道倫子2), 中西宏佳3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 578-578, 2015.

Japanese Article P1064h. Occupational therapy - that we made intervention - interest, the interest in patients whom delirium developed in after the operation in our hospital digestive organ, general surgery reflected
嶋根健人, 田仲美春, 羽根和枝, 小貫早希, 黒田栄史
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 579-579, 2015.

Japanese Article P1065a. Experience of the approach to the ADL to patients with vascular form Ehlers-Danlos Symdrome (EDS) which presented joint contracture and joint movable sthenia characteristics
佐野邦典, 坂本安令, 稲田雅也, 西郊靖子, 水落和也
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 580-580, 2015.

Japanese Article P1066b. An example of the acidophilic polyangiitis-related granulomatosis that showed improvement for a finger function in the long-term course
堀江翔, 西悦子, 麦井直樹, 八幡徹太郎
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 581-581, 2015.

Japanese Article P2361a. Examination of the factor about sports reopening time of the middle and old age in the rotator cuff tear surgery case
水野陽仁1), 多田智1), 須藤和晃1), 金木咲子1), 村上峰子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 582-582, 2015.

Japanese Article P2362b. One consideration of the educational occupational therapy to the left shoulder joint rotator cuff injury example
加藤真理奈1), 中村裕美2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 583-583, 2015.

Japanese Article P2363c. After the proximal end of humerus bone fracture technique examination - Disabilities of the Arm of a tendency of the loss of ability from chronic disease of the patients and the factor having an influence, examination - using Shoulder and Hand
西村満志, 吉野実, 入江将考, 柳誠
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 584-584, 2015.

Japanese Article P2364d. Occupational therapy after mobilization of Congenital Radio-ulnar Synostosis;a case report - In line with Ryudai protocol -
宮城若子1), 金城政樹2), 岸本幸明1), 金谷文則2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 585-585, 2015.

Japanese Article P2365e. Applied - of the cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) as need - means of the intervention to the psychologic aspect for patients with locomotorium disease in the occupational therapy
許山勝弘, 平賀勇貴, 平川善之
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 586-586, 2015.

Japanese Article P2366f. Experience - of the occupational therapy for 1 case of the ring little finger flexor tendon tear complicated with flexor tendon tear - SLE complicated with SLE
藤田竜伍, 蜂須賀裕己, 山本浩基, 道弘博之, 山本弥生
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 587-587, 2015.

Japanese Article P2367g. Examination of the evaluation method of the finger swelling using ring gauge from a viewpoint of the OT
荒井明子1), 池澤里香1), 倉澤麻由美1), 佐藤陽一1), 吉田祐文1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 588-588, 2015.

Japanese Article P2368h. Sprint therapy for the bending fingers symptom
米田香苗1), 奥村修也1), 原田康江1), 鈴木歩実2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 589-589, 2015.

Japanese Article P2369a. One instance case of the leaning to the left carpus shaft fracture that improvement of the use frequency in the scene of the life was seen in by the behavior strategy (Transfer Package) using the affected side hand
坂爪志成, 西川悠子, 峯崎洋
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 590-590, 2015.

Japanese Article P2371c. Two cases that kinesitherapy to pronator quadratus muscle and interosseous membrane of forearm was effective for fracture of the distal radius postoperative significant supination restrictions
恩村直人1), 琴浦義浩2), 林田達郎2), 小倉卓2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 591-591, 2015.

Japanese Article P2372d. About a fracture of the distal radius postoperative rehabilitation protocol
祝田沙織1), 田極薫1), 冨岡秀樹2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 592-592, 2015.

Japanese Article P2373e. It is the examination about the usability test after the operation of the fracture of the distal radius using MS2010
野島美希1), 工藤文孝2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 593-593, 2015.

Japanese Article P2374f. The background that proximal thighbone bone fracture injury after the fracture of the distal radius injury happens
太田尾祐史, 児玉香織, 迫田勇一郎, 小牧亘
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 594-594, 2015.

Japanese Article P2375g. Examination - by the difference of treatment result - aftercare start time of the fractured ulnar styloid process complicated with fracture of the distal radius
柴山未奈美, 幸田愛
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 595-595, 2015.

Japanese Article P2376h. Patients with chronic phase hemiplegia which a finger function improved by combination of iterative transcranial magnetic stimulation and cognitive nerve rehabilitation
國友晃1), 沖田かおる1), 岡村忠弘2), 沖田学1,3), 溝渕光4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 596-596, 2015.

Japanese Article P2377a. Effect of the clinical path based on the FIM in patients with convalescent cerebrovascular disorder
山中あゆみ1), 荒木大輔1), 岡本朋子2), 妹尾範康3), 松浦晃宏1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 597-597, 2015.

Japanese Article P2378b. In combination therapy - handedness paralysis and the non-handedness paralysis group of the iterative transcranial magnetic stimulation for the chronic phase stroke hemiplegia patients and the concentrated rehabilitation aim -
館岡瞳1), 原島宏明1), 木村郁夫1), 宮野佐年1), 安保雅博2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 598-598, 2015.

Japanese Article P2379c. Inspection - with use effect on hemiplegia patients - single case design of the big finger fixation supporter of the life period
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 599-599, 2015.

Japanese Article P2380d. About association of enteral feeding and the dyschezia in patients with acute phase stroke
長谷川明洋1), 内藤有紀1), 和田直樹1), 白倉賢二1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 600-600, 2015.

Japanese Article P2381e. Relations with a restroom movement independence degree and the seat pressure distribution in the person with acute phase stroke
小西有美子1), 椿野幸子1,2), 鈴木絵莉1), 佐藤寿晃2,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 601-601, 2015.

Japanese Article P2382f. About the difference between new face occupational therapist and viewpoint of the occupational therapist with the experience in the instruction of the arms reach movement
木村奈保美1,2), 白石英樹3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 602-602, 2015.

Japanese Article P2383g. About 2 cases that combined occupational therapy with multiple type A botulinal toxin administration for severeness hemiplegia
佐瀬洋輔1), 田口健介1), 小澤弘幸1), 安保雅博2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 603-603, 2015.

Japanese Article P2384h. Pictorial examination of the case that presented pure sensory disturbance and pure motor disorder by putamen bleeding
渡辺香苗, 矢内昌子, 坂本明奈, 渡辺光司
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 604-604, 2015.

Japanese Article P2385a. Examination of the effectiveness that electrical stimulation therapy gives to hemiplegia arms recovery
星野翔1), 谷本由紀1), 佐藤麻裕子1), 足立徹也1), 末政友佳子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 605-605, 2015.

Japanese Article P2386b. Combination of transcranial galvanism stimulation and occupational therapy is one case of the hemiplegia patients after the effective stroke
田中武也1), 川瀬智隆1), 杉江加代子1), 梶谷友基1), 佐藤岳史2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 606-606, 2015.

Japanese Article P2387c. Become the focus for examination - evaluation, intervention about the viewpoint of the rehabilitation staff for patients with depression after the stroke; and -
岩崎也生子, 村木敏明, 堀田和司, 藤田好彦, 白石英樹
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 607-607, 2015.

Japanese Article P2388d. Analysis - to stop by according to effect of treatment - Finger mass extension score of NEURO-15 which paid its attention to the Grasp item of Fugl-Meyer Assessment
田中智子1), 亀田有美1), 小林健太郎2), 安保雅博2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 608-608, 2015.

Japanese Article P2389e. Examination of the case that both hands movement problem accomplishment time increased by HANDS therapy
根本はるか1), 金子遥1), 倉澤友子1), 大高洋平2), 里宇明元2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 609-609, 2015.

Japanese Article P2390f. Robot development - for analysis - arms treatment of shoulder blade, the human trunk function at arrival grasp movement of the stroke hemiplegia patients
古場友貴1), 涌野広行1), 林克樹1), 小野山薫1), 坂井信朗2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 610-610, 2015.

Japanese Article P2391g. Characteristic - of the exercise of the arms and the human trunk at robot - arrival grasp movement for the arms treatment of the stroke hemiplegia patients
松田貴郁1), 涌野広行1), 林克樹1), 小野山薫1), 坂井伸朗2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 611-611, 2015.

Japanese Article P2392h. About usefulness of baclofen intrathecal administration therapy and the occupational therapy combination
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 612-612, 2015.

Japanese Article P2393a. The effect that the CI therapy in the cerebrovascular disorder hemiplegia patients gives to a spinal cord motor nerves function
高橋靖明1), 今井富裕3), 有吉直充2), 三崎一彦1), 長谷部あす香1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 613-613, 2015.

Japanese Article P2394b. Laterality of the ipsilateral primary motor area cortex internal inhibition function at finger exercise problem that a purpose is clear
松本卓也1,2), 桐本光1), 佐藤茜3), 吉田翔太4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 614-614, 2015.

Japanese Article P2395c. The depressive symptom of patients with stroke and psychological behavior inhibition and active relations
滝澤宏和1), 鈴木茜1), 吉清水理子1), 濱口豊太2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 615-615, 2015.

Japanese Article P2396d. The example that disturbance of consciousness improved by the enforcement of "the pleasure rating system of elderly people version, the leisure activity"
日谷正希1), 伊藤恵美2), 本家寿洋3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 616-616, 2015.

Japanese Article P2397e. Investigation about the association between ADL item and cognitive function of the stroke hemiplegia patients
伊海友雪, 土屋美咲, 幸山夏美, 杉山慶太郎, 南雲洋明
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 617-617, 2015.

Japanese Article P2398f. Examination - example report - of the usefulness of Functional electrical stimulation in the severeness hemiplegia patients
西村翔太, 阿曽秀昭
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 618-618, 2015.

Japanese Article P2399g. One case of botulinal toxin therapy and the surgical treatment combination for the arms spastic paralysis with pronation of forearm rank contractures
田口健介1), 佐瀬洋輔1), 吉澤いづみ1), 松浦愼太郎2), 安保雅博3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 619-619, 2015.

Japanese Article P2400h. Algetic preliminary investigation to occur in cervical cord injury paresis
塩屋博史1,2), 高畑進一2), 西川智子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 620-620, 2015.

Japanese Article P2401a. Role of the occupational therapy for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
加藤恵子1), 高橋美博1), 濱田晋輔2), 森若文雄2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 621-621, 2015.

Japanese Article P2402b. Occupational therapy for the hypertonia by electrical stimulation and the bio feedback using the mirror
藪崎さや子1), 渡邉愼一1), 西則彦1), 中村祐子1), 島田玲子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 622-622, 2015.

Japanese Article P2403c. Pay the attention to one case - distribution-related attention function of patients with Parkinson's disease which standing position posture control had poor at toothbrushing; and -
加藤祐一, 村部義哉, 上田将吾, 高木泰宏
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 623-623, 2015.

Japanese Article P2404d. Development of the examination for Parkinson's disease application group carried out on a tablet PC and the application
内藤泰男1), 田中宏明1), 中岡真弘2), 押領司和代1), 高畑進一1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 624-624, 2015.

Japanese Article P2405e. Juvenile need - to withdraw, and to cooperate by occupational therapy experience - multi-type of job team to an example, and to support it that we had many internal disorders by severe obesity
岩尾武宜, 金子美鈴, 並木幹子, 野村真弓
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 625-625, 2015.

Japanese Article P2406f. It is the relations with the onset of the delirium and the preoperative psychology factor after the cardiovascular surgery surgery
山下遊平1,2), 満山兼一郎1), 高柳麻由美1), 李範爽2), 生須義久1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 626-626, 2015.

Japanese Article P2407g. It is the current situation and a problem of the occupational therapy intervention after Device implantation in our hospital
亀田裕美1), 立元寿幸1), 石川公久1), 加藤穣2), 小池朗3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 627-627, 2015.

Japanese Article P2408h. Than needs - COPM, questionary survey of maintenance patients on dialysis and the family in the ambulatory rehabilitation -
太田久美子1), 西濱美絵1), 坂田昌子1), 有元克彦2), 山西あさみ2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 628-628, 2015.

Japanese Article P2409a. Through intervention of A holding one instance case - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that adjusted a timing of the rest to a table by visualizing it -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 629-629, 2015.

Japanese Article P2410b. Best consideration - of the viewpoint that is necessary for the non-home discharged patients based on characteristic - area inclusion care system of patients with old pneumonia according to the outcome in the care mix type hospital
島田美紀代, 奥村昌弘, 志智央, 日下育代
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 630-630, 2015.

Japanese Article P2411c. Examination about the neurocognitive function and everyday life activity in the HIV infected person
村川雄一朗1), 竹林みよ子2), 西川智子3), 高畑進一3), 白阪琢磨4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 631-631, 2015.

Japanese Article P2412d. 1 case that developed cerebral infarction after the ventricular assist device wearing for the childhood fulminant form myocarditis
西村輝, 石原早紀子, 山鹿隆義, 井戸芳和, 吉村康夫
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 632-632, 2015.

Japanese Article P2413e. Meaning of a client doing "work of the rest" in the hospital for acute phase
中村元紀, 近江孝之, 芽木由貴子, 北野竜樹
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 633-633, 2015.

Japanese Article P2414f. Pay the attention to - armpit lymph node excision, technique, the tumor site about the factor of our hospital breast cancer postoperative articulus humeri excursion restrictions; and -
高木康孝1), 稲熊成憲1), 河村麻衣1), 室生祥2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 634-634, 2015.

Japanese Article P2415g. Examination of the effect that the neck dissection postoperative pain in head and neck tumor gives to the arms function improvement
小泉浩平1), 鈴木真弓1), 安井真理香1), 菅澤正2), 牧田茂3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 635-635, 2015.

Japanese Article P2416h. It is the articulus humeri function one month after the discharge and relations of the health-related quality of life for the neck dissection in patients with head and neck cancer
小川元大1), 鈴木みずえ2), 佐野哲也1), 美津島隆1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 636-636, 2015.

Japanese Article P2417a. Problem - that it was seen from swing return marks and the findings of survey - intervention course of the rehabilitation enforcement patients of the breast cancer in our hospital
金子美鈴, 岩尾武宜, 並木幹子, 野村真弓
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 637-637, 2015.

Japanese Article P2418b. Support - of visit occupational therapy practice - operative presence for the counselee with the malignant tumor
塩津裕康1), 矢賀進二2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 638-638, 2015.

Japanese Article P2419c. The effect that occupational therapy start time gives on patients with cancer in our hospital
安田卓, 鈴木啓巨, 今美香, 齋藤元太
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 639-639, 2015.

Japanese Article P2420d. Research about the element constituting the relation of the occupational therapist by the at-home palliative care
久藤千明1), 三木恵美2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 640-640, 2015.

Japanese Article P2421e. Meaning of the work activity in the palliative care
濱田貴文, 中畑誠一, 松尾明, 横山和之
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 641-641, 2015.

Japanese Article P2422f. It is the association between quality of life and depressed state of the patients after the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
高田明子1), 務台均2), 小林正義2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 642-642, 2015.

Japanese Article P2423g. Comparison between value and overseas normal value - in the normal student of examination - Japan of the normal value of Box and Block test (BBT)
伊藤公一, 酒井弘美
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 643-643, 2015.

Japanese Article P2424h. About a judgment and a treatment strategy of the ADL intervention time for GBS admitted to the convalescent rehabilitation ward
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 644-644, 2015.

Japanese Article P1067c. Characteristic of the big finger of the piano experienced person and wrist motion
金子翔拓, 坪田貞子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 645-645, 2015.

Japanese Article P1068d. The effect that position of the articulus humeri gives for a line activity of the wrist extensor muscle group
高波実佳1), 松野愛2), 阪本なな実3), 金子翔拓4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 646-646, 2015.

Japanese Article P1069e. Effect of the sprint therapy on extension imperfection of the claw toe bone-related after the operation
引田みのり, 谷口しのぶ, 壁谷恵理
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 647-647, 2015.

Japanese Article P1070f. Tendency of the supporting test result to be found in elbow part pipe syndrome
奥村修也1), 北出知也2), 関めぐみ2), 原田康江2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 648-648, 2015.

Japanese Article P1071g. Application evaluation of the toes sprint in the rheumatoid arthritis
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 649-649, 2015.

Japanese Article P1072h. Introduction of the skeletal pattern active voice above-elbow prosthesis which improved the appearance characteristics
松下卓也1), 平林伸治2), 谷合義旦3), 松本成将4), 大石暁一5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 650-650, 2015.

Japanese Article P1073a. About a treatment result and Therapy protocol after the fracture of the distal radius in our hospital
原田康江1), 米田香苗1), 神田俊浩2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 651-651, 2015.

Japanese Article P1074b. The actual situation of the number of the upper amputees and the number of the artificial arm supply in Sendai-shi
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 652-652, 2015.

Japanese Article P1075c. The pain in the shoulder of the wheelchair marathon runner, science views and sonography
寺村健三1), 鈴木浩之2), 佐々木祐介3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 653-653, 2015.

Japanese Article P1076d. Investigation about efforts and the artificial arm wearing of the rehabilitation for the arms loss children in the national person with a disability rehabilitation center
中川雅樹, 山本正浩, 野月夕香理, 木村麻美, 井上美紀
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 654-654, 2015.

Japanese Article P1077e. The sense of touch function of the visually impaired diabetic the forearm pasting of the menthol agent of the hand and effect to give to a Braille most moving passage reading
清本憲太1), 中田眞由美2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 655-655, 2015.

Japanese Article P1078f. Early kinesitherapy for the old flexor tendon skin lower tear which we performed free tendon grafting in
八杉遼太1), 河本聡志1), 吉原由樹2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 656-656, 2015.

Japanese Article P1079g. The case that baseball was able to resume by sprint therapy
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 657-657, 2015.

Japanese Article P2425a. Experience of the occupational therapy for the case that presented a strong contractures way after the injury
田上大祐1), 上村彩1), 井津直哉1), 郷久保雄介1), 大塚貴英2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 658-658, 2015.

Japanese Article P2426b. Harness therapy to the pressure sore that occurred in the big finger hip part
藤本真由子, 佐川寿子, 風間優子, 小貫渉
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 659-659, 2015.

Japanese Article P2427c. Using a lens for color combinatorial examination - cataract simulation that is easy to distinguish in the work -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 660-660, 2015.

Japanese Article P2428d. Experience of the line train electric artificial arm introduction in our hospital
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 661-661, 2015.

Japanese Article P2430f. Power of traction of Capener splint
岡崎勇弥1), 武田恵美子1), 鈴川活水1), 矢崎潔2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 662-662, 2015.

Japanese Article P2431g. 3 cases that manufactured harness with hinge after the elbow for after outside rotation instability symptom technique
久保匡史1), 久保田茂希1,2), 石川公久1), 原友紀2), 山崎正志2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 663-663, 2015.

Japanese Article P2432h. For the reopening of the tea farmhouse of patients with manufacture - rheumatoid arthritis of "the sprint for the ulnar deviation correction work" -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 664-664, 2015.

Japanese Article P2433a. Therapy for the bone-related mallet finger in our hospital
成田大地1), 仲木右京1), 白土貴史2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 665-665, 2015.

Japanese Article P2434b. Comparison - by effect on big finger CM arthropathy - Hand20 of the Thumb Suspension Splint therapy
中西浩司1), 佐々木秀一1), 小沼賢治2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 666-666, 2015.

Japanese Article P2435c. An acceleration change at reach movement and relations of the line activity pattern
徳田継祐1), 渡邊秀臣2), 白倉賢二1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 667-667, 2015.

Japanese Article P2436d. Examination of the line activity of the periscapular line in the suprascapular arm rhythm
渡邉桃子, 玉木聡, 上田周平
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 668-668, 2015.

Japanese Article P2437e. Line activity of flexor digitorum profundus muscle and the Flexor digitorum superficialis at grip measurement using Jamar dynamometer
大山峰生1), 小田桐正博2), 松澤翔太2), 中村雄一2), 岩波潤1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 669-669, 2015.

Japanese Article P1080h. Using approach - cognitive nerve rehabilitation for the pain of the shoulder of patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome -
小手川耕平, 興呂木祐子, 渡邊修平, 上拾石秀一, 本田喬
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 670-670, 2015.

Japanese Article P1081a. Significance - as scissors operation - bilateral activities in the remedial intervention to an adult hemiplegia person
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 671-671, 2015.

Japanese Article P1082b. The study that saw reproducibility of the arms position sensation under the dying and the sight cover
太田花織1), 竹口優子2), 柴峠秀樹3), 岡村忠弘4), 長倉寿子5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 672-672, 2015.

Japanese Article P1083c. Evaluation of a functional hand, the associate functional hand using Manual Function Test in patients with cerebrovascular disease
曽根稔雅1), 五百川和明1), 長谷川敬一2), 塚田徹2), 金田麻利子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 673-673, 2015.

Japanese Article P1084d. Investigation of the occupational therapy means for the stroke arms functional disorder in the convalescence
白濱勲二1), 牛膓昌利2), 安田大典3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 674-674, 2015.

Japanese Article P1085e. Motion study of the arms at problem-specific training accomplishment
阿部沙春1), 白濱勲二2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 675-675, 2015.

Japanese Article P1086f. Use of high-frequency repetition transcranial time stimulation (rTMS) for the arms function of patients with stroke and occupational therapy and voluntary movement assistance type electrostimulator (IVES)
大塚隆行, 田口潤智, 堤万佐子, 八嶋真, 重村祐介
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 676-676, 2015.

Japanese Article P1087g. About the effect that combined rehabilitation with botulinum treatment for the arms spasticity after the stroke
川添由加利1), 井手睦2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 677-677, 2015.

Japanese Article P1088h. One case that the function improvement of the paralysis side arms and use frequency improved by HANDS therapy using the CM band
鴻上雄一1), 藤井未央1), 坂野智哉1), 山口日出志2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 678-678, 2015.

Japanese Article P1089a. One case that ability for chopsticks operation improved on consciousness of the movement using perception
伊藤大貴, 東久也, 小川倫永子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 679-679, 2015.

Japanese Article P1090b. Inspection - by effect - single case study that treatment with Kinesio taping intervention in the hemiplegia gives to the arms function
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 680-680, 2015.

Japanese Article P1091c. The effect that Gender and the presentation image give in the results of the mental rotation problem
岩波潤1,2), 大山峰生1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 681-681, 2015.

Japanese Article P1092d. One patient who prevented learning-related nonuse by the active use of the paralysis hand from a cerebral infarction onset early stage
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 682-682, 2015.

Japanese Article P1093e. The central fissure boundary region injury case that a finger function improved by cognitive nerve rehabilitation
加藤大策1), 木村直広1,2), 岡村忠弘3), 沖田かおる1), 沖田学1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 683-683, 2015.

Japanese Article P1094f. Attempt of Constraint-induced movement therapy to the case that presented sensory disturbance, disturbance of attention
奥村美里1), 高間達也1), 川上直子1), 川北慎一郎2), 生田宗博3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 684-684, 2015.

Japanese Article P2438f. Role of a characteristic and the occupational therapist of the sheeting of the wheelchair for the cerebrovascular person with a disability
長谷川拓1), 吉村由美子1), 早川裕子1), 前野豊2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 685-685, 2015.

Japanese Article P2439g. Single case design - of the examination -2 case of introduction of the peripheral nerve sense stimulation (PNS) for the arms function improvement after the stroke and the effective occupational therapy intervention
西山亜理沙, 宮田一弘
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 686-686, 2015.

Japanese Article P2440h. Development of the activities of daily living standard that reflected the paralysis side arms function
松岡耕史1), 鈴木誠2), 渡邊愛記2), 三沢幸史1), 福田倫也2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 687-687, 2015.

Japanese Article P2441a. Occupational therapy for the case that complicated a composite local pain syndrome and each item membrane-related pain syndrome
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 688-688, 2015.

Japanese Article P2442b. Pay the attention to OT approach - body image for the ADL reacquisition of the case that disturbance of consciousness is prolonged, and was forced to long-term lying in bed by; and -
楢原美恵子1), 土屋景子2), 金山祐里2), 岡田有司1), 田中義人3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 689-689, 2015.

Japanese Article P2443c. The one instance case that performed the arms physical exercise which used a portable spring balancer together with IVES, and was connected for ties with the work
田原正俊, 林純子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 690-690, 2015.

Japanese Article P2444d. Examination of the effect of the perception remedial education after the dermal flap technique
坂幸太郎1), 山崎裕介1), 吉川真沙季1), 福本恵三2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 691-691, 2015.

Japanese Article P2445e. Examination - by effect - far-red spectrometry that an exercise image gives for a brain activity under the sensory deprivation environment
増田樹1,2), 下田佳央莉2), 原大地2), 土屋謙仕2), 外里冨佐江2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 692-692, 2015.

Japanese Article P2446f. From the examination of two by the presence in posture strategy - fall career of the healthy elderly people in the exercise problem using Wii Fit -
後藤幸枝1), 中島そのみ2), 池田千紗1,3), 仙石泰仁2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 693-693, 2015.

Japanese Article P2447g. Does the decrement of the Mu wave during exercise observation reflect ability for exercise image remembrance? - In the stroke hemiplegia patients -
谷茉理菜1), 河野正志1), 湯川喜裕1), 大松聡子1,2), 富永孝紀1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 694-694, 2015.

Japanese Article P2448h. Examination - using usefulness - F wave of the somatosensory training for patients with severe motor palsy, sensory disturbance
小田恵美香, 河野正志, 柏田夏子, 富永孝紀
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 695-695, 2015.

Japanese Article P2449a. Significance - of the remedial intervention of approach - sawing punishment activity to the arms function for the person with cervical cord injury
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 696-696, 2015.

Japanese Article P2450b. Anosmia - sense of smell evaluation simpleness and easiness of the neurodegenerative disease examination - about becoming it and the sense of smell stimulation, and the like
関一彦1), 鶴田和仁2), 稲津明美3), 福本安甫4), 繁田雅弘5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 697-697, 2015.

Japanese Article P2451c. Associated - of a difference and the adjustment precision in a flattery process to examination - equivalence line output quantity of the snacks ability for adjustment characteristic by handedness, the non-handedness of the working power
中村充雄, 中村眞理子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 698-698, 2015.

Japanese Article P2452d. About the plastic change of the case in acknowledgment of the injury of the severe corticospinal tract examination - using the exercise evoked response by - transcranial magnetic stimulation
湯川喜裕1), 富永孝紀1), 河野正志1), 谷茉理菜1), 中村一仁2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 699-699, 2015.

Japanese Article P1095g. Efforts for the driving resumption using a driving simulator
末次亮平, 楠正和, 藤野泰祐
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 700-700, 2015.

Japanese Article P1096h. About the family function of the higher brain function person with a disability analysis - by - Olson circle model
浅野友佳子1), 廣田真由子2), 中村充雄3), 中村眞理子3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 701-701, 2015.

Japanese Article P1097a. Examination - using prefrontal activity - functional far-red spectrometry when we conduct a problem in Preferred Slow Pace and Metronome Slow Pace
下田佳央莉1), 守口善也2), 宮脇利幸1), 外里冨佐江2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 702-702, 2015.

Japanese Article P1098b. One case that the improvement of the aphasia symptom was seen in after the therapy with transcranial galvanism stimulation and Constraint-induced movement therapy
花田恵介1), 竹林崇1), 田中佳子1), 古河慶子2), 道免和久3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 703-703, 2015.

Japanese Article P1099c. Using effect - fNIRS that familiar music and unfamiliar music give for a brain activity -
土屋謙仕1,2), 下田佳央莉2), 原大地2), 勝山しおり2), 外里冨佐江2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 704-704, 2015.

Japanese Article P1100d. Give you public; the efforts for the driving resumption of patients with cerebral damage in the general hospital
平本知佳子, 小榮浩次
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 705-705, 2015.

Japanese Article P1101e. The one instance case that accepted improvement in ADL, IADL by using COPM for the patients of the drive drop
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 706-706, 2015.

Japanese Article P1102f. Examination - using - eye mark recorder with the oculomotor characteristic and dominant eye at mental rotation problem accomplishment concerned
北澤一樹1,2), 新井美紀3), 大瀧瑞穂4), 長谷川拓実5), 外里冨佐江1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 707-707, 2015.

Japanese Article P1103g. Response to optic flow of patients with left unilateral spatial neglect
中居真紀子1), 藤井浩美2), 井上香2), 木内真美子2), 平山和美2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 708-708, 2015.

Japanese Article P1104h. After a higher brain function person with a disability through peak magnitude of the oxygenation hemoglobin change at soup stock rock, paper, scissors and evaluation - example of the latency -
川邉千津子1,2), 石井洋平2), 藤木僚3), 小路純央3), 森田喜一郎2,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 709-709, 2015.

Japanese Article P1105a. Example - that we utilized the example - higher brain function disorder area support network system that presented a higher brain function disorder by subarachnoid hemorrhage and were connected for working
秋山尚也1), 片桐伯真2), 植田正史1), 飯尾円3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 710-710, 2015.

Japanese Article P1106b. Examination of the attention usability test in patients with femoral neck fracture
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 711-711, 2015.

Japanese Article P1107c. Effect of the audible search problem on left unilateral spatial neglect
松尾崇史1,2), 荒巻裕迪1), 田平隆行3), 森内剛史2,4), 東登志夫5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 712-712, 2015.

Japanese Article P1108d. Report - of questionnaire results by the efforts - family society for the support notebook making for the person concerned for the higher brain function disorder
植田正史1), 片桐伯真2), 秋山尚也1), 増田佳奈1), 岡村千紗子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 713-713, 2015.

Japanese Article P1109e. From the viewpoint of characteristic - exercise characteristic of the exercise of normal elderly people planning at reaching movement between two points -
國重雅史1), 福田浩士2), 飯田忠行3), 石附智奈美4), 宮口英樹4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 714-714, 2015.

Japanese Article P1110f. Effective visual field examination and neuropsychological examination, association with the simple driving simulator
木村愛美1), 小谷佳輔1), 加藤徳明2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 715-715, 2015.

Japanese Article P1111g. Examination about the color error in the coloring problem
酒井零1), 鈴川活水1), 浅沼辰志2), 山口絢梨沙1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 716-716, 2015.

Japanese Article P1112h. Examination (the first report) of the factor having an influence on the health-related quality of life of the person with mild cognitive impairment
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 717-717, 2015.

Japanese Article P1113a. One consideration about the response of the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe at examination of VFIT two folds problem accomplishment
赤間公一, 河合俊宏
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 718-718, 2015.

Japanese Article P1114b. Preliminary study - in patients with left unilateral spatial neglect with examination - dementia of the effectiveness of mental commitment robot "Paro" for the higher brain function disorder
新木安里子, 藤光孝法, 白倉晴子, 安原弘子, 大岡亜聖子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 719-719, 2015.

Japanese Article P1115c. Efforts and the current situation in the driving evaluation of our hospital
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 720-720, 2015.

Japanese Article P1116d. For clinical use of Rancho cognitive function scale (LCFS)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 721-721, 2015.

Japanese Article P1117e. One case of patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage that introduced the work associated with work contents, and led to reinstatement
菅絢弓, 小出静香, 小泉亜耶, 前田恭子, 間嶋満
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 722-722, 2015.

Japanese Article P1118f. Association between brain activity and feeling and character at the Trail Making Test enforcement
勝山しおり1), 新井美紀2), 下田佳央莉3), 増田樹4), 外里冨佐江1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 723-723, 2015.

Japanese Article P1119g. The effect of motor observation on the motor imagery execution - Magnetoencephalography (MMNm) examination -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 724-724, 2015.

Japanese Article P1120h. Difference - in the each form of examination - cerebrovascular disorder of the factor having an influence on the health-related quality of life
泉良太, 能登真一
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 725-725, 2015.

Japanese Article P2453e. Approach to the higher brain function disorder that regarded a thought and translation into language as important
佐藤誠, 沖田かおる
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 726-726, 2015.

Japanese Article P2454f. It is the tendency of the cognitive function of girls after the uterine cervix cancer vaccination
上野七穂1), 木下朋実2), 石原早紀子1), 山鹿隆義1), 池田修一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 727-727, 2015.

Japanese Article P2455g. Accept a higher brain function person with a disability by psychiatry daycare
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 728-728, 2015.

Japanese Article P2456h. Reinforcement of the procedure learning by the explicit clue
元廣惇1), 苅田哲也2), 広江遼亮2), 松浦晃宏2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 729-729, 2015.

Japanese Article P2457a. Examination about the laterality of the prism adaptation in the healthy subject
高野珠栄子1), 北田穂並2), 井上由紀子3), 小池伸一4), 山口隆司4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 730-730, 2015.

Japanese Article P2458b. Examination - of the factor affecting - working about the comeback to normal life of the higher brain function person with a disability
外山史恵1), 深沢由貴1), 渡邉修2), 安保雅博2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 731-731, 2015.

Japanese Article P2459c. Approach to patients with apraxia using sight input stimulation in the bathing activities
塩崎華子1), 山根伸吾2), 田中美穂1), 京由佳1), 岡本隆嗣1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 732-732, 2015.

Japanese Article P2460d. Association between sharpness and ability for decision making of the interoceptive sense
田中宏明, 稲富宏之, 内藤泰男
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 733-733, 2015.

Japanese Article P2461e. Effect of the cognitive rehabilitation for the purpose of the improvement of living in the local action support center
宮原智子1), 種村留美2), 清水大輔3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 734-734, 2015.

Japanese Article P2462f. Dorsum type simultanagnosia, occupational therapy - case study - for the visual space cognitive impairment by the concurrence of US Navy
大平雅弘, 小宮正子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 735-735, 2015.

Japanese Article P2463g. Comparison between higher brain function person with a disability and use situation of the everyday life apparatus (Everyday Technology) of a person with dementia and the healthy subject
中田修1,2), 種村留美2), 長尾徹2), 野田和恵2), 相良二朗3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 736-736, 2015.

Japanese Article P2464h. Occupational therapy to a body image by posture controlling it from a proprioceptor sense
井川大樹1), 中村裕美2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 737-737, 2015.

Japanese Article P2465a. Examination of the walk ratio under the double problem (Dual task) condition
長谷川拓実1), 北澤一樹4,5), 新井美紀2), 大瀧瑞穂3), 外里冨佐江5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 738-738, 2015.

Japanese Article P2466b. Using study on family care burden on higher brain function person with a disability - Zarit care burden standard Japanese edition J-ZBI -
高橋洋輔1,2), 今西里佳3), 勝山しおり4), 外里冨佐江4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 739-739, 2015.

Japanese Article P2467c. Association between dynamic balance ability and cognitive function
森園亮, 中尾久美香, 長田悠路, 大田瑞穂, 渕雅子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 740-740, 2015.

Japanese Article P2468d. One consideration - of the awakening control using treatment report - sense stimulation of the children who presented with a higher brain function disorder after acute encephalitis
河本嶺希, 上原和美, 深澤聡子, 上出杏里, 橋本圭司
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 741-741, 2015.

Japanese Article P2469e. About the change of the sight information processing function by alerting it in patients with left unilateral spatial neglect examination - using the examination of - search oculomotor activity
吉田健1), 中山広宣2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 742-742, 2015.

Japanese Article P2470f. About the frontal lobe activity change and the motor learning in the enforcement process of the working memory problem using the finger exercise - fNIRS study -
久保拓哉, 渕雅子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 743-743, 2015.

Japanese Article P2471g. Comparison with normal elderly people in the event related potential P300 latency in MCI group by the differentiation standard of JADNI
石川健二1), 内藤泰男2), 山口陽二3), 山口三千夫4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 744-744, 2015.

Japanese Article P2472h. Approach - to occupational therapy - visual space recognition and ADL for the Balint syndrome
家門匡吾, 平田篤志
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 745-745, 2015.

Japanese Article P2473a. Attempt of the exercise image evaluation using the Amitabha lottery problem
石橋凜太郎, 湯川喜裕, 河野正志, 竹内奨, 富永孝紀
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 746-746, 2015.

Japanese Article P2474b. One consideration - in the case that presented attempt - frontal lobe functional disorder and the apraxia of the imitation problem in consideration of like-me system
角美波1), 河野正志2), 奥埜博之1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 747-747, 2015.

Japanese Article P2475c. Cognitive rehabilitation for the person concerned, families with a higher brain function disorder in the local action support center
清水大輔1), 種村留美2), 宮原智子3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 748-748, 2015.

Japanese Article P2476d. The effect of the presence or absence of nod is given to brain activity of the prefrontal cortex of speaker - with NIRS -
吉本岳史1), 飯田忠行2), 國重雅史1), 宮口英樹3), 石附智奈美3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 749-749, 2015.

Japanese Article P2477e. Using the rock, paper, scissors that is familiar to associated - elderly people with the cognitive function and finger function -
中山可奈子, 坂本蒔日香, 雄山正崇, 森岡寛文, 中越竜馬
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 750-750, 2015.

Japanese Article P2478f. The effect that it gives to a subjective pain and pain-related electric potential to apply attention to a problem
宮田浩紀1,4), 長谷川隆史2,4), 松尾崇史3), 田平隆行4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 751-751, 2015.

Japanese Article P1121a. Relations of dementia disease severity and behavior, the psychology symptom in patients with Alzheimer's dementia that is hospitalized at a dementia disease treatment ward
鈴木優喜子1), 長澤明2), 小林隆司3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 752-752, 2015.

Japanese Article P1122b. Effect to give the cognitive function of the need of nursing care elderly people that simulated shopping training is entering a care health center for the elderly
小枝周平1,2), 澄川幸志1,2), 小池祐士1), 工藤洋子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 753-753, 2015.

Japanese Article P1123c. Trial manufacture - of importance - life history clinical record sharing the life cycle of patients with dementia by the multi-type of job
田中寛之1,2), 永田優馬1,2), 小城遼太1), 日垣一男1,2), 西川隆1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 754-754, 2015.

Japanese Article P1124d. We predict the delirium in hospitalized elderly institution residents
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 755-755, 2015.

Japanese Article P1125e. Effect of the frontal association area physical exercise using the computer on patients with dementia with the left unilateral spatial neglect
竹田里江, 池田望, 松山清治
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 756-756, 2015.

Japanese Article P1126f. Efforts of the occupational therapy for patients with dementia that loitering is outstanding
須嵜陽香1), 美和千尋2), 伴野友美1), 神谷由貴1), 掛橋育1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 757-757, 2015.

Japanese Article P1127g. - that I can still speak this as I did it until style of recollection - now as "work"
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 758-758, 2015.

Japanese Article P1128h. Effect of the intervention of the occupational therapy by the progression of dementia stage
西井正樹1), 出田めぐみ1), 太田麻美子2), 岡本加奈子1), 中俣恵美1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 759-759, 2015.

Japanese Article P1129a. Examination - of the association between comparison - occupational therapy practice and DCM of idea and DCM of occupational therapy practice, a theory and the PCC
阿部邦彦1), 田島明子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 760-760, 2015.

Japanese Article P2479g. The effect that a dementia prophylactic program by the member of healthy promotion gives to a local middle and old age person, the cognitive function of elderly people
亀ヶ谷忠彦1), 柳川益美2), 悴田勢津子2), 阿部尚子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 761-761, 2015.

Japanese Article P2480h. What does pilot study - mastery of skills occupational therapist for the development of the quality rating system of the activity for elderly people with dementia observe to judge the effect of the activity? -
小川真寛1), 西田征治2), 白井はる奈3), 岡橋さやか1), 二木淑子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 762-762, 2015.

Japanese Article P2481a. Through the efforts accompanied with the patients with dementia rehabilitation charges new establishment
高林亮太, 竹下陽介
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 763-763, 2015.

Japanese Article P2482b. Can it give the correlation of cognitive usability test and objective evaluation? - - that we tested it using RBMT and a VSRAD level
寺本彩1), 東谷沙織1), 竹内宏幸1), 呉島誠2), 前田仁史2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 764-764, 2015.

Japanese Article P2483c. From a comparison of the coordinates presence of effect on BPSD - occupational therapist of mental commitment robot "Paro" of elderly people with dementia -
藤光孝法, 白倉晴子, 新木安里子, 釜谷梓, 大岡亜聖子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 765-765, 2015.

Japanese Article P2484d. Examination of the Frontal Assessment Battery(FAB) low rank item associated with the disease severity of dementia
福田明子1), 伊東望1), 遠藤唯1), 平野和宏1), 安保雅博2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 766-766, 2015.

Japanese Article P2485e. Acute phase occupational therapy from history of life to patients with dementia that adopted meaningful work
岡本絵里加1,2), 山田孝3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 767-767, 2015.

Japanese Article P2486f. The effect that the small group activity in the dementia treatment ward gives for behavior, the psychology symptom of the patients
三野一成1,2), 日垣一男3), 立山清美3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 768-768, 2015.

Japanese Article P2487g. One instance case of elderly people with dementia that pleasure to obtain new knowledge made the custom
山本智子1), 本家寿洋2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 769-769, 2015.

Japanese Article P2488h. About the characteristic of difficulty, the error in the chair stability movement of elderly people with dementia
木下遥1,2), 中西一3), 西田征治4), 石附智奈美5), 宮口英樹5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 770-770, 2015.

Japanese Article P1130b. Sixth grader - with the example - border type intelligence where problem setting in consideration of interest and competition allowed the typing of the PC toward future working
齋藤みのり1), 小林隆司2), 安田壽1), 安田洋子1), 梅原彩1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 771-771, 2015.

Japanese Article P1131c. Development of the number worksheet for the development child with a disability of the school age
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 772-772, 2015.

Japanese Article P1132d. One case of the adulthood autism spectrum symptom that frontal lobe/practice function program was effective
宮島真貴1,2), 山下聖子2), 松井三枝3), 山家研司2), 傳田健三1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 773-773, 2015.

Japanese Article P1133e. Improvement of Tactile and Proprioceptive Perceptions Led to Bimanual Coordination and Acquisition of Buttoning
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 774-774, 2015.

Japanese Article P1134f. Practice - in the A office of way - Nishinomiya-shi of the occupational therapist in the child with a disability day care support project
大歳太郎1,2), 片山裕代2), 五十嵐千尋2), 内田小百合2), 大歳美和2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 775-775, 2015.

Japanese Article P1135g. Kinematic characteristic in the drawn line problem of children with autistic spectrum disorder
山口佳小里, 佐野美沙子, 深津玲子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 776-776, 2015.

Japanese Article P1136h. pilot study - for the enforcement in practice report - nursing settings of the parent training
坂本美香1), 和田有子1), 埜崎都代子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 777-777, 2015.

Japanese Article P1137a. It is an advantage using Aid for Decision-making in Occupation Choice for school (ADOCs) and a considerable point in the talk with the protector in the going to kindergarten institution
田中啓規1), 佐伯昌彦2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 778-778, 2015.

Japanese Article P1138b. Using a characteristic - will question paper of an action pattern and the will of the seriously ill people experiencing disability -
杉山いずみ1), 笹田哲2), 菅野夏美1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 779-779, 2015.

Japanese Article P1139c. Clinical reasoning of the proficient occupational therapy to the development child with a disability
有川真弓1), 満井礼子2), 古橋理恵3), 西方浩一4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 780-780, 2015.

Japanese Article P1143g. About ability about how to grasp pencils of the very low birth weight infant 5 years old child
鴨下賢一, 立花真由美
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 781-781, 2015.

Japanese Article P1141e. Bathing improvement approach to autistic spectrum children with the deflection of the sense
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 782-782, 2015.

Japanese Article P1142f. Study on behavior properties that is in the latter half of early childhood (4-6 years old child) using SDQ and M-ABC II
丹葉寛之1,2), 大西満1), 尾藤祥子1), 小池伸一3), 小林陽之助4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 783-783, 2015.

Japanese Article P1140d. Efforts - to girls with the movement of diaper switchboard "grounder phosphorus" - athetoid
亀山真奈美, 岡優希, 江渡義晃, 原寛道
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 784-784, 2015.

Japanese Article P1144h. Pay the attention to the difference of the needs to the occupational therapist in a support school and the support class occupational therapy support - to children having difficulty for the development in particular; and -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 785-785, 2015.

Japanese Article P1145a. Through an efforts -2 example in our hospital for the disease understanding of the protector of the development child with a disability -
鈴木麗子1), 池田千紗2,3), 佐藤飛友悟1), 中島そのみ4), 菅田忠夫1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 786-786, 2015.

Japanese Article P1146b. Invention of the approach to practice while enjoying the problem that the development child with a disability is weak in
酒井智也1), 安田寛二2), 野末あずみ1), 小木曽南美1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 787-787, 2015.

Japanese Article P1147c. Role of the occupational therapist in the eating instruction of infant home entrance children
赤羽美和1), 佐藤陽子2), 大倉恵子3), 稲葉雄二4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 788-788, 2015.

Japanese Article P2489a. Making of the occupational therapy observation check list in the normal class
草野佑介1), 山内啓史2), 友宗美菜子3), 加藤寿宏4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 789-789, 2015.

Japanese Article P2490b. Attempt of the early sprint therapy for children with congenital multiple arthrogryposis symptom
小野麻耶, 狩野あゆみ, 勝山志野, 土屋謙仕
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 790-790, 2015.

Japanese Article P2491c. About efforts to "special support school functional enhancement model business" in the Gunma occupational therapist society
北爪浩美1), 山口敦子2), 今井貴子3), 勝野恵4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 791-791, 2015.

Japanese Article P2492d. Support of a request and the occupational therapist every class of the intellectual impairment special support school
林義巳1), 伊丹麻美1), 吉野修平1), 石田信彦2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 792-792, 2015.

Japanese Article P2493e. One case of the seriously ill people experiencing disability who supported the operation learning of the active means of transportation
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 793-793, 2015.

Japanese Article P2494f. Comparison between pilot study - normal adults and normal school-ager - of the oculomotor activity evaluation during a brush strokes activity
中島そのみ1), 後藤幸枝2), 池田千紗2,3), 大柳俊夫4), 仙石泰仁1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 794-794, 2015.

Japanese Article P2495g. Association between coordination disturbance and recognition, acquisition degree of the development child with a disability
東恩納拓也, 岩永竜一郎
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 795-795, 2015.

Japanese Article P2496h. Research about the current situation of the excretion care of the seriously disabled child
佐々木清子, 村山敦美, 奥山晶子, 久保田麻子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 796-796, 2015.

Japanese Article P2497a. One case of the Rett syndrome that a change was seen in by the intervention of the person of nursing for gaze duration to the presentation stimulation
平野大輔1,2), 小野瀬由佳3), 石井瑞穂3), 宮内愛3), 谷口敬道1,4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 797-797, 2015.

Japanese Article P2498b. Case - of women with example - autism that regained emotional stability by having wrestled to a picture diary
今井悠人1), 成瀬廣亮2), 平谷美智夫1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 798-798, 2015.

Japanese Article P2499c. Until attempt - oral intake of the eating instruction for children with the cerebral palsy that hyperasthesia resists and mother is enabled; -
下西宣雄, 中島恵, 林文子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 799-799, 2015.

Japanese Article P2500d. One consideration for the CP children which showed significant posture improvement by Dynamic Movement Orthosis Gloves
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 800-800, 2015.

Japanese Article P2501e. What is demanded by homevisit rehabilitation for children with disabilities - Support adapted to their life at home -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 801-801, 2015.

Japanese Article P2502f. Attempt - of communication support - joint approach for the severeness people experiencing disability
嘉成望, 荻山泰地, 丸達也, 西田典史
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 802-802, 2015.

Japanese Article P2503g. The support that assumed the gross motion to infants with the awkwardness an axis
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 803-803, 2015.

Japanese Article P2504h. Interview investigation to mother of junior and senior high school students with a developmental disease
押領司和代1), 立山清美1), 矢野寿代2), 田中啓規1,3), 原田瞬1,4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 804-804, 2015.

Japanese Article P2505a. Support - utilized the strength of thing - occupational therapist found for day services such as after school, and the like
嶋田美希1), 猪狩もとみ2), 中川等史1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 805-805, 2015.

Japanese Article P2506b. Association of the development and the hand skill of the body representation that we saw from the mental rotation problem of autistic spectrum children of the hand
日田勝子1), 積山薫2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 806-806, 2015.

Japanese Article P1148d. About the efforts of the fall prophylactic exercises for the elderly mental hospital inpatient
西村博史, 金子糸江
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 807-807, 2015.

Japanese Article P1149e. Patients with depression receive bibliotherapy
福田健一郎1), 立石きみ子2), 山内さえみ2), 林田博典3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 808-808, 2015.

Japanese Article P1150f. Efforts of the rework for the user who presented with mood disorders in the occupational therapy in psychiatry
西谷美保子, 児嶋優子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 809-809, 2015.

Japanese Article P1151g. Associated - with the analysis - single stepladder factor digit retention time associated with the fall
伊藤誠一1), 川添郁夫2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 810-810, 2015.

Japanese Article P1152h. The activity of the dietician in the psychiatry domain and investigation about the cooperation with the occupational therapist
福盛美季1), 中堂園絹代1), 野波丈倫1), 児玉圭1), 簗瀬誠2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 811-811, 2015.

Japanese Article P1153a. Occupational therapy for the saccadic control having been effective
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 812-812, 2015.

Japanese Article P1154b. Associated - with cognitive characteristic - automatic thought and stress coping behavior of high-functioning autistic spectrum disorder and the person tending to be and the social adaptation
飛田彩也香1), 山田純栄2), 山根寛2), 仙田裕樹1), 石川順子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 813-813, 2015.

Japanese Article P1155c. Factor - to affect the drug-taking behavior of the person with - mental disorder for effective psychoeducational approach
西園晋明, 豊永武一郎
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 814-814, 2015.

Japanese Article P1156d. Examination - of development - reliability and the validity of the self-disclosure standard for people with a mental disorder
横山和樹1,2), 森元隆文3), 竹田里江3), 吉野淳一4), 池田望3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 815-815, 2015.

Japanese Article P1157e. Convalescence prediction of the activity properties in the patients having a mental disorder
川口敬之1), 白木原葉子2), 鈴木誠1), 福田倫也1,2), 宮岡等2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 816-816, 2015.

Japanese Article P1158f. One instance case of the catatonia associated with mainly on physical intervention in the child psychiatry
伊藤弥生, 原田謙, 荒井留美子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 817-817, 2015.

Japanese Article P1159g. The effect that the automatic thought in the high-performance autistic spectrum tendency gives to degree of an action pattern and the social adaptation
山田純栄, 飛田彩也香, 山根寛, 仙田裕樹, 石川順子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 818-818, 2015.

Japanese Article P1160h. Preliminary examination of practice of the metacognition training in the psychiatry regular hospital and the effect
森元隆文1), 藤田有可2), 中村直子2), 長谷部夏子2), 林下忠行2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 819-819, 2015.

Japanese Article P1161a. The effect that a 12-day a series of psychiatry daycare blind alley gives to a user
市田忍, 久留承悟
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 820-820, 2015.

Japanese Article P1162b. Efforts of the psychology education for patients with depression
大田奈緒, 篠崎亜由美, 山本直紀, 岡田美枝子, 松本貴久
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 821-821, 2015.

Japanese Article P1163c. Mainly on intervention of the acute phase occupational therapy in psychiatry that assumed cerebral function training a keyword and the intervention using development - conditioned response control measures -
山口裕子, 吉川敦, 岡本静子, 浜田基敬
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 822-822, 2015.

Japanese Article P1164d. Importance - of understanding to the mentation of way - elderly people of the occupational therapy for the elderly patients in the psychiatry chronic phase ward and the physical intervention
若生拓也1), 浜田基敬1), 南中さくら2), 濱田清子3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 823-823, 2015.

Japanese Article P1165e. The effect that calling of the ward staff gives to participation of the occupational therapy of the patients
中島美和1), 西田征治2), 小林和博1), 西迫尚美1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 824-824, 2015.

Japanese Article P1166f. Factor to stabilize the social life of patients with self-culture type schizophrenia in the life clinical practice
小林伸一郎1), 桑原佳子1), 原口健三2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 825-825, 2015.

Japanese Article P1167g. Attempt of the individual rehabilitation to a mental patient with the physical symptom
松井恵莉華1), 四川健司1), 芹野裕基1), 榎田太郎1), 原口健三2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 826-826, 2015.

Japanese Article P1168h. Examination of shift standards from foreign occupational therapy to daycare and the method
山本敦子1,2), 四本かやの3), 高野隼4), 吉村匡史5), 木下利彦5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 827-827, 2015.

Japanese Article P1169a. Making of the psychology educational program and the effect on patients with schizophrenia based on needs investigation
高丸亜沙美, 島田岳, 石渡美咲子, 真壁彩, 古市美幸
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 828-828, 2015.

Japanese Article P1170b. Factor about rehospitalization of patients with schizophrenia
島田岳1), 小林正義2), 高丸亜沙美1), 西麻郁1), 吉田朋孝1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 829-829, 2015.

Japanese Article P1171c. Occupational therapy of patients with bipolar disorder using an objective index of the work
菊池ゆひ1), 竹原詩織2), 米田貢1), 戸田重誠3), 三邉義雄3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 830-830, 2015.

Japanese Article P2507c. Early occupational therapy - subject patients with schizophrenia and characteristic - of the program
田中佐千恵1), 石川絵理2), 金丸和代2), 河埜康二郎3), 小林正義1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 831-831, 2015.

Japanese Article P2508d. From the interview to thought - psychiatry daycare user to the working of the mental patient -
藤田さより, 新宮尚人
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 832-832, 2015.

Japanese Article P2509e. Examination of the factor predicting the social adaptation state of patients with depression
杉村直哉1), 小林正義2), 武藤隆1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 833-833, 2015.

Japanese Article P2510f. Study on comparison between self-assessment and OTR evaluation of the mental patient by the ADOC evaluation
常田つかさ1), 菊池真理子1), 河野賢吾1), 小浦誠吾2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 834-834, 2015.

Japanese Article P2511g. Than practice in role - our hospital of the occupational therapist by the psychiatry liaison team -
岸雪枝1), 吉井ひろ子2), 森礼子3), 伊賀陽子4), 吉村知穂4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 835-835, 2015.

Japanese Article P2512h. With the support that is necessary for the discharge of the elderly long-term inpatient? - Efforts - of the local shift support program in our hospital
渡邉佳那, 野尻育子, 澁谷佳代
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 836-836, 2015.

Japanese Article P2513a. Attempt of the rework program for the person of leave of absence from duty of mood disorders, the stress-related disorder
石川絵理1,2), 金丸和代1), 田中佐千恵2), 小林正義2), 鷲塚伸介3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 837-837, 2015.

Japanese Article P2514b. Examination of the occupational therapy program to contribute to prevention of recurrence of the depression
金丸和代1), 石川絵理1), 河埜康二郎2), 田中佐千恵3), 小林正義3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 838-838, 2015.

Japanese Article P2515c. It is delicious, and this wants to go occupational therapy program - using a "meal" activity for patients with dementia! -
村田大地1), 美和千尋2), 吉田瑠理子1), 碓井史1), 谷明己1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 839-839, 2015.

Japanese Article P2516d. Intervention - by occupational therapy - multi-type of job using the exercise program for the chronic mental patient
岡田祐美1), 北原幸子2), 森和輝1), 森口綾子1), 美和千尋3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 840-840, 2015.

Japanese Article P2517e. Result and problem by the reorganization of the daycare for the mental patient
立松麻記子1), 坂倉敬子1), 宮崎郁子1), 藤田泉1), 美和千尋2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 841-841, 2015.

Japanese Article P2518f. Through the case that presented physical complications by physical occupational therapy - depressed state in the mental hospital -
高坂梨沙1), 野村太郎1), 池田隆一2), 栄田裕資1), 原田恭子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 842-842, 2015.

Japanese Article P2519g. About aggressiveness of the health care of patients with schizophrenia in daycare day care
早川智美1,2), 四本かやの1), 北林百合之介2), 橋本健志1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 843-843, 2015.

Japanese Article P2520h. Examination of a characteristic and the occupational therapy of the depression of patients with Parkinson's disease admitted to our hospital disorder, intractable disease rehabilitation center
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 844-844, 2015.

Japanese Article P2521a. To lead to - other service and working about the group activity that psychiatry temporary nursing at home station plans; -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 845-845, 2015.

Japanese Article P2522b. About an association between body function and neurologic manifestation in the psychiatry inpatient
岡崎智行1), 松川有太郎1), 宮田真希2), 政木真美2), 中村優3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 846-846, 2015.

Japanese Article P2523c. - that the power of effect - peer of the occupational therapy program using the mutual support between the patients moves a heart
谷明己1), 碓井史1), 村田大地1), 吉田瑠理子1), 美和千尋2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 847-847, 2015.

Japanese Article P2524d. Approach - that we snuggled up to the thought of relation - person of the comprehensive daycare including a social activity
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 848-848, 2015.

Japanese Article P2525e. Operability of the self-learning of the social resource information using the PC for the daycare long-term user
西村優子1,2), 四本かやの1), 篠原肇2), 田中ひろ子2), 橋本健志1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 849-849, 2015.

Japanese Article P2526f. Patients with schizophrenia that did not have a relation with the society for a long term are the examples that came to be able to participate in daycare through outpatient department occupational therapy
柳原隆史, 北村文照
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 850-850, 2015.

Japanese Article P2527g. The effectiveness of the behavior therapy intervention in the example that aversive behavior is remarkable
岡本利子, 南出耕佑, 山村祐子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 851-851, 2015.

Japanese Article P2528h. Association between language function and life skill in patients with schizophrenia
五十嵐瞳1,2), 新山喜嗣3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 852-852, 2015.

Japanese Article P2529a. In the daycare activity is hard to cope; an example and risk management
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 853-853, 2015.

Japanese Article P2530b. Relation using the self-efficacy for the local life
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 854-854, 2015.

Japanese Article P1172d. Do the positive feelings promote an attention function?
澄川幸志1), 小池祐士1), 小枝周平1), 古舘真美2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 855-855, 2015.

Japanese Article P1173e. The effect that improvement of the functional disorder in the articulus humeri gives to quality of life
猿渡誠1), 岩瀬義昭2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 856-856, 2015.

Japanese Article P1174f. About a stress coping power of the person with late effects of cerebral stroke (Sense of Coherence: SOC)
半沢正道, 王治文, 大黒一司, 西澤哲
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 857-857, 2015.

Japanese Article P1175g. One case that utilized the life act improvement management for avocational reacquisition
溝上友喜, 中村幻香
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 858-858, 2015.

Japanese Article P1176h. Study for the choice of the optimal team member judging from association of MPI and SCL-KM
中江暁也1), 藤井弘通2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 859-859, 2015.

Japanese Article P1177a. The actual situation of the subjective healthy feeling of elderly people using visit rehabilitation and the associated factor
池田晋平1,2), 伊藤賢司1,2), 内田恵美子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 860-860, 2015.

Japanese Article P1178b. Relation based on sense of values and the interest of subjects
神長麻貴1), 丸山祥1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 861-861, 2015.

Japanese Article P1179c. The effect that the exercise by the comfortable self-pace gives in the feeling of the inpatient
平田淳也1), 井上桂子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 862-862, 2015.

Japanese Article P1180d. Effect to praise on elderly inpatient
鴻野隆康, 佐々昂典, 木村仁美
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 863-863, 2015.

Japanese Article P1181e. Psychology local news page assessment sheet ver. For the development of the psychosocial support method to examination - cerebrovascular disorder experient of the item for 1.0 making -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 864-864, 2015.

Japanese Article P1182f. It is the characteristic of the subjective evaluation in the evaluation of the depressive symptom and the objective evaluation method after the stroke
佐藤ちひろ1), 今井寛人1), 長内愛莉1), 清水寛己2), 小枝周平3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 865-865, 2015.

Japanese Article P1183g. One patient who devised the hearing method of needs for a breakaway from bedridden
嶽本祐子1), 小口和代2), 青木奈美1), 岡本咲子1), 早川淳子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 866-866, 2015.

Japanese Article P1184h. Association of a comparison and the rehabilitation of the life satisfaction of after "leaving the hospital life that we assumed during hospitalization" and after "being discharged from the fact life"
鴨藤祐輔1), 宮前珠子2), 秋山恭延1), 黒飛陽平1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 867-867, 2015.

Japanese Article P1185a. The motor function failure in patients with convalescent stroke and relations of a feeling of subjective recovery
今井寛人1), 佐藤ちひろ1), 長内愛莉1), 清水寛己2), 小枝周平3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 868-868, 2015.

Japanese Article P2531c. The effect that the difference in theme of the coloring gives in feelings
長見和佳1), 土屋景子2), 金山祐里2), 岡直美1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 869-869, 2015.

Japanese Article P2532d. The example that aimed at the acquisition of stress actions to be taken using mind Fournet soot Torres reduction method (MBSR) and the movement method
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 870-870, 2015.

Japanese Article P2533e. For the reacquisition of intervention - ADL independence to example that presented apathy by cerebral infarction and the pleasing activity -
岩崎智子1), 山形力生2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 871-871, 2015.

Japanese Article P2534f. Is based on the examination of - evaluation method about the association between chronic pain and psychological side of elderly people with dementia; and -
森田知彦, 奥野夏希, 竹内透, 安藤剛, 梅林千恵
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 872-872, 2015.

Japanese Article P2535g. From a viewpoint of consciousness change - rehabilitation for the need and the inhibition of the seat belt through ward staff education -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 873-873, 2015.

Japanese Article P2536h. The case that was connected to the arms disorder adaptation by having made a nonfunctional hand participate in an everyday life problem
岡田華奈1), 山根伸吾2), 玉代浩章1), 岡本隆嗣1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 874-874, 2015.

Japanese Article P2538b. Is the prospective disorder reception associated with the subjective well-being of the person with late effects of cerebral stroke?
今井あい子1,2), 平野友祐3), 大浦智子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 875-875, 2015.

Japanese Article P2539c. The effect that the posture at work problem gives for a flow
村上香奈子, 柴澤未来, 館岡周平
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 876-876, 2015.

Japanese Article P2540d. The effect by the smell of stimulating it appears as a change of the everybody autonomic nervous system effect - sense of "the aroma" to give R-R space variation index; or -
石渡香住1,2), 嘉成望1), 丸達也1), 荻山泰地1), 村田洋子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 877-877, 2015.

Japanese Article P2541e. The exploratory study that focused on semantic structure of the work of the elderly people who experienced a crisis of the work adaptation in the life stage
神保洋平1,2), 石井良和3), 小林隆司3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 878-878, 2015.

Japanese Article P2542f. Through the case which feeling of strain reduced by - individual treatment intervention to support a quality of person -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 879-879, 2015.

Japanese Article P2543g. The subjective time experience that work results in
田中善信1), 栗原トヨ子2,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 880-880, 2015.

Japanese Article P1186b. Have a hard time in the rehabilitation for the foreigner
亀井大作1,2), 藤岡真紀1), 佐藤誠司1), 二木淑子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 881-881, 2015.

Japanese Article P1187c. Structure of the faith conflict that the occupational therapist of the convalescent rehabilitation ward has for the patients
河野崇, 朝倉直之
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 882-882, 2015.

Japanese Article P1188d. Effect on speaker by the difference of the eyes direction of the interviewer in the interview scene
田中真, 小山内隆生, 加藤拓彦, 和田一丸
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 883-883, 2015.

Japanese Article P2544h. For continuation of the interchange with examination - friend of the usage of the cell-phone to an example presenting genuine alexia -
中村美歌, 緑川学
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 884-884, 2015.

Japanese Article P2545a. For a term for the purpose of the improvement of the will of the counselee which an experienced occupational therapist receives
小林祐子1), 白石めぐみ2), 八子満悠子3), 野村健太4), 會田玉美5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 885-885, 2015.

Japanese Article P2546b. Through the case of elderly people with dementia that practice and effect - relationship of the group occupational therapy changed -
宇都宮秀啓1), 北岡裕也1), 中川愛理1), 川口淳一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 886-886, 2015.

Japanese Article P2547c. Examination - of the effect of family support - album notebook of the vegetative state patients in the occupational therapy
小川由貴, 緑川学
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 887-887, 2015.

Japanese Article P1189e. Criterion-related validity of ADL, the IADL measure (activity - cognitive scale) for the elderly people corresponding to the cognitive level
久野真矢1), 石井希2), 平澤美土里2), 多田亜耶乃2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 888-888, 2015.

Japanese Article P1190f. Fact-finding of the cooking training in our hospital
丁子雄希1), 岸谷都1,2), 川北整1), 西谷厚1), 野田祐輔1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 889-889, 2015.

Japanese Article P1191g. Factor to have an influence on the self-wearing of the ankle foot orthosis with plastic shoe insert of the stroke hemiplegia patients
安川嘉一, 神谷敬, 小西利枝, 上村洋充, 山本孝徳
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 890-890, 2015.

Japanese Article P1192h. Basic investigation for the ADL program construction aiming at the subjective quality of life improvement of elderly people with dementia
中西康祐1), 務台均2), 埴原秋児2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 891-891, 2015.

Japanese Article P1193a. Physical human environmental support - for the at-home shift by efforts - occupational therapist of the independence support institution for the Western style toilet bowel movement movement independence of the person with cervical cord injury
中川翔次1), 北村大輔2), 伊藤隆博2), 吉川匡2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 892-892, 2015.

Japanese Article P1194b. Cross-over study about the effect that increase of the physical active mass gives to a fall sense of fear and health-related quality of life on at-home need of nursing care elderly people
能村友紀1), 二木淑子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 893-893, 2015.

Japanese Article P1195c. Draw the door of a piece of crutch walking hemiplegia person open; a clinical index of the movement
藤嶋聖子1), 泉田康志1), 藤井浩美2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 894-894, 2015.

Japanese Article P1196d. Examination of the factor associated with improvement and the independence of the ADL in patients with acute phase stroke
寺島大樹1), 小澤彩1), 古川智巳1), 大石志保1), 務台均1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 895-895, 2015.

Japanese Article P1197e. Exploring - of the health prophylactic activity with coping behavior (qualitative study) - occupational therapy of middle-age women with the urinary incontinence
佐々木露葉1), 大嶋伸雄2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 896-896, 2015.

Japanese Article P1198f. About attendant court lady intervention and the day room beginning to use in the convalescent rehabilitation ward setup
羽賀祐介, 館岡瞳, 小嶋美樹, 原島宏明, 宮野佐年
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 897-897, 2015.

Japanese Article P1199g. Effect of the early-morning rehabilitation by the disease severity of the cognitive function in the convalescent rehabilitation ward
金堀友紀子1), 葛西恭恵1), 藤嶋聖子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 898-898, 2015.

Japanese Article P1200h. Factor analysis - of multicenter questionary survey - conditioning the figure assistance care burden feeling about the care burden feeling of the person of all ADL assistance
中野匠1), 壹岐英正1,2), 森下愛子1), 片山脩13), 澤俊二4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 899-899, 2015.

Japanese Article P1201a. A fact of the intervention to a posture of the sexual intercourse of the female total hip replacement patients and the present problem
松浦温子, 田中由紀, 長田杏奈, 田畑雄吉, 中平昇吾
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 900-900, 2015.

Japanese Article P1203c. Examination about the usefulness of the Functional Assessment Measure (FAM) in the convalescent rehabilitation ward
山根伸吾1,2), 三木恵美1), 京由佳2), 岡本隆嗣2), 花岡秀明1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 901-901, 2015.

Japanese Article P1202b. The effect that the human trunk function of the stroke hemiplegia person gives in ability for undergarment operation at the toilet activities
小池祐士1), 原長也2), 澄川幸志1), 小枝周平1), 對馬均1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 902-902, 2015.

Japanese Article P1204d. Acquisition of the chopsticks operation by the remaining function in the person of index finger, middle finger cutting
浦瀬康太1), 平川裕一2), 上谷英史2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 903-903, 2015.

Japanese Article P1205e. Role of the occupational therapist in the botulinum therapy aiming at improvement of the work gloves wearing movement
金谷圭子1), 平川裕一2), 上谷英史2), 鈴木直人1), 松本茂男1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 904-904, 2015.

Japanese Article P1206f. Movement of chopsticks and the finger at normal chopsticks operation
上谷英史1), 平川裕一1), 高橋尚子2), 常川早紀3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 905-905, 2015.

Japanese Article P1207g. Is the training problem that is usually conducted for the operation acquisition of chopsticks effective?
平川裕一1), 上谷英史1), 小志戸前奈那2), 阿部佑己3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 906-906, 2015.

Japanese Article P1208h. Step over the side using the small 3 axis acceleration sensor; a change of the quantity of supporting leg unrest at movement
佐藤孝史1,2), 神先秀人3), 佐藤寿晃4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 907-907, 2015.

Japanese Article P1209a. With the mild cognitive impairment alone inflection - of the medicine bottle with discharge support - alarm to elderly people
神田えり子1), 上村智子2), 重冨雄哉1), 久長恒洋1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 908-908, 2015.

Japanese Article P1210b. Characteristic of the house environment maintenance of patients with end-stage cancer
玉木聡1), 上村智子2), 長谷川文1), 渡邉桃子1), 岡島明子3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 909-909, 2015.

Japanese Article P1211c. Examination of the degree of difficulty in the restroom movement after the stroke
中村恵理1), 鈴木誠2), 畠山真弓1), 大宮一人3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 910-910, 2015.

Japanese Article P2548d. Relations of the self-assessment of an independence degree and the putting on and taking off movement in the restroom movement
中川ひかり, 安井直, 朝里浩靖, 長谷川幸恵
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 911-911, 2015.

Japanese Article P2549e. Examination - of the reacquisition time of bathtub movement - ADL after the total hip replacement
奥結季恵1), 高島千敬1), 高木啓至1), 坂井孝司1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 912-912, 2015.

Japanese Article P2550f. The case that the own strength intake of the diet became able to conduct by self-help instrument chopsticks and environmental setting
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 913-913, 2015.

Japanese Article P2551g. About the effectiveness of the assistance bar judging from the transferring of the healthy subject
五十嵐陽子1), 米村和貴1), 藤嶋聖子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 914-914, 2015.

Japanese Article P2552h. The occupational therapy that cooperated from acute phase to being at home from acute phase
志賀美穂1), 長谷川文2), 金井一哉3), 玉木聡2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 915-915, 2015.

Japanese Article P2553a. One case of the severe adult cerebral palsy that a single life allowed using the life act improvement management
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 916-916, 2015.

Japanese Article P2554b. Manufacture - of the pants which we unified with - underwear for the restroom movement independence of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
河田祐貴1), 尾崎勝彦2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 917-917, 2015.

Japanese Article P2555c. Pay the attention to visit occupational therapy - diet movement for the ALS case; and -
川崎直人1), 山田麻和2), 西村朋美1), 尾崎武正1), 戸澤明美2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 918-918, 2015.

Japanese Article P2556d. Efforts of the orientation for driving resumption of the person with cerebral damage in our hospital
北谷渉1), 福井朱美1), 永井亜希子1), 川上直子1), 川北慎一郎2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 919-919, 2015.

Japanese Article P2557e. Mother strong; intervention - that did it, and aimed at the reacquisition of - mother role
岩本千秋1), 永井貴士2), 大橋千佳1), 中嶋美貴3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 920-920, 2015.

Japanese Article P2558f. About a factor affecting the convalescence prediction of the right hemiplegia bathing patient movement
進藤潤也1), 高見美貴2), 千田富義3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 921-921, 2015.

Japanese Article P2559g. Using an examination -3 dimensions motion study device of the laterality in the diet movement -
湯本拓真1), 松田雅弘2), 寺田秀範1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 922-922, 2015.

Japanese Article P2560h. Characteristic of the ADL of patients with Alzheimer's dementia
高見美貴1), 千田富義2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 923-923, 2015.

Japanese Article P2561a. Experience of the occupational therapy for the bicycling acquisition of patients with cerebrovascular disorder
秋山恭延, 鴨藤祐輔
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 924-924, 2015.

Japanese Article P2562b. Using SSADL where subjective ADL standard and - subjects with the WHOQOL26, FIM concerned choose an ADL item -
土屋景子1), 金山祐里1), 小野健一1), 小林隆司2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 925-925, 2015.

Japanese Article P2563c. Difference of made ADL in the dressing activity of patients with Alzheimer's dementia and the ADL doing
加納いずみ1), 高見美貴1), 千田富義2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 926-926, 2015.

Japanese Article P2564d. Comparison - of the patients whom subjective satisfaction and - satisfaction with the FIM of relationships are high in and the low patients with ADL
金山祐里1), 土屋景子1), 小野健一1), 小林隆司2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 927-927, 2015.

Japanese Article P2565e. Change over time of nourishment management and the activities of daily living ability in our hospital convalescent rehabilitation ward
安齋志織, 根田英之, 高田善栄, 齋藤頼亮, 太田香緒里
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 928-928, 2015.

Japanese Article P2566f. Step over front, the side; - of performance characteristics - hip joint flexure angle and the acceleration of time concerned
佐藤寿晃1), 佐野祐貴子2), 佐藤孝史3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 929-929, 2015.

Japanese Article P2567g. We investigate movement in the start when elderly people resident in an area required the arms support
眞々部仁美1,2), 石浦佑一1), 竹中孝博2,3), 中角祐治2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 930-930, 2015.

Japanese Article P2568h. For application expansion of literature review - record paper about the house environment maintenance -
澤田有希1,2), 橋本美芽3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 931-931, 2015.

Japanese Article P2569a. The balance ability in the person of restroom independence and unilateral spatial neglect, classification by the attention function
南裕二, 酒井香澄, 馬橋啓介, 井筒隆文
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 932-932, 2015.

Japanese Article P1212d. Efforts - that "role of the occupational therapist in the collaboration with the working shift support office" - working support is new
高橋健1), 後藤智行1,2), 堀江祐介1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 933-933, 2015.

Japanese Article P1213e. About working support in the foreign occupational therapy in psychiatry
那須かがり, 児嶋亮
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 934-934, 2015.

Japanese Article P1214f. Efforts - of the group work that we applied practice - metacognition training of the program for the purpose of the working continuation to
大川浩子1,2), 本多俊紀2), 熊本浩之2,3), 山本創2,4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 935-935, 2015.

Japanese Article P1215g. Relation of the OT for the high level function person with a disability who aimed at the reinstatement from an early stage
谷口恵美1), 土屋景子2), 金山祐里2), 村上雄太1), 守屋咲希1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 936-936, 2015.

Japanese Article P1216h. The support that utilized working support OT competency in the visit rehabilitation
伊藤健次郎1,4), 軽部孝1), 酒井ひとみ3,4), 菊池恵美子2,4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 937-937, 2015.

Japanese Article P1217a. One instance case - in working support - person with a disability support institution for the higher brain function person with a disability
金田智子1), 佐藤良子2), 片根実3), 伊藤貴子4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 938-938, 2015.

Japanese Article P1218b. Possibility of the current situation and the student education of the exception subsidiary in the educational institution
野口恵莉菜1), 松井香那葉2), 末益麻衣3), 柴田貴美子4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 939-939, 2015.

Japanese Article P1219c. Ahead of the expansion of the subject office of attitude survey - person with a disability employment payment gold system for the person with a disability employment of the small office in Hiroshima-shi -
青木優香里1), 金子史子2), 岡村仁2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 940-940, 2015.

Japanese Article P1220d. The example that utilized on-site practice and purpose-oriented physical exercise for reinstatement reciprocally.
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 941-941, 2015.

Japanese Article P1221e. Evaluation - using excessively heavy labor and - ball-point pen assembling work of the bipolar disorder of relationships
早坂友成1), 稲富宏之2), 阪尾学3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 942-942, 2015.

Japanese Article P2570b. Analysis - for a performance and the disease insight of effect on patients with cerebropathy - simulator of the driving simulator training
外川佑1,2), 小田俊昌2), 村山拓也2), 崎村陽子3), 伊藤誠4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 943-943, 2015.

Japanese Article P2571c. Reinstatement support - occupation investigation in the acute phase hospital and reinstatement support questionnaire -
村上公照1), 馬場美鈴1), 橘智弘2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 944-944, 2015.

Japanese Article P2572d. Relation for the reinstatement of the higher brain function person with a disability
前田杏奈1), 建木健2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 945-945, 2015.

Japanese Article P2573e. To play a role as the carrot farmhouse
中嶋美貴1), 永井貴士2), 岩本千秋3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 946-946, 2015.

Japanese Article P2574f. Using attempt - performance capacity evaluation to clarify recurrent risk factor in the rework program of mood disorders -
松田匡弘1), 金坂佳奈子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 947-947, 2015.

Japanese Article P2575g. From the results using the making of study on work accomplishment properties - box method of patients with depression to participate in a reinstatement support program -
巽絵理1,2), 辻陽子1), 鼓美紀1), 重田淳吾4), 長見まき子2,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 948-948, 2015.

Japanese Article P2576h. Literature review about Worker's Role Interview (worker role interview)
馬塲順子1,3), 石井良和2), 谷村厚子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 949-949, 2015.

Japanese Article P2577a. One case that was able to cooperate with a working shift support office using common format (One-Step) to share it in related organizations
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 950-950, 2015.

Japanese Article P2578b. One case of the aphasia that led to reinstatement
安森太一1), 小倉由紀1), 吉永勝訓2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 951-951, 2015.

Japanese Article P2579c. Aim-oriented approach to do early work for patients with thalamic bleeding, and to return
荒巻裕迪1), 山口洋一1), 松尾崇史1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 952-952, 2015.

Japanese Article P1222f. The thing which efforts of proud A who restarted "unit origami and the making of umbrella" brought
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 953-953, 2015.

Japanese Article P1223g. As a result of interview investigation to the couple who participated in the trip by the meeting of meaning - aphasia friend of a trip and the person concerned interchange of Germany -
田島明子1), 山本弘子2), 長谷川幹3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 954-954, 2015.

Japanese Article P1224h. Has started Sukima switch - ~Approach to the off time for people with severe motor and intellectual disabilities~ -
中西知奈美, 西井沙織
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 955-955, 2015.

Japanese Article P1225a. Attempt of the interchange workshop using the work activity
水野由佳1), 渡部栄司2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 956-956, 2015.

Japanese Article P1226b. Recognition structure of the owner for the interpersonal interchange through "the dog walking"
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 957-957, 2015.

Japanese Article P1227c. The effect that makeup gives to the feelings of elderly people
光藤里紗1), 福井美咲2), 金山祐里3), 土屋景子3), 小野健一3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 958-958, 2015.

Japanese Article P1228d. Practice report - of the trip to going out support - day return Onsen in the visit rehabilitation
有馬正人, 後藤絵美子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 959-959, 2015.

Japanese Article P2580d. Example - that the person led an activity to - homebound elderly people who could get well by a harmonica performance
細田明, 柏木恵子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 960-960, 2015.

Japanese Article P2581e. Effect of the activity care on care health center for the elderly residents
今井彩乃1), 藤原健一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 961-961, 2015.

Japanese Article P2582f. Attempt of the arms physical exercise using Wii
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 962-962, 2015.

Japanese Article P2583g. Attempt of the leisure support in the convalescent rehabilitation ward
岡山友哉1), 上田葉月1), 大松慶子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 963-963, 2015.

Japanese Article P2584h. The occupational therapy that focused on meaningful work to go the grandchild of the national polity participation for support as a role of the grandmother
森内剛史1,2), 磯直樹1,2), 磯ふみ子3), 臼杵麻美1), 東登志夫4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 964-964, 2015.

Japanese Article P2585a. A meaning and purpose of the coloring for the client of Alzheimer's dementia
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 965-965, 2015.

Japanese Article P2586b. For participants more than step - of mental patient futsal team Citrungs Tossa -
佐野秀平1), 中越太一1), 織田靖史2), 西岡由江3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 966-966, 2015.

Japanese Article P1229e. The practice that promoted the achievement of the important aim using standard (SAMR) of the new will
佐野裕和1), 中島均1), 佐野伸之2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 967-967, 2015.

Japanese Article P1230f. Effect of the visit occupational therapy program with work as a base
西田征治1), 近藤敏1), 上城憲司2), 高木雅之1), 山西葉子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 968-968, 2015.

Japanese Article P1231g. Goal management training for the subarachnoid hemorrhage example that presented accomplishment functional disorder
本多慶成1), 山中武彦2), 石井文康2), 工藤恵1), 塚本信弘3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 969-969, 2015.

Japanese Article P1232h. Intervention - using example - life act improvement management that accomplished practice, the achievement from the thought that we wanted to celebrate on the birthday of the daughter
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 970-970, 2015.

Japanese Article P1233a. Effect of the dementia prevention classroom on elderly people resident in an area
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 971-971, 2015.

Japanese Article P1234b. Aim of a factor and the occupational therapy of the staying alone discharge of patients with cerebrovascular disorder in our hospital convalescent hospital
館岡周平1,2), 會田玉美2,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 972-972, 2015.

Japanese Article P1235c. Long-term investigation about the age changes in a body, the cognitive function of local elderly persons living at home
中村眞理子1), 中村充雄1), 後藤葉子1), 浅野友佳子2), 廣田真由子3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 973-973, 2015.

Japanese Article P1236d. The effectiveness of the work balance rating system in the convalescent hospital
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 974-974, 2015.

Japanese Article P1237e. Intervention - using example - work choice decision aiding software (ADOC) where the dependent patients found meaningful work
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 975-975, 2015.

Japanese Article P1238f. About the change over time of the family function of the subjects who were at home after the multiple cerebral infarction, and were returned
廣田真由子1), 中村充雄2), 中村眞理子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 976-976, 2015.

Japanese Article P1239g. Occupational therapy experience using Occupation-Based Practice for patients with multiple sclerosis during steroid pulse therapy
坂井瞳子, 木下暢子, 上戸木綿子, 壱岐尾優太, 佐賀里昭
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 977-977, 2015.

Japanese Article P1240h. The conscious objective comparison for the domestic potential wall for elderly people resident in an area and investigation of the solution
中村裕美1), 京極真2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 978-978, 2015.

Japanese Article P1241a. Effect and cost effect analysis - cluster type pilot randomized controlled trial - of the occupational therapy using ADOC in the care health center for the elderly
長山洋史1), 友利幸之介1,3), 大野勘太2), 小河原格也1), 澤田辰徳4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 979-979, 2015.

Japanese Article P1242b. Investigation of the factor in the will maintenance of elderly people resident in an area
田中浩二1), 長谷川朔子2), 竹林千穂里3), 山本愛実4), 江田佳子5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 980-980, 2015.

Japanese Article P1243c. From constitution - activity turn of eventss of the life of the person with first stroke that left the hospital to the home and the analysis -
小林大作1), 小賀野操2), 佐々木由佳3), 高村直裕2), 荻原喜茂4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 981-981, 2015.

Japanese Article P1244d. Relations of the work to feel a quality of oneself with living as one
カークウッド裕美1,2), 斎藤さわ子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 982-982, 2015.

Japanese Article P1245e. Resumption of operation support - to experience - higher brain function person with a disability of the cooperation with the training school
小倉由紀1), 石田理江子1), 庭野みの里1), 田口里奈1), 大塚恵美子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 983-983, 2015.

Japanese Article P1246f. Examination - of the effect that we gave a change and the group of the recognition for effect - working of the group approach using the oral announcement of PowerPoint
中里武史, 大橋千恵子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 984-984, 2015.

Japanese Article P1247g. Analysis of the fall situation of the at-home dweller receiving certification for long-term care
中村茂美1), 内山順恵2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 985-985, 2015.

Japanese Article P1248h. Time study distribution and day, relations with the family type of the household
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 986-986, 2015.

Japanese Article P1249a. Preliminary investigation of the usefulness of "picture card rating system of elderly people with dementia" to counselee with the aphasia (APCD)
嶋田隆一1), 緑川学1), 山田孝2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 987-987, 2015.

Japanese Article P1250b. The effect that ceraband exercise to be carried out in a group gives the recognition function of elderly people with cognitive functional decline
渡邉英弘1), 後藤文彦2), 藤井啓介3,4), 和合恵里1), 長谷川龍一5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 988-988, 2015.

Japanese Article P1251c. About the association of the run problem of the driving simulator in patients with cerebral damage and the activity of the frontal lobe
澤田泰洋1,2), 種村留美1), 藤井聖子1,3), 合志和晃4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 989-989, 2015.

Japanese Article P1252d. The case that was tied to the return to a life act using the life act improvement management early
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 990-990, 2015.

Japanese Article P1253e. Structure - of the needs of study - client of the needs for the person with a disability cerebrovascular for acute phase in the occupational therapy
山口奈津美1), 竹原敦2), 相馬昭之1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 991-991, 2015.

Japanese Article P1254f. One - of the housewife who presented with cerebrovascular spasm after intervention - subarachnoid hemorrhage using COPM, AMPS at a hospital for acute phase in 40s
衣笠真理恵, 若達人, 鍋谷奈津未
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 992-992, 2015.

Japanese Article P1255g. Development of the item for evaluations (Assessment of Positive Occupation: APO) about the positive work
野口卓也1,2), 京極真3), 佐野伸之1), 寺岡睦1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 993-993, 2015.

Japanese Article P1256h. The effect that difference in melody gives in feelings
小山内隆生, 加藤拓彦, 田中真, 和田一丸
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 994-994, 2015.

Japanese Article P1257a. Example - of the foreign occupational therapy that utilized rebuilding - OTIPM of the work that a client idealized
松山厚樹1,3), 本田一樹1,3), 酒井ひとみ2,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 995-995, 2015.

Japanese Article P1258b. About occupational therapy intervention using ADOC for the hypoxic encephalopathy example as one of the assessment tools of - intention confirmation -
高瀬敬介1), 神田太一1), 松山太士1), 山中武彦2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 996-996, 2015.

Japanese Article P1259c. Support of the meaningful work promotes stability of the life after the discharge of elderly people with dementia
荻野大樹1), 海老田翔吾1), 井口知也2), 中森清孝3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 997-997, 2015.

Japanese Article P1260d. Association between purpose of life and role in weak elderly people resident in an area
藤原直子1), 山根伸吾2), 檜垣由希奈1), 日野原文美3), 花岡秀明2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 998-998, 2015.

Japanese Article P1261e. About the participating support in visit rehabilitation - The viewpoint management tool daily life performance -
力丸孝臣, 五十嵐稔浩
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 999-999, 2015.

Japanese Article P1262f. Dietary habits and quality of life of elderly people, study on self-efficacy
平山美沙子1), 金山祐里2), 土屋景子2), 小野健一2), 新開耕平1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1000-1000, 2015.

Japanese Article P1263g. Support to the meaningful work for the example having a malignant lymphoma
林佳宏1), 南征吾2), 小林隆司3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1001-1001, 2015.

Japanese Article P1264h. The example report that tried the rearranging of the state of mind from the talk of the work to the patients who had uneasiness in the future
篠田昭1), 南征吾2,3), 小林隆司4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1002-1002, 2015.

Japanese Article P1265a. The elderly people with dementia case that homebound improved by the visit occupational therapy that focused on work
馬場美香1), 西田征治2), 近藤敏2), 高木雅之2), 上城憲司3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1003-1003, 2015.

Japanese Article P1266b. Follow-up - of the effect -2 year that the fall of the second prophylactic business subjects gives to everyday life
久保田智洋1), 若山修一1), 高田祐2), 中村茂美1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1004-1004, 2015.

Japanese Article P1267c. Relations with a performancer and the aging of "antagonism exercises" for the purpose of the cognitive functional decline prevention of elderly people and the cognitive function
田平隆行1), 上城憲司1), 小松洋平1), 藤原和彦1), 松尾崇史2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1005-1005, 2015.

Japanese Article P1268d. Exploratory investigation about the familiar thing for elderly people institution residents
檜垣由希奈1), 山根伸吾2), 藤原直子1), 花岡秀明2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1006-1006, 2015.

Japanese Article P1269e. The relation that focused on meaningful work for the case that became pessimistic in living
酒井香緒莉, 大村衡史, 小池隆行
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1007-1007, 2015.

Japanese Article P1270f. Through aim joint ownership by one case - ADOC that planned improvement of the activity for the patients who were a tendency to lying in bed that presented depression -
岩島悠人, 大村衡史, 小池隆行
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1008-1008, 2015.

Japanese Article P1271g. The techniques to promote preparations for activity - compliment and experimental tasks in "CAMR" -
秋山真理子, 西尾幸敏
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1009-1009, 2015.

Japanese Article P1272h. Examination of the care prophylactic program in Kiyosu-shi
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1010-1010, 2015.

Japanese Article P1273a. For effect - local realization fair operatively of the manufacturing program that assumed the collaboration with inhabitants a base -
高木雅之, 吉川ひろみ, 古山千佳子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1011-1011, 2015.

Japanese Article P1274b. The example that was able to be tied to work to "interchange with various people" by acquisition of the communication means
大塚美幸1), 仲村知洋1), 吉川ひろみ2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1012-1012, 2015.

Japanese Article P1275c. Association between participation situation and depression to the local action in elderly people after the crisis of cerebral apoplexy
藤井啓介1,2), 佐藤文音1), 神藤隆志3), 北濃成樹3,4), 大藏倫博5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1013-1013, 2015.

Japanese Article P2587c. Pick up cognitive function - kana of the taxi crew; using a test -
藤田佳男1,2), 琴寄路子1), 三村將2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1014-1014, 2015.

Japanese Article P2588d. Care prophylactic new efforts -3 Shimamura rehabilitation project - for Mishima-mura, Kagoshima (remote island associate doctorless region)
秋廣慎太郎1,2), 中村結菜1), 吉元美輪3), 丸山勝司4), 岩瀬義昭2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1015-1015, 2015.

Japanese Article P2589e. Other types of job cooperation using the life act improvement management
金野円佳1), 浅野友佳子2), 中村充雄3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1016-1016, 2015.

Japanese Article P2590f. Association between The Social Network and social activity of elderly people resident in an area
古澤麻衣, 藤田高史, 冨山直輝
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1017-1017, 2015.

Japanese Article P2591g. 3 cases that the suggestion of the work item in line with uneasiness of the real life did the at-home support to the patients, a caregiver smoothly
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1018-1018, 2015.

Japanese Article P2592h. Report of the health enhancement activity by the co-operation with elderly people resident in a depopulated area
石川隆志1), 津軽谷恵1), 高橋恵一1), 久米裕1), 荒樋豊2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1019-1019, 2015.

Japanese Article P2593a. Relation in the visit rehabilitation for the washing person with left hemiplegia that worked which is inefficient by own way
坂本真理, 中原崇文, 福井朱美, 川上直子, 川北慎一郎
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1020-1020, 2015.

Japanese Article P2594b. What bothers the elderly people certified as needing support or care in using home appliance ?
梅本静香1,2), 野田和恵3), 長尾徹3), 種村留美3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1021-1021, 2015.

Japanese Article P2595c. Associated - with the characteristic of a care burden and the residents of investigation - activities of daily living about the care burden on care staff in the severely disabled person support institution and the mind and body function
小林亜香里, 大寺亜由美, 水野公輔, 平野篤史
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1022-1022, 2015.

Japanese Article P2596d. Going out support to grant the hope of patients with ALS
小間坂友祐1), 内海奈那子1), 高木聖子2), 北原真理3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1023-1023, 2015.

Japanese Article P2597e. Examination - based on characteristic - life cycle of the cowork by the at-home elderly people with dementia and family caregiver
小野健一1), 籔脇健司2), 金山祐里1), 岩田美幸2), 土屋景子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1024-1024, 2015.

Japanese Article P2598f. Using a frame thinking about occupational therapy intervention - mind map for the example with uneasiness to reinstatement and a meaning of the work -
井上那築, 石川哲也, 林純子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1025-1025, 2015.

Japanese Article P2599g. The example that included change for couple relations in the visit occupational therapy at the end of life
唐松考記, 松澤良平
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1026-1026, 2015.

Japanese Article P2600h. About the intervention effect of practice - 2013 participant of care prevention business "SAGA so here Kalla" that an occupational therapist participates in -
藤原和彦, 小松洋平, 田平隆行, 上城憲司
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1027-1027, 2015.

Japanese Article P2601a. Literature review about the social isolation of elderly people in our country
野村健太1,2), 會田玉美3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1028-1028, 2015.

Japanese Article P2602b. - to think about the life like individual occupational therapy - person that we focused on the cognitive function of patients with schizophrenia
隅井朋子, 樋之津健二
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1029-1029, 2015.

Japanese Article P2603c. Usefulness of the multi-type of job team in the discharge support of the psychiatry long-term inpatient
樋之津健二, 油谷圭介, 森久里美, 隅井朋子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1030-1030, 2015.

Japanese Article P2604d. Using example - human work model that led to housework, expansion of the social participation by the relation that focused on work -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1031-1031, 2015.

Japanese Article P2605e. Examination - of the clinical reasoning method of suggestion - work emergence of the work activity to an example to wish, "we want to regain conventional life once again"
古川絵美1), 篠田昭2), 南征吾3,4), 小林隆司5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1032-1032, 2015.

Japanese Article P2606f. Relation - at support - convalescent rehabilitation hospital to agriculture resumption using the life act improvement management
谷口直也, 五十嵐稔浩
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1033-1033, 2015.

Japanese Article P2607g. Using one instance case - COPM and the top-down approach which performed counselee and co-operation for exploring and acquisition of the new meaningful work -
大石晃也1), 鈴木達也2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1034-1034, 2015.

Japanese Article P2608h. Examination about the advisability prediction of the home health care using home health care score and the FIM
田丸佳希1,2), 山本加奈子3), 今岡真和4), 稲本尊5), 松木明好1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1035-1035, 2015.

Japanese Article P2609a. One instance case - by support - ambulatory rehabilitation that paid its attention to a will for the acquisition of the role, social participation
小山貴士, 飯塚美砂子, 細岡友美, 森田英隆
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1036-1036, 2015.

Japanese Article P2610b. Through effect - example of the reasoning sheet for the interview that made in our hospital -
唐松友, 澤田辰徳
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1037-1037, 2015.

Japanese Article P2611c. The patients intervention process in the visit occupational therapy: Qualitative pilot study
南征吾1,2), 小林隆司3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1038-1038, 2015.

Japanese Article P2612d. The effect that the residents' association setting after the great earthquake disaster gives to the quality of life of temporary housing entering elderly people
嶋崎寛子1), 小林法一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1039-1039, 2015.

Japanese Article P2613e. Efforts - as the autogenics office of the consideration - Sakai-shi higher brain function disorder support base organization of the support necessary for the social participation of patients with young stroke
中岡真弘1), 川村明代1), 押領司和代2), 田中宏明2), 内藤泰男2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1040-1040, 2015.

Japanese Article P2614f. The example that got work again using ADOC
西口実希, 平田篤志, 伊藤理恵
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1041-1041, 2015.

Japanese Article P2615g. Predictor of the use of the public transport after the convalescent rehabilitation ward discharge
真山洸1), 小川真寛2), 澤田辰徳1), 眞下高明1), 岡崎あゆみ3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1042-1042, 2015.

Japanese Article P2616h. The effect that the work participation of patients with chronic respiratory disease to send local life gives in health-related quality of life
市田博子1,2), 岩田美幸3), 籔脇健司3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1043-1043, 2015.

Japanese Article P2617a. About the factor that approach to an activity, participation in ICF takes root in the life scene
上野哲1), 辰己一彦1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1044-1044, 2015.

Japanese Article P2618b. Intervention - using the picture card rating system of elderly people with example - dementia of the occupational therapy development to elderly people with dementia in the orthopedics domain
倉本雅美, 緑川学
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1045-1045, 2015.

Japanese Article P2619c. Investigation - based on activity - flow model of the day service user
安永雅美1,2), 小林法一3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1046-1046, 2015.

Japanese Article P2620d. Through the relation of the attempted suicide spinal cord injury injured whom the current situation recognition was possible and was treated and has begun to be able to let
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1047-1047, 2015.

Japanese Article P2621e. The experience of Sutudents in disorder prevention program for healty older people at Nakajou Zuku Gaku school
春原るみ1), 冨岡羊子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1048-1048, 2015.

Japanese Article P2622f. Use effect - ADOC of the CI therapy in the stroke convalescence; and -
伊藤理恵1), 平田篤志1), 島崎俊二1), 竹林崇2), 勝谷将史3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1049-1049, 2015.

Japanese Article P2623g. Pilot study - about the factor that is necessary for work functional disorder of the person with schizophrenia resident in an area and - area life support of the environmental agent of relationships
青山克実1), 籔脇健司2), 西野朱美3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1050-1050, 2015.

Japanese Article P2624h. Combination of collaboration - ADOC and GAS - of the goal setting
平田篤志1), 伊藤理恵1), 平松良啓1), 田中真菜美1), 山口清明2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1051-1051, 2015.

Japanese Article P2625a. The reason that we judged to be able to continue learning elderly people
大島亨介1), 村田和香2), 雲杉1), 吉良千里1), 齊藤耕子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1052-1052, 2015.

Japanese Article P2626b. Expansion of improvement of report - health conscious, behavior of the care prevention business (SAGA so here Kalla) in the area where an occupational therapist participates in and the social participation in the focus -
小松洋平, 藤原和彦, 田平隆行, 上城憲司, 青山宏
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1053-1053, 2015.

Japanese Article P2627c. Examination - of development - validity of the standard to evaluate association of the work of contents
佐藤晃太郎1,2), 石川隆志3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1054-1054, 2015.

Japanese Article P2628d. - that we want to care for rebuilding - Buddhist altar of the life method using ADOC
田中真菜美, 平田篤志
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1055-1055, 2015.

Japanese Article P2629e. Usefulness of the multifaceted evaluation for nursing care center residence elderly people
津軽谷恵, 石川隆志
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1056-1056, 2015.

Japanese Article P2630f. 3 examples that led to the reacquisition of each role by clarifying an aim
中村しおり, 松永裕也, 田邉慎一
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1057-1057, 2015.

Japanese Article P2631g. Approach - to example - external expectation that we collaborated for the reacquisition of the role
平松良啓, 平田篤志, 伊藤理恵
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1058-1058, 2015.

Japanese Article P2632h. The effect that a purpose of the work gives in an impression of the work
丸達也1), 荻山泰地1), 嘉成望1), 淺井憲義2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1059-1059, 2015.

Japanese Article P2633a. One or - that what kind of role acquisition support is accomplished by what kind of literature review - subjects about the role acquisition support of the person with late effects of cerebral stroke
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1060-1060, 2015.

Japanese Article P1276d. Towards attempt - hula presentation of the group occupational therapy in the day service -
今かおり, 山田千恵
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1061-1061, 2015.

Japanese Article P1277e. And from "leave me alone" and to "I like here" - Report of group occupational therapy for communication intervention -
平山澄佳1), 川口淳一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1062-1062, 2015.

Japanese Article P1278f. About a social skill, an association between activity experience and intention of the activity
山田怜奈1), 岩切知美2), 山形力生3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1063-1063, 2015.

Japanese Article P1279g. Through the case that there was from effect on higher brain function person with a disability - onset of the group training after a long term -
窪田哲夫, 開澤未希, 水品朋子, 坂本一世
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1064-1064, 2015.

Japanese Article P1280h. Visit occupational therapy - for the counselee of example - terminal phase when meaningful work led to the recognition of the presence role
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1065-1065, 2015.

Japanese Article P1281a. Through the case that led to a feeling of effect on higher brain function person with a disability and family - care burden reduction of the group training -
開澤未希, 窪田哲夫, 水品朋子, 坂本一世
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1066-1066, 2015.

Japanese Article P1282b. The effect that the goal setting in the paper fold problem gives in feelings
加藤拓彦1), 鶴ヶ崎直己2), 田中真1), 小山内隆生1), 和田一丸1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1067-1067, 2015.

Japanese Article P1283c. Occupational therapy tentative plan of the drum circle
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1068-1068, 2015.

Japanese Article P1284d. One case of long-term hospitalization schizophrenia that led to a discharge through individual recollection collage book production
久保田匠1), 金子史子2), 大前沙織1), 岡村仁2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1069-1069, 2015.

Japanese Article P1285e. Eyes analysis of the restroom movement in the cerebrovascular disorder hemiplegia person
石浦佑一1,2), 眞々部仁美1), 沼田景三1), 日垣一男3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1070-1070, 2015.

Japanese Article P1286f. Does the enforcement of the work of creating it have an influence on the accomplishment function of normal adults? - Examination - using the Stroop test
松谷信也1,2), 谷口敬道2), 平野大輔2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1071-1071, 2015.

Japanese Article P1287g. For the realization of the lifework called "" work to convey relation - utilized the environmental factors of - occupational therapist
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1072-1072, 2015.

Japanese Article P1288h. Pressure of the pen properties in the different speed condition at writing movement
太田千尋1), 高野恵2), 皆川千鶴3), 白井恵理哉4), 本多ふく代1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1073-1073, 2015.

Japanese Article P1289a. Examination of the effect of the prophylactic health enhancement program to support the search of needs on life for person, and the like requiring nursing cares
岡義広1), 小林法一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1074-1074, 2015.

Japanese Article P2634b. The activity choice of the group for patients with dementia and environmental setting
田中万理1), 齋藤由香里1), 朝倉直之2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1075-1075, 2015.

Japanese Article P2635c. The effect that a stretch pole gives to static standing position posture control
菅崎彬倫1), 森下祐史1), 亀山一義2), 花川志郎1), 小林直哉1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1076-1076, 2015.

Japanese Article P2636d. Inflection - of COPM in 1 case - disorder reception process that intervened using COPM in acute phase
佐藤雅晃, 大淵康裕, 石山寿子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1077-1077, 2015.

Japanese Article P2637e. The distance before the jazz drummer whom schizophrenia developed in regaining oneself presymptomatic
福原啓太1,2), 大尾充剛1), 森陽子1), 小川泰弘2,3), 西川隆2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1078-1078, 2015.

Japanese Article P2638f. Efforts of the group activity in the convalescent rehabilitation ward
松本宏昭, 戒能渚, 柴峠秀樹, 末元里帆
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1079-1079, 2015.

Japanese Article P2639g. Characteristic - of the process that we were able to see from a flow of group occupational therapy analysis -1 in our hospital of "the work of the season"
平塚菜津美, 有賀正亮
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1080-1080, 2015.

Japanese Article P2640h. Change of the group in the cooking class for men
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1081-1081, 2015.

Japanese Article P2641a. Mr. one instance case - A who realized the importance of snuggling up through the collaboration with patients with blood disorder and lecture - that we held it
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1082-1082, 2015.

Japanese Article P2642b. The effect that group occupational therapy to be formed by various diseases gives to pain and a feeling and ADL
村田亮1), 塩田浩平2), 高野謙太2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1083-1083, 2015.

Japanese Article P2643c. Examination of the metrics of the skill process of the problem in the changing hand dominance training
宮寺亮輔1), 古田常人1), 岩崎也生子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1084-1084, 2015.

Japanese Article P2644d. The effect that Kendama movement gives to center of gravity unrest
村橋大輔1), 田丸佳希2), 内藤泰男3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1085-1085, 2015.

Japanese Article P2645e. Comparison between live performance and psychology, effect on physical aspect that recording music gives
一町小百合, 岡村仁
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1086-1086, 2015.

Japanese Article P2646f. Comparison between grasp style and operation pattern in the writing movement of a left-handed person and the right-handed person
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1087-1087, 2015.

Japanese Article P2647g. A social adaptation stratagem construction process and analytical examination of the language base to see for a discussion of the Asperger's syndrome person concerned for adulthood
池田望1), 大山恭史2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1088-1088, 2015.

Japanese Article P1290b. Effect of the lazy Susan realizing the diet independence of subjects with the unilateral spatial neglect and a spontaneous search
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1089-1089, 2015.

Japanese Article P1291c. Intervention to an eating attitude toward counselee of the Parkinson's disease with the severe kubisagari disorder
渡邊章1), 古本麻衣2), 吉原芽以2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1090-1090, 2015.

Japanese Article P1292d. Trial effect of the electric assist unit for the wheelchair own strength drive of the person with C4 cervical cord injury
松本琢麿, 中川翔次, 高橋大樹, 松田健太
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1091-1091, 2015.

Japanese Article P1293e. Example - of communication apparatus introduction - special elderly nursing home residents to patients with ALS
藤嶋圭子1), 大嶋伸雄2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1092-1092, 2015.

Japanese Article P1294f. Device of the new self-help instrument for the diet movement acquisition of patients with cervical cord injury
土屋智歩1), 窪優太1), 林浩之2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1093-1093, 2015.

Japanese Article P1295g. Utilization - of applying it of the lift in the foot tray movement product to intervention - wheelchair foot support of the occupational therapy for the transferring acquisition of the overlap person with a disability having difficulty with both knees flexure
山本晶子, 村上敏昭, 鷹觜悦子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1094-1094, 2015.

Japanese Article P1296h. About the role of the occupational therapist in the efforts - industry-university co-operation official cooperation project to care facility for social welfare for the aged specialization type wheelchair development -
村岡健史1,2), 田中繁2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1095-1095, 2015.

Japanese Article P1297a. Examination for the P300 type electroencephalographic applied support system development by the discrimination choice sound that made a plural number localize a sound image
千島亮1), 奈良篤史2), 野口智子2), 大谷真3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1096-1096, 2015.

Japanese Article P1298b. Through the arms usability test using comparison - gene locus posture measurement "rysis" and STEF of the sling sheet in the wheelchair of elderly people and the flat seat -
安部美和1,2), 中川昭夫1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1097-1097, 2015.

Japanese Article P1299c. Based on the questionary survey to trial manufacture - welfare tool company of the house environment maintenance report before discharge -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1098-1098, 2015.

Japanese Article P1300d. Association between suggestion of design - habilitation chair of the sectional furniture and physical image and exercise image -
本沢優佳1), 合田秀人2), 五十嵐浩也3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1099-1099, 2015.

Japanese Article P1301e. Study on bathing assistance apparatus in a seriously disabled child, the person
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1100-1100, 2015.

Japanese Article P1302f. The effect that the difference of the bearing surface material gives in the reach movement of normal adults
中村裕二1), 仙石泰仁1), 中島そのみ1), 小玉武志2), 鴨下賢一3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1101-1101, 2015.

Japanese Article P2648h. Understanding of a viewpoint and the judgment of the specialist job team in the conformity judgment of the welfare apparatus
崎山美和1), 硯川潤1), 井上剛伸1), 近藤知子2), 諏訪基3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1102-1102, 2015.

Japanese Article P2649a. Development of the saddle type chair for rotatory stimulation in the sense integration therapy
原和子1), 藤井奈緒美2), 大町かおり3), 山田光彦4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1103-1103, 2015.

Japanese Article P2650b. Introduction of the chopsticks self-help instrument which granted the wish of patients with cervical cord injury that "wanted to eat ramen with chopsticks"
岡本佳江, 日下部利保
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1104-1104, 2015.

Japanese Article P2651c. Comparison between bathroom environment and IADL - in examination - public housing and other houses of subjects in the house remodeling embodiment
上島健1), 平本憲二1), 安藤啓司2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1105-1105, 2015.

Japanese Article P2652d. About the develop-ment research of the wheelchair to alert using the combined sensation stimulation of patients with dementia
松下英史1), 田中敏明2), 杉原俊一1), 泉隆3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1106-1106, 2015.

Japanese Article P2653e. Example - that we were able to keep the work history called the carpenter alive when we drew the needs of the person with making - severeness aphasia of "the nail putting on and taking off-type cutting board"
北垣敏樹, 白倉晴子, 平瀬奈美, 森美香子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1107-1107, 2015.

Japanese Article P2654f. One instance case - using the role check list for role support - Japan where we applied ICT in
鈴木充紘, 緑川学
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1108-1108, 2015.

Japanese Article P2655g. The recreation that utilized the robot for elderly people with dementia that entered the special elderly nursing home
井上薫1), 佐々木千寿2), 中村美緒3), 河野光伸4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1109-1109, 2015.

Japanese Article P2656h. Effect of work choice decision aiding software (ADOC) on confidence of the occupational therapy interview
齋藤佑樹1), 友利幸之介2), 長山洋史3), 菊池恵美子4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1110-1110, 2015.

Japanese Article P2657a. Raise it by the back of the electric bed; from the viewpoint of consideration - gap and pelvic inclination angle for the use -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1111-1111, 2015.

Japanese Article P2658b. The case that was able to spend valuable time by the use of the self-help instrument for the remote control
久保田遥, 浅野麻也子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1112-1112, 2015.

Japanese Article P2659c. Develop-ment research of the remote rehabilitation system about the paralysis side arms of patients with stroke using the mixed reality technology
工藤章1), 田中敏明2), 杉原俊一1), 中島康博3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1113-1113, 2015.

Japanese Article P2660d. About the effect of the self-help instrument on patients who presented with left hemiplegia
浅野雅也, 柳沢崇, 濱田亜紀, 丹羽徹
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1114-1114, 2015.

Japanese Article P1303g. Introduction of the dementia cafe of our hospital
中野小織, 瀬底由紀子, 泰真実
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1115-1115, 2015.

Japanese Article P1304h. Efforts of the dementia care environment improvement that utilized a damaged PEAP Japan version to be hale and hearty, and to be able to put
川又寛徳, 木田佳和
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1116-1116, 2015.

Japanese Article P1305a. - close as a result of attitude survey in our support - institution to prevent inappropriate care
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1117-1117, 2015.

Japanese Article P1306b. Role of the occupational therapist as the outside specialist in special support school
金村あすか, 長倉寿子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1118-1118, 2015.

Japanese Article P1307c. One course of the severe hemiplegia user who made - at-home return about importance of instructing it the home visit of the day care rehabilitation user later -
大場俊宏1), 光本貴雅2), 伊賀洋文3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1119-1119, 2015.

Japanese Article P1308d. Comparison - with the fact-finding about the analysis - life period rehabilitation of offer contents of the visit rehabilitation
柏木純子1), 山下妙子1), 内山侑紀2), 福田能啓2), 道免和久3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1120-1120, 2015.

Japanese Article P1309e. Consideration of the efforts for elderly people with dementia in Okayama-shi
倉本千春1), 堤理江1), 土屋景子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1121-1121, 2015.

Japanese Article P1310f. Inspection of working full time one month in the local inclusion care bed
皆川昌子1), 伊藤明海2), 遠藤文朗1), 角井俊幸3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1122-1122, 2015.

Japanese Article P1311g. It is the role of the occupational therapist "mumblingly" the multi-type of job collaboration deglutition team
大内康雄1), 薄井尊信1), 京極真2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1123-1123, 2015.

Japanese Article P1312h. Efforts - Hamada-shi community care improvement project - of the local inclusion care by the multi-type of job cooperation
木下勝範1), 竹本弘子1), 青木耕2), 栗林一樹2), 松本渉3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1124-1124, 2015.

Japanese Article P1313a. An aim and program of the visit rehabilitation enforcement plan
山内春香1), 佐竹美保1), 津山努2), 大浦智子3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1125-1125, 2015.

Japanese Article P1314b. Examination - by application possibility - rush modeling of the comprehensive environmental agent questionnaire for people with schizophrenia resident in an area
籔脇健司1), 山元恵子2,3), 京極真1), 青山克実4), 野藤弘幸5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1126-1126, 2015.

Japanese Article P1315c. Efforts of the visit rehabilitation that decided a period in Yubari
土屋語1), 高木健太郎1), 八田達夫2), 岸上博俊2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1127-1127, 2015.

Japanese Article P1316d. From questionary survey for efforts - staff for the introduction of No lifting Policy -
木田佳和, 川又寛徳
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1128-1128, 2015.

Japanese Article P1317e. Literature study on intervention program for weak elderly people resident in an area
齊藤耕子1), 村田和香2), 大島亨介1), 雲杉1), 吉良千里1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1129-1129, 2015.

Japanese Article P1318f. Efforts of the on admission visit instruction in the convalescent rehabilitation ward
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1130-1130, 2015.

Japanese Article P1319g. Case - that we shared readiness to continue - at-home life from "the patients" to "a dweller"
中村律子, 桑島妙子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1131-1131, 2015.

Japanese Article P2661e. Examination - by environmental evaluation - literature study that focused on feelings of the counselee
吉良千里1), 村田和香2), 大島亨介1), 雲杉1), 齊藤耕子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1132-1132, 2015.

Japanese Article P2662f. Recognition and utilization of the occupational therapy of the special support education coordinator, report about the utilization hope degree
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1133-1133, 2015.

Japanese Article P2663g. Literature review about the effect of the ambulatory rehabilitation program of our country
石代敏拓1,2), 小林法一3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1134-1134, 2015.

Japanese Article P2664h. The efforts of the occupational therapist in our hospital in SCU and future problem
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1135-1135, 2015.

Japanese Article P2665a. The effect that a stroke care unit gives to the patients
山本詩織, 東川哲朗
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1136-1136, 2015.

Japanese Article P2666b. Future problem to regard as an ambulatory rehabilitation user from the questionary survey for the family
川井田翔悟1), 川井田唯1), 大王直美1), 揚野之穂1,2), 竹迫芳乃1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1137-1137, 2015.

Japanese Article P2667c. Through a questionnaire for tendency to fall - care manager of the at-home dweller after the stroke -
酒井桃子1), 青木健1), 渡邊愛記2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1138-1138, 2015.

Japanese Article P2668d. About the visit rehabilitation of children in the local inclusion care core center
阿部祐子1,2), 都築晃1,2), 野々山紗矢果2), 河合佑季2), 金田嘉清1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1139-1139, 2015.

Japanese Article P2669e. Job analysis investigation - of elderly people life support networking - rehabilitation staff in the area
鈴木健太郎1), 佐藤知正2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1140-1140, 2015.

Japanese Article P2670f. Introduction of "version2 for the family instruction for family life ability assessment scale therapeutist"
兼田敏克1,2), 高畑進一2), 西川智子2), 金尾洋子2,3), 押領司和代2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1141-1141, 2015.

Japanese Article P2671g. Meaning of the ambulatory rehabilitation that a user creates
佐々木由佳1), 小賀野操2), 小林大作3), 高村直裕2), 荻原喜茂4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1142-1142, 2015.

Japanese Article P2672h. The effect that a work activity gives in recognition on patients of the ward staff
鎌田晃輔, 本谷卓朗
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1143-1143, 2015.

Japanese Article P2673a. Ecological examination of the factor about the need of nursing care degree appearance ratio
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1144-1144, 2015.

Japanese Article P2674b. The effect that the cooperation with an occupational therapist and the care manager using the life act message list gives for the social function of the ambulatory rehabilitation user
大森大輔1), 両部善紀2), 井村亘3), 狩長弘親4), 小林隆司5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1145-1145, 2015.

Japanese Article P2675c. A work choice in the visit occupational therapy and study on customer satisfaction factor
藤江純平1), 小林隆司2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1146-1146, 2015.

Japanese Article P2676d. Enforcement of the questionary survey for the operation of the dementia initial intensive support team in Yoichi-cho
松尾明1), 濱田貴文1), 中畑誠一1), 杉本愛3), 横山和之2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1147-1147, 2015.

Japanese Article P2677e. Reconsideration of the familiar relations of elderly people with dementia to enter the group home
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1148-1148, 2015.

Japanese Article P1320h. Examination of the treatment decision means of the patients in the rehabilitation: Difference - of systematic review - Informed Consent and Shared decision making
今法子, 藤本修平, 中山健夫
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1149-1149, 2015.

Japanese Article P1321a. Experience of the grief of our hospital therapist when we lost person in charge patients and the factor
國友淳子1), 五十嵐友里2), 國澤洋介3), 山本満1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1150-1150, 2015.

Japanese Article P1322b. Response time lag of the men and women in the mental rotation problem of the hand
望月秀樹1), 武田湖太郎2), 佐藤裕3), 長島泉1), 下田信明1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1151-1151, 2015.

Japanese Article P1323c. With the meaningful work of the infants whom an occupational therapist thinks about
大松慶子1,2), 北野真奈美1), 石井良和3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1152-1152, 2015.

Japanese Article P1324d. From the interview to the occupational therapist who applied - cognitive-behavioral therapy to reconsider Serapis toe counselee relations to occupational therapy -
山本麻子1), 田島明子2), 大嶋伸雄3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1153-1153, 2015.

Japanese Article P1325e. Use experience of occupational therapy intervention process model (OTIPM) for the example that persisted in lying in bed
池内克馬, 小林理英, 小椋昌美, 福嵜美里, 天野園子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1154-1154, 2015.

Japanese Article P1326f. Social cognition of the occupational therapy and efforts - third report - to the improvement
阿部真也1,2), 山口智晴1,2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1155-1155, 2015.

Japanese Article P1327g. Merit and demerit - in the new face education that we felt to be efforts in - our hospital about use of task management type cloud service in the new face education
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1156-1156, 2015.

Japanese Article P1328h. Than a trial of carrying out an activity modified problem - program in the modification of the occupational therapy program in line with structural conversion of the psychiatric practice -
中村友美1), 山根寛2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1157-1157, 2015.

Japanese Article P1329a. Using characteristic of the faith conflict between occupational therapy theories and global image - example - cord matrix -
古桧山建吾1,2), 京極真3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1158-1158, 2015.

Japanese Article P1330b. The current situation of the role of the occupational therapist in SCU of our hospital
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1159-1159, 2015.

Japanese Article P1331c. The effect that difference in presentation sense modality gives to cognitive problem and standstill standing position
木村陽子1), 藤倉美雪1), 加福隆樹1), 佐竹真次2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1160-1160, 2015.

Japanese Article P1332d. For the development of elucidation - work functional disorder disease severity evaluation system of the number of the ranks of the disease severity of the work functional disorder -
寺岡睦1,2), 京極真3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1161-1161, 2015.

Japanese Article P1333e. Investigation about the hairstyle that is good for a medical person
近藤なつ美1), 金山祐里2), 土屋景子2), 小野健一2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1162-1162, 2015.

Japanese Article P1334f. Exploratory study of the occupational identity standard of the occupational therapist
田村勇樹1,2), 會田玉美3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1163-1163, 2015.

Japanese Article P2678f. From the questionary survey in the recognition differences between occupational therapist and occupational therapy role - medical treatment type bed that a nurse, a care person think about -
西角拓也1), 田中寛之1,2), 小城遼太1), 池内陽子1), 日垣一男2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1164-1164, 2015.

Japanese Article P2679f. Difference between aim and program between institutions in the visit rehabilitation enforcement plan
大浦智子1), 津山努2), 山内春香3), 佐竹美保3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1165-1165, 2015.

Japanese Article P2680h. Relations of the mental rotation problem and attention function
原大地1,2), 下田佳央莉1), 増田樹1), 土屋謙仕1), 外里冨佐江1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1166-1166, 2015.

Japanese Article P2681a. Through the case that had a psychologic stress of by a disorder of role - self that could achieve simply because was an occupational therapist and the breast cancer onset of the wife -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1167-1167, 2015.

Japanese Article P2682b. About the correlation of color - letter Stroop problem and color - vegetables Stroop problem
北山和志1), 柴田克之2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1168-1168, 2015.

Japanese Article P2683c. The current situation of the relation of the occupational therapist for the eating deglutition rehabilitation
黒住千春1), 東嶋美佐子2), 太田有美3), 山形隆造1), 古我知成1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1169-1169, 2015.

Japanese Article P2684d. Than fact-finding after cause - transferring assistance instruction of the low back pain of the staff working in a special elderly nursing home -
杉田謙太郎1), 下田佳央莉2), 中沢弘子3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1170-1170, 2015.

Japanese Article P2685e. - to think about view on support - type of job and the essence of the view on support to be common across a domain demanded from an interpersonal offsider
白井はる奈1), 林悠子2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1171-1171, 2015.

Japanese Article P2686f. Study on culture and structure of the meaningful work that we examined from the work behavior of the Muslim resident in Jordan
今麻里絵1), 竹原敦2), Shaimaa Mousa moustafa abu dabbous3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1172-1172, 2015.

Japanese Article P2687g. The current situation and problem of the on admission visit instruction in our hospital convalescent rehabilitation ward
高橋陽介, 友部由理, 広瀬方博, 六本木夏季
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1173-1173, 2015.

Japanese Article P2688h. Participation fact-finding of the rehabilitation specialist job in the local support project in Gunma
山口智晴1,2), 土屋謙仕1,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1174-1174, 2015.

Japanese Article P2689a. Problem of the study on acute phase occupational therapy of the mental disorder and domestic and foreign literature comparison - of the possibility -20 year
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1175-1175, 2015.

Japanese Article P2690b. About a kinematic characteristic of the reach movement judging from exercise speed study second report - in normal adults by -3 dimensions of movement analysis
大熊諒1), 梅森拓磨1), 中山恭秀1), 渡邉修2), 安保雅博2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1176-1176, 2015.

Japanese Article P2691c. Possibility of the occupational therapy in the dementia initial intensive support team
村島久美子1,2), 片山智栄2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1177-1177, 2015.

Japanese Article P2692d. Than the questionnaire of problem - prophylactic health enhancement occupational therapy program practitioner workshop participant of the recurrent education of the occupational therapist for the local inclusion care -
小林法一1), 山田孝2,3), 川又寛徳1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1178-1178, 2015.

Japanese Article P1335g. About relations of resilience and the stress of the student in the occupational therapy training
山形力生1), 櫻井秀雄2), 眞々部仁美1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1179-1179, 2015.

Japanese Article P1336h. - to think about the future of ... - occupational therapist thinking about the future of questionary survey - occupational therapist to an occupational therapist training school attendance at school person
松村幸治1), 田野聡1), 鶯春夫2), 東雅仁3), 澤田典子4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1180-1180, 2015.

Japanese Article P1337a. About the introduction of the welfare tool class in the teaching certificate update class
田中優子1), 山形力生2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1181-1181, 2015.

Japanese Article P1338b. Attempt of the debate learning that assumed a training scene
徳地亮1), 渡部悠司1), 三雲陽子2), 立山暢一郎2), 那須宣宏2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1182-1182, 2015.

Japanese Article P1339c. Through attempt - clinical visit training for the communicative competence improvement -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1183-1183, 2015.

Japanese Article P1340d. About the effect that visit to psychiatry training gives in recognition for the psychiatric practice of the occupational therapy student (the first report)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1184-1184, 2015.

Japanese Article P1341e. What is it that it is effective in education, preparations just before the training that the student after the bedside teaching thinks about?
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1185-1185, 2015.

Japanese Article P1342f. Practice report - of the visualization of attempt - cognitive skill that we did information sharing using "the concept map method of the kit-build method"
志木田孝治, 藤本一博
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1186-1186, 2015.

Japanese Article P1343g. - to make the occupational therapy room that focused on efforts - work of the new face education in our hospital
大村衡史, 小池隆行
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1187-1187, 2015.

Japanese Article P1344h. Efforts of the curriculum reorganization for upbringing of the occupational therapist whom society demands it from
梅津聡, 神山真美, 生方剛, 白石和也
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1188-1188, 2015.

Japanese Article P1345a. Making of the general bedside teaching measure for shortening and examination of the construct validity
井村亘1), 渡邊真紀1), 石田実知子2), 高井研一3), 中嶋和夫4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1189-1189, 2015.

Japanese Article P1346b. Analysis - from the viewpoint of effect - positive illusion that a bedside teaching gives for the recognition of the clinical competence of the occupational therapy student
林亜遊, 本岡健太郎, 林辰博, 千賀唯, 岸村厚志
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1190-1190, 2015.

Japanese Article P1347c. Attempt - of - clinical on-site experience-based class to learn an occupational therapy process in more realistic environment
上松剛, 田中勇次郎, 中浦俊一郎
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1191-1191, 2015.

Japanese Article P1348d. Effect of the intervention program for the social interchange skill improvement of the occupational therapy student
西村玲子, 永吉美香, 高木雅之
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1192-1192, 2015.

Japanese Article P1349e. Efforts of the education aiming at improvement of the quality of the evaluation for the higher brain function disorder
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1193-1193, 2015.

Japanese Article P1350f. Curriculum comparison of Japanese OT and the American OT
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1194-1194, 2015.

Japanese Article P1351g. An example of guiding principles found in psychiatry bedside teaching
桑原佳子1), 山本佳恵1), 原口健三2)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1195-1195, 2015.

Japanese Article P1352h. Characteristic of the work behavior to have an influence on the bedside teaching judging from law made with a box
小林舞子1), 一ノ本隆史1), 上杉文都1), 早川昭2), 冨岡詔子3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1196-1196, 2015.

Japanese Article P1353a. Using fact recognition - aging society quiz of the occupational therapy student about the social aging -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1197-1197, 2015.

Japanese Article P1354b. - to think about a problem case of the cerebrovascular disorder from examination - bedside teaching of the case base type learning (CBL) case
神山真美, 梅津聡, 生方剛
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1198-1198, 2015.

Japanese Article P2693e. About the tendency of the eating habits in the bedside teaching of the occupational therapy student
生方剛, 神山真美, 梅津聡
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1199-1199, 2015.

Japanese Article P2694f. Analysis of the communication to subjects, other types of job in the clinical visit training
三宅環, 佐藤拓也, 久保勝幸, 松田竜幸
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1200-1200, 2015.

Japanese Article P2695g. What kind of influence did group work have on member of society basic skills of OTS?
木村龍太郎, 高林亮太, 大川恵里
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1201-1201, 2015.

Japanese Article P2696h. About a change of the self-efficacy of the student whom for the first time annual education brings
永松一真1), 和田有子2), 藤本幹1), 篠崎雅江1), 栗原トヨ子1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1202-1202, 2015.

Japanese Article P2697a. About the self-assessment of the occupational therapy student of an evaluation, the assistance scene by a smartphone video scan for the practice power improvement of the occupational therapy student before - training -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1203-1203, 2015.

Japanese Article P2698b. Attempt of the rehabilitation educational program that paid its attention to the dementia prevention business
上城憲司, 田平隆行, 小松洋平, 藤原和彦
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1204-1204, 2015.

Japanese Article P2699c. Examination of the new face educational program to improve an occupational therapy skill
佐々木千寿1), 上原玲尾奈2), 田邉由紀江2), 井上薫3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1205-1205, 2015.

Japanese Article P2700d. Understanding degree investigation of OBP in the young occupational therapist of our hospital
白井美奈子, 長谷部あす香, 三崎一彦
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1206-1206, 2015.

Japanese Article P2701e. Tendency of the learning understanding degree by the continuous report instruction
瀬戸初恵, 田村孝司
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1207-1207, 2015.

Japanese Article P2702f. Before graduation education about the eating deglutition rehabilitation
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1208-1208, 2015.

Japanese Article P2703g. Effect of the bill of proof type top-down practice
鈴木達也, 建木健, 中島ともみ, 田島明子
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1209-1209, 2015.

Japanese Article P2704h. Effect of the educational program by the behavioral approach on safe lifting assistance technique using the sliding board
岸村厚志1,2), 飛田伊都子3), 米延策雄4), 伊藤正人5)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1210-1210, 2015.

Japanese Article P2705a. From the impression of attempt - student of the practical examination evaluation tabulation class by the student look back; -
林辰博, 林亜遊
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1211-1211, 2015.

Japanese Article P2706b. Practice report of the clinical Clark ship introduction in the acute phase hospital
守谷梨絵1), 狩長弘親2), 吉岡和哉2), 小林隆司3), 渡利太1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1212-1212, 2015.

Japanese Article P2707c. Result report of the new face educational program in the acute phase hospital
小幡茂人, 遠藤敦
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1213-1213, 2015.

Japanese Article P2708d. Development of the personnel training system of person with a disability medical care, the welfare, the education specialist job in the field of person with a disability sports
井口知也, 辻郁, 足立一, 山田隆人
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1214-1214, 2015.

Japanese Article P2709e. Change - by member of society basic skills - bedside teaching experience of the occupational therapy subject student
木村まり子1), 原口健三2), 松谷信也1), 水田友絵1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1215-1215, 2015.

Japanese Article P2710f. Consideration - to be consensual, and to relate to it of education effect - student of the cerebral palsy bill of proof type lecture
水田友絵1), 原口健三2), 木村まり子1), 松谷信也1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1216-1216, 2015.

Japanese Article P2711g. Using the questionary survey to comparison - bedside teaching leader of CCS and the case base type bedside teaching -
松野豊1), 平塚剛2), 多賀誠3), 丹羽敦4)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1217-1217, 2015.

Japanese Article P2712h. Efforts of the bedside teaching Minoru Mae skill by the co-operation with the working shift support office
狩長弘親1), 土居義典2), 岩田美幸1), 吉岡和哉1), 松田勇1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1218-1218, 2015.

Japanese Article P2713a. Fact-finding about the excretion care education for the occupational therapy student
今西里佳1), 松本香好美2), 外里冨佐江3), 勝山しおり3), 大山峰生1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1219-1219, 2015.

Japanese Article P1355c. About the continuity of the activity that JOCV Nicaragua occupational therapy member conducted through the visit to the post one year after the end of - activity -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1220-1220, 2015.

Japanese Article P1356d. Attitude survey - to start support activity report - cooperation of the consultation support specialist job team after the Great East Japan Earthquake
根田英之1,3), 渡辺忠義2,3)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1221-1221, 2015.

Japanese Article P1357e. Through cooperation from 1 example - detached room medicine which tried the liberation from drug lock taking the opportunity of pressure sore treatment to correspondence of disinhibiting it -
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1222-1222, 2015.

Japanese Article P1358f. Early detection and liaison intervention effect of the delirium in the acute phase hospital
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1223-1223, 2015.

Japanese Article P1359g. The effect that the nutritional status of patients with proximal dementia thighbone bone fracture gives to ADL
岡道生1), 中村栄子2), 中井理奈2), 松本隆史1), 坂本己津恵1)
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1224-1224, 2015.

Japanese Article P1360h. About difference in fall and body function of elderly people
末盛康弘, 山下導人, 園田昭彦
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1225-1225, 2015.

Japanese Article P2714b. A knowledge investigation about the driving support of the OT belonging to a convalescent rehabilitation ward and problem
前田尚賜, 池田吉隆, 江口悠樹, 石井友香里
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1226-1226, 2015.

Japanese Article P2715c. About a relationship of uneasiness and the apathy (a feeling of lassitude) in the rehabilitation university student
西田斉二, 福田翔子, 田丸佳希, 銀山章代
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1227-1227, 2015.

Japanese Article P2716d. Other than inflection - at-home - medical institution of the life act message list in the on admission type of job collaboration -
下川貴大, 関本充史
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1228-1228, 2015.

Japanese Article P2717e. About an activity report in our hospital NST and the role of the occupational therapist
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1229-1229, 2015.

Japanese Article P2718f. For rehabilitation efficiency and the making of new system of the specific disease ward efforts and consideration - for - getting up
谷有人, 石原佳子, 山上真弘, 松岡丈司
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1230-1230, 2015.

Japanese Article P2719g. Usefulness of the fall prediction with the fall-related behavior measurement table in the care health center for the elderly
Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo 49: 1231-1231, 2015.