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Speech-language therapy and audiology

Volume 12, Issue 1 / 1996
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Overseas training report
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 16-37, 1996.

Japanese Article Sound rehabilitation of the larynx extirpator
Noriko Nishizawa
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 43-48, 1996.

Japanese Article Sound rehabilitation of the larynx extirpator
Minako Koike
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 49-53, 1996.

Japanese Article Rehabilitation of the cochlear implant
Tauchi light
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 54-60, 1996.

Japanese Article Rehabilitation of the cochlear implant
Noriko Kurauchi
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 61-69, 1996.

Japanese Article One discussion for quality of life improvement in the community rehabilitation
Masato Fukui *, **, M.F.Cordial**, Yagi Ikuko ***, Masako Katayama ***
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 70-71, 1996.

Japanese Article Activity report of the ST supporting at-home life
吉田紀, 藤井達也, 浅井真理
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 72-73, 1996.

Japanese Article Patients with ALS, a volunteer and intention transmission, the environmental control synthesis system which we produced jointly
Takehiko Kubo, Yoko Yanagihara *, Yoshio Aoki **
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 74-75, 1996.

Japanese Article Through a fitting of the sound expression communication support equipment for one cerebral paralysed
鈴木啓, 笠井進一郎, 長嶋比奈美, 石川容子, 新井隆俊, 菊池知子, 武島章
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 76-77, 1996.

Japanese Article One discussion that we let pass the order play using VOCA for the children with the autistic tendency
Tomoko Nakamura, Yuko Matsubara, Akemi Ishida, Shinichiro Kasai *
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 78-79, 1996.

Japanese Article About the understanding improvement training of the noun to belong to the category of the person with one fold degree aphasia
爲数哲司, 山田弘幸
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 80-81, 1996.

Japanese Article Two cases that we experienced by the language therapy of the speech impaired person for a chronic stage due to the higher nervous function
Tetsuo Hirano, Toshiro Ito *, Aramaki Shunzo **
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 82-83, 1996.

Japanese Article The language instruction of 1 case who had the learning disability passes for a severe hearing loss
森寿子, 吉岡豊, 長安吏江
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 84-85, 1996.

Japanese Article Development of composition of the deaf child trained by Kanazawa method
Shinge Keiko, Akiko Notoya, Shigetada Suzuki, Murono Akiko, Mitsuru Furukawa
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 86-87, 1996.

Japanese Article Communication help in the ward in the aphasic patients
川辺真弓, 久保健彦, 柳井みちる, 横山節*, 谷村由美*
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 88-89, 1996.

Japanese Article An evaluation and problems of the RES-3 system in the rehabilitation special hospital
森田秋子, 岩渕裕*1, 春原則子*2, 小林修二*3, 野中真澄*3, 小野和恵*3, 白石悦子*3, 堀とも*4, 川守田葉子*4, 加倉井周一*5
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 90-91, 1996.

Japanese Article Investigation about the use experience of the soft palate elevation device
Depths Naomi Sawa, Tomoko Amaya, Isami Kumakura *
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 92-93, 1996.

Japanese Article Sound histories of treatment of two unilateral vocal cord paralysis
Isami Kumakura, Gentaro Mizojiri *, Yukako Goto **
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 94-95, 1996.

Japanese Article The course of the artificial cochlea grafting case in the Kanazawa University faculty of medicine otorhinolaryngology classroom
室野亜希子, 能登谷晶子, 鈴木重忠, 新家惠子, 古川仭, 岡部陽三*
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 96-97, 1996.

Japanese Article One case that presented a serious language symptom (suspicion of mixed transcortical aphasia) by the left putaminal hemorrhage
Yoshie Kawashima, 武島容子, Shuji Nagao, Shinichiro Kasai *
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 98-99, 1996.

Japanese Article Trial of the training for aphasia severe for a chronic stage
Hiroe Saito, Koichi Ozeki, Michiko Hashizume, Isao Kikuchi child, 小宮桂治
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 100-101, 1996.

Japanese Article Language training to the slow speech development children that a reception side of the spoken language preceded a dispatch side
那須道子, 猪狩清乃
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 102-103, 1996.

Japanese Article Language training effect of the learning child with a disability 4 case
Furukawa Izumi, Satoshi Nakano boatman, Toshiko Mori *, Mie Tanimoto *, Ai Yokoyama *
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 104-105, 1996.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the eating approach
Yuji Ishikawa, Makoto Kariyasu *, Isami Kumakura
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 106-107, 1996.

Japanese Article Role of the ST in the team approach in medical care
Mitsuko Shimizu, Tadashi Ichikawa *, Senzaki chapter **, Masako Tanaka ***, Yoko Kano ****, Michiko Mima ****
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 108-109, 1996.

Japanese Article About the initial communication of the child with hearing difficulty
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 110-111, 1996.

Japanese Article About the training course of phonetic sign non-acquisition children with the autistic tendency
Satsuki Adachi, Akiko Shimano *
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 112-113, 1996.

Japanese Article Language instruction of children with severe cerebral palsy
岩根章夫, 吉水靖博, 松本恭子, 小野ゆかり
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 114-115, 1996.

Japanese Article About a change of the word utterance acuity of the dysarthria patients by the clue to a rater
Minoru Yamamoto, Sumio Tsuzuki *
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 116-117, 1996.

Japanese Article Significance of few group training
Masahiro Nakagawa, Hiromi Hara, Kayo Hayashi *
Speech-language therapy and audiology 12(1): 118-119, 1996.