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Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology

Volume 31, Issue 4 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Pathology tissue diagnosis of Hirschsprung disease and the Hirschsprung disease relation disease
義岡孝子1, 中澤温子2
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 283-290, 2014.

Japanese Article Application to multiplex staining of immunity and the diagnosis
柳田絵美衣, 伊藤智雄
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 291-300, 2014.

Japanese Article The examination of the marker which is useful in the metastatic judgment of the head and neck squamous cell carcinoma sentinel lymph node: About possibility of the qRT-PCR method introduction by CK5/6 in particular
河野道弘, 望月眞, 坂本穆彦, 大倉康男
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 301-309, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of aorta origin intimal sarcoma
山口真希1, 海崎泰治1, 浦崎晃司1, 藤野晋2
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 310-314, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the mucinous cystadenocarcinoma which occurred in retroperitoneum
河野暢之1, 西田陽登2, 駄阿勉2, 加島健司2, 荒金茂樹2, 久保宣博3, 大賀正俊4, 近藤能行5, 横山繁生2
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 315-319, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the infiltrating ductal carcinoma which occurred in a benign phyllodes tumor
楊陽1, 鈴木高祐1, 宇野美惠子1, 李治平1, 阿部江利子1, 山内英子2, 秋山太3
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 320-325, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of endometrial dedifferentiation cancer
米原利栄1,2, 山口辰美2, 立野正敏1, 柳内充3, 青木直子4
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 326-328, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the cell bird Leydig cell tumor which produced alphafetoprotein
出張玲子1, 鈴木志帆2, 衣川直子3, 岸本賢二4, 稲葉滋楼4, 程島就4, 田中祐吉5, 井上裕美2
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 329-333, 2014.

Japanese Article 1 case of Deep benign fibrous histiocytoma which racked its brains about differentiation with Cutaneous fibrous histiocytoma
野口紘嗣1, 山田壮亮1, 鍋島篤典1, 北田昇平1, 吉田寛2, 笹栗靖之1, 中山敏幸1, 久岡正典3
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 334-339, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the adepithelial skin haemangiosarcoma
中田聡子1,2, 齋藤勝彦2, 置塩良政3, 松井恒太郎4, 牧野輝彦4, 清水忠道4, 湊宏1, 野島孝之1,2
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 340-343, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the initial diagnosis frequent occurrence extranodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma that progressed rapidly, and had a diagnosis by autopsy
桑原郁子1, 川井康弘1, 森美奈子2, 村田建一郎3, 金井英俊1, 今田和典2
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 344-349, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of vaginal spindle cell epithelioma
小川弥生1,3, 高木芳武1, 近藤信夫1, 逸見博文2
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 350-353, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of the TAFRO syndrome where pathology histology was the opportunity of the diagnosis
石井真美1,2, 奥野高裕1,2, 福島裕子1, 井上健1
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 354-360, 2014.

Japanese Article It is one patient of the lymphoproliferative disorder (post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders: PTLD) after the transplant that occurred after the self-peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for the Hodgkin's lymphoma
野々村頼子1, 橋立英樹1, 三間紘子1, 渋谷宏行1, 新國公司2, 高井和江2
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 361-365, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of cardiac papillary fibroelastoma (CPF) which occurred in pulmonary valve
櫻井映子1, 北川諭2, 浦野誠1, 中川満1, 岡部麻子1, 熊澤文久1, 桐山諭和1, 塚本徹哉1, 溝口良順1, 黒田誠1
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 366-370, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of stomach plexiform fibromyxoma which immunostaining of succinate dehydrogenase subunit B became with negative
松崎直美1,2, 桜井孝規1, 黒澤学1,3, 南口早智子1, 三上芳喜1,4, 羽賀博典1
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 371-375, 2014.

Japanese Article 1 autopsy case of liver origin neuroendocrine system cancer with the hepatic rupture
小島伊織1, 印牧直人2, 堀部良宗1
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 376-379, 2014.

Japanese Article Significant segment living-in-nature papillomatous one case of the myxopoiesis which occurred on the pulmonary tip
新田壮平, 伊藤潤平, 長谷川俊之, 村上善子, 佐々木英一, 細田和貴, 谷田部恭
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 380-383, 2014.

Japanese Article 1 autopsy case of the malignant lymphoma of the brainstem origin
石川洸1, 有廣光司2, 城間紀之2, 倉重毅志2
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 384-388, 2014.

Japanese Article The distance to a pathology specialist study, a pass
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 395-395, 2014.

Japanese Article Issue of distance "type III measures" to a pathology specialist study pass
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 395-396, 2014.

Japanese Article Pathology specialist study pass experience note
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 396-396, 2014.

Japanese Article The distance to a pathology specialist study, a pass
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 396-396, 2014.

Japanese Article The distance to a pathology specialist study pass
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 397-397, 2014.

Japanese Article It is the all kinds of people about the specialist study
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 397-398, 2014.

Japanese Article The distance to a pathology specialist study, a pass
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 398-398, 2014.

Japanese Article Pathology specialist study pass experience note
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 398-399, 2014.

Japanese Article Finish a pathology specialist study
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 399-399, 2014.

Japanese Article Gutty and an endoscope and pathology
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 399-400, 2014.

Japanese Article Hobby geek collection of me / Branch report Hokkaido Branch / Branch report Tohoku branch office
笹島ゆう子*1, 深澤雄一郎*2, 長谷川剛*3
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 400-401, 2014.

Japanese Article The 32nd (2014) Japanese Society of Pathology pathology specialist study report
Japanese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology 31(4): 409-419, 2014.