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The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy

Volume 24, Issue 3 / 2002
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

English Article New Approaches to the Treatment of the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Roger G. Spragg
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 141-143, 2002.

Japanese Article An acid fog and airway injury
Shosaku Abe
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 146-146, 2002.

Japanese Article Observation of the vasculature under the trachea, the bronchial epithelium using the extended bronchial video scope
山田玄, 伊藤峰幸, 田中裕士, 四十坊典晴, 高橋弘毅, 阿部庄作
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 150-150, 2002.

Japanese Article Observation of Angiogenic squamous dysplasia(ASD) by the extended bronchial video scope which put NBI together
Kiyoshi Shibuya 1, 星野英久 1, Masako Sendai 1, 黄英哲 1, Kazuhiro Yasufuku 1, Akira Iyoda 1, 吉田成利 1, Yasuo Sekine 1, Iizasa Toshihiko 1, Yukio Saito 1, Masayuki Baba 1, Yukiko Haga 2, 廣島健三 2, Hidemi Owada 2, Takehiko Fujisawa 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 150-150, 2002.

Japanese Article Endoscopic fluorescence diagnosis for the microlesion in the respiratory tract
池田徳彦1, 吉田浩一1, 古川欣也2, 奥仲哲弥1, 本多英俊1, 永田真一1, 坪井正博1, 林和1, 平野隆1, 中村治彦1, 小中千守1, 加藤治文1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 150-150, 2002.

Japanese Article A construction and application of the high sensitive color endoscope system
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 151-151, 2002.

Japanese Article Early diagnosis and the treatment with fluorescence bronchoscope
Fumio Imamura 1, Kusu Yoko 1, Ueno Kiyonobu 1, Suguru Yamamoto 1, Izumi Nagatomo 1, 大宮英泰 1, Tomio Nakayama 1, Truth ability Masayuki 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 151-151, 2002.

Japanese Article Mainly on an adaptation judgment of invasion depth diagnosis -PDT of chest X-ray no findings lung cancer with the transtrachea ultrasonic autoscope -
Hiroto Takahashi 1, Toru Takahashi 1, New Hiromichi Igawa 1, Tomoko Hosaka 1, Shibuya length Taro 1, Satomi Takahashi 1, Masashi Handa 1, 掘越理紀 2, 内山美寧 3, Koichi Aikawa 4, Akira Sakurada 4, Yoshihiro Nakamura 4, 遠藤千顕 4, Takashi Kondo 4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 151-151, 2002.

Japanese Article Adaptation and limit of Endobronchial Ultrasonography for the airway microlesion
Noriaki Kurimoto 1, Masaki Murayama 2, Miyazu Yuka 3, Yasuo Iwamoto 3, 宮沢輝臣 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 151-151, 2002.

Japanese Article Application of the super alley bronchoscope for the peripheral pulmonary disease
土田敬明, Depths relation Tetsuya, Norihiko Ikeda, Hidetoshi Honda, Akihiko Ogata, Mitsuru Tanaka, Harufumi Kato
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 152-152, 2002.

Japanese Article Analysis of the humoral factor out of the pulmonary epithelial coating liquid by the microsampling probe
石坂彰敏 1, Masumi Watanabe 2, Koichi Kobayashi 2, Yellow English sentence 3, Naoki Hasegawa 3, Tomoyuki Matsuda 4, Satoru Hashimoto 4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 152-152, 2002.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the airway lesion in the obstructive impairment using CT
Akio Niimi, Hisako Matsumoto, Michiaki Mishima
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 152-152, 2002.

Japanese Article Structure analysis of peripheral airway by the large radial ray CT and the air lacuna
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 153-153, 2002.

Japanese Article The present conditions and the prospects of the analysis of the mechanics of breathing of the pulmonary peripheral region using the pulse Osh military ration method
Jun Ueki, Tomomi Shiota, Tsutomu Suzuki, Yoshinosuke Fukuchi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 153-153, 2002.

Japanese Article 3 cases that was given bronchial plombage using solid silicon for refractory pneumothorax
Katsuhiko Shiomi 1, 西内崇将 1, Takehiro Nakamura 1, 津村眞 2, 中村之信 1, Shinya Tada 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 158-158, 2002.

Japanese Article The present conditions and the prospects of the bronchial embolus therapy
長坂不二夫, 大森一光, 北村一雄, 並木義夫, 村松高, 羽賀直樹, 古賀守, 四万村三恵, 古市基彦, 根岸七雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 159-159, 2002.

Japanese Article Results of the bronchial plombage using the solid silicon (EWS) in this country and the future prospects
Yoichi Watanabe 1, Matsuo Keisuke 1, Akihiko Tamaoki 1, Hiraki Shunkichi 1, Shigeharu Moriyama 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 159-159, 2002.

Japanese Article Adaptation and problems of various airway stent
Toshi Yoneta, Takeshi Shiraishi, Dog bunch Koji, Akira Hiratsuka sentence, Hama Daisuke Take, Akinori Iwasaki, Riverbank Katsunobu, Takayuki Shirakusa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 160-160, 2002.

Japanese Article A utility and problems of the stenting treatment for the airway lesion
Hisanori Kani, 中前勝視, Takeshi Yamada, Yoshiaki Nakajima, Yuji Haneda, Takeo Mizuno, Hiroshi Niwa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 160-160, 2002.

Japanese Article Adaptation as the airway stent which we examined from collected EMS
Yoshifumi Hosokawa 1, Ichiro Tsujino 1, Toshiaki Shoda 2, 堀越昶 1, Shigeru Sawada original 1, Takashi Horie 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 160-160, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of various stents for the central airway stenosis due to the malignant tumor
Jun Araki 1, Masami Watanabe 1, Toshiro Oda 1, Seiji Nagashima 2, 浅井貞宏 2, 南寛行 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 161-161, 2002.

Japanese Article The effectiveness and safety of the pentamidine inhalation therapy for the AIDS-related pneumocystis carini pneumonia prevention
古西満1, 善本英一郎1, 高橋賢1, 笠原敬1, 玉置伸二1, 竹中英昭1, 福岡和也1, 前田光一2, 濱田薫1, 今井照彦3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 162-162, 2002.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problems of the inhalational instruction in the respiratory internal medicine
Yuichi Kubo 1, Higashida existence intellect 1, Fumiko Yamagami 1, Fumio Tsuji 1, Masato Muraki 1, Ryuta Haraguchi 1, Masahiro Fukuoka 1, Shigenori Nakajima 2, Fumie Kako 3, Miyuki Matsukawa 3, Tomimori Yoko 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 162-162, 2002.

Japanese Article Experience - of the utility -20 year of the local anesthesia lower thoracoscope in a diagnosis and the treatment of the intrathoracic disease
Tetsushi Honda
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 164-164, 2002.

Japanese Article Invention of the pleural biopsy efficiency increase in the local anesthesia lower thoracoscope
三好祐顕, Yoshiki Ishii, 福島史哉, Takeshi Fukuda
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 164-164, 2002.

Japanese Article Thoracoscopy in the outpatient department using Flexible Bronchoscope
1,000 ground Expo 1, Takashi Seto 1, Akimitsu Uchimura 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 164-164, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the epidural combination local anesthesia lower horacoscopic surgery for patients with high-risk spontaneous pneumothorax
Kazuhiro Yasufuku, Masako Sendai, Anayama Takashi, 黄英哲, Shinichiro Motohashi, Akira Iyoda, 吉田成利, Yasuo Sekine, Kiyoshi Shibuya, Iizasa Toshihiko, Yukio Saito, Masayuki Baba, Takehiko Fujisawa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 165-165, 2002.

Japanese Article Adaptation and limit of the bronchial intracavitary irradiation for the chest X-ray no views lung cancer
横山晶1, 丹呉益夫1, 田中純太1, 塚田裕子1, 斉藤眞理2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 166-166, 2002.

Japanese Article Adaptation of PDT for chest X-ray no findings lung cancer
遠藤千顕 1, Masami Sato 1, Akira Sakurada 1, Koichi Aikawa 1, Yoshihiro Nakamura 1, Akira Miyamoto 1, Takashi Sugawara 1, History of Yasushi Matsuda 1, Yasushi Hoshikawa 1, Kazuyoshi Shimada 1, Katsunori Okada 1, 松村輔二 1, Hiroto Takahashi 2, Takashi Kondo 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 166-166, 2002.

Japanese Article Multicenter study on usefulness of the examination for flexible video pneumoscope (LTF-240) and safety
瀧藤伸英, 小宮武文, 高田実, 松井薫, 河原正明, 工藤新三, 楠洋子, 福岡正博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 168-168, 2002.

Japanese Article Use experience of the local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy using electronic scope (LTF-240)
Hisao Ueshima, Takefumi Komiya, Masaki Miyazaki, Kenji Tamura, Akira Asai, 倉田宝保, Toshi Nogami two, Nobuyuki Yamamoto, Kazuhiko Nakagawa, Masahiro Fukuoka
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 168-168, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy for the pleural effusion case
Takayuki Kaburagi 1, Yosuke Nagata 1, Shinichi Togawa 1, 清嶋護之 2, Door to be opened in the morning Yuji 2, Takahiro Amemiya 2, 中里宜正 2, Tomoyuki Yokose 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 168-168, 2002.

Japanese Article A utility and limit of the local anesthesia lower thoracoscope in a diagnosis and the treatment of the pleural disease
Michiaki Suzuki 1, Masako Kato 1, Mitsuhiro Fujii 1, Koichi Shimizu 1, Tadashi Sakamoto one 1, Shigeyuki Aoki 1, Rokuro Matsuoka 1, Seiichiro Shimizu 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 169-169, 2002.

Japanese Article Observation of the emphysematous pulmonary disease by the volume rendering method of the CT image
Hiroshi Takahata 1, Masaki Mori 2, Hiroshi Natori 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 170-170, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the extra-fine diameter bronchoscope navigation by Virtual Bronchoscopy
浅野文祐, Yoshihiko Matsuno, Takuji Iwashita, Paths of Satoru Matsushita, Hideki Ooya
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 171-171, 2002.

Japanese Article Real-time sound, animation transmission endoscope remote diagnosis system (Net Scope) using the network communication
County Takayuki
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 171-171, 2002.

Japanese Article Airway stenosis, examination of the stenting treatment for the bronchopleural fistula
Yoichi Watanabe, Keisuke Matsuo, Akihiko Tamaoki, Hiraki Shunkichi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 172-172, 2002.

Japanese Article A utility of the Self-eXpanding nitinol stent treatment for the airway stenosis and the problems
Nobuhide Kato, Keigo Takagi, Shinji Shimatani, Shuichi Sasamoto, Shoji Takahashi, Toshihisa Asano
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 172-172, 2002.

Japanese Article The Dumon stent insertion method using oesophageal stenosis dilatable bougie
山崎成夫, 岡安健至, 田邊康, 細川正夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 173-173, 2002.

Japanese Article functional benefit by the stent placement of the malignant central airway stenosis
宮澤輝臣 1, Miyazu Yuka 1, Yasuo Iwamoto 1, Kano Yasushi 2, Noriaki Kurimoto 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 173-173, 2002.

Japanese Article Progress of respiratory infection and the antimicrobial agent
Toshiharu Matsushima
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 178-178, 2002.

Japanese Article Role of the long time operation type beta 2 stimulant drug (LABA] in bronchial asthma and the COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 178-178, 2002.

Japanese Article Possibility of the leukotrienes receptor blocker in the respiratory tract remodeling inhibition
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 179-179, 2002.

Japanese Article About a sputum and an expectorant
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 180-180, 2002.

Japanese Article Fluorescence bronchoscope diagnosis by D-Light system for early lung cancer
宮澤輝臣, Miyazu Yuka, Yasuo Iwamoto
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 180-180, 2002.

Japanese Article Diagnosis and treatment - problems of the Chalamydia pneumoniae infection
Miyashita ascetic practices
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 181-181, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the airway stent case in our department
Noriaki Tezuka, Keiichi Konya, Satoshi Sawai, 尾碕良智, Koji Teramoto, Yoshitaka Kashima, Masashi Kitamura, Shozo Fujino
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 185-185, 2002.

Japanese Article Interventional bronchology in our department
Kazuya Kondo, Skilled miner Shoji, Haruhiko Fujino, Yutaka Takahashi children, Shigehiko Sawada, Hiromitsu Takizawa, 咸行奎, Natsu Okitsu, Hiroshi Okitsu, Yasumasa Kadota
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 186-186, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the stenting treatment for the nonneoplastic airway stenosis
Yasushi Yamato, Teruaki Koike, Katsuo Yoshitani, Descent from a mountain Takehiko
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 186-186, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination about trachea, the bronchial metallic stent insertion patients in Nagano
Toshihide Wakamatsu 1, Shinji Yamaguchi 1, Kazuhisa Urushibata 1, Kenji Tsushima 1, Masayuki Hanaoka 1, Satoru Koizumi exhibition 1, Kei Fujimoto product 1, 久保惠嗣 1, Shunya Amari 2, Shigeru Koyama 3, Akemi Takamizawa 4, Chiharu Miyabayashi 5
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 187-187, 2002.

Japanese Article Observation of the peripheral airway using the new alley bronchus video scope
Hidekazu Tako 1, Kazunari Minemura 1, Mitsuru Tanaka 2, Shiro Ishizuka 1, Tsuyoshi Yoshida 1, Masashi Misawa 1, 箱田有亮 1, Kazuhiko Kikuchi 1, Hitoshi Okubo 1, Mizuno Kosuke 1, Kenta Utsumi 1, Oyashiki Kazuma 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 187-187, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination about the utility of the alley bronchoscope in the bronchoscope lower diagnosis
Akira Iyoda 1, Minoru Suzuki 1, Masayuki Baba 1, Masako Sendai 1, Hidemi Suzuki 1, 中島崇裕 1, Kaoru Nagato 1, Mio Yasuda 1, Anayama Takashi 1, 黄英哲 1, Yukiko Haga 1, Shinichiro Motohashi 1, Kazuhiro Yasufuku 1, 吉田成利 1, Yasuo Sekine 1, Kiyoshi Shibuya 2, Iizasa Toshihiko 1, Yukio Saito 1, 廣島健三 2, Takehiko Fujisawa 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 187-187, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the diagnosis for the peripheral pulmonary disease using the extra-fine diameter bronchoscope
Masako Sendai, Kiyoshi Shibuya, Minoru Suzuki, 星野英久, Shinichiro Motohashi, Kazuhiro Yasufuku, Akira Iyoda, 吉田成利, Yasuo Sekine, Iizasa Toshihiko, Yukio Saito, Masayuki Baba, Takehiko Fujisawa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 187-187, 2002.

Japanese Article Trial of the operation under thoracoscopy that we applied a far-red light for cystic pneumopathy to
Mikiro Masuda, Takashi Suzuki, Daijiro Kishi, Hidekazu Suzuki, Akihiko Kitami
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 188-188, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the operation under thoracoscopy case for the benign mediastinal tumor
Norihiko Ishikawa, Makoto Oda, Mound Norio that it is the way it goes, Akira Takehara, 富田剛治, Noriyuki Inagi, Yoshimitsu Satoko, Kenichiro Saito, Tsuyoshi Watanabe
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 188-188, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the thoracoscopic lung biopsy for the embryonate small lesion
藤田浩弥, Noriko Yamada, Toru Sakuragi, Yukinori Sakao, Natsuaki Masafumi, Tasuku Ito
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 189-189, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the thoracoscopic lung biopsy case for the diffusive lung disease
Masashi Muraoka 1, Tadayuki Oka 1, 赤嶺晋治 1, Tsutomu Tagawa 1, 永安武 1, Yasushi Tagawa 2, Shigeru Kawano 3, 迎寛 3, Kazuto Ashizawa 4, 綾部公懿 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 189-189, 2002.

Japanese Article A utility of Transbronchial Needle Aspiration(TBNA)cytology in the diagnosis of the mediastinal lesion and safe examination
Yoshinobu Iwasaki, Shuji Osugi, Takemura Kei purely, Tomoko Minagawa, Kazuhiro Nagata, Hidehiko Harada, Masao Nakagawa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 191-191, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) for pulmonary hilum, mediastinal lymphadenopathy
Masako Kato 1, Michiaki Suzuki 1, Mitsuhiro Fujii 1, Koichi Shimizu 1, Tadashi Sakamoto one 1, Shigeyuki Aoki 1, Rokuro Matsuoka 1, Seiichiro Shimizu 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 191-191, 2002.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis of the tuberculosis case that we performed operation under thoracoscopy and diagnosed
Morio Ota 1, Hidenori Kawasaki 1, Peace Tsuneo 1, Tsutomu Kawahata 1, Kuniyoshi truth line 1, Seiji Ishikawa 1, Atsushi Nakamoto 2, 大湾勤子 2, 宮城茂 2, 久場睦夫 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 191-191, 2002.

Japanese Article Sterilization with Mycobacterium pollution measures - water quality management and the peracetic acid of the bronchial fiber
野沢功子1, 鈴木敬子1, 吉嶺悦子1, 山口美由紀1, 釋悦子2, 丹羽宏3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 192-192, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of irrigation, the disinfection for the bronchoscopic acid-fast bacillus pollution
Kimimasa Saito 1, Motoaki Tanikawa 1, Shigeto Kondo 1, Makoto Kimura 2, Yoshihiko Katayama 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 192-192, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination about six Nocardia infections
Keiko Morimoto, Nobuyuki Ohashi, Mountain pass Yasuyuki Oka, 北原良洋, 駄賀晴子, Rumi Sasaki branch, Kenichi Arita
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 192-192, 2002.

Japanese Article Five cases of tuberculosis that was preoperative diagnosis difficulty
Tatsuji Ogawa, Kazuhiro Okano, Masahiko Takenaka, Valley tail Yoshiro
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 193-193, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of 24 tuberculosis of bronchus in this hospital
黒石重城 1, 中野泰克 1, Satoshi Uchiyama 1, Hiroshi Hayakawa 1, Masahiro Shirai 2, Kingo Senda 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 193-193, 2002.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis of the pulmonary Mycobacterium-avium complex(MAC) symptom
Satoshi Tonai, Yasuhiro Yamazaki, Taiji Yamamoto, Akira Takeda example, Yuika Fujita, wisteria and Toshiaki, Tetsuo Shimizu
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 193-193, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the bronchoscopic efficacy in the diagnosis of acid-fast bacterium disease
Aki Matsumoto 1, Kozo Yoshimori 1, Masao Okumura 1, Hideo Ogata 1, 中島由槻 2, Shoji Kudo 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 193-193, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the tuberculosis case given exploratory thoracotomy
Takuo Miyazaki, 内山貴堯, Norio Yamaoka, Naoya Yamazaki, Yukuo Inoue
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 194-194, 2002.

Japanese Article Effect on airway hypersensitivity of zafirlukast in patients with use of steroid asthma inhalational more than moderate-dose
水口雅之1, 西耕一1, 早稲田優子1, 藤村政樹2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 194-194, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination about the contribution of neovascularisation, hyperplasy and VEGF under the tunica mucosa bronchiorum in patients with asthma bronchial, patients with COPD
Hashimoto green, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kazuhiko Suzuki, Shintaro Tanaka, 大芦研輔, Teramoto sincerity, Shosaku Abe
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 194-194, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination about the utility of the lidocaine inhalation for the asthma bronchial model
Masato Muraki 1, Higashida existence intellect 1, Fumiko Yamagami 1, Fumio Tsuji 1, Kawai right exhibition 1, Hiroshi Sawaguchi Chiyo 1, Ryuta Haraguchi 1, Yuichi Kubo 1, Masahiro Fukuoka 1, Shigenori Nakajima 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 195-195, 2002.

Japanese Article VEGF expression characteristics in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in patients with lung cancer
Yasuhiko Ota 1, Masaya Tamura 2, Hideo Sato 1, Makoto Oda 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 196-196, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the FDPs level out of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) in various diffusive lung disease
Toshiyuki Kato, Masaru Iwata, Norio Yoshida, Naoya Takeda
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 196-196, 2002.

Japanese Article Heterogeneity of mast cells of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
Michiko Tokutome 1, Munehiko Morishita 1, Authority of Kato fine weather 1, 沖良生 1, Sanji Hiroshi 1, Kamanosawa Ryuichi 1, Kaori Kashima 1, 渡部和近 1, 宮良肇 1, Tadashi Okada 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 197-197, 2002.

Japanese Article Likelihood of the detection of Aspartic proteinase TA02(Napsin A) in bronchial washings
Takashi Hirano, Koichi Yoshida, Takekawa wide three, Hidetoshi Honda, Kakinohana Masatoshi, Fumiko Taguchi, Takafumi Kawano, Norihiko Ikeda, Harufumi Kato
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 197-197, 2002.

Japanese Article BALF findings in the interstitial pneumonia given lung biopsy and histologic examination
Furihata Tomoe, Yoshiki Ishii, 三好祐顕, 福島史哉, Is Chibana; see it, Hiroshi Sagara celebration, Koji Fukushima, Takeshi Fukuda
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 198-198, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of NSIP and the BALF medium lymphocyte in the UIP case
Ken Sakamoto ear 1, Tomoyuki Kadokawa 1, 10, Nagata Kazuko 1, Kaida Hideyuki 1, Yutaka Ishii 1, Ko Abe 2, 迎寛 1, Shigeru Matsukura 2, Shigeru Kawano 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 198-198, 2002.

Japanese Article Utility of the parachute anastomosis method in the bifurcatio tracheae resection
Kure Tetsuhiko 1, Paolo, Macchiarini2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 201-201, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the case given special bronchoplasty
水渡哲史 1, Yoshizu daylight 1, Valley Genichi 2, Kazuhisa Amakawa 2, Taku Inoue 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 201-201, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the ruptured suture in trachea, the bronchoplasty
Sakae Okumura 1, Takeshi Nakagawa 1, 佐藤之俊 1, Noriko Saito 1, Jun Hirano 1, Kenichiro Omoto 1, Horai authority 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 201-201, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the trachea tube-formed resection, reconstruction case
Satoshi Yamamoto, Riverbank Katsunobu, Akinori Iwasaki, Takeshi Shiraishi, 吉永康照, Toshi Yoneta, Dog bunch Koji, Hama Daisuke Take, Takayuki Shirakusa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 202-202, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the bifurcatio tracheae plasty case
Takeshi Yamada, 中前勝視, Hisanori Kani, Yoshiaki Nakajima, Yuji Haneda, Takeo Mizuno, Hiroshi Niwa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 202-202, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the utility of the bronchoscope lower pigment infusion using the CT seeing through as the preoperative marking
Masahiro Endo 1, Hideji Adachi 1, Kayoko Obayashi 1, Takada quality timber 1, Shiro Ueda 2, Yoshikazu Kotani 2, Miyako 2 in the village, Tetsuji Kado 2, Toshihiko Sakamoto 3, Noriaki Tsubota 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 203-203, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the utility of the MPR-CT image for the embryonate tip nodular shadow and quick cytodiagnosis combination bronchoscope lower biopsy
Tomoya Ishii 1, Shuji Bando 1, Jiro Fujita 1, Atsushi Horiike 1, Yasusuke Tojiyo 1, Isao Sato 2, Seiji Kobayashi 3, 横見瀬裕保 4, Toshihiko Ishida 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 203-203, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the peripheral type lung cancer resection case discovered by X-rays no findings, CT
Naoya Yamazaki, 内山貴堯, Norio Yamaoka
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 204-204, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the thin-sectionCT image of microembryonate type adenocarcinoma diameter 10mm or less
斉藤春洋, Kozo Yamada, Rie Suzuki, Kazumasa Noda
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 204-204, 2002.

Japanese Article CT image of atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH)
Rie Suzuki, Kozo Yamada, 斉藤春洋, Kazumasa Noda
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 204-204, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the pulmonary sarcoidosis case in our department
Satoshi Takahashi, Ogasa Toshiyuki, Shinobu Osanai, Hitoshi Nakano, 大崎能伸, Sachiko Nakao, Eri Toyoshima, Kyoko Nakanishi, Kenjiro Kikuchi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 205-205, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the acute eosinophilic pneumonia that presented an atypical clinical picture
Shoichi Kato, Hidefumi Shimizu
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 206-206, 2002.

Japanese Article Four cases of the bronchial foreign body which we resected with a bronchoscope
Akira Uemura 1, 須甲憲明 1, Hiroshi Yamamoto 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 207-207, 2002.

Japanese Article Three cases of the bronchial foreign body which we experienced in this hospital
Our Yoshizu daylight 1, 水渡哲史 1, Valley Genichi 2, Kazuhisa Amakawa 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 207-207, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the endotracheal foreign body with the PTP sheet
Toru Hashimoto, Tadashi Ishida, The Osawa truth
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 207-207, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases that underwent balloon expansion technique for tracheal stenosis repeatedly for a long term
小山孝彦, 神山育男, 後藤太一郎, 山本学, 井上芳正, 大塚崇, 堀口速史, 山内徳子, 澤藤誠, 渡辺真純, 堀之内宏久, 川村雅文, 小林紘一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 207-207, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases of the goiter that resulted in severe tracheal stenosis
江口圭介1, 澤藤誠2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 208-208, 2002.

Japanese Article It is rays mechanical treated one case for lung cancer trachea primary multiple early squamous cell carcinoma which we showed postoperatively
Hisashi Saji, Haruhiko Nakamura, Depths relation Tetsuya, Masahiro Tsuboi, Toshimitsu Hiyoshi, Chimori Konaka, Harufumi Kato
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 208-208, 2002.

Japanese Article An example of the epithelial malignant tumor which a diagnosis established by mucosa of bronchi lower incision biopsy by the snare
小川純一, 高橋格
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 208-208, 2002.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment with the bronchoscope lower high frequency snare for the endobronchial hamartoma suspected of asthma bronchial
Masanori Nishikawa 1, Yuzo Suzuki 1, Mayumi Okamura 1, 銀持広知 1, Hiroshi Sakamoto 1, 城戸泰洋 2, Hideyuki Hasegawa 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 208-208, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases of tumor in the airway which we resected under a bronchoscope using high frequency snare
清嶋護之 1, Takahiro Amemiya 1, Door to be opened in the morning Yuji 1, 中里宜正 1, Takayuki Kaburagi 2, Shinichi Togawa 2, Tomoyuki Yokose 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 209-209, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the endotracheal oxygen concentration at the bronchoscopy
Koichi Aikawa, 遠藤千顕, Akira Sakurada, Yoshihiro Nakamura, Masami Sato, 松村輔二, Katsunori Okada, Kazuyoshi Shimada, Yasushi Hoshikawa, Takashi Sugawara, Akira Miyamoto, History of Yasushi Matsuda, Takashi Kondo
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 209-209, 2002.

Japanese Article An example of the pulmonary disease after the bone marrow transplantation that caused a hemorrhagic pulmonary cyst after TBLB
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 210-210, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the miliary tuberculosis that led to respiratory failure with bronchoscopy
Toshihiko Hashizume, Hiroyuki Numata
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 210-210, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the Endobronchial hamartoma3 case that we experienced in our department
Shinichi Eto, Takeshi Yoshinaga, Noboru Fujino, Jun Ushijima, Saisyoji Tetsushi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 211-211, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea origin
Sachiko Nakao, Kyoko Nakanishi, Funny field Junko, Eri Toyoshima, Satoshi Takahashi, Ogasa Toshiyuki, Shinobu Osanai, Hitoshi Nakano, 大崎能伸, Kenjiro Kikuchi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 211-211, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the bronchial adenoid cystic carcinoma complicated to the central bronchus of the lung adenocarcinoma
安孫子正美, 岩波洋, 日吉晴久, 坪井栄孝
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 211-211, 2002.

Japanese Article Comparison between bronchial object and transdermal mark transabout the exposed dose of the practiced hand in the X-ray fluoroscopy lower lung biopsy
本荘浩, 森谷浩史, 橋本直人, 宮崎真, 宍戸文男
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 212-212, 2002.

Japanese Article Exclusive operation case of the bronchial mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Zhongcheng Masao 1, Takashi Miura 1, Arinaga Mitsuyuki 1, Kazuhiko Yasue 1, Yuzo Uchida 1, Koichi Tanaka 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 213-213, 2002.

Japanese Article An example of the granular cell myoblastoma that occurred in a bronchus
Masaki Hara 1, Matsuzaki Yasunori 1, Edagawa Masao 1, Masayuki Maeda 1, Tetsuya Shimizu 1, Masaki Tomita 1, Shunsuke Wada 1, Kazuki Nabeshima 2, Toshio Onizuka 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 213-213, 2002.

Japanese Article An example of the bronchial granular cell myoblastoma which we resected under complete thoracoscope
Akira Takehara 1, Makoto Oda 1, Mound Norio 1 that it is the way it goes, Norihiko Ishikawa 1, 富田剛治 1, Ryuichi Waseda 1, Yoshimitsu Satoko 1, Kenichiro Saito 1, Tsuyoshi Watanabe 1, Masato Kuriyama 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 214-214, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the bronchial primary granular cell myoblastoma
Shiro Ueda 1, Yoshikazu Kotani 1, Miyako 1 in the village, Tetsuji Kado 1, Takada quality timber 2, Kayoko Obayashi 2, Masahiro Endo 3, Hideji Adachi 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 214-214, 2002.

Japanese Article 2 surgery case of the bronchial carcinoid with the destroyed lung
Koichi Fujio 1, Ryuzo Kanno 1, Hiroyuki Suzuki 1, 1 full of salt, Mitsunori Higuchi 1, Akio Oishi 2, Mitsuru Goto one 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 214-214, 2002.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the typical bronchial carotenoid which showed serum NSE, proGRP high level
内藤貴臣1, 井口けさ人1, 門間英二1, 佐藤幸夫2, 山本達生2, 石川成美2, 鬼塚正孝2, 榊原謙2, 南優子3, 野口雅之3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 214-214, 2002.

Japanese Article An example of atypical pulmonary carcinoid tumour with the significant tumor necrosis
Yozo Kashiwa 1, Mitsumasa Ogawara 1, Masaaki Kawahara 1, Mitsunobu Tamura 2, 松村晃秀 2, Akira Yamamoto 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 215-215, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the mold cells with the hump-formed cytoplasm process which appeared to malignant mesothelioma coelomic fluid
Hama River Shinji 1, Michiaki Suzuki 2, Seiichiro Shimizu 1, Rokuro Matsuoka 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 215-215, 2002.

Japanese Article An example of the diaphragm injury with the severe head injury that we restored under a thoracoscope adjuvant
諸江雄太, Shinnichiro Suzaki, Atsushi Katsumi, Naoko Shiga, 稲田眞治, Kohei Takahashi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 216-216, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the left diaphragmatic eventration that significant respiratory function improvement was found in by thoracoscopic diaphragm reefing
West crossroads elegant 1, Masaki Fujimura 1, Nobuyuki Katayama 1, Satoshi Nomura 1, 西澤依小 1, Yuzo Yoshimi 1, North Toshiyuki 1, Masahide Yasui 1, Toshiro Kasahara 1, Yasuhiko Saito 2, Makoto Oda 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 216-216, 2002.

Japanese Article Bronchial echographic examination using one supersonic wave probe type bronchus fiber
Mitsumasa Ogawara, Masaaki Kawahara, Shigeto Hosoe, Shinji Ataka, Offing salt Kyoichi, 中宣敬, Tatsuro Kimura, Takeshi Kimura, Yozo Kashiwa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 217-217, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the efficacy of the extra-fine diameter bronchoscope in this hospital
Nishio Chihiro, Miki Okazaki, Hisashi Nishimura, Akihiko Ikeda, It is Nobuyuki in a piece, Bunichi Umeda
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 217-217, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases of the periphery squamous cell carcinoma of lung of endobronchial type where virtual bronchoscope, 3D-CT were useful for grasp of the progress
小林弘明1, 伊藤祥隆1, 村上眞也2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 217-217, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases of endoscopic early lung cancer that CR was obtained by Pacritaxel+Carboplatin weekly administration
Masanari Matsuoka, Shinya Ito, Kazumasa Takenaka, History of Homare Yoshimura, Kazuhiro Yanagihara, Shinji Hanaoka, Ryo Miyahara, 李美於, Fumihiro Tanaka, Toru Bando, Makoto Hasegawa period, Kenji Inui, Hiromi Wada
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 218-218, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of vocal cords inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor(IMT) which caused non-heart source-related pulmonary oedema due to airway obstruction
Taku Ishida, Kana Arai, Keiichi Inoue, Aya Sugawara, Motoko Yoshikawa, Junpei Saito, Yoshiki Otsuka, Mitsuru Munakata
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 218-218, 2002.

Japanese Article An example suggestive of the pulmonary origin angiosarcoma that occurred from chest abnormality shadow, sputum bloody, and resulted in a systemic metastasis
Yutaka Nishimoto 1, Kazue Shimada 1, Kenzo Kawakami 2, Yasutaka Takubo 2, Eiji Takeuchi 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 218-218, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases of the bronchial lipoma detected by chest CT
Naoko Asaoka, Nobuhiro Honda, Kazue Fujita, Hideo Ohba, Junichi Nakamura, Jiro Okimoto
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 219-219, 2002.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the intermediate bronchial trunk obstruction squamous cell carcinoma of lung diagnosed as being bone metastases-positive
Takuya Morita 1, Upper part of a river Manpei 1, Togitsu Kosuke 1, Takahiko Hashimoto 1, Tetsuya Hayashi 1, Toshihiko Ibaraki 1, Shinjiro Sasaki 1, Shuichi Tachibana 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 219-219, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases of the simultaneous duplication of embryonate type adenocarcinoma and pulmonary hilum type squamous cell carcinoma
Toshio Watanabe 1, Shunichi Watanabe 1, Hiroshi Urayama 1, Hiroshi Tsuji 2, Josuke Hara 2, Kazunori Arai 3, Wataru Koda 3, Takeshi Hara Joji 4, Takahiko Kasai 4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 219-219, 2002.

Japanese Article An example of the small-cell lung cancer of the X-rays no views which occurred in hypoplasia middle
古川貢1, 緒方嘉隆1, 笹田真滋1, 小林政司1, 新田隆1, 平島智徳1, 松井薫1, 高田賀章2, 菊井正紀2, 塩野裕之3, 中川勝裕3, 安光勉3, 川瀬一郎4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 220-220, 2002.

Japanese Article 1 case of large-cell neuroendocrine system lung cancer that caused a recurrence into polyps form in trachea
Hideaki Fukuda, Yoshihide Nakamura, Yasushi Takao, Kenichi Matsuba
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 220-220, 2002.

Japanese Article 1 resection case of the pulmonary papillary adenocarcinoma that developed from the middle lobar bronchus, and showed fungoid growth to the intermediate bronchial trunk
Masayuki Saito, Large 1, Seki, Kenji Nakayama
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 220-220, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the broncholith which performed segmental resection
Masashi Kitamura, Noriaki Tezuka, Shozo Fujino, Satoshi Sawai, Keiichi Konya, Ryochi Ozaki, Koji Teramoto, Yoshitaka Kashima
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 221-221, 2002.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the tracheal diverticulum that patients with asthma bronchial and tuberculosis had
Yukinari Takahashi 1, Yoshiyuki Yamauchi 1, Kaoru Saito daylight 1, Masao Nakamura 1, Takao Sasaki 1, Forest Yutaka Kubo 2, Yoshiki Ishii 3, Takeshi Fukuda 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 221-221, 2002.

Japanese Article It is one patient who had bronchopulmonary aspergillosis during asthmatic attack treatment
Nobuyuki Katayama, Masaki Fujimura, North Toshiyuki, The Abo future, Yuzo Yoshimi, The west crossroads are elegant, Satoshi Nomura
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 221-221, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases of the pulmonary aspergilloma which occurred in branching bronchus abnormality lobe of lung
Shunsuke Niki, 斉藤勢也, Takashi Tanaka
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 221-221, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of 3 cases that was complicated with lung cancer and pulmonary aspergillosis in the same location, and suffered from treatment
Yoshiko Asaka 1, Yuichi Takiguchi 1, 新行内雅斗 1, Reiko Watanabe 1, Tetsuro Moriya 1, Yasushi Kasahara period 1, Katsushi Kurosu 1, Hidetoshi Igari 1, Nobuhiro Tanabe 1, Koichiro Tatsumi 1, Takayuki Kuriyama 1, Takahiro 2 between the moisture, Keiichi Nagao 2, 廣島健三 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 222-222, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the bronchoscope diagnosis for the embryonate peripheral isolated lesion
Hidehiko Otsuka, Nao Kagiyama, Junichi Takeda, Kijima Hiromasa, Ikuko Saito, Hiroshi Kuraishi, Toshiki Kikuchi, It is still me Tomita, Michiaki Narishima, Hajime Suzuki
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 222-222, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases of Bacterial tracheitis which tunica mucosa bronchiorum showed bullous lesions, and was thought to develop in a healthy subject by MSSA
Yoshitaka Morimatsu 1, Teiko Sueyasu 2, Takeharu Koga 2, Hisashi Aizawa way 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 222-222, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of malignant melanoma in acknowledgment of specific bronchoscope findings
Mayumi Sato, Yuji Maeda, 種田和清, Yoshio Taguchi, Eisaku Tanaka, Tetsuro Inoue, Kato Akifumi, 櫻本稔, Masayoshi Mizuguchi, Kunihiko Terada
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 223-223, 2002.

Japanese Article One patient who showed specific form in an episode of care for trachea tuberculosis that formed an ulcer
Shuichi Murata 1, Dilapidated house moisture 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 223-223, 2002.

Japanese Article Endobronchial Ultrasonography -guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration (EBUS-guided TBNA)
Kano Yasushi 1, Noriaki Kurimoto 2, 宮澤輝臣 3, Yasuo Iwamoto 3, Miyazu Yuka 3, Osamu Kawano interest 4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 227-227, 2002.

Japanese Article Utility of linear image with the supersonic wave fault image in the ,3D bronchial lumen in the pulmonary peripheral lesion
Noriaki Kurimoto 1, 前田晃宏 1, Miyazu Yuka 2, Yasuo Iwamoto 2, 宮澤輝臣 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 227-227, 2002.

Japanese Article Of ,guide sheath combination Endobronchial Ultrasonography for the pulmonary peripheral microlesion, actually
Noriaki Kurimoto 1, 前田晃宏 1, Miyazu Yuka 2, Yasuo Iwamoto 2, 宮澤輝臣 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 227-227, 2002.

Japanese Article Observation of the human airway ciliary movement that combined a fixture with a bronchoscope
Akira Sakurada 1, Masami Sato 1, Yoshihiro Nakamura 1, 佐川元保 2, Hiroto Takahashi 3, 遠藤千顕 1, Koichi Aikawa 1, Kazuyoshi Shimada 1, Katsunori Okada 1, 松村輔二 1, Takashi Kondo 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 228-228, 2002.

Japanese Article Experiment about ignition, the combustion under the oxygenation at the bronchoscope lower high frequency treatment
Takada quality timber 1, Kayoko Obayashi 1, Tetsuji Kado 2, Miyako 2 in the village, Yoshikazu Kotani 2, Shiro Ueda 2, Hideji Adachi 3, Masahiro Endo 3, Masatoshi Tonomura 4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 228-228, 2002.

Japanese Article Airway reconstruction for the tuberculous airway stenosis
Tadayuki Oka 1, 赤嶺晋治 1, Tsutomu Tagawa 1, Weeping willow Noriaki 1, 永安武 1, Masashi Muraoka 1, Yasushi Tagawa 2, 綾部公懿 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 228-228, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the pericardial cyst which a cyst was diagnosed in EBUS guide lower TBNA and resected under thoracoscope
Kazuhiko Kataoka 1, Motomu Matsuura tree 1, Tadashi Senoo tool 1, 宮澤輝臣 2, Yasuo Iwamoto 2, Miyazu Yuka 2, Noriaki Kurimoto 3, Kano Yasushi 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 229-229, 2002.

Japanese Article Experience of the treatment with silicon T tube for the benign tracheal stenosis
正岡俊明1, 佐藤徹1, 石原良2, 成毛佳樹2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 229-229, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of left sleeve pneumonectomy which went after Induction therapy enforcement
Maeda former 1, Shinichi Takeda 1, 澤端章好 1, Yoshikuni Okumura 1, 麻田博輝 1, Ota triple-purpose 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 230-230, 2002.

Japanese Article The coated experience that was carried out using various kinds of muscle flaps for a tracheorrhaphy part
Takashi Suzuki 1, Akihiko Kitami 1, Hidekazu Suzuki 1, Mikiro Masuda 1, Yoshito Kamio 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 230-230, 2002.

Japanese Article Trial of the fluorescence in trachea, the bronchial cancer and rays mechanical endoscopic quantification
Kyoko Nakanishi 1, 大崎能伸 1, Sachiko Nakao 1, Eri Toyoshima 1, Satoshi Takahashi 1, Ogasa Toshiyuki 1, Shinobu Osanai 1, Hitoshi Nakano 1, 竹山周良 2, Susumu Nakajima 3, Kenjiro Kikuchi 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 231-231, 2002.

Japanese Article Asthma bronchial, observation using our submucous vascular examination NBI imaging by the extended bronchial video scope (lateral vision type) in the COPD
Shintaro Tanaka, Hiroshi Tanaka, Gen Yamada, Ito peak good luck, Hashimoto green, Kazuhiko Suzuki, 大芦研輔, Teramoto sincerity, Koki Takahashi, Shosaku Abe
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 231-231, 2002.

Japanese Article Bronchoscopic significance for the embryonate nodosity shadow judging from tumor diameter
Yoshio Yamane, Miki Hasuike, Takashi Minowa life, Itaru Ishida
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 231-231, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of embryonate type lung cancer diameter 20mm that had difficulty in diagnosis by the bronchoscope lower brush cytology or more
Yuko Tsukada, Masuo Tango, 田中純太, Akira Yokoyama
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 231-231, 2002.

Japanese Article About a bronchoscopic utility when we diagnose presence or absence of esophageal cancer trachea invasion
Shigeki Umemura, Furrow river Yoshihiko, Ichiro Takada, Yoshiyuki Tokuda, Seki Nobuhiko, Kenji Eguchi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 232-232, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination about the bronchoscopic utility for the pulmonary metastasis
Iizasa Toshihiko, 吉田成利, Anayama Takashi, Shinichiro Motohashi, 黄英哲, Masako Sendai, Kazuhiro Yasufuku, Akira Iyoda, Yasuo Sekine, Kiyoshi Shibuya, Yukio Saito, Masayuki Baba, Takehiko Fujisawa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 232-232, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination about the utility of the cytodiagnosis quick at bronchoscopy
大宮英泰 1, Fumio Imamura 1, Izumi Nagatomo 1, Suguru Yamamoto 1, Ueno Kiyonobu 1, Tomio Nakayama 1, Kusu Yoko 1, Truth ability Masayuki 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 232-232, 2002.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis of the broncholith case
久場睦夫, 宮城茂, Kunio Kyan, 大湾勤子, Atsushi Nakamoto, Country relation Runa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 232-232, 2002.

Japanese Article Importance - of examination - tissue subclassification of the prognostic factor of the C-IA period lung adenocarcinoma
Yukinori Sakao, Toru Sakuragi, 藤田浩弥, Natsuaki Masafumi, Tasuku Ito
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 233-233, 2002.

Japanese Article The prospects in a diagnosis and the treatment of the GGA lesion
Masao Nakata 1, Hideyuki Saeki 1, Seki Nobuhiko 2, Ichiro Takada 2, Furrow river Yoshihiko 2, Kenji Eguchi 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 233-233, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of brachytherapy for the pulmonary malignant tumor and the PDT enforcement case
Makoto Oda, Mound Norio that it is the way it goes, Norihiko Ishikawa, 富田剛治, Akira Takehara, Kenichiro Saito, Yoshimitsu Satoko, Noriyuki Inagi, Tsuyoshi Watanabe
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 234-234, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the lung cancer atelectasis case that used Nd-YAG laser therapy together for radiotherapy
Hosomura Mikio, Yasuko Hosaka, Takeshi Yamahata, Mitsuo Nakayama, Isao Kikuchi next
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 234-234, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the radiation pneumonitis in primary lung cancer treatment
Kunigane Koji, Hiromi Aono, Nagatomo chapter, Hiroaki Okamoto, Watanabe old Shiro
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 234-234, 2002.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of the embryonate type all-at-onceness lung adenocarcinoma
Seki Nobuhiko 1, Masao Nakata 2, Hideyuki Saeki 2, Shigeki Umemura 1, Yoshiyuki Tokuda 1, Ichiro Takada 1, Furrow river Yoshihiko 1, All ages Koichi 3, Rieko Nishimura 3, Hiroshi Mogami 4, Kenji Eguchi 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 235-235, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the trachea, the bronchial malignant tumor
品田純, 原英則, 後藤尚美, 宮永茂樹, 吉村博邦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 235-235, 2002.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis of a salivary gland type tumor and the carcinoid tumor
Hidekazu Matsushima 1, Noboru Takayanagi 1, Mikio Ubukata 1, Tokunaga 1, Daido, Nagato Sato 1, Kazuyoshi Kurashima 1, Yutaka Sugita 1, Minoru Kanazawa 1, Tomohiko Ikeya 2, Katsumi Murai 2, Katsuhiko Aoyama 2, 星永進 2, Minori Kawabata 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 235-235, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the respiratory disease postoperative pulmonary emaciation merger case
Yoshihiko Koshiishi, Yoko Ono, Hozumi Tanaka, Ryota Tanaka, Miyakojima Yuki male, Osamu Yanagida, 宮敏路, Tomoyuki Goya
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 235-235, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the lung cancer postoperative bronchopleural fistula
松倉規, Masaji Goto, 元石充, Furukawa good luck ear, Shotaro Iwakiri, Toshio Fujimoto, Tsuyoshi Okazaki, 塙健, Naoki Yamashita, Koichi Nishimura, Teruo Matsui, Masaki Kuwahara, Yoshito Matsubara
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 236-236, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the prophylactic bronchial stump coating
Hisashi Tsukada, Takuo Shinmyo, Koji Ando, Atsushi Mochizuki, Kaoru Yokote Yoshio, Hiroaki Nagata
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 236-236, 2002.

Japanese Article Bronchial embolic (EWS) use experience
Hideki Miyazawa 1, Hideki Shinno 1, Noto Hirofumi 1, Mizuochi Rieko 2, Hirokazu Taniguchi 2, Saburo Izumi 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 236-236, 2002.

Japanese Article Langerhans cell invasion and non-small cell lung cancer
Jun Miyagi 1, Seiji Ishikawa 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 237-237, 2002.

Japanese Article Gene expression analysis of the squamous cell carcinoma of lung by c-DNA microarray
Haruhiko Nakamura, Hisashi Saji, Akihiko Ogata, Saijo sky group, Makoto Hosaka, Hagiwara A, Koichi Yoshida, Yasushi Kato sentence, Kawasaki Norihito, Harufumi Kato
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 237-237, 2002.

Japanese Article Control of the RANTES gene expression with the antisense molecule
梶原直央, Masahiko Taguchi, Takafumi Kawano, Yawara Hayashi, Shinichi Nagata, Long bunch Miki, Hiroki Hayashi, Akihiko Suzuki, Chimori Konaka, Harufumi Kato
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 237-237, 2002.

Japanese Article Surfactant protein in the pulmonary injury repairing process, examination of the CC-10 protein expression
藤田昌樹1, 桑野和善1, 原信之1, Robert J. Mason2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 238-238, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination in the molecular biologic examination -TBB specimen of the atypical respiratory epithelium found in benign pneumopathy
Koji Inoue, Yoichi Nakanishi, Koichi Takayama, A flood watches it, 綿屋洋, South Takahiro, Rie Ishibashi, Nobuyuki Hara
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 238-238, 2002.

Japanese Article Bleomycin lung fibrosis depression effect by Angiotensin2 receptor blocker candesartan cilexetil
Mitsuo Otsuka, Koki Takahashi, Masanori Shiratori, Takuya Fujishima, Shosaku Abe
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 238-238, 2002.

Japanese Article Expression of P-glycoprotein, MRP1, MRP2 in the small-cell lung cancer and p53 and examination about the chemosensitivity
Rie Ishibashi, Yoichi Nakanishi, A flood watches it, Inoshima Naoko, Koji Inoue, South Takahiro, Nobuyuki Hara
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 239-239, 2002.

Japanese Article P53, Bcl-2 using TBLB materials in non-small cell lung cancer, examination about the prediction of chemotherapy response characteristics by the LRP expression
Toshiyuki Harada 1, Shigeru Ogura light 2, Hiroshi Isobe 3, Osamu Wakabayashi 1, Toshifumi Oizumi 1, Tetsuya Kojima 1, Ichiro Kinoshita 1, Koichi Yamazaki 1, Shoji Nishimura 1, 秋田弘俊 4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 239-239, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the bronchoscopy adaptation case judging from a medical examination, doc
Noriyuki Tsubota, Favor place Junko, Tomoko Yamazaki, 三並珪, Kentaro Koike, Akio Goto
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 239-239, 2002.

Japanese Article The present situation of the childhood bronchial fiber copy
関根徹1, 梅原実2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 239-239, 2002.

Japanese Article About effect to give to bronchoscopic image and Q0L examination - using -HR-QOL list SF-36(TM)
Katsuyo Onishi 1, Hiroki Yasui 2, 大井牧 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 240-240, 2002.

Japanese Article Problems (from the experience of 2 cases) of the cancer invasion depth diagnosis that is lower than subregion branch by bronchoscope lower ultrasonography (EBUS)
Yawara Hayashi, Masahiro Tsuboi, Takafumi Kawano, 梶原直央, Koichi Yoshida, Shinichi Nagata, Norihiko Ikeda, Kinya Furukawa, Depths relation Tetsuya, Haruhiko Nakamura, Harufumi Kato
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 243-243, 2002.

Japanese Article Application of transesophageal ultrasonic endoscope lower fine needle aspiration for the lung cancer and the contrasting Doppler method using supersonic wave contrast media Levovist
高橋博人1, 堀越理紀2, 高橋徹1, 新井川弘道1, 保坂智子1, 渋谷丈太郎1, 高橋里見1, 半田政志1, 中村好宏3, 内山美寧4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 243-243, 2002.

Japanese Article Endobronchial Ultrasonography(EBUS)Guidance for Transbronchial Needle Aspiration(TBNA)
Kano Yasushi 1, Noriaki Kurimoto 2, 宮澤輝臣 3, Yasuo Iwamoto 3, Miyazu Yuka 3, Osamu Kawano interest 4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 243-243, 2002.

Japanese Article Development -TUS Guided Lung Cytology(TGLC)- of the peripheral pulmonary brossage using guide wire-type brush instruction TUS
掘越理紀 1, Hiroto Takahashi 2, New Hiromichi Igawa 2, Tomoko Hosaka 2, Shibuya length Taro 2, Satomi Takahashi 2, Masashi Handa 2, 内山美寧 3, Koichi Aikawa 4, Akira Sakurada 4, Yoshihiro Nakamura 4, 遠藤千顕 4, Takashi Kondo 4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 244-244, 2002.

Japanese Article About a utility of ,guide sheath combination Endobronchial Ultrasonography for the pulmonary peripheral lesion
Noriaki Kurimoto 1, 前田晃宏 1, Miyazu Yuka 2, Yasuo Iwamoto 2, 宮澤輝臣 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 244-244, 2002.

Japanese Article About catheter sheath combination at application to a pulmonary peripheral lesion diagnosis of Endobronchial Ultrasonography(EBUS)
Taeko Shirakawa, Fumichika Imamura, Junji Hamamoto, Izumi Honda, Kazuo Fukushima, 杉本峯晴
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 244-244, 2002.

Japanese Article Applied experience to tumor solidification technique in the respiratory tract of microwave endoscope electrode "spheroid type" TE-24BL
瀬戸貴司, 内村明光, 竹田佳代, 千場博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 245-245, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the surgery case for the traumatic tracheobronchial injury
Muramatsu High School, Kazumitsu Omori, Kazuo Kitamura, Yoshio Namiki, Fujio Nagasaka, Naoki Haga, Mamoru Koga, 40,000 village Mie, Motohiko Furuichi, Saito positive, Tetsuya Nakamura, 7, Negishi male
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 245-245, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of trachea, the bronchoscope lower high frequency snare treatment for endobronchial tumor that we conducted in this hospital
Shinji Yamaguchi 1, Toshihide Wakamatsu 1, 安尾将法 1, Bamboo grass Mari Hayashi 1, Fumiaki Yoshiike 1, Junichi Hotta 1, Kazuhisa Urushibata 1, Kenji Tsushima 1, Masayuki Hanaoka 1, Satoru Koizumi exhibition 1, Kei Fujimoto product 1, 久保惠嗣 1, Kazuhiko Kaneko 2, Masayuki Hanyuda 2, Yoshitaka Yamazaki
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 246-246, 2002.

Japanese Article Trachea, examination of the treatment with high frequency snare for the endobronchial lesion
Eiji Monma 1, Narumi Ishikawa 2, 内藤貴臣 1, Iguchi this morning person 1, Yukio Sato 2, Tatsuo Yamamoto 2, Masataka Onizuka 2, Ken Sakakibara 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 246-246, 2002.

Japanese Article Treatment outcome of the Nd-YAG laser for the tracheal neoplasm
Kaoru Yokote Yoshio, Koji Ando, Takuo Shinmyo, Atsushi Mochizuki, Hisashi Tsukada, Hiroaki Nagata
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 246-246, 2002.

Japanese Article Case study of trachea, the bronchial malignant tumor using the contact type semiconductor laser in this hospital
Takashi Ishiguro 1, Tsutomu Yoshida 1, Masahiro Sawada 1, 澤祥幸 1, Tetsuro Ikoma 2, Miki Kawata 2, Yasushi Ono 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 246-246, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the case of hemoptysis, the sputum bloody for 2 years
Pond ノ 内紀祐, Yasunobu Noda, Hideo Gonta, Hisafumi Oishi, Tanikawa Yoshimasa, Yoko Takada
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 247-247, 2002.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis of the case that presented sputum bloody, hemoptysis
堀之内宏久, Kimura Yoshinari, Manabu Yamamoto, Takahiko Koyama, Ikuo Kamiyama, Taichiro Goto, Tokuko Yamauchi, Yoshimasa Inoue, Takashi Otsuka, 堀口速史, 澤藤誠, Masumi Watanabe, Masafumi Kawamura, Koichi Kobayashi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 247-247, 2002.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis of the respiratory tract hemorrhage case
Takako Hojo 1, Kazuhiro Kimura 1, Katsuhiro Toyama 1, Isobe mildness 1, Hiroyuki Yamada 1, Keiji Sugino 1, Tsuyoshi Sano 1, Mayumi Hiroi 1, Beam British wealth 1, Masayuki Nakata 2, Inner 3, Tasuki, Keigo Takagi 4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 247-247, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination about the clinical picture of the sputum bloody, hemoptysis case given a bronchoscope
Jun Kobayashi daylight 1, Long Shin Yajima parent 1, Shinji Takezawa 1, Mt. gate lap sentence 2, Kunio Yamato 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 247-247, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the hemoptysis case that needed surgical cure
Shunsuke Endo 1, Shinichi Otani 1, Noriko Saito 1, Shinichi Yamamoto 1, Yoshihiko Kanai 1, Ken Tezuka will 1, Tsuyoshi Hasegawa 2, Tsutomu Yamaguchi 1, Hiroshi Tsukada 1, Fumio Murayama 1, Sohara Yasunori 1, Katsuhisa Oshikawa 3, Akira Ono two 3, Yukihiko Sugiyama 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 248-248, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the bronchial artery embulus therapy for the hemoptysis
Anayama Takashi, Yasuo Sekine, Iizasa Toshihiko, 吉田成利, Akira Iyoda, Kazuhiro Yasufuku, Shinichiro Motohashi, 黄英哲, Masako Sendai, Yukio Saito, Masayuki Baba, Takehiko Fujisawa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 248-248, 2002.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination about the hemoptysis case given bronchial arteriography (BAG)
福島史哉 1, Yoshiki Ishii 1, 三好祐顕 1, Tomoe Kohata 1, Is Chibana; see it; 1, Hiroshi Sagara celebration 1, Koji Fukushima 1, Akira Takeda 1, Takeshi Fukuda 1, 斎木名執 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 249-249, 2002.

Japanese Article Hemostasis method of the transrespiratory tract with the bronchoscope which was effective for hemoptysis, the sputum bloody which repeated itself
高橋敬治, 長尾妙子, 島田良昭, 田島幸一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 249-249, 2002.

Japanese Article Experience of the Dumon Y stent placement 2 case in our department
Ikuo Kamiyama, Kimura Yoshinari, Takahiko Koyama, Taichiro Goto, Manabu Yamamoto, Yoshimasa Inoue, Takashi Otsuka, 堀口速史, Tokuko Yamauchi, 澤藤誠, Masumi Watanabe, Masafumi Kawamura, 堀之内宏久, Koichi Kobayashi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 249-249, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the Dumon stent(DS) case that we inserted under a non-scirrhous mirror
狩集弘太, Shunichi Watanabe, Liquor Koichi Segawa, Yoshihiro Nakamura, Mountain pass good luck will, Riyuzo Sakata
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 249-249, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the bulky lung abscess that Covered EMS was useful
Masaru Nomura spring 1, 伊藤哲思 1, Hidenobu Takahashi 1, Harufumi Kato 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 250-250, 2002.

Japanese Article Experience of three bilateral carotid stenting bronchial PCPS lower trachea
Takuji Fujinaga, Village field Naoki, Fortune shallows Tatsuro
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 250-250, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of Brachytherapy for the airway stenosis due to the metastasis to lung cancer trachea and the Dumon Tube insertion
Koichiro Kobayashi 1, Makoto Oda 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 250-250, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of trachea, the bronchoplasty case for the primary lung cancer
Shinji Hanaoka, Kazumasa Takenaka, Masanari Matsuoka, 李美於, History of Homare Yoshimura, Kazuhiro Yanagihara, Ryo Miyahara, Toru Bando, Makoto Hasegawa period, Kenji Inui, Hiromi Wada
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 250-250, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases of low-grade lung cancer given tracheobronchoplasty
Atsushi Tajima, Tomohiro Abiko, 土居良康, Ryoichi Kato
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 251-251, 2002.

Japanese Article Anastomotic stricture after the bifurcation of the trachea excision rebuilding for the adenoid cystic carcinoma
三浦隆1, 中城正夫1, 在永光行1, 安江和彦1, 内田雄三1, 田中康一2, 永井寛之3, 那須勝3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 251-251, 2002.

Japanese Article Four clinicopathologic examination of the adenoid cystic carcinoma
Kayo Takeda 1, Takashi Seto 2, 1,000 ground Expo 2, Storehouse field Ryoichi 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 251-251, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the pulmonary metastasis (rectal cancer) that was able to evade pneumectomy by a combination of right lower lobe sleeve resection and right S2 segmental resection
李美於, Kenji Inui, Kazuhiro Yanagihara, Toru Bando, Fumihiro Tanaka, Makoto Hasegawa period, Hiromi Wada
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 251-251, 2002.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent bifurcatio tracheae resection after a temporary stent for recurrent lung cancer after the pneumonectomy that resulted in airway obstruction
Takahiro Okabayashi 1, Yuichi Shibuya 1, Madoka Hamada 1, Tadashi Horimi 1, Masashi Araki 2, Jun Shiraki 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 252-252, 2002.

Japanese Article It is an example of the lung adenocarcinoma using the trachea esophagus double stent for esophagus bronchopleural fistula by the lymph node metastatic disintegration
Hiroki Yasui 1, 大井牧 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 252-252, 2002.

Japanese Article One case that T tube stenting treatment was effective for cervical injury of trachea due to the blunt trauma
Jun Shimizu three 1, Haruhiko Ogawa 2, Yasushi Miyake 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 252-252, 2002.

Japanese Article 2 healed cases which inserted Dumon stent than an eternal trachea aperture, and detained you
Hiroyuki Izumi 1, Katsuo Kojima 2, Hideki Akamatsu 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 253-253, 2002.

Japanese Article Four cases of the congenital bronchial atresia
Noboru Saikai 1, Motohiko Tamura 1, Sakakibara wise person 1, History of Tatsu Hirano 1, Masao Tsutsumi 1, Shigeki Ishihara 1, Shoji Namikawa 1, Ryota Masuda 2, Yoshino sum ear 2, Atsushi Hamamoto 2, Motoi Kaga intellect three 2, Masayuki Iwasaki 2, Hiroshi Inoue 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 253-253, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the bronchial atresia (intralobar pulmonary sequestration facing center) that showed preoperative CEA, CA125, CA19-9 high level
Togitsu Kosuke 1, Upper part of a river Manpei 1, Takuya Morita 1, Takahiko Hashimoto 1, Tetsuya Hayashi 1, Shinjiro Sasaki 1, Shuichi Tachibana 2, Toshihiko Ibaraki 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 254-254, 2002.

Japanese Article Experience of the pediatric lung sequestration which we resected under a thoracoscope adjuvant out of the lobe
Tayama Kosuke 1, Atsushi Tanaka 1, Kotobuki, Naofumi Eriguchi 1, Yasuhiko Futamata 1, Hiroshi Harada 1, Jun Yoshida 1, Akira Matsunaga 1, Tasuku Azuma 2, Nae, Tadashi Tomita 2, Kazuaki Okuma 2, Mitsuru Iseki and 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 254-254, 2002.

Japanese Article One case that Order Made Y-Shaped Dumon Stent was effective for bronchopleural fistula after right pleura pneumonectomy
Takuo Shinmyo, Hisashi Tsukada, Koji Ando, Atsushi Mochizuki, Kaoru Yokote Yoshio, Hiroaki Nagata
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 254-254, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases of lung cancer with the respiratory failure that PCPS adjuvant lower Endscopic surgery was effective
藤田匡邦 1, 上坂太祐 1, Shiro Mizuno 1, Yoshitaka Toya 1, Yoshiki Idemura 1, Candy Shingo Shima 1, Isamu Miyamori 1, Takeshi Ishizaki 2, Masato Sasaki 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 254-254, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the airway stent placement case for the airway stenosis
高橋伸政, Hiroyuki Oizumi, Fujishima length, Naoki Kanauchi, Yasuhisa Shimazaki
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 255-255, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases that detained the ultra flextime with the cover for the airway stenosis with the esophagus stent
Yasukawa Tomohisa 1, Yusa Toshikazu 1, Fumio Kunitomo 2, Tsukasa Yamamoto 2, Midori Yamakawa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 255-255, 2002.

Japanese Article An example of the trachea esophagus emaciation by the foreign body that the Dumon stent custody was useful
Naoya Takeda 1, Masaaki Sano 2, Toshiyuki Kato 1, Norio Yoshida 1, Masayuki Tanahashi 2, Masaru Iwata 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 255-255, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of recurrent thymoma that it was diagnosed by bronchoscopy, and chemotherapy succeeded
Hiroko Nanba 1, Akiko Hisamoto 1, Kozuki Ko Minoru 1, Toshiaki Okada 1, Masaru Sato 1, Keiichi Fujiwara 1, Masahiro Tabata 1, Kinoura Katsuyuki 1, Hiroshi Kamioka 1, Tanimoto light sound 1, Takeshi Kotani 2, Kenji Nishii 2, 玄馬顕一 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 255-255, 2002.

Japanese Article An example of the bronchial cyst which resulted to anterior mediastinum
Shigeru Yamamoto 1, Mitsutaka Kadokura 1, Makoto Nonaka 1, Daisuke Kataoka 1, Koichi Inoue 1, Tadanori Kawada 2, Toshihiro Takaba 1, Moat place Naoya 2, Mitsuru Adachi 2, 九島巳樹 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 256-256, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases of the bronchogenic cysts which we were able to resect in a thoracoscope adjuvant bottom
石橋弘成, Grassland Shinya, Yuichi Yoshida, Yoshinobu Sumiyama, Hirohisa Kajiwara, Yoshihisa Saita, Relation authority Kazuo, Paulownia Koji Hayashi, Tomoko Shibayama, Ryota Kanai, 松清大
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 256-256, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the aortitis syndrome that repeated hemoptysis
Toki good period 1, 原祐郁 1, Katsuyuki Ichiki 1, 宮原佐弥 1, Takuo Misaki 1, Katsuo Usuda 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 257-257, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of actinomycosis of lung that repeated hemoptysis
Toshiyuki Yamagata 1, Rie Sasaki 2, Prince Hiroshi Nakanishi 2, Takeshi Nishimoto 2, 南方良章 2, Tadatoshi So 2, Susumu Yukawa 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 257-257, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the bronchial polyp secondary to the hemoptysis
Akito Ueda 1, West Koichi 1, Masayuki Mizuguchi 1, Yuko Waseda 1, Masaki Fujimura 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 258-258, 2002.

Japanese Article Three cases of the pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage syndrome
Kazuhiro Okano 1, Four directions prosperity 1, Junko Yasuda 1, Masahiko Takenaka 1, Valley tail Yoshiro 1, Tatsuji Ogawa 2, Masaki Togawa 3, 伏見博彰 4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 258-258, 2002.

Japanese Article 1 resection case of the pulmonary lymphomatoid granulomatosis
Yuichi Shibuya 1, Takahiro Okabayashi 1, Tadashi Horimi 1, Madoka Hamada 1, Masashi Araki 2, Jun Shiraki 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 258-258, 2002.

Japanese Article An example of the eosinophilic pneumonia with nodules multiple to tunica mucosa bronchiorum
Tetsuya Ueda, Kenji Bando, Yoshinori Hasegawa, Masumi Nakata
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 258-258, 2002.

Japanese Article Through the experience of the peripheral embryonate lesion -4 case that can require the confirmation with the bronchoscope just before an operation
Katsuo Kojima 1, Takehiko Tanaka 2, Hideki Akamatsu 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 259-259, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of pulmonary atypical adenomatous hyperplasia merger origin-related lung cryptococcosis that bronchial brushing cytodiagnosis was useful in a diagnosis
Takeshi Horiuchi 1, Keisuke Matsuo 2, Akihiko Tamaoki 2, Yoichi Watanabe 2, Hiraki Shunkichi 2, Shigeharu Moriyama 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 259-259, 2002.

Japanese Article Trial of the quick cytodiagnosis in transbronchial aspiration cytodiagnosis (TBNA)
Tetsuro Inoue, 種田和清, Yoshio Taguchi, Eisaku Tanaka, Kato Akifumi, 櫻本稔, Masayoshi Mizuguchi, Yuji Maeda, Kunihiko Terada
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 260-260, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the utility of transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) in lung cancer
Flat chestnut Shunsuke 1, Osamu Taira 1, Hiroyuki Miura 1, Junichi Maeda 1, Depths relation Tetsuya 2, Takashi Hirano 2, Haruhiko Nakamura 2, Harufumi Kato 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 260-260, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of acidophilic granulomatosis that BAL was useful for a diagnosis
Chiyoko Kawano 1, Yoshihito Yamada 1, Yoji Miyasaka 1, Yuko Amano 1, Tetsuo Yamaguchi 1, 室田欣宏 2, Tamiko Takemura 3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 260-260, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the serum Mn-SOD level in the interstitial pneumonia
Miyake light wealth, Takashi Nakano, New junior high school, Ayuko Uesaka, Hiromi Yamashita, Shinichiro Iida, Atsushi Tonomura, Hata Juichi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 260-260, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (immediate genotype) that was able to predict treatment response by transbronchial lung biopsy
古市祥子, 小林朋子, 宮崎麻理子, 宮田直子, 水村賢司, 伊藤玲子, 林伸一, 中山智子, 高橋典明, 橋本修, 赤柴恒人, 堀江孝至
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 261-261, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of Torikai disease inferred that sensitization continued by use of duvet
Yoshihito Yamada 1, Chiyoko Kawano 1, Yoji Miyasaka 1, Yuko Amano 1, Tetsuo Yamaguchi 1, Yoshio Otani 2, Yasuyuki Yoshizawa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 261-261, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia(BOOP) which presented a multiple mass shadow
間木啓史郎 1, Ken Kato 1, Hideo Morino 2, Iron Kohei Tani 1, Koji Hashimoto 1, Mutsuo Miyazaki 1, Tomoko Yokokawa 1, Shigeo Yamamoto 1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 261-261, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of postpneumonectomy existence emaciation-related empyema
閨谷洋 1, 春藤恭昌 1, 望月孝裕 1, Field Hiroshi Kimura 2, North Yusuke 2, Ryo Kobayashi 3, 大井諭 4, Hisao Sugimura 5
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 262-262, 2002.

Japanese Article One that performed caul blood flow preservation total gastrectomy for the patients who complicated cardiac region gastric cancer after enforcement by omental flap transposition because of bronchopleural fistula
原文堅, 青江基, 永広格, 岡部和倫, Hiroshi Date solstice, Akira Ando husband, Nobuyoshi Shimizu
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 262-262, 2002.

Japanese Article One case that was able to be cured by bronchoscope lower lean person closure technique for bile duct bronchopleural fistula
竹尾貞徳, 山崎宏司
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 263-263, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of tracheobronchial (Tracheal bronchus) in this hospital
Mamoru Takahashi 1, Yuji Mori 1, Hisashi Nakata 1, Hirofumi Ouchi 1, Futagawa Eiji Hara 1, Shosaku Abe 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 263-263, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica discovered with difficulty with intubation
Wife deer Seiji, Kazumi Itoi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 263-263, 2002.

Japanese Article An example of trachea, bronchomalacia with achalasia
Jun Takano, Kae Miyata, Takeshi Okuzaki
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 264-264, 2002.

Japanese Article One case of rare trachea malformation which became clear by endotracheal stent insertion for the first time
Akira Hiratsuka sentence 1, Shinichi Maekawa 1, Yutaka Okabayashi 1, Yuji Mizuno 2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 264-264, 2002.

Japanese Article Two cases of the traumatic injury of trachea
Toru Akaishi, Koichi Kaneko, Morita law of nature Ichiro, Satomi Nakamura, Yasuhiro Yamazaki, Ryosuke Satake, Shunnei Kyo
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 24(3): 264-264, 2002.