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The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy

Volume 27, Issue 6 / 2005
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The sea and chart
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 431-432, 2005.

Japanese Article Look back on - progress in bronchoscopic now and old days; and -
Masao Tomita
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 433-434, 2005.

Japanese Article The late Dr. Watanabe Yoh of regret at parting
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 435-436, 2005.

Japanese Article A Follow up Study of Lung Cancer Patients With Residual Disease at the Bronchial Stump
Katsunari Matsuoka, Ryo Maeda, Toshi Menjyu, Eiichi Hayashi, Shinichi Sumitomo
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 437-441, 2005.

Japanese Article Videothoracoscopic Lung Biopsy in Patients With Diffuse Lung Disease
Hiroyuki Sakurai1, Masao Hada1, Yoshihiro Miyashita2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 442-446, 2005.

Japanese Article A Case of Endobronchial Metastasis From Gastric Carcinoma Resected 5 Years Previously
Takashi Yoshioka1, 3, Shingo Harita2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 447-451, 2005.

Japanese Article Idiopathic Bronchomalacia With Bronchial Mucus Cast in an Elderly Patient
Motoko Yoshikawa1, Takashi Ishida1, Keiichi Inoue1, Aya Sugawara1, Kana Watanabe1, Kenya Kanazawa1, Junpei Saito1, Yoshinori Ohtsuka1, Naoto Hashimoto2, Mitsuru Munakata1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 452-456, 2005.

Japanese Article The transbronchoscope micro sampling method
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 457-460, 2005.

Japanese Article Clinical application - of Endobronchial Ultrasonography(EBUS) - today
Taeko Shirakawa, Noriaki Kurimoto, Atsuko Ishida, Junko Saji, 大重雅寛, Miho Nakamura, 藤田佳嗣, Miyazu Yuka, Takeo Inoue, 宮澤輝臣, Hiroaki Nagata
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 461-466, 2005.

Japanese Article Virtual bronchoscope
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 467-471, 2005.

Japanese Article Endobronchial brachytherapy
Masanori Kaneta 1, 渡邉文亮 1, Tarukawa intellect person 3, Sakai 隆 1, Well side Hidenori 2, 大本恭裕 2, Nomoto reason person 4, Noriko Ii 4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 472-474, 2005.

Japanese Article Bronchial plombage
Yoichi Watanabe
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 475-478, 2005.

Japanese Article Airway stent
Mound Norio that it is the way it goes
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 479-486, 2005.

Japanese Article 1. One case that unilateral lower lobe resection was effective for bilateral bronchodilatation to repeat hemoptysis
Hikosaka male, Yamada 健, Yoshiaki Nakajima, Masayuki Tanahashi, Hirohisa Yoshitomi, Niwa 宏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 488-488, 2005.

Japanese Article 2. Two cases of the bronchial stump stoma which experienced recently
雪上晴弘, Katsuhiko Endo, Eriko Suzuki, Yuji Haneda, Kobayashi 玄, Hidefumi Sasaki, Tomonori Yano, 藤井義敬
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 488-488, 2005.

Japanese Article 3. 1 lifesaving case of the trachea brachiocephalic trunk stoma
Yasuhisa Ozu, Jin Takao two, Kazuto Yokoyama, Tarukawa intellect person, Shimamoto 亮, Takabayashi newly, Koji Onoda, Hideto Shinpo
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 488-488, 2005.

Japanese Article 4. One case of the bronchial atresia that had difficulty in differentiation with the mediastinal cystic disease
Kaneko 揚 1), Takuji Kiryu 2), Tanaka 修 2), Star Hiroaki 2), Iwata still 3), Yoshinobu Hirose 4), Kuniyasu Shimokawa 5)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 488-488, 2005.

Japanese Article One case of the lung adenocarcinoma including 6.Signet-ring cell
Akiko Ishii, 宮崎幹規, Yuko Takano, Yuji Bessho, Hideki Muramatsu, Tetsuya Oguri, Hiroshi Maeda justice, Mt. Niimi, Shigeru Sato tree, Ryuzo Ueda
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 488-489, 2005.

Japanese Article One case of the lung adenocarcinoma which presented with bronchus mold of shadow case 2
Daisuke Aoyama, Iwata 勝, Toshiyuki Kato, Norio Yoshida, Forest Akemi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 489-489, 2005.

Japanese Article One case of the pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma which was fungoid, and extended to bronchus lumen case 3
伸 健浩, 長谷哲成, Harunori Nakajima, Abe 崇, 安藤守秀, Shindo length, 堀場通明
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 489-489, 2005.

Japanese Article One case of the phthisis pulmonum that showed a lesion to the case 4.V,VI next bronchus
加藤高志, 中村 敦, 沓名健雄, 丹羽俊朗, 加藤宗博, 森田博紀
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 489-489, 2005.

Japanese Article 1.Bronchoscopy for the pulmonary periphery small lesion
堀越理紀, 上北久美, 石本 修, 小林隆夫, 菅原俊一, 本田芳宏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 490-490, 2005.

Japanese Article Trial of the bronchial observation using 2.OCT(Optical Coherence Tomography)
Masami Sato, Satomi Takahashi, Takahiro Sawada, Koike Kabo children
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 490-490, 2005.

Japanese Article 3. About a utility of the autologous fluorescence endoscope (AFI)
Satomi Takahashi 1), Takahiro Sawada 1), Masami Sato 1), Koike Kabo children 1), Ando Miyuki 2), Masashi Tanaka 2), 小犬丸貞裕 2), Matsuda 尭 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 490-490, 2005.

Japanese Article 4. One case of fixed form carcinoid which caused multiple recurrences after resection in the eighth year
Star Fumihiko, Toshiharu Tabata, Takashi Minowa life, 松村輔二, Kondo hill
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 490-490, 2005.

Japanese Article 5. Three cases that a thoracic aortic aneurysm resulted in hemoptysis postoperatively
Hiroyuki Deguchi 1), Friend cheap sincerity 1), Tatsuo Tanida 1), Horie 圭 2), Kamata 武 2), Mizuno University 2), Kohei Kawazoe 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 490-490, 2005.

Japanese Article 1.One case of bronchial origin myoepithelioma
吉田康浩1), 濱武大輔1), 山口正史1), 岡林 寛1), 白日高歩2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 491-491, 2005.

Japanese Article 2. Mainly on choice of one - excision of the bronchial primary leiomyoma -
Tanaka truth, Miyoshi 立, Kato sentence, Yamamoto 聡, Akira Hiratsuka sentence, Takeshi Shiraishi, Akinori Iwasaki, Takayuki Shirakusa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 491-491, 2005.

Japanese Article 5.Two cases of the bronchial alien substance which occurred on the occasion of dental treatment
下川秀彦, 小野憲司, 岩浪崇嗣, 宗 哲哉, 菅谷将一, 浦本秀隆, 花桐武志, 野添忠浩, 杉尾賢二, 安元公正
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 491-492, 2005.

Japanese Article 6. Two cases of the bronchial foreign body which experienced recently
Toshi Tsukamoto virtue
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 492-492, 2005.

Japanese Article 7. One case of the bronchial foreign body with actinomycosis of lung
Michiyo Miyawaki, Naoyuki Imakiire, Yozo Kawano, Miura 隆, Riverbank Katsunobu
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 492-492, 2005.

Japanese Article 10. One case of the non-small cell lung cancer given coring and the stent custody under a scirrhous bronchoscope
Fumio Yamamoto 1), 鴛渕雅代 1), Ryutaro Aramaki 1), 久良木隆繁 1), Shiroishi bare public 1), Ken Watanabe Tarou 1), Akira Hiratsuka sentence 2), Yamamoto 聡 2), Akinori Iwasaki 2), Takayuki Shirakusa 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 493-493, 2005.

Japanese Article 13. One case of the thyroid primary malignant lymphoma that presented tracheoesophageal fistula
Noriyuki Ebi, Yoshihisa Honda, 飛野和則, Masako Uchida, Mukasa Yosuke
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 493-493, 2005.

Japanese Article 14. Is one patient who had the tracheal cancer all over the course of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Kasai still 1), Jun Kawamura straight 1), Ishino 徹 1), Hayata 宏 2), Kawano 茂 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 493-494, 2005.

Japanese Article 15. One case of the progression slow carcinomatous pleurisy that received with the abnormal shadow by the examination
Kaneshima 洋, Taizo Fukumoto, Kazuhisa Katayama
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 494-494, 2005.

Japanese Article 17. One case of Bronchomegaly which left main bronchus was saccular, and was expanded
Yukihiro Sugimoto 1), Kuwada Tomoko 1), 藤井慎嗣 1), 1,000 ground Expo 1), Akimitsu Uchimura 2), Storehouse field Ryoichi 3)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 494-494, 2005.

Japanese Article 18. Two examination that septic pulmonary embolism was thought about
Bank Hiroto, Suguru Moriyama person, Kayo Maruta, Chikage Kiyofuji, Junji Hamamoto, Fumichika Imamura, Honda spring, Kazuo Fukushima, 杉本峯晴
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 494-494, 2005.

Japanese Article 20. One case of the sarcoidosis diagnosed by hilar lymph node aspiration cytodiagnosis
Masafumi Takeshita, Eiji Iwama, Masaki Fujita, Inoshima Ichiro, Kuwano sum good, Yoichi Nakanishi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 495-495, 2005.

Japanese Article 21. Examination of a mediastinum, the hilar lymph node aspiration cytodiagnosis using the ultrasonic autoscope
Masaki Fujita, Inoshima Ichiro, Yoichi Nakanishi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 495-495, 2005.

Japanese Article 22. Is comparison with the bronchoscope bottom micro sampling method and the brush cytology a lung cancer diagnosis
Yoshioka truth
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 495-495, 2005.

Japanese Article 24. One case of trachea tube form resection trachea primary schwannoma which rebuilt
Indoor Kenji, Matsuzaki Yasunori, Tetsuya Shimizu, Masaki Hara, Masaki Tomita, Takanori Ayabe, Toshio Onizuka
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 496-496, 2005.

Japanese Article 25. One case of the pulmonary arterio-venous fistula which resected under a thoracoscope adjuvant
岩浪崇嗣, Hidetaka Uramoto, Tatsuo Takama, Hironobu Shiota, Hidehiko Shimokawa, Yoshiki Shigematsu, Soong Tetsuya, Kenji Ono, Masakazu Sugaya, 野添浩忠, Flower paulownia Takeshi, Kenji Sugio, Yasumoto fairness
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 496-496, 2005.

Japanese Article 26. 3 surgery case of the traumatic tracheobronchial injury
Satoshi Watanabe 1), Miura 隆 1), Yozo Kawano 1), Michiyo Miyawaki 1), Naoyuki Imakiire 1), Riverbank Katsunobu 1), Zhongcheng Masao 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 496-496, 2005.

Japanese Article 27.Discussion - about trachea excision reconstruction - safe respiratory tract rebuilding for good nature, the malignant airway narrowing
平山貴視, 白石武史, 中島裕康, 加藤文章, 三好 立, 平塚昌文, 山本 聡, 岩崎昭憲, 白日高歩
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 496-496, 2005.

Japanese Article 29. One patient who underwent syringeal choke technique by the dermal flap for trachea aperture dysrhaphic state
Katsura, Matsumoto Taro 1), Tagawa 努 1), Akihiro Nakamura 1), Naoya Yamazaki 1), Shirafuji Tomoyuki 1), Shigeyuki Morino 1), Takuo Miyazaki 1), 永安 武 1), Hiroshi Hasegawa 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 497-497, 2005.

Japanese Article 30.One case of the empyema which bronchial plombage responded to for the pulmonary fistula which persisted after the greater omentum filling, shut window technique enforcement
濱中和嘉子1), 米田 敏1), 水流弘文1), 岩崎昭憲2), 白日高歩2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 497-497, 2005.

Japanese Article 32. The examination of seven fenestration enforcement chronic empyema in our department
Eri Fukami, Akira Hiratsuka sentence, It is looked at Takashi Hirayama, Kato sentence, Miyoshi 立, Yamamoto 聡, Takeshi Shiraishi, Akinori Iwasaki, Takayuki Shirakusa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 497-498, 2005.

Japanese Article 33. One case of Salivary type carcinoma [Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA)] of the trachea origin
Yuichi Inoue 1), Toyomitsu Sawai 1), Yukiko Saeki 1), Yasushi Ikuta 2), Kimino Koji 2), Tadashi Kishikawa University 3), Masahiro Nakajima 3), Hayata 宏 4), Kawano 茂 4)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 498-498, 2005.

Japanese Article 34. Large number of trachea, one case of the squamous cell carcinoma of lung which had a bronchial bosselated lesion
Kuwada Tomoko 1), Yukihiro Sugimoto 1), 藤井慎嗣 1), 1,000 ground Expo 1), Akimitsu Uchimura 2), Storehouse field Ryoichi 3)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 498-498, 2005.

Japanese Article 35. 2 cases of colorectal cancer which presented a lesion in the bronchial lumen in an episode of care
Suguru Moriyama person, Chikage Kiyofuji, Kayo Maruta, Bank Hiroto, Junji Hamamoto, 今村史哉, Honda spring, Kazuo Fukushima, 杉本峯晴
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 498-498, 2005.

Japanese Article 36. One case of Tracheobronchopathia Osteochon-droplastica who had the lung adenocarcinoma
Three Katsuhiko, Yoichiro Goto, Prince Anan exhibition, Kunihiro Sannomiya, Junichi Kikuchi, Takato Yasui, Inlet 崇, Nagato kernel, Miura 肇
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 498-499, 2005.

Japanese Article Foreign literature introduction
Ryoji Kawano
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 501-502, 2005.

Japanese Article Hokkaido Prefectural Tomakomai hospital respiratory organs dep
Kazunori Tsunematsu
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 27(6): 503-504, 2005.