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The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy

Volume 33, Issue 2 / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article We do not get snagged and never give it up
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 73-74, 2011.

Japanese Article New bronchoscope views classification (plan)
雨宮隆太, 池田徳彦, 今泉和良, 金子昌弘, 清嶋護之, 坂英雄, 佐川元保, 高田佳木, 細川芳文, 山崎善隆
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 75-82, 2011.

Japanese Article One "of the allergic granulomatous angiitis that we were able to diagnose by Takayama et al." transbronchial lung biopsy
Takashi Ogura
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 83-84, 2011.

Japanese Article Painful degree evaluation "in the examination for EBUS-TBNA under Takahashi et al." sedative combination local anesthesia
Takashi Suzuki
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 85-86, 2011.

Japanese Article Evaluation of Discomfort Level During Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration Under Local Anesthesia and Mild Conscious Sedation
Ryo Takahashi1), 3), Takahiro Nakajima1), 2), 3), Yuichi Sakairi1), 3), Masato Shingyouji1), Meiji Itakura1), Yukiko Matsui1), Takehiko Fujisawa2), Ichirou Yoshino3), Hideki Kimura1), Toshihiko Iizasa1)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 87-92, 2011.

Japanese Article A Case of Tracheobronchial Amyloidosis Treated by Laser Therapy and Argon Plasma Coagulation with an Unfavorable Outcome
Kenya Yoshida, Masashi Yamamoto, Koichiro Shima, Yasuhiro Goto, Yoshihiro Takeyama, Masaaki Kusunose, Tomohiko Kakumu, Hidekazu Mizuno, Taro Tanaka, Naoya Ozawa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 93-98, 2011.

Japanese Article Rheumatic Pleurisy Diagnosed by Thoracoscopy Under Local Anesthesia
Satoru Ishii1), Yuichiro Takeda1), Satoshi Hirano1), Shinji Nakamichi1), Yasuto Yoneshima1), Go Naka1), Motoyasu Iikura1), Hideyuki Itou2), Nobuyuki Kobayashi1), Koichiro Kudo3)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 99-103, 2011.

Japanese Article A Case of Allergic Granulomatosis and Angiitis Diagnosed by Transbronchial Lung Biopsy
Koji Takayama1), 2), Jin Kuramochi1), 2), Yasunari Miyazaki1), Naohiko Inase1)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 104-108, 2011.

Japanese Article A Case of Mediastinal Abscess and Pericarditis Complications After Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration
Megumi Inaba1), Sunao Ushijima1), Naomi Hirata1), Tetsushi Saishoji2), Takeshi Yoshinaga1)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 109-113, 2011.

Japanese Article A Patient with Racemose Hemangioma Who Coughed Up the Coils of a Previous Bronchial Artery Embolization
Akane Morita1), Yuko Komase1), Mizuki Ikehara1), Akira Ishida1), Hiromichi Yamaguchi1), Noriomi Ishibashi1), Tadasu Kono2), Sakashi Fujimori2), Teruomi Miyazawa3)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 114-118, 2011.

Japanese Article Two Surgical Cases of Type 1 Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation Complicated with Abnormal Blood Vessels
Motohiko Furuichi1), Takashi Muramatsu1), Mie Shimamura1), Tatsuhiko Nishii1), Miyako Baba2), Shinji Takeshita1), Shinichiroh Ishimoto1), Yoko Tanaka1), Hiroaki Morooka1), Ryota Higure1), Kazumitsu Ohmori1), Motomi Shiono1)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 119-123, 2011.

Japanese Article A Case of Pulmonary Cryptococcosis Mimicking Lung Cancer
Jun Yamamoto1), Aritoshi Hattori1), Masaoki Shimanouchi1), Toshinori Hashizume1), Yasuhiro Umetsu2), Toru Tanaka3), Hiroyuki Takoi3), Yohei Yatagai3), Shih-yuan Lin3), Akimasa Sekine3), Kenji Hayashihara3), Takefumi Saito3), Tetsushi Sicito1)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 124-128, 2011.

Japanese Article 1. One case of renal cell carcinoma which a diagnosis established in EBUS-TBNA without being given a diagnosis in EBUS-GS
斎藤善也1), 石井聡1), 平野聡1), 佐藤彩野1), 山地玲奈1), 入来豊久1), 宇田川響1), 石原園子1), 杉山栄里1), 藤田雄1), 東野茉莉1), 寺田純子1), 平石尚久1), 中道真仁1), 森野英里子1), 高崎仁1), 仲剛1), 飯倉元保1), 竹田雄一郎1), 杉山温人1), 小林信之1), 泉信有2), 工藤宏一郎2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 129-129, 2011.

Japanese Article 2. One case of the metastasis to hilar lymph node of prostate cancer which was able to diagnose in EBUS-TBNA
Blastopore celebration Expo, Takayuki Kaburagi, Risa Okubo, Akira Yamaguchi Saburo, Keiko Utsumi, 橋本幾太, Tatsuo Iijima, 斉藤仁昭, 清嶋護之, Door to be opened in the morning Yuji, Takahiro Amemiya
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 129-129, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. One patient who was discovered for multiple metastases to lung, and had a diagnosis of a thymic carcinoma in EBUS-TBNA
Kyoko Shimizu 1), Takeshi Uchibori 1), Atsushi Nakagawa 1), Yano still 1), Haruhiko Furusawa 1), Shinichiro Tominaga 1), Ichiro Natsume 1), Minoru Okochi 1), Takashi Morohoshi 2), 津浦幸夫 3)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 129-129, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. One case of mediastinal type lung cancer that had difficulty in preoperative diagnosis in supersonic wave bronchoscope (EBUS)
Junichi Morimoto 1), Yukiko Matsui 1), Mitsuru Yoshino 1), Hideki Kimura 1), Iizasa Toshihiko 1), Akashi Itakura 2), 新行内雅斗 2), Takahiro Sugiyama 3), Hidetada Kawana 3), Makiko Itami 3)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 129-129, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. One case that EBUS-TBNA was useful for a diagnosis of the lung cancer local recurrence
岩崎賢太郎, 本多英俊, 牧野洋二郎, 山口学, 西條天基, 長瀬清亮, 垣花昌俊, 臼田実男, 野村将春, 大平達夫, 池田徳彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 129-130, 2011.

Japanese Article 6. One case of complete tracheal rings discovered accidentally by difficulty with intubation
Takuya Nagashima, Takeo Nakata, Hiroaki Kuroda, Junichi Maeda, Fumitoshi view, Yukinori Sakao, Sakae Okumura, Takeshi Nakagawa
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 130-130, 2011.

Japanese Article 7. One case of the tracheal diverticulum discovered with notch in the flow-volume curve
Hisataka Yamazaki, Masayuki Nakayama, Aya Kusano, 大圃美穂, Hiroshi Yamauchi justice, Komatsu existence, Masashi Sata, Etsuko Nakasone, Water product Yoshiko, Toshikatsu Hirano, 右藤智啓, Akiko Nakazawa, Eri Suzuki, Interval wisteria Naoko, 中屋孝清, Tatsuya Hosono, Hideaki Yamazawa, Masashi Bando, Yukihiko Sugiyama
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 130-130, 2011.

Japanese Article
峯岸健太郎1), 金井義彦1), 手塚憲志1), 工藤史明1), 白石守1), 三輪千尋1), 渡辺恭孝1), 小山信一郎1), 遠藤俊輔2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 130-130, 2011.

Japanese Article 9. One case of IgG4-related pneumopathy diagnosed by TBLB
駒崎義利 1), Corner Takeki 1), Manabu Sema 1), Mitsue Hayashi 1), Toshiharu Tsutsui 1), Tasuku Chiba Yasuko 1), Prince Tsuchiya authority 1), Akihiro Tamaoka 1), Hiroyuki Sakashita 1), Yasunari Miyazaki 1), Inase Naohiko 1), Takumi Akashi 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 130-130, 2011.

Japanese Article 10. 1 resection case of fixed form carcinoid which occurred in right upper lobe of lung
Takuo Shinmyo 1), Ei Hashimoto Michiko 1), Koji Ando 1), Atsushi Mochizuki 1), Noriaki Kurimoto 1), Haruhiko Nakamura 1), 峯下昌道 2), 宮澤輝臣 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 130-131, 2011.

Japanese Article 11. One case of the primary lung adenocarcinoma which presented rapid clinical course in spite of being an intrapulmonary small lesion
Shinji Kasashima 1), Teru Onose 1), 磯野永依 1), Matakichi Miyamoto 1), Yusuke Nakamura 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 131-131, 2011.

Japanese Article 12. One case of the epithelioid hemangioendothelioma of the lung
Yu Fukuda tree 1), Kohei Aoki 1), Takeshi Takeuchi 1), Matter law of nature dawn 1 to congratulate it), Keisuke Eguchi 1), Mitsuo Nakayama 1), Yoshiaki Nagai 2), Mt. Moriyama 2), 植松和嗣 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 131-131, 2011.

Japanese Article 13. One case of the mediastinal germ cell tumors that presented growing teratoma syndrome, and needed combined modality therapy
Yosuke Wada 1), Toshihiko Azuma 1), Shintaro Kanda 1), Michiko Ito 1), Kazuhisa Urushibata 1), Hiroshi Yamamoto 1), Masayuki Hanaoka 1), 久保惠嗣 1), Satoru Koizumi exhibition 2), Hideaki Motegi 3), 工穣 3), Manabu Saito 4), Kazuo Yoshida 4), Kenichi Ito 4)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 131-131, 2011.

Japanese Article 15. One case of endobronchial hamartoma complicated in sarcoidosis
Taiji Yoshida, Rikitake Hagino, Toru Wakabayashi, 岡田倫明, Toshihisa Kuroda, Kengo Kawashima, Masaaki Tanabe, Yasuo Matsuzawa, Tatsuo Kawashima
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 131-132, 2011.

Japanese Article 16. One case of the endobronchial hamartoma diagnosed with a drowned lung and atelectasis
Takashi Kimura 1), Rieko Kato 1), Mariko Yamaura 1), Toshiyuki 1 Kim), Hikari Koyama 1), Oji Obayashi 1), Takizawa beginning 1), Shozo Fujino 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 132-132, 2011.

Japanese Article 17. One case of the endobronchial hamartoma which resected by snare
坪地宏嘉, Two Hiroyuki Tanda, 山崎庸弘, Kozo Sakaguchi, Hiroshi Ishida virtue, Koichi Kaneko
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 132-132, 2011.

Japanese Article 18. One case of the metastasis to malignant melanoma trachea which we were able to resect under a bronchoscope
鈴木繁紀, 堀尾裕俊, 加勢田馨, 羽藤泰, 原田匡彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 132-132, 2011.

Japanese Article 19. One case of endobronchial metastasis due to the Paget's Disease out of the breast
Your Yu Saito 1), Yutaka Handa 1), Naoki Furuya 1), Hirotaka Kida 1), West apophyge tree 1), Miho Nakamura 1), Akira Ishida 1), Takeo Inoue 1), Deferred mountain Seiichi 1), Taeko Shirakawa 1), 峯下昌道 1), 宮澤輝臣 1), Noriaki Kurimoto 2), Yasushi Ariizumi 3), Ichiro Maeda 3)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 132-132, 2011.

Japanese Article 20. One case that performed scirrhous bronchoscope lower tumorectomy for the squamous cell carcinoma of lung which presented left perfection atelectasis, and evaded pneumonectomy
Shingo Kobayashi 1), Kinya Furukawa 1), Takeshi Oikawa 1), Makoto Saito 1), 洪建偉 2), Shibuya truth 2), Norihiko Ikeda 3)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 132-132, 2011.

Japanese Article 21. One case of trachea, the tuberculosis of bronchus that resulted in right perfection atelectasis and high-grade stenosis with the tracheal torsion
Tenjin Ayumi, Hirotaka Kida, Naoki Furuya, Yutaka Handa, West apophyge tree, Miho Nakamura, Akira Ishida, Deferred mountain Seiichi, Takeo Inoue, Taeko Shirakawa, 峯下昌道, 宮澤輝臣
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 132-133, 2011.

Japanese Article 22. 1 case that presented corpus callosum encephalitis and pneumonia all over the course of parainfluenzae viral infections
Tatsuya Yokoyama 1), Forest dream child 1), Tanaka colored picture 1), Takuya Tsunoda 1), Sota lawn world 1), Yasutaka Machida 1), Kei Murayama tree 1), Taiji Watanabe 1), Naoya Ikeda 1), Taichi Shiobara 1), Ohara one note 1), Kazuhiko Matsuno 1), Ryo Arai 1), 神谷周良 1), 館脇正充 1), 福島史哉 1), Tomoe Kohata 1), Chibana Kazuyuki 1), Koji Fukushima 1), Takeshi Fukuda 1), 三好祐顕 1), 2), 武政聡浩 1), 2), Yoshiki Ishii 1), 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 133-133, 2011.

Japanese Article 23. One case of chemical pneumonia with clopidogrel that a lymphocyte stimulation test of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was useful in a diagnosis sulfate
Keiko Muraki, 柳下薫寛, Yuichiro Honma, Kengo Koike, Teruhiko Sato, Nagaoka iron Taro, Yuzo Kodama, Mitsuru Sekiya daylight, Kuniaki Seyama, Kazuhisa Takahashi
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 133-133, 2011.

Japanese Article 24. Examination about the significance of the bronchoscope lower lung biopsy tissue Mycobacterium culture in nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
Akira Sekine elegant 1), Yoshiya Tsunoda 1), Toru Tanaka 1), Tanida shellfish Yohei 1), Forest person former 1), Kunihiko Miyazaki 1), Yukiko Miura 1), Kenji Hayashibara 1), Takefumi Saito 1), 梅津泰洋 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 133-133, 2011.

Japanese Article 26. One case of prostate cancer detected with the lymphangitis carcinomatosis of the lung
Hiroshi Ono 1), 仁瓶善朗 1), Masashi Ito 1), Yasuyuki Taniguchi 2), Hiroki Hayashi 3), Akihiko 3 between the string), Masashi Kawamoto 4)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 133-134, 2011.

Japanese Article 27. 1 resection case of the organized pneumonia that needed differentiation with hilar region lung cancer
Spring water constipated sinter 1), Koji Sakaguchi 1), Mikiko Kobayashi 2), Deer Takashi Kojima 2), Yoshitaka Yamazaki 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 134-134, 2011.

Japanese Article 28. One patient who detected lung cancer during follow-up after the bronchoplasty for the right lung cancer in a core early stage in the left
澤藤誠1), 塚田紀理1), 神山育男1), 大森奈緒2), 塩見哲也2), 小熊剛2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 134-134, 2011.

Japanese Article 29. One case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma which needed pulmonary thrombosis and differentiation in an image
Atsushi Kitamura 1), Yuichi Takiguchi 1), Katsushi Kurosu 1), 黒田文伸 1), Seiichiro Sakao 1), Yuji Tada 1), Yasushi Kasahara period 1), Nobuhiro Tanabe 1), Koichiro Tatsumi 1), Takako Kiyokawa 2), Height of rice Yoko 3), Yukio Nakatani 3), 守屋康充 4), Ichiro Yoshino 4)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 134-134, 2011.

Japanese Article 30. One case that Dumon stent was useful for tracheal stenosis due to recurrent esophageal cancer
Tail Tamami Utena 1), Hiroshi Kuraishi 1), Kure shop Hiroki 1), Kohata and line 1), Masubuchi male 1), Shigeru Koyama 1), Matsuda solstice daylight 2), Masahide Watanabe 3), Hiroto Takahashi 4)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 134-134, 2011.

Japanese Article 31. Treatment with bronchial plombage is one case of the thoracic empyema with fistula after the operation that we succeeded
松本健司, 遠藤哲哉, 青木裕一, 阿久津博彦, 山須田彬, 光田清佳, 手塚康裕, 山本真一, 長谷川剛, 遠藤俊輔
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 134-135, 2011.

Japanese Article 32. One case that pleural adhesion with talc was effective in bilateral pleural effusions due to the liposarcoma
Watanabe truth authority, Akira Ishida, Miho Nakamura, Naoki Furuya, Yutaka Handa, Hirotaka Kida, West apophyge tree, Deferred mountain Seiichi, Takeo Inoue, Taeko Shirakawa, 峯下昌道, Noriaki Kurimoto, 宮澤輝臣
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 135-135, 2011.

Japanese Article 34. One case of bulky pulmonary cyst merger anterior mediastinum tumor which operated for single-stage under thoracoscope
Naohiro Aruga 1), Naoko Imamura 1), So Watanabe 1), Takahisa Koizumi 1), Yoshino sum ear 1), Tomoki Nakagawa 1), Ryota Masuda 1), Atsushi Hamamoto 1), Noboru Saikai 1), Masayuki Iwasaki 1), Umemura 2 to bear), Naoya Nakamura 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 135-135, 2011.

Japanese Article 35. One case of the thoracoscopic pulmonary segmental resection by the CT guide lower marking law using contrast media for the nonpalpable small pulmonary disease and the pigment
Tetsu Matsuya line 1), Satoko Koizumi 1), Masafumi Kawamura 1), Koji Takeshita 2), Tetsuo Imamura 3), Yoshihisa Takahashi 3)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 135-135, 2011.

Japanese Article 3. One case of SFT(solitary fibrous tumor) discovered for hypoglycaemic attack
Masashi Yamaguchi 1), Daishi Nagao 1), Yasushi Nakano good luck 1), Tetsuhiro Shiota 2), Toshiyuki Obata 3), Noriko Takahara 3), Hiroki Konishi 4)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 136-136, 2011.

Japanese Article 4. Pulmonary aspergillosis that early diagnosis, treatment was useful
秋山太助1), 高島純平1), 多河広史1), 元根正晴1), 谷尾吉郎1), 島津宏樹2), 伏見博彰2), 児玉昌身3)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 136-136, 2011.

Japanese Article 5. One case of chronic Ps. aeruginosa infection which produced atelectasis of left B3
Hironori Tanaka 1), Etsu Fujita straight 1), Jun Kawai 2), Keiichiro Sakanaka 2), Akiko Suzuki 2), Big spots Takashi 3), Yutaka Nishikawa product 4), Hiroaki Kume 4), Higashida existence intellect 4), Katsuhiro Yamamoto 5)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 136-136, 2011.

Japanese Article 7. One case of bronchoalveolar epithelial cancer which presented bilateral multiple infiltrative shadow
Yuko Suzuki, Japanese oak Tomoko Hayashi, Yoko Tanaka, Kentaro Tago, Yoshiaki Sasaki
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 137-137, 2011.

Japanese Article 8. One case of the tracheoesophageal fistula
Akito Ueda 1), Inada positive 1), Masato Minami 2)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 137-137, 2011.

Japanese Article 9. One case of the metastasis to breast cancer bronchus
Inner halls of a palace Takafumi, Field Jun Hara, Hisashi Watanabe tree, Koichi Nakatani, Kazue Shimada
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 137-137, 2011.

Japanese Article 10. One case of the diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma which we were able to diagnose by a transbronchial biopsy
藤田幸男, 早川正樹, 児山紀子, 田中晴之, 玉置伸二, 友田恒一, 天野逸人, 森井武志, 吉川雅則, 木村弘
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 137-137, 2011.

Japanese Article 11. Utility - of surgery - rigidity bronchoscope lower core out of the second for the neoplastic lesion of the central respiratory tract where occurred in for dyspnea
Makoto Takahama, Ryoji Yamamoto, Takashi Nakajima, Takuma Tsukioka, Hiroto Tada
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 137-138, 2011.

Japanese Article 12. One case of the small-cell lung cancer that chemotherapy was successful, and was able to leave a respirator
Miki Honda 1), 大搗泰一郎 1), Kazuya Fukuoka 1), Masachika Eriko 1), Hitomi Kamiya 1), Hisaya Okuwa 1), Koji Mikami 1), Risa Maeda 1), Yoshitaka Nogi 1), Tomoko Hirayama 1), 寺田貴普 1), 安光亮洋 1), Okada tomorrow or 1), Aki Murakami 1), Yamada Shuya 1), 田村邦宣 1), Kozo Kuribayashi 1), Chiharu Tabata 1), Takashi Nakano 1), Hayato Orui 2), Masaki Hashimoto 2), Salt 2, Miwa), Seiji Matsumoto 2), Kondo exhibition line 2), Fumihiro Tanaka 2), Makoto Hasegawa period 2), Noriaki Tsubota 3), Tsukamoto good luck paternal blood 4), Seiichi Hirota 4)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 138-138, 2011.

Japanese Article 13. Five cases of the lung tumor which diagnosed by Bf-NAVI(R) and a transbronchial peripheral echo
Yamaguchi Kosuke, Satoshi Terashita, Tetsuhiro Shiota
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 138-138, 2011.

Japanese Article 14. One case that drained using a guide sheath for a transbronchus for an intratumoral abscess of lung cancer
Yoshiharu Miyata, Shimada sky Yoshiko, Mio Hayakawa, The Kuramoto clothes beauty, Yoshiko Urata, 服部剛弘, Miyako in the village, 根來俊一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 138-138, 2011.

Japanese Article Hyogo College of Medicine respiratory apparatus internal medicine
Kazuya Fukuoka
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 33(2): 147-148, 2011.