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The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy

Volume 39, Issue suppl / 2017
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the 40th respiratory endoscopic society arts and sciences meeting holding in Japan
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S3-S3, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchial study of the innovation era
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S131-S131, 2017.

English Article 1 Engineered Respiratory Organs
Laura E. Niklason
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S132-S132, 2017.

English Article 2 Smart instrument design for minimally invasive applications
Jenny Dankelman
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S134-S134, 2017.

Japanese Article Modern medical development and optical goods of 1 Japan
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S136-S136, 2017.

Japanese Article 2 fish robots and medicine mechanic cooperation
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S138-S139, 2017.

English Article 3 Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy : The Final Frontier
Calvin S.H.Ng
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S142-S142, 2017.

English Article 4 Management of Central Airway Stenosis : Focusing On Endobronchial Tuberculosis
Wahju Aniwidyaningsih
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S144-S144, 2017.

English Article 5 Prevention of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) in Preterm Infants --A New Therapeutic Regimen
Tsu F. Yeh
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S146-S146, 2017.

Japanese Article We reconsider the bronchoscopic significance in the diagnosis of 1 opportunistic infection
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S150-S150, 2017.

Japanese Article Basics and safety management of 2 bronchoscope maneuvers
大崎能伸, 風林佳大, 平井理子, 南幸範, 奥村俊介, 佐々木高明, 豊嶋恵理, 山本泰司
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S152-S153, 2017.

Japanese Article With a theory of the bronchial thermoplasty in 3 serious case intractable asthma, actually
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S156-S156, 2017.

Japanese Article How do 4 cells feel power? - From mechanobiology to mechanotherapy -
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S160-S160, 2017.

Japanese Article About the eighth edition of 5 lung cancer TNM classification: Mechanism of the revision and future development
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S164-S164, 2017.

Japanese Article From the situation of respiratory endoscopy - pediatric surgeon of 6 children -
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S166-S166, 2017.

Japanese Article The latest topic of 7 artificial respiration
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S168-S168, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of Re-biopsy which fixed its eyes on a future treatment strategy for SY1-1 NSCLC
桐田圭輔1, 宇田川響1, 杉山栄里2, 梅村茂樹1, 松本慎吾1, 仁保誠治1, 坪井正博3, 後藤功一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S173-S173, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchial endoscopic role at SY1-2 lung cancer recurrence
垣花昌俊, 前田純一, 村上浩太郎, 濱中和嘉子, 牧野洋二郎, 岡野哲也, 梶原直央, 大平達夫, 池田徳彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S173-S173, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of 22 re-biopsy cases after the EGFR-TKI treatment for the SY1-3 EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung adenocarcinoma
四方田真紀子, 和田敦司, 長又誠, 渡邊景明, 善家義貴, 大熊裕介, 細見幸生, 岡村樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S173-S173, 2017.

Japanese Article The re-biopsy of the tissue sampling purpose in the SY1-4 existing treatment non-small cell lung cancer: Comparison by the maneuver
秦明登, 片上信之, 吉積悠子, 奥田千幸, 加地玲子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S173-S173, 2017.

Japanese Article The detection of resistance gene T790M by the SY1-5 respiratory organs endoscope bottom re-biopsy
岡本紀雄1, 白山敬之2, 田中彩子2, 森田沙斗武2, 佐藤真吾2, 那須信吾2, 森下直子2, 上原暢子2, 鈴木秀和2, 河原邦光3, 平島智徳2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S174-S174, 2017.

Japanese Article Metastases to lung sampling with the middle range bronchoscope with SY1-6 big mouth diameter channel
笹田真滋1,3, 出雲雄大2,3, 松元祐司3, 中井俊之3, 土田敬明3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S174-S174, 2017.

Japanese Article re-biopsy for the lung cancer by SY1-7 ultrasonic endoscope bottom transesophageal aspiration biopsy (EUS-FNA)
沖昌英, 山田有里紗, 重松文恵, 石田あかね, 伊勢裕子, 堀和美, 中畑征史, 岡さおり, 小暮啓人, 北川智余恵, 坂英雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S174-S174, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the pulmonary growth by the image analysis of the Nuss method for the SY2-1 funnel chest
鈴木秀海1, 伊藤祐輝1, 佐田諭己1, 椎名裕樹1, 豊田行英1, 畑敦1, 稲毛輝長1, 田中教久1, 坂入祐一1, 和田啓伸1, 藤原大樹1, 中島崇裕1, 岩田剛和1, 千代雅子1, 笹原資太郎2, 三川信之2, 吉野一郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S175-S175, 2017.

Japanese Article Using SY2-2 cellular tissue frame; the reproduction process of the lungs and the problems
土谷智史1, 土肥良一郎1, 光武範吏2, 秋田定伯3, 畑地豪1, 湯川博4, 馬場嘉信4, 松本桂太郎1, 宮崎拓郎1, 蒲原涼太郎1, 山崎直哉1, 永安武1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S175-S175, 2017.

Japanese Article The alveolus organoid formation using SY2-3 humans ips cells and the long term culture
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S175-S175, 2017.

Japanese Article About usefulness and safety of the SY2-4 complicated bronchoplasty
柴野智毅, 大野慧介, 金井義彦, 山本真一, 手塚憲志, 遠藤俊輔
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S175-S175, 2017.

English Article SY2-5 ABX increases in CBA and CBF via pHi increase and [CL-]i decrease in airway ciliary cells of mice
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S176-S176, 2017.

Japanese Article The study that aimed at the respiratory tract regenerative therapy from SY2-6 child surgery
古村眞1,2, 古村浩子2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S176-S176, 2017.

Japanese Article The anagenesis of the SY2-7 respiratory tract: For functional epithelium reproduction using in situ tissue engineering
山下勝, 岸本曜, 水田匡信, 楯谷一郎, 北村守正, 大森孝一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S176-S176, 2017.

Japanese Article New artificial trachea manufacture using SY2-8 bio 3D printer "Regenova"
松本桂太郎1, 町野隆介1, 谷口大輔1,2, 武岡陽介1,2, Abdelmotagaly Elgalad1,2, 山崎直哉1,2, 土谷智史1, 宮崎拓郎1, 蒲原涼太郎1, 畑地豪1, 松尾直門1,2, 中山功一3, 永安武1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S176-S176, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the lymph node metastatic predictive system by the frequency analysis of the SY3-1 supersonic wave bronchoscope image
中島崇裕, 藤原大樹, 稲毛輝長, 佐田諭己, 椎名裕樹, 畑敦, 豊田行英, 田中教久, 坂入祐一, 和田啓伸, 鈴木秀海, 岩田剛和, 千代雅子, 吉野一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S177-S177, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the new three-dimensional image guide using the X-ray fluoroscopy for the SY3-2 periphery pulmonary disease
中井俊之1, 松元祐司1, 北川まゆみ2, 麻生智彦2, 土田敬明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S177-S177, 2017.

Japanese Article Clinical study to examine safety of the bronchoscope lower biopsy by SY3-3 Cryoprobe and the effectiveness
宇田川響1, 桐田圭輔1, 石橋昌幸1, 松本慎吾1, 梅村茂樹1, 青景圭樹2, 仁保誠治1, 坪井正博2, 後藤功一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S177-S177, 2017.

Japanese Article SY3-4 Optical biopsy in lung cancer diagnosis using probed type confocal laser endoscope (pCLE) using fluorescent contrast medium
澁谷潔1, 堀尾穣治1,2, 星野英久1,2, 吉野一郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S177-S177, 2017.

Japanese Article From possibility, Navigational Bronchoscopy of the SY3-5 electromagnetic field instruction bronchoscope to Navigational Surgery
佐藤寿彦1, 豊洋次郎2, 毛受暁史3, 土屋恭子2, 陳豊史2, 伊達洋至2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S178-S178, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the SY3-6 PDT new technology
前原幸夫1, 今井健太郎1, 小野祥太郎1, 並川晴佳1, 前田純一1, 吉田浩一1, 萩原優1, 垣花昌俊1, 梶原直央1, 大平達夫1, 小川恵美悠2, 荒井恒憲2, 池田徳彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S178-S178, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness in the respiratory illness practice of SY3-7 Probe-based laser confocal endomicroscopy (pCLE)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S178-S178, 2017.

Japanese Article Study introduction of the endoscopic surgery that we applied an SY3-8 ultrahigh voltage electron microscope minute video processing technology to
畑地豪1, 松本桂太郎1, 山崎直哉1, 日高重和1, 角田順久1, 野中隆1, 宮崎拓郎1, 富永哲郎1, 若田幸樹1, 栄永治2, 濱田正久2, 永安武1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S178-S178, 2017.

Japanese Article Low invasive treatment under the respiratory endoscopic image guide by SY4-1 high precision 3D simulation system introduction
梶原直央, 今井健太郎, 前原幸夫, 濱中和嘉子, 前田純一, 吉田浩一, 萩原優, 垣花昌俊, 岡野哲也, 筒井英光, 大平達夫, 池田徳彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S179-S179, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness of virtual bronchoscopy in SY4-2 Bronchial thermoplasty
武政聡浩1, 内田信彦1, 丁倫奈1, 九嶋祥友1, 中村祐介1, 正和明哲1, 渡邉泰治1, 池田直哉1, 塩原太一1, 梅津貴史1, 新井良1, 滝澤秀典1, 三好祐顕1,2, 知花和行1, 清水泰生1, 石井芳樹1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S179-S179, 2017.

Japanese Article Next-generation preoperation marking using development - bronchoscope of the new surgical wireless marker in SY4-3 Kyoto University
豊洋次郎1, 佐藤寿彦2,3, 毛受暁史3, 陳豊史3, 中村達雄1, 伊達洋至3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S179-S179, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the EBUS Elastography in the SY4-4 mediastinum, hilar lymph nodes metastatic diagnosis
藤原大樹, 中島崇裕, 稲毛輝長, 佐田諭己, 伊藤祐輝, 椎名裕樹, 畑敦, 豊田行英, 田中教久, 鈴木秀海, 岩田剛和, 千代雅子, 吉野一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S179-S179, 2017.

Japanese Article About the usefulness of the pulmonary echo in the operation under the positive pressure pneumoscope in the SY4-5 CO2 supply of air thoracic cavity
上原浩文, 白井俊, 堺崇, 金岡里枝, 中山敬史, 村上聡子, 松谷哲行, 川村雅文
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S180-S180, 2017.

Japanese Article Rays dynamic treatment for the SY4-6 peripheral type lung cancer
土田敬明, 松元祐司, 中井俊之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S180-S180, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination - of the improvement of the visibility by identification - Spectra A between the complete thoracoscopic bronchopulmonary segment using the SY4-7 ICG fluorescence observation
黒田浩章, 坂田省三, 出嶋仁, 有村隆明, 水野鉄也, 坂倉範昭, 坂尾幸則
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S180-S180, 2017.

Japanese Article The change of the experimental maneuver of the SY4-8 bronchoscopic epithelium lower layer detachment technique (Bronchoscopic subepithelial dissection, BSD)
栗本典昭1, 中村治彦2, 井上肇3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S180-S180, 2017.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax to assume WS1-1 emphysema and interstitial pneumonia an underlying disease
田中教久, 藤原大樹, 坂入祐一, 和田啓伸, 鈴木秀海, 中島崇裕, 岩田剛和, 千代雅子, 吉野一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S183-S183, 2017.

Japanese Article Actual situation - division plombage ... of the WS1-2 bronchus plombage
高田創1, 岡本紀雄2, 白山敬之1, 田中彩子1, 森田沙斗武1, 益弘健太朗1, 佐藤真吾1, 那須信吾1, 森下直子1, 上原暢子1, 鈴木秀和1, 平島智徳1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S183-S183, 2017.

Japanese Article It is examined pulmonary fistula, the bronchial fistula after an operation in the WS1-3 our hospital
鈴木恵理子, 棚橋雅幸, 雪上晴弘, 吉井直子, 設楽将之, 上沼康範, 丹羽宏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S183-S183, 2017.

Japanese Article Importance of examination and bleeding measures of the WS1-4 postpneumonectomy bronchial stump fistula treatment
松本勲, 田中雄亮, 齋藤大輔, 吉田周平, 懸川誠一, 田村昌也, 中田翔, 竹村博文
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S183-S183, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the pulmonary rhea, modified TGF treatment for the intractable pulmonary rhea prolonged after WS1-5 technique
常塚宣男, 藤森英希, 田中伸廣
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S184-S184, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the Thoracographic Fibrin Glue Sealing Method (TGF) law for WS1-6 overall status patients with poor intractable mind rhea
栗原正利, 溝渕輝明, 山中澄隆, 江花弘基
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S184-S184, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of the bronchial thermoplasty on WS2-1 intractable bronchial asthma
木曽原朗, 石田輝明, 内村圭吾, かん秋明, 黒澤隆行, 増田貴史, 田川公平, 青山克彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S185-S185, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of safety after the bronchial thermoplasty for patients with WS2-2 asthma of one year and the effectiveness
田下浩之, 宮川和子, 大島信治, 名越咲, 扇谷昌宏, 成本治, 永井英明, 大田健
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S185-S185, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of Thermal Lung Injury (TLI) which we accepted after WS2-3 bronchial thermopositive tea (BT)
池田直哉, 武政聡浩, 石井芳樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S185-S185, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of treatment one year after the bronchial thermoplasty treatment for patients with WS2-4 Japanese asthma
飯倉元保1, 石井聡1, 泉信有1, 放生雅章2, 杉山温人1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S185-S185, 2017.

Japanese Article It is ... with experience of the bronchial plombage using treatment with WS2-5 bronchoscope - EWS of the COPD
佐久川亮, 森田絢子, 稲田崇志, 梅野貴裕, 深松伸明, 尾形佳子, 細川忍, 別所昭宏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S186-S186, 2017.

Japanese Article Treatment with bronchoscope and surgical treatment for the WS3-1 center respiratory tract lesion
棚橋雅幸, 雪上晴弘, 鈴木恵理子, 吉井直子, 設楽将之, 藤野智大, 上沼康範, 丹羽宏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S187-S187, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the silicon stenting case to WS3-2 malignancy airway narrowing
宮崎拓郎, 山崎直哉, 土谷智史, 松本桂太郎, 蒲原涼太郎, 畑地豪, 永安武
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S187-S187, 2017.

Japanese Article Invention ... of the WS3-3 trachea, bifurcation of the trachea excision rebuilding - surgical procedure and the complications evasion
白石武史, 宮原聡, 早稲田龍一, 吉田康浩, 平塚昌文, 山下眞一, 岩崎昭憲
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S187-S187, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the enzyme target sensibilization radiotherapy for the lung cancer in the WS3-4 our hospital
深堀範1, 梅山泰裕1, 菅崎七枝1, 木下明敏1, 尾長谷靖2, 迎寛2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S187-S187, 2017.

Japanese Article Significance of diagnostic Intervention with the scirrhous bronchoscope for undiagnosed trachea tumor which developed WS3-5 dyspnea
高濱誠, 木村通孝, 中嶋隆, 水口真二郎, 井上英俊, 山本良二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S188-S188, 2017.

Japanese Article Treatment of the WS3-6 non-neoplastic larynx, tracheal stenosis
中山光男, 杉山亜斗, 井上慶明, 青木耕平, 福田祐樹, 儀賀理暁
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S188-S188, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the benign, malignancy differentiation by the looking straight of the periphery lung field small lesion using WS4-1 guide sheath and the angioscope
安尾将法, 小坂充, 木野田文也, 北口良晃, 小林信光, 立石一成, 漆畑一寿, 牛木淳人, 山本洋, 花岡正幸
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S189-S189, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of quick cytodiagnosis (ROSE) at the EBUS-GS enforcement for the WS4-2 lung field periphery lesion
出雲雄大1, 粟野暢康1, 刀祢麻里1, 福田健介1, 松元祐司2, 中井俊之2, 土田敬明2, 生島壮一郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S189-S189, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the WS4-3 real-time tomosynthesis guide lower bronchoscopy
堀哲雄1, 山下直己1, 辰巳秀爾2, 安場広高2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S189-S189, 2017.

Japanese Article It is ... for usage - supreme simulation that ziostation2(R) in the WS4-4 bronchoscopy stepped
塙龍太郎1, 櫻井香2, 重信敬夫1, 荒井大輔2, 正木克宜2, 篠田裕美2, 高橋秀徳2, 千代谷厚2, 仲地一郎2, 田島敦志1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S189-S189, 2017.

Japanese Article Strategic - VBN, EBUS-GS and ENB - of the periphery small size pulmonary disease diagnosis in the WS4-5 our hospital
前田純一, 雨宮亮介, 牧野洋二郎, 濱中和嘉子, 前原幸夫, 吉田浩一, 萩原優, 垣花昌俊, 岡野哲也, 梶原直央, 大平達夫, 池田徳彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S190-S190, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the diagnosis predictor in the two dimensional echography combination bronchoscope in the bronchial lumen for the WS4-6 periphery pulmonary disease
松元祐司1,2, 中井俊之1, 土田敬明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S190-S190, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the pulmonary disorder by the nivolumab given WS5-1 bronchoscope
西山理1, 山崎亮1, 西川祐作1, 佐野安希子1, 山縣俊之1, 佐野博幸1, 岩永賢司1, 東本有司1, 東田有智1, 中川和彦2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S191-S191, 2017.

Japanese Article It is examined five cases receiving the nivolumab for a recurrence after lung cancer treatment in the WS5-2 our hospital
黄英哲1, 鎌田稔子1, 関根康雄1, 岡林麻子2, 長谷川瑞江2, 桂秀樹2, 増永敦子3, 廣島健三3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S191-S191, 2017.

Japanese Article Clinical examination about the WS5-3 Nivolumab-related pneumonitis
中島和寿1, 豆鞘伸昭1, 藤原拓海1, 川村卓久1, 小林玄機1, 小竹美絵1, 大森翔太1, 和久田一茂1, 小野哲1, 釼持広知1, 内藤立暁1, 村上晴泰1, 遠藤正浩2, 大塚正樹3, 吉川周佐3, 清原祥夫3, 高橋利明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S191-S191, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchoalveolar lavage evidence of interstitial pneumonia by WS5-4 nivolumab
森川紗也子, 岡村拓哉, 峯澤智之, 山口哲平, 丹羽義和, 堀口智也, 後藤祐介, 相馬智英, 赤尾謙, 渡邊俊和, 後藤康洋, 磯谷澄都, 中西亨, 今泉和良
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S191-S191, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the lung cancer case that resulted in pulmonary disorder by the nivolumab in an associated institution in WS5-5 Nagasaki
池田喬哉1, 朝野寛視1, 須山隆之1, 本田徳鷹1, 行徳宏1, 千住博明1, 竹本真之輔1, 梅山泰裕2, 小河原大樹3, 北崎健4, 山口博之1, 中富克己1, 福田実5, 迎寛1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S192-S192, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the pulmonary disorder with the immune checkpoint inhibitor for the WS5-6 lung cancer
岡野哲也, 今井健太郎, 河口洋平, 松浦久美, 垣花昌俊, 梶原直央, 大平達夫, 池田徳彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S192-S192, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchial consecutive stitch using the monofilament absorption thread carried out under VW1-1 armpit thoracotomy
松浦求樹, 岡田真典, 西川仁士, 藤原俊哉
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S195-S195, 2017.

Japanese Article Look at the examination perfection mirror of the tracheobronchoplasty in the VW1-2 our hospital; introduction and results of the lower surgery
松井琢哉, 遠藤克彦, 山田健
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S195-S195, 2017.

Japanese Article 12 bifurcation of the trachea excision in the VW1-3 our hospital
手塚憲志1, 遠藤俊輔1, 山本真一1, 坪地宏嘉2, 大谷真一2, 金井義彦1, 遠藤哲哉3, 中野智之1, 柴野智毅1, 峯岸健太郎2, 真木充1, 滝雄史2, 大野慧介1, 小林哲也2, 塚田博1, 石川成美1, 曽我部将哉1, 根岸秀樹3, 蘇原泰則2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S195-S195, 2017.

Japanese Article Is examination - bronchial transformation about endoscopic views after the VW1-4 bronchial wedge-formed excision unavoidable? -
北見明彦1, 大橋慎一1, 佐野文俊1, 鈴木浩介1, 植松秀護1, 門倉光隆1, 鈴木隆2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S195-S195, 2017.

Japanese Article Coating operation due to lobectomy and the caulescent thymus with the bronchoplasty under the VW1-5 3-port pneumoscope
藤森賢, 河野匡, 鈴木聡一郎, 菊永晋一郎, 師田瑞樹, 吉村竜一, 河野暁, 油原信二, 若田部誠
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S196-S196, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness and the main point of the VW1-6 Deep Wedge tracheoplasty
大平達夫, 今井健太郎, 前原幸夫, 前田純一, 吉田浩一, 萩原優, 垣花昌俊, 岡野哲也, 梶原直央, 池田徳彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S196-S196, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchoplasty - tongue ward inferior lobe extended pipe-formed ablative maneuver and results - for the large bronchus of the VW1-7 diameter difference
坪地宏嘉1, 遠藤俊輔1,2, 大谷真一1, 峯岸健太郎1, 滝雄史1, 小林哲也1, 根岸秀樹2, 中野智之2, 柴野智毅2, 大野慧介2, 金井義彦2, 曽我部将哉2, 真木充2, 遠藤哲哉2, 山本真一2, 手塚憲志2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S196-S196, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the bronchial thermopositive tea enforcement case in the VW2-1 our hospital
丹羽義和, 磯谷澄都, 峯澤智之, 岡村拓哉, 森川紗也子, 相馬智英, 渡邊俊和, 赤尾謙, 前田真吾, 井上敬浩, 堀口智也, 後藤祐介, 山口哲平, 魚津桜子, 後藤康洋, 中西亨, 今泉和良
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S197-S197, 2017.

Japanese Article About examination - outcome of the enucleation of the VW2-2 children respiratory tract alien substance and a difficult case -
遠藤誠1, 塩野知志1, 加藤博久2, 鈴木潤2, 渡會光2, 濱田顕2, 鈴木克幸1, 中橋健太2, 鑓水佳1, 早坂一希1, 大泉弘幸2, 貞弘光章2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S197-S197, 2017.

Japanese Article Self-blood, thrombin infusion - of the bronchial plombage by the challenge - guide sheath curette method to VW2-3 intractable pneumothorax and the transbronchus
水守康之, 平田展也, 平岡亮太, 平野克也, 小南亮太, 高橋清香, 福田泰, 大西康貴, 水野翔馬, 東野幸子, 加藤智浩, 花岡健司, 鏡亮吾, 勝田倫子, 横井陽子, 塚本宏壮, 佐々木信, 河村哲治, 中原保治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S197-S197, 2017.

Japanese Article The therapy that used EWS together with the absorptive treatment (Brompton Technique) in the thoracoscopic cyst for the VW2-4 huge bleb
宮澤秀樹, 中田翔, 川向純, 新納英樹, 伊藤祥隆
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S197-S197, 2017.

Japanese Article The orthodromic EWS insertion that we used the grasp forceps which we inserted from the VW2-5 fenestration department for
佐藤哲彰1, 青木正1, 野嵜幸一郎2, 小山建一2, 樋浦徹2, 三浦理2, 田中洋史2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S198-S198, 2017.

Japanese Article Treatment of the VW2-6 bronchus biliary fistula
松谷哲行1, 本田健2, 白井俊1, 堺崇1, 中山敬史1, 村上聡子1, 上原浩文1, 高森頼雪2, 関順彦2, 川村雅文1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S198-S198, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchoscopic pain degree evaluation study carried out in fentanyl, under sedation by the midazolam
南大輔1,2, 瀧川奈義夫3, 渡邉洋美2, 二宮崇2, 久保寿夫2, 大橋圭明2, 佐藤晃子2, 堀田勝幸2, 田端雅弘2, 谷本光音2, 木浦勝行2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S200-S200, 2017.

Japanese Article But it is only stent ... stent NPO respiratory organs intervention treatment ...
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S202-S202, 2017.

Japanese Article Lung cancer registration joint committee report
奥村明之進1,2, 滝口裕一1,3, 永安武1,4, 伊達洋至1,5, 横井香平1,6, 高橋和久1,7, 木浦勝行1,8, 秋田弘俊1,9, 宮岡悦良1,10, 新谷康1,2, 淺村尚生1,11, 吉野一郎1,12
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S204-S204, 2017.

Japanese Article We look at the V1-1 perfection mirror and are devised the bifurcation of trachea lower lymph node excision in the lower right middle lobe excision
伊藤祥隆, 中田翔, 川向純, 新納英樹, 宮澤秀樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S207-S207, 2017.

Japanese Article V1-2 trachea, two patients whom we threw out under 3-Port pneumoscope for a benign tumor of the bronchial origin
若田部誠, 河野匡, 藤森賢, 鈴木聡一郎, 菊永晋一郎, 師田瑞樹, 吉村竜一, 河野暁, 油原信二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S207-S207, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who performed complete thoracoscopic S6 segmental resection in localized empyema with suspected the V1-3 bronchial atresia using ICG fluorescence navigation
片岡和彦1, 久保友次郎1, 秦雄介2, 工藤健一郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S207-S207, 2017.

Japanese Article Appendage xyphoideus bottom thymus, thymic tumor enucleation using the V1-4 Arnaud trap single
奥田勝裕, 森山悟, 羽田裕司, 川野理, 坂根理司, 鈴木あゆみ, 小田梨紗, 藤野智大, 中西良一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S208-S208, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the right superior lobe excision that V1-5 A5a runs the ventral aspect of the upper pulmonary vein
佐伯祐典, 佐藤幸夫, 菅井和人, 荒木健太郎, 上田翔, 北沢伸祐, 小林尚寛, 鈴木久史, 菊池慎二, 後藤行延, 市村秀夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S208-S208, 2017.

Japanese Article Carbon dioxide supply of air combination perfection pneumoscope lower drainage technique for the V1-6 mediastinal abscess
持永浩史, 町野隆介, 田川努
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S208-S208, 2017.

Japanese Article The external fixation trachea, bronchoplasty for the acute respiratory failure due to the V2-1 trachea, the bronchomalacia
山田徹, 分島良, 塚本宏壮, 平田展也, 熊田早希子, 篠原周一, 渡辺梨砂, 松岡隆久, 長井信二郎, 松岡勝成, 植田充宏, 宮本好博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S211-S211, 2017.

Japanese Article Trachea circumcision reconstruction for cervical trachea tumor that enough trachea mobilization was obtained by right lung desmotomy + pericardium incision under the V2-2 pneumoscope
渡邊拓弥, 横田圭右, 深井一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S211-S211, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the lung cancer given V2-3 right S6 segmental resection + intermediate bronchial trunk excision bronchoplasty
片岡和彦1, 久保友次郎1, 秦雄介2, 工藤健一郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S211-S211, 2017.

Japanese Article V2-4 Examination of bronchial tubular resection, pulmonary arterioplasty for lung cancer in our department
羽田裕司, 森山悟, 奥田勝裕, 川野理, 坂根理司, 小田梨紗, 鈴木あゆみ, 藤野智大, 中西良一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S212-S212, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the V2-5 lower right leaf sleeve excision
西航, 白石健治, 大隅祥暢, 山田竜也, 池田公英, 森毅, 鈴木実
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S212-S212, 2017.

Japanese Article The succession and evolution of the V3-1 bronchoplasty
松浦陽介, 加藤大喜, 園田大, 氷室直哉, 平田佳史, 野間大督, 一瀬淳二, 中尾将之, 文敏景, 中川健, 奥村栄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S213-S213, 2017.

Japanese Article Ossification (Three-Suturing Method) of the bronchoplasty in the V3-2 our hospital
月岡卓馬, 泉信博, 小松弘明, 岡田諭志, 戸田道仁, 原幹太朗, 伊藤龍一, 西山典利
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S213-S213, 2017.

Japanese Article Is it treatment - endoscopic excision for the V3-3 right upper lobe bronchus origin squamous cells-related papilloma? Do you remove surgically? -
原田匡彦, 奥井将之, 浅川文香, 堀尾裕俊
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S213-S213, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchoplasty in the V3-4 our hospital
石橋洋則, 川田悠, 栗原泰幸, 杉田裕介, 高崎千尋, 小林正嗣, 大久保憲一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S214-S214, 2017.

Japanese Article The present situation of the bronchoplasty in our V3-5 center
高濱誠, 中嶋隆, 木村通孝, 水口真二郎, 井上英俊, 山本良二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S214-S214, 2017.

Japanese Article Possibility of the metastatic prediction by EBUS Elastography in O1-1 hilum of lung, the mediastinal lymph node diagnosis
伊藤貴正, 海寳大輔, 鎌田稔子, 高橋好行, 飯田智彦, 柴光年
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S217-S217, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the operation posterior node recurrence case that we diagnosed by O1-2 EBUS-TBNA
新行内雅斗1, 吉田泰司1, 芦沼宏典1, 山本高義2, 松井由紀子2, 飯笹俊彦2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S217-S217, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of complications in O1-3 EBUS-TBNA
栢分秀直, 陳豊史, 尾田博美, 郷田康文, 上田聡司, 濱路政嗣, 本山秀樹, 土屋恭子, 毛受暁史, 青山晃博, 佐藤寿彦, 園部誠, 伊達洋至
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S217-S217, 2017.

Japanese Article Lymphocyte kinetics analysis of the sarcoidosis lymph node by O1-4 EBUS-TBNA
峯澤智之, 井上敬浩, 森川紗也子, 岡村拓哉, 相馬智英, 渡邊俊和, 赤尾謙, 堀口智也, 後藤康洋, 今泉和良
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S218-S218, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the O1-5 Expect Pulmonary 22G/25G EBUS-TBNA needle
太田登博, 桐田圭輔, 宇田川響, 梅村茂樹, 松本慎吾, 仁保誠治, 後藤功一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S218-S218, 2017.

Japanese Article The O2-1 EBUS-TBNA specimen is useful for PD-L1 expression evaluation
榊原里江1,2, 丹保裕一3, 北園聡4, 柳谷典子4, 堀池篤4, 大柳文義4, 奥村栄4, 稲瀬直彦2, 西尾誠人4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S219-S219, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness about the esophagus around O2-2 transesophageal bronchoscope lower fine needle aspiration biopsy (EUSB-FNA) lesion diagnosis
沖昌英, 山田有里紗, 重松文恵, 石田あかね, 伊勢裕子, 堀和美, 岡さおり, 中畑征史, 小暮啓人, 北川智余恵, 坂英雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S219-S219, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of safety and the usefulness of the EBUS-TBNA combination bronchoscopy for EBUS-GS and N factor evaluation for the O2-3 periphery pulmonary disease
内村圭吾1,2, 川口貴子1, 松永崇史1, 生嶋一成1, 池上博昭1, 高木努1, 川波敏則1, 城戸貴志1, 木曽原朗2, 矢寺和博1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S219-S219, 2017.

Japanese Article Lymph node metastatic rating system in EBUS-TBNA at the O2-4 quickness cytodiagnosis enforcement difficulty
鎌田稔子1, 岡林麻子2, 長谷川瑞江2, 黄英哲1, 桂秀樹2, 関根康雄1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S220-S220, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis that developed acute exacerbation after O3-1 bronchoalveolar lavage
安部光洋1, 津島健司1,2, 松村琢磨1, 鈴木健一1, 鈴木優毅1, 山岸一貴1, 菅正樹1, 石綿司1, 伊狩潤1, 寺田二郎1, 巽浩一郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S221-S221, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the O3-2 bronchoscope cancellation case
金本幸司1, 嶋田貴文1, 藤原啓司1, 望月芙美1, 藤田純一1, 小澤雄一郎2, 酒井光昭2, 栗島浩一1, 飯島弘晃1, 石川博一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S221-S221, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the bronchoscopic safety for patients with O3-3 pulmonary hypertension (we suspect it and include it)
石綿司, 笠井大, 坂尾誠一郎, 田邉信宏, 巽浩一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S221-S221, 2017.

Japanese Article The frequency of the pneumothorax merger by the transbronchial lung biopsy in the O3-4 non-tuberculous ulcer acid-fast bacterium disease and the factor
池上達義, 吉田寛, 田中瑛一朗, 大井一成, 野口進, 深尾あかり, 寺下聡, 堀川禎夫, 杉田孝和
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S222-S222, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the diagnostic bronchoscopic perioperative mortality for the lung cancer using O3-5 DPC data
平石尚久1, 城大祐1,2, 長谷川若恵1, 坂本幸世1, 竹島英之1, 漆山博和1, 三谷明久1, 山内康宏1, 長瀬隆英1, 康永秀生2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S222-S222, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of complications of EBUS-GS in the O3-6 our hospital
岡野智仁1, 西村正1, 内藤雅大1, 井端英憲1, 大本恭裕1, 樽川智人2, 安達勝利2, 小林哲3, 田口修4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S222-S222, 2017.

Japanese Article Use experience of the recurrent laryngeal nerve stimulation monitor in the O4-1 mediastinoscopy
北村将司, 鈴村雄治, 石田恵子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S223-S223, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the risk factor of the pneumothorax onset in two dimensional echography (EBUS-GS) in the O4-2 guide sheath combination bronchial lumen
後藤祐介, 山口哲平, 森川紗也子, 峯澤智之, 今泉和良
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S223-S223, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that caused cervical cord injury during O4-3 bronchoscopy
林栄一, 岡本菜摘, 渡邊勇夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S223-S223, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the catheter which you should be careful about in the case of O4-4 lobar bronchus cutting apart
森野茂行1, 田上幸憲1, 稲村幸雄1, 中村昭博1, 田川努2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S224-S224, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the small-cell lung cancer that a lung abscess developed with O4-5 bronchoscopy, and led to empyema
喜友名朋, 當銘玲央, 橋岡寛恵, 新垣若子, 鍋谷大二郎, 金城武士, 宮城一也, 古堅誠, 原永修作, 藤田次郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S224-S224, 2017.

Japanese Article Use experience of the single use video bronchoscope in the O4-6 our hospital
當銘玲央, 喜友名朋, 橋岡寛恵, 新垣若子, 鍋谷大二郎, 金城武士, 宮城一也, 古堅誠, 原永修作, 藤田次郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S224-S224, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the pulmonary periphery lesion using navigation system, superDimension and DirectPath of O5-1 two
加藤智也, 馬場康友, 土田晃将, 村上杏理, 増田篤紀, 都竹晃文, 松野祥彦, 浅野文祐
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S225-S225, 2017.

Japanese Article Invention of the virtual bronchial reflected image making for the O5-2 periphery small size lesion
荒木修1, 伊藤祥之1, 西平守道1, 井上尚1, 苅部陽子1, 前田寿美子1, 小林哲1, 千田雅之1, 中里宜正2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S225-S225, 2017.

Japanese Article It is examined the pneumonectomy case by the bronchoscope lower barium marking for non-diagnostic confirmation lung field periphery frosted glass shadow in preoperation in the O5-3 our hospital
石川慶大1, 佐藤未来2, 竹藪公洋2, 川村健1, 進藤学1, 菊地健1, 丁子卓1, 寺山敬介2, 飛岡弘敏3, 高岡和夫4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S225-S225, 2017.

Japanese Article Invention in our hospital in the preoperation barium marking for the O5-4 lung field periphery lesion
平井健一郎1, 金沢賢也1,2, 小泉達彦1, 峯村浩之1, 二階堂雄文1, 福原敦朗1, 佐藤俊1, 横内浩1, 谷野功典1, 武藤哲史3, 長谷川剛生3, 鈴木弘行3, 棟方充1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S226-S226, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the lung cancer case that the tissue diagnosis was not obtained though an image of within was obtained in O5-5 EBUS-GS
石田正之1, 荒川悠2, 中岡大士3, 高木理博4, 廣橋健太郎1, 山本彰1, 森本浩之輔4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S226-S226, 2017.

Japanese Article About usefulness of two dimensional echography (EBUS-GS) in the guide sheath combination bronchial lumen for O5-6 chronicity pulmonary aspergillosis
赤司俊介, 渡邉かおる, 宮川和子, 河野史歩, 横須賀響子, 武田啓太, 成本治, 田下浩之, 田村厚久, 赤川志のぶ, 大田健
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S226-S226, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the EBUS-GS method for the lesion right under pleura in the O6-1 our hospital
森田克彦1, 栗本典昭2, 野坂誠士3, 深田武久4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S227-S227, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the EBUS-GS method for the periphery pulmonary disease in the O6-2 our hospital
加藤高英, 濱口直彦, 甲田拓之, 藤下卓才, 梶原浩太郎, 波呂祥, 牧野英記, 兼松貴則, 横山秀樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S227-S227, 2017.

Japanese Article About the usefulness of the extra-fine diameter bronchoscope in the case having poor echo depiction by the O6-3 EBUS-GS method
西井洋一1, 中村裕基1, 鈴木勇太1, 斎木晴子1, 坂口直1, 伊藤健太郎1, 林香介1, 渡邉文亮1, 畑地治1, 小林哲2, 田口修3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S227-S227, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the usefulness to a periphery pulmonary disease diagnosis by the TBAC addition after O6-4 EBUS-GS
桂田雅大, 立原素子, 吉崎飛鳥, 川本めぐみ, 羽間大祐, 堂國良太, 桐生辰徳, 梅澤佳乃子, 寺下智美, 関谷怜奈, 桂田直子, 田村大介, 山本正嗣, 上領博, 小林和幸, 西村善博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S228-S228, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the O6-5 bronchoscope non-definitive diagnosis case
山口博之1, 朝野寛視1, 須山隆之1, 本田徳鷹1, 谷口寛和1, 嶋田緑1, 行徳宏1, 千住博明1, 竹本真之輔1, 池田喬哉1, 中富克己1, 福田実2, 永安武3, 迎寛1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S228-S228, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the test result of 9 cases that was poor in supersonic wave image depiction by an examination for EBUS-GS of the O6-6 our hospital
今井直幸, 市川元司, 志津匡人, 矢口大三, 小林大祐, 井上徳子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S228-S228, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the diagnosis by EBUS-GS + Navigation for the O7-1 lungs periphery lesion
姫路大輔, 川口剛
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S229-S229, 2017.

Japanese Article EBUS-TBB diagnosis for the O7-2 periphery lungs GGN lesion
堀口智也, 峯澤智之, 岡村拓哉, 森川紗也子, 丹羽義和, 相馬智英, 赤尾謙, 渡邊俊和, 後藤祐介, 山口哲平, 後藤康洋, 磯谷澄都, 中西亨, 今泉和良
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S229-S229, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor contributing to a diagnosis rate of the transbronchial lung biopsy for the O7-3 periphery small size lung cancer
河口洋平, 牧野洋二郎, 濱中和嘉子, 垣花昌俊, 萩原優, 岡野哲也, 梶原直央, 大平達夫, 池田徳彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S229-S229, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts for diagnosis rate improvement for the periphery lung cancer in the O7-4 our hospital
外山真一1, 今本拓郎1, 木内達1, 久我明司1, 弥富真理1, 山本司1, 國友史雄1, 松本寛樹2, 塩田広宣2, 守屋康充2, 安川朋久2, 由佐俊和2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S230-S230, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the Rapid on-site cytologic evaluation in the O7-5 lung field periphery lesion diagnosis
佐田諭己1, 中島崇裕1, 三枝文恵2, 椎名裕樹1, 畑敦1, 豊田行英1, 稲毛輝長1, 田中教久1, 坂入祐一1, 藤原大樹1, 和田啓伸1, 鈴木秀海1, 岩田剛和1, 千代雅子1, 中谷行雄3, 吉野一郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S230-S230, 2017.

Japanese Article Experience of TBLB -3 using the O7-6 navigation system
井上達哉, 竹ヶ原京志郎, 臼田実男
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S230-S230, 2017.

Japanese Article O8-1 Consideration of bronchoscopic satisfaction with fentanyl and midazolam combined
杉坂淳1, 中村敦1, 石本修2, 鈴木香菜1, 清水恒1, 小野紘貴1, 齋藤勉1, 相羽智生1, 百目木豊1, 川名祥子1, 齊藤亮平1, 戸井之裕1, 木村雄一郎1, 本田芳宏1, 菅原俊一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S231-S231, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the bronchoscopic breathing state using the O8-2 sedative and the painful degree
鈴木真優美1, 九野貴華1, 松本錦之介1, 白井雄也1, 光井雄一1, 安部祐子1, 内田純二1, 上野清伸1, 谷尾吉郎1, 児玉昌身2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S231-S231, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the desirable lingual position using the O8-3 bronchoscope
吉田隆純, 近藤りえ子, 出口亜里紗, 横井達佳, 堀口紘輝, 瀧田好一郎, 加藤圭介, 桑原和伸, 伴直昭, 廣瀬正裕, 志賀守, 堀口高彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S231-S231, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the pethidine hydrochloride midazolam combination sedative safety, usefulness in the O8-4 bronchoscopy
酒井徹也, 笹田真滋, 石岡宏太, 高橋左枝子, 中村守男
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S232-S232, 2017.

Japanese Article Change over time of sampling of the respiratory epithelia coating liquid using the microsampling method in the O8-5 lung transplantation model and the inflammatory cytokine
橋本諒1, 大岩加奈1, 西海昇2, 中川知己1, 河野光智1, 増田良太1, 岩崎正之1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S232-S232, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of 14 therapeutic bronchoscopy for O8-6 children
鈴木浩介1, 北見明彦1, 黒田佑介1, 大橋慎一1, 佐野文俊1, 林祥子1, 堀内一哉1, 石井源1, 植松秀護1, 神尾義人1, 笠原慶太1, 門倉光隆1, 鈴木隆2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S232-S232, 2017.

Japanese Article Comparison with the BALF views - histology of the O9-1 serious case mycoplasmal pneumonia
宮下修行, 加藤幹, 栗原武幸, 沖本二郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S233-S233, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchoscopic role in the diagnosis of the O9-2 pneumocystis pneumonia
内藤真依子1, 倉原優1, 池上直弥1, 前倉俊也1, 田宮朗裕1, 竹内奈緒子1, 杉本親寿2, 新井徹2, 井上康1, 橘和延1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S233-S233, 2017.

Japanese Article The MAC detection by the bronchoscopy in the O9-3 our hospital and examination of the clinical significance of the serum antiMAC antibody
山川祐司1, 岡本直樹1,2, 高橋英知1,2, 萩原エリ1,2, 引地麻梨2, 櫻中晴康1, 伊藝孔明1,2, 権寧博2, 高橋典明2, 橋本修2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S233-S233, 2017.

Japanese Article We look at the bronchoscopic rear for the HIV infected person having O9-4 pulmonary disease and examine a mark
彌勒寺紀栄, 四方田真紀子, 長又誠, 渡邊景明, 善家義貴, 大熊裕介, 細見幸生, 岡村樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S234-S234, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of five pneumocystis pneumonia onset after the Dose-dense EC therapy enforcement in the O9-5 our hospital
杉本武哉, 高橋由希子, 川合祥子, 大橋佳奈, 山本美暁, 佐藤祐, 北園美弥子, 村田研吾, 和田曉彦, 高森幹雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S234-S234, 2017.

Japanese Article Look at the rear in bronchoscopic significance - our hospital for the suspected O9-6 lungs non-tuberculous ulcer acid-fast bacterium disease case; mark examination -
根本健司1, 大石修司1, 野中水1, 後藤瞳1, 重政理恵1, 笹谷悠惟果1, 石川宏明1, 荒井直樹1, 矢崎海1, 兵頭健太郎1, 三浦由記子1, 高久多希朗1, 南優子2, 林原賢治1, 斎藤武文1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S234-S234, 2017.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of re-biopsy for the O10-1 progress non-small cell lung cancer and safe examination
厚美慶英1, 有村健1, 本多奈穂子1, 鳥山碧1, 花輪智秀1, 原裕子1, 佐藤昭寿1, 武山廉1, 多賀谷悦子1, 近藤光子1, 神崎正人2, 玉置淳1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S235-S235, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the re-biopsy in our hospital for patients with EGFR mutation in the gene-positive non-small cell lung cancer which caused tolerance in O10-2 EGFR-TKI
小川ゆかり, 横山琢磨, 麻生純平, 布川寛樹, 平田彩, 小田未来, 高田佐織, 石井晴之, 滝澤始
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S235-S235, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchoscopic examination for the purpose of re-biopsy for the elderly people lung cancer in the O10-3 our hospital
笠井尚1, 杉山智英1, 中村洋一1, 若松郁磨2, 中原理恵2, 松隈治久2, 神山由香理1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S235-S235, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the re-biopsy using the bronchial endoscopy for the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung adenocarcinoma which caused tolerance in EGFR TKI in the O10-4 our hospital
黒田佑介, 笠原慶太, 大橋慎一, 佐野文俊, 堀内一哉, 鈴木浩介, 植松秀護, 石井源, 松倉聡, 門倉光隆
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S236-S236, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of transbronchial Re-biopsy for the EGFR-TKI-resistant lung cancer in the O10-5 our hospital
山内浩義1, 中山雅之1, 山本真一2, 瀧上理子1, 澤田哲郎1, 間藤尚子1, 山沢英明1, 坂東政司1, 萩原弘一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S236-S236, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the re-biopsy of the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive non-small cell lung cancer in the O11-1 our hospital
佐々木真知子, 品川尚文, 池澤靖元, 國崎守, 庄司哲明, 古田恵, 高島雄太, 菊池創, 水柿秀紀, 朝比奈肇, 菊地順子, 菊地英毅, 榊原純, 西村正治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S237-S237, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the re-biopsy for the non-small cell lung cancer case which became PD out of the O11-2 episode of care
若林綾, 藤嶋彬, 刑部優希, 関口綾香, 井上大輔, 柿内佑介, 船木俊孝, 山崎洋平, 楯野英胤, 加藤栄助, 林誠, 山口史博, 渡部良雄, 鹿間裕介
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S237-S237, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the re-biopsy with the bronchoscope in the O11-3 EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung cancer
立原素子, 山本正嗣, 寺下智美, 田村大介, 吉崎飛鳥, 川本めぐみ, 羽間大祐, 堂國良太, 桐生辰徳, 梅澤佳乃子, 関谷怜奈, 桂田雅大, 桂田直子, 上領博, 小林和幸, 西村善博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S237-S237, 2017.

Japanese Article It is results - biopsy pathology histology of the re-biopsy and consideration ... of the EBUS image after O11-4 EGFR-TKI tolerance
森川慶1, 松澤慎1, 大山バク1, 尾上林太郎1, 阿座上真哉1, 柿沼一隆1, 村岡弘海1, 岡本真理子1, 薄場彩乃1, 井上哲兵1, 竹村仁男1, 古屋直樹1, 木田博隆1, 半田寛1, 西根広樹1, 井上健男1, 宮澤輝臣1, 栗本典昭2, 峯下昌道1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S238-S238, 2017.

Japanese Article Analysis of CT views after O12-1 Virtual-assisted lung mapping (VALMAP)
中岡大士1, 北村淳史1, 谷川朋幸1, 次富亮輔1, 石井賢二1, 岡藤浩平1, 冨島裕1, 仁多寅彦1, 西村直樹1, 田村友秀1, 石川祐也1, 小島史嗣1, 板東徹1, 佐藤雅昭2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S239-S239, 2017.

Japanese Article Possibility of the small periphery lung cancer identification with the ICG fluorescence endoscope system in the O12-2 operation under thoracoscopy
大塩恭彦, 赤澤彰, 苗村佑樹, 賀来良輔, 片岡瑛子, 川口庸, 五十嵐知之, 橋本雅之, 寺本晃治, 花岡淳
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S239-S239, 2017.

Japanese Article The prospects to the optical diagnosis of the chest malignancy using O12-3 aminolevulinic acid (5ALA) and low invasive treatment
北田正博, 大崎能伸
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S239-S239, 2017.

Japanese Article Complete thoracoscopic excision of segment of lung using the identification technique between the areas with the O12-4 ICG fluorescence endoscope system
遠藤克彦, 松井琢哉, 山田健
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S240-S240, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the preoperation marking by the O12-5 Virtual Assisted Lung Mapping (VAL-MAP) method
今井紗智子, 小林正嗣, 川田悠, 栗原泰幸, 杉田裕介, 菅原了子, 高崎千尋, 石橋洋則, 大久保憲一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S240-S240, 2017.

Japanese Article Study of the percutaneous vitamin B2 lungs marking method in the O12-6 lungs surgery
高田宗尚1, 松本勲1, 中田翔1, 田中雄亮1, 齋藤大輔1, 吉田周平1, 懸川誠一1, 田村昌也1, 竹村博文1, 早稲田龍一2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S240-S240, 2017.

Japanese Article Comparison between tissue re-biopsy and T790M mutation detection by liquid biopsy by the O13-1 EGFR-TKI-resistant lung cancer
小林慧悟, 猶木克彦, 眞鍋維志, 長谷川華子, 増澤啓太, 平野俊之, 額賀重成, 西野誠, 安田浩之, 川田一郎, 副島研造, 別役智子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S241-S241, 2017.

Japanese Article PD-L1 expression and convalescence in the O13-2 non-small cell lung cancer and examination of the correlation with the EGFR-TKI effect of treatment
小林研一1, 清家正博1, 中山幸治1, 加藤友美1, 高橋聡1, 高橋明子1, 武内進1, 松本優1, 野呂林太郎1, 峯岸裕司1, 臼田実男2, 久保田馨1, 弦間昭彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S241-S241, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness bronchoscopic in the preoperation in three O13-3 intractable pulmonary MAC symptoms
田畑恵里奈, 関根朗雅, 片野拓馬, 和佐本諭, 山中友美絵, 新谷亮多, 佐渡山伸子, 本間千絵, 池田慧, 山川英晃, 織田恒幸, 奥田良, 北村英也, 馬場智尚, 篠原岳, 大河内稔, 小松茂, 小倉高志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S241-S241, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the difference between O13-4 endoscopic intratracheal sputum collecting and diagnosis rate with bronchial washings
薄場彩乃, 駒瀬裕子, 尾上林太郎, 山本崇人, 檜田直也
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S242-S242, 2017.

Japanese Article The bronchial endoscopic examination that a case with the O13-5 sputum bloody was given
福田実1,2, 朝野寛視2, 須山隆之2, 本田徳鷹2, 行徳宏2, 千住博明2, 竹本真之輔2, 池田喬哉2, 山口博之2, 中富克己2, 本田琢也1, 芦澤和人1, 永安武3, 迎寛2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S242-S242, 2017.

Japanese Article O13-6 Study on the therapeutic effect of osimeltinib based on EGFR gene mutation analysis using bronchoscopic specimen
二木麻衣子1, 横井崇1, 尾形誠2, 木畑佳代子1, 竹安優貴1, 松井浩史3, 谷口洋平3, 倉田宝保1, 宮良高維2, 野村昌作1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S242-S242, 2017.

Japanese Article Diagnosis of the mediastinal emphysema by the O14-1 neck echo
山口学1, 小中千守1, 川崎徳仁1, 守尾篤2, 池田徳彦3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S243-S243, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the interstitial pneumonia merger lung cancer using O14-2 HRCT fibrosis score
行徳宏, 朝野寛視, 須山隆之, 本田徳鷹, 千住博明, 竹本真之輔, 山口博之, 石本裕士, 角川智之, 中富克己, 坂本憲穂, 福田実, 迎寛
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S243-S243, 2017.

Japanese Article Change of respiratory tract diameter and the airway resistance in the O14-3 pneumonectomy perioperative period
五十嵐知之1, 赤澤彰1,2, 苗村佑樹1, 賀来良輔1, 片岡瑛子1, 大塩恭彦1, 橋本雅之1, 内田泰樹2, 福永健太郎2, 仲川宏昭2, 山口将史2, 大澤真2,3, 中野恭幸2, 寺本晃治4, 川口庸1,5, 花岡淳1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S243-S243, 2017.

Japanese Article O14-4 Clinical investigation of emphysema-complicated pulmonary fibrosis by new automatic measurement software LungVision (Ver. 3.0) of chest CT images
福島喜代康1, 松竹豊司1, 坂本憲穂2, 尾長谷靖2, 迎寛2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S244-S244, 2017.

Japanese Article Red autologous fluorescent significance from zinc photo protoporphyrin in the O15-1 autologous fluorescence bronchoscope observation
大崎能伸1, 佐々木高明1, 遠藤哲史2, 北田正博1, 奥村俊介1, 風林佳大1, 平井理子1, 吉田遼平1, 豊嶋恵理1, 南幸範1, 山本泰司1, 竹山周良1, 阪田功1,3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S245-S245, 2017.

Japanese Article Thoracoscopic surgery simulation - "challenge to the tomorrow's surgery" - using the O15-2 transformation simulation technique
陳豊史1, 中尾恵2, 濱路政嗣1, 山岸弘哉1, 大畑恵資1, 岡部亮1, 齋藤正男1, 本山秀樹1, 毛受暁史1, 青山晃博1, 佐藤寿彦1, 園部誠1, 伊達洋至1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S245-S245, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchoscope simulation using the O15-3 low price 3D printer
中山雅之1, 山本真一2, 金子直樹3, 間藤尚子1, 山沢英明1, 坂東政司1, 萩原弘一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S245-S245, 2017.

Japanese Article Clinical application in the thoracoscopic surgery of the O15-4 fluorescence endoscope device
高尾仁二, 伊藤温志, 小林晶, 島本亮, 新保秀人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S246-S246, 2017.

Japanese Article The periphery small size lesion marking method in the O15-5 hybrid operating room
川向純, 新納英樹, 伊藤祥隆, 宮澤秀樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S246-S246, 2017.

Japanese Article It is examination of becoming it a new central examination of the lower airway bronchial epithelium fimbria function measurement in connection with O15-6 fundamental researches institution
澤祥幸1, 二村洋平1, 堀場あかね1, 石黒崇1, 吉田勉1, 丸井努2, 細木誠之3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S246-S246, 2017.

Japanese Article Clinical study about the treatment with rays dynamics for the O15-7 peripheral type small size lung cancer
井上達哉1, 竹ヶ原京志郎1, 平井理子2, 佐々木高明2, 今井健太郎4, 前原幸夫4, 大谷圭志4, 大崎能伸2, 土田敬明3, 池田徳彦4, 臼田実男1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S246-S246, 2017.

Japanese Article We look at the rear of the outcome of the bronchoplasty excision of a lobe of lung of the O16-1 Wedge excision and study a mark
綾部貴典1, 富田雅樹1, 中村都英2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S247-S247, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the case given an O16-2 top right corner inferior lobe pipe-formed resection
雪上晴弘, 棚橋雅幸, 鈴木恵理子, 吉井直子, 設楽将之, 上沼康範, 丹羽宏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S247-S247, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the bronchoplasty enforcement case for the O16-3 origin-related lung cancer
澤藤誠, 井澤菜緒子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S247-S247, 2017.

Japanese Article One excision case that conducted the bipartite gun type bronchus rebuilding for the schwannoma that progressed inside and outside O16-4 bronchial wall, and evaded a pneumonectomy
土岐善紀1, 瀬川正孝1, 峠正義2, 本間崇浩3, 山本優3, 嶋田喜文3, 杉山茂樹4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S248-S248, 2017.

Japanese Article On performing examination - operation under thoracoscopy of the anastomosis method after the bronchial tubular excision for the O16-5 origin-related lung cancer; -
森山悟, 鈴木あゆみ, 小田梨紗, 坂根理司, 川野理, 奥田勝裕, 羽田裕司, 中西良一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S248-S248, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the bronchoplasty for the lung cancer in the O16-6 our hospital
鈴木克幸, 遠藤誠, 早坂一希, 鑓水佳, 塩野知志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S248-S248, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of the tuberculous pleurisy that O17-1 general anesthesia lower pneumoscope was useful in a diagnosis
山本純1, 大畠孝則2, 南宮湖2, 斎藤史武2, 阪口真之2, 結城秀樹2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S249-S249, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the pain of the local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy by the O17-2 patients questionnaire
島田昌裕, 益田公彦, 宮川和子, 武田啓太, 河野史歩, 中村澄江, 横須賀響子, 井上恵理, 佐藤亮太, 赤司俊介, 川島正裕, 田下浩之, 大島信治, 田村厚久, 山根章, 永井英明, 赤川志のぶ, 大田健
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S249-S249, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the case that an O17-3 local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy required reexamination postoperatively
渡辺健寛1, 森山寛史2, 広野達彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S249-S249, 2017.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of all local anesthesia lower pneumoscope lower pleura layer biopsy using O17-4 IT-knife, safe examination
田中彩子1, 岡本紀雄1, 佐藤真吾1, 那須信吾1, 森田沙斗武1, 白山敬之1, 森下直子1, 鈴木秀和1, 河原邦光2, 平島智徳1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S250-S250, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the O17-5 origin-related lung cancer and pulmonary mycosis surgery case that it was hard to differentiate
小野祥太郎1, 萩原優1, 前田純一1, 吉田浩一1, 垣花昌俊1, 梶原直央1, 大平達夫1, 松林純2, 池田徳彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S250-S250, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of 14 malignant pleural mesothelioma given O17-6 thoracoscopy
堀和美, 山田有里紗, 石田あかね, 重松文恵, 伊勢裕子, 中畑征史, 岡さおり, 小暮啓人, 北川智余恵, 沖昌英, 坂英雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S250-S250, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the unidentified trachea, bronchostenosis that suffered from O18-1 treatment
藤原大樹, 中島崇裕, 稲毛輝長, 佐田諭己, 伊藤祐輝, 椎名裕樹, 畑敦, 豊田行英, 田中教久, 鈴木秀海, 岩田剛和, 千代雅子, 吉野一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S251-S251, 2017.

Japanese Article Four patients who conducted steroid local site dispersion under a bronchoscope for O18-2 tuberculosis of bronchus, and tried evasion of the tuberculous bronchostenosis
矢口大三, 井上徳子, 小林大祐, 志津匡人, 今井直幸, 市川元司
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S251-S251, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of five endobronchial hamartoma which we experienced in O18-3 our hospital
古堅智則, 平良尚広, 河崎英範, 川畑勉
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S251-S251, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the bronchoscope lower ethanol infusion for the O18-4 respiratory tract lesion
高森幹雄, 山本美暁, 高橋由希子, 川合祥子, 佐藤祐, 大橋佳奈, 村田研吾, 北園美弥子, 和田曉彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S252-S252, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the bronchial alien substance in the O18-5 our hospital
佐野文俊, 北見明彦, 大橋慎一, 鈴木浩介, 植松秀護, 神尾義人, 門倉光隆
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S252-S252, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the respiratory tract stent in the O18-6 our hospital
新納英樹, 川向純, 伊藤祥隆, 宮澤秀樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S252-S252, 2017.

Japanese Article Clinical studies about rays dynamic treatment (PDT) for the O19-1 peripheral type lung cancer
今井健太郎1, 前原幸夫1, 大谷圭志1, 小野祥太郎1, 並川晴佳1, 萩原優1, 垣花昌俊1, 岡野哲也1, 梶原直央1, 大平達夫1, 岡潔2, 池田徳彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S253-S253, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the laser marking method in the O19-2 technique
大谷圭志, 前原幸夫, 今井健太郎, 小野祥太郎, 萩原優, 垣花昌俊, 岡野哲也, 梶原直央, 大平達夫, 池田徳彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S253-S253, 2017.

Japanese Article Initial fundamental researches of the freeze thaw necrosis therapy of the transbronchus for the O19-3 lungs periphery malignant tumor
河野光智1, 橋本諒1, 大岩加奈1, 西海昇1, 屋代英樹2, 中塚誠之2, 川村雅文3, 岩崎正之1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S253-S253, 2017.

Japanese Article Differential diagnosis of the interstitial pneumonia by the real-time observation of the O19-4 probe type confocal laser scanning microscope lower alveolus macrophage
今泉和良, 岡村拓哉, 峯澤智之, 森川紗也子, 丹羽義和, 堀口智也, 後藤祐介, 相馬智英, 赤尾謙, 渡邊俊和, 山口哲平, 後藤康洋, 磯谷澄都, 中西亨
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S254-S254, 2017.

Japanese Article Development of the sealing-type mouthpiece to apply O19-5 Nasal High Flow to a bronchoscope
中山敬史1, 堺崇1, 白井俊1, 金岡里枝1, 上原浩文1, 川村雅文1, 根岸忍2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S254-S254, 2017.

Japanese Article Pneumonectomy for the O20-1 lung abscess merger lung cancer
下高原昭廣1, 関恵理奈1, 後藤正志1, 廣瀬友城2, 中野滋文2, 諸井文子2, 芳賀孝之2, 堀場昌英2, 青山克彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S255-S255, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the adenocarcinoma including seasonal polymorphism cancer which O20-2 progressed rapidly, and caused bronchus principalia dexter complete occlusion
水野幸太郎1, 栗山満美子2, 荒木勇一朗2, 原田亜紀子2, 石原明典2, 前田浩義2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S255-S255, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 excision case in the appendage xyphoideus lower approach for anterior mediastinum tumor which did penetration to the O20-3 left upper lobe
小田梨紗, 森山悟, 羽田裕司, 奥田勝裕, 川野理, 坂根理司, 鈴木あゆみ, 藤野智大, 中西良一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S255-S255, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the lung cancer excision case in elderly people O20-4 85 years old or older
新関浩人, 池田淳一, 山口晃司, 松永明宏, 宮谷内健吾, 新田健雄, 猪子和穂, 羽根佑真, 大川裕貴, 須永道明
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S256-S256, 2017.

Japanese Article It is examined the surgery primary lung cancer case that we conducted for metastatic negative by O20-5 mediastinoscopy
桐林孝治, 西牟田浩伸, 萩原令彦, 新妻徹, 伊藤一樹, 草地信也
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S256-S256, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease given O20-6 surgery
古賀教将, 眞田宗, 吉本健太郎, 久保田伊知郎, 廣津泰寛
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S256-S256, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the bronchial biliary fistula that trachea plombage by the O21-1 EWS was effective
加藤剛, 小宮奈津子, 小楠真典, 久保田未央, 岩永健太郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S259-S259, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the EWS for interstitial pneumonia merger secondary intractable pneumothorax in the O21-2 our hospital
伊藤貴康, 谷口博之, 近藤康博, 木村智樹, 片岡健介, 横山俊樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S259-S259, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the case that tried a withdrawal of the EWS after bronchial plombage using the O21-3 EWS
佐久川亮, 森田絢子, 稲田崇志, 梅野貴裕, 深松伸明, 尾形佳子, 細川忍, 別所昭宏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S259-S259, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts of the EWS treatment in our hospital for O21-4 intractable pneumothorax
近藤晃1, 井上祐一2, 宮村拓人1, 三原智1, 泊慎也1, 迎寛3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S260-S260, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that used a single use video bronchoscope together for the case that had difficulty with O21-5 EWS withdrawal
岡本圭伍, 一瀬増太郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S260-S260, 2017.

Japanese Article Training of the EWS plombage using O21-6 bronchoscope training model "Bronco boy"
中山雅之1, 山本真一2, 瀧上理子1, 山内浩義1, 澤田哲郎1, 間藤尚子1, 山沢英明1, 坂東政司1, 萩原弘一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S260-S260, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage that occurred during nivolumab administration for O22-1 malignant melanoma
池田喬哉1, 朝野寛視1, 本田徳鷹1, 須山隆之1, 行徳宏1, 千住博明1, 竹本真之輔1, 山口博之1, 中富克己1, 福田実2, 角川智之1, 迎寛1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S261-S261, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the organized pneumonia by Nivolumab which showed O22-2 characteristic-like image, pathological finding
大森翔太1, 内藤立暁1, 豆鞘伸昭1, 小竹美絵1, 藤原拓海1, 川村卓久1, 小林玄機1, 中島和寿1, 和久田一茂1, 小野哲1, 釼持広知1, 村上晴泰1, 吉川周佐2, 遠藤正浩3, 清原祥夫2, 中島孝4, 高橋利明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S261-S261, 2017.

Japanese Article 2 cases that resulted in pulmonary disorder by the nivolumab which we gave after O22-3 chest radiotherapy
林健太郎, 高橋典明, 西澤司, 野口貴央, 畑岡つかさ, 佐藤良博, 中川喜子, 清水哲男, 橋本修
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S261-S261, 2017.

Japanese Article Mystery of the mass again increased after heavy particle radiotherapy for the O22-4 lung cancer
吉田勤1, 中川隆行1, 下田清美1, 平松美也子1, 佐々木結花2, 吉森浩三3, 荒井他嘉司1, 白石裕治1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S262-S262, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the drug-related pulmonary disorder by the nivolumab which occurred in O22-5 radiotherapy radiation field and the neighboring lung field
山口央, 塩野文子, 毛利篤人, 小林国彦, 各務博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S262-S262, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that obtained EGFR mutation in the gene positive by having repeated re-biopsy for O22-6 youth, a progress lung adenocarcinoma case of nonsmoking women
西野誠1,2, 副島研造1,3, 猶木克彦1,4, 川田一郎1, 安田浩之1, 額賀重成1, 平野俊之1, 大芦彩野1, 増澤啓太1, 長谷川華子1, 小林慧悟1, 眞鍋維志1, 別役智子1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S262-S262, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the tuberculosis of bronchus that evaluated the lesion by the bronchoscopy that O23-1 was diachronic
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S263-S263, 2017.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the pulmonary zygomycosis that O23-2 transbronchial biopsy was useful for a diagnosis
内藤祐二朗, 平田陽彦, 木庭太郎, 濱口眞成, 大塚倫之, 岩堀幸太, 小山正平, 滝本宜之, 長友泉, 武田吉人, 木田博, 木島貴志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S263-S263, 2017.

Japanese Article 4 cases of pulmonary MALT lymphoma that we experienced in O23-3 our hospital
尾崎領彦1, 寺澤優代1, 中島猛1, 浦田知之1, 徳永義昌2, 張性洙2, 岡本卓2, 岩田純3, 松本学3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S263-S263, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that became the cardiopulmonary arrest by the suffocation by the mucous plug during follow-up of O23-4 chronicity pulmonary aspergillosis
河野史歩, 中村澄江, 佐藤亮太, 益田公彦, 田下浩之, 永井英明, 大田健
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S264-S264, 2017.

Japanese Article Two patients who received stereotactic radiation therapy due to cyber knife M6 for O23-5 interstitial pneumonia merger lung cancer
木村元宏, 近藤友喜, 加藤早紀, 松浦彰伸, 高木康之, 杉野安輝
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S264-S264, 2017.

Japanese Article Retrospective analysis of the combined modality therapy for the malignant pleural mesothelioma in the O23-6 our hospital
中富克己1, 福田実1,3, 山口博之1, 池田喬哉1, 土谷智史2, 山崎直哉2, 芦澤和人3, 永安武2, 迎寛1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S264-S264, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who had a relapse of lung cancer after the greater omentum filling for the O24-1 bronchial fistula
森毅1, 柴田英克2, 眞田宗2, 西航1, 大隅祥暢1, 山田竜也1, 本岡大和1, 池田公英1, 白石健治1, 鈴木実1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S265-S265, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of pneumothorax that filled the O24-2 ruptured bleb inside with a polyglycolic acid sheet, and closed pulmonary fistula
出口博之, 谷田達男, 友安信, 重枝弥, 兼古由香
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S265-S265, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 surgery case of huge tumor in the right pleural cavity which had a diagnosis of carcinosarcoma after O24-3 technique
坂井貴志1, 池田晋悟1, 森正也2, 青野ひろみ3, 伊藤貴文3, 黒川憲3, 星野竜広1, 横田俊也1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S265-S265, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that used the bronchiole fistula closure by the EWS together on shut window technique after incision of an abscess, the fenestration operation for the O24-4 lung abscess
中村彰太1, 岡地祥太郎2, 長谷川好規2, 横井香平1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S266-S266, 2017.

Japanese Article Local anesthesia thoracoscopic surgery for the pulmonary fistula late after O24-5 pneumonectomy
福井哲矢, 奥野翔子, 松倉規
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S266-S266, 2017.

Japanese Article Greater omentum filling, thoracoplasty for empyema, the intractable pulmonary fistula with the O24-6 collagenosis merger lung disease
後藤行延, 荒木健太郎, 上田翔, 佐伯祐典, 北沢伸祐, 小林尚寛, 菊池慎二, 鈴木久史, 市村秀夫, 佐藤幸夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S266-S266, 2017.

Japanese Article Thoracoscopic right middle lobe of lung resection for the broncholithiasis that developed O25-1 drowned lung
松岡勝成, 熊田早希子, 篠原周一, 分島良, 渡辺梨砂, 山田徹, 松岡隆久, 長井信二郎, 植田充宏, 宮本好博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S267-S267, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma which performed a surgical gastrostomy for O25-2 tracheoesophageal fistula, and followed the good course
神宮大輔1, 矢島剛洋1, 生方智1, 渡辺洋1, 佐澤由郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S267-S267, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the pulmonary suppuration that the drainage of the O25-3 transrespiratory tract was effective
北村直也1, 本間崇浩1, 嶋田喜文1, 山本優1, 明元佑司1, 尾嶋紀洋2, 土岐善紀3, 芳村直樹1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S267-S267, 2017.

Japanese Article 2 excision case of pulmonary origin inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor diagnosed by O25-4 bronchoscope lower biopsy
岡田真典1, 西川仁士1, 藤原俊哉1, 金原正志2, 安武美紀3, 松浦求樹1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S268-S268, 2017.

Japanese Article O25-5 A case of right lower lobectomized carcinoma with resection positive for resected line determined by preoperative autofluorescence endoscopic findings due to intraepithelial progression of the tumor
茅田洋之1, 井坂光宏1, 水野潔道1, 林祥子1, 保浦慶之1, 清水麗子1, 児嶋秀晃1, 高橋祥司1, 大出泰久1, 中島孝2, 遠藤正浩3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S268-S268, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of the Dan bell-shaped posterior mediastinum schwannoma that we resected by O25-6 thoracoscopic surgery and backward approach
石橋直弥, 堀尾裕俊, 山道尭, 浅川文香, 奥井将之, 原田匡彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S268-S268, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the form of the lungs after the living body lung transplantation for O25-7 superior lobe predominance type pulmonary fibrosis and the function
伊藤祐輝1, 鈴木秀海1, 中島崇裕1, 佐田諭己1, 椎名裕樹1, 豊田行英1, 畑敦1, 稲毛輝長1, 田中教久1, 坂入祐一1, 和田啓伸1, 藤原大樹1, 岩田剛和1, 千代雅子1, 寺田二郎2, 巽浩一郎2, 吉野一郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S268-S268, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the intervention with the flexible bronchoscope for the central respiratory tract lesion under the O26-1 general anesthesia
池澤靖元, 品川尚文, 國崎守, 庄司哲明, 高島雄太, 古田恵, 佐々木真知子, 菊池創, 水柿秀紀, 朝比奈肇, 菊地英毅, 菊地順子, 榊原純, 西村正治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S269-S269, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the stenting case for the O26-2 malignancy airway narrowing
齋藤大輔, 松本勲, 田中雄亮, 吉田周平, 懸川誠一, 田村昌也, 竹村博文
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S269-S269, 2017.

Japanese Article Treatment for the O26-3 center airway narrowing
平井文子, 小林健一, 由良冴希子, 松宮弘喜, 金山雅俊, 平良彰浩, 名部裕介, 篠原伸二, 桑田泰治, 竹中賢, 近石泰弘, 岡壮一, 今西直子, 黒田耕志, 田中文啓
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S269-S269, 2017.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy for the O26-4 center respiratory tract lesion
中村好宏, 狩集弘太, 横枕直哉, 大塚綱志, 永田俊行, 青木雅也, 武田亜矢, 上村豪, 前田光喜, 佐藤雅美
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S270-S270, 2017.

Japanese Article Surgical treatment for the O26-5 center respiratory tract lesion
三品泰二郎, 渡辺敦, 宮島正博, 鶴田航大, 高橋有毅
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S270-S270, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness and problems of the respiratory intervention under the O26-6 general anesthesia
南大輔, 佐藤賢, 安東千裕, 中須賀崇匡, 岩本佳隆, 藤原慶一, 柴山卓夫, 米井敏郎, 佐藤利雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S270-S270, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) lymphocytes form analysis in the differential diagnosis of the O27-1 diffuse-related lung disease
堀益靖, 益田武, 中島拓, 宮本真太郎, 岩本博志, 藤高一慶, 濱田泰伸, 服部登
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S271-S271, 2017.

Japanese Article The respiratory unplanned hospitalization in the O27-2 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis case: Examination of the acute exacerbation of pneumonia and infection Trigger
寺町涼, 谷口博之, 近藤康博, 木村智樹, 片岡健介, 松田俊明, 横山俊樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S271-S271, 2017.

Japanese Article Case choice - for diagnosis - diagnosis rate improvement of the lymph vessels myoma symptom by the O27-3 transbronchial lung biopsy
岡本翔一1, 村木慶子1, 長岡鉄太郎1, 林大久生2, 植草利公3, 西野宏一1, 関本康人1, 瀬山邦明1, 高橋和久1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S271-S271, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of immune complexes in the patients with O27-4 hypersensitivity pneumonitis bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
原敦子1, 由良博一1, 中島章太1, 角川智之1, 石本裕士1, 城戸貴志2, 坂本憲穂1, 松元信弘3, 石井寛4, 矢寺和博2, 石松祐二5, 迎寛1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S272-S272, 2017.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the bronchoalveolar lavage in the O27-5 antiARS antibody-positive interstitial pneumonia case
石本裕士1, 坂本憲穂1, 由良博一1, 中島章太1, 原敦子1, 角川智之1, 尾長谷靖1, 石松祐二2, 迎寛1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S272-S272, 2017.

Japanese Article About an association between B-cell stimulating factor (BAFF) concentrations and condition of a patient out of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in the O28-1 sarcoidosis
安東優1, 山末まり1, 後藤昭彦1, 宇佐川佑子1, 竹中隆一2, 安田ちえ1, 吉川裕喜1, 橋永一彦1, 梅木健二1, 濡木真一1, 平松和史1, 門田淳一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S273-S273, 2017.

Japanese Article Three cases of the colon cancer lymphangitis carcinomatosis that needed differentiation with the O28-2 interstitial pneumonia
太田宏樹1, 後町杏子1, 磯部和順1, 鏑木教平1, 佐野剛1, 杉野圭史1, 坂本晋1, 高井雄二郎1, 菊池由宣2, 栃木直文3, 若山恵3, 澁谷和俊3, 船橋公彦4, 本間栄1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S273-S273, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of five alveolar proteinosis diagnosed by O28-3 our hospital
角谷拓哉, 横村光司, 金田桂, 小谷内敬史, 赤堀大介, 佐藤慈子, 長谷川浩嗣, 小澤雄一, 松井隆
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S273-S273, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor which is useful for O28-4 sarcoidosis diagnosis
光根歩, 佐藤輝幸, 柳澤悟, 突田容子, 東條裕, 小野学, 宮内栄作, 一ノ瀬正和
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S274-S274, 2017.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the diffuse pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage case in the O28-5 our hospital
石川威夫, 山田真紗美, 川本浩徳, 伊藤晶彦, 市川晶博, 齋藤那由多, 坪内和哉, 栗田裕輔, 内海裕文, 和久井大, 皆川俊介, 沼田尊功, 荒屋潤, 金子由美, 中山勝敏, 桑野和善
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S274-S274, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the adenocarcinoma subtype estimate by the bronchoscope specimen transin O29-1 preoperation
三浦弘之1, 後藤慎一2, 池田徳彦3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S275-S275, 2017.

Japanese Article The estrangement of the lung cancer pathological diagnosis in O29-2 bronchoscope and the surgery specimen and prognostic examination
井上尚1, 伊藤祥之1, 西平守道1, 荒木修1, 苅部陽子1, 前田寿美子1, 小林哲1, 渡邉泰治2, 曽田紗世2, 池田直哉2, 塩原太一2, 梅津貴史2, 新井良2, 滝澤秀典2, 清水泰生2, 三好祐顕2, 知花和行2, 武政聡浩2, 中里宜正3, 石井芳樹2, 千田雅之1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S275-S275, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness of TBLB for the O29-3 Possible UIP pattern
蛸井浩行1, 国保成暁2, 久世眞之1, 柏田建1, 林宏紀1, 神尾孝一郎1, 齋藤好信1, 藤田和恵1, 阿部信二1,2, 功刀しのぶ2, 寺崎泰弘1,2, 久保田馨1, 吾妻安良太1, 弦間昭彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S275-S275, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of PD-L1 staining and the Nivolumab effect of treatment by the O29-4 bronchoscope lower tumor biopsy
高橋亮1, 村上修司1, 佐多将史1, 横瀬智之2, 間邊早紀1, 近藤哲郎1, 加藤晃史1, 齋藤春洋1, 山田耕三1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S276-S276, 2017.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of the O29-5 Thyroid Transcription Factor-1 (TTF-1)-negative small cell lung cancer
飯田由子, 西澤司, 中川喜子, 水村賢司, 清水哲男, 丸岡秀一郎, 権寧博, 高橋典明, 橋本修
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S276-S276, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the sampling method at diagnosis of the lung cancer suitable for O29-6 molecules pathological diagnosis
石川暢久1, 河野紘輝2, 三好俊太郎2, 濱井宏介1, 谷本琢也1, 庄田浩康1, 前田裕行2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S276-S276, 2017.

Japanese Article Multicenter study on safety, effectiveness (J-Breath) of the bronchial thermoplasty for the O30-1 bronchial asthma
出雲雄大1, 笹田真滋2, 岡本紀雄3, 水守康之4, 中島啓5, 粟野暢康1, 高橋左枝子2, 源誠二郎6, 河村哲治4, 三沢昌史5, 生島壮一郎1, 中村守男2, 中原保治4, 青島正大5, 平島智徳7
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S277-S277, 2017.

Japanese Article Quantitative analysis of the respiratory tract wall change in patients with intractable bronchial asthma given O30-2 bronchus thermoplasty
長野直子1, 石井聡1, 飯倉元保1, 角和珠妃1, 辻本佳恵1, 松林沙知1, 坂本慶太1, 下田由季子1, 小林このみ1, 橋本理生1, 鈴木学1, 仲剛1, 泉信有1, 竹田雄一郎1, 放生雅章2, 杉山温人1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S277-S277, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchial thermoplasty to perform in an O30-3 endoscope room: Examination of the problem judging from a diachronic record under treatment
高桑修, 金光禎寛, 岡山未奈美, 市川博也, 上村剛大, 大久保仁嗣, 前野健, 伊藤穣, 小栗鉄也, 中村敦, 新実彰男
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S277-S277, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the short-term effect of treatment and safety of the bronchial thermoplasty in the O30-4 our hospital
山村健太1, 原丈介1, 村田亜香里1, 谷村航太1, 松岡寛樹1, 木場隼人1, 酒井珠美1, 渡辺知志1, 内田由佳1, 丹保裕一1, 大倉徳幸1, 曽根崇1, 木村英晴1, 阿保未来1, 浅野文祐2, 笠原寿郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S278-S278, 2017.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the bronchial thermoplasty in the O30-5 our hospital and safe examination
粟野暢康1, 出雲雄大1, 刀祢麻里1, 福田健介1, 寺田百合子2, 生島壮一郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S278-S278, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the case given bronchial thermoplasty to patients with O30-6 serious case asthma
益弘健太朗1, 岡本紀雄2, 源誠二郎3, 白山敬之1, 田中彩子1, 森田沙斗武1, 高田創1, 谷恵理子3, 佐藤真吾1, 那須信吾1, 森下直子1, 上原暢子1, 鈴木秀和1, 平島智徳1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S278-S278, 2017.

Japanese Article Change over time of the Lung Volume in the O30-7 bronchus thermoplasty treatment
島田大嗣1, 中村豊1, 阿部和幸1, 千葉真士1, 重枝弥2, 守口知1, 中島義雄1, 齋藤平佐1, 長島広相1, 友安信2, 出口博之2, 谷田達男2, 山内広平1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S278-S278, 2017.

Japanese Article Use experience of 34 times of O31-1 scirrhous bronchoscopes
山本恭通, 星野大葵, 小阪真二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S279-S279, 2017.

English Article O31-2 Tracheobronchial stent for malignant airway obstructions - indications and limitations -
古川公之, 宮崎涼平, 村上大悟, 田尾裕之, 岡部和倫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S279-S279, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the use of PCPS case at O31-3 center respiratory tract measures
宮脇美千代, 安部美幸, 内匠陽平, 小林良司, 橋本崇史, 末廣修治, 小副川敦, 杉尾賢二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S279-S279, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the scirrhous mirror lower stenting case in our hospital for the O31-4 center airway narrowing
石田格1, 大浦裕之1, 山田剛裕1, 宇部健治2, 守義明2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S280-S280, 2017.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of these days half a year for the trachea bronchial wall permeation of the O31-5 malignant tumor
片岡大輔, 大島穣, 南方孝夫, 新谷裕美子, 山本滋, 鈴木隆, 門倉光隆
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S280-S280, 2017.

Japanese Article Use experience of Aero stent in the O31-6 classroom
早稲田龍一, 宮原聡, 吉田康浩, 平塚昌文, 山下眞一, 白石武史, 岩崎昭憲
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S280-S280, 2017.

Japanese Article We look at the O32-1 perfection mirror and are devised the inferior mediastinum lymph node excision in the lower lower right leaf excision surgery
伊藤祥隆, 川向純, 新納英樹, 宮澤秀樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S281-S281, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent right lung S3 segmental resection after a CT guide lower marking using the pigment for O32-2 center side frosted glass nodule (GGO)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S281-S281, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that they presented with a remaining bronchus lobaris superior stenosis after an inferior lobe resection in the O32-3 perfection pneumoscope lower right, and needed reoperation early
八柳英治, 佐藤一博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S281-S281, 2017.

Japanese Article Look at the mirror with the blood vessel divergence abnormality that O32-4 blood vessel precedent processing was useful; one of the lower lower right leaf resection
渡邉文亮1, 高尾仁二2, 林香介1, 伊藤健太郎1, 西井洋一1, 畑地治1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S282-S282, 2017.

Japanese Article O32-5 A case of resection of S1 + 2, S6 area for congenital bronchial atresia between 2 areas of left upper and lower leaves
川野理1, 中西良一1, 渡邊拓弥2, 深井一郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S282-S282, 2017.

Japanese Article Look at the O32-6 perfection mirror; importance of the preoperation simulation in the lower excision of segment of lung
石角太一郎, 片場寛明, 伊藤哲思
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S282-S282, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the thoracic empyema with fistula 26 case which we experienced in O33-1 our hospital for ten years
荒木修, 伊藤祥之, 西平守道, 井上尚, 苅部陽子, 前田寿美子, 小林哲, 千田雅之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S283-S283, 2017.

Japanese Article It is examination about the effectiveness of blood patch for the aerial fistula after O33-2 technique
高橋有毅, 鶴田航大, 多田周, 槇龍之介, 三品泰二郎, 宮島正博, 渡辺敦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S283-S283, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the intrathoracic observation in the pneumothorax case using the O33-3 virtual endoscopy
大河内稔1, 小倉高志1, 山中友美絵1, 佐渡山伸子1, 奥田良1, 織田恒幸1, 本間千絵1, 新谷亮多1, 田畑恵里奈1, 和佐本諭1, 片野拓馬1, 山川英晃1, 池田慧1, 北村英也1, 馬場智尚1, 田尻道彦2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S283-S283, 2017.

Japanese Article It is the treatment strategy for the bronchial fistula after O33-4 technique
山本真一1, 大野慧介1, 根岸秀樹1, 柴野智毅1, 光田清佳1, 金井義彦1, 手塚憲志1, 小林哲也2, 滝雄史2, 峯岸健太郎2, 大谷真一2, 坪地宏嘉2, 遠藤哲哉3, 中野智之4, 真木充5, 塚田博5, 曽我部将哉6, 石川成美6, 遠藤俊輔1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S284-S284, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the O34-1 origin-related lung cancer postoperative drain trouble case
伊藤温志, 高尾仁二, 小林晶, 島本亮, 新保秀人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S285-S285, 2017.

Japanese Article It is a treatment strategy of the bronchial stump fistula after O34-2 lower right leaf excision
青木正1, 佐藤哲彰1, 野崎幸一郎2, 小山建一2, 樋浦徹2, 三浦理2, 田中洋史2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S285-S285, 2017.

Japanese Article It is a treatment strategy for the bronchial stump fistula after lung cancer technique in the O34-3 our hospital
葉山牧夫, 森山重治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S285-S285, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the O34-4 bronchial stump fistula case
徳石恵太1, 緑川健介1, 阿部創世1, 濱田利徳1, 岡林寛1, 岩崎昭憲2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S286-S286, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that bronchial plombage using the EWS was successful in bronchial stump fistula after the right superior lobe excision who had the O34-5 interstitial pneumonia, and was able to be improved
木田博隆, 松澤慎, 村岡弘海, 井上健男, 峯下昌道, 宮澤輝臣
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S286-S286, 2017.

Japanese Article First two cases of the O35-1 single foramen type pneumoscope lower right upper lobe of lung excision
佐野厚, 四元拓真
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S287-S287, 2017.

Japanese Article O35-2 Usefulness of Endo GIA Radial Reload in single-hole thoracoscopic lung partial resection
佐野厚, 四元拓真
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S287-S287, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent left lower lobe excision, a mediastinal lymph node excision under complete pneumoscope for the left lower lobe lung cancer with the O35-3 right sided aortic arch
谷口春樹1, 福本泰三1, 名嘉村敬2, 石垣昌伸2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S287-S287, 2017.

Japanese Article Chest complications - at example - VP shunts surgery of the intrathoracic alien substance which we resected under O35-4 pneumoscope
山岸茂樹1, 小泉潔1, 光井卓1, 臼田実男2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S288-S288, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who presented with a middle lobar bronchus stenosis after O35-5 pneumoscope lower lower right leaf resection
池田あかり1, 大泉弘幸2, 加藤博久2, 鈴木潤2, 濱田顕2, 渡會光2, 中橋健太2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S288-S288, 2017.

Japanese Article A maneuver of the O35-6 pneumoscope lower caulescent intercostal space muscle flap bronchus stump coating and the merits and demerits
萩原優, 小野祥太郎, 河口洋平, 垣花昌俊, 岡野哲也, 梶原直央, 大平達夫, 筒井英光, 池田徳彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S288-S288, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of 11 cases given local anesthesia lower pneumoscope curettage technique for O36-1 empyema
山田有里紗, 石田あかね, 重松文恵, 伊勢裕子, 堀和美, 岡さおり, 中畑征史, 小暮啓人, 北川智余恵, 沖昌英, 坂英雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S289-S289, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the O36-2 descent-related necrotic mediastinitis surgery case
須賀淳1, 有賀直広3, 中村雄介2, 武市悠2, 中川知己3, 河野光智3, 増田良太3, 山田俊介2, 岩崎正之3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S289-S289, 2017.

Japanese Article It is examined the urokinase acute empyema case which we sprayed under O36-3 local anesthesia pneumoscope
尾崎良智, 井上修平, 大内政嗣, 上田桂子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S289-S289, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the effectiveness of the thoracoscopic empyema cavity curettage technique for the O36-4 acute empyema
浅川文香, 原田匡彦, 山道尭, 奥井将之, 堀尾裕俊
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S290-S290, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the treatment result using the score in the thoracoscopic surgery case of the O36-5 no fistula hotheadedness-related empyema
木越宏紀, 前原孝光, 山本健嗣, 三ツ堀隼弘
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S290-S290, 2017.

Japanese Article We take measures of the recurrence after thoracoscopic surgery for spontaneous pneumothorax using the O36-6 polyglycolic acid sheet
日暮亮太, 櫻井裕幸, 四万村三惠, 石本真一郎, 鎌田嗣正
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S290-S290, 2017.

Japanese Article Change of the FOT by the P1-1 bronchus thermoplasty
山添正敏, 金子正博, 鎌田貴裕, 高田寛仁, 森田充紀, 山下修司, 古田健二郎, 木田陽子, 冨岡洋海
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S293-S293, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of the severe asthma that the course good subsequently is obtained though sinopulmonary infection is prolonged after the P1-2 bronchus thermoplasty enforcement
阿野哲士1, 菊池教大1, 増田美智子1, 大澤翔1, 山田豊1, 石井幸雄1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S293-S293, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient whom bronchial Aspergillosis developed in after P1-3 bronchus thermoplasty
宮川和子, 田下浩之, 大島信治, 淡島舞子, 扇谷昌宏, 永井英明, 大田健
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S293-S293, 2017.

Japanese Article Change of the bronchial wall which we examined using bronchial navigation in approximately P1-4 bronchial thermopositive tea treatment
香川浩之, 西田浩平, 好村研二, 三木啓資, 北田清悟
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S294-S294, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of three bronchial thermoplasty which we performed in P1-5 our hospital
天野芳宏, 濱口俊一, 兒玉明里, 森雄亮, 堀田尚誠, 濱口愛, 沖本民生, 津端由佳里, 礒部威
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S294-S294, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the severe bronchial asthma that the symptom improvement course after the P1-6 bronchus thermoplasty (BT) enforcement was prolonged
浅井偉信1, 長澤遼1, 湯本健太郎1, 四元拓真2, 星野昌子1, 佐野厚2, 福田勉1, 金子猛3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S294-S294, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the lymph vessels myoma symptom that occurred for P2-1 intractable pneumothorax
森山寛史1, 渡辺健寛2, 馬場順子1, 松本尚也1, 古泉貴久2, 齋藤泰晴3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S295-S295, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who tried art of drainage in the bronchial endoscopic cyst for P2-2 huge bleb
小林敬祐1, 市村秀夫1,2, 柳原隆宏1, 河村知幸1, 中岡浩二郎1, 名和健2, 菊池慎二3, 後藤行延3, 鬼塚正孝3, 佐藤幸夫3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S295-S295, 2017.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the bronchial thermoplasty in one of the P2-3 advanced age bronchial asthma
石浦嘉久1, 芝靖貴1, 土岐善紀21, 瀬川正孝2, 大倉徳幸3, 原丈介3, 阿保未来3, 笠原寿郎3, 藤村政樹4, 安齋正樹5, 石塚全5
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S295-S295, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that produced an adrenal crisis with P2-4 bronchus thermoplasty (BT) treatment
石田正之, 廣橋健太郎, 山本彰
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S296-S296, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the case given self-blood combination pleurography bottom selective fibrin glue closed method (the TGF method) for P2-5 intractable pneumothorax
山本美暁, 川合祥子, 高橋由希子, 大橋佳奈, 佐藤祐, 北園美弥子, 村田研吾, 和田暁彦, 高森幹雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S296-S296, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the lung cancer diagnosis using EBUS-TBNA in the P3-1 our hospital
新屋智之1, 北俊之1, 鈴木淳也1, 谷まゆ子1, 市川由加里1, 太田安彦1, 川島篤弘3, 上村良一4, 黒川浩司5, 山村健太6, 曽根崇6, 木村英晴6, 笠原寿郎6
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S297-S297, 2017.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the case definitively diagnosed lung cancer only in EBUS-TBNA for the metastasis to P3-2 mediastinum, hilum of lung lymph node
星野英久1,2, 堀尾穣治1,2, 澁谷潔1,2, 吉野一郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S297-S297, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of the lung cancer that led to a diagnosis for nodular shadow of existing right S6a using EBUS-TBNA outside P3-3 between the right and center bronchial trunk wall
中須賀崇匡, 藤原慶一, 安東千裕, 岩本佳隆, 南大輔, 佐藤賢, 米井敏郎, 佐藤利雄, 柴山卓夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S297-S297, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who was able to diagnose a breast cancer postoperative mediastinal lymph node independent recurrence in P3-4 EBUS-TBNA
山本佑樹1,2, 高崎俊和3, 山本裕子1,2, 小西聡史1,2, 伊藤功朗1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S298-S298, 2017.

Japanese Article Supersonic wave bronchoscope inferior mediastinum lymph-node aspiration for the non-small cell lung cancer in consideration for the primary site which premised P3-5 operative treatment
陶山久司1, 澄川崇2, 上田康仁2,3, 清水英治3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S298-S298, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the sarcoidosis merger lung cancer that P3-6 EBUS-TBNA was useful for the decision of the treatment strategy
吉本直樹1, 阪上和樹2, 松本吉也2, 京本陽行2, 澤兼士2, 杉山由香里2, 佐藤佳奈子2, 山田一宏2, 玉垣学也5, 吉井直子2, 渡辺徹也2, 藤本寛樹4, 光岡茂樹1, 浅井一久2, 木村達郎3, 吉村成央1, 鴨井博2, 川口知哉1,2, 平田一人2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S298-S298, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination - of usefulness - PET-CT false-positive case of EBUS-TBNA in the P3-7 lung cancer lymph node diagnosis
海寳大輔, 飯田智彦, 尹貴正, 田村創, 高橋好行, 柴光年
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S298-S298, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that P3-8 EGFR mutation in the gene positive lung cancer and ALK fused gene-positive lung cancer coexisted
朝野寛視, 本田徳鷹, 須山隆之, 行徳宏, 千住博明, 竹本真之輔, 池田喬哉, 山口博之, 中富克己, 福田実, 迎寛
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S299-S299, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who malignant pleural mesothelioma was diagnosed by P4-1 EBUS-TBNA, and received chemotherapy
岡さおり, 山田有里紗, 石田あかね, 重松文恵, 伊勢裕子, 堀和美, 中畑征史, 小暮啓人, 北川智余恵, 沖昌英, 坂英雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S300-S300, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the effectiveness of Elastography combination EBUS-TBNA in the P4-2 sarcoidosis diagnosis
佐藤昭寿1, 有村健1, 花輪智秀1, 厚美慶英1, 原裕子1, 武山廉1, 多賀谷悦子1, 近藤光子1, 長嶋洋治2, 玉置淳1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S300-S300, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the lung cancer that had a diagnosis of vertical Kuo lymphadenopathy by the sarcoidosis by P4-3 EBUS-TBNA, and became the curative operation possibility
刀祢麻里1, 出雲雄大1, 粟野暢康1, 福田健介1, 守屋敦子1, 安藤常浩1, 寺田百合子2, 古畑善章2, 熊坂利夫3, 武村民子3, 生島壮一郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S300-S300, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the sarcoidosis diagnosis using EBUS-TBNA in the P4-4 our hospital
井原宏彰, 長岡鉄太郎, 吉田隆司, 中村愛, 吉川仁美, 笹野仁史, 竹重智仁, 西野宏一, 門屋講太郎, 金森幸一郎, 金丸良太, 加藤元康, 岡本翔一, 鍬崎惠里子, 高橋和久
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S301-S301, 2017.

Japanese Article It is one patient who had the sarcoidosis for P4-5 gastric cancer
竹本真之輔1, 朝野寛視1, 須山隆之1, 本田徳鷹1, 行徳宏1, 千住博明1, 池田喬哉1, 原敦子1, 山口博之1, 石本裕士1, 角川智之1, 中富克己1, 坂本憲穂1, 福田実2, 日高重和3, 木下直江4, 迎寛1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S301-S301, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the European blastomycosis that we diagnosed by a mediastinal lymph node biopsy by P4-6 EBUS-TBNA
越智淳一, 石塚聖洋
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S301-S301, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of EBUS-TBNA in the staging of the P4-7 sarcoid response merger lung cancer case
市川紘将1, 渡部聡1, 大坪亜矢1, 近藤利恵1, 林正周1, 阿部徹哉1, 田中純太1, 小屋俊之1, 菊地利明1, 林芳樹2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S301-S301, 2017.

Japanese Article We look at the rear of the sarcoidosis diagnosis in the P4-8 our hospital and examine a mark
平野千尋, 堀益靖, 益田武, 宮本真太郎, 中島拓, 岩本博志, 藤高一慶, 服部登
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S302-S302, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the Legionnaires' pneumonia with reversed halo sign which had a diagnosis with P5-1 bronchoscope
内田泰樹, 平山陽子, 柏木裕美子, 行村瑠里子, 樋上雄一, 仲川宏昭, 福永健太郎, 山口将史, 大澤真, 中野恭幸
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S303-S303, 2017.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the pulmonary acid-fast bacterium disease case that bronchoscopy was performed in P5-2 diagnosis purpose
畠山暢生, 松本大昌, 今西志乃, 坂本晋一, 矢葺洋平, 田岡隆成, 門田直樹, 岡野義夫, 町田久典, 日野弘之, 篠原勉, 先山正二, 大串文隆
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S303-S303, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the bronchoscopy for the P5-3 lungs non-tuberculous ulcer acid-fast bacterium disease
岡地祥太郎, 長谷哲成, 進藤有一郎, 麻生裕紀, 阪本考司, 森瀬昌宏, 若原恵子, 橋本直純, 佐藤光夫, 近藤征史, 長谷川好規
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S303-S303, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of pneumonia by Achromobacter xylosoxidans which needed revival and the differentiation of the P5-4 lungs MAC symptom
柳原豊史, 原田英治, 三雲大功, 有村雅子, 濱田直樹, 中西洋一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S304-S304, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the pulmonary tuberculosis that we were able to diagnose by removing P5-5 Bronchial cast
村田亜香里, 渡辺知志, 谷村航太, 木場隼人, 松岡寛樹, 酒井珠美, 山村健太, 内田由佳, 丹保裕一, 大倉徳幸, 原丈介, 木村英晴, 阿保未来, 曽根崇, 笠原寿郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S304-S304, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of the lung cryptococcosis that we were able to definitively diagnose by P5-6 bronchoscopy
岡田信彦, 伊藤公一, 玉井浩二, 門田和也, 桝屋大輝, 鈴木雄二郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S304-S304, 2017.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the respiratory infection that P5-7 bronchoscopy was useful in a diagnosis, treatment
羽田憲彦1, 佐藤眞紀1, 飯田由子2, 橋本修2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S304-S304, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the drug-related pulmonary injury by TS-1 which we diagnosed by P6-1 transbronchial lung biopsy
清水理光1, 名児耶浩幸2, 高橋彬彦1, 小林由美子1, 竹ヶ原京志郎3, 吉野直之3, 吾妻安良太4, 久保田馨4, 弦間昭彦4, 廣瀬敬1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S305-S305, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the candidiasis of lung that we were able to observe the thoracic cavity in with P6-2 bronchoscope
渡辺一彦1, 川井治之1, 片岡正文2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S305-S305, 2017.

Japanese Article P6-3 lungs origin, an example of ALK-positive inflammatory myofibroblast tumor
千住博明1, 朝野寛視1, 須山隆之1, 本田徳鷹1, 行徳宏1, 竹本真之輔1, 池田喬哉1, 山口博之1, 中富克己1, 福田実2, 迎寛1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S305-S305, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of BAL views in the P6-4 non-HIV pneumocystis pneumonia
加持雄介, 中西智子, 寺田悟, 上山維晋, 濱尾信叔, 稲尾崇, 安田武洋, 橋本成修, 羽白高, 田中栄作, 田口善夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S306-S306, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 case of lymphadenitis due to the nontuberculous Mycobacterium merged during follow-up after the P6-5 malignant lymphoma remission
小林大祐, 市川元司, 今井直幸, 志津匡人, 矢口大三, 井上徳子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S306-S306, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchoscopic examination for P6-6 HIV-positive patients
西村美沙子1, 杉谷新1, 三木雄三1, 住谷充弘1, 少路誠一1, 笠松悠2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S306-S306, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that we were complicated with mediastinal abscess after P7-1 EBUS-TBNA and penetrated in the lungs more
吉村誉史1, 太田紗千子1, 寺田泰二1, 川井隆広2, 西村尚志2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S307-S307, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the bronchoscopic return method that turned over in the P7-2 bronchus
小林数真, 東郷威男, 星史彦, 桜田晃, 片平真人, 佐藤航太, 佐藤公昭, 鈴木寛利, 川上徹, 矢吹皓, 三友英紀, 江場俊介, 大石久, 松田安史, 佐渡哲, 野田雅史, 岡田克典
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S307-S307, 2017.

Japanese Article The effectiveness, safe examination of the P7-3 Jackson lease use lower bronchoscopy
鈴木知之1, 鈴木学1, 長野直子1, 橋本理生1, 石井聡1, 仲剛1, 泉信有1, 竹田雄一郎1, 放生雅章2, 杉山温人1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S307-S307, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the curette forceps tear during P7-4 bronchoscopy
中川隆行1, 矢野量三2, 下田清美1, 平松美也子1, 吉田勤1, 佐々木結花2, 吉森浩三2, 荒井他嘉司1, 白石裕治1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S308-S308, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that developed bradycardia to lead to cardiac standstill by the hemostasis measures by the cold raw diet during P7-5 bronchoscopy
西山裕乃, 青山大輔, 横山佑衣子, 谷本光希, 町井春花, 佐野未来, 木村令, 田宮裕太郎, 篠塚怜衣, 山田衣里子, 高納崇, 石川紫都, 横山俊彦, 野村史郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S308-S308, 2017.

Japanese Article 3 excision case of the lung cancer that complicated a lung abscess after P7-6 bronchoscopy
芳野充1, 大橋康太1, 栗山彩花2, 西村大樹2, 丸岡美貴2, 安田直史2, 江渡秀紀2, 永井雄一郎3, 斎藤幸雄1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S308-S308, 2017.

Japanese Article Look at the rear of one - our hospital case of the metastases to brain merger lung tumor which produced a cardiac arrest by the brain hypertension during P7-7 elasticity bronchoscopy; mark examination -
兵頭健太郎1, 根本健司1, 野中水1, 後藤瞳1, 笹谷悠惟果1, 重政理恵1, 石川宏明1, 矢崎海1, 荒井直樹1, 南優子2, 大石修司1, 林原賢治1, 斎藤武文1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S308-S308, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient whom Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy developed in during hemostasis of P7-8 TBLB
西海昇1, 木村友之2, 藤森麻美2, 加藤栄助2, 壼井貴朗3, 橋本諒3, 河野光智3, 岩崎正之3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S309-S309, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchoscopic examination for elderly people P8-1 80 years old or older
清家則孝, 宮本篤志, 小島和也, 柳生恭子, 松下晴彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S310-S310, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the bronchoscopic safety at the P8-2 pancytopenia
安藤克利, 三道ユウキ, 竹川英徳, 高木陽, 平間未知大, 木戸健治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S310-S310, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the complications case with the P8-3 mediastinoscopy
石川将史, 今村直人, 西田智喜, 峯浦一貴, 住友伸一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S310-S310, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the bronchoscopic safety and usefulness for P8-4 maintenance haemodialysis patients
三道ユウキ, 安藤克利, 竹川英徳, 高木陽, 平間未知大, 木戸健治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S311-S311, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the schizophrenia merger lung cancer diagnosed by P8-5 bronchoscopy
竹原朋宏1, 谷哲夫1, 岩丸有史2, 山本達也2, 桑原達郎3, 黄英文1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S311-S311, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the effectiveness of the heparin substitution before the bronchoscopy for the patients receiving P8-6 anticoagulation, an antiplatelet therapy
山下良, 池田拓也, 伊藤源士, 井上正英, 松井利憲
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S311-S311, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem bronchoscopic before art of P8-7 elderly people lung cancer
日野春秋1, 西村隆1, 濱谷広頌2, 野木村智恵美2, 佐塚まなみ2, 片岡愛2, 杉崎緑2, 村野陽子2, 関敦子3, 似鳥純一1,4, 山田浩和2, 新井冨生3, 山本寛2, 中島淳1,4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S311-S311, 2017.

Japanese Article The lung cancer diagnosis rate of a specialist in the endoscopy using the P8-8 EBUS-GS method, the non-specialist and safe comparison
眞鍋亮1,2, 村田泰規2, 山上瞳1,2, 中嶌賢尚3, 奥田健太郎1, 相良博典2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S312-S312, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the lung cancer that formed mucous membrane bridging (mucosal bridge) by P9-1 preoperative chemotherapy
大西涼子1, 浅野幸市1, 鱸稔隆1, 安田成雄1, 佐野公泰1, 加藤達雄1, 村田祥武2, 池田政樹2, 藤永卓司2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S313-S313, 2017.

Japanese Article Trachea, two cases of bronchial confinement type amyloidosis that we were able to diagnose by P9-2 bronchoscope lower biopsy
発忠信, 高瀬直人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S313-S313, 2017.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the chronic eosinophilic pneumonia that showed a white nodule to P9-3 respiratory tract mucosa
岩崎剛平1, 稲田祐也1, 伊東友好1, 柳原一広2, 舘秀和3, 田中亨3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S313-S313, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the IgG4 associated diseases that showed stenosis with the significant mucosal swelling from the P9-4 glottides to the trachea
児玉裕章, 井部達也, 濱元陽一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S314-S314, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the tuberculosis of bronchus that we diagnosed it with the bronchoscope which took effect in a close inspection purpose of the P9-5 chest abnormality shadow and confirmed
山田豊1,2, 増田美智子1, 阿野哲士1, 菊池教大1, 石井幸雄1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S314-S314, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica that it was complicated with P9-6 pulmonary tuberculosis, and a tissue diagnosis was obtained with a bronchoscope
佐野未来, 谷本光希, 町井春花, 横山佑衣子, 木村令, 田宮裕太郎, 西山裕乃, 篠塚怜衣, 山田衣里子, 高納崇, 石川紫都, 青山大輔, 横山俊彦, 野村史郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S314-S314, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the sarcoidosis with the P9-7 respiratory tract lesion
岡本菜摘, 林栄一, 渡邊勇夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S314-S314, 2017.

Japanese Article It is one patient who had the aspergillosis thoracic empyema with fistula five years after P9-8 lungs aspergilloma excision
木村令1, 谷本光希1, 横山佑衣子1, 町井春花1, 佐野未来1, 田宮裕太郎1, 西山裕乃1, 篠塚怜衣1, 山田衣里子1, 高納崇1, 石川紫都1, 青山大輔1, 横山俊彦1, 野村史郎1, 川角佑太1, 門松由佳1, 上野陽史2, 森正一2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S315-S315, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the endobronchial leiomyoma which showed multiple polypoid lesion in the bronchus in P10-1 chest CT
五十嵐朗, 井上純人, 中野寛之, 佐藤建人, 根本貴子, 柴田陽光
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S316-S316, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of pulmonary os-sificasion which we diagnosed by P10-2 bronchus endoscopy
金井友宏, 足立雄一, 森泉和則, 寺田晴子, 大谷安司, 阿部欣也
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S316-S316, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about P10-3 mixed type small cell carcinoma c-SCLC
江口陽介, 佐藤一郎, 篠木聖徳, 桑原学, 浦岡伸幸, 中辻優子, 南謙一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S316-S316, 2017.

Japanese Article Results of the T790M mutation search after the EGFR-TKI treatment in patients with P10-4 EGFR-positive lung cancer
鈴木貴人, 渡邉裕文, 遠藤慶成, 下田由季子, 野口理絵, 三枝美香, 赤松泰介, 山本輝人, 宍戸雄一郎, 秋田剛史, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S317-S317, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the quick cytodiagnosis at bronchoscopy by the P10-5 respiratory organs physician
池上博昭, 内村圭吾, 生嶋一成, 川口貴子, 松永崇史, 高木努, 川波敏則, 城戸貴志, 矢寺和博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S317-S317, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the presence or absence of T790M after the EGFR-TKI tolerance in the P10-6 EGFR mutation in the gene-positive progress non-small cell lung cancer
北崎健1, 嶋田緑1, 朝長正臣1, 橋口浩二1, 福田正明1, 佐野功1, 迎寛2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S317-S317, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of trachea bronchus amyloidosis that occurred all over the P10-7 scleroderma, the Sjogren's syndrome course
塚越優介1, 澤田友里1, 蜂巣克昌1, 笠原礼光1, 三浦陽介1, 鶴巻寛朗1, 矢冨正清1, 櫻井麗子1, 古賀康彦1, 小野昭浩1, 解良恭一2, 砂長則明3, 久田剛志1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S317-S317, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of supersonic wave bronchoscope lower aspiration biopsy (EBUS-TBNA) in the P10-8 our hospital
廣田周子, 倉石博, 小澤亮太, 赤羽順平, 山本学, 佐藤ひかり, 増渕雄, 小山茂
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S318-S318, 2017.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the blood malignant tumor that P11-1 bronchoscopy was useful in a diagnosis
羽田憲彦1, 佐藤眞紀1, 飯田由子2, 橋本修2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S319-S319, 2017.

Japanese Article Analysis of the sarcoidosis bronchoscope diagnosis in the P11-2 our hospital
小野昭浩, 鶴巻寛朗, 笠原礼光, 櫻井麗子, 古賀康彦, 砂長則明, 原健一郎, 前野敏孝, 久田剛志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S319-S319, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the lung adenocarcinoma histological classification in P11-3 surgery specimen and the transbronchial lung biopsy specimen
宇留賀公紀1, 藤井丈士2, 森口修平1, 高橋由以1, 小川和雅1, 村瀬享子1, 望月さやか1, 花田豪郎1, 高谷久史1, 宮本篤1, 諸川納早1, 藤森賢3, 河野匡3, 岸一馬1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S319-S319, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that had difficulty in diagnosis by the bronchoscope lower biopsy for recurrent case after the normal position radiotherapy for the P11-4 lung cancer
志津匡人, 市川元司, 今井直幸, 矢口大三, 小林大祐, 井上徳子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S320-S320, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of MALT lymphoma localized in the P11-5 trachea, bronchial lumen
竹ヶ原京志郎1, 吉野直之1, 小林由美子2, 清水理光2, 廣瀬敬2, 臼田実男3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S320-S320, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that P11-6 adenosquamous cell lung cancer caused a recurrence after an operation, and a bronchial stump showed adenocarcinoma cells during pleural effusion with squamous cell carcinoma cells
福元健人, 松井浩史, 谷口洋平, 齊藤朋人, 村川知弘
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S320-S320, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma which suffered from P11-7 diagnosis
木村友之1,2, 西海昇1, 加藤栄助1, 藤森麻美1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S320-S320, 2017.

Japanese Article Three cases of the non-small cell lung cancer which showed the expression patterns which varied in P11-8 PD-L1 immunostaining
小河原大樹1, 早田宏1, 須山隆之1, 原田達彦1, 福田雄一1, 中村昭博2, 迎寛3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S321-S321, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the ALK gene translocation-positive primary lung adenocarcinoma complicated with P12-1 ulcerative colitis
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S322-S322, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the primary lung cancer that presented with pulmonary suppuration after a P12-2 bronchoscope lower lung biopsy, and had an influence on the episode of care
樽川智人1, 安達勝利1, 西村正2, 岡野智仁2, 内藤雅大2, 井端英憲2, 大本恭裕2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S322-S322, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the case given a mediastinoscopy after P12-3 EBUS-TBNA
尾田博美, 陳豊史, 栢分秀直, 郷田康文, 上田聡司, 濱路政嗣, 本山秀樹, 土屋恭子, 毛受暁史, 青山晃博, 佐藤寿彦, 園部誠, 伊達洋至
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S322-S322, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the methotrexate-related lymphoproliferative disorder that presented P12-4 mediastinum lymphadenopathy, and needed differentiation with the metastasis to cancer of the esophagus
嶋田喜文, 土岐善紀, 明元佑司, 北村直也, 山本優, 本間崇浩, 芳村直樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S323-S323, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the mucosa of bronchi lower chondromatous neoplasm with the epithelium squamous performing P12-5 papillosity hyperplasia
河村知幸1, 市村秀夫1,2, 中岡浩二郎1, 北沢伸介1, 小林敬祐1, 山本祐介3, 佐藤幸夫2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S323-S323, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of P12-6 pleura origin squamous cell carcinoma
住友賢哉, 山子泰斗, 坂東弘基
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S323-S323, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the histologic incongruous case with P12-7 lung cancer resected tissue and the bronchoscope lower biopsy
横内秀起1, 宮崎昌樹2, 宮本武明2, 南崇史2, 辻文生22, 大石一人3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S323-S323, 2017.

Japanese Article After performing Re-biopsy in plural P12-8 part, it is examined the treated case of osimertinib
横山俊秀, 武井玲生仁, 古内浩司, 丹羽崇, 金田俊彦, 伊藤明広, 時岡史明, 吉岡弘鎮, 石田直
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S324-S324, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the primary fimbria malfunction who had P13-1 Nocardia wallacei
伊狩潤1, 鈴木優毅1, 大橋佳奈1,2, 石綿司1, 川田奈緒子1, 寺田二郎1, 津島健司1, 多田裕司1, 巽浩一郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S325-S325, 2017.

Japanese Article Enchodral ossification that is remarkable on the P13-2 cyst wall and one case of the young people intrapulmonary bronchogenic cyst who showed a specific form with myelogenesis
長井信二郎, 熊田早希子, 篠原周一, 分島良, 渡辺梨砂, 山田徹, 松岡隆久, 松岡勝成, 植田充宏, 宮本好博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S325-S325, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the huge venous malformation that showed extension in the P13-3 trachea
中井恵里佳1, 山田直生1, 山谷昂史1, 石川遼一1, 植松慎矢1, 西健太1, 中尾聡志1, 多木誠人1, 中川和彦1, 森田恭平1, 黄文禧1, 吉村千恵1, 若山俊明1, 西坂泰夫1, 中尾信裕2, 松永桃子2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S325-S325, 2017.

Japanese Article P13-4 A case of primary ciliary motor dysfunction Long-term administration of erythromycin, amproloxol, Carbocisteine was effective
蓑毛祥次郎1, 新井徹2, 園延尚子1, 倉原優1, 竹内奈緒子1, 杉本親寿2, 井上義一2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S326-S326, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the thymic cyst that we were complicated with P13-5 colon cancer, and CEA, CYFRA in cyst contents liquid were high level
林栄一, 岡本菜摘, 渡邊勇夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S326-S326, 2017.

Japanese Article Two patients who had a diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma in pneumoscope with P13-6 hydropneumothorax
杉浦八十生, 藤本博行, 橋詰寿律, 根本悦夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S326-S326, 2017.

Japanese Article Adult case of the congenital tracheal stenosis detected for difficulty with intubation at a close inspection of P13-7 recurrence-related spontaneous pneumothorax
吉松由貴1,2, 紙森隆雄1, 飛野和則2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S326-S326, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the epithelium type pleural mesothelioma lacking in the macroscopic pictorial views that we were able to diagnose by P13-8 local anesthesia lower pneumoscope
柏木千春1, 原健一郎1, 梅津和恵1, 澤田友里1, 田口浩平1, 大島一真1, 竹村仁男1, 山口公一1, 山口彩1, 増渕裕明1, 北原信介1, 原史郎1,2, 須賀達夫1,2, 小野昭浩1, 古賀康彦1, 砂長則明1, 前野敏孝1, 久田剛志1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S327-S327, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the MAC infection that occurred in a left lung staple stump after P14-1 right lung technique in the third month
小松弘明, 泉信博, 月岡卓馬, 岡田諭志, 戸田道仁, 原幹太朗, 伊藤龍一, 西山典利
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S328-S328, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that caused atelectasis by a myxedema after the course P14-2 tuberculosis of bronchus healing
関根朗雅, 田畑恵里奈, 山川英晃, 北村英也, 馬場智尚, 小松茂, 小倉高志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S328-S328, 2017.

Japanese Article Cerebral infarction develops during P14-3 bronchoscopy; one case with suspected multiple arterial embolism due to the non bacterial thromboendocarditis
吉田貴之, 中村友彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S328-S328, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that racked its brains about bleeding source identification of the P14-4 hemoptysis
児嶋秀晃1, 林祥子1, 水野潔道1, 保浦慶之1, 清水麗子1, 茅田洋之1, 高橋祥司1, 井坂光宏1, 内藤立暁2, 高橋利明2, 遠藤正浩3, 大出泰久1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S329-S329, 2017.

Japanese Article One case with suspected the P14-5 origin-related follicular bronchiolitis
河岸由紀男, 泉田俊秀, 辻博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S329-S329, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the young people who formed a clot of blood by an inflow of the P14-6 epistaxis in a bronchial lumen, and presented with atelectasis
平田優介1, 桑原由樹1, 小島章歳1, 戸田麻衣子1, 菊池聡1, 坂井浩佑1, 教山紘之1, 森山岳1, 杉本裕彦2, 植松和嗣1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S329-S329, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the drowned lung due to the broncholithiasis that the establishment mechanism of plural P14-7 was inferred
越部麻友子, 八木一馬, 舩津洋平, 里見良輔, 小山田吉孝
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S329-S329, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the pulmonary infarction that presented isolated pulmonary nodule shadow in P14-8 chest CT
中司交明, 佐野功, 安達剛弘, 谷口英樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S330-S330, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of P15-1 Torikai disease who gave atypical image views
下川郡明, 光野史人, 宇佐神雅樹, 杉村悟
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S331-S331, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the influenza with pneumonia with the P15-2 encephalopathy
佐藤信也, 宮崎邦彦, 児玉孝秀
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S331-S331, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the Paragonimus westermani symptom which needed P15-3 pulmonary tuberculosis, differentiation with the tuberculous pleurisy
坂本健次1, 村田順之1, 近森研一2, 青江啓介2, 前田忠士2, 亀井治人2, 丸山治彦3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S331-S331, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the pulmonary suppuration by Nocardia exalbida where P15-4 bronchoscopy was useful in a diagnosis
藤田和恵, 中山幸治, 高橋明子, 中道真仁, 齋藤好信, 清家正博, 久保田馨, 弦間昭彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S332-S332, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who diagnosed P15-5 pulmonary aspergillosis and trachea amyloidosis at the same time
牧野靖, 安井裕智, 八田貴広, 三上智, 清水賢司, 野奈美
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S332-S332, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the lung cryptococcosis that needed differentiation with the P15-6 origin-related lung cancer
鍋島新志, 岩永優人, 渡橋剛, 友田義崇
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S332-S332, 2017.

Japanese Article One case who had P15-7 ectopic ACTH syndrome and the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
木場隼人, 大倉徳幸, 阿保未来, 原丈介, 曽根崇, 木村英晴, 笠原寿郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S332-S332, 2017.

Japanese Article It is one patient who had trachea actinomycosis during P15-8 trachea origin adenoid cystic carcinoma treatment
宮津克幸1, 小林孝一郎1, 田森俊一2, 岩佐桂一2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S333-S333, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that used a CT guide and a virtual bronchoscope together for P16-1 intractable bronchial fistula, and underwent bronchoscope lower plombage
柳谷昌弘1, 松本順1, 長野匡晃2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S334-S334, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that bronchial arteries embolization was effective for hemoptysis with the P16-2 lung cancer mediastinal lymph node metastatic trachea permeation
柳原隆宏, 山岡賢俊, 小貫琢哉, 稲垣雅春
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S334-S334, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica that was resectable under a bronchoscope by P16-3 high frequency snare
古谷渉1, 瀬古友利恵1, 谷村恵子1, 今林達哉1, 金子美子1, 田宮暢代1, 内野順治1, 竹村佳純1, 高山浩一1, 伊藤和弘2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S334-S334, 2017.

Japanese Article Two histories of treatment that were given bronchial arteries embolization for P16-4 bronchus aneurysms
渡辺光, 渡辺勇, 金内直樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S335-S335, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent intracavitary radiation, scirrhous bronchoscope lower tumor cauterization for the metastasis in the bronchial wall after P16-5 squamous cell carcinoma of lung, an operation
和久田一茂1, 豆鞘伸昭1, 藤原拓海1, 川村卓久1, 小林玄機1, 小竹美絵1, 大森翔太1, 中島和寿1, 小野哲1, 釼持広知1, 内藤立暁1, 村上晴泰1, 原田英幸2, 遠藤正浩3, 高橋利明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S335-S335, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the trachea inflammatory polyp secondary to the P16-6 esophagobronchial fistula
磯野泰輔, 山岸淳史, 西辻雅, 湯浅瑞希, 佐伯啓吾, 黒川浩司, 西耕一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S335-S335, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of pulmonary MALT lymphoma that we presented with P16-7 pneumonia-like shadow and diagnosed in TBLB
塩田直樹1, 佐々木啓介1, 高尾俊1, 三登峰代1, 西田俊博2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S335-S335, 2017.

Japanese Article 2 cases that was given balloon expansion technique for the cicatricial bronchostenosis due to P16-8 late effects of tuberculosis
高橋由希子1, 高森幹雄1, 川合祥子1, 大橋佳奈1, 山本美暁1, 佐藤祐1, 北園美弥子1, 村田研吾1, 和田曉彦1, 吉川拓磨2, 小原徹也2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S336-S336, 2017.

Japanese Article Safe examination of the intubation lower bronchoscopy 70 case using the P17-1 dexmedetomidine
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S337-S337, 2017.

Japanese Article About an anesthesia method and the ventilation method in the maneuver under the P17-2 scirrhous bronchoscope
高原明子1, 河崎英範2, 古堅智則2, 平良尚広2, 川畑勉2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S337-S337, 2017.

Japanese Article 2 divergence abnormal (independent 2 divergence) cases of the P17-3 bronchus of right upper lobe
鮫島譲司1, 伊藤宏之1, 中山治彦1, 永島琢也1, 大澤潤一郎1, 橋本昌憲1, 和田篤史1, 仁藤まどか1, 山田耕三2, 益田宗孝3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S337-S337, 2017.

Japanese Article Comparison of the sedative law by midazolam singularity and the fentanyl combination at the P17-4 bronchoscopy
柘植彩花, 土方寿聡, 冨田洋樹, 川浪匡史, 村田直彦, 若山尚士, 小笠原智彦, 鈴木雅之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S338-S338, 2017.

Japanese Article Three cases that bronchial plombage using the EWS for P18-1 intractable pneumothorax succeeded
岩永直樹1, 久冨恵子1, 土井誠志1, 持永浩史2, 田川努2, 長島聖二1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S339-S339, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the case given bronchial plombage using EWS in P18-2 our hospital
中村保清1, 佐渡紀克1, 祖開暁彦1, 後藤健一1, 田尻智子1, 北英夫1, 康あんよん2, 菅理晴2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S339-S339, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of COPD merger intractable secondary pneumothorax that removed EWS after P18-3 bronchus plombage, and had a relapse of pneumothorax
川村昌輝, 島田和佳
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S339-S339, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that we conducted bronchial embolus by the EWS for the intractable pulmonary fistula after the pneumonectomy for the P18-4 CPFE merger heterochrony-prone lung cancer and removed one year later
油原信二1, 河野匡1, 藤森賢1, 鈴木聡一郎1, 岸一馬1, 高谷久史2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S340-S340, 2017.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment by Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot (EWS) for intractable pneumothorax in the P18-5 our hospital
松井浩史1, 福元健人1, 谷口洋平1, 齊藤朋人1, 竹安優貴2, 二木麻衣子2, 木畑佳代子2, 鳥居芳太郎2, 尾形誠3, 横井崇2, 倉田宝保2, 宮良高維3, 村川知弘1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S340-S340, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of bilateral metachronous intractable pneumothorax with the empyema merger interstitial pneumonia that it was thought that a responsibility bronchus estimate of the collection of P18-6 study was useful
稲田崇志, 佐久川亮, 森田絢子, 梅野貴裕, 深松伸明, 尾形佳子, 細川忍, 別所昭宏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S340-S340, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who repeated pneumothorax during lung cancer treatment by P18-7 Nivolumab, and underwent bronchial plombage by the EWS
上田桂子1, 大内政嗣2, 井上修平2, 尾崎良智2, 和田広3, 坂下拓人3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S340-S340, 2017.

Japanese Article It is one patient of the thoracic empyema with fistula after the operation that suffered from bronchial plombage by the loss in the cavity of the P19-1 EWS
西井和也1, 山本寛斉2, 頼冠名1,3, 南大輔1,4, 狩野裕久1, 渡邉洋美1, 秦雄介1,5, 妹尾賢1, 山根正修2, 三好新一郎2, 木浦勝行1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S341-S341, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the thoracic empyema with fistula which filled EWS from the P19-2 technique field, and was able to be relieved
吉川拓磨, 葭矢健仁, 小原徹也
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S341-S341, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that EWS bronchus plombage by the retrograde guide wire was effective for thoracic empyema with fistula after the P19-3 fenestration operation
春日井敏夫1, 小牧千人2, 丹羽崇2, 松尾康博2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S341-S341, 2017.

Japanese Article Three patients who planned bronchial plombage using the EWS for P19-4 thoracic empyema with fistula
鑓水佳, 遠藤誠, 鈴木克幸, 早坂一希, 塩野知志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S342-S342, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent abscess drainage and EWS plombage for P19-5 lung abscess
杉山亜斗, 井上慶明, 青木耕平, 福田祐樹, 儀賀理暁, 中山光男
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S342-S342, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchial plombage using the EWS for the P19-6 thoracic empyema with fistula
梶浦耕一郎1, 滝沢宏光1, 坪井光弘1, 澤田徹1, 河北直也1, 鳥羽博明1, 川上行奎1, 吉田光輝1, 近藤和也2, 丹黒章1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S342-S342, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that bronchial plombage by the EWS was effective for P19-7 esophagogastric junction cancer postoperative esophagobronchial fistula
上村豪, 徳永拓也, 武田亜矢, 前田光喜, 青木雅也, 永田俊行, 大塚綱志, 横枕直哉, 狩集弘太, 中村好宏, 佐藤雅美
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S342-S342, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that silicon filling and one closure Y-shape stenting for the bronchial stump fistula showed an effect after an operation by P20-1 lung cancer recurrence
曽我部将哉1, 齊藤紀子1, 石川成美1, 山本真一2, 遠藤俊輔2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S343-S343, 2017.

Japanese Article It is experienced the bronchial endoscopic treatment for a bronchial fistula and the intractable pulmonary fistula after pneumonectomy in the P20-2 our hospital
武藤哲史1, 高木玄教1, 大和田有紀1, 井上卓哉1, 渡邊譲1, 山浦匠1, 福原光朗1, 岡部直行1, 長谷川剛生1, 大杉純1, 星野実加1, 樋口光徳1, 塩豊1, 横内浩2, 金沢賢也2, 鈴木弘行1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S343-S343, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that received bronchial plombage by Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot in a bronchial biliary fistula merged with P20-3 hepatic artery chemistry embolus therapy
藤原拓海1, 岩井健司2, 大森翔太1, 中島和寿1, 和久田一茂1, 小野哲1, 釼持広知1, 内藤立暁1, 村上晴泰1, 新槇剛2, 遠藤正浩3, 高橋利明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S343-S343, 2017.

Japanese Article Three cases that bronchial plombage was effective for P20-4 lung cancer postoperative pulmonary fistula, bronchial stump fistula
中谷有貴1, 緒方嘉隆1, 生田昌子1, 西松佳名子1, 野田成美1, 金成浩1, 益弘健太朗3, 井原祥一1, 南誠剛1, 山本傑1, 寛島隆史2, 松井優紀2, 金沢豪2, 坂巻靖2, 小牟田清1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S344-S344, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that endoscopic closure technique using a gelatine patch and PGA sheet and the fibrin paste succeeded for bronchial stump fistula after P20-5 technique
奥野恵子, 中村美保, 船田泰弘
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S344-S344, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that was treated with fibrin paste and a PGA sheet for the bronchial stump fistula which occurred after P20-6 greater omentum filling + thoracoplasty
近石泰弘, 平良彰浩, 名部裕介, 竹中賢, 黒田耕志, 今西直子, 田中文啓
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S344-S344, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the infants bronchus peanut drinking by mistake that created a suction system by itself to P21-1 small diameter bronchoscope, and was successful for the removal
平井慶充, 吉増達也, 奥あや, 青石裕香, 矢田由美, 宮坂美和子, 川後光正, 尾浦正二, 西村好晴
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S345-S345, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the P21-2 elderly people bronchus alien substance
末久弘, 松田英祐, 坂尾伸彦, 宮本章仁, 大西哲平, 佐伯隆人, 井口利仁, 藤澤憲司, 松野剛
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S345-S345, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the respiratory tract alien substance case in the thing P21-3 our hospital
佐藤新太郎, 大場智広, 西沢知剛, 川辺梨恵, 天野雅子, 松島秀和
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S345-S345, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the respiratory tract alien substance with the press through pack capsule extracted just after the P21-4 onset
峯村浩之, 斎藤美和子, 鈴木朋子, 新妻一直
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S346-S346, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who was able to resect a bronchial alien substance with an endoscope in the P21-5 technique
橘さやか, 近藤晴香, 佐伯和彦, 勝田知也, 井上考司, 中西徳彦, 森高智典
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S346-S346, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the foreign body in trachea with suspected P21-6 bronchus tumor
村田圭祐, 古賀康彦, 澤田友里, 塚越優介, 蜂巣克昌, 笠原礼光, 鶴巻寛朗, 矢冨正清, 小野昭浩, 砂長則明, 久田剛志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S346-S346, 2017.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the adult respiratory tract alien substance case in the P21-7 our hospital
藤井裕明1, 西川正憲1, 田中克志1, 宮園希1, 水堂祐広1, 増田誠1, 草野暢子1, 吉本昇2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S346-S346, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the bronchial alien substance which caused empyema to P21-8 healthy subject
仲田庄志1, 奥村好邦1, 辻博行2, 杉山陽介2, 木下善嗣2, 細井慶太2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S347-S347, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that the bronchoscope lower measures which used bronchial arteries embolization together for the metastatic thyroid neoplasms which produced P22-1 airway narrowing were effective
福嶋健人, 武田賢一, 牧野晴彦, 小谷昌広, 矢内正晶, 田中那津美, 舟木佳弘, 倉井淳, 清水英治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S348-S348, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the adult type Wilms tumor metastases to lung that resulted in P22-2 airway narrowing
井上考司, 森高智典, 中西徳彦, 橘さやか, 佐伯和彦, 近藤晴香, 勝田知也
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S348-S348, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the bronchial arteries angioma recemosum detected for P22-3 no symptom
中尾聡志1, 龍華美咲2, 山田直生1, 山谷昂史1, 石川遼一1, 植松慎矢1, 中井恵里佳1, 西健太1, 多木誠人1, 中川和彦1, 森田恭平1, 黄文禧1, 吉村千恵1, 若山俊明1, 西坂泰夫1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S348-S348, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the radiolucency respiratory tract alien substance in the P22-4 our hospital
片桐さやか, 井坂珠子, 荻原哲, 前田英之, 坂本圭, 松本卓子, 小山邦広, 村杉雅秀, 神崎正人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S349-S349, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the leader respiratory tract alien substance of the grinder in the dental treatment that became clear by P22-5 allergy to metal
田中陽子1, 藤並舞1, 田子謙太郎1, 楢林朋子1, 竹嶋好1, 佐々木義明1, 岩崎輝夫2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S349-S349, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the aspiration pneumonia by the metal alien substance which P22-6 was unconscious and aspirated
井上周, 梅口仁美
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S349-S349, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the pneumonectomy ligation persistence which presented the tumor-like views in the P22-7 bronchus
今村文哉, 岡本知久
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S349-S349, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of intractable pneumonia by the respiratory tract alien substance that P22-8 injury was an opportunity
竹中隆一1,2,3, 重光修1, 舛友一洋2, 近藤誠哉2, 衛藤健志2, 上野大輔2, 王岩2, 山末まり2,3, 濡木真一2,3, 安東優3, 門田淳一3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S350-S350, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that produced secondary organized pneumonia after resecting P23-1 left main bronchus lipoma by high frequency snare
佐伯和彦, 井上考司, 森高智典, 中西徳彦, 橘さやか, 近藤晴香
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S351-S351, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the mucoepidermoid carcinoma which occurred in P23-2 tracheal bifurcation: The tracheal image course that we narrowed after chemoradiation treatment
河崎英範1, 大湾勤子2, 平良尚広1, 古堅智則1, 川畑勉1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S351-S351, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the trachea adenoid cystic carcinoma living long after a pleura dissemination recurrence after the P23-3 trachea pipe-formed excision
関口泰弘, 堀尾裕俊, 山道尭, 浅川文香, 奥井将之, 原田匡彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S351-S351, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent PDT for a recurrence after tracheal cancer radiotherapy after P23-4 lung cancer technique
木村雅一1,2, 宮島邦治1, 米山礼美1, 石川里奈子1, 河野貴文1, 奥仲哲弥1, 加藤治文1, 池田徳彦3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S352-S352, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the pulmonary non-fixed form carotenoid which recurred, and caused multiple liver metastases and carcinoid syndrome intratracheal after P23-5 pneumonectomy
松本政実, 寺島常郎, 伊藤克樹, 笠原嵩翔, 高木達矢, 水野秀和, 堀尾美穂子, 齋藤裕子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S352-S352, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 case of the plasmacytoma which occurred in the P23-6 trachea
土井誠志1,3, 岩永直樹1, 永吉洋介1, 持永浩史2, 久冨恵子1, 長島聖二1, 田川努2, 山口博之4, 中富克己4, 迎寛4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S352-S352, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 case of the hilar region type lung cancer given the airway maintenance with the P23-7 bronchoscope repeatedly
横田俊也, 池田晋悟, 星野竜広, 坂井貴志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S352-S352, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient whom endobronchial metastasis was discovered after P24-1 breast cancer technique in the 17th year and was able to save by endoscopic tumor cauterization
渡辺勇, 金内直樹, 渡辺光
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S353-S353, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the bronchial leiomyoma which we resected under a bronchoscope using P24-2 holmium laser
北雄介1, 小林亮1, 佐藤沙希2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S353-S353, 2017.

Japanese Article Comparison between high frequency and soft solidification in the P24-3 elasticity bronchoscope lower snare excision
泉信博, 月岡卓馬, 小松弘明, 岡田諭志, 戸田道仁, 原幹太朗, 宮本光, 花田庄司, 西山典利
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S353-S353, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the bronchial leiomyoma which resected it in P24-4 high frequency snare, and led to a diagnosis
神宮司祐治郎1, 原真紀子1, 永田忍彦4, 熊副洋幸2, 矢口綾子3, 合瀬瑞子1, 田中真実1, 高倉孝二1, 長岡愛子1, 前川信一3, 伊勢信治1, 出水みいる1, 赤崎卓1, 稲田一雄3, 若松謙太郎1, 川崎雅之1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S354-S354, 2017.

Japanese Article Trachea, three cases of the bronchial origin adenoid cystic carcinoma that we experienced in P24-5 our hospital
近藤晴香, 佐伯和彦, 橘さやか, 勝田知也, 井上考司, 中西徳彦, 森高智典
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S354-S354, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the P24-6 bronchus adenoid cystic carcinoma
堀本かんな, 林一喜, 元石充, 澤井聡
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S354-S354, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who received high dose rate endobronchial brachytherapy for a P24-7 lung cancer postoperative intratracheal recurrence
内田信彦1, 三好祐顕2, 丁倫奈1, 小池亮祐1, 渡邉泰治1, 横山達也1, 池田直哉1, 塩原太一1, 梅津貴史1, 新井良1, 滝澤秀典1, 知花和行1, 武政聡浩2, 石井芳樹1,4, 小林哲3, 千田雅之3, 村上昌雄4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S354-S354, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of cancer stem cell marker (ALDH1), the tumor-suppressor gene (p53) expression in the P25-1 lung adenocarcinoma
小山倫浩1,2, 浦本秀隆2, 名部裕介3, 平良彰浩3, 篠原伸二3, 桑田泰治3, 竹中賢3, 近石泰弘3, 岡壮一3, 平井文子3, 米田和恵3, 田嶋裕子3, 今西直子3, 黒田耕志3, 宗哲哉4, 宮田剛彰5, 吉松隆5, 安田学6, 花桐武志6, 大崎敏弘7, 中西良一8, 田中文啓3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S355-S355, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the black phthisis that presented P25-2 mosaic pattern
齋藤淳, 矢部勇人, 渡部宗一郎, 山添雅己
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S355-S355, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the unknown primary lung cancer that pressure eliminated the P25-3 trachea, and needed mediastinal pouch chest-related mass and differentiation
上浪健, 細野裕貴, 石島見佳子, 金津正樹, 赤澤結貴, 矢野幸洋, 森雅秀, 山口俊彦, 横田総一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S355-S355, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that a reduction effect was got from by additional irradiation for the recurrent tracheal cancer which resulted in P25-4 altitude tracheal stenosis
大田進, 桑原直太, 眞鍋亮, 平井邦朗, 宮田祐人, 山口宗人, 村田泰規, 本間哲也, 楠本壮二郎, 山本真弓, 大西司, 相良博典
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S356-S356, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor correlating with respiratory epithelia cytokine in the P25-5 asthma
知花和行, 渡邉泰治, 塩原太一, 堀金有紀子, 内田信彦, 丁倫奈, 正和明哲, 中村祐介, 小池亮祐, 横山達也, 新井良, 三好祐顕, 清水泰生, 武政聡浩, 石井芳樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S356-S356, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that was opened intratracheally accidental P25-6 the tip of the erroneously inserted tracheotomy cannula
折野公人1, 三浦肇2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S356-S356, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the middle mediastinum schwannoma detected with P25-7 syncopal attack
伊東真哉1, 板野秀樹1, 竹内真弓2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S356-S356, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the inhalation burn that formed the bronchial mold-formed false membrane that the P26-1 bronchoscope lower false membrane removal was effective
高間辰雄, 梅田幸希, 衛藤真由美, 賀久道明, 坂本喜彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S357-S357, 2017.

Japanese Article It is one patient after one case and the tracheotomy of stenosis after tracheal intubation misdiagnosed as P26-2 bronchial asthma
高橋研斗, 塚本真知, 河合泰宏, 加藤幹, 栗原武幸, 宮下修行, 原宏紀, 沖本二郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S357-S357, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that they presented with subglottic stenosis for endotracheal intubation at the P26-3 lungs surgery, and needed tracheotomy
坂田省三, 出嶋仁, 有村隆明, 水野鉄也, 黒田浩章, 坂倉範昭, 坂尾幸則
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S357-S357, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the respiratory tract tear due to the P26-4 blunt trauma
阿南健太郎1, 三浦隆1, 中城正夫2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S358-S358, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the bronchus dexter injury by the P26-5 double-lumen tube
尾関雄一, 橋本博史, 田口眞一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S358-S358, 2017.

Japanese Article Diachronic observation of the P26-6 trachea laceration
間藤尚子1, 中山雅之1, 山沢英明1, 山本真一2, 坂東政司1, 萩原弘一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S358-S358, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the multiple myeloma with the pleura lesion that a local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy was useful in differentiation with the P27-1 tuberculous pleurisy
太田賢治, 西條知見, 池田喬哉, 山本和子, 迎寛
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S361-S361, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of eight malignant pleural mesothelioma which we diagnosed by a P27-2 local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy
山岸亨, 黒瀬嘉幸, 小高倫生, 渡邉賀代, 岸本久美子, 中野千裕, 押尾剛志, 松瀬厚人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S361-S361, 2017.

Japanese Article As a result of P27-3 local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy, it is two patients of the primary lung cancer with suspected coexistence of an adenocarcinoma and the small cell carcinoma
塩田哲広, 橋本健太郎, 野原淳, 石床学, 渡邉壽規
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S361-S361, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy that we underwent in a diagnosis purpose in P27-4 our hospital
坂田能彦, 仁田脇辰哉, 川村宏大, 保田祐子, 江口善友, 神宮直樹, 阿南圭祐, 一門和哉
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S362-S362, 2017.

Japanese Article Significance of the tuberculosis diagnosis with the local anesthesia lower pneumoscope in the P27-5 tuberculosis base Hospital
山口昭三郎, 鏑木孝之, 内海啓子, 高木雄基, 大久保初美, 島田梨沙, 山田豊, 田村智宏, 吉川弥須子, 橋本幾太, 雨宮隆太
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S362-S362, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the usefulness of the local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy in the diagnosis of the P27-6 tuberculous pleurisy
佐藤修二1, 稲垣卓也1, 木下陽2, 齋藤桂介2, 矢部三男3, 森川利昭3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S362-S362, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the tuberculous pleurisy that led to a diagnosis by P27-7 bronchoscope lower pleural biopsy
福田章浩, 中道徹, 黒田鮎美, 橋本昌樹, 多久和輝尚, 松本成司, 近藤展行, 長谷川誠紀
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S362-S362, 2017.

English Article P27-8 Feasibility and safety of Pleuroscopic Cryobiopsy of the Pleura : A Prospective Study
Chia-Hung Chen, Wen-Chien Cheng, Biing-Ru Wu, Wei-Chih Liao, Tu Chih-Yen
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S363-S363, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who Castleman disease was diagnosed by P28-1 cavity mirror lower biopsy, and underwent enucleation for the second
福冨寿典, 吉津晃
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S364-S364, 2017.

Japanese Article It is one patient of the pleura dissemination recurrence after the diagnosis and squamous cell carcinoma of lung technique which we resected under P28-2 pneumoscope
山道尭, 堀尾裕俊, 浅川文香, 奥井将之, 原田匡彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S364-S364, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the benign metastatic pulmonary leiomyomatosis with the cystic mass image which we were able to diagnose by P28-3 thoracoscopic lung biopsy
濱田昇, 田中寿明, 谷本安
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S364-S364, 2017.

Japanese Article Thymus lymph hyperplastic one case similar to Castleman disease which led to a diagnosis by P28-4 pneumoscope biopsy
土持早希, 堀尾裕俊, 山道尭, 浅川文香, 奥井将之, 原田匡彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S365-S365, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the thoracic vertebra neighborhood development IgG4 associated diseases that P28-5 general anesthesia lower pneumoscope supporting lower biopsy was useful for a diagnosis
永野晃史1,2, 井上清俊1, 宮本光1, 登千恵子2, 西山典利3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S365-S365, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome which led to a diagnosis with P28-6 thoracoscopic surgery
伊藤公一, 笠井由隆, 桝屋大輝, 高田尚哉, 田中悠也, 久米佐知枝, 井上明香, 玉井浩二, 門田和也, 岡田信彦, 松岡弘典, 吉松昭和, 鈴木雄二郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S365-S365, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the IgG4-related pleural disease that we presented with P28-7 pleural plaque-like bilateral pleural thickening and were able to diagnose by thoracoscopic pleural biopsy
佐藤寿高1, 小島哲弥2, 伊藤健一郎1, 福家聡1, 斎藤拓志1, 西浦洋一1, 磯部宏2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S365-S365, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the malignant pleural mesothelioma that the diagnosis was obtained in P29-1 Rigid medical thoracoscopy
吉田健也, 足立崇, 長谷川万里子, 岩本公一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S366-S366, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the mind rhea development case after the small-diameter thoracoscopy enforcement for the P29-2 malignant pleural effusion
大内政嗣1, 井上修平1, 尾崎良智1, 上田桂子1, 和田広2, 坂下拓人2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S366-S366, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases that we diagnosed by the new pleural biopsy (law to precut) using the P29-3 station note needle
水守康之, 平岡亮太, 平田展也, 平野克也, 小南亮太, 高橋清香, 水野翔馬, 福田泰, 大西康貴, 東野幸子, 加藤智浩, 花岡健司, 鏡亮吾, 勝田倫子, 横井陽子, 塚本宏壮, 佐々木信, 河村哲治, 中原保治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S366-S366, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the heterotopic endometriosis that we had the onset with P29-4 effusion pleural bloody and diagnosed by pneumoscope
渡邊俊和, 後藤康洋, 岡村拓哉, 峯澤智之, 森川紗也子, 丹羽義和, 堀口智也, 後藤祐介, 相馬智英, 赤尾謙, 山口哲平, 磯谷澄都, 中西亨, 今泉和良
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S367-S367, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of intractable pneumothorax that occurred after a P29-5 local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy
石床学, 橋本健太郎, 野原淳, 渡邉壽規, 塩田哲広
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S367-S367, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the hepatic hydrothorax which was able to confirm diaphragm osculum with P29-6 pneumoscope
畠山由記久, 湯村真沙子, 岡村佳代子, 島田天美子, 吉村将, 大西尚
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S367-S367, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that showed a merger of mycetogenetic empyema and the bacterial empyema which performed P29-7 thoracoscopic pleural biopsy, and led to a diagnosis
本田徳鷹1, 朝野寛視1, 石田佳央理3, 須山隆之1, 行徳宏1, 千住博明1, 竹本真之輔1, 池田喬哉1, 西條知見1, 山口博之1, 木下直江3, 宮崎泰可1, 中富克己1, 福田実2, 迎寛1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S367-S367, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the purulent spondylitis that became available for treatment by P30-1 pneumoscope lower biopsy
和泉宏幸1, 谷口隆介2, 山田崇央2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S368-S368, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the P30-2 intractable secondary pneumothorax surgery case
濱武基陽, 今井大祐, 大津甫, 萱島寛人, 大峰高広, 山口将平, 小西晃造, 前田貴司, 筒井信一, 松田裕之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S368-S368, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that thoracoscopic thoracic duct ligature succeeded for a chyle chest after the P30-3 thoracic aorta replacement
稲田秀洋1, 前田純一1,2, 曽我部将哉1, 根岸秀樹1, 池田徳彦2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S368-S368, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the local anesthesia lower empyema curettage technique with the flexible bronchoscope in the P30-4 our hospital
松本正孝1, 川瀬香保里1, 金城和美1, 高田昌彦2, 高月清宣1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S369-S369, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent thoracoscopic pericardial window for pericardial effusion due to the P30-5 carcinomatous pericarditis
松本理宗, 溝口聡, 古川克郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S369-S369, 2017.

Japanese Article Of Thoracoscopic surgery for the P30-6 chest infection, actually
鈴木聡一郎, 河野匡, 藤森賢, 吉村竜一, 油原信二, 若田部誠
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S369-S369, 2017.

Japanese Article One excision case of the pulmonary hamartoma in acknowledgment of P30-7 cavity-related lesion: Differentiation with benign metastasiring leiomyoma
町田雄一郎, 本野望, 薄田勝男, 浦本秀隆
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S369-S369, 2017.

Japanese Article Custody experience of the trachea, the bronchial stent in the P31-1 our hospital
安藤耕平1, 諸星隆夫1, 稲福賢司1, 増田晴彦1, 益田宗孝2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S370-S370, 2017.

Japanese Article Dumon stenting, withdrawal case of the P31-2 our hospital first time
橋本理生, 竹田雄一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S370-S370, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that detained bronchial stent for bilateral bronchostenosis after the P31-3 both sides brain death lung transplantation
大谷真二, 杉本誠一郎, 三好健太郎, 三好新一郎, 大藤剛宏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S370-S370, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the relapsing polychondritis that responded to P31-4 emergency Dumon stent custody technique
水口真二郎, 高濱誠, 中嶋隆, 木村通孝, 井上英俊, 大橋拓矢, 山本良二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S371-S371, 2017.

Japanese Article The trachea bifurcation of the trachea stenosis lung cancer that was given combined modality therapy including P31-5 temporary silicon stenting
尾辻瑞人1, 小林亜紀1, 小野里優希1, 江花弘基1, 稲毛輝長1, 臼井亮2, 太田春彦2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S371-S371, 2017.

Japanese Article Four examination that detained Dumon Y Stent using the side Hole method for malignant airway narrowing in P31-6 our hospital
佐藤賢, 中須賀崇匡, 安東千裕, 岩本佳隆, 南大輔, 藤原慶一, 柴山卓夫, 米井敏郎, 佐藤利雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S371-S371, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the P31-7 center respiratory tract intervention case
高崎千尋, 栗原泰幸, 川田悠, 杉田裕介, 今井紗智子, 菅原了子, 小林正嗣, 石橋洋則, 大久保憲一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S371-S371, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent balloon expansion technique for anastomotic stricture after the P32-1 bronchoplasty
岡崎敏昌, 阿部二郎, 田中遼太, 佐藤卓, 高橋里美
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S372-S372, 2017.

Japanese Article Custody experience of the AERO stent in the P32-2 our hospital
日野弘之, 松本大昌, 今西志乃, 坂本晋一, 矢葺洋平, 田岡隆成, 門田直樹, 町田久典, 岡野義夫, 畠山暢生, 篠原勉, 先山正二, 大串文隆
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S372-S372, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that detained AERO hybrid stent for malignant airway narrowing due to the P32-3 lung cancer
野原淳, 橋本健太郎, 石床学, 渡邉壽規, 塩田哲広
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S372-S372, 2017.

Japanese Article The stent insertion using the expansion balloon for exclusive use of the bronchus in the P32-4 our hospital
松田周一, 吉森浩三, 山名一平, 大澤武司, 本多紘二郎, 矢野量三, 田中良明, 佐々木結花, 後藤元
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S373-S373, 2017.

Japanese Article Quantitative evaluation of the respiratory function after the P32-5 scirrhous mirror lower airway expansion technique
大橋拓矢, 高濱誠, 中嶋隆, 木村通孝, 水口真二郎, 井上英俊, 山本良二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S373-S373, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who conducted AERO stenting for P32-6 malignancy airway narrowing
牧野崇1, 大塚創1, 肥塚智1, 安積隆1, 秦美暢1, 杉野圭史2, 磯部和順2, 栃木直文3, 本間栄2, 澁谷和俊3, 伊豫田明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S373-S373, 2017.

English Article P32-7 Interventional bronchoscopy using flexible bronchoscope and metallic stent without fluoroscopy for treatment of acute respiratory failure secondary to airway disease
Biing-Ru Wu, Chia-Hung Chen, Wen-Chien Cheng, Wei-Chih Liao, Tu Chih-Yen
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S374-S374, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the pulmonary sarcoidosis with the multiple cyst lesion discovered P33-1 examination
田中知宏1, 柳村尚寛1, 太田毅1, 石田卓士1, 小林理1, 坪野俊介2, 古川俊貴2, 太田求磨2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S375-S375, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of trachea MALT lymphoma detected with P33-2 airway narrowing symptom
滝沢昌也1, 松井芳憲2, 小林弘明1, 和田崇志1, 岡藤和博2, 白崎浩樹2, 藤田佳嗣2, 武田仁浩2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S375-S375, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the sarcoidosis that resulted in pulmonary small-cell lung cancer during P33-3 spontaneous remission
古賀康彦1, 佐々木夢佳1, 笠原礼光1, 蜂巣克昌1, 村田圭祐1, 澤田友里1, 塚越優介1, 小野昭浩1, 解良恭一2, 砂長則明3, 前野敏孝1, 久田剛志1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S375-S375, 2017.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the chronic pulmonary berylliosis in the P33-4 our hospital
横山多佳子, 加藤千博, 井上芳次, 藤田浩平, 櫻井悠加里, 太田千晴, 加藤宗博, 山本俊信, 宇佐美郁治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S376-S376, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of the pulmonary disorder by the P33-5 waterproofing paint inhalation
伊藤昌之1, 戸来依子1, 菊池亮太2, 中村博幸2, 青柴和徹2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S376-S376, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of trachea amyloidosis that was discovered during P33-6 surgery, and led to a diagnosis
榎本貴俊, 宮崎昌樹, 津田学, 南崇史, 宮本武明, 横内秀起, 辻文生
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S376-S376, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of trachea bronchus amyloidosis that we diagnosed by P33-7 transbronchial biopsy
柳村尚寛, 田中知宏, 太田毅, 古川俊貴, 太田求磨, 石田卓士, 小林理
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S376-S376, 2017.

Japanese Article After P33-8 total lung washing, it is one patient of the autoimmune alveolar proteinosis with the condition of a patient control by the area washing using the bronchoscope
遠藤哲史, 辻榮克也, 西垣豊, 秋葉裕二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S377-S377, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the atypical mediastinal permeation of P34-1 fibrous mediastinitis and the gastric cancer which it was hard to differentiate
丸山篤造1, 高野峻一2, 内田恵2, 神戸将彦2, 池田香菜2, 中川純一2, 塚越正章2, 小峯知佳3, 設楽芳範3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S378-S378, 2017.

Japanese Article Acute eosinophilic pneumonia with the P34-2 synthesis cold preparation P ray combination lock, one case that was regarded as a drug eruption
矢島剛洋, 神宮大輔, 生方智, 渡辺洋
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S378-S378, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the drug-related pulmonary disorder of the organized pneumonia pattern that occurred during XELOX therapy after the operation that was not able to save P34-3
池田秀平1, 後藤秀人1, 増本菜美1, 椿原基史1, 金子猛2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S378-S378, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the interstitial pneumonia merger nothing myositis-related dermatomyositis that accompanied P34-4 maturity B-cell lymphoma
鳴海圭倫1, 吉田遼平1, 平井理子1, 風林佳大1,3, 奥村俊介1, 佐々木高明1, 山本泰司1,2, 長内忍2,3, 大崎能伸1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S379-S379, 2017.

Japanese Article The long-term course of the intracranial meningioma detected for P34-5-prone metastases to lung
古本秀行, 重福俊佑, 加藤靖文, 古川欣也
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S379-S379, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the ARDS complicated with P34-6 diabetic ketoacidosis
山本真弓, 桑原直太, 眞鍋亮, 平井邦朗, 宮田祐人, 山口宗人, 村田泰規, 大田進, 本間哲也, 楠本壮二郎, 大西司, 相良博典
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S379-S379, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases that pathological finding such as the organized pneumonia was obtained by a surgical lung biopsy in acknowledgment of P34-7 significant tractional bronchiectasia and the eosinophil leukocytic infiltrate to the respiratory tract
鈴木進子, 谷直樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S379-S379, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of the eosinophilic pneumonia with the P34-8 mediastinal lymphadenopathy
北俊之1, 新屋智之1, 市川由加里1, 谷まゆ子1, 笠原寿郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S380-S380, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the lung adenocarcinoma which exon19 deletion mutation and T790M mutation were detected before P35-1 initial treatment, and was treated effectively with Osimertinib by the fourth treatment
大田正秀1, 古高心1, 伊藤武文1, 小林真也2, 藤原清宏1, 杉村裕子1, 竹澤祐一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S381-S381, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of pulmonary seasonal polymorphism cancer which Nivolumab was effective though we suffered from P35-2 diagnosis, and was able to improve convalescence
原口水葉, 宗松男, 西江美幸, 小野泰平, 杉原快, 白澤昌之, 原田真也, 中嶋緑郎, 塩見哲也, 藤田浩文, 堂本英治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S381-S381, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient whom PCP developed in during dermatopathy treatment by P35-3 EGFR-TKI
高橋珠紀, 若月悠佑, 伏屋芳紀, 西岡慶善, 庄司剛, 片倉浩理, 山中晃
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S381-S381, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the lung adenocarcinoma which was different from P35-4 initial examination in the results of the EGFR mutation in the gene by the reexamination
野口理絵, 遠藤慶成, 渡邉裕文, 下田由季子, 鈴木貴人, 三枝美香, 山本輝人, 赤松泰介, 宍戸雄一郎, 秋田剛史, 森田悟, 朝田和博, 白井敏博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S382-S382, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the primary lung adenocarcinoma which initially occurred for metastasis to P35-5 solitary parotid gland
三浦陽介1, 櫻井麗子1, 蜂巣克昌1, 塚越優介1, 笠原礼光1, 増田友美1, 鶴巻寛朗1, 矢冨正清1, 小野昭浩1, 古賀康彦1, 解良恭一2, 砂長則明3, 久田剛志1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S382-S382, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the squamous cell carcinoma of lung which they presented with a cavity during P35-6 nivolumab administration and were able to observe with a bronchoscope
中原博紀1, 小林哲1, 浅山健太郎1, 都丸敦史1, 高橋佳紀1, 藤原研太郎1, 大西真裕1, 藤本源1, ガバザ エステバン2, 田口修3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S382-S382, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the Exon19 deletion /Exon20 insertional duplication mutation that P35-7 Erlotinib/Bevacizumab combination therapy succeeded
守口知, 中村豊, 島田大嗣, 平野邦夫, 阿部和幸, 堀井洋祐, 千葉真士, 中島義雄, 齋藤平佐, 長島広相, 山内広平
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S382-S382, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that we presented with both lungs-prone pickpocket vitreosity shadow during P35-8 nivolumab administration and showed inflammatory cells permeation lymphocytes-centered in BAL, TBLB
本多紘二郎1,2, 山名一平1, 松田周一1, 大澤武司1, 宮本牧1, 森本耕三1, 田中良明1, 吉森浩三1, 黒崎敦子1, 菊池文史1, 後藤元1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S383-S383, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung adenocarcinoma where we perform bronchoscopy after denying allergy to P36-1 Lidocain suspicion, and Afatinib succeeds
西平隆一, 井上玲, 伊藤俊輔, 黒崎裕一郎, 平居義裕
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S384-S384, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 case that felt uneasy about iatrogenic pneumothorax by cough at the P36-2 extra-fine diameter bronchoscopy
西平守道, 伊藤祥之, 井上尚, 荒木修, 苅部陽子, 前田寿美子, 小林哲, 千田雅之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S384-S384, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 case of the pulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma which we diagnosed by P36-3 transbronchial biopsy
長友泉, 平田陽彦, 内藤祐二朗, 木庭太郎, 濱口眞成, 大塚倫之, 小山正平, 岩堀幸太, 滝本宜之, 武田吉人, 木田博, 木島貴志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S384-S384, 2017.

Japanese Article 2 cases of mediastinitis that occurred after P36-4 EBUS-TBNA
高橋聡1, 渥美健一郎1, 樋口明日香1, 矢嶋知佳1, 中山幸治1, 蓮見健太2, 青山純一1, 久世眞之1, 小林研一1, 蛸井浩行1, 高橋明子1, 柏田建1, 揖斐孝之2, 武内進1, 井上達哉2, 林宏紀1, 藤田和恵1, 齋藤好信1, 清家正博1, 臼田実男1, 久保田馨1, 弦間昭彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S385-S385, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the lung adenocarcinoma of the thin wall cavity-related lesion with suspected the P36-5 Mycobacterium infection
高橋英知1,2, 岡本直樹1,2, 山川祐司1, 萩原エリ1,2, 櫻中晴康1, 伊藝孔明1,2, 権寧博2, 高橋典明2, 橋本修2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S385-S385, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the P36-6 EGFR mutation in the gene-positive pulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma
中垣憲明, 井上博之, 古森雅志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S385-S385, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the periphery origin squamous cell carcinoma of lung that P36-7 EBUS-TBNA was useful for a diagnosis
大澤翔1, 菊池教大1, 山田豊1, 増田美智子1, 阿野哲士1, 石井幸雄1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S385-S385, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the lung adenocarcinoma which showed rapid increase after the biopsy under the P36-8 bronchoscope
広瀬敏幸1, 松本大資1, 中川靖士1, 湯浅志乃3, 坂口暁2, 稲山真美2, 吉田成二2, 葉久貴司2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S386-S386, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the arborization lungs osteosis that we diagnosed by P37-1 bronchoscope lower periphery alveolus biopsy
四方田真紀子1, 亀井千那1, 長又誠1, 渡邊景明1, 大森美和子1, 善家義貴1, 大熊裕介1, 細見幸生1, 岡村樹1, 比島恒和2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S387-S387, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the pulmonary origin synovial sarcoma that P37-2 GS-TBNA was useful for a diagnosis
平井聡一1, 今林達哉1, 瀬戸友利恵1, 古谷渉1, 谷村恵子1, 金子美子1, 田宮暢代1, 内野順治1, 竹村佳純1, 古谷竜男3, 岡田悟3, 常塚啓彰3, 小西英一2, 井上匡美3, 高山浩一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S387-S387, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that art of bronchoscope lower balloon expansion was effective for the cicatricial shrinkage after the P37-3 endobronchial brachytherapy
奥田千幸, 吉積悠子, 南條成輝, 秦明登, 加地玲子, 真砂勝泰, 藤田史郎, 片上信之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S387-S387, 2017.

Japanese Article It is one case of metastases to lung after useful renal cell carcinoma technique to repeat P37-4 transbronchial biopsy
平野俊之1,2, 鈴木翔二1, 朝倉崇徳1, 長谷川華子1, 増澤啓太1, 荒井大輔1, 安田浩之1, 猶木克彦1, 副島研造1, 別役智子1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S388-S388, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of thyroid cancer which presented metastasis to cyst type lymph node which we were able to diagnose by P37-5 TBNA
横尾慶紀, 竹中遥, 西條浩, 工藤沙也香
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S388-S388, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of early trachea origin MALT lymphoma that was diagnosable with P37-6 bronchoscope
村上斗司, 村上悦子, 岸野大蔵
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S388-S388, 2017.

Japanese Article One autopsy case of the lung tumor embolism due to the gastric cancer that positive views were obtained by P37-7 transbronchial lung biopsy
久賀孝郎, 伊藤浩, 春田由貴, 横井英人, 和田裕紀子, 町田和彦, 松尾正樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S388-S388, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the prostate cancer metastases to lung that we diagnosed by a P37-8 bronchoscope lower lung biopsy
諏訪陽子, 丸山佳重
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S389-S389, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the strongyloidiasis with the excessive infection syndrome that was able to observe a change by P38-1 bronchoscopy at transtime
中田樹海1, 金井尚之2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S390-S390, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases that bronchoscopy was useful in a diagnosis of P38-2 cryptococcus pneumonia
茨木敬博, 藤田幸男, 太田浩世, 藤岡伸啓, 鹿子木貴彦, 長敬翁, 田崎正人, 山本佳史, 本津茂人, 友田恒一, 吉川雅則, 木村弘
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S390-S390, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the primary bronchial arteries angioma recemosum which was able to observe P38-3 endoscope views over time
泉祐介, 堀益靖, 益田武, 宮本真太郎, 中島拓, 岩本博志, 藤高一慶, 服部登
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S390-S390, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that aspergilloma was diagnosed by bronchoscopy in an episode of care of the P38-4 allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
池松祐樹, 福山聡, 原田英治, 濱田直樹, 松元幸一郎, 中西洋一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S391-S391, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the disseminated cryptococcosis with mediastinal lymphadenitis that we diagnosed by P38-5 EBUS-TBNA
小谷内敬史1, 横村光司1, 金田桂1, 後藤彩乃1, 赤堀大介1, 天野雄介1, 角谷拓哉1, 佐藤慈子1, 長谷川浩嗣1, 小澤雄一1, 松井隆1, 鈴木恵理子2, 棚橋雅幸2, 丹羽宏2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S391-S391, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the pulmonary tuberculosis that P38-6 EBUS-TBNA was useful for a diagnosis
菊池教大1, 大澤翔1, 山田豊1, 増田美智子1, 阿野哲士1, 石井幸雄1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S391-S391, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of the actinomycosis of lung that we diagnosed by P38-7 bronchus endoscopy
堀内実, 國井英治, 森祐太, 吉原実鈴, 秋田憲志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S391-S391, 2017.

Japanese Article 2 cases that was given bronchoscopy for intractable pneumonia that occurred after P38-8 drowning
衛藤大祐, 横山哲也, 綿屋洋
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S392-S392, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the P39-1 lungs synovial sarcoma
西川敏雄, 高橋正彦, 森雅信, 岡林孝弘, 上川康明, 井上文之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S393-S393, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the Good syndrome merger thymoma discovered with P39-2 sinobronchial syndrome
柳正和1, 脇田和博1, 佐藤雅美2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S393-S393, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the limited-stage malignant pleural mesothelioma which we resected under P39-3 pneumoscope
小山倫太郎1, 大崎敏弘1, 西澤夏將1, 中川誠1, 宗知子1, 小舘満太郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S393-S393, 2017.

Japanese Article One excision case of the P39-4 fort generating intramuscular lipoma
花岡伸治1, 文元聰志1, 深田武久1, 越智薫1, 市橋良夫2, 佐藤澄1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S394-S394, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that intractable pneumothorax complicated with Mr. P39-5 von Recklinghausen disease relieved spontaneously
古市基彦, 古賀守
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S394-S394, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 thoracoscopic excision case of pulmonary origin Solitary Fibrous tumor (SFT) which showed P39-6 Extrapleural sign
神谷一徳, 田中浩登, 滝上隆一, 山本孝夫, 尾崎信弘
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S394-S394, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the bronchial lipoma complicated with P39-7 huge thymoma
米山礼美1,3, 宮島邦治1, 石川里奈子2, 木村雅一1, 河野貴文1, 奥仲哲弥1, 加藤治文1, 池田徳彦3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S394-S394, 2017.

Japanese Article The pleural biopsy case that became severe bradycardia during P39-8 thoracoscopy
北雄介, 小林亮
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S395-S395, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that conducted minimum thoracoplasty after fenestration operation for thoracic empyema with fistula by the gauze persistence after P40-1 Pott's disease technique, and was improved
稲福賢司1, 諸星隆夫1, 安藤耕平1, 増田晴彦1, 益田宗孝2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S396-S396, 2017.

Japanese Article P40-2 A case of intraobronchial hamartoma occurring in a Sub-subregion segmental bronchus
環正文, 監崎孝一郎, 三浦一真
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S396-S396, 2017.

Japanese Article P40-3 1 surgery case of the peripheral pulmonary artery aneurysm which spitted blood in large quantities
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S396-S396, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent lobectomy for bronchiectasis to result in the hemoptysis of the impaired pulmonary function of P40-4 forced expiratory volume in one second 410mL
杉浦八十生1, 藤本博行1, 橋詰寿律1, 大久保泰之2, 根本悦夫1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S397-S397, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the endobronchial hamartoma by the P40-5 bronchoscope lower high frequency electric cauterization
成毛聖夫, 中野泰, 加行淳子, 会田信治, 西尾和三
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S397-S397, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the tongue ward twisting that occurred after segmental resection in the P40-6 left
平良尚広, 高原明子, 古堅智則, 河崎英範, 川畑勉
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S397-S397, 2017.

Japanese Article P40-7 right upper lobe of lung and example that produced atelectasis by the middle lobar bronchus flexure after the S6 segmental resection, and dissolved spontaneously
山岡賢俊, 柳原隆宏, 小貫琢哉, 稲垣雅春
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S397-S397, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that the cystic lesion which we remained in increased P40-8 lung cancer postoperatively, and presented pneumothorax ipsilaterally
矢部三男1, 仲田健男1, 秋葉直志1, 森川利昭2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S398-S398, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 surgery case of the middle lobar bronchus atresia that repeated P41-1 pneumonia
親松裕典1, 大畑賀央2, 成田久仁夫1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S399-S399, 2017.

Japanese Article P41-2 bronchus dexter and 1 excision example of the lung cancer in acknowledgment of run abnormality of the pulmonary artery
柴田英克1, 眞田宗1, 池田公英2, 白石健治2, 森毅2, 鈴木実2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S399-S399, 2017.

Japanese Article One excision case of the left upper lobe lung cancer with P41-3 left tongue ward supporting divergence abnormality and the left pulmonary artery and V1 +2 run abnormality
林一喜, 堀本かんな, 元石充, 澤井聡
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S399-S399, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the P41-4 between the right and center bronchial trunk generating bronchogenic cyst
下山武彦1, 木村文平2, 安部由希子3, 島矢和浩3, 石川利寿3, 片佑樹3, 片柳真司3, 鵜浦康司3, 河崎勉3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S400-S400, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who resected S6 sleeve for P41-5 bronchus tumor
舘秀和1, 田中亨1, 柳原一広3, 岩崎剛平2, 稲田祐也2, 伊東友好2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S400-S400, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who resected the small thymic carcinoma which we were able to observe the increase course when P41-6 was slow in under pneumoscope
吉津晃, 福冨寿典
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S400-S400, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that underwent inferior lobe excision for right lower lobe of lung pulmonary sequestration and a pulmonary nodule with the P41-7 various bronchi, pulmonary status pulse runs abnormality
藤永卓司1, 高橋耕治2, 村田祥武1, 池田政樹1, 安田成雄3, 加藤達雄3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S400-S400, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the right superior lobe lung cancer with the P41-8 bronchus branch abnormality
前田啓之1, 澄川崇2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S401-S401, 2017.

Japanese Article It is the mass hemoptyses, suffocation due to aspergillas infections, 1 lifesaving case for the cardiac arrest after P42-1 lung cancer technique
北雄介1, 小林亮1, 山本沙紀2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S402-S402, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the stump Aspergillosis bronchial after P42-2 lung cancer technique
関恵理奈, 下高原昭廣, 後藤正志, 廣瀬友城, 諸井文子, 中野滋文, 堀場昌英, 青山克彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S402-S402, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent urgent left upper lobe excision cavernostomy for hemoptysis to repeat P42-3 lungs aspergilloma
小林正嗣, 今井紗智子, 菅原了子, 高崎千尋, 石橋洋則, 大久保憲一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S402-S402, 2017.

Japanese Article It is one patient of the bronchial stump fistula after right inferior lobe excision cured by P42-4 conservative treatment
横田圭右, 渡邊拓弥, 深井一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S403-S403, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who evaded failure of the sutures with prostaglandin for bronchorrhaphy part ischemia after the P42-5 right upper lobe of lung pipe-formed excision
小林尚寛, 荒木健太郎, 上田翔, 佐伯祐典, 北沢伸祐, 菊池慎二, 後藤行延, 佐藤幸夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S403-S403, 2017.

Japanese Article Example that hyperbaric oxygen therapy succeeded for bronchial stump ischemia after the P42-6 lower right leaf excision
野川ひとみ, 大泉弘幸, 加藤博久, 遠藤誠, 鈴木潤, 濱田顕
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S403-S403, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that ICS/LABA inhalation therapy was effective for a bronchial anastomotic region granuloma after the P42-7 left upper lobe pipe-formed excision
西川仁士, 岡田真典, 藤原俊哉, 松浦求樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S403-S403, 2017.

Japanese Article Two patients who received mitomycin C infusion therapy for airway narrowing after P42-8 lung transplantation
星史彦1, 桜田晃1, 野田雅史1, 佐渡哲1, 松田安史1, 大石久1, 江場俊介1, 三友英紀2, 矢吹皓1, 川上徹1, 東郷威男1, 小林数真1, 鈴木寛利1, 佐藤公昭1, 佐藤航太1, 片平真人1, 小塩弘樹1, 岡田克典1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S404-S404, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of the gastric cancer metastases to lung that we resected under P43-1 pneumoscope adjuvant
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S405-S405, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent salvage surgery for local recurrence after the P43-2 lung cancer definitive radiotherapy
福冨寿典, 吉津晃
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S405-S405, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient who showed the usefulness of the pneumonectomy for P43-3 tongue cancer metastases to lung
深田武久1, 文元聰志1, 市橋良夫2, 越智薫1, 佐藤澄1, 花岡伸治1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S405-S405, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the TTF-1-positive colon cancer metastases to lung that showed a metastatic pattern mainly composed of the P43-4 bronchi
若松郁磨1, 中原理恵1, 松隈治久1, 杉山智英2, 中村洋一2, 笠井尚2, 神山由香理2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S406-S406, 2017.

Japanese Article P43-5 1 excision case of the synchronism-prone lung cancer with different EGFR mutations in the gene
寺田百合子1, 古畑善章1, 粟野暢康2, 刀祢麻里2, 福田健介2, 出雲雄大2, 生島壮一郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S406-S406, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the lung adenocarcinoma with the hollow image which racked its brains about P43-6 diagnosis
竹内健1, 青山眞弓2, 小西建治2, 大内基史1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S406-S406, 2017.

Japanese Article Lungs, three patients of bronchial tumor who underwent curative operation after P43-7 bronchus intervention
青木耕平, 杉山亜斗, 井上慶明, 福田祐樹, 儀賀理暁, 中山光男
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S406-S406, 2017.

Japanese Article 1 excision case of the pulmonary basaloid carcinoma which had difficulty in P43-8 preoperation diagnosis
梅咲徹也, 高砂敬一郎, 椎名隆之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S407-S407, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of re-biopsy for the non-small cell lung cancer after the EGFR-TKI tolerance in the P44-1 our hospital
細野裕貴, 金津正樹, 上浪健, 矢野幸洋, 森雅秀, 横田総一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S408-S408, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of re-biopsy for the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive non-small cell lung cancer in the P44-2 our hospital
増澤啓太1, 安田浩之1, 小林慧悟1, 眞鍋維志1, 長谷川華子1, 平野俊之1, 額賀重成1, 西野誠1, 川田一郎1, 猶木克彦2, 副島研造3, 別役智子1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S408-S408, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the re-biopsy in our hospital for patients with P44-3 EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung cancer
小泉達彦1, 横内浩1, 平井健一郎1, 峯村浩之1, 大和田有紀21, 井上卓哉2, 山浦匠2, 福原光朗2, 武藤哲史2, 松村勇輝2, 長谷川剛生2, 金沢賢也1, 谷野功典1, 鈴木弘行2, 棟方充1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S408-S408, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of Re-biopsy for the non-small cell lung cancer which EGFR-TKI became P44-4-resistant, and caused increase of the pulmonary disease
藤並舞, 佐々木義明, 田中陽子, 田子謙太郎, 楢林朋子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S409-S409, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the re-biopsy after the EGFR-TKI acquisition of resistance in the P44-5 our hospital
小口展生, 高橋輝一, 上田将秀, 片山公実子, 岡田あすか, 村上伸介, 竹中英昭, 長澄人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S409-S409, 2017.

Japanese Article The present conditions of re-biopsy in patients with EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung cancer in the P44-6 our hospital
石岡宏太, 笹田真滋, 酒井徹也, 高橋左枝子, 中村守男
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S409-S409, 2017.

Japanese Article It is examined the re-biopsy of the non-small cell lung cancer after EGFR-TKI resistance in the P44-7 our hospital
渡邉かおる, 田下浩之, 横須賀響子, 武田啓太, 赤司俊介, 島田昌裕, 成本治, 大島信治, 益田公彦, 田村厚久, 永井英明, 赤川志のぶ, 大田健
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S409-S409, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the Re-biopsy case after the EGFR-TKI tolerance in the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive non-small cell lung cancer in the P45-1 our hospital
穴井諭, 岡村晃資, 竹下正文, 井上孝治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S410-S410, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the re-biopsy case for the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive lung cancer in the P45-2 our hospital
安田武洋1, 田口善夫1, 田中栄作1, 羽白高1, 橋本成修1, 加持雄介1, 稲尾崇1, 濱尾信叔1, 上山維晋1, 寺田悟1, 中西智子1, 本庄原2, 小橋陽一郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S410-S410, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the patients who underwent P45-3 Rebiopsy
高岩卓也1, 中野仁夫1, 岡本忠司1, 林靖大1, 濱川正光1, 高島純平1, 桝田元1, 草間加与1, 西田幸司1, 郷間厳1,2, 平岡圭2, 池田直樹2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S410-S410, 2017.

Japanese Article Three cases of the allergic bronchial pulmonary mycosis by Schizophyllum commune which we experienced in P45-4 our hospital
中西智子1, 上山維晋1, 寺田悟1, 濱尾信叔1, 稲尾崇1, 加持雄介1, 安田武洋1, 橋本成修1, 羽白高1, 田中栄作1, 西本優子2, 野間惠之2, 本庄原3, 小橋陽一郎3, 田口善夫1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S411-S411, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the usefulness of re-biopsy with the P45-5 bronchoscope
阪本智宏, 山根康平, 田中那津美, 矢内正晶, 山口耕介, 武田賢一, 牧野晴彦, 小谷昌広, 山崎章, 清水英治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S411-S411, 2017.

Japanese Article One case that chemoradiotherapy was provided by a diagnosis of the P45-6 non-small cell lung cancer, and subsequent recurrent nest underwent salvage operation, and carcinosarcoma was diagnosed by
南洋輔1, 清嶋護之1, 鈴木久史1, 大久保初美2, 山口昭三郎2, 橋本幾太2, 鏑木孝之2, 雨宮隆太1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S411-S411, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the accuracy of the lung cancer preoperation histology type diagnosis by the P45-7 bronchoscopy
清嶋護之1, 鈴木久史1, 田村智宏2, 山口昭三郎2, 橋本幾太2, 鏑木孝之2, 雨宮隆太1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S411-S411, 2017.

Japanese Article The results of EBUS-GS in the P46-1 our hospital
高田和外, 小島英嗣, 宮松晶子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S412-S412, 2017.

Japanese Article About diagnosis hitting ratio in EBUS-GS for the P46-2 periphery pulmonary disease, it is the examination by the multiple factor
結城将明, 岩田裕子, 茂田光弘, 江本範子, 笠井昭吾, 大河内康実, 徳田均
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S412-S412, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness, safety and examination of GS-TBNA time for the P46-3 periphery pulmonary disease
生嶋一成1, 内村圭吾2, 池上博昭1, 川口貴子1, 松永崇史1, 高木努1, 川波敏則1, 城戸貴志1, 矢寺和博1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S412-S412, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the diagnosis rate of EBUS-GS for the periphery pulmonary disease in the P46-4 our hospital
桝田元, 中野仁夫, 岡本忠司, 林靖大, 高岩卓也, 濱川正光, 高島純平, 草間加与, 西田幸司, 郷間厳
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S413-S413, 2017.

Japanese Article Possibility in the bronchoscope biopsy of the P46-5 Dyna CT
宮本直輝, 吉田光輝, 藤本啓介, 西岡康平, 青山万里子, 澤田徹, 河北直也, 坪井光弘, 梶浦耕一郎, 鳥羽博明, 川上行奎, 滝沢宏光, 近藤和也, 丹黒章
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S413-S413, 2017.

Japanese Article Exploring of the optimal approach method to a lung field periphery nodule using P46-6 Switch Oblique Method (SOM)
井上貴子1, 田宮基弘1, 西野和美1, 熊谷融1, 今村文生1, 三宅浩太郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S413-S413, 2017.

Japanese Article Significance of the preoperation diagnosis in the excision of a lobe of lung of the P46-7 periphery small size lung cancer
牧野洋二郎, 雨宮亮介, 前田純一, 前原幸夫, 吉田浩一, 萩原優, 岡野哲也, 垣花昌俊, 梶原直央, 大平達夫, 池田徳彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S413-S413, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the pulmonary blood vessel extraction function in P47-1 DirectPath
國崎守, 品川尚文, 高島雄太, 古田恵, 庄司哲明, 佐々木真知子, 菊池創, 池澤靖元, 水柿秀紀, 朝比奈肇, 菊地英毅, 菊地順子, 榊原純, 西村正治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S414-S414, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the lung adenocarcinoma which was able to detect T790M mutation by the CT guided biopsy to an intrapulmonary metastatic focus not transbronchial lung biopsy from P47-2 primary tumor
笠原礼光1, 蜂巣克昌1, 塚越優介1, 三浦陽介1, 鶴巻寛朗1, 矢冨正清1, 櫻井麗子1, 古賀康彦1, 小野昭浩1, 解良恭一2, 砂長則明3, 久田剛志1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S414-S414, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of the periphery lung cancer that we used P47-3 imagination bronchoscope together, and there were lumen views in an extra-fine diameter bronchoscope and was able to diagnose
苅部陽子, 伊藤祥之, 西平守道, 井上尚, 荒木修, 前田寿美子, 小林哲, 千田雅之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S414-S414, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the quick cytodiagnosis in the transbronchial biopsy for the periphery pulmonary disease in the P47-4 our hospital
堺隆大, 高崎俊和, 山口航, 中屋順哉, 小嶋徹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S415-S415, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the case that an examination of P47-5 EGFR mutation in the gene was useful in a diagnosis of the primary lung cancer
石井賢二1, 北村淳史1, 中岡大士1, 岡藤浩平1, 次富亮輔1, 谷川朋幸1, 冨島裕1, 仁多寅彦1, 西村直樹1, 田村友秀1, 小島史嗣2, 板東徹2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S415-S415, 2017.

Japanese Article Histologic discriminant examination of the lung cancer with the probe type cofocus laser end microscope which used P47-6 Acriflavine staining together
竹村仁男1, 栗本典昭2, 井上健男1, 宮澤輝臣1, 峯下昌道1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S415-S415, 2017.

Japanese Article Comparison of the target bronchus degree that the virtual bronchoscope system of P47-7 three kinds can identify
黒木知則1, 中山雅之1, 山本真一2, 瀧上理子1, 山内浩義1, 澤田哲郎1, 間藤尚子1, 山沢英明1, 坂東政司1, 萩原弘一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S415-S415, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of tryptase concentrations out of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) in the P48-1 eosinophilic pneumonia
溝渕莉恵, 原香織, 近藤光子, 武山廉, 多賀谷悦子, 玉置淳
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S416-S416, 2017.

Japanese Article By P48-2 bronchoalveolar lavage HTLV (human T-cell leukemia virus) -One patient who had a diagnosis of 1-related lung disease
大湾勤子, 知花賢治, 比嘉太
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S416-S416, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the patients who showed pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage in BAL in the P48-3 ARDS case
勝田知也1, 洲脇俊充2, 譲尾昌大2, 堀内武志2, 森高智典1, 中西徳彦1, 井上考司1, 塩尻正明1, 橘さやか1, 佐伯和彦1, 近藤晴香1, 中村純也1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S416-S416, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the pulmonary disorder by the waterproof spray inhalation that presented P48-4 pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage
小出卓1, 肥留川一郎1, 蘇原慧伶1, 橘啓盛2, 横山琢磨3, 石井晴之3, 滝澤始3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S417-S417, 2017.

Japanese Article An example of the pulmonary disorder that occurred after use of P48-5 waterproof spray
梅田泰淳, 大塚満雄, 千葉弘文, 山田玄, 高橋弘毅
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S417-S417, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of immediate genotype adult T cell leukemia (ATL) where P48-6 bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was useful by a diagnosis
渡辺洋1, 神宮大輔1, 矢島剛洋1, 生方智1, 佐澤由郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S417-S417, 2017.

Japanese Article Relations of BALF laboratory findings of the sarcoidosis in the P48-7 our hospital and blood marker
内田賢典, 飯島裕基, 小林洋一, 筒井俊晴, 柿崎有美子, 宮下義啓
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S417-S417, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the autoimmune alveolar proteinosis that occurred with P49-1 extinguishant suction
萬谷峻史1, 多屋哲也1, 池田貴美之1, 高橋守1, 千葉弘文1, 山田玄1, 森山寛史2, 高橋弘毅1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S418-S418, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the alveolus macrophage (rosette forming) in the P49-2 diffuse-related lung disease
和田翔子, 石井晴之, 石田学, 麻生純平, 布川寛樹, 渡邊崇靖, 大熊康介, 小田未来, 小川ゆかり, 田村仁樹, 高田佐織, 横山琢磨, 滝澤始
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S418-S418, 2017.

Japanese Article Case of the pneumonia lipoid that occurred with P49-3 reflux oesophagitis
青野純典1, 朝田完二1, 齋藤勢也2, 木村秀2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S418-S418, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of PPFE which we were able to diagnose by P49-4 transbronchial lung biopsy
串間尚子1, 温麟太郎1, 中尾明1, 石井夏子1, 木下義晃1, 日高孝子2, 石井寛1, 藤田昌樹1, 渡辺憲太朗1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S419-S419, 2017.

Japanese Article One patient whom drug-related pulmonary disorder to need the differentiation with the metastatic lung tumor after the chemotherapy enforcement to P49-5 testicular cancer developed in
坂井浩佑1,2, 桑原由樹1, 小島章歳1, 戸田麻衣子1, 菊池聡1, 平田優介1, 教山紘之1, 森山岳1, 弦間昭彦2, 植松和嗣1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S419-S419, 2017.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of the acidophile nuclear hypersegmentation in the P49-6 bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
麻生純平, 石井晴之, 和田翔子, 石田学, 布川寛樹, 渡邊崇靖, 三倉直, 下田真史, 大熊康介, 小田未来, 小川ゆかり, 田村仁樹, 高田佐織, 横山琢磨, 滝澤始
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S419-S419, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of the rheumatoid arthritis that the onset of the P49-7 organized pneumonia was thought to precede
山入和志, 高木康裕, 呉家圭祐, 洲鎌芳美, 白石訓
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S419-S419, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the hemoptysis case in the P50-1 our hospital
山本高之1,3, 杉本幸弘1, 中野浩文1, 中里中央2, 高山昌紀1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S420-S420, 2017.

Japanese Article Bronchoscopic attempt using P50-2 Oxy Mask(TM)
宮本武明, 稲田怜子, 榎本貴俊, 竹内知子, 津田学, 南崇史, 宮崎昌樹, 辻文生
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S420-S420, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the marker loss in the P50-3 transbronchoscopic marker custody Kim
田中佳人, 當麻景章, 田中寿志, 糸賀正道, 石岡佳子, 高梨信吾, 田坂定智
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S420-S420, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the case that suspected lung cancer before an examination for P50-4, and performed a bronchoscope, but did not lead to a definitive diagnosis of the lung cancer
榊原智博1, 阿部武士1, 滝田克也1, 谷津年保1, 大塚竜也1, 田代祐介1, 保坂智子2, 三浦元彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S421-S421, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of patients with hemoptysis in the P50-5 our hospital
松本武格, 石井寛, 藤田昌樹, 渡辺憲太朗
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S421-S421, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the medical treatment for lymph vessels myoma symptom (LAM) in the P50-6 our hospital
滝本宜之, 平田陽彦, 木庭太郎, 大塚倫之, 長友泉, 武田吉人, 木田博, 木島貴志, 熊ノ郷淳
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S421-S421, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination of the drug-related pulmonary disorder case associated with the P50-7 antiPD-1 antibody nivolumab administration
山本泰司, 木田涼太郎, 梅影泰寛, 鳴海圭倫, 吉田遼平, 平井理子, 風林佳大, 奥村俊介, 佐々木高明, 大崎能伸
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S421-S421, 2017.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy - surgery for P50-8 elderly people secondary pneumothorax and conservative treatment ...
松本博文, 白石恵子, 扇玉秀順, 赤嶺晋治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 39(suppl): S422-S422, 2017.