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The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy

Volume 41, Issue 2 / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Introduction Scope Bronchology perspective
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 105-105, 2019.

Japanese Article One "of the long-term interposition bronchus alien substance (tooth crown prosthesis) which we were able to resect with place et al." local anesthesia lower elasticity bronchoscope
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 106-107, 2019.

Japanese Article One "of the sarcoidosis that presented with Morimoto et al." right middle lobe of lung atelectasis, and needed differentiation with the lung cancer
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 108-109, 2019.

Japanese Article The Usefulness and Safety of Using Jackson Mask Ventilation During Bronchoscopy in Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure
Tomoyuki Suzuki1,2, Manabu Suzuki1, Keita Sakamoto1, Masao Hashimoto1, Satoru Ishii1, Go Naka1, Motoyasu Iikura1, Shinyu Izumi1, Yuichiro Takeda1, Haruhito Sugiyama1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 110-116, 2019.

Japanese Article A Case of Idiopathic Scoliosis with Bronchial Stenosis Improved by Posterior Thoracic Spinal Fusion
Daisuke Akahori1, Koshi Yokomura1, Kei Kanata1, Ayano Gotou1, Takafumi Koyauchi1, Yusuke Amano1, Takuya Kakutani1, Takafumi Suda2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 117-122, 2019.

Japanese Article Case of Nontuberculous Mycobacteriosis Presenting as Vocal Cord Granulomas
Tomohiro Moriya1, Hikaru Aoki2, Takuya Shinmura1, Akifumi Mochizuki2, Chuta Ookawa3, Naoki Kawakami1, Yoko Wakai1, Kazuhito Saito1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 123-126, 2019.

Japanese Article Successful Removal of Long-standing Bronchial Foreign Body (Dental Prosthesis) by Flexible Bronchoscopy Under Local Anesthesia : a Case Report
Yayoi Tokoro1, Masanori Yasuo1, Toshihiko Agatsuma2, Hiroshi Yamamoto1, Naoki Tani3, Takeshi Koike4, Masayuki Hanaoka1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 127-132, 2019.

Japanese Article Eosinophilic Pneumonia Following Lung Resection in Two Patients with Interstitial Pneumonia Diagnosed by Bronchoalveolar Lavage
Shuichi Shinohara1, Takamitsu Onitsuka1, Chinatsu Kasahara2, Takao Kuga2, Hiroshi Ito2, Akihiro Matsushita2, Kazuhiko Machida2, Masaki Matsuo2, Masakazu Sugaya1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 133-138, 2019.

Japanese Article A Case of Bronchial Foreign Material Involving a High-molecular Polymer Weight Item from a Swallowed Diaper Pad : Approach to the Removal of This New Type of Bronchial Foreign Material in the Elderly
Hideyuki Itoigawa1, Koichiro Shima1, Kazuki Komeda1, Takahiro Hatta1, Kenta Sato1, Hironori Kobayashi1, Yuka Shinohara1, Mio Mori1, Masashi Yamamoto1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 139-143, 2019.

Japanese Article A Case of Sarcoidosis with Right Middle Lobe Atelectasis Initially Suspected to Be Lung Cancer
Kenji Morimoto1, Koji Date1, Hidehiko Kawano1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 144-148, 2019.

Japanese Article Dabigatran Etexilate-induced Interstitial Pneumonia
Kenichi Sugaya1,2, Yasuo Asai1,2, Masayuki Nomoto1,2, Asami Fukuda1,2, Shiho Yamada2, Takashi Oki2, Tetsuo Shimizu2, Shuichiro Maruoka2, Noriaki Takahashi2, Yasuhiro Gon2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 149-153, 2019.

Japanese Article A Case of Bilateral Airway Foreign Bodies due to Fragments of Apple Successfully Removed by the Flexible Bronchoscope
Mari Yokoseki1, Miwa Yamanaka1, Takashige Miyahara1, Junpei Akahane2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 154-159, 2019.

Japanese Article A Case of Tracheobronchial Amyloidosis Complicated with Fibromyalgia, Systemic Scleroderma, and Sjogren Syndrome
Yusuke Tsukagoshi1, Yuri Sawada1, Yoshimasa Hachisu1, Norimitsu Kasahara1, Hiroaki Tsurumaki1, Masakiyo Yatomi1, Reiko Sakurai1, Noriaki Sunaga1, Toshitaka Maeno1, Takeshi Hisada1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 160-163, 2019.

Japanese Article An Autopsy Case of Mediastinal Lung Cancer Presenting with an Acute Massive Hemoptysis from a Broncho-aortic Fistula due to Actinomyces Infection of Bronchial Stent
Aya Yamamoto1, Haruka Yamasaki1, Takashi Iwata1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 164-169, 2019.

Japanese Article A Case of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Left Superior Segment of the Lung That Was Reached by Turning the Scope 180 Degrees
Akari Tanino1, Noriaki Kurimoto1, Takae Okuno1, Mika Nakao1, Yoshihiro Amano1, Takamasa Hotta1, Megumi Hamaguchi1, Shunichi Hamaguchi1, Noriyoshi Ishikawa2, Takeshi Isobe1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 170-175, 2019.

Japanese Article Corticosteroids and Antituberculosis Agents Are Effective for the Treatment of Tuberculosis-induced Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis
Kentaro Kawaguchi1, Yusuke Hata1, Shigeo Kawase1, Naokatsu Horita1, Tadahiro Kuribayashi2, Rie Matsumoto3, Shigeo Imai3, Yutaro Shiota1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 176-180, 2019.

Japanese Article An Endobronchial Aspergilloma with Sarcoidosis
Yoshiko Mizushina1, Masashi Bando1, Masayuki Nakayama1, Toshikazu Takasaki1, Naoko Mato1, Nobuyuki Kanai2, Noriyoshi Fukushima2, Shunsuke Endo3, Takuji Suzuki1, Koichi Hagiwara1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 181-186, 2019.

Japanese Article Case of Organizing Pneumonia with Cryptococcal Meningitis During Steroid Therapy
Koji Kanemoto1, Takafumi Shimada1, Keiji Fujiwara1, Fumi Mochizuki1, Kazuki Obara1, Junichi Fujita1, Koichi Kurishima1, Hiroaki Iijima1, Hiroichi Ishikawa1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 187-192, 2019.

Japanese Article Bronchial Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma in a Young Male
Tomohiro Kumamoto1, Yuya Tomioka1, Hiromi Matsuyama1, Taiji Unoki1, Kengo Tanigawa1, Youichi Doutake1, Hideo Mitsuyama1, Hiroaki Momi1, Masami Sato2, Hiromasa Inoue1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 193-197, 2019.

Japanese Article Development of Lipoid Pneumonia in a Patient After Total Gastrectomy That Became Exacerbated After Bronchoscopy
Hideto Oshita1, Noriaki Ito1, Tomoki Mori2, Misato Senoo1, Yutaro Yamamoto1, Kohei Kawasaki1, Ken Okusaki1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 198-203, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. One case of the trachea inflammatory polyp which was thought to perform dissogeny by the mechanical irritation of the artificial blood vessel
奥冨泰明, 武政聡浩*1, 伊藤紘内*2, 内田信彦*2, 小池亮祐*2, 中村祐介*2, 正和明哲*2, 奥冨朋子*2, 森田弘子*2, 曽田紗世*2, 横山達也*2, 渡邉泰治*2, 塩原太一*2, 池田直哉*2, 新井良*2, 三好祐顕*3, 知花和行*4, 清水泰生*4, 石井芳樹*5
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 204-204, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. One patient who performed Cryo biopsy, and had a diagnosis of IgG4-related bronchitis, bronchadenitis
山川英晃, 太田啓貴, 木田言, 塚原雄太, 森田喜久子, 大場智広, 西沢知剛, 積山慧美里, 川辺梨恵, 佐藤新太郎, 赤坂圭一, 天野雅子, 武村民子*1, 松島秀和*2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 204-204, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. One case of the aortitis syndrome that showed polypoid lesion to the trachea, the bronchus
佐藤構造, 舘脇正充, 尾辻尚龍, 杉立渓, 城守貞章, 有福一, 渡邉浩祥, 吉田匠生, 大橋真有子, 若山知薫, 相馬亮介, 佐藤英幸, 平田博国, 杉山公美弥, 福島康次
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 204-204, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. One case of the malignant melanoma detected for black pleural effusion in large quantities
伊藝博士, 日下圭, 島田昌裕, 池田みき, 平野悠太, 比嘉克行, 武田啓太, 田村厚久, 成元治, 山根章, 赤川志のぶ, 扇谷昌宏, 蛇澤晶*1, 田下浩之*2, 松井弘稔*2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 204-204, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. One case of the pulmonary disorder with amiodarone
長崎彩, 小林謙太郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 205-205, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. It is one patient receiving pembrolizumab for G-CSF-producing lung adenocarcinoma
吉田英莉子, 宮崎和人*, 三角祐生*, 上見葉子*, 石井真理*, 会田信治*, 中村有希子*, 下川恒生*, 岡本浩明*
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 205-205, 2019.

Japanese Article 7. One case that detected a mutation in the gene that was different from a surgery specimen in re-biopsy by EBUS-TBNA
塩尻香純, 狹川玲, 坂下博之, 榊原里江, 本多隆行, 貫井義久, 白井剛, 石塚聖洋, 立石知也, 藤江俊秀, 宮崎泰成
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 205-205, 2019.

Japanese Article 8. One case of the lung cancer that different results were obtained by a biopsy part by supersonic wave bronchoscope guide lower aspiration biopsy (EBUS-TBNA)
藤原高智, 小澤達志, 安部豪眞, 近藤信幸, 安東敬大, 渡部春奈, 渡邊雄大, 富永慎一郎, 夏目一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 205-205, 2019.

Japanese Article 9. About examination - adaptation and the limit of the EBUS-TBNA own omen case -
兵頭健太郎, 松村聡介, 嶋田貴文, 北岡有香, 後藤瞳, 野中水, 笹谷悠惟果, 田地広明, 荒井直樹, 三浦由記子, 中川隆行*1, 薄井真悟*1, 島内正起*1, 南優子*2, 大石修司*3, 林原賢治*3, 齋藤武文*3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 205-205, 2019.

Japanese Article 10. Usefulness of Elastography strain ratio in the benign, malignancy differentiation at the EBUS-TBNA enforcement
本村宏明, 高木陽, 安部寿美子, 黒川加奈, 林美佳, 鍬崎恵里子, 朝尾哲彦, 光石陽一郎, 市川昌子, 小山良, 嶋田奈緒子, 長岡鉄太郎, 高橋和久
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 205-206, 2019.

Japanese Article 11. One case that led to a diagnosis of the malignant pleural mesothelioma using local anesthesia lower pneumoscope (LTF-Y0032)
松木怜, 下田由季子, 田村賢太郎, 工田啓史, 塚田晃成, 森田智枝, 山口曜, 渡邉博, 勝野貴史, 草場勇作, 松本周一郎, 角和珠妃, 辻本佳恵, 長野直子, 松林沙知, 坂本慶太, 橋本理生, 石井聡, 鈴木学, 森野英里子, 高崎仁, 仲剛, 飯倉元保, 泉信有, 竹田雄一郎, 杉山温人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 206-206, 2019.

Japanese Article 12. One case of the intractable asthma that bronchial thermopositive T was effective
唐木田惠, 倉石博, 小澤亮太, 山本学, 増渕雄, 小山茂
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 206-206, 2019.

Japanese Article 13. One patient who obtained radical cure for lung cancer in multiple PDT in a middle core early stage to repeat a recurrence
村上浩太郎, 前原幸夫, 今井健太郎, 嶋田善久, 前田純一, 萩原優, 垣花昌俊, 梶原直央, 大平達夫, 池田徳彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 206-206, 2019.

Japanese Article 14. 1 case that performs bronchoscope lower laser technique for idiopathic subglottic stenosis repeatedly, and maintains quality of life
中居伴充, 横田俊也, 星野竜広, 池出晋悟, 早川和志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 206-206, 2019.

Japanese Article 15. 1 case that we injected triamcinoloneacetonide under a bronchoscope for an intratracheal granulation tissue made by a tracheotomy cannula, and the involution of the granulation tissue was obtained
橋本諒, 小野沢博登, 仁藤まどか, 有賀直広, 生駒陽一郎, 武市悠, 河野光智, 増田良太, 岩崎正之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 206-207, 2019.

Japanese Article 16. One case of the cyst-related lesion in the tracheal lumen which we resected under a flexible bronchoscope
小野翔一郎, 中野智之, 明畠良太, 峯岸健太郎, 坪地宏嘉, 田中亨*1, 山本真一*2, 遠藤俊輔*2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 207-207, 2019.

Japanese Article 17. One case of the non-small cell lung cancer treated after the Dumon stent insertion continuously in Pembrolizumab
小林美由紀, 柿崎有美子, 小林寛明, 筒井俊晴, 樋口留美*1, 大竹宗太郎*1, 後藤太一郎*1, 宮下義啓*2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 207-207, 2019.

Japanese Article 18. One case that bronchoscope lower tumor excision was effective for metastasis to colon cancer bronchus
植木千絵, 山本真一, 小森健二朗, 櫻井秀嵩, 曽我部将哉, 柴野智毅, 金井義彦, 手塚憲志, 遠藤俊輔
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 207-207, 2019.

Japanese Article 19. One case of the bronchial alien substance which we resected in the snare for the endoscope
四手井博章, 松本卓子, 荻原哲, 光星翔太, 葭矢健仁, 坂本圭, 青島宏枝, 井坂珠子, 西内正樹, 村杉雅秀, 遠藤健二*1, 坂井修二*1, 神崎正人*2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 207-207, 2019.

Japanese Article 20. One patient who devised fixation of the trachea stent for upper respiratory tract stenosis
中岡浩二郎, 小林尚寛, 岡村純子, 高塚正己, 荒木健太郎, 上田翔, 柳原隆宏, 北沢伸祐, 菊池慎二, 後藤行延, 佐藤幸夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 207-207, 2019.

Japanese Article 21. 2 cases of hemorrhagic bronchial tumor that a scirrhous bronchoscope provided lower treatment after the BAE enforcement
松原泰輔, 小野祥太郎, 中嶋英治, 古川欣也
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 207-208, 2019.

Japanese Article 22. One patient who underwent right inferior lobe sleeve excision for metastasis to hilar lymph nodes with the bronchial permeation
馬場峻一, 小林正嗣, 角田悟, 石沢遼太, 今井紗智子, 石橋洋則, 大久保憲一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 208-208, 2019.

Japanese Article 23. One case of recurrent pneumothorax of the Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome discovered in a family history
木村祐之, 瀧下茉莉子, 脇山洋一, 酒井寛貴, 宮澤知之, 丸島秀樹, 小島宏司*1, 古屋充子*2, 佐治久*3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 208-208, 2019.

Japanese Article 24. One patient who underwent segmental resection for the younger patient who presented with sudden hemoptysis
佐藤大輔, 坂田省三, 河内利賢, 四万村三惠, 林健太郎*1, 高橋典明*1, 櫻井裕幸*2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 208-208, 2019.

Japanese Article 25. One case of the bronchogenic cyst infection that resulted in dyspnea
南洋輔, 鈴木久史, 河村知幸, 清嶋護之, 山田豊*1, 田村智宏*1, 吉川弥須子*1, 山口昭三郎*1, 鏑木孝之*1, 雨宮隆太*2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 208-208, 2019.

Japanese Article 26. 1 excision case of the malignant posterior mediastinum schwannoma with Recklinghausen disease
八木健太, 川端俊太郎, 山岡賢俊, 小貫琢哉, 稲垣雅春
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 208-209, 2019.

Japanese Article 27. One case that saved it by ECMO for the left main bronchus complete occlusion due to mediastinal lymph node metastases of the squamous cell carcinoma of lung and became the tracheoesophageal fistula after subsequent chemoradiotherapy, and underwent esophagus bypass operation
露木俊, 藤井伸哉, 安井牧人, 千秋智重, 藤森芳郎*1, 渡邉大樹*2, 吉田哲矢*2, 菱沼典正*3, 小林正嗣*4, 大久保憲一*4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 209-209, 2019.

Japanese Article 28. One case that we used bronchial plombage together for intractable pneumothorax, and surgery succeeded
越智敬大, 森本淳一, 内藤潤, 山中崇寛, 由佐城太郎, 海寳大輔, 大橋康太, 佐田諭己, 椎名裕樹, 豊田行英, 畑敦, 山本高義, 坂入祐一, 和田啓伸, 鈴木秀海, 中島崇裕, 吉野一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 209-209, 2019.

Japanese Article 29. One case of bilateral traumatic bronchial injury relieved by conservative treatment
高原弘知, 吉安展将, 小島史嗣, 板東徹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 209-209, 2019.

Japanese Article 30. 1 case of the Graves' disease which caused tracheal stenosis by swollen thyroid gland
杉山亜斗, 井上慶明, 青木耕平, 羽藤泰, 福田祐樹, 儀賀理暁, 中山光男
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 209-209, 2019.

Japanese Article 31. One case of the lung adenocarcinoma which we were able to resect by the bronchoscope lower lungs marking (Virtual Assisted Lung Mapping: VAL-MAP) in the operation using electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy safely
永代友理, 長山和弘, 篠原義和, 唐崎隆弘, 北野健太郎, 佐藤雅昭, 中島淳
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 209-210, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. One case of respiratory tract invasiveness pulmonary aspergillosis that presented characteristic image views
小坂顕司, 山口悦郎, 米澤利幸, 柴田寛史, 松原彩子, 加藤俊夫, 田中博之, 横江徳仁, 伊藤理, 久保昭仁
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 211-211, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. One case of large-cell neuroendocrine system cancer which extended to a bronchial lumen broadly
勝又峰生, 中村祐太郎, 青野裕也, 安井秀樹, 穂積宏尚, 鈴木勇三, 柄山正人, 古橋一樹, 藤澤朋幸, 榎本紀之, 乾直輝, 須田隆文
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 211-211, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. One case of the lung cryptococcosis that presented diffuse frosted glass shadow
遠藤正浩, 小林玄機*, 大森翔太*, 中島和寿*, 和久田一茂*, 小野哲*, 釼持広知*, 内藤立暁*, 村上晴泰*, 高橋利明*
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 211-211, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. One case of the de-well differentiated type liposarcoma metastases to lung that we diagnosed by bronchoscopy
樋口友里恵, 藤本源, 齋木晴子, 藤原拓海, 岡野智仁, 浅山健太郎, 高橋佳紀, 都丸敦史, 藤原研太郎, 中原博紀, 小林哲, ガバザエステバン*
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 211-211, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. It is ... through the comparison with the BAL, TBLB evidence of diffuse lung disease - Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features (IPAF) case that became autoantibody-positive
岡野智仁, 樋口友里恵, 齊木晴子, 藤原拓海, 浅山健太郎, 都丸敦史, 高橋佳紀, 藤原研太郎, 中原博紀, 藤本源, 小林哲, ガバザエステバン*
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 211-212, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. Examination of the number of biopsy in the bronchoscopy
齋木晴子, 樋口友里恵, 岡野智仁, 藤原拓海, 浅山健太郎, 都丸敦史, 藤原研太郎, 高橋佳紀, 中原博紀, 藤本源, 小林哲, ガバザエステバン*
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 212-212, 2019.

Japanese Article 7. 18 examination in acknowledgment of mucoid impaction
日下真宏, 谷村真依, 野田純也, 加賀城美智子, 中島治典, 白木晶, 安部崇, 安藤守秀, 進藤丈
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 212-212, 2019.

Japanese Article 8. One case of the diffuse pleural thickening that diagnosed asbestos Exposure by bronchoscopy in acknowledgment of Apical cap
北村有希, 天草勇輝, 加藤千博, 堀内実, 横山多佳子, 加藤宗博, 宇佐美郁治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 212-212, 2019.

Japanese Article 9. One case of the malignant pleural mesothelioma which we diagnosed in thoracoscopic direct vision cryobiopsy
加古寿志, 森川紗也子, 峯澤智之, 榊原洋介, 岡村拓哉, 後藤康洋, 林正道, 磯谷澄都, 近藤征史, 今泉和良
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 212-212, 2019.

Japanese Article 10. One case that Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot (EWS) was effective for hemoptysis caused by the influence of the aorta stent graft infection
堀和美, 岡地祥太郎, 長谷川好規
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 212-212, 2019.

Japanese Article 11. Two cases of the bronchial alien substance which we were able to resect using a flexible bronchoscope
設楽将之, 川野理, 深井一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 212-213, 2019.

Japanese Article 12. One case of the respiratory tract alien substance which occurred in chronic cough
山本清花, 伊藤穣, 伊藤圭馬, 井上芳次, 福光研介, 福田悟史, 金光禎寛, 高桑修, 大久保仁嗣, 竹村昌也, 前野健, 小栗鉄也, 中村敦, 新実彰男
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 213-213, 2019.

Japanese Article 13. One patient who underwent a scirrhous bronchoscope for the malignant lymphoma which caused the permeation in the glottic lower trachea
千馬謙亮, 棚橋雅幸, 雪上晴弘, 鈴木恵理子, 吉井直子, 佐伯裕典, 上沼康範, 土田浩之, 喚田祥吾, 丹羽宏, 小川博*, 高橋清志郎*, 八木春奈*
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 213-213, 2019.

Japanese Article 14. 1 surgery case of the young people lung cancer that needed bronchoplasty
秋山崇, 古田ちひろ, 田口瑠美子, 沼波宏樹, 矢野智紀, 羽生田正行
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 213-213, 2019.

Japanese Article 15. Superior lobe +S6 pipe-formed excisional one case which we anastomosed in the right B6 ligation edge center
鈴木あゆみ, 遠藤克彦, 山田健
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 213-213, 2019.

Japanese Article 16. One case of the bilateral lung cancer with the multiple transposition bronchi
坂根理司, 羽田裕司, 奥田勝裕, 横田圭右, 立松勉, 渡邊拓弥, 小田梨紗, 中西良一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 213-213, 2019.

Japanese Article Case 1. One case of the bronchial metastasis of uterus smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant potential (STUMP)
鳥居厚志, 石井友里加, 山田有里紗, 重松文恵, 石田あかね, 丹羽英之, 伊勢裕子, 中畑征史, 岡さおり, 小暮啓人, 北川智余恵, 沖昌英, 坂英雄, 斎藤雄史*
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 213-214, 2019.

Japanese Article Case 2. One case of the adenoid cystic carcinoma which occurred right under the vocal cords
小林玄機, 大森翔太, 中島和寿, 和久田一茂, 小野哲, 釼持広知, 内藤立暁, 村上晴泰, 高橋利明, 遠藤正浩*1, 原田英幸*2, 大出泰久*3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 214-214, 2019.

Japanese Article Case 3. One case of the bronchus, the pulmonary mycosis that developed during antibiotic steroid therapy
田中太郎, 岩間真由子, 森美緒, 糸魚川英之, 篠原由佳, 今村妙子, 島浩一郎, 山本雅史
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 214-214, 2019.

Japanese Article Case 4. One case of the diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma which resulted in tracheal stenosis
田中博之, 深見正弥, 米澤利幸, 柴田寛史, 小坂顕司, 松原彩子, 加藤俊夫, 梶川茂久, 横江徳仁, 伊藤理, 久保昭仁, 山口悦郎, 後藤峰明*
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 214-214, 2019.

Japanese Article An education lecture. The way of the smoking cessation support of the healthcare worker engaged in respiratory organs
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 215-215, 2019.

Japanese Article 1. Use experience of ViziShot FLEX (19G) in the supersonic wave bronchoscope guide lower aspiration biopsy
下西惇, 南大輔, 瀧川雄貴, 瀧川奈義夫*1, 佐藤賢*2, 萱谷紘枝*2, 藤原慶一*2, 柴山卓夫*2, 米井敏郎*2, 佐藤利雄*2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 215-215, 2019.

Japanese Article 2. Multidisciplinary responsibility bronchus identification / estimate law in the bronchial plombage using the EWS
中村尚季, 佐久川亮, 森田絢子, 塩尻正明, 細川忍, 別所昭宏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 215-215, 2019.

Japanese Article 3. Six cases of the bronchial type hamartoma given respiratory tract intervention in the past 3 years
瀧川雄貴, 佐藤賢, 南大輔, 下西惇, 尾関太一, 酉村淳, 大川祥, 高田健二, 萱谷紘枝, 藤原慶一, 柴山卓夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 216-216, 2019.

Japanese Article 4. Of the respiratory tract stent treatment in our hospital, actually
吉川武志, 青江基, 土生智大, 川名伸一, 三竿貴彦, 溝口仁志*, 上田裕*, 宮脇裕史*
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 216-216, 2019.

Japanese Article 5. The case that used bronchial thermoplasty together with a biological drug in the intractable asthma, and was effective
池田元洋, 松本千晶, 八杉昌幸, 尾形佳子, 玄馬顕一, 上岡博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 216-216, 2019.

Japanese Article 6. Use experience of the new local anesthetic aerosol catheter spray for the bronchoscopy
鳥羽博明, 六田暉朗*1, 監崎孝一郎*2, 高嶋美佳*3, 松本大資*3, 河北直也*3, 澤山徹*3, 坪井光弘*3, 川上行奎*3, 吉田光輝*3, 滝沢宏光*3, 近藤和也*3, 丹黒章*3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 216-217, 2019.

Japanese Article 7. Airway narrowing due to the cancer of the esophagus, the present conditions and results of the stent therapy for the trachea bronchus, the esophageal fistula
岡本卓, 徳永義昌, 喜田裕介, 山根高*1, 浦田知之*1, 大石一行*2, 澁谷祐一*2, 福井康夫*2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 217-217, 2019.

Japanese Article 8. One patient who underwent diaphragm reefing for catamenial pneumothorax of middle-age women
吉田千尋, 三崎伯幸
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 217-217, 2019.

Japanese Article 9. One patient who left pneumothorax developed after right lung complete removal, and underwent the millefeuille method under a pneumoscope adjuvant
森下敦司, 坂本晋一*1, 本田純子*2, 日野弘之*2, 先山正二*2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 217-217, 2019.

Japanese Article 10. Treatment of interstitial pneumonia merger secondary pneumothorax
三崎伯幸, 吉田千尋
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 217-218, 2019.

Japanese Article 11. One case that within was obtained after bronchial brushing for the periphery bronchial obstruction due to tumor in bronchial lumen two dimensional echography (EBUS)
濱口愛, 栗本典昭, 梅本洵朗, 小林美郷, 奥野峰苗, 白築陽平, 兒玉明里, 中尾美香, 天野芳宏, 堀田尚誠, 沖本民生, 津端由佳里, 濱口俊一, 礒部威
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 218-218, 2019.

Japanese Article 12. One case of the pulmonary infarction that there was reversed halo sign in chest simplicity CT, and needed differentiation with the idiopathic organized pneumonia
前田憲志, 矢野潤, 佐野由佳, 尾崎紀仁, 吉岡宏治, 池上靖彦, 山岡直樹, 政田賢治*, 上田浩徳*
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 218-218, 2019.

Japanese Article 13. One case of the pulmonary lymphomatoid granulomatosis that led to a diagnosis in the onset of intrapulmonary tumor during pulmonary tuberculosis medical treatment
田中友樹, 伊藤明広, 横山俊秀, 時岡史明, 有田真知子, 石田直
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 218-218, 2019.

Japanese Article 14. One case that had difficulty in differentiation of pneumocystis pneumonia and drug-related pneumonia
宇治恵美子, 中川望*, 山根弘路*, 河原辰由樹*, 長崎泰有*, 山岸智子*, 越智宣昭*, 小原弘之*, 中西秀和*, 瀧川奈義夫*
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 218-219, 2019.

Japanese Article 15. Examination about the difference according to the disease of the miR-21 expression in fibrocyte out of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
佐藤正大, 豊田優子, 内藤伸仁, 米田浩人, 香川耕造, 西村春佳, 近藤真代, 小山壱也, 河野弘, 後東久嗣, 西岡安彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 219-219, 2019.

Japanese Article 16. One patient who conducted a local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy for an iterative pleural effusion retention close inspection, and had a diagnosis of Probable GPA
今倉健, 阿部あかね, 千塚敏史, 稲山真美, 工藤英治*1, 葉久貴司*2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 219-219, 2019.

Japanese Article Respiratory endoscopic intervention training using the eighth pig
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 220-221, 2019.

Japanese Article The eleventh respiratory organs intervention practical skill seminar
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 222-224, 2019.

Japanese Article Japanese Red Cross Saitama Hospital Department of Respiratory Medicine
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 41(2): 225-226, 2019.