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The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy

Volume 44, Issue suppl / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the holding of the 45th respiratory endoscopic academic conference arts and sciences meeting in Japan
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S3-S3, 2022.

Japanese Article Will - of navigation and a true story and thanks of academic conference activity - VBN
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S121-S121, 2022.

English Article General Endoscopic Treatment of COPD, including TLD
Dirk-Jan Slebos
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S123-S123, 2022.

English Article Endbronchial valve treatment
Karin Klooster
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S125-S125, 2022.

English Article Robotic bronchoscopy in diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary nodules - update
David Fielding
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S127-S127, 2022.

English Article Peripheral Lung Nodules : How to Improve the Diagnostic Yield of Bronchoscopy
Felix JF Herth
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S129-S129, 2022.

English Article Airway stenting : Steps and tips
Herve Dutau
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S131-S131, 2022.

English Article Past Present and Future of Bronchoscopy : Connecting the Dots……
Atul C.Mehta
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S133-S133, 2022.

English Article Advances in Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
Rex Yung
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S135-S135, 2022.

English Article Transbronchial RF Ablation of peripheral lung cancer
Shiyue Li
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S137-S137, 2022.

English Article EBUS-TBNA and EUS-B-FNA Procedure : Steps and Tips
Hwangbo Bin
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S139-S139, 2022.

Japanese Article It will be ... with significance of cash registers Tolly in the digestive organ endoscope domain and Ayumi of real - whole country integration endoscope administrative data base JED project five years in future
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S143-S143, 2022.

Japanese Article How to get bronchoscopic views for the surgical treatment that we want to share with a physician
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S145-S145, 2022.

Japanese Article Views and diagnosis of the local anesthesia lower pneumoscope
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S147-S147, 2022.

Japanese Article Wanting a specialist in respiratory endoscope to know it from position of the pathology diagnostician
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S149-S149, 2022.

Japanese Article Endoscopic operation of the respiratory domain of the near future
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S151-S151, 2022.

Japanese Article In front of art transbronchial pulmonary mapping (VAL-MAP)
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S153-S153, 2022.

Japanese Article It is challenge! in device "Flexible of intractable empyema, pneumothorax treatment "
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S155-S155, 2022.

Japanese Article Cone-beam CT guide lower bronchoscope
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S157-S157, 2022.

Japanese Article The basics, the present, the future of the hemoptysis treatment developed country Japan - bronchial arteries embolization
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S159-S159, 2022.

Japanese Article Problems in the respiratory endoscope
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S162-S162, 2022.

Japanese Article PP-1. Invention of the bronchoscopic young person education method
今泉和良, 岡村拓哉, 後藤康洋, 磯谷澄都, 近藤征史
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S162-S162, 2022.

Japanese Article PP-2. It is recommendation of - bronchoscope clinical studies and the overseas announcement from Japan to the world
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S162-S162, 2022.

Japanese Article PP-3. Tell foreign countries and a specialist in bronchoscope of difference in Japanese bronchoscope practice ... Japan; ..., also known as the sea bream
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S163-S163, 2022.

Japanese Article PP-4. Cooperation of the medicine and surgery in the respiratory endoscope
山本真一1,2, 中山雅之1,3, 高崎俊和1,3, 山之内義尚1,3, 川崎樹里1,3, 金井義彦1,2, 坪地宏嘉2, 遠藤俊輔2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S163-S163, 2022.

Japanese Article PP-5. Bronchoscopy open to everyone - Let's aim for a professional! -
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S163-S163, 2022.

Japanese Article From pulmonary periphery small size lesion - examination to endoscopic treatment -
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S164-S164, 2022.

Japanese Article SY1-1. Evidence and the current situation of the low dose chest CT examination
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S164-S164, 2022.

Japanese Article SY1-2. Bronchoscope navigation using the virtual bronchoscope
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S164-S164, 2022.

Japanese Article SY1-3. It is pole small-diameter bronchoscopic usefulness using VBN and the cone beam CT for a pulmonary periphery lesion of 2 cm or less
加藤智也1, 葛西佑太朗1, 田口真由香1, 武藤優耶1, 土田晃将1, 馬場康友1, 村上杏理1, 増田篤紀1, 都竹晃文1, 浅野文祐1, 佐々木優依2, 太田里奈3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S165-S165, 2022.

Japanese Article SY1-4. Examination of the transbronchial marker custody of the breathing synchronization irradiation purpose of the chest proton radiotherapy in our hospital Kim
吉原実鈴1, 山羽悠介1, 大脇壮太1, 山田一貴1, 國井英治1, 高桑修1, 秋田憲志1, 荻野浩幸2, 岩田宏満2, 羽田裕司3, 坂根理司3, 羽喰英美3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S165-S165, 2022.

Japanese Article SY1-5. To ... diagnosis and there where Navigational Bronchoscopy turns surgical treatment into
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S165-S165, 2022.

Japanese Article SY1-6. Development of the transbronchoscopic treatment for the periphery small size lung cancer
臼田実男1, 井上達哉1, 土田敬明2, 松元祐司2, 池田徳彦3, 前原幸夫3, 大崎能伸4, 佐々木高明4, 粟津邦男5, 西村隆宏5
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S165-S165, 2022.

Japanese Article New technology in the respiratory endoscope
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S166-S166, 2022.

Japanese Article SY2-1. Development of the clinical separation primary cell culture culture system using lung cancer Cryo biopsy specimens
後藤康洋, 近藤征史, 丹羽義和, 加古寿志, 魚津桜子, 磯谷澄都, 今泉和良
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S166-S166, 2022.

Japanese Article SY2-2. Examination of the next-generation sequence analysis (NGS) success ratio of the fresh freeze tissue which froze up rapidly by the liquid nitrogen
奥村文彦, 酒井徹也, 桐田圭輔, 柴田祐司, 泉大樹, 宇田川響, 善家義貴, 松本慎吾, 後藤功一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S166-S166, 2022.

Japanese Article SY2-3. Usefulness of the examination for gene panel using bronchial washings
森川慶, 鶴岡一, 松澤慎, 阿座上真哉, 村岡弘海, 木下康平, 木田博隆, 石田敦子, 半田寛, 西根広樹, 井上健男, 峯下昌道
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S167-S167, 2022.

Japanese Article SY2-4. Utility of forceps biopsy (EBUS-IFB) in the modified supersonic wave bronchoscope guide lower nodule using normal diameter forceps
松元祐司1, 金野史1, 今林達哉2, 田中緑2, 内村圭吾2, 土田敬明2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S167-S167, 2022.

Japanese Article SY2-5. Diffuse lung disease diagnosis by the probe type confocal microscope probe image analysis
今泉和良, 岡村拓哉, 相馬智英, 渡邊俊和, 堀口智也, 後藤康洋
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S167-S167, 2022.

Japanese Article Tell by - trachea, bronchoplasty to learn from a guide; drum and -
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S168-S168, 2022.

Japanese Article SY3-1. Tracheal surgical - each species technique and adaptation
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S168-S168, 2022.

Japanese Article SY3-2. A bifurcation of the trachea reconstruction - Montage type anastomosis and the Miyamoto method
宮本好博, 印藤貴士, 荊尾木綿, 上田聡司, 山田徹, 今西直子, 長井信二郎, 植田充宏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S168-S168, 2022.

Japanese Article SY3-3. Continuous suture in the trachea, the bronchial anastomosis
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S169-S169, 2022.

Japanese Article SY3-4. Recent thoughts on bifurcation and bronchial formation - Responding to fatal complications -
千田雅之, 眞柄和史, 今村智美, 有賀健仁, 梅田翔太, 矢崎裕紀, 井上尚, 荒木修, 中島崇裕, 前田寿美子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S169-S169, 2022.

Japanese Article SY3-5. What we keep in mind in the bronchus, the pulmonary artery reconstruction
永安武, 土谷智史, 松本桂太郎, 宮崎拓郎, 朝重耕一, 土肥良一郎, 町野隆介, 溝口聡
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S169-S169, 2022.

Japanese Article SY3-6. What we want to convey by the trachea, bronchoplasty
中西良一1, 奥田勝裕1, 横田圭右1, 立松勉1, 小田梨紗1, 中村龍二1, 松井琢哉1, 千馬謙亮1, 川野理2, 羽田裕司3, 森山悟4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S169-S169, 2022.

Japanese Article Endoscopic treatment UP TO DATE for the benign disorder
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S170-S170, 2022.

Japanese Article SY4-1. About a method of the fistula closure of the thoracic empyema with fistula
杉浦八十生1, 橋詰壽律1, 中村守男2, 加藤祥記2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S170-S170, 2022.

Japanese Article SY4-2. Treatment with bronchoscope by the EWS
佐久川亮, 宮原秀彰, 山田光太郎, 梅野貴裕, 狩野裕久, 萱谷紘枝, 細川忍, 別所昭宏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S170-S170, 2022.

Japanese Article SY4-3. Examination of the effectiveness three years after patients with severe asthma given bronchial thermoplasty
飯倉元保, 橋本理生, 石井聡, 泉信有, 放生雅章, 杉山温人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S171-S171, 2022.

Japanese Article SY4-4. About usefulness and safety of the bronchial thermoplasty obtained from the Japanese multicenter study
武政聡浩1, 大田健2, 杉山温人3, 新実彰男4, 馬場智尚5, 峯下昌道6
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S171-S171, 2022.

Japanese Article SY4-5. Treatment with bronchoscope for the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S171-S171, 2022.

Japanese Article A leap and challenge of the Cryo biopsy
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S172-S172, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-1. 1,256 Cryo lung biopsies for the diffuse lung disease
馬場智尚1, 犬養舜1, 山田翔1, 鏑木翔太1, 長澤遼1, 山谷昴史1, 酒寄雅史1, 室橋光太1, 大利亮太1, 田畑恵里奈1, 池田慧1, 丹羽崇1, 中澤篤人1, 織田恒幸1, 奥田良1, 関根朗雅1, 北村英也1, 小松茂1, 萩原恵里1, 奥寺康司2, 武村民子3, 小倉高志1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S172-S172, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-2. Usefulness and development for the pulmonary periphery lesion of the EBUS-GS Cryo biopsy
丹羽崇1, 酒井徹也2, 田宮裕太郎2, 後藤功一2, 小倉高志1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S172-S172, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-3. Examination of safety and the bleeding risk in the Cryo biopsy using 2 scope technique for the periphery pulmonary disease
中井俊之1, 渡辺徹也1, 皆見勇人2, 宮本篤志1, 門谷英昭1, 小川晃一1, 松本吉矢1, 澤兼士1, 岡本敦子1, 佐藤佳奈子1, 井尻尚樹1, 浅井一久1, 松元祐司3, 川口知哉1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S173-S173, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-4. Single institution prospective study about the diagnosis ability of the single use Cryo probe for the periphery pulmonary disease
今林達哉1, 田中緑1, 松元祐司1,2, 川原拓也3, 内村圭吾1, 古瀬秀明1, 西松佳名子1, 土田敬明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S173-S173, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-5. Look at the pole small diameter bronchus for the small periphery pulmonary disease; feasibility study of the mirror lower Cryo biopsy
沖昌英1, 坂英雄1,2, 小暮啓人1, 丹羽英之1, 山田有里紗1, 鳥居厚志1, 北川智余恵1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S173-S173, 2022.

Japanese Article Single foramen type, feelings and the true intention of the lymph node excision in porous expression VATS, RATS
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S174-S174, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-1. Feelings and the true intention of the lymph node excision in the single foramen-style operation under thoracoscopy
江花弘基, 坂本圭, 小林亜紀
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S174-S174, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-2. About the art of blood vessel processing in the single foramen-style thoracoscopic surgery for the early lung cancer and the lymph node excision maneuver
平井恭二1, 臼田実男2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S174-S174, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-3. The lymph node excision that we made use of advantage of Multiport thoracoscopic surgery in
田中俊樹, 村上順一, 吉峯宗大, 山本直宗, 濱野公一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S175-S175, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-4. Hilum of lung mediastinum lymph node excision by porous expression VATS as the standard approach of our hospital
文敏景, 中尾将之, 松浦陽介, 一瀬淳二, 橋本浩平, 大村兼志郎, 山道尭, 玉川達, 奥村栄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S175-S175, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-5. Feelings and the true intention of the lymph node excision in the RATS lung cancer surgery
春木朋広, 中村廣繁
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S175-S175, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-6. Minute around the trachea lymph node excision and bronchial arteries preservation utilized the characteristic of the robot support surgery
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S175-S175, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-7. Lymph node excision in the robot support lower lung cancer excision
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S176-S176, 2022.

Japanese Article Endoscopic positioning and infection prophylaxis measures - in - respiratory organs infection diagnosis to learn from a case
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S178-S179, 2022.

Japanese Article We learn a discerning maneuver
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S180-S180, 2022.

Japanese Article TS-1. Usefulness - of Y stenting - pulling back method for the central respiratory tract lesion
棚橋雅幸, 鈴木恵理子, 吉井直子, 渡邊拓弥, 土田浩之, 喚田祥吾, 井口拳輔, 内山粹葉, 中村みのり
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S180-S180, 2022.

Japanese Article TS-2. Scirrhous bronchoscope lower Intervention maneuver using the cannula for the KLEINSASSER solidification
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S180-S180, 2022.

Japanese Article TS-3. About the bronchoscopic cancellation method that turned over in the bronchus
中山雅之1, 山本真一2, 飯島彰長1, 齊藤健也1, 山内浩義1, 久田修1, 間藤尚子1, 金井義彦2, 坂東政司1, 萩原弘一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S181-S181, 2022.

Japanese Article TS-4. To make use of a branch reading in endobronchial consecutive ballooning - periphery for securing of simple and easy field in the pole small diameter bronchoscope
水守康之, 竹野内政紀, 平田展也, 平岡亮太, 久米佐知枝, 平野克也, 小南亮太, 高橋清香, 大西康貴, 東野幸子, 加藤智浩, 鏡亮吾, 勝田倫子, 横井陽子, 三宅剛平, 塚本宏壮, 佐々木信, 中原保治, 河村哲治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S181-S181, 2022.

Japanese Article TS-5. It is the precision branch reading operation using the of leak section own way
三宅浩太郎, 足立雄一, 佐藤真吾, 内藤祐二朗, 菅泰彦, 白山敬之, 平田陽彦, 長友泉, 武田吉人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S181-S181, 2022.

Japanese Article TS-6. Of pinpoint biopsy in EBUS-GS, actually
栗本典昭, 河野謙人, 堀江美香, 吉原健, 河角敬太, 田中聖子, 小林美郷, 奥野峰苗, 白築陽平, 中尾美香, 天野芳宏, 中島和寿, 堀田尚誠, 濱口愛, 津端由佳里, 礒部威
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S181-S181, 2022.

Japanese Article TS-7. The secret to make Cryo biopsy be successful for periphery pulmonary disease
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S182-S182, 2022.

Japanese Article TS-8. Point of EBUS-guided Transbronchial mediastinal lymph node Forceps Biopsy (TBFB)
桐田圭輔1,2, 香川洋輔2, 酒井徹也2, 後藤功一2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S182-S182, 2022.

Japanese Article How do this case you cope? : Welcome to multidisciplinary case conference
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S184-S184, 2022.

Japanese Article CS-1. Airway narrowing
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S184-S184, 2022.

Japanese Article CS-2. EBUS-TBNA
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S184-S184, 2022.

Japanese Article IS-1. In remembrance of respiratory tract stent - "father of the respiratory intervention" Dumon teacher -
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S187-S187, 2022.

Japanese Article IS-2. The respiratory tract stenting that learned from Dumon teacher, and developed it
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S187-S187, 2022.

English Article IS-3. Tribute to Dr Jean-Francois Dumon and to his achievements
Herve Dutau
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S188-S188, 2022.

Japanese Article The examination that quantitative analysis - history of previous EBUS Elastography in mediastinum less than minor axis 1cm and hilar lymph nodes included occupational history in in the chest CT
内村圭吾1,2, 山崎啓2, 笹田真滋1,3, 赤池幸歌2, 生嶋一成2, 千葉要祐2, 立和田隆2, 川波敏則2, 矢寺和博2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S191-S191, 2022.

Japanese Article Bronchoscope cash registers Tolly
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S192-S192, 2022.

Japanese Article V1-1. An example of the one-time recurrent lung cancer which a complete mirror saw CT before operation to an index, and devised blood vessel handling of lower right lung S2 segmental resection order
山内良兼, 渡邊智博, 金本徳之, 横手芙美, 出嶋仁, 齋藤雄一, 坂尾幸則, 川村雅文
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S194-S194, 2022.

Japanese Article V1-2. After the gingival cancer technique with invention of the single foramen-style pneumoscope lower right lung S1 segmental resection for metastases to lung, actually
川村昌輝, 阿部二郎, 片平真人, 宮部真悟
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S194-S194, 2022.

Japanese Article V1-3. Invention and the art lung grasping forceps sliding method of the single foramen-type pneumoscope lower wedge resection
川村昌輝, 阿部二郎, 片平真人, 宮部真悟
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S194-S194, 2022.

Japanese Article V1-4. Invention in single foramen-type VATS for the lung cancer
松本勲, 高山哲也, 齋藤大輔, 吉田周平, 田村昌也
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S195-S195, 2022.

Japanese Article V1-5. Confirmation of ND2a-2 dissection range and the maneuver using taping in 4 holes type VATS and clippers, the energy device
坂口浩三, 田口亮, 柳原章寿, 梅咲徹也, 二反田博之, 石田博徳
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S195-S195, 2022.

Japanese Article V1-6. Invention of the lymph node excision in meeting-type RATS
一瀬淳二, 玉川達, 山道尭, 大村兼志郎, 橋本浩平, 松浦陽介, 中尾将之, 奥村栄, 文敏景
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S195-S195, 2022.

Japanese Article V2-1. Wedge-shaped sleeve excision of a lobe of lung for the primary lung cancer
原田匡彦, 山田梓, 清水麗子, 鈴木幹人, 志満敏行, 堀尾裕俊
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S196-S196, 2022.

Japanese Article V2-2. A surgical procedure of Y sleeve lobectomy and short-term results
月岡卓馬, 泉信博, 小松弘明, 井上英俊, 伊藤龍一, 西山典利
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S196-S196, 2022.

Japanese Article V2-3. One patient who was able to remove completely by pulmonary artery bronchoplasty avoiding pulmonary complete removal by checkpoint inhibitor combination chemotherapy of immunity
内山粹葉, 棚橋雅幸, 鈴木恵理子, 吉井直子, 渡邊拓弥, 土田浩之, 喚田祥吾, 井口拳輔, 中村みのり
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S196-S196, 2022.

Japanese Article V2-4. Look at the complete mirror; the CT guide lower body surface marking method before operation in the lower surgery
伊藤祥隆, 都島由紀雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S197-S197, 2022.

Japanese Article V2-5. We experience stenosis cancellation in our hospital using the Cryo probe for a central airway narrowing lesion
直海晃, 小泉達彦, 櫻井悠加里, 小橋保夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S197-S197, 2022.

Japanese Article V2-6. One case of the respiratory tract alien substance which we canceled strangulation using a bronchiectasia balloon under the soft endoscope and were able to resect
長山和弘, 藤野昇三
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S197-S197, 2022.

Japanese Article O1-1. Examination of Virtual-assisted lung mapping dual-staining (VAL-MAP DS) which used ICG together with indigocarmine
長野匡晃, 佐藤雅昭, 柳谷昌弘, 阿瀬孝治, 天野瑶子, 中尾啓太, 此枝千尋, 北野健太郎, 中島淳
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S200-S200, 2022.

Japanese Article O1-2. Results of Virtual-assisted lung mapping in our hospital
柳谷昌弘1, 古畑善章1, 和田亜美1, 中尾啓太2, 粟野暢康3, 出雲雄大3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S200-S200, 2022.

Japanese Article O1-3. Examination of the VAL-MAP100 case for the pulmonary small lesion
深井隆太1, 西田智喜1, 山口修央1, 福井朋也2, 日比野真3, 堀内滋人3, 杉本栄康4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S200-S200, 2022.

Japanese Article O1-4. Thoracoscopic pneumonectomy using the short distance communication microchip localization identification technique for the localized pulmonary nodule impossible of identification
鈴木潤, 大泉弘幸, 渡辺光, 高森聡, 佐藤開仁
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S201-S201, 2022.

Japanese Article O1-5. Examination of the pulmonary excision to be caused under the 3-port pneumoscope which did movable CT combination during the operation for the periphery small size lesion which is hard to be palpated
菊永晋一郎, 藤森賢, 鈴木聡一郎, 四元拓真, 大塚礼央, 濱田洋輔, 三原秀誠
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S201-S201, 2022.

Japanese Article O2-1. Analysis of mediastinoscope complications
福井哲矢, 島津夢太, 宮田亮, 石川浩之, 石川将史
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S202-S202, 2022.

Japanese Article O2-2. Examination of the mediastinoscopy case undergone for a malignant diagnosis purpose
桐林孝治1, 西牟田浩伸2, 萩原令彦1, 新妻徹3, 伊藤一樹1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S202-S202, 2022.

Japanese Article O2-3. Examination of localized pulmonary amyloidosis that we diagnosed by thoracoscopic pneumonectomy
鈴木幹人, 堀尾裕俊, 山田梓, 清水麗子, 志満敏行, 原田匡彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S202-S202, 2022.

Japanese Article O2-4. Examination of the idiopathic unclassifiable type interstitial pneumonia diagnosed in MDD of our hospital
小野紘貴1, 杉野圭史1, 齊藤美加子4, 安藤真弘1, 五十嵐誠治2, 原口秀司3, 黒崎敦子5, 蛇澤晶6, 坪井永保1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S203-S203, 2022.

Japanese Article O2-5. A treatment result and complications of the larynx trachea separation technique for the seriously disabled child
鈴木恵理子, 吉井直子, 渡邊拓弥, 土田浩之, 喚田祥吾, 井口拳輔, 内山粹葉, 中村みのり, 棚橋雅幸
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S203-S203, 2022.

Japanese Article O2-6. It is examined anastomotic region complications after the bronchoplasty
川口庸1, 渡邊敦子1, 益本貴人1, 白鳥琢也1, 林一喜1, 岡本圭伍1, 賀来良輔1, 上田桂子1, 大塩恭彦1, 花岡淳1, 仲川宏昭2, 山口将史2, 中野恭幸2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S203-S203, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-1. We reconsider quick cytodiagnosis (ROSE) for the periphery lesion
鶴岡一1, 森川慶1, 大川千絵2, 島田直樹2, 西山和宏1, 田中智士1, 篠崎勇輔1, 木下康平1, 峯下昌道1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S204-S204, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-2. Usefulness of the quick cytodiagnosis at the transbronchial lung biopsy for the lung field periphery lesion
垣花昌俊1, 牧野洋二郎1, 重福俊祐1, 松林純2, 工藤勇人1, 前原幸夫1, 嶋田善久1, 萩原優1, 大平達夫1, 池田徳彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S204-S204, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-3. Examination of the case that the cell block making using forceps, brush washings in the bronchoscopy was useful
栗山満美子, 中尾心人, 木下亮輔, 林俊太朗, 杉原雅大, 荒川総介, 平田雄也, 村松秀樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S204-S204, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-4. Intra-tumor and inter-tumor heterogeneity of PD-L1 expression in non-small cell lung cancer
齋藤雄一1,2, 脇本信2, 出嶋仁1, 諸岡宏明2, 揖斐孝之2, 山内良兼1, 高橋伸政2, 清水禎彦3, 池谷朋彦2, 坂尾幸則1, 川村雅文1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S205-S205, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-5. Examination of the PD-L1 simultaneous measurement due to 22C3 antibody and the SP142 antibody using the biopsy specimens of the transbronchus
森下実咲1, 徳田麻佑子1, 二木麻衣子1,2, 南俊行1,2, 大搗泰一郎1,2, 三上浩司1,2, 柴田英輔1,2, 堀尾大介1,2, 祢木芳樹1,2, 多田陽郎1, 清田穣太朗1, 高橋良1,2, 横井崇1,2, 栗林康造1,2, 木島貴志1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S205-S205, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-6. The effect that results of the TTF-1 immunohistochemistry staining in the bronchoscope specimen give for treatment preferences
狩野裕久, 梅野貴裕, 萱谷紘枝, 細川忍, 佐久川亮, 別所昭宏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S205-S205, 2022.

Japanese Article O3-7. Examination about the open bronchial biopsy using the large-diameter biopsy forceps
田中智, 鬼頭里以子, 小牟田清英, 谷崎智史, 金井友宏, 内田純二, 上野清伸
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S205-S205, 2022.

Japanese Article O4-1. Clinical examination of the diffuse pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage case in our hospital
和田静香, 田地広明, 花澤碧, 清水圭, 山本祐介
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S206-S206, 2022.

Japanese Article O4-2. Usefulness of stratifin in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid as a biomarker in acute exacerbation of interstitial pneumonia
佐久間典子, 安部光洋, 鹿野幸平, 川崎剛, 鈴木拓児, 巽浩一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S206-S206, 2022.

Japanese Article O4-3. Analysis of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in patients with drug-related pneumonia with the immune checkpoint inhibitor
瓜生拓夢, 田原正浩, 山崎啓, 矢寺和博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S206-S206, 2022.

Japanese Article O4-4. Examination of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) given a bronchoscope
鈴木博貴, 小笠原智彦, 若山尚士, 村田直彦, 松田浩子, 岡田暁人, 平松佑斗, 西山和宏, 山川英夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S207-S207, 2022.

Japanese Article O4-5. Bronchoscopic usefulness in the diagnosis of the allergic bronchial pulmonary mycosis
佐野安希子, 御勢久也, 國田裕貴, 白波瀬賢, 西山理, 佐野博幸, 松本久子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S207-S207, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-1. Examination of the bronchoscopic significance to take effect in a diagnosis purpose of the pulmonary tuberculosis
重康善子, 堀口智也, 岡村拓哉, 後藤康洋, 魚津桜子, 磯谷澄都, 近藤征史, 今泉和良
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S208-S208, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-2. Bronchoscopic role in the diagnosis of tuberculosis
山谷いずみ, 小宮幸作, 首藤久之, 松本紘幸, 山中茉莉夢, 横山敦, 竹野祐紀子, 山末まり, 平松和史, 門田淳一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S208-S208, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-3. Bronchoscopic significance in the sputum culture-negative nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease diagnosis
前田侑里, 高橋秀昂, 相馬智英, 岡村拓哉, 後藤康洋, 今泉和良
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S208-S208, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-4. Examination of the usefulness of the exhaustive infection examination including Film Array respiratory organs panel 2.1 using the BAL specimen for the immunodepression patients
中村友昭, 今井亮介, 北村淳史, 塚田晃成, 盧昌聖, 岡藤浩平, 冨島裕, 仁多寅彦, 西村直樹, 田村友秀
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S209-S209, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-5. We see the rear of the case that suspects a respiratory infection for compromised host in our hospital, and was given bronchoscopy and analyze a mark
中川夏樹, 川上正敬, 安藤孝浩, 細木敬祐, 平石尚久, 三上優, 長瀬隆英
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S209-S209, 2022.

Japanese Article O5-6. Examination about ventilator-associated pneumonia of patients with severe COVID-19 infection
松田周一1, 高森幹雄1, 塚田梓1, 山本美暁1, 小林健1, 村田研吾1, 和田曉彦1, 呼吸ケアサポートチーム2, 清水敬樹3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S209-S209, 2022.

Japanese Article O6-1. Report of the hemoptysis guidelines working group setup
丹羽崇, 石川秀雄, 佐々木結花, 中島崇裕, 岡本洋史, 小野澤志郎, 長谷部光泉
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S210-S210, 2022.

Japanese Article O6-2. Examination of the bronchoscopic usefulness in the bleeding source identification of the hemoptysis
服部繁明, 端山直樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S210-S210, 2022.

Japanese Article O6-3. Bronchial aneurysms: Long term prognosis after epidemiology, clinical features, the bronchial arteries embolization
大町直樹, 西原昂, 山口悠, 石川秀雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S210-S210, 2022.

Japanese Article O6-4. Bronchial arteries embolization: Effect to give effect, safety, quality of life
大町直樹, 西原昂, 山口悠, 石川秀雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S211-S211, 2022.

Japanese Article O6-5. Inspection (interim report) of the recanalization of blood vessel event inhibitory effect of the hydrogel coil in the bronchial arteries coil embolization of patients with hemoptysis
石川秀雄, 山口悠, 西原昂, 大町直樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S211-S211, 2022.

Japanese Article O6-6. One case that the coil which we deviated from outside blood vessel from all over the feces with hemoptysis was confirmed
鈴木学, 徐クララ, 岩城善伸, 潮安祐美, 鈴木雄大, 堀川有理子, 草場勇作, 勝野貴史, 石田あかね, 辻本佳恵, 橋本理生, 石井聡, 仲剛, 飯倉元保, 泉信有, 竹田雄一郎, 放生雅章, 杉山温人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S211-S211, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-1. Examination of the factor involved in a diagnosis rate of EBUS-GS for the lung field type lung cancer
村本啓, 後藤由比古, 石丸裕子, 石塚志穂, 城臺安見子, 赤池公孝, 岡林比呂子, 佐伯祥, 吉田知栄子, 岡本真一郎, 一安秀範, 坂上拓郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S212-S212, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-2. Examination of the bronchoscopy diagnosis contributing factor for pulmonary periphery lesions 2cm or more
馬場康友1, 葛西佑太朗1, 武藤優耶1, 土田晃将1, 村上杏理1, 増田篤紀1, 都竹晃文1, 浅野文祐1, 田口真由香1, 加藤智也1, 佐々木優依2, 太田里奈3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S212-S212, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-3. Construction of the bronchoscopic diagnosis rate predictive model using R-EBUS for the periphery pulmonary disease
伊藤貴康2, 松元祐司1,3, 岡地祥太郎2, 田中緑1, 今林達哉1, 土田敬明1, 橋本直純2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S212-S212, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-4. Usefulness of the R-EBUS combination bronchoscope for the metastatic lung tumor
辻本佳恵1, 松元祐司2,3, 田中緑2, 今林達哉2, 内村圭吾2, 土田敬明2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S213-S213, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-5. 20 examination that were given GS-TBNA using PeriViewFLEX
小島章歳1,2, 川野悠一郎1, 高橋智之1, 西村博明1, 桑原由樹1, 小林由美子1, 菊池聡1, 平田優介1, 教山絋之1, 坂井浩佑1, 森山岳1, 小山信之1, 植松和嗣1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S213-S213, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-6. Examination of the usefulness of the transbronchial aspiration biopsy for the periphery lung field lesion of primary lung cancer and the metastatic lung cancer
新屋智之1, 北俊之1, 岩崎一彦1, 酒井珠美1, 田中雄亮2, 太田安彦2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S213-S213, 2022.

Japanese Article O7-7. Introduction of the Cone-beamCT combination EBUS-UT method for the periphery pulmonary disease
河北直也, 滝沢宏光, 宮本直輝, 坂本晋一, 高嶋美佳, 鳥羽博明, 川上行奎, 吉田光輝, 近藤和也
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S213-S213, 2022.

Japanese Article O8-1. Education and practice of EBUS-TBNA
坂入祐一, 佐藤祐太朗, 祖父江晃向, 中山浩介, 由佐城太郎, 山中崇寛, 太枝帆高, 西井開, 松本寛樹, 伊藤祐輝, 海寳大輔, 畑敦, 田中教久, 芳野充, 鈴木秀海, 吉野一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S214-S214, 2022.

Japanese Article O8-2. Examination for the fever after the EBUS-TBNA enforcement
藤原大樹, 植松靖文, 森本淳一, 柴光年, 飯田智彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S214-S214, 2022.

Japanese Article O8-3. Examination of the AI video diagnosis in the convex screening supersonic wave bronchoscope image
伊藤祐輝1, 中島崇裕2, 佐藤祐太朗1, 祖父江晃向1, 中山浩介1, 山中崇寛1, 由佐城太郎1, 西井開1, 太枝帆高1, 松本寛樹1, 海寳大輔1, 畑敦1, 田中教久1, 坂入祐一1, 芳野充1, 鈴木秀海1, 吉野一郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S214-S214, 2022.

Japanese Article O8-4. Inspection about the failure factor of the N factor diagnosis by EBUS-TBNA in the non-small cell lung cancer
徐クララ1,2, 松元祐司1,2, 今林達哉1, 内村圭吾1, 土田敬明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S215-S215, 2022.

Japanese Article O8-5. Importance of the core tissue in the success of yew mine Dx Target Test using the EBUS-TBNA specimen
内村圭吾1, 柳瀬恒明1,2, 今林達哉1, 竹安優貴1,3, 古瀬秀明1, 田中緑1, 松元祐司1,3, 笹田真滋1, 土田敬明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S215-S215, 2022.

Japanese Article O9-1. We look at the rear about the quantity of specimen of Suction technique and Slow-pull capillary technique of EBUS-TBNA in our hospital and examine a mark
坂口直, 江角征哉, 江角真輝, 古橋一樹, 中村祐基, 鈴木勇太, 伊藤健太郎, 藤原研太郎, 西井洋一, 田口修, 畑地治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S216-S216, 2022.

Japanese Article O9-2. Examination of the usefulness every device in EBUS-TBNA which took effect in our hospital
福島高志, 三浦大, 田中佑典, 森本武史, 長谷川幸裕
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S216-S216, 2022.

Japanese Article O9-3. Examination about the additional effect of EBUS-IFB by CoreDX mini-forceps in EBUS-TBNA
高森幹雄, 山本美暁, 塚田梓, 松田周一, 小林健, 村田研吾, 和田曉彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S216-S216, 2022.

Japanese Article O9-4. Examination of the usefulness of EBUS-miniforceps biopsy (MFB) in the lung cancer practice
酒井徹也, 香川洋輔, 北川真吾, 桐田圭輔, 柴田祐司, 泉大樹, 善家義貴, 宇田川響, 松本慎吾, 後藤功一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S217-S217, 2022.

Japanese Article O9-5. Examination about the usefulness of EUS-B-FNA for the neoplastic lesion inside and outside the lungs
角俊行, 長久裕太, 松浦啓吾, 関川元基, 渡辺裕樹, 山田裕一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S217-S217, 2022.

Japanese Article O10-1. Comparison between bronchoscopy and usefulness of the CT guide lower lung biopsy in the lung cancer cytodiagnosis
安藤孝浩, 鹿毛秀宣, 細木敬祐, 平石尚久, 三上優, 長瀬隆英
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S218-S218, 2022.

Japanese Article O10-2. Convex EBUS is useful for a diagnosis of the trachea, the bronchus permeation of the local progress cancer of the esophagus
鳥羽博明1, 西野豪志2, 河北直也1, 坂本晋一1, 宮本直輝1, 高嶋美佳1, 川上行奎1, 近藤和也3, 滝沢宏光1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S218-S218, 2022.

Japanese Article O10-3. Clinical examination of the malignant lymphoma having an endobronchial lesion in our hospital
馬場智也, 森康孝, 大槻遼, 安井裕智, 福井保太, 大舘満, 真下周子, 牧野靖
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S218-S218, 2022.

Japanese Article O10-4. Examination of 105 respiratory endoscopy for the case after with blood disorder and the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
四方田真紀子, 佐藤太郎, 三宅絵里佳, 橋本佳奈, 川合祥子, 箱崎泰貴, 渡邊景明, 成田宏介, 細見幸生
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S219-S219, 2022.

Japanese Article O11-1. Examination about in front of art algetic after the lung cancer technique for a chronic phase, the perioperative predictor
市村秀夫1,2, 小林敬祐2, 鈴木久史2, 河村知幸1,2, 柳原隆宏1,2, 小林尚寛1, 菊池慎二1, 後藤行延1, 佐藤幸夫1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S220-S220, 2022.

Japanese Article O11-2. Can NLR and PNI become the prognostic factor in the non-small cell lung cancer surgery case?
本野望, 石川真仁, 岩井俊, 山形愛可, 飯島慶仁, 浦本秀隆
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S220-S220, 2022.

Japanese Article O11-3. Examination about the axis deviation of the residual bronchus after the right superior lobe excision
上村豪, 上田和弘, 武田亜矢, 前田光喜, 青木雅也, 狩集弘太, 佐藤雅美
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S220-S220, 2022.

Japanese Article O11-4. Segmental resection and Bronchial Tortuosity analysis in left upper lobe lung cancer pStage0-IA2
岡本圭伍, 白鳥琢也, 上田桂子, 賀来良輔, 川口庸, 大塩恭彦, 花岡淳
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S221-S221, 2022.

Japanese Article O11-5. Examination of a leak, the therapy for the leak to be going a late start-related to be going prolonged after the lung cancer technique
喚田祥吾, 棚橋雅幸, 鈴木恵理子, 吉井直子, 渡邊拓弥, 土田浩之, 井口拳輔, 内山粹葉, 中村みのり
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S221-S221, 2022.

Japanese Article O11-6. Examination of the length of stay by the empyema surgery intervention time
平井慶充, 井口豪人, 房本安矢, 矢田由美, 大橋拓矢, 西村好晴
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S221-S221, 2022.

Japanese Article O12-1. Invention of the upper pulmonary vein processing in the single foramen-style pneumoscope lower left upper lobe of lung excision
後藤英典, 中西浩三, 市来嘉伸, 金咲芳郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S222-S222, 2022.

Japanese Article O12-2. Single foramen-type right middle lobe resection - dorsum approach and ventral aspect approach ...
樽川智人1, 江角真輝2, 江角征哉2, 古橋一樹2, 中村祐基2, 鈴木勇太2, 坂口直2, 伊藤健太郎2, 藤原研太郎2, 西井洋一2, 田口修2, 畑地治2, 高尾仁二3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S222-S222, 2022.

Japanese Article O12-3. Usefulness of the ring gauze in the dorsum processing in single foramen-type VATS
森毅, 山田紘之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S222-S222, 2022.

Japanese Article O12-4. Invention of the lymph node excision in the single foramen-style pulmonary surgery
大塩恭彦1, 渡邊敦子1, 白鳥琢也1, 林一喜1, 上田桂子1, 岡本圭伍1, 賀来良輔1, 川口庸1, 大塩麻友美2, 仲川宏昭3, 山口将史3, 中野恭幸3, 花岡淳1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S223-S223, 2022.

Japanese Article O12-5. Perioperative results of the single foramen-type pneumoscope lower pulmonary segmentectomy
坂本圭, 米谷文雄, 堀之内宏久
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S223-S223, 2022.

Japanese Article O13-1. Results and invention after the introduction of the Uniport VATS lobectomy
宮原尚文, 平塚昌文
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S224-S224, 2022.

Japanese Article O13-2. We look at the rear of the pulmonary segmental resection for the primary lung cancer in our hospital and examine a mark
西田智喜, 山口修央, 深井隆太
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S224-S224, 2022.

Japanese Article O13-3. Evaluation of perioperative results using the anatomical limited resection tendency score matching including the subregion excision for the non-small cell lung cancer
松井琢哉1,2, 高橋祐介2, 奥田勝裕1, 黒田浩章2, 中西良一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S224-S224, 2022.

Japanese Article O13-4. A comparison of the quantity residual after the operation of the fat which coated a bronchial stump: A caulescent valve and free piece
大谷真一, 根岸秀樹, 小森健二朗, 堀切映江, 水越奈津樹, 坪地宏嘉, 遠藤俊輔
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S225-S225, 2022.

Japanese Article O13-5. Use experience of the new forceps which a grasp makes pulmonary artery directly safely
堀内翔, 河野匡, 油原信二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S225-S225, 2022.

Japanese Article O13-6. Invention of the thoracoscopic pericardiostomy for the pericardial effusion
西川仁士, 武田洋正
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S225-S225, 2022.

Japanese Article O14-1. Is the pulse washing useful in surgery of the acute empyema?
岩井俊, 石川真仁, 山形愛可, 飯島慶仁, 本野望, 浦本秀隆
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S226-S226, 2022.

Japanese Article O14-2. Results of the thoracoscopic surgery for elderly people spontaneous pneumothorax 80 years or older
渡辺健寛, 廣野達彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S226-S226, 2022.

Japanese Article O14-3. Examination of the predictor recurrent after the operation in the thoracoscopic pneumothorax surgery
中橋健太, 捧貴幸, 遠藤誠, 塩野知志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S226-S226, 2022.

Japanese Article O14-4. The current situation of the operation under thoracoscopy for the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
濱武大輔1, 若原純一1, 諸鹿俊彦1, 中島裕康1, 岡林寛1, 佐藤寿彦2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S227-S227, 2022.

Japanese Article O14-5. Comparison - of appendage xyphoideus lower approach - single foramen type vs. RATS for anterior mediastinum tumor
雪上晴弘, 細川真, 山田健
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S227-S227, 2022.

Japanese Article O15-1. Examination of the usefulness of the bronchoscope episode rotary function using the cadaver model
品川尚文1,2, 高島雄太1, 嘉島相裕1, 森永大亮1, 伊藤祥太郎1, 佐藤峰嘉1, 辻康介1, 高橋宏典1, 庄司哲明1, 古田恵1, 七戸俊明3, 今野哲1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S228-S228, 2022.

Japanese Article O15-2. Construction of the quick cytodiagnosis (ROSE) support system at the bronchoscope lower biopsy using the wearable display
岡地祥太郎, 伊藤貴康, 松澤令子, 佐藤和秀, 阪本考司, 森瀬昌宏, 若原恵子, 橋本直純
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S228-S228, 2022.

Japanese Article O15-3. AI diagnosis of the quick cytodiagnosis (ROSE) specimen in the respiratory endoscope
高橋真理1, 桐田圭輔2,3, 香川洋輔2, 後藤功一2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S228-S228, 2022.

Japanese Article O15-4. Efforts to practical use of the next-generation sequencing with the lung cancer compact panel using the cytodiagnosis specimen
南大輔1,2,3, 瀧川奈義夫2, 河原辰由樹2, 長崎泰有2, 越智宣昭2, 山根弘路2, 長野昭近3, 亀井裕子3, 中島康博3, 宮原信明3, 金廣有彦3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S229-S229, 2022.

Japanese Article O15-5. Simulation before operation by the bronchial 3D print model using the thermoplastic elastomer
羽藤泰, 鹿島田寛明, 山口雅利, 杉山亜斗, 井上慶明, 青木耕平, 福田祐樹, 儀賀理暁, 河野光智, 中山光男
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S229-S229, 2022.

Japanese Article O15-6. New therapy for the bronchial stump fistula using the cell structure body which we made with 3D bio printer
松本理宗, 松本桂太郎, 森山正章, 溝口聡, 谷口大輔, 町野隆介, 渡邉洋之助, 土肥良一郎, 朝重耕一, 宮崎拓郎, 土谷智史, 永安武
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S229-S229, 2022.

Japanese Article O16-1. Examination of the respiratory tract stenting case for the malignant tumor
坂根理司1, 日置啓介1, 羽喰英美1, 大脇壮太2, 山田一貴2, 吉原実鈴2, 山羽悠介2, 國井英治2, 高桑修2, 秋田憲志2, 羽田裕司1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S230-S230, 2022.

Japanese Article O16-2. Examination of the respiratory tract stenting case in our hospital
矢野海斗, 菱田智之, 井本智博, 西田梨紗, 岡直幸, 前田智早, 鈴木嵩弘, 大久保祐, 政井恭兵, 加勢田馨, 朝倉啓介
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S230-S230, 2022.

Japanese Article O16-3. Examination of the respiratory tract stenting case for the malignant airway narrowing
高嶋美佳, 鳥羽博明, 坂本晋一, 宮本直輝, 河北直也, 川上行奎, 近藤和也, 滝沢宏光
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S230-S230, 2022.

Japanese Article O16-4. Examination of five malignant airway narrowing that had ECMO introduction lower stenting
中島康裕1,2, 馬場峻一1, 瀬戸克年1, 分島良1, 石橋洋則1, 大久保憲一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S231-S231, 2022.

Japanese Article O16-5. Examination of the ECMO lower airway stenting in our hospital
新納英樹, 藤井みのり, 高橋智彦, 北村直也, 川向純, 宮澤秀樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S231-S231, 2022.

Japanese Article O16-6. Examination of the prognostic factor in the primary lung cancer Y stent custody case
水口真二郎, 高濱誠, 中嶋隆, 丁奎光, 井口貴文, 谷村卓哉, 簡野泰成, 東山智彦, 古川彩帆, 山本悟, 山本良二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S231-S231, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-1. Examination of the case that needed scirrhous bronchoscope re-treatment in a short term
篠原由佳1, 石井友里加1, 鳥居厚志1, 山田有里紗1, 丹羽英之1, 小暮啓人1, 北川智余恵1, 坂英雄1,2, 沖昌英1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S232-S232, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-2. Treatment strategy in the stenting of the upper trachea
新納英樹, 藤井みのり, 高橋智彦, 北村直也, 川向純, 宮澤秀樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S232-S232, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-3. A silicon stent insertion maneuver for the complicated airway narrowing and the invention
松本桂太郎1,2, 土谷智史1, 宮崎拓郎1, 朝重耕一1,2, 土肥良一郎1, 町野隆介1,2, 溝口聡1,2, 永安武1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S232-S232, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-4. Examination of the respiratory tract stent withdrawal case
東陽子, 坂井貴志, 肥塚智, 大塚創, 伊豫田明
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S233-S233, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-5. The respiratory tract intervention for the treatment unresectable progression non-small cell lung cancer that we fixed our eyes on the respiratory tract stent withdrawal after succeeding
中嶋隆, 古川彩帆, 山本悟, 谷村卓哉, 井口貴文, 東山智彦, 丁奎光, 水口真二郎, 高濱誠, 山本良二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S233-S233, 2022.

Japanese Article O17-6. Invention by the trachea stenting to the tracheoesophageal fistula which resulted from the trachea perforation by the stent after the esophagus stenting
山本悟, 高濱誠, 中嶋隆, 水口真二郎, 丁奎光, 井口貴文, 東山智彦, 古川彩帆, 山本良二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S233-S233, 2022.

Japanese Article O18-1. We think about use experience - effect-like direction for uses of the aerosol catheter
山本真一1, 大須賀史枝1, 加藤梓1, 須藤圭吾2, 水越奈津樹2, 堀切映江2, 大関雅樹2, 明畠良太1, 小森健二朗2, 小林哲也1, 滝雄史1, 根岸秀樹2, 峯岸健太郎1, 光田清佳1, 金井義彦1, 大谷真一2, 坪地宏嘉1, 遠藤俊輔1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S234-S234, 2022.

Japanese Article O18-2. Examination of the midazolam consumption at bronchoscopy for elderly people
金澤史朗, 桂田直子, 立原素子, 梁川禎孝, 村上翔子, 吉村遼佑, 矢谷敦彦, 山田潤, 佐藤宏紀, 三村千尋, 福田貴与子, 湯村真沙子, 吉崎飛鳥, 羽間大祐, 山本正嗣, 小林和幸
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S234-S234, 2022.

Japanese Article O18-3. We look at the rear about the collect rate of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid by the sedative use or nonuse by the bronchoalveolar lavage in our hospital and examine a mark
合田志穂1, 辻泰佑1, 立花佑介1, 塩津伸介2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S234-S234, 2022.

Japanese Article O18-4. Usefulness of the abatement of dexmedetomidine method in the rays dynamic treatment for the lung cancer
井上達哉, 鈴木健人, 富岡勇宇也, 町田雄一郎, 榎本豊, 臼田実男
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S235-S235, 2022.

Japanese Article O18-5. Examination of the bronchoscope lower foreign body removal case of children in our hospital
鈴木浩介, 北見明彦, 岡田桃華, 高宮新之介, 大橋慎一, 田中洋子, 植松秀護, 門倉光隆
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S235-S235, 2022.

Japanese Article O19-1. Visualization of droplet infection measures at bronchoscopy using the vacuum out of the body
都竹晃文1, 太田里奈3, 佐々木優依2, 葛西佑太朗1, 田口真由香1, 武藤優耶1, 土田晃将1, 馬場康友1, 加藤智也1, 村上杏理1, 増田篤紀1, 浅野文祐1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S236-S236, 2022.

Japanese Article O19-2. Examination about the fever after pharynx anesthesia and the bronchoscopy using the Jackson type spray
伊元孝光, 北島尚昌, 丸毛聡
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S236-S236, 2022.

Japanese Article O19-3. Self-assessment and needs investigation by the questionnaire about the bronchoscopic maneuver acquisition for respiratory physicians
鹿野幸平, 笠井大, 内藤亮, 安部光洋, 川崎剛, 伊狩潤, 鈴木拓児
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S236-S236, 2022.

Japanese Article O19-4. Inspection of the factor influencing core sampling by EBUS-TBNA
松元祐司1,2, 中井俊之2, 渡辺徹也2, 細木敬祐2, 平石尚久2, 小田未来2, 小林史2, 五十嵐朗2, 岡地祥太郎2, 橋本直純2, 高島雄太2, 品川尚文2, 都竹晃文2, 浅野文祐2, 岡本紀雄2, 山本寛2, 清水哲男2, 今林達哉2, 三上優2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S237-S237, 2022.

Japanese Article O19-5. Effect of the mesenchyma system stem cell administration derived from the fat in the trachea transplant model de-cells
土谷智史1, 佐原寿史2, 渡邊洋之助1, 岩永健裕2, 市成ゆりか2, 溝口聡1, 田上幸憲1, 高村佑馬1, 松本桂太郎1, 宮崎拓郎1, 土肥良一郎1, 朝重耕一1, 永安武1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S237-S237, 2022.

Japanese Article O20-1. One patient whom pneumothorax by the new mark cell developed in after COVID-19 treatment
真栄城兼誉, 松野和彦, 佐渡山伸子, 知花なおみ
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S238-S238, 2022.

Japanese Article O20-2. Active Pulmonary Interstitial Fibrosis six months after the COVID-19 onset that we diagnosed in Cryo biopsy
武藤豊1,2, 久金翔3, 小倉高志1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S238-S238, 2022.

Japanese Article O20-3. One patient who used Narrow Band Imaging together for thoracic cavity top schwannoma, and underwent subcapsular excision under the pneumoscope
小林萌, 住友亮太, 熊谷陽介, 平山安見子, 長博之, 黄政龍
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S238-S238, 2022.

Japanese Article O20-4. 1 excision case of the peripheral type pulmonary artery aneurysm which was able to evaluate the lump in EBUS before operation
伊藤龍一, 月岡卓馬, 泉信博, 小松弘明, 井上英俊, 岸本和也, 西山典利
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S239-S239, 2022.

Japanese Article O20-5. An example with suspected Excessive dynamic airway collapse (EDAC) treated as intractable asthma
原丈介1, 古林崇史1, 大倉徳幸1, 丹保裕一1, 渡辺知志1, 武田仁浩1, 寺田七朗1, 加瀬一政1, 阿保未来1, 木村英晴1, 笠原寿郎1, 矢野聖二1, 松本勲2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S239-S239, 2022.

Japanese Article O20-6. One patient who underwent Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot (EWS) plombage for the thin bronchial fistula which occurred after the brain death both lungs transplant
松本和久, 山田義人, 豊洋次郎, 栢分秀直, 田中里奈, 中島大輔, 大角明宏, 伊達洋至
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S239-S239, 2022.

Japanese Article O21-1. Examination of postoperative complications of the bronchial thermoforming technique
磯谷澄都, 井上敬浩, 丹羽義和, 岡村拓哉, 後藤康洋, 近藤征史, 今泉和良
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S242-S242, 2022.

Japanese Article O21-2. Elucidation of the mechanism of action of the bronchial thermoplasty for the severe asthma
田下浩之1, 大島信治2, 南大輔3, 飯倉元保4, 大田進5, 出浦弦6, 三木啓資7, 玉置伸二8, 大田健1,9
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S242-S242, 2022.

Japanese Article O21-3. The effectiveness of Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot for intractable pneumothorax complicated with a cancer
安達剛弘1, 松元祐司1, 古瀬秀明1, 内村圭吾1, 今林達哉1, 吉田幸弘2, 中川加寿夫2, 渡辺俊一2, 土田敬明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S242-S242, 2022.

Japanese Article O21-4. Significance of scirrhous forceps in the pleural biopsy with the local anesthesia lower pneumoscope
塩田哲広1, 今岡航1, 橋本健太郎2, 糸谷涼2, 辻貴宏3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S243-S243, 2022.

Japanese Article O21-5. Usefulness of the Cryo biopsy in the local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy and safe examination
石田あかね, 石井聡, 勝野貴史, 橋本理生, 鈴木学, 仲剛, 飯倉元保, 泉信有, 放生雅章, 杉山温人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S243-S243, 2022.

Japanese Article O21-6. About experience of the local anesthesia lower thoracoscopic pleural biopsy using the Cryo probe in our hospital
山田豊, 鏑木孝之, 松倉しほり, 大久保初美, 田村智宏, 吉川弥須子, 山口昭三郎, 橋本幾太, 鈴木久史, 清嶋護之, 雨宮隆太, 飯嶋達生, 斉藤仁昭
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S243-S243, 2022.

Japanese Article O22-1. Examination of the tumor content in the tissue specimen in the Cryo biopsy for the lung cancer
藤原大士, 清水哲男, 中山龍太, 日鼻涼, 宮本一平, 中本匡治, 野本正幸, 西澤司, 林健太郎, 中川喜子, 淺井康夫, 辻野一郎, 權寧博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S244-S244, 2022.

Japanese Article O22-2. Usefulness of the Cryo biopsy for the periphery lungs ground glass lesion: Analysis by the tendency score matching
古瀬秀明1, 松元祐司1,2, 今林達哉1, 西松佳名子1, 内村圭吾1, 土田敬明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S244-S244, 2022.

Japanese Article O22-3. Usefulness of the Cryo biopsy in the micronipple type/improvement of lung adenocarcinoma type subtype identification stage IA for a clinical stage
鈴木幹人1,2,3, 松元祐司1,4, 今林達哉1, 手石方崇2, 土田敬明1, 谷田部恭2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S244-S244, 2022.

Japanese Article O22-4. The effectiveness, validity of the Cryo biopsy and inspection of the limit
三好嗣臣1, 臼井優介1, 清水宏繁1, 関谷宗之1, 仲村泰彦1, 卜部尚久1, 磯部和順1, 坂本晋1, 高井雄二郎1, 渋谷和俊2, 本間栄3, 岸一馬1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S245-S245, 2022.

Japanese Article O22-5. The results of the transbronchial Cryo biopsy in our hospital
牧口友紀, 佐々木悠子, 小堀由璃, 石岡佳子, 糸賀正道, 田中寿志, 當麻景章, 田坂定智
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S245-S245, 2022.

Japanese Article O22-6. It is ... about the course after usefulness, safe examination - introduction of the Cryo biopsy in the bronchoscopy of 2 years
石井聡, 橋本理生, 勝野貴史, 石田あかね, 鈴木学, 仲剛, 飯倉元保, 泉信有, 放生雅章, 杉山温人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S245-S245, 2022.

Japanese Article O23-1. Of the big diameter guide sheath combination 1 in our hospital. Examination of the 1mm disposable Cryo biopsy
西井洋一2, 江角征哉1, 江角真輝1, 古橋一樹1, 中村祐基1, 鈴木優太1, 坂口直1, 伊藤健太郎1, 藤原研太郎1, 樽川智人1, 田口修1, 畑地治1, 小林哲1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S246-S246, 2022.

Japanese Article O23-2. Examination of the usefulness of the transbronchial pulmonary Cryo biopsy in our hospital
永田祐一1, 長岡鉄太郎1, 黒田優実1, 堀田沙織1, 大熊智子1, 増田孝一1, 坂本奈穂1, 西牧孝泰1, 黒川加奈1, 宮脇太一1, 杉山藍1, 朝尾哲彦1, 金丸良太1, 三森友靖1, 光石陽一郎1, 市川昌子1, 嶋田奈緒子1, 林大久生2, 高橋和久1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S246-S246, 2022.

Japanese Article O23-3. The real condition of the Cryo biopsy in the public Sue straight hospital
笹野元, 太田翔, 阿部大輔, 森谷遼馬, 野口陽一朗, 板東知宏, 佐藤智則, 廣田周子, 萩本聡, 武井玲生仁, 山野泰彦, 横山俊樹, 松田俊明, 片岡健介, 木村智樹, 近藤康博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S246-S246, 2022.

Japanese Article O23-4. Examination about the transbronchoscope lower Cryo biopsy under the use of antifibrosis medicine
太田翔, 笹野元, 阿部大輔, 森谷遼馬, 板東知宏, 野口陽一朗, 佐藤智則, 廣田周子, 萩本聡, 武井玲生仁, 山野泰彦, 横山俊樹, 松田俊明, 片岡健介, 木村智樹, 近藤康博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S247-S247, 2022.

Japanese Article O23-5. Examination of the usefulness of the transbronchial Cryo lung biopsy for the drug-related pulmonary disorder in our hospital
比嘉克行1, 松本優1, 村田亜香里1, 佐藤陽三1, 田中徹1, 柏田建1, 田中庸介1, 斎藤好信1, 藤田和恵1, 久保田馨1, 清家正博1, 寺崎泰弘2, 弦間昭彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S247-S247, 2022.

Japanese Article O24-1. Examination of the usefulness of quick cytodiagnosis (ROSE) in the current situation and the bronchoscopy of the yew mine abnormality of the genes analysis in our hospital
毛利篤人1, 橋本康佑1, 家村秀俊1, 内藤恵里佳1, 三浦雄1, 加藤智美2, 塩野文子1, 山口央1, 今井久雄1, 小林国彦1, 解良恭一1, 安田政実2, 各務博1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S248-S248, 2022.

Japanese Article O24-2. Examination of the factor contributing to the examination for lung cancer gene panel success rate in our hospital
三澤一仁, 中道真仁, 野呂林太郎, 松本優, 宮永晃彦, 久保田馨, 清家正博, 弦間昭彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S248-S248, 2022.

Japanese Article O24-3. The analysis results of the yew mine Dx Target Test multi-CDx system in the bronchoscope specimen in our hospital
千葉真士, 才川博敬, 伊藤貴司, 長島広相, 前門戸任
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S248-S248, 2022.

Japanese Article O24-4. It is examined the successful ratio of examination for gene panel using bronchoscope lower biopsy specimens in the non-small cell lung cancer
馬場貴大, 大森洋樹, 西井和也, 田村朋季
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S249-S249, 2022.

Japanese Article O24-5. The current situation and problem of accuracy in the bronchoscopy before operation and the biomarker search
品田佳那子1, 村上修司1, 前田千尋4, 廣俊太郎4, 片倉誠悟1, 牛尾良太1, 近藤哲郎1, 加藤晃史1, 伊藤宏之2, 横瀬智之3, 齋藤春洋1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S249-S249, 2022.

Japanese Article O24-6. Examination of the examination for BRAF V600E failure case with the yew mine Dx Target Test CDx system
稲垣雅春1, 井上和成3, 中岡浩二郎1, 佐伯祐典1, 川上直樹2, 斎藤弘明2, 若井陽子2, 斎藤和人2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S249-S249, 2022.

Japanese Article O25-1. The need of the examination for biomarker in the squamous cell carcinoma of lung
廣俊太郎1,2, 村上修司1, 前田千尋1,2, 品田佳那子1, 片倉誠悟1, 牛尾良太1, 近藤哲郎1, 加藤晃史1, 金子猛3, 齋藤春洋1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S250-S250, 2022.

Japanese Article O25-2. Examination about the clinical factor associated with the tumor cells content of the EBUS-GS-TBB specimen
高島雄太1, 品川尚文1,2, 有里仁希1, 嘉島相裕1, 庄司哲明1, 古田恵1, 朝比奈肇1, 菊地英毅1, 菊地順子1, 榊原純1, 畑中佳奈子3, 松野吉宏4, 畑中豊3,5, 今野哲1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S250-S250, 2022.

Japanese Article O25-3. Examination of the examination for yew mine Dx Target Test multi-(DxTT) by the sampling of pole small diameter bronchoscope (MP290F)
矢谷敦彦, 立原素子, 桂田直子, 梁川禎孝, 村上翔子, 金澤史朗, 安井裕美, 吉村遼佑, 川口亜記, 福井崇文, 高安みずき, 山田潤, 佐藤宏紀, 三村千尋, 吉岡潤哉, 羽間大祐, 山本正嗣, 小林和幸
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S250-S250, 2022.

Japanese Article O25-4. EGFR mutation in the gene search by the PNA-LNA dual PCR using bronchial washings
中山雅之1, 藤田一喬1, 瀧上理子1, 佐多将史1, 長井良昭1, 久田修1, 間藤尚子1, 山本真一2, 坂東政司1, 萩原弘一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S251-S251, 2022.

Japanese Article O25-5. About the test result of the examination of comprehensive mutation in the gene system by the specimen for the cytodiagnosis in our hospital
長谷川幸裕1, 田中佑典1, 福島高志1, 森本武史1, 三浦大1, 萩原弘一2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S251-S251, 2022.

Japanese Article O25-6. Usefulness of the lung cancer compact panel using the cytodiagnosis specimens such as bronchoscope specimens, and the like
森川慶, 木田博隆, 半田寛, 西根広樹, 井上健男, 峯下昌道
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S251-S251, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-1. Examination of the flexible bronchoscopic usefulness of the single use
前野敏孝, 宇野翔吾, 黒岩裕也, 伊藤優志, 板井美紀, 武藤壮平, 澤田友里, 笠原礼光, 佐藤麻里, 三浦陽介, 鶴巻寛朗, 櫻井麗子, 古賀康彦, 砂長則明, 久田剛志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S252-S252, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-2. Diachronic change of the oxygenation of subjects in the bronchoscopy and the ventilation
篠崎勇輔, 森川慶, 木田博隆, 半田寛, 西根広樹, 井上健男, 峯下昌道
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S252-S252, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-3. Safety of the bronchoalveolar lavage in patients with severe respiratory failure to need artificial respiration management
中村和憲, 阿南圭祐, 川村宏大, 一門和哉
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S252-S252, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-4. Examination of the bronchoscopy cancellation case in our hospital
佐藤宏紀, 立原素子, 梁川禎孝, 村上翔子, 金澤史朗, 安井裕美, 吉村遼佑, 川口亜記, 福井崇文, 高安みずき, 山田潤, 矢谷敦彦, 三村千尋, 吉岡潤哉, 福田貴与子, 湯村真沙子, 吉崎飛鳥, 羽間大祐, 桂田直子, 山本正嗣, 小林和幸
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S253-S253, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-5. Examination of 38 cases that led to unplanned hospitalization after the bronchoscopy in our hospital
舩坂高史, 中島治典, 森裕太, 堀翔, 加賀城美智子, 安部崇, 安藤守秀, 進藤丈
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S253-S253, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-6. Examination of the factor in the pneumothorax development at bronchoscopy in our hospital
武田直也1, 鈴木嘉洋1, 松井彰1, 街道達哉1, 藤浦悠希1, 山田悠貴1, 岡田木綿1, 吉田憲生1, 細川真2, 雪上晴弘2, 山田健2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S253-S253, 2022.

Japanese Article O26-7. A pneumonia merger after the bronchoscope lower biopsy and examination of the risk factor
近藤信幸, 春原涼, 朝尾菜津美, 山本遼, 竹山裕亮, 原哲, 島田裕之, 井上幸久, 榊原ゆみ, 神靖人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S253-S253, 2022.

Japanese Article O27-1. Examination of 14 respiratory tract alien substances in our hospital
南方孝夫, 新谷裕美子, 氷室直哉, 遠藤哲哉, 武井秀史
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S254-S254, 2022.

Japanese Article O27-2. Examination of the treatment with flexible bronchoscope for the respiratory tract alien substance
四手井博章, 井坂珠子, 荻原哲, 光星翔太, 高圓瑛博, 青島宏枝, 松本卓子, 西内正樹, 神崎正人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S254-S254, 2022.

Japanese Article O27-3. Examination of the endotracheal foreign body 6 case which we resected using a bronchoscope under the general anesthesia
山田有里紗, 鳥居厚志, 丹羽英之, 篠原由佳, 小暮啓人, 北川智余恵, 坂英雄, 沖昌英
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S254-S254, 2022.

Japanese Article O27-4. The effectiveness of the respiratory tract foreign body removal using the Cryo probe
田口真由香, 都竹晃文, 葛西佑太朗, 武藤優耶, 土田晃将, 馬場康友, 加藤智也, 村上杏理, 増田篤紀, 浅野文祐
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S255-S255, 2022.

Japanese Article O27-5. It is examined the case using the Cryo probe for the airway obstruction cancellation by the clot
山本美暁, 塚田梓, 松田周一, 小林健, 村田研吾, 和田曉彦, 高森幹雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S255-S255, 2022.

Japanese Article P1-1. Comparison of meeting-type Jackson spray in the bronchoscopy pre-treatment local anesthesia and the Lidocain spray with nozzle
軸屋龍太郎, 山本有美子, 日下部祥人, 二木俊江, 鈴木真優美, 池田聡之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S258-S258, 2022.

Japanese Article P1-2. Fentanyl in the respiratory endoscopy, efforts of the sedative introduction of the midazolam combination
南大輔1,2,3, 瀧川奈義夫2, 河原辰由樹2, 長崎泰有2, 越智宣昭2, 山根弘路2, 長野昭近3, 亀井裕子3, 中島康博3, 宮原信明3, 金廣有彦3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S258-S258, 2022.

Japanese Article P1-3. Examination about the under sedation bronchoscopy for patients during psychotropic drug internal use in our hospital
小島和也, 太田勝康, 丸山直美
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S258-S258, 2022.

Japanese Article P1-4. Examination of the use anesthesia by the general anesthesia at bronchoscopy in our hospital
藤田薫, 伊藤靖弘, 大嶋智子, 岩泉江里子, 白井正浩, 早川啓史
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S259-S259, 2022.

Japanese Article P1-5. Safety of the use of propofol in the sedation at bronchoscope enforcement
梅田翔太, 中島崇裕, 眞柄和史, 今村智美, 矢崎裕紀, 井上尚, 荒木修, 前田寿美子, 千田雅之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S259-S259, 2022.

Japanese Article P2-1. Examination of the prophylactic antimicrobial administration after the examination in the bronchoscope lower biopsy before examination of infection
相馬智英, 高橋秀昂, 前田侑里, 重康善子, 岡村拓哉, 魚津桜子, 後藤康洋, 磯谷澄都, 近藤征史, 今泉和良
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S260-S260, 2022.

Japanese Article P2-2. Association of the hypoxemia at 6MWT time and bronchoscope enforcement in patients with cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis
石原敦司1, 都竹晃文2, 佐々木優依1,2, 増田篤紀1,2, 浅野文祐2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S260-S260, 2022.

Japanese Article P2-3. 1 case that developed acute bacterial mediastinitis after EBUS-TBNA
二村圭祐, 柴田立雨, 太田智陽, 三上智, 小沢直也
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S260-S260, 2022.

Japanese Article P2-4. An example of right pulmonary vein deformity that we detected by medical examination
長崎泰有1, 南大輔2, 越智宣昭1, 山根弘路1, 河原辰由樹1, 瀧川奈義夫1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S261-S261, 2022.

Japanese Article P2-5. Three cases of the lung cancer that developed a respiratory infection after the bronchoscopy before operation
日野弘之1, 國重道大1, 近藤圭大1, 門田直樹1, 森下敦司1, 町田久典1, 岡野義夫1, 畠山暢生1, 竹内栄治1, 篠原勉2, 先山正二1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S261-S261, 2022.

Japanese Article P2-6. 1 case of the hemoptysis with suspected false aneurysm by the bronchoscopy
多田陽郎1, 二木麻衣子1,2, 大搗泰一郎1,2, 三上浩司1,2, 柴田英輔1,2, 堀尾大介1,2, 祢木芳樹1,2, 徳田麻佑子1, 清田穣太朗1, 森下実咲1, 高橋良1,2, 南俊行1,2, 横井崇1,2, 栗林康造1,2, 木島貴志1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S261-S261, 2022.

Japanese Article P3-1. One patient whom crown spastic angina and cerebral infarction developed in during bronchoscopy
土田真平, 宮崎泰可, 松元信弘, 柳重久, 坪内拡伸, 小田康晴, 重草貴文, 堀口崇典, 北村彩
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S262-S262, 2022.

Japanese Article P3-2. An example of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease that it became the iatrogenic pneumothorax after the bronchoscopy, and needed a definitive diagnosis by the thoracoscopic surgery
長谷川剛生1, 大杉純2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S262-S262, 2022.

Japanese Article P3-3. Example that localized air lacuna with the surface formation was found in after the bronchoalveolar lavage
酒巻もえ1, 小山勝正2, 白井亮2, 友田恒一2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S262-S262, 2022.

Japanese Article P3-4. An example of the phthisis pulmonum that careful hospital infection measures did not play an effect
杉村悟, 宇佐神雅樹, 光野史人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S263-S263, 2022.

Japanese Article P3-5. The effect that COVID-19 pandemic gave for respiratory endoscopy, and the like of our hospital
藤田浩平1, 金井修1, 山本佑樹1, 橋本雅之2, 澤井聡2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S263-S263, 2022.

Japanese Article P4-1. As for the large lung cancer of the tumor diameter, the activation of the cytotoxic T cell may be inhibited by the permeation of the control-related T cell
西條浩, 本庄統, 西海豊寛, 高畠博嗣, 藤田昭久, 本田泰人, 小場弘之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S264-S264, 2022.

Japanese Article P4-2. Clinicopathologic characteristic examination according to the amino acid substitution type of the lung adenocarcinoma with the Kras codon 12 mutation
阿部二郎, 川村昌輝, 片平真人, 宮部真悟
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S264-S264, 2022.

Japanese Article P4-3. Example that maintenance-prone lung cancer occurred in during treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitor for SMARCA4 loss tumor
大矢由子1, 鈴木あゆみ1, 白井俊1, 高原弘和1, 高橋祐介1, 坂倉範昭1, 真砂勝泰2, 松下博和3, 黒田浩章1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S264-S264, 2022.

Japanese Article P4-4. Relapsing polychondritis with the respiratory tract lesion which we experienced in our hospital
岡部福子, 朝川遼, 森泉和則, 田村香菜子, 森下裕, 松岡洋人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S265-S265, 2022.

Japanese Article P4-5. One case of the Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome where a varix was observed in intratracheally during pregnancy
冨岡勇也, 松山崇弘, 安田俊介, 大脇一人, 美園俊祐, 三山英夫, 末次隆行, 水野圭子, 井上博雅
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S265-S265, 2022.

Japanese Article P4-6. One patient who complicated esophagobronchial fistula during mediastinal malignant lymphoma treatment
戸田道仁1, 鈴木智詞1, 橋本光司2, 岩田隆1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S265-S265, 2022.

Japanese Article P4-7. One case of the microscopic polyangiitis with the bronchial lesion
中川栄実子, 岸本叡, 鈴木浩介, 村野萌子, 中井省吾, 平松俊哉, 村上有里奈, 西本幸司, 松島紗代実, 原田雅教, 右藤智啓, 妹川史朗
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S265-S265, 2022.

Japanese Article P5-1. Quick cytodiagnosis in the transbronchial lung biopsy of the pulmonary malignant tumor
谷口春樹1, 梶浦耕一郎1, 福本泰三1, 石垣昌伸2, 松崎晶子3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S266-S266, 2022.

Japanese Article P5-2. One patient who bronchostenosis progressed after the treatment successful execution of the tuberculosis of bronchus with age, and presented with an intractable drowned lung
佐藤麻里1,4, 武藤壮平1, 鶴巻寛朗1, 宇野翔吾1, 伊藤優志1, 相川政紀1, 三浦陽介1, 原健一郎4, 古賀康彦1, 砂長則明1, 須賀達夫2, 前野敏孝1, 久田剛志3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S266-S266, 2022.

Japanese Article P5-3. One case of the intravascular large B-cell lymphoma that transbronchial lung biopsy was useful for a definitive diagnosis
五十嵐駿也1, 君塚善文1, 谷垣智美1, 野村祥加1, 芹沢悠介1, 伊藤弘毅1, 倉田雄平1, 西村匡司1, 大野智裕1, 土屋基祐2, 小縣開3, 岡田陽介3, 木村文彦3, 宮田純1, 藤倉雄二1, 川名明彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S266-S266, 2022.

Japanese Article P5-4. One case of pulmonary MALT lymphoma that presented the pneumonia-like infiltrative shadow which we diagnosed by transbronchial lung biopsy
成毛聖夫1, 田中克志2, 中田祐介2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S267-S267, 2022.

Japanese Article P5-5. Example that performed the left lower lobe excision, and obtained a diagnosis after the operation of the glandular epithelia papilloma by a tissue diagnosis for polypoid lesion of left B8 in the preoperation of the adenocarcinoma
森彰平, 加藤大喜, 柴崎隆正, 仲田健男, 矢部三男, 平野純, 大塚崇
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S267-S267, 2022.

Japanese Article P5-6. Trachea, one patient of bronchial type amyloidosis who obtained a diagnosis by the biopsy of the isolated upheaval lesion
藤井洸希, 酒谷俊雄, 吉田敬士, 西村拓, 生島弘彬, 渡邉かおる, 竹島英之, 臼井一裕
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S267-S267, 2022.

Japanese Article P5-7. Examination about the PD-L1 examination of the patients with lung cancer specimen given Pembrolizmab monotherapy in our hospital
木下亮輔, 中尾心人, 林俊太朗, 杉原雅大, 荒川総介, 平田雄也, 栗山満美子, 村松秀樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S267-S267, 2022.

Japanese Article P6-1. One case that performed Cryo biopsy for the new reticular shadow which the background lungs had interstitial pneumonia and showed after COVID-19 pneumonia
三浦啓太1, 加藤元康1, 増田孝一1, 宿谷威仁1, 伊藤潤1, 林大久生2, 鈴木一廣3, 長岡鉄太郎1, 小倉高志4, 酒井文和5, 武村民子6, 高橋和久1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S268-S268, 2022.

Japanese Article P6-2. Transbronchoscope lower Cryo biopsy introduction in our hospital and report about complications
島村貴史, 古澤春彦, 島田翔, 山名高志, 榊原里江, 飯島裕基, 三ツ村隆弘, 小松崎恵子, 角勇樹, 瀬戸口靖弘, 柴田翔, 本多隆行, 白井剛, 岡本師, 立石知也, 玉岡明洋, 宮崎泰成
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S268-S268, 2022.

Japanese Article P6-3. One case of the alumina pneumoconiosis which we diagnosed by a transbronchial Cryo lung biopsy
村田亜香里1, 柏田建1, 磯博和1, 三澤一仁1, 比嘉克行1, 佐藤陽三1, 田中徹1, 田中庸介1, 斎藤好信1, 藤田和恵1, 久保田馨1, 清家正博1, 寺崎泰弘2, 森山寛史3, 弦間昭彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S268-S268, 2022.

Japanese Article P6-4. One case of the malignant pleural mesothelioma treated with Cryo biopsy for parietopleural polypoid lesion
堂下皓世, 小林玄機, 児玉裕章, 八角和大, 西岡直哉, 宮脇英里子, 飯田由子, 豆鞘伸昭, 大森翔太, 高遼, 和久田一茂, 小野哲, 釼持広知, 内藤立暁, 高橋利明
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S269-S269, 2022.

Japanese Article P6-5. Micropulmonary meninges-like nodule (MPMN) - transbronchial diagnosis this country first case that we were able to diagnose by Cryo biopsy and the second case
水守康之, 竹野内政紀, 平田展也, 平岡亮太, 久米佐知枝, 平野克也, 小南亮太, 高橋清香, 大西康貴, 東野幸子, 加藤智浩, 鏡亮吾, 勝田倫子, 横井陽子, 三宅剛平, 塚本宏壮, 佐々木信, 中原保治, 河村哲治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S269-S269, 2022.

Japanese Article P7-1. 5 cases that was given an examination for comprehensive cancer genome profile with re-biopsy specimens using the bronchoscopy
鶴賀龍樹1, 大岩綾香1, 齊木晴子1, 浅山健太郎1, 岡野智仁1, 藤原拓海1, 高橋佳紀1, 都丸敦史1, 中原博紀1, 藤本源1, 小林哲1, ガバザエステバン2, 松田知世3, 今井裕3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S270-S270, 2022.

Japanese Article P7-2. Examination of the lung cancer case that yew mine Dx Target Test multi-CDx system became unsuccessful with biopsy specimens
前田千尋1,2, 村上修司1, 廣俊太郎1,2, 品田佳那子1, 片倉誠悟1, 牛尾良太1, 近藤哲郎1, 加藤晃史1, 金子猛4, 横瀬智之3, 齋藤春洋1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S270-S270, 2022.

Japanese Article P7-3. Realization of Oncomine(TM) Target Test by a thick slice and the number of slices increase of microbiopsy specimens
高田創, 三宅浩太郎, 白井雄也, 光井雄一, 益弘健太朗, 矢賀元, 白山敬之, 小山正平, 岩堀幸太, 平田陽彦, 長友泉, 武田吉人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S270-S270, 2022.

Japanese Article P7-4. Usefulness of the quick stamp cytodiagnosis in the securing of quantity of sampling necessary for a cancer genetic analysis
井上貴子, 川村卓久, 國政啓, 田宮基裕, 久原華子, 西野和美, 熊谷融
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S271-S271, 2022.

Japanese Article P7-5. Examination of the EBUS-TBNA case that we conducted without hanging suction pressure in our hospital
野口進, 野原淳, 石床学, 渡邉壽規, 中村敬哉
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S271-S271, 2022.

Japanese Article P7-6. An example of the small cell lung cancer which showed the precedent onset of paraneoplasic subacute cerebellar degeneration that EBUS-TBNA was useful for a diagnosis
井上智敬1, 佐藤賢2, 大西桐子2, 瀧川雄貴2, 光宗翔2, 岩本佳隆2, 渡邉洋美2, 工藤健一郎2, 佐藤晃子2, 藤原慶一2, 柴山卓夫2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S271-S271, 2022.

Japanese Article P8-1. Examination of the false-negative case in the N factor stage diagnosis by EBUS-TBNA using the 25G needle
大久保祐1,2, 松元祐司1,3, 古瀬秀明1, 内村圭吾1, 今林達哉1, 土田敬明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S272-S272, 2022.

Japanese Article P8-2. Comparison between supersonic wave bronchoscope UC290F and UC260FW in our hospital
志津匡人, 市川元司, 矢口大三, 八木光昭, 井上徳子, 中島国也, 阿部大輔
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S272-S272, 2022.

Japanese Article P8-3. Preliminary study of EBUS-TBFB using the guide sheath kit for EBUS-GS
細谷真司, 三藤久, 曽根英之, 小野泰平, 小澤貴裕, 原田真也, 楠原政一郎, 掛川未希子, 笠島真志, 中原善朗, 佐藤崇, 井川聡, 横場正典, 佐々木治一郎, 久保田勝, 猶木克彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S272-S272, 2022.

Japanese Article P8-4. Hilar region, one patient who performed EBUS-TBNA for mediastinal lymphadenopathy, and had a diagnosis of cervical cancer recurrence
今倉健, 佐藤正大, 原田紗希, 三橋惇志, 小川瑛, 村上行人, 塚崎佑貴, 尾崎領彦, 矢葺洋平, 香川耕造, 米田浩人, 阿部あかね, 荻野広和, 坂口暁, 西岡安彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S273-S273, 2022.

Japanese Article P8-5. One case of the small-cell lung cancer that forceps biopsy (EBUS-IFB) in the supersonic wave bronchoscope guide lower lymph node was useful for a diagnosis
田岡征高1,3, 南大輔2, 河原辰由樹1, 長崎泰有1, 越智宣昭1, 山根弘路1, 瀧川奈義夫1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S273-S273, 2022.

Japanese Article P8-6. It is an example of the recurrence after the lung adenocarcinoma technique which produced a sarcoidosis-like response by ICI which we diagnosed in EBUS-TBNA
藤森英希1, 田中伸廣1, 田中伸佳1, 掛下和幸2, 中積広貴2, 谷まゆ子2, 西辻雅2, 西耕一2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S273-S273, 2022.

Japanese Article P9-1. One case that EBUS-TBNA was useful for a diagnosis of the multiple intrapulmonary metastasis of thyroid cancer
行徳宏1, 小笹睦2, 水田玲美1, 田川隆太1, 小野沙和奈1, 本田徳鷹1, 須山隆之1, 梅山泰裕1, 道津洋介1, 竹本真之輔1, 山口博之1, 福田実3, 福岡順也2, 迎寛1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S274-S274, 2022.

Japanese Article P9-2. One case of the primary mediastinal malignant lymphoma which was diagnosed in EBUS-TBNA with two kinds of exploring needles, and was given chemotherapy after the respiratory tract stenting
川崎樹里1, 中山雅之1, 山本真一2, 辻賢太郎3, 山内浩義1, 久田修1, 間藤尚子1, 金井義彦2, 坂東政司1, 萩原弘一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S274-S274, 2022.

Japanese Article P9-3. One case of chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small cell lymphoma (CLL/SLL) that we diagnosed by supersonic wave bronchoscope guide lower aspiration biopsy (EBUS-TBNA)
金田桂1,2, 上原正裕1,2, 小林淳1,3, 小澤広輝1,3, 松林勇汰1,3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S274-S274, 2022.

Japanese Article P9-4. One patient who formed the mass along the staple line 15 years after the segmental resection of cancer of endometrium metastases to lung, and had a diagnosis of a granuloma in EBUS-TBNA
塚本宏壮, 竹野内政紀, 平田展也, 平岡亮太, 久米佐知枝, 平野克也, 小南亮太, 大西康貴, 東野幸子, 加藤智浩, 鏡亮吾, 勝田倫子, 三宅剛平, 横井陽子, 水守康之, 佐々木信, 河村哲治, 中原保治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S275-S275, 2022.

Japanese Article P9-5. One case of the sarcoidosis that we diagnosed in EBUS-TBNA using the lye wire ultrasonic endoscope underwear pricker
河原辰由樹1, 南大輔2, 田岡征高1, 長崎泰有1, 越智宣昭1, 山根弘路1, 瀧川奈義夫1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S275-S275, 2022.

Japanese Article P9-6. Two cases that approached mediastinal lymph node by supersonic wave bronchoscope bottom transesophageal needle biopsy because of respiratory failure, and led to a diagnosis
高野峻一1, 大屋裕1, 黒岩裕也1,2, 板井美紀1,2, 申悠樹1,2, 竹村仁男1, 池田香菜1, 須賀達夫1, 茂木充1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S275-S275, 2022.

Japanese Article P9-7. Two cases of the lung cancer that it was transesophageal and diagnosed by a supersonic wave bronchoscope
金井晴佳1, 山口学1, 守尾篤2, 池田徳彦3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S275-S275, 2022.

Japanese Article P10-1. Examination of the effectiveness of SYNAPSE VINCENT in the bronchoscope biopsy
大野康, 遠渡純輝, 柳瀬恒明, 乾俊哉, 垣内大蔵, 佐々木優佳, 河江大輔, 酒井千鶴, 福井聖周, 大倉宏之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S276-S276, 2022.

Japanese Article P10-2. Examination of the usefulness of navigation in our hospital and the small-diameter bronchoscope introduction
巴山紀子1, 井原宏彰1, 本間裕一郎1, 藤井充弘1, 高橋和久2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S276-S276, 2022.

Japanese Article P10-3. One patient who underwent S6+S* excision for the lung adenocarcinoma of the S* domain of B* from right B8
阪本仁1, 五明田匡1, 磯和理貴1, 小阪真二1, 三浦聖高2, 幡高次郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S276-S276, 2022.

Japanese Article P10-4. An example of the glottic lower leiomyoma which presented airway narrowing
渡辺綾乃, 児嶌駿, 佐竹康臣, 藤井雅人, 山田孝
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S277-S277, 2022.

Japanese Article P10-5. All de-case of the schwannoma derived from recurrent laryngeal nerve oesophageal branch
井口貴文, 水口真二郎, 高濱誠, 中嶋隆, 丁奎光, 山本良二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S277-S277, 2022.

Japanese Article P10-6. Bronchoscope views in two of the cancer of the esophagus postoperative trachea gullet fistula
江口圭介, 濱田賢一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S277-S277, 2022.

Japanese Article P11-1. An example of the adenoid cystic carcinoma which needed the stent insertion for tracheal stenosis
都島悠佑1, 後藤希1, 中瀬敦1, 稲垣雅康1, 田中麻里1, 小玉勇太1, 伊藤亮太1, 高納崇1, 青山大輔1, 横山俊彦1, 沖昌英2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S278-S278, 2022.

Japanese Article P11-2. One patient who underwent bronchoscope lower excision using high frequency snare and microwave solidification for endobronchial hamartoma
山本純1, 宮脇正芳2, 齊藤史武2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S278-S278, 2022.

Japanese Article P11-3. An example of the around the trachea origin adenoid cystic carcinoma that chemoradiotherapy was successful
三上恵莉花1, 中道真仁1, 永野惇浩1, 林杏奈1, 高野夏希1, 松本優1, 宮永晃彦1, 野呂林太郎1, 前林勝也2, 窪倉浩俊3, 寺崎泰弘4, 久保田馨1, 清家正博1, 弦間昭彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S278-S278, 2022.

Japanese Article P11-4. One case of isolated endobronchial tumor that it presented characteristic CT image views, and bronchial development Sialadenoma papilliferum was diagnosed
木村隼大1, 森拓也1, 加藤さや佳1, 中村さや1, 奥村隼也1, 木村元宏1, 設楽将之2, 森山悟2, 内田岬希3, 杉野安輝3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S279-S279, 2022.

Japanese Article P11-5. One case of spontaneous trachea MALT lymphoma that regressed
住友亮太, 熊谷陽介, 小林萌, 平山安見子, 長博之, 黄政龍
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S279-S279, 2022.

Japanese Article P11-6. An example of the trachea bronchus chondro-osteodystrophy detected at the chest abnormality shadow close inspection accidentally
田中健介, 服部元貴, 田中萌, 川述剛士, 梅澤弘毅, 福岡みずき, 鈴木未佳, 河野千代子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S279-S279, 2022.

Japanese Article P12-1. An example of the ANCA-negative polyangiitis-related granulomatosis that suffered from a diagnosis and treatment
深田武久, 磯和賢秀, 武智浩子, 高萩亮宏, 松岡隆久, 阪井宏彰
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S280-S280, 2022.

Japanese Article P12-2. One case of the intratracheal lesion of marginal zone lymphoma (MALT lymphoma) that we were able to diagnose by a transbronchial bronchial biopsy
谷垣智美1, 君塚善文1, 野村祥加1, 芹沢悠介1, 伊藤弘毅1, 五十嵐駿也1, 倉田雄平1, 西村匡司1, 大野智裕1, 河村邦俊2, 吉松真也3, 宮田純1, 藤倉雄二1, 川名明彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S280-S280, 2022.

Japanese Article P12-3. One case of the adenoid cystic carcinoma which occurred in patients with bronchial asthma
押尾剛志1, 渡邉賀代1, 小高倫生1, 中野千裕1, 新妻久美子1, 廣内尚智1, 山田有佳1, 高橋啓2, 松瀬厚人1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S280-S280, 2022.

Japanese Article P12-4. One case of the tuberculosis of bronchus that excretion of the organism was not confirmed before bronchoscopy
日當悟史, 千葉薫, 岡林賢, 朝戸裕子, 青野ひろみ
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S281-S281, 2022.

Japanese Article P12-5. One case of the trachea, the tuberculosis of bronchus merger pulmonary tuberculosis that was able to confirm effect of treatment by bronchoscopy
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S281-S281, 2022.

Japanese Article P12-6. An example of trachea amyloidosis that we diagnosed with sputum bloody
川述剛士, 田中萌, 梅澤弘毅, 田中健介, 鈴木未佳, 福岡みずき, 河野千代子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S281-S281, 2022.

Japanese Article P13-1. Examination of 2 cases that caused acute exacerbation during nintedanib internal use
勝田知也, 濱田徹, 能津昌平, 近藤晴香, 中村純也, 橘さやか, 井上考司, 中西徳彦, 森高智典
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S282-S282, 2022.

Japanese Article P13-2. Two patients who had a diagnosis of desquamative interstitial pneumonia diagnosed by a Cryo lung biopsy
鏑木翔太, 奥田良, 平松由莉, 山谷昂史, 小松茂, 小倉高志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S282-S282, 2022.

Japanese Article P13-3. One patient whom PPFE developed in after the self-peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for a diffuse large-cell B-cell lymphoma
水崎俊, 米嶋康臣, 鈴木邦裕, 上原真紀, 内海太裕, 濱田直樹, 岡本勇
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S282-S282, 2022.

Japanese Article P13-4. Two cases of the acute eosinophilic pneumonia that we performed portable bronchoscopy under PPE wearing because we needed differentiation with COVID-19 and diagnosed
田中太郎, 山本雅史, 島浩一郎, 今村妙子, 西尾朋子, 岩間真由子, 町井春花, 伊藤利泰
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S283-S283, 2022.

Japanese Article P13-5. An example of the organized pneumonia complicated with polycythaemia vera relieved only with JAK2 inhibitor
北原慎介1, 鹿野幸平1, 池田英樹1, 鈴木優毅1, 安部光洋1, 竹田勇輔2, 池田純一郎3, 鈴木拓児1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S283-S283, 2022.

Japanese Article P13-6. An example of the autoimmune alveolar proteinosis that the antiGM-CSF antibody measurement was useful in early diagnosis
村上行人, 原田紗希, 今倉健, 三橋惇志, 小川瑛, 塚崎佑貴, 尾崎領彦, 矢葺洋平, 香川耕造, 米田浩人, 阿部あかね, 荻野広和, 小山壱也, 佐藤正大, 坂口暁, 西岡安彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S283-S283, 2022.

Japanese Article P14-1. Bronchoscopy results for the pulmonary disease of the methotrexate-related lymphoproliferative disorder of our hospital
三浦大, 長谷川幸裕, 森本武史, 福島高志, 田中佑典
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S284-S284, 2022.

Japanese Article P14-2. Examination about the effect that diagnosis bronchoscopy before operation gives to the prognosis of patients with lung cancer
野津田泰嗣, 田中遼太, 東郷威男, 渡邉龍秋, 渡辺有為, 鈴木隆哉, 大石久, 新井川弘道, 岡田克典
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S284-S284, 2022.

Japanese Article P14-3. Examination of seven malignant lymphomas given bronchoscopy
加藤慎平2, 志村暢泰1, 山田耕太郎1, 伊藤大恵1, 中村隆一1, 金崎大輝1, 稲葉龍之介1, 杉山未紗1, 後藤彩乃1, 天野雄介1, 美甘真史1, 長谷川浩嗣1, 松井隆1, 横村光司1, 須田隆文2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S284-S284, 2022.

Japanese Article P14-4. One case of the bronchial granular cell myoblastoma which was discovered during a lung cancer close inspection, and was chased with a bronchoscope for two years
佐藤未来1, 高岡和夫1, 田上敬太1, 松永章宏1, 大畑善寛1, 竹藪公洋1, 飛岡弘敏2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S285-S285, 2022.

Japanese Article P14-5. One case of localized nodule type amyloidosis which we diagnosed by transbronchial lung biopsy
三浦弘之1, 後藤慎一2, 三浦隼3, 小山信之4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S285-S285, 2022.

Japanese Article P14-6. Exclusive operation case of the bronchial origin schwannoma
川向純, 藤井みのり, 北村直也, 高橋智彦, 新納英樹, 宮澤秀樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S285-S285, 2022.

Japanese Article P14-7. One case of the IgG4-related lung disease that presented the spontaneous bulky disease shadow which regressed after the definitive diagnosis with a bronchoscope
岩崎一彦, 新屋智之, 北俊之, 酒井珠美
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S285-S285, 2022.

Japanese Article P15-1. One case of bronchial origin papillosity saliva adenoma (Sialadenoma papilliferum of the bronchus)
小澤亮太, 倉石博, 武内裕希, 田中駿ノ介, 山本学, 長谷衣佐乃, 増渕雄, 小山茂
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S286-S286, 2022.

Japanese Article P15-2. An example of the methotrexate-related lymphoproliferative disorder that resulted in a mass lesion to the lungs
南谷有香, 森下琢人, 中垣しおり, 伊藤克樹, 滝俊一, 宮沢亜矢子, 林信行, 日比野佳孝
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S286-S286, 2022.

Japanese Article P15-3. Two cases of the Methotrexate-related lymph increase disease that we experienced in our hospital
平位一廣2, 藤岡美結1, 山本浩生1, 山本賢1, 石田貢一1, 西馬照明1, 田村大介2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S286-S286, 2022.

Japanese Article P15-4. 2 cases of MALT lymphoma that we diagnosed from a transbronchial biopsy
柳瀬恒明, 福井聖周, 河江大輔, 酒井千鶴, 佐々木優佳, 垣内大蔵, 遠渡純輝, 大野康, 大倉宏之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S287-S287, 2022.

Japanese Article P15-5. Merger case of lung cancer and the malignant lymphoma which bilateral hilar lymphadenitis preceded, and calcification and lungs-prone nodular shadow appeared all over the course
曽根尚之, 糸谷涼, 池尾聡, 嶋村亜紀, 橋本健太郎, 吉田寛, 吉田博徳, 阪森優一, 平井豊博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S287-S287, 2022.

Japanese Article P15-6. 1 excision case of the mixed type small cell carcinoma with the false-positive hilum of lung mediastinal lymphadenopathy
土井貴司1, 高見康二1, 小河原光正2, 木村剛2, 宮本智2, 安藤性實2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S287-S287, 2022.

Japanese Article P15-7. An example of Invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma which was FDG-negative without being given a diagnosis by bronchoscopy
日鼻涼1, 中山龍太1, 宮本一平1, 中本匡治1, 野本正幸1, 藤原大士1, 林健太郎1, 淺井康夫1, 中川喜子1, 清水哲男1, 辻野一郎1, 河内利賢2, 櫻井裕幸2, 増田しのぶ3, 權寧博1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S287-S287, 2022.

Japanese Article P16-1. 1 excision case of the lung field periphery-related small epithelium squamous lung cancer discovered with cytodiagnostic sputum during going to hospital of empyema merger pulmonary fibrosis
竹内健1, 小西建治2, 大内基史1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S288-S288, 2022.

Japanese Article P16-2. One patient who performed bronchoscopy for pulmonary infiltrative shadow of the antimicrobial refractoriness, a multiple hollow shadow, and had a diagnosis of invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma
椎葉律哉, 姫路大輔, 田中弦一, 松本亮一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S288-S288, 2022.

Japanese Article P16-3. One case of the invasive mucinous lung adenocarcinoma complicated with collagenosis-related interstitial pneumonia
川口剛1, 重草貴文2, 小田康晴2, 坪内拡伸2, 宮内俊一1, 松元信弘2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S288-S288, 2022.

Japanese Article P16-4. Two patients who were able to diagnose the infiltration of the lungs of the malignant tumor by bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
清水崇弘1, 渡辺知志1, 阿保未来1, 木村英晴1, 曽根崇1, 原丈介1, 大倉徳幸1, 丹保裕一1, 寺田七朗1, 武田仁浩1, 加瀬一政1, 小川尚彦1, 古林崇史1, 中積広貴1, 岩淵佑1, 郷原和樹1, 辻徹朗1, 米田知晃1, 丸山裕之2, 畑田達哉2, 笠原寿郎1, 矢野聖二1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S289-S289, 2022.

Japanese Article P16-5. An example of the EGFR mutation in the gene-positive non-small cell lung cancer which caused squamous cell carcinoma transformation
田中謙太郎, 増本彩乃, 島内淳志, 泊果林, 白石祥理, 米嶋康臣, 大田恵一, 岩間映二, 岡本勇
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S289-S289, 2022.

Japanese Article P16-6. Examination of chest tumor with suspected lymphepithelioma-like cancer (Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma: LELC)
松浦弘幸1, 大島友里1, 櫻井佑輔1, 平位佳歩1, 谷恵利子1, 吉本直樹1, 南謙一1, 平島智徳2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S289-S289, 2022.

Japanese Article P16-7. One patient who detected popcorn-like multiple intrapulmonary metastasis from prostate cancer
大西広志, 穴吹和貴, 横山彰仁
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S289-S289, 2022.

Japanese Article P17-1. Example that presented the multiple infiltrative shadow which was thought to be due to metastases to lung during breast cancer chemotherapy
原田彩香1, 小山勝正2, 白井亮2, 友田恒一2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S290-S290, 2022.

Japanese Article P17-2. An example of the ROS1 mutation positive lung cancer that was effective for the metastases to brain that Entrectinib monotherapy appeared during the course
中村圭1, 森本俊規2, 笹原陽介1, 矢寺和博2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S290-S290, 2022.

Japanese Article P17-3. An example of the chondrosarcoma metastases to lung that we were able to diagnose by transbronchial lung biopsy
松山洋美, 松山崇弘, 安田俊介, 冨岡勇也, 大脇一人, 美園俊祐, 近藤清貴, 三山英夫, 末次隆行, 水野圭子, 井上博雅
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S290-S290, 2022.

Japanese Article P17-4. Case of the thymic carcinoma metastases to lung that had difficulty in differentiation with the pulmonary nocardiosis
林栄一, 斉藤漸太郎, 岡本菜摘
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S291-S291, 2022.

Japanese Article P17-5. An example of the pulmonary origin malignant melanoma which we diagnosed by a bronchoscope
石床学1, 大道一輝1, 野口進1, 野原淳1, 渡邉壽規1, 中村敬哉1, 堀口亜有末2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S291-S291, 2022.

Japanese Article P17-6. One case of the invasive thymoma which produced extension to a bronchial lumen
和佐本諭, 畑侑希, 武知寛樹, 柳澤悟, 大浦也明, 両角延聡
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S291-S291, 2022.

Japanese Article P17-7. An example of fixed form carotenoid tumor which we were able to diagnose preoperatively in GS-TBNA
才田優, 後藤優佳, 久代航平, 藤崎俊哉, 柳村尚寛, 大坪亜矢, 庄子諭, 田中知宏, 野嵜幸一郎, 永井明日香, 渡部聡, 菊地利明
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S291-S291, 2022.

Japanese Article P18-1. Examination of the bronchoscopic significance in the pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP)
松田浩子, 若山尚士, 西山和宏, 山川英夫, 平松佑斗, 岡田暁人, 鈴木博貴, 小笠原智彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S292-S292, 2022.

Japanese Article P18-2. An example of the pneumocystis pneumonia that presented pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage during ICI treatment with IPI+NIVO for the renal carcinoma
佐藤智輝, 川口貴子, 加藤香織, 原可奈子, 西田千夏, 山崎啓, 矢寺和博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S292-S292, 2022.

Japanese Article P18-3. One patient who was able to diagnose ATL by the pneumocystis carini pneumonia onset
原田陽介2, 川嵜光一1, 吉岡寿麻子1, 澤井豊光1, 松尾信子1, 門田淳一1, 迎寛2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S292-S292, 2022.

Japanese Article P18-4. Example that bronchoalveolar lavage was effective for the pneumocystis pneumonia of the pulmonary thromboembolism merger
倉田雄平1, 君塚善文1, 谷垣智美1, 平田大2, 野村祥加1, 芹沢悠介1, 伊藤弘毅1, 五十嵐駿也1, 西村匡司1, 大野智裕1, 宮田純1, 藤倉雄二1, 川名明彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S293-S293, 2022.

Japanese Article P18-5. One patient who was able to diagnose MRSA necrotizing bronchitis after the radiation exposure by bronchoscopy
中積広貴1,2, 渡辺知志2, 郷原和樹2, 辻徹朗2, 米田知晃2, 岩淵佑2, 清水崇弘2, 古林崇史2, 小川尚彦2, 加瀬一政2, 武田仁浩2, 寺田七朗2, 丹保裕一2, 大倉徳幸2, 曽根崇2, 原丈介2, 木村英晴2, 阿保未来2, 笠原寿郎2, 矢野聖二2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S293-S293, 2022.

Japanese Article P18-6. Three bronchoscope enforcement cases for the pulmonary disease during an AIDS follow-up
中野泰, 西尾和三
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S293-S293, 2022.

Japanese Article P19-1. One case of the tuberculous lymphadenitis that we were complicated with the esophagus fistula and diagnosed in supersonic wave bronchoscope guide lower aspiration biopsy (EBUS-TBNA)
後藤大輝, 多湖真弓, 全並正人, 糸魚川英之, 野原冠吾, 高田和外, 小島英嗣
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S294-S294, 2022.

Japanese Article P19-2. One case that EBUS-TBNA was useful for treatment strategy decision for pulmonary tuberculosis, new hilus of right lung lymphadenopathy after tuberculous pleurisy treatment
宮脇正芳, 小西駿一郎, 長山沙耶香, 大芦彩野, 齊藤史武, 山本純
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S294-S294, 2022.

Japanese Article P19-3. Example that performed a bronchoscope for the second for the left lung ground glass nodule and the right lung nodule, and became lung adenocarcinoma and the diagnosis of the mycosis
菅貴将1, 里永賢郎1, 高木龍一郎1, 矢部道俊1, 表絵里香1, 安東優1, 山崎透2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S294-S294, 2022.

Japanese Article P19-4. An example of the lung cryptococcosis that bronchoscopy was useful in differentiation with tuberculosis
高橋夏衣, 佐藤幸佑, 神宮大輔, 生方智, 渡辺洋
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S295-S295, 2022.

Japanese Article P19-5. An example of the pulmonary black mycosis by Exophiala dermatitidis which occurred in a row during treatment of the pulmonary nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease
奥野大輔1, 岩永直樹1, 芦澤信之1,2, 武田和明1, 高園貴弘1, 山本和子1, 迎寛1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S295-S295, 2022.

Japanese Article P19-6. An example of COVID-19-related pulmonary aspergillosis that we diagnosed by bronchoscopy
葉山奈美, 鹿野幸平, 内藤亮, 安部光洋, 川崎剛, 伊狩潤, 坂尾誠一郎, 鈴木拓児
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S295-S295, 2022.

Japanese Article P20-1. Two cases of the chronic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis that was able to confirm a lesion under the looking straight by bronchoscopy using BF-H1200
増野智章, 松本祐二, 西山譲幾, 牛嶋量一, 畑正広, 重永武彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S296-S296, 2022.

Japanese Article P20-2. Two cases that aspergillosis was detected after the EWS custody for pneumothorax
福島曜, 浅岡るう, 山田千晶, 浅野元世, 清水隆宏, 西永侑子, 水野秀和, 麻生裕紀
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S296-S296, 2022.

Japanese Article P20-3. An example of the bronchial Aspergillosis that differentiation with the lung cancer exacerbation was important
島内淳志, 田中謙太郎, 大田恵一, 白石祥理, 米嶋康臣, 岩間映二, 原田英治, 岡本勇
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S296-S296, 2022.

Japanese Article P20-4. One case that antibiotic exposure succeeded though we were complicated with a lung abscess after the bronchoscope enforcement for pulmonary aspergilloma suspicion and was able to resect under the pneumoscope
森藤良浩1, 中村圭2, 笹原陽介2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S297-S297, 2022.

Japanese Article P20-5. An example of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and pneumocystis pneumonia that we diagnosed by a bronchoscope
古林崇史, 中積広貴, 渡辺知志, 郷原和樹, 辻徹朗, 米田知晃, 清水崇弘, 寺田七朗, 岩淵佑, 小川尚彦, 加瀬一政, 武田仁浩, 丹保裕一, 大倉徳幸, 阿保未来, 曽根崇, 原丈介, 木村英晴, 笠原寿郎, 矢野聖二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S297-S297, 2022.

Japanese Article P20-6. One case of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis with the pseudomembranous bronchitis that led to a diagnosis by bronchoscopy
草場勇作, 泉信有, 徐クララ, 潮安祐美, 鈴木雄大, 堀川有理子, 勝野貴史, 石田あかね, 辻本佳恵, 橋本理生, 石井聡, 鈴木学, 仲剛, 飯倉元保, 竹田雄一郎, 放生雅章, 杉山温人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S297-S297, 2022.

Japanese Article P21-1. One case of the bronchial inflammatory polyp regarded as a lung tumor according to the streptococcus which needed differentiation
伊藤涼1, 友田義崇2, 宮島崇1, 谷川洸成1, 長澤千奈美1, 四竃純1, 塙平孝夫1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S298-S298, 2022.

Japanese Article P21-2. It is one patient who had left lung atelectasis by the mucous plug for ulcerative colitis
近藤友喜, 池田拓也, 山下良, 宮崎晋一, 井上正英, 久野泰雅
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S298-S298, 2022.

Japanese Article P21-3. 2 cases of the polyangiitis-related granulomatosis that we were able to diagnose by transbronchial lung biopsy
藤井裕也1, 東敬之1, 太田里奈1, 佐藤譲之1, 中嶋康貴1, 五十嵐一誠1, 岩井良磨2, 上田翼2, 堺隆大2, 塚尾仁一2, 山口航2, 中屋順哉2, 小嶋徹2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S298-S298, 2022.

Japanese Article P21-4. One case of the allergic bronchial pulmonary mycosis that racked its brains about the identification of the causative agent
磯嶋佑1, 田原正浩1, 山崎啓1, 渡橋剛2, 矢寺和博1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S299-S299, 2022.

Japanese Article P21-5. It is an example who had the allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis for patients with bronchial asthma during use of Benralizumab
鈴木眞奈美, 市川朋宏, 岩崎史, 成田大輔, 伊藤辰徳, 小野祥直, 松本周一郎, 畠山哲八, 鈴木歩, 光根歩, 渋谷里紗, 齋藤良太, 玉田勉, 杉浦久敏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S299-S299, 2022.

Japanese Article P21-6. One case of the allergic bronchial pulmonary mycosis due to the Suehiro bamboo which needed lung cancer and differentiation
山口実賀, 山入和志, 藤井裕子, 眞本卓司, 柳生恭子, 少路誠一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S299-S299, 2022.

Japanese Article P22-1. One case of the allergic bronchial pulmonary mycosis by Curvularia mebaldsii
佐々木優依, 鱸稔隆, 浅野幸市, 大西涼子, 松野祥彦, 安田成雄, 加藤達雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S300-S300, 2022.

Japanese Article P22-2. It is one patient with suspected drug-related pneumonia with the trastuzumab + pertuzumab combination therapy by drug lymphocyte stimulation test positive
邨野浩義1,2, 結城嘉彦2, 岸宏幸2, 井上純人1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S300-S300, 2022.

Japanese Article P22-3. One case of the drug-related pulmonary disorder by the Clozapine which developed in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S300-S300, 2022.

Japanese Article P22-4. An example of trachea bronchus amyloidosis diagnosed by a bronchial endoscopic biopsy
中野千裕1, 小高倫生1, 渡邉賀代1, 押尾剛志1, 篠澤早瑛子1, 廣内尚智1, 山田有佳1, 大原関利章2, 松瀬厚人1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S301-S301, 2022.

Japanese Article P22-5. Two smokers who detected pulmonary disorder with the waterproof spray
小高倫生, 中野千裕, 押尾剛志, 渡邉賀代, 新妻久美子, 廣内尚智, 山田有佳, 松瀬厚人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S301-S301, 2022.

Japanese Article P22-6. One case of the diffuse pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage that occurred during a car circuit race
嶋田貴文, 上田航大, 望月芙美, 金本幸司, 栗島浩一, 飯島弘晃, 石川博一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S301-S301, 2022.

Japanese Article P23-1. Intake, expiration scan - by the bronchial form change - ultrahigh voltage electron microscope minute CT after the lobectomy
森谷浩史1, 平井健一郎2, 二階堂雄文2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S302-S302, 2022.

Japanese Article P23-2. The CT guided biopsy enforcement by the respiratory physician and examination about the usefulness
百目木豊, 矢満田慎介, 杉坂淳, 寺山敬介, 鳴海茜, 齋藤伸, 松田賢, 小笠原嵩天, 清水恒, 相羽智生, 川名祥子, 川嶋庸介, 戸井之裕, 中村敦, 木村雄一郎, 菅原俊一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S302-S302, 2022.

Japanese Article P23-3. One case of the right side trachea cyst which we had pointed out with an injury
熊谷陽介, 長博之, 小林萌, 平山安見子, 住友亮太, 黄政龍
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S302-S302, 2022.

Japanese Article P23-4. One case of pulmonary Langerhans' cell histiocytosis that we were able to differentiate from a metastatic lung tumor by thoracoscopic surgery without being able to be diagnosed with the bronchoscope
岩丸有史1, 奥井将之1, 井澤菜緒子1, 佐山宏一2, 杉浦仁3, 澤藤誠1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S303-S303, 2022.

Japanese Article P23-5. Case of the trachea cyst discovered with traffic injury
加藤暢介1,2, 中野隆之2, 大岩加奈2, 中川知己2, 増田良太2, 岩崎正之2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S303-S303, 2022.

Japanese Article P23-6. One case of the intrapulmonary type bronchus aneurysm ruptured that presented haemothorax in large quantities
眞木充, 大野慧介
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S303-S303, 2022.

Japanese Article P24-1. One patient who diagnosed metastasis to the 32nd-year mediastinal lymph by mediastinoscope after the renal carcinoma technique
小野元嗣, 原祐郁
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S304-S304, 2022.

Japanese Article P24-2. Ovary, one case of uterine tube, peritoneal origin high grade of atypism serosity cancer that we were able to diagnose by a local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy
石崎直子, 福本洋介, 神田響
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S304-S304, 2022.

Japanese Article P24-3. An example of the malignant melanoma pleura dissemination that a local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy was useful in the diagnosis of the recurrence after the operation
高木賢人, 鹿野幸平, 内藤亮, 安部光洋, 川崎剛, 伊狩潤, 鈴木拓児
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S304-S304, 2022.

Japanese Article P24-4. Experience of three patients who conducted the pulmonary fistula closure with local anesthesia lower pneumoscope for the interstitial pneumonia merger patients
山本沙希1, 水谷栄基1, 斉藤翔2, 笠井昭吾2, 大河内康実2, 森田理一郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S305-S305, 2022.

Japanese Article P24-5. Treatment for intrathoracic hematoma after local anesthesia lower pneumoscope measures
北雄介1, 小林亮1, 原田千佳1, 菅沼秀基2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S305-S305, 2022.

Japanese Article P24-6. One case of the pancreatic pleural effusion that showed a black nodule in thoracic cavity by a local anesthesia lower thoracoscopy
奥田祥伍1, 仲川宏昭1, 入山朋子1, 成宮慶子1, 角田陽子1, 内田泰樹1, 黄瀬大輔1, 山口将史1, 大澤真2, 大塩恭彦3, 花岡淳3, 中野恭幸1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S305-S305, 2022.

Japanese Article P25-1. Examination of BAE and the combined treatment for the respiratory tract hemorrhage that required intubation respirator management
梶浦耕一郎, 谷口春樹, 名嘉村敬, 石垣昌伸, 福本泰三
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S306-S306, 2022.

Japanese Article P25-2. Examination of 10 cases given BAE for hemoptysis by the bronchial calculus
伊藝博士1, 中野恵理1, 武田啓太1, 田下浩之1, 川島正裕1, 益田公彦1,2, 佐々木結花1, 田村厚久1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S306-S306, 2022.

Japanese Article P25-3. One case that respiratory tract hemorrhage developed under the ECMO management for COVID19 infection and we performed bronchial arteries embolization and stopped bleeding of
河越淳一郎4, 鈴木学2, 徳山榮男1, 大島一真1, 佐藤庸子1, 阿部信二3, 岡野哲也4
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S306-S306, 2022.

Japanese Article P25-4. Example that caused hemorrhagic shock by rupture of the pulmonary artery false aneurysm of the bleb wall
佐藤卓, 鈴木寛利, 石田格, 大浦裕之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S307-S307, 2022.

Japanese Article P25-5. An example of the actinomycosis of lung detected with hemoptysis
酒谷俊雄1, 吉田敬士1, 藤井洸希1, 西村拓1, 渡邉かおる1, 生島弘彬1, 竹島英之1, 福本健人2, 檜山紀子2, 松本順2, 臼井一裕1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S307-S307, 2022.

Japanese Article P25-6. One case of the ALK-positive lung cancer that responded to bronchial arteries embolization and bronchial plombage for hemoptysis in large quantities
藤岡佑輔, 田岡征高, 槇本剛, 栗林忠弘, 松浦宏昌, 下西惇, 二宮貴一朗, 肥後寿夫, 久保寿夫, 大橋圭明, 堀田勝幸, 宮原信明, 田端雅弘, 木浦勝行
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S307-S307, 2022.

Japanese Article P25-7. One case of the carotid body tumor metastases to lung that occurred for respiratory tract hemorrhage after the primary tumor excision in the approximately 50th year
大内政嗣1, 井上修平1, 尾崎良智1, 赤澤彰1, 和田広2, 御園生昌史2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S307-S307, 2022.

Japanese Article P26-1. Example that introduced ECMO into the injury of trachea (Level IIIA) patients at endotracheal intubation, and continued a bronchoscope evaluation, and was available for conservative medical treatment
井上優汰1,2, 石原敦司1,2, 佐々木優依2,3, 増田篤紀2,3, 都竹晃文3, 浅野文祐3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S308-S308, 2022.

Japanese Article P26-2. One patient who had a diagnosis of the paratrachea cyst with chest injury
山岸弘哉, 松倉規
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S308-S308, 2022.

Japanese Article P26-3. Examination of 11 respiratory tract alien substances in our hospital
伊藤未奈, 中里陽子, 堀秀有, 渡部こずえ, 渋谷幸見, 平田佳史, 橘啓盛, 須田一晴, 田中良太, 長島鎮, 近藤晴彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S308-S308, 2022.

Japanese Article P26-4. Histories of treatment of the respiratory tract alien substance in our hospital
兵頭健太郎1, 平野瞳1, 渡邊安祐美1, 佐藤裕基1, 山岸哲也1, 中泉太佑1, 薮内悠貴1, 野中水1, 荒井直樹1, 中川隆行2, 島内正起2, 南優子3, 薄井真悟4, 大石修司1, 林原賢治1, 斎藤武文1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S309-S309, 2022.

Japanese Article P26-5. Examination about the respiratory tract alien substance exclusion method that we underwent in our hospital
藤岡毅, 高瀬直人, 西村駿, 東山友樹, 発忠信, 吉積悠子, 岡本忠司, 片上信之, 根來俊一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S309-S309, 2022.

Japanese Article P26-6. Examination of the bronchial alien substance case of our hospital
長井敦, 牧野英記, 山本遥加, 菊池泰輔, 梶原浩太郎, 兼松貴則
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S309-S309, 2022.

Japanese Article P27-1. An example of the broncholithiasis that we resected under the bronchoscope
藤田琢也, 片岡瑛子
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S310-S310, 2022.

Japanese Article P27-2. An example of the respiratory tract alien substance due to the corbicula which suffered from extraction
山中崇寛, 伊藤貴正, 千代雅子, 斎藤幸雄
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S310-S310, 2022.

Japanese Article P27-3. One case of the bronchial alien substance which intervened for a long term discovered with a drowned lung
原哲, 春原涼, 朝尾菜津美, 山本遼, 竹山裕亮, 近藤信幸, 島田裕之, 井上幸久, 榊原ゆみ, 小林亜紀子, 山崎啓一, 神靖人, 稲瀬直彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S310-S310, 2022.

Japanese Article P27-4. One patient who extracted the pachinko ball which became incarcerated in the bronchus using a collection net under the airway maintenance by the laryngeal mask
神宮大輔, 矢島剛洋, 生方智, 佐藤幸佑, 佐澤由郎, 渡辺洋
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S311-S311, 2022.

Japanese Article P27-5. One case of the respiratory tract alien substance mistaken for bronchial asthma
中尾明, 温麟太郎, 藤田昌樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S311-S311, 2022.

Japanese Article P27-6. An example of the lung adenocarcinoma which was able to remove suffocation by the food debris under the flexible bronchoscope
松本周一郎, 宮内栄作, 杉山初美, 佐野寛仁, 光根歩, 鈴木眞奈美, 成田大輔, 小野祥直, 小荒井晃, 玉田勉, 杉浦久敏
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S311-S311, 2022.

Japanese Article P28-1. An example of the respiratory tract alien substance due to the peanut which resected a drowned lung with a bronchoscope repeatedly
内山歩1, 中山雅之1, 佐多将史1, 久田修1, 間藤尚子1, 山本真一2, 坂東政司1, 萩原弘一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S312-S312, 2022.

Japanese Article P28-2. One patient who conducted endobronchial foreign body removal during COVID-19 treatment
向井彩, 小林玄弥, 戸田早苗, 北村有希, 中野暁子, 川口裕子, 前田浩義
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S312-S312, 2022.

Japanese Article P28-3. Example that presented with a drowned lung by the aspiration of the fish bone, and removed a fish bone under the bronchoscope
福島光基1,3, 泊慎也2, 須山尚史1, 泉川欣一1, 迎寛3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S312-S312, 2022.

Japanese Article P28-4. An example of the denture (bridge) which we resected using a nasal upper gastrointestinal tract endoscope
山口学1,3, 金井晴佳1, 池田徳彦2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S313-S313, 2022.

Japanese Article P28-5. One patient who presented with the mucosa of bronchi disorder by the aspiration of the exsiccated ferrous sulfate extended-release
神元繁信, 岡森慧, 福永直輝, 荒井大輔, 馬塲里英, 篠田裕美, 高橋秀徳, 仲地一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S313-S313, 2022.

Japanese Article P28-6. One case of the respiratory tract alien substance discovered accidentally
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S313-S313, 2022.

Japanese Article P29-1. One patient who aspirated a tooth crown prosthesis during dental treatment, and resected a tooth crown prosthesis using snare under the flexible bronchoscope
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S314-S314, 2022.

Japanese Article P29-2. One case of the bronchial alien substance which observed the change of lumen views by multiple bronchoscopy
生方智, 神宮大輔, 佐藤幸佑, 矢島剛洋, 渡辺洋
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S314-S314, 2022.

Japanese Article P29-3. Invention of the respiratory tract alien substance extraction at wide diameter channel bronchoscope non-possession
中村雄介1,3, 松崎智彦1,3, 有賀直広1,3, 渡邊創2, 中野隆之3, 須賀淳3, 中川知己2, 増田良太3, 山田俊介2, 岩崎正之3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S314-S314, 2022.

Japanese Article P29-4. Example that a water absorption polymer expanded after the diaper aspiration in the central respiratory tract, and suffered from foreign body removal
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S315-S315, 2022.

Japanese Article P29-5. An example of the broncholithiasis that presented with dyspnea taking the opportunity of the movement to the anti-side, and was relieved in exclusion of stones
唐沢知行, 奥野衆史, 土屋香代子, 中島拓也, 木村文平
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S315-S315, 2022.

Japanese Article P29-6. One case of the endotracheal foreign body by the U-shaped nail aspiration that needed the extraction under the scirrhous mirror
田中伸廣, 芝原史記, 田中伸佳, 藤森英希
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S315-S315, 2022.

Japanese Article P30-1. An effect of bronchial thermoforming technique (BT) on intractable asthma-related cough and elucidation of the mechanism of action
西山裕乃1, 金光禎寛1, 原丈介2, 伊藤圭馬1, 黒川良太1, 武田典久1, 福光研介1, 福田悟史1, 上村剛大1, 田尻智子1, 高桑修1, 大久保仁嗣1, 前野健1, 竹村昌也1, 伊藤穣1, 小栗鉄也1, 新実彰男1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S316-S316, 2022.

Japanese Article P30-2. Clinical examination of the bronchial thermoplasty case in our hospital
石川遼一, 森田恭平, 吉村千恵, 伊藤雅弘, 高橋祥太, 藤原直樹, 宮里和佳, 水谷萌, 青柳貴之, 植松慎矢, 高岩卓也, 中川和彦, 黄文禧, 西坂泰夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S316-S316, 2022.

Japanese Article P30-3. The short-term and long-term effectiveness of bronchial thermopositive tea (BT) in our hospital and safe examination
出村芳樹, 武田俊宏, 黒川紘輔, 軸屋紀宏, 大井昌寛, 多田利彦, 赤井雅也
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S316-S316, 2022.

Japanese Article P30-4. Examination of the bronchial plombage by the EWS for intractable pneumothorax, thoracic empyema with fistula in our hospital
中川隆行1, 島内正起1, 南優子3, 平野瞳2, 金澤潤2, 斎藤武文2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S317-S317, 2022.

Japanese Article P30-5. Analysis of the bronchial plombage case of our hospital
村田直彦, 小笠原智彦, 若山尚士, 鈴木博貴, 岡田暁人, 平松佑斗, 西山和宏, 山川英夫, 松田浩子, 河合将尉
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S317-S317, 2022.

Japanese Article P31-1. Three cases that were able to control hemoptysis using Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot
坂本晋一, 河北直也, 鳥羽博明, 宮本直輝, 高嶋美佳, 川上行奎, 近藤和也, 滝沢宏光
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S318-S318, 2022.

Japanese Article P31-2. Two cases of intractable pneumothorax that combined modality therapy accompanied for effective lung cancer
野田直孝1, 稲田一雄2, 大塚淳司1, 出水みいる1, 若松謙太郎1, 川崎雅之1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S318-S318, 2022.

Japanese Article P31-3. One case of intractable pneumothorax that combination of EWS and bronchial plombage succeeded
安藤伸尚1,2, 高野智嗣2, 塚本修一3, 古森雅志2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S318-S318, 2022.

Japanese Article P31-4. One case that was treated with EWS filling for secondary pneumothorax that huge atypical mycobacterial disease complicated with rheumatic interstitial pneumonia caused
岡崎敏昌, 佐藤公昭, 石田直也, 島田和佳
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S319-S319, 2022.

Japanese Article P31-5. One case that bronchial filling and a self blood patch responded to for a leak to be going prolonged after the pneumonectomy that showed the intrathoracic adhesion
小林哲也, 大須賀史枝, 加藤梓, 滝雄史, 金井義彦, 大谷真一, 山本真一, 坪地宏嘉, 遠藤俊輔
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S319-S319, 2022.

Japanese Article P31-6. One case that was able to be treated by combination of EWS and the fibrin paste under the bronchoscope for repeated secondary pneumothorax
佐藤圭樹1, 関村敦2, 横山敏之1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S319-S319, 2022.

Japanese Article P32-1. Intractable pneumothorax associated with the antiMDA-5 antibody positive interstitial pneumonia that was able to be controlled by pleurodesis, factor XIII preparation, bronchial plombage
徳永直紀1, 石本裕士1, 武田和明1, 村田麻耶子1, 末原照大1, 原敦子1, 城戸貴志1, 坂本憲穂1, 石松祐二2, 迎寛1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S320-S320, 2022.

Japanese Article P32-2. One case that EWS succeeded for intractable pneumothorax by the bleb formed by HIV infection merger pneumocystis pneumonia
小山勝正1, 南大輔2, 磯部隼人1, 白井亮1, 沖本二郎1, 友田恒一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S320-S320, 2022.

Japanese Article P32-3. One patient who was able to live long using EWS for repeated pneumothorax
林章人, 藤本啓介, 澤田徹, 監崎孝一郎, 山本晃義, 三浦一真
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S320-S320, 2022.

Japanese Article P32-4. An example of intractable bilateral pneumothorax that bronchial plombage using the EWS was effective
丹羽英之, 沖昌英, 大濱敏弘, 石井友里加, 鳥居厚志, 山田有里紗, 篠原由佳, 小暮啓人, 北川智余恵
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S321-S321, 2022.

Japanese Article P32-5. Three cases of intractable pneumothorax that bronchial plombage and pleurodesis by the EWS were effective
酒井珠美, 北俊之, 岩崎一彦, 新屋智之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S321-S321, 2022.

Japanese Article P32-6. Example that an examination of pleurography was useful in the identification of the fistula by the bronchial plombage that intractable pneumothorax with the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease was treated with
福島茂之1, 稲毛稔1, 平間紀行1, 安孫子正美2, 加藤博久2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S321-S321, 2022.

Japanese Article P33-1. Examination of 4 cases given Endobronchial Watanabe Spigot (EWS) filling
大中真之介1, 久保こすみ1, 島田絢子1, 赤司俊介1, 寺田友子1, 青山梓1, 内海健太1, 中嶌賢尚1, 永井厚志1, 小田誠2, 濱中瑠利香2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S322-S322, 2022.

Japanese Article P33-2. Two reports that EWS and NBCA were treated in combination for patients with intractable pneumothorax of COVID-19
森田智枝1,2, 北村淳史1, 盧昌聖1, 今井亮介1, 岡藤浩平1, 冨島裕1, 仁多寅彦1, 西村直樹1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S322-S322, 2022.

Japanese Article P33-3. One case that EWS was useful for the fistula closure after the thoracic empyema with fistula fenestration operation
塚本遥1, 尾高真1, 高塚真規子2, 佐藤怜2, 阿久津卓哉2, 稲木俊介2, 合地美奈2, 戸根一哉2, 矢部三男3, 秋葉直志1, 大塚崇3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S322-S322, 2022.

Japanese Article P33-4. One case that put various treatment together for thoracic empyema with fistula caused by the pulmonary suppuration, and led to healing
加藤祥記1, 杉浦八十生2, 荒木規仁1, 河合治1, 布施川久恵1, 大久保泰之1, 中村守男1, 橋詰壽律2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S323-S323, 2022.

Japanese Article P33-5. Examination of the treatment with urokinase for the acute empyema
荒川智嗣1, 浅野久敏1, 小川匡市1, 大塚崇2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S323-S323, 2022.

Japanese Article P33-6. One patient who underwent bronchial plombage using EWS for thoracic empyema with fistula after severe COVID-19 pneumonia treatment
坂本慶太, 坂部光邦, 伊藤祐, 大田裕晃, 松本晴子, 齊木彩絵, 高田康平, 藤本一志, 武藤豊, 粟野暢康, 久世眞之, 猪俣稔, 出雲雄大
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S323-S323, 2022.

Japanese Article P34-1. Two cases that bronchial plombage was effective for thoracic empyema with fistula by the lung abscess penetration
東山智彦, 水口真二郎, 高濱誠, 中嶋隆, 丁奎光, 井口貴文, 谷村卓哉, 簡野泰成, 古川彩帆, 山本良二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S324-S324, 2022.

Japanese Article P34-2. One case that added it to greater omentum plombage, thoracoplasty, and performed EWS filling after the fenestration operation for thin bronchial fistula empyema after the operation, and was able to close fenestration region
三浦隼, 伊坂哲哉, 村上浩太郎, 菊池章友, 足立広幸, 伊藤宏之, 中山治彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S324-S324, 2022.

Japanese Article P34-3. Examination about the thoracic empyema with fistula 3 case which was able to heal in EWS
木田博隆, 西山和宏, 上野純子, 田中智士, 篠崎勇輔, 木下康平, 鶴岡一, 松澤慎, 阿座上真哉, 村岡弘海, 石田敦子, 森川慶, 半田寛, 西根広樹, 井上健男, 峯下昌道
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S324-S324, 2022.

Japanese Article P34-4. Example that embolus of N-butyl-2-cianoacrylate (NBCA) succeeded for the thoracic empyema with fistula which occurred by intrathoracic penetration of the lung cancer
大杉純1, 藤嶋康祐1, 叢岳1, 長谷川剛生2, 野間聖1, 本荘浩2, 藤生浩一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S325-S325, 2022.

Japanese Article P34-5. One case that performed EWS plombage for the bronchial fistula which it showed in a residual aortic aneurysm after the department of archery substituted stenting, and was able to evade surgery
小林正嗣, 青野泰正, 福井崇将, 池田敏裕, 吉田将和, 高橋鮎子, 奥村典仁
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S325-S325, 2022.

Japanese Article P34-6. Example that EWS bronchus plombage was useful for hemoptysis due to pulmonary aspergillosis complicated with pulmonary LCH
力丸真美, 金沢賢也, 佐藤理子, 山田龍輝, 大沼巧, 渡邉菜摘, 梅田隆志, 河俣貴也, 森本樹里亜, 東川隆一, 佐藤佑樹, 鈴木康仁, 峯村浩之, 斎藤純平, 谷野功典, 柴田陽光
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S325-S325, 2022.

Japanese Article P35-1. Examination of the rays dynamic treatment for the interstitial pneumonia merger central lung cancer
土肥良一郎, 土谷智史, 松本桂太郎, 宮崎拓郎, 朝重耕一, 町野隆介, 小畑智裕, 溝口聡, 永安武
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S326-S326, 2022.

Japanese Article P35-2. 2 cases that was given PDT using at the same time OLYMPUS-type electronic bronchoscope system (BF-H190)
小野祥太郎, 神澤宏哉, 河口洋平, 古川欣也
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S326-S326, 2022.

Japanese Article P35-3. Two cases of the mucoepidermoid carcinoma that we gave the rays dynamics therapy, and complete remission was obtained
山田祐揮1,2, 宮島邦治1,2, 木村雅一1, 石川里奈子1, 河野貴文1, 奥仲哲弥1, 池田徳彦2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S326-S326, 2022.

Japanese Article P35-4. Histories of treatment using the scirrhous bronchoscope, respiratory tract stent in our hospital
加藤大喜, 柴崎隆正, 森彰平, 仲田健男, 矢部三男, 松平秀樹, 平野純, 大塚崇
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S327-S327, 2022.

Japanese Article P35-5. The effectiveness of the respiratory tract stent for tracheal stenosis, the fistula
松本寛樹, 坂入祐一, 佐藤祐太朗, 祖父江晃向, 中山浩介, 山中崇寛, 由佐城太郎, 太枝帆高, 西井開, 伊藤祐輝, 海寳大輔, 畑敦, 田中教久, 芳野充, 鈴木秀海, 吉野一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S327-S327, 2022.

Japanese Article P35-6. It is examined the intervention case for stenosis after the trachea, the bronchoplasty
朝重耕一, 土谷智史, 松本桂太郎, 宮崎拓郎, 土肥良一郎, 溝口聡, 永安武
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S327-S327, 2022.

Japanese Article P36-1. One case of the trachea stenting that we kept good oxygenation under apnea by V-V ECMO and were able to accomplish
高橋智彦1, 北村直也1, 川向純1, 新納英樹1, 宮澤秀樹1, 外川正海2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S328-S328, 2022.

Japanese Article P36-2. 2 cases that was given the stent insertion for left lung postoperative bronchus dexter stenosis
石川将史, 石川浩之, 福井哲矢, 宮田亮, 島津夢太
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S328-S328, 2022.

Japanese Article P36-3. The respiratory tract intervention for the tracheal stenosis after the artificial respiration management conducted for COVID-19 serious case pneumonia
丁奎光, 高濱誠, 中嶋隆, 水口真二郎, 井口貴文, 東山智彦, 山本良二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S328-S328, 2022.

Japanese Article P36-4. 2 cases that was given silicone-based stenting for a tracheoesophageal fistula
荻原哲, 井坂珠子, 四手井博章, 光星翔太, 高圓瑛博, 青島宏枝, 西内正樹, 神崎正人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S329-S329, 2022.

Japanese Article P36-5. Three cases of the intervention for the airway narrowing due to late effects of tuberculosis
田中智士, 鶴岡一, 西山和宏, 上野純子, 篠崎勇輔, 森川慶, 半田寛, 峯下昌道
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S329-S329, 2022.

Japanese Article P36-6. One case that the trachea model with the 3D printer was useful for information sharing and treatment strategy decision of the tracheal stenosis
植松秀護, 岡田桃華, 高宮新之介, 大橋慎一, 田中洋子, 鈴木浩介, 岸野壮真, 瀧島弘康, 酒井翔吾, 黒田佑介, 柿内佑介, 林誠, 松倉聡, 北見明彦, 門倉光隆
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S329-S329, 2022.

Japanese Article P36-7. Two patients who detained AERO stent for airway narrowing due to the necessary squamous cell carcinoma of lung of the ICU management, and evaded oncologic emergency
津野夏美, 瀧川雄貴, 佐藤賢, 井上智敬, 大西桐子, 光宗翔, 岩本佳隆, 渡邉洋美, 工藤健一郎, 佐藤晃子, 藤原慶一, 柴山卓夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S329-S329, 2022.

Japanese Article P37-1. Example that conducted the trachea stenting under the ECMO management for severe airway narrowing, and led to a withdrawal after the radiotherapy
福永直輝1, 荒井大輔1, 塙龍太郎2, 馬塲里英1, 岡森慧1, 篠田裕美1, 高橋秀徳1, 田島敦2, 神元繁信1, 仲地一郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S330-S330, 2022.

Japanese Article P37-2. Two examination that we tracheotomized for a glottic stenosis after the trachea stent insertion at the stent direct top
河口洋平, 神澤宏哉, 小野祥太郎, 古川欣也
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S330-S330, 2022.

Japanese Article P37-3. One case that a granulation tissue dissipated after the tranilast administration for a distal edge granulation after the stenting for the tuberculous bronchostenosis
大橋拓矢, 平井慶充, 宮坂美和子, 矢田由美, 房本安矢, 井口豪人, 西村好晴
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S330-S330, 2022.

Japanese Article P37-4. Example that replacing it to hybrid stent was effective for gullet tracheal fistula
二反田博之, 田口亮, 柳原章寿, 梅咲徹也, 坂口浩三, 石田博徳
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S331-S331, 2022.

Japanese Article P37-5. 2 cases that was given bronchoscope lower intervention for the tuberculous trachea, bronchostenosis
久田友哉1, 知花賢治2, 比嘉太2, 大湾勤子2, 高原明子4, 星野浩延3, 仲宗根尚子3, 河崎英範3, 川畑勉3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S331-S331, 2022.

Japanese Article P37-6. One case that removed AERO stent detained for central airway narrowing
遠藤誠, 中橋健太, 捧貴幸, 中塚真里那, 塩野知志
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S331-S331, 2022.

Japanese Article P37-7. Example that detained the respiratory tract stent under VV-ECMO adjuvant for restenosis after the bronchial stenting having Y-shaped progress cancer of the esophagus more
本倉優美1, 丹羽崇2, 横江真弥1, 甲田拓之1, 百瀬匡1, 中西陽祐1, 田中彩加1, 濱川正光1, 福田泰1, 横山俊秀1, 伊藤明広1, 時岡史明1, 有田真知子1, 石田直1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S331-S331, 2022.

Japanese Article P38-1. One patient who conducted the T-tube custody under the scirrhous bronchoscope using reverse forceps
西山和宏1, 鶴岡一1, 沼田雄1, 田中智士1, 半田寛1, 峯下昌道1, 宮本康裕2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S332-S332, 2022.

Japanese Article P38-2. One case that high frequency treatment was effective for airway narrowing due to the tuberculosis of bronchus
扇谷昌宏, 田下浩之, 本橋巧, 中野恵理, 武田啓太, 榎本優, 島田昌裕, 川島正裕, 山根章, 田村厚久
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S332-S332, 2022.

Japanese Article P38-3. One case of endobronchial tumor with one side perfection atelectasis that removed complete occlusion by endoscopic tumor excision, and was able to evade pulmonary complete removal
大野慧介1, 眞木充1, 中村友彦2, 大谷真一3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S332-S332, 2022.

Japanese Article P38-4. One patient who resected the endobronchial metastasis of the thymoma which blocked up left main bronchus in high frequency snare
富永祐一郎1, 瀧川雄貴2, 佐藤賢2, 工藤健一郎2, 井上智敬2, 大西桐子2, 光宗翔2, 岩本佳隆3, 渡邉洋美2, 佐藤晃子2, 藤原慶一2, 柴山卓夫2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S333-S333, 2022.

Japanese Article P38-5. One case of the bronchial development huge inflammatory polyp which we were able to resect in high frequency snare
竹山裕亮, 春原涼, 朝尾菜津美, 山本遼, 近藤信幸, 原哲, 島田裕之, 井上幸久, 榊原ゆみ, 神靖人
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S333-S333, 2022.

Japanese Article P38-6. An example with suspected Behcet's disease-related tracheal stenosis
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S333-S333, 2022.

Japanese Article P38-7. One case that the dehydrated ethanol infusion method was effective for an intratracheal granulation tissue by the long-term tracheotomia cannula custody
土田浩之, 棚橋雅幸, 鈴木恵理子, 吉井直子, 渡邊拓弥, 喚田祥吾, 井口拳輔, 内山粹葉, 中村みのり
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S333-S333, 2022.

Japanese Article P39-1. Three patients who received endoscopic treatment for a benign respiratory tract tumor
蜷川竣也, 吉田周平, 菅野圭, 高山哲也, 齋藤大輔, 松本勲
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S334-S334, 2022.

Japanese Article P39-2. Left lower lobe squamous cell carcinoma bronchoscopic example that we resected postoperatively transfor a left main bronchus tumor using a laser
原田千佳1, 北雄介1, 菅沼秀基2, 小林亮1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S334-S334, 2022.

Japanese Article P39-3. One case of the infection in the huge bra which was able to be improved by the puncture drainage of the transrespiratory tract
小林真晃, 松下晴彦, 田中秀典, 上西力, 上田隆博
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S334-S334, 2022.

Japanese Article P39-4. One patient who conducted area washing for alveolar proteinosis, and showed subjective improvement
井上卓哉, 渡邊直樹, 溝口仁志, 坂井健一郎, 金地伸拓
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S335-S335, 2022.

Japanese Article P39-5. One case of the primary lung adenocarcinoma given bronchoscope lower excision and endobronchial brachytherapy for postoperative multiple intratracheal metastasis
齊藤健也1,2, 中山雅之1, 長井良昭1, 小川一成3, 村上直也4, 久田修1, 間藤尚子1, 山本真一2, 坂東政司1, 萩原弘一1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S335-S335, 2022.

Japanese Article P39-6. An example of nodule type central type squamous cell carcinoma that the radical cure with the diagnostic bronchoscope was confirmed postoperatively
青木輝1,2, 内村圭吾1, 今林達哉1, 松元祐司1,3, 東山将大2, 渡辺俊一2, 土田敬明1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S335-S335, 2022.

Japanese Article P40-1. Usefulness of bronchoscope lower lungs mapping method (VAL-MAP) before ICG combination technique
青野泰正, 小林正嗣
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S336-S336, 2022.

Japanese Article P40-2. Precise Sub-Lobar Resection (PSR) using an image instruction and the very small electric wave transmitter (RFID tag)
上田雄一郎, 早稲田龍一, 白石武史, 佐藤寿彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S336-S336, 2022.

Japanese Article P40-3. Two cases of mediastinal tumor which suffered from a definitive diagnosis though we performed a biopsy on a diagnosis purpose
川端俊太郎1, 佐藤沙喜子1, 小林敬祐1, 鈴木久史1, 市村秀夫1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S336-S336, 2022.

Japanese Article P40-4. After COVID-19 vaccination, it is an example who had the pleurisy for pericarditis
相馬逸人1, 松本瞭1, 伏屋芳紀2, 高橋珠紀2, 西岡慶善2, 庄司剛1, 片倉浩理1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S337-S337, 2022.

Japanese Article P40-5. One case of the alveolar proteinosis that we diagnosed by thoracoscopic lung biopsy
高山恭滉1, 吉田周平2, 菅野圭2, 蜷川竣也2, 高山哲也2, 齋藤大輔2, 松本勲2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S337-S337, 2022.

Japanese Article P40-6. One case of the follicular bronchiolitis associated with the rheumatoid arthritis that formed a pulmonary mass
石橋史博1,2, 堀尾穣治1,2, 澁谷潔1,2, 吉野一郎1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S337-S337, 2022.

Japanese Article P41-1. Operation under thoracoscopy for the pneumothorax case 80 years or older
重信敬夫, 吉津晃
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S338-S338, 2022.

Japanese Article P41-2. Examination of the operation under thoracoscopy case for idiopathic hemopneumothorax
伊藤一樹, 桐林孝治, 西牟田浩伸, 萩原令彦, 新妻徹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S338-S338, 2022.

Japanese Article P41-3. It is examined recurrent surgery 8 case after the operation under thoracoscopy enforcement for spontaneous pneumothorax
萩原令彦, 伊藤一樹, 新妻徹, 西牟田浩伸, 桐林孝治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S338-S338, 2022.

Japanese Article P41-4. 1 surgery case of intrathoracic tardive traumatic pneumothorax to be heterotopic, and to stop by of the wire brush which came flying
伊東真哉1, 柳田正志2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S339-S339, 2022.

Japanese Article P41-5. Significance to be given pneumoscope under the local anesthesia for intractable pneumothorax
北雄介1, 小林亮1, 原田千佳1, 菅沼秀基2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S339-S339, 2022.

Japanese Article P41-6. Two cases of the Birt-Hogg-Dube (BHD) syndrome which led to a diagnosis with pneumothorax surgery
黄英哲1, 越智敬大1, 星野英久1, 関根康雄1, 中澤匡男2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S339-S339, 2022.

Japanese Article P41-7. The local anesthesia lower single foramen type pneumoscope lower pulmonary fistula closure technique for intractable pneumothorax who had central type squamous cell carcinoma to penetrate in bronchus principalia dexter
川村昌輝, 阿部二郎, 片平真人, 宮部真悟
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S339-S339, 2022.

Japanese Article P42-1. New attempt of the stapler with the absorbent reinforcing structure
澤田徹, 監崎孝一郎, 藤本啓介, 久保尊子, 法村尚子, 林章人, 六車博昭, 三浦一真, 山本晃義
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S340-S340, 2022.

Japanese Article P42-2. A case of thoracoscopic alveolar fistula closure after bronchial filling for thoracic empyema with fistula due to nontuberculous mycobacteriosis (NTM)
渡邉文亮1, 安達勝利1, 辻愛士2, 岩中宗一2, 坂倉康正2, 西村正2, 内藤雅大2, 井端英憲2, 大本恭裕2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S340-S340, 2022.

Japanese Article P42-3. One case that evaded bronchial stump fistula associated with additional pneumonia under treatment after the inferior lobe excision out of VATS for the cN1 lung cancer by caulescent thymus coating
濱田洋輔, 藤森賢, 鈴木聡一郎, 四元拓真, 菊永晋一郎, 新妻徹, 大塚礼央, 三原秀誠
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S340-S340, 2022.

Japanese Article P42-4. 1 excision case of pulmonary hyalinizing granuloma which showed a tendency to slow increase, and needed differentiation with the lung cancer
西川仁士, 武田洋正
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S341-S341, 2022.

Japanese Article P42-5. One patient who underwent single foramen-style right 7a + 10bc segmental resection for the pulmonary sequestration in the lobe of the lung
高森聡, 大泉弘幸, 鈴木潤, 渡辺光, 佐藤開仁
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S341-S341, 2022.

Japanese Article P42-6. One case of the idiopathic azygous vein lump which we resected under the pneumoscope
佐藤澄1, 進藤友喜1, 武田翔1, 豊原功侍4, 文元聰志1, 市橋良夫2, 越智薫3, 花岡伸治1, 勝間田敬弘1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S341-S341, 2022.

Japanese Article P42-7. 3 excision case of the posterior mediastinum Muellerian duct cyst resected under the pneumoscope in our hospital
岡村純子, 小林尚寛, 皆木健治, 関根康晴, 菅井和人, 河村知幸, 柳原隆宏, 後藤行延, 市村秀夫, 佐藤幸夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S341-S341, 2022.

Japanese Article P43-1. One case of the primary bronchial arteries angioma recemosum given a thoracoscopic bronchial arteries resection
嶋田喜文, 本間崇浩, 田邊慶太郎, 芳村直樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S342-S342, 2022.

Japanese Article P43-2. Examination of the postpneumonectomy predictive forced expiratory volume in one second of the patients with the pneumonectomy history
柴崎隆正, 森彰平, 加藤大喜, 仲田健男, 矢部三男, 松平秀樹, 平野純, 大塚崇
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S342-S342, 2022.

Japanese Article P43-3. Five patients who underwent operation under thoracoscopy for the diaphragm traffic symptom of sustained peritoneal dialysis patients
滝沢昌也, 立道佳祐, 久保陽香, 小林弘明
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S342-S342, 2022.

Japanese Article P43-4. Histories of treatment of the lung cancer detected with acute empyema
渡辺光, 佐藤開仁, 高森聡, 鈴木潤, 大泉弘幸
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S343-S343, 2022.

Japanese Article P43-5. A case of thoracoscopic left S10 segment resection for residual lower lobe second lung cancer after left S6 segment resection using the bottom of the lung approach
山道尭, 一瀬淳二, 玉川達, 大村兼志郎, 橋本浩平, 松浦陽介, 中尾将之, 奥村栄, 文敏景
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S343-S343, 2022.

Japanese Article P43-6. 1 excision case of the left upper lobe of lung lung cancer complicated with complete situs inversus
井田朝彩香, 吉田周平, 高山哲也, 齋藤大輔, 松本勲
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S343-S343, 2022.

Japanese Article P43-7. One case that looked at the complete mirror for lung cancer in the right B3 transposition bronchus and middle with the lobation imperfection, and performed a lower lobe resection
田中伸佳, 芝原史記, 田中伸廣, 藤森英希
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S343-S343, 2022.

Japanese Article P44-2. Experience of resection of lung metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma that required differentiation from primary lung cancer with uncertain preoperative diagnosis
石川慶大1, 川村健1, 臼井葉月1, 佐藤大介1, 横山和之1, 進藤学1, 大畑善寛2, 佐藤未来2, 竹藪公洋2, 高岡和夫2, 飛岡弘敏3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S344-S344, 2022.

Japanese Article P44-3. 1 excision case of the pulmonary atypical carotenoid which showed ProGRP high level
新居和人1, 多々川貴一1, 中川靖士2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S344-S344, 2022.

Japanese Article P44-4. One patient who underwent thoracoscopic base of lung segmental resection for the schwannoma that developed from the segmental bronchus
佐藤祐太朗, 守屋康充, 由佐城太郎, 塩田広宣, 安川朋久
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S345-S345, 2022.

Japanese Article P44-5. Improve left main bronchus stenosis due to the neurogenic tumor of 6cm between the ascending aorta tracheal bifurcation by 3-port pneumoscope lower tumor excision; one case
大塚礼央, 藤森賢, 鈴木聡一郎, 四元拓真, 菊永晋一郎, 新妻徹, 濱田洋輔
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S345-S345, 2022.

Japanese Article P44-6. One case of the thymoma who had alopecia areata
藤本啓介, 監崎孝一郎, 久保尊子, 澤田徹, 法村尚子, 林章人, 六車博昭, 三浦一真, 山本晃義
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S345-S345, 2022.

Japanese Article P45-1. About lung cancer surgery, a lung cancer lymph node excision by RATS
横田俊也, 池田晋悟, 前田純一, 星野竜広, 長岡英理
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S346-S346, 2022.

Japanese Article P45-2. 1 excision case of Cystic micronodular thymoma with lymphoid stroma
今本皓介, 泉信博, 月岡卓馬, 小松弘明, 井上英俊, 西山典利, 伊藤龍一
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S346-S346, 2022.

Japanese Article P45-3. Example that performed a robot support lower lobe resection in bronchial precedent cutting apart for the full-scale adhesion and the mediastinal permeation-positive right superior lobe lung cancer
上原美由紀, 上田雄一郎, 西野菜々子, 岩中剛, 緑川健介, 阿部創世, 宮原聡, 川野大悟, 早稲田龍一, 白石武史, 佐藤寿彦
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S346-S346, 2022.

Japanese Article P45-4. Clinical background, treatment of the young people lung cancer to need bronchoplasty and the prognosis
由佐城太郎, 坂入祐一, 佐藤祐太朗, 祖父江晃向, 中山浩介, 山中崇寛, 西井開, 太枝帆高, 伊藤祐輝, 松本寛樹, 海寳大輔, 畑敦, 田中教久, 芳野充, 鈴木秀海, 吉野一郎
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S347-S347, 2022.

Japanese Article P45-5. The left main bronchus myxoma which we resected by single foramen-style bronchoplasty
阿部亮1, 本間崇浩2, 嶋田喜文2, 田邊慶太郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S347-S347, 2022.

Japanese Article P45-6. An example of the left main bronchus extension B6 origin carotenoid which we were able to resect by the left lower lobe excision
田口亮1, 坂口浩三1, 柳原章寿1, 梅咲徹也1, 二反田博之1, 石田博徳1, 新井栄一2, 安田政実2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S347-S347, 2022.

Japanese Article P46-1. 2 excision case of the central type squamous cell carcinoma of lung
田邊慶太郎, 嶋田喜文, 本間崇浩, 芳村直樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S348-S348, 2022.

Japanese Article P46-2. 1 case that was given sleeve tongue ward inferior lobe excision for the left lung hilar region lung cancer with the bronchus, the vascular invasion
安部美幸, 鎌田紘輔, 辛島高志, 内匠陽平, 橋本崇史, 宮脇美千代, 小副川敦, 杉尾賢二
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S348-S348, 2022.

Japanese Article P46-3. Example that resected the trachea bronchus wedge form for the adenoid cystic carcinoma which assumed carinal so-called 'right shoulder' the main seat
松村勇輝, 山口大輝, 猪俣頌, 山口光, 峯勇人, 高木玄教, 渡部晶之, 尾崎有紀, 武藤哲史, 岡部直行, 塩豊, 鈴木弘行
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S348-S348, 2022.

Japanese Article P46-4. One patient who underwent the inferior lobe resection in the right wedge form for the right inferior lobe origin bronchus adenoid cystic carcinoma
石田直也, 岡崎敏昌, 佐藤公昭, 島田和佳
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S349-S349, 2022.

Japanese Article P46-5. One case of hilus of right lung lymph node cancer with the branching bronchus abnormality given the right superior lobe sleeve resection
岸本和也, 泉信博, 月岡卓馬, 小松弘明, 井上英俊, 伊藤龍一, 西山典利
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S349-S349, 2022.

Japanese Article P46-6. Example that started for tracheal cancer in Laryngeal mask, and was retrograde, and inserted an intubation tube using Tube exchanger
原田愛倫子, 森彰平, 加藤大喜, 柴崎隆正, 仲田健男, 矢部三男, 平野純, 大塚崇
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S349-S349, 2022.

Japanese Article P47-1. Examination of 12 hamartoma which we resected under the thoracoscopic bronchoscope
吉津晃, 重信敬夫
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S350-S350, 2022.

Japanese Article P47-2. Clinical examination of the lung cryptococcosis surgery case
須賀淳1, 和田篤史2, 有賀直広1, 渡邊創2, 中村雄介2, 武市悠2, 中川知己2, 増田良太1, 山田俊介2, 岩崎正之1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S350-S350, 2022.

Japanese Article P47-3. One patient who presented with an atypical both lungs-prone nodule, and had a diagnosis of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis by a surgical lung biopsy
菅野圭, 吉田周平, 蜷川竣也, 高山哲也, 齋藤大輔, 田村昌也, 松本勲
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S350-S350, 2022.

Japanese Article P47-4. One case of the tonic haemothorax by the penetration of idiopathic intrapulmonary hematoma
関村敦1, 横山敏行2, 佐藤圭樹2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S351-S351, 2022.

Japanese Article P47-5. Two patients who underwent the fistula plombage with the polyglycolic acid nonwoven fabric under the pneumoscope for intractable pneumothorax
松尾草明1, 大泉弘幸2, 鈴木潤2, 渡辺光2, 高森聡2, 佐藤開仁2, 内田徹郎2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S351-S351, 2022.

Japanese Article P47-6. It is an example who had the empyema by transverse colon perforation by the diaphragmatic hernia strangulation after the cancer of the esophagus technique
井口豪人, 平井慶充, 大橋拓矢, 矢田由美, 房本安矢, 宮坂美和子, 西村好晴
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S351-S351, 2022.

Japanese Article P48-1. One case that underwent thoracoscopic segmental resection for the pulmonary benign metastatic leiomyoma which had difficulty in diagnosis before operation
佐伯祐典1, 中岡浩二郎1, 稲垣雅春1, 川上直樹2, 井上和成3, 石川雄一3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S352-S352, 2022.

Japanese Article P48-2. One case of the posterior mediastinum Muellerian duct cyst
吉松隆1,3, 宮田剛彰2,3, 比嘉花絵2,3, 山岡賢俊1, 高山真緒4, 山下直樹4, 宗哲哉4, 下川秀彦5, 小山倫浩6
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S352-S352, 2022.

Japanese Article P48-3. 1 excision case of the sclerosing hemangioma with lymph node metastases given completion lower lobectomy after the bottom segmental resection
小松弘明, 泉信博, 月岡卓馬, 井上英俊, 伊藤龍一, 西山典利
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S352-S352, 2022.

Japanese Article P48-4. An example of the intramuscular hemangioma of the intercostal muscle origin
越智敬大1, 関根康雄1, 黄英哲1, 星野英久1, 中澤匡男2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S353-S353, 2022.

Japanese Article P48-5. 1 surgery case of intrapulmonary type bronchus aneurysms which we performed bronchial arteries embolization before operation in
小澤雄一郎, 荒木健太郎, 酒井光昭
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S353-S353, 2022.

Japanese Article P48-6. One case of the congenital bronchial biliary fistula
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S353-S353, 2022.

Japanese Article P49-1. Examination of the surgery case of the nontuberculous acid-fast bacterium disease merger lung tumor
片岡瑛子1,2, 藤田琢也1, 徳岡駿一3, 加藤悠人3, 福永健太郎3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S354-S354, 2022.

Japanese Article P49-2. One patient who it was an impaired pulmonary function, but underwent the left pneumonectomy for a lifesaving purpose for the left lower lobe lung cancer to increase rapidly
小林敬祐1, 佐藤沙喜子1, 川端俊太郎1, 小林尚寛2, 菊池慎二2, 鈴木久史1, 後藤行延2, 市村秀夫2, 佐藤幸夫2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S354-S354, 2022.

Japanese Article P49-3. One case of the high grade of atypism fetal type adenocarcinoma that eight months caused a multiple mediastinal lymph node recurrence after the operation, and EBUS-TBNA contributed to a diagnosis
北村直也1, 藤井みのり1, 高田巨樹2, 高橋智彦1, 川向純1, 新納英樹1, 宮澤秀樹1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S354-S354, 2022.

Japanese Article P49-4. One patient operated on after alectinib administration for ALK fused gene-positive lung cancer
房本安矢1, 平井慶充1, 大橋拓矢1, 矢田由美1, 井口豪人1, 高橋祐一2, 西村好晴1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S355-S355, 2022.

Japanese Article P49-5. One patient who kept a respiratory function by segmental resection for the pulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma of young people, and removed completely
矢田由美, 大橋拓矢, 井口豪人, 房本安矢, 平井慶充, 西村好晴
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S355-S355, 2022.

Japanese Article P49-6. 1 excision case of the epithelioid angioendothelioma which occurred in the superior mediastinum
西川敏雄, 高橋正彦, 森雅信, 岡林孝弘, 上川康明, 井上文之
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S355-S355, 2022.

Japanese Article P50-1. One case of the fort permeation lung cancer that preoperative intercostal artery embolization was effective
北村将司, 苗村佑樹, 鈴村雄治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S356-S356, 2022.

Japanese Article P50-2. One patient who underwent left S8 segmental resection for the metastatic lung tumor with the transposition bronchus of left B5
柳原隆宏1, 皆木健治1, 岡村純子1, 関根康晴1, 菅井和人1, 河村知幸1, 小林尚寛1, 後藤行延1, 市村秀夫1, 杉田翔平2, 野口雅之2, 佐藤幸夫1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S356-S356, 2022.

Japanese Article P50-3. 1 excision case of pulmonary kind basilar cells type squamous cell carcinoma given the pulmonary artery plastic surgery with the self-pericardium patch
竹内健1, 小西建治2, 大内基史1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S356-S356, 2022.

Japanese Article P50-4. 1 excision case of the goiter in the huge mediastinum including the carcinoma papilliferum ingredient which presented tracheal stenosis
中島裕康1, 若原純一2, 諸鹿俊彦2, 濱武大輔2, 岡林寛2, 佐藤寿彦1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S357-S357, 2022.

Japanese Article P50-5. One case of the right middle lobe lung cancer that needed time for a diagnosis by having been associated with calcification for complete atelectasis in middle
北村将司, 苗村佑樹, 鈴村雄治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S357-S357, 2022.

Japanese Article P50-6. An example who had the right superior lobe lung cancer that extended to inferior lobe to the trachea bronchus with the lobation imperfection of the upper inferior lobe
高木玄教1, 武藤哲史2, 福原光朗1, 塩豊2, 鈴木弘行2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S357-S357, 2022.

Japanese Article P51-1. About the coated usefulness with the free fat texture of the bronchial stump
羽田裕司1, 坂根理司1, 羽喰英美1, 秋田憲志2, 高桑修2, 國井英治2, 山羽悠介2, 吉原実鈴2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S358-S358, 2022.

Japanese Article P51-2. It is observed the bronchitis after the operation: It is usually weighed Linked Color Imaging (LCI) against light
山本真一1, 大須賀史枝1, 加藤梓1, 須藤圭吾2, 水越奈津樹2, 堀切映江2, 大関雅樹2, 明畠良太1, 小森健二朗2, 小林哲也1, 滝雄史1, 根岸秀樹2, 峯岸健太郎1, 光田清佳1, 金井義彦1, 大谷真一2, 坪地宏嘉1, 遠藤俊輔1,2
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S358-S358, 2022.

Japanese Article P51-3. Example that performed fenestration operation using the EWS filling for thoracic empyema with fistula after the segmental resection for the metastatic lung tumor, and healed
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S358-S358, 2022.

Japanese Article P51-4. One case of the endotracheal intubation fonticulus nasi injury improved by conservative medical treatment by the right one lung intubation
苗村佑樹, 北村将司, 鈴村雄治
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S359-S359, 2022.

Japanese Article P51-5. One patient who saved it for the mucous membrane of trachea laceration by the separation lung ventilation blocker cuff, and was able to be under the medical treatment
井上尚1,2, 眞柄和史1, 今村智美1, 梅田翔太1, 矢崎裕紀1, 荒木修1, 中島崇裕1, 前田寿美子1, 千田雅之1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S359-S359, 2022.

Japanese Article P52-1. One patient who healed N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate after the dribbling, the expectoration in bronchial stump fistula after the operation
深田武久, 磯和賢秀, 武智浩子, 高萩亮宏, 松岡隆久, 阪井宏彰
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S360-S360, 2022.

Japanese Article P52-2. One case of the thymoma which produced bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis after the operation
松田英祐, 佐藤創
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S360-S360, 2022.

Japanese Article P52-3. 1 case that performed fenestration operation for thoracic empyema with fistula after the cancer of the esophagus, lung cancer technique, and was able to heal by perioperative care in connection with the multi-type of job conservatively
鉄本啓介, 齋藤正男, 高山昌和, 甲貴文, 浜川博司, 高橋豊
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S360-S360, 2022.

Japanese Article P52-4. One patient who was able to undergo fenestration operation by PGA sheet filling of the bronchial stump fistula for interstitial pneumonia acute exacerbation and thoracic empyema with fistula after the operation
遠藤哲哉, 神武輝, 新谷裕美子, 南方孝夫, 氷室直哉, 武井秀史
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S361-S361, 2022.

Japanese Article P52-5. One case of the bronchial stump fistula which we were able to diagnose by a bronchoscope in the lateral decubitusposition
宮崎涼平, 穴山貴嗣, 岡田浩晋, 山本麻梨乃
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S361-S361, 2022.

Japanese Article P52-6. An example of scoliosis that resulted in acute respiratory failure just after the right superior lobe excision
青木雅也, 徳田泰裕, 森園翔一朗, 前田光喜, 池畑瑞輝, 岩元嘉志, 坂上友梨, 田畑圭佑, 上村豪, 狩集弘太, 上田和弘, 佐藤雅美
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S361-S361, 2022.

Japanese Article P53-1. Two cases of the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis that occurred in the identical twins who followed the different course
田地広明, 和田静香, 花澤碧, 清水圭, 山本祐介
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S362-S362, 2022.

Japanese Article P53-2. Survival curve of 183 patients with excision lung adenocarcinoma by three kinds of cancer stem cell marker expression
小山倫浩1,3, 浦本秀隆2, 小山倫太郎3, 吉松克真3, 松宮弘喜3, 西澤夏將3, 森將鷹3, 金山雅俊3, 平良彰浩3, 永田旭3, 篠原伸二3, 竹中賢3, 黒田耕志3, 山下直樹4, 宗哲哉4, 宮田剛彰5, 吉松隆6, 安田学7, 花桐武志8, 大崎敏弘9, 中西良一10, 田中文啓3
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S362-S362, 2022.

Japanese Article P53-3. An example of spontaneous pneumothorax associated with sudden Forestier disease which was hard to swallow it, and was discovered
宇山攻, 竹原恵美, 日野直樹
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S362-S362, 2022.

Japanese Article P53-4. Through a case of the problems - RET gene fusion-positive lung adenocarcinoma of the rare driver genetic screening in the bronchoscope biopsy -
木戸川萌1, 白石朝子1, 磯嶋佑1, 丈達陽順1, 西田千夏1, 山崎啓1, 泉大樹2, 松本慎吾2, 矢寺和博1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S363-S363, 2022.

Japanese Article P53-5. An example of the autoimmune neutropenia merger multicenter castleman's disease that it was hard to be diagnosed with a bronchoscope and was able to diagnose by thoracoscopic biopsy
神宮達也1, 森本俊規1, 川口貴子1, 池上博昭1, 加藤香織1, 西田千夏1, 山崎啓1, 河端美則2, 矢寺和博1
The Journal of Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy 44(suppl): S363-S363, 2022.