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Japanese Journal of Medical Technology

Volume 44, Issue 7 / 1995
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article A naked eye image and histopathology, cellular image of the lung
Norimatsu Yoshiaki, Yasuyuki Miyake *, Three bottles of Setsuko **, Matakichi Michiko **, Kimio Ishikawa **, 宮哲正 ***
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1113-1114, 1995.

Japanese Article Application of the gene diagnosis
Makoto Iwasaki, Masaru Kobayashi, Yoji Suzuki *, Yuzo Takada **, Masahiro Mukoda **
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1115-1125, 1995.

Japanese Article New assay method for the determination of alkaline phosphatase activity using 4-acetylphenyiphosphate as a substrate
Masaaki Ochi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1126-1131, 1995.

Japanese Article Comparative immunohistochemical studies on gross cystic disease fluid protein-15 and lysozyme in mammary and extramammary tumor tissues
Takeshi Nakamura
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1132-1136, 1995.

Japanese Article About the error factor in the examination of blood clotting
小林香織, 湯本ちづ子, 中山佳典, 半戸茂友, 仙名清次郎, 村山範行
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1137-1141, 1995.

Japanese Article Utility of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) with the EDTA-2K added blood liquid
Yasuko Maruoka, Chikako Sasaki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1142-1144, 1995.

Japanese Article 1 case of acute leukemia that we were not able to classify by the conventional FAB classification
We watch Asada, Terumi Ohashi, Tamotsu Irino, Many Hisaharu Hayashi, Koichi Mukai *, Takashi Suzuki world **
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1145-1148, 1995.

Japanese Article IgM monoclone type cryoglobulinemia which had an influence on the automatic blood corpuscle measurement instrument
Toshiyuki Watanabe, Hideo Harada, Tang lower Hiroko *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1149-1152, 1995.

Japanese Article Study of the quality control sample in Kodak Ektachem 700N
川村憲弥, 奥住裕二, 望月一雄, 森三樹雄
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1153-1158, 1995.

Japanese Article Immunohistochemical examination of nm23/NDP kinase A in the large intestine tumor
Satoshi Ikeda, Hiroshi Kimura, Noriyuki Fukazawa, Kazumi Sawamura, Emiko Honma, Miho Aizawa, Nobuyuki Isaka
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1159-1163, 1995.

Japanese Article Detection of ovarian cancer by the abdominal ultrasonography in the medical examination center
Kayo Yashima, Mutsuko Hirota, Hisae Mori, Seiji Sudo, Kasamatsu sincerity
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1164-1167, 1995.

Japanese Article About the DLcoSB method
Kaoru Namiki, Sachiko Yoshioka, Toshie Sekine, Tomoko Ito, Yoko Matsushima, Masayuki Takahashi, Ahagon Masakazu, 若林伸洋
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1168-1170, 1995.

Japanese Article Comparison of the MRSA selection media
内山健二, 星野喜久子, 小堀一乃, 望月一雄
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1171-1174, 1995.

Japanese Article Examination of the new dip stick which improved an occult bleeding part
松下みき, 中野雍子, 榛葉年江, 杉山武喜子, 福田文男
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1175-1178, 1995.

Japanese Article Examination of the tubercle bacillus direct detection method that we applied ribosomal RNA amplification to
Kazuno Kobori, Kenji Uchiyama, Kazuo Mochizuki, Mikio Mori *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1179-1182, 1995.

Japanese Article About modification of the calculation formula and osmolality gap of serum osmotic pressure by calculating formula of acute alcohol poisoning patients
須郷秋恵, 原正道
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1183-1185, 1995.

Japanese Article Practice of "the diabetes education for patients" in the clinical test cost
Toshimitsu Onuma
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1186-1187, 1995.

Japanese Article Quality of life and team approach in medical care
Shigeo Hayata
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1188-1192, 1995.

Japanese Article We work on medical support in Great Hanshin Earthquake and report it
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1206-1207, 1995.

Japanese Article Chronic hepatitis C
Toshiro Kondo
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1210-1212, 1995.

Japanese Article Virus associated with rash infection
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1213-1216, 1995.

Japanese Article Extraction by particularly central and pacific Gene RV
Hasebe 1,000 Tomi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 44(7): 1217-1220, 1995.