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Japanese Journal of Medical Technology

Volume 47, Issue 3 / 1998
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article As a school teacher
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 225-225, 1998.

Japanese Article As a medical technologist
Gisuke Nose
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 227-227, 1998.

Japanese Article Action by the testing section distinction
Kimiko Matsuoka
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 229-229, 1998.

Japanese Article Action by the testing section distinction
Kazuyuki Sugawara
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 231-231, 1998.

Japanese Article Action to new duties
Tetsuko Kawasaki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 233-233, 1998.

Japanese Article The present conditions of platelet antigen, the test for antibodies
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 236-236, 1998.

Japanese Article Platelet transfusion and platelet antibody (the blood center side)
Junko Tanigami
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 237-237, 1998.

Japanese Article Platelet transfusion and platelet antibody (clinical side)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 238-238, 1998.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient and diagnosis of the bacteremia
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 240-240, 1998.

Japanese Article Application of the polymerase chain reaction using the universal primer
島川宏一, 小松方, 相原雅典
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 244-244, 1998.

Japanese Article Correspondence after the need and the examination of the pre-operative examination
Hisashi Tanaka fine weather, 舩井久子, Takuya Morishita *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 247-247, 1998.

Japanese Article Automation, standardization of the examination for hepatitis virus, precision management
岩佐玲子, 山岸貴子, 川崎哲子*, 下宮美智代**
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 248-248, 1998.

Japanese Article Human papilloma virus (HPV)
鳥居良貴, 岡村義弘, 糸山雅子, 久住利香, 西川律子, 織田みほ, 針山良二, 山本格士
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 250-250, 1998.

Japanese Article Epstein-Barr virus(EBV)
Etsu Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Ikezawa, Tatsuo Iijima *, Masayuki Noguchi *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 251-251, 1998.

Japanese Article Nocardia, actinomyces
佐々木政臣, 藤井厚男, 田部政則, 杉本健, 川端幸, 山田加奈江, 塩見和彦, 塩田晃子, 若狭研一, 伊倉義弘*, 髭野泰博**
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 252-252, 1998.

Japanese Article About body of the uterus
則松良明, 香田浩美, 尾関祐里
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 254-254, 1998.

Japanese Article About the lungs
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 255-255, 1998.

Japanese Article About breast
Hideo Yoshimura
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 257-257, 1998.

Japanese Article About thyroid gland
佐々木栄司1, 鳥屋城男2, 亀山香織3, 伊藤國彦1
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 258-258, 1998.

Japanese Article Chromosome, genetic screening of leukemia, lymphoma
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 260-260, 1998.

Japanese Article Genetic screening of the solid tumor
Ichiro Ueno
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 261-261, 1998.

Japanese Article A chromosome, genetic screening and information management of congenital anomalies
Michiko Sone
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 262-262, 1998.

Japanese Article The domestic status of coagulation test in Korea
Song Woon Heung, Kim Duk Jin*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 263-264, 1998.

Japanese Article All automatic solidification measuring equipment and standardization
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 267-267, 1998.

Japanese Article Reliable standard range
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 271-271, 1998.

Japanese Article Standardization of transfusion duties
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 272-272, 1998.

Japanese Article Regime of the transfusion service
Michihiro Ito
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 273-273, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance and future problem to have of I&A(Inspection&Accredition)
Shiro Yamauchi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 274-274, 1998.

Japanese Article Heart, process of ultrasonography in the peripheral vessels region
Mitsuru Nakao, Tadafumi Doi *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 276-276, 1998.

Japanese Article A differential diagnosis and the point
Kunihiro Nishi, wisteria Toshio *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 278-278, 1998.

Japanese Article The present conditions and aim of the report method
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 279-279, 1998.

Japanese Article Epidemiology of tuberculosis
Great country English and Japanese
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 281-281, 1998.

Japanese Article Recent tuberculosis technique
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 282-282, 1998.

Japanese Article Tubercle bacillus chemical sensitivity
East Minoru Tsutsumi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 283-283, 1998.

Japanese Article Recent tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment
Katsuhiro Suzuki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 284-284, 1998.

Japanese Article The liver (neoplastic lesion) supersonic wave side
Masami Mori
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 287-287, 1998.

Japanese Article The liver (neoplastic lesion) pathology side
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 288-288, 1998.

Japanese Article The alveolar epithelial cells side
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 290-290, 1998.

Japanese Article Aim of the cytokine / adhesion molecule gene introduction in the tumor im-munity
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 291-291, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of in vivo injury cells (CTL)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 294-294, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of in vivo injury cells
Masanao Iijima
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 295-295, 1998.

Japanese Article Mainly on tumor im-munity of the tumor tissue is immunologic; pathological analysis
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 296-296, 1998.

Japanese Article In "new media conference" holding
東山孝二, 佐川輝高*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 297-297, 1998.

Japanese Article A medical information system and the Internet
Ryuichi Yamamoto
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 298-298, 1998.

Japanese Article Experiment of the presentation at the meeting by the Internet
Hiromi Kataoka, Tadashi Ueda, Masaaki Nishida
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 301-301, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the ALP measurement reagent which is stable in an opening a letter state
松原朱實, 田中廣憲, Sugimoto enthusiast, Kanbe Masayuki *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 305-305, 1998.

Japanese Article It is clinical analysis in the basic row of the ALP measurement reagent (JSCC advice method conformity reagent)
高階成実, Kazuko Kogo, Kenji Nagatani, Mayumi Tsumura, Kaoru Ueno person, Shoji Kuwata, Tree Takashi Nouchi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 305-305, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the phosphomonoesterase isozyme fractionation process due to central and pacific Lux SP membranes
松嶋恵美, 白方隆晴, 市川正之, 杉山祝子, 四木和之, 平松佳代子, 小野尚江, 鈴木利佐
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 306-306, 1998.

Japanese Article As an activating agent about problems of examination of the L type Wako CK using the thioglycerol and the CK MB measurement by the inhibition technique of immunity
原田豊子, 河原博子, 松原朱實, 杉本好, 神辺眞之*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 307-307, 1998.

Japanese Article Measurement of the serum cholinesterase by the dry chemistry
Hajime Makiuchi, Takashi Arai joy
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 308-308, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the normal reference level and serum P type amylase measurement of serum amylase in elderly people
Tomoichi Ichikawa, Mika Miyashita, Hiromi Imamura, Ryohei Sato, Ryosuke Minakata
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 308-308, 1998.

Japanese Article About the clinical utility of the gynecological item by AIA-21
Akihiko Matsuzaki, Mika Endo, Saori Tsukada, Takeshi Sekine, Yoshihiko Kasahara
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 309-309, 1998.

Japanese Article One case that ALP isozyme is useful
茂田實, 尾方明美
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 311-311, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the CK-B subunit affinitas immunoglobulin that participation of the immune system was suggested
金光房江, 宇野二郎, 長谷川泰子, 水島淳
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 312-312, 1998.

Japanese Article It is the examination of the anticonvulsant blood level before and after the puncture ascitic fluid concentration re-IV infusion of patients with no cancer mer globulinemia who had cirrhosis after temporal lobe epilepsy, hepatitis C
Takeshi Ikedo, Tomomi Asai, Saza Kenichi, Futoshi Nishikawa, See; Taku, Fief Etsuko, Shoji Tamura, Hiroshi Matsuoka *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 312-312, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of isolated ACTH deficiency
高木博子, 高橋繁夫, 宮本市郎*, 野田八嗣*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 313-313, 1998.

Japanese Article It is evaluated the liver function after an operation by the living related liver transplantation
五藤孝秋, 柴田弘, 坂井正治, 関知次郎*, 柴田偉雄*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 314-314, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the bile acid measurement out of feces
Kyoko Sakurai, Living in peace Yoshikatsu, Motonari Kanou *, Yasuko Tanba *, Koki Motegi **, Toshiki Kamano ***
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 315-315, 1998.

Japanese Article Total ketone body, basic examination of the 3-hydroxybutyric acid measurement reagent
飯野一城, 大西真司, 中村勝, 古籏敏文, 沖深美, 板橋明
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 316-316, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the magnesium measurement reagent by the enzyme method
岸本由佳里, 金基潤, 松本正典
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 317-317, 1998.

Japanese Article Adrenalin in the H_2 O_2, POD, chromogen color development system, device of the bilirubin interference improvement reagent
1000, Yamashita intellect 1), Shunji Nanba 1), Shinji Ujiie 1), Tokuji Suzuki 1), 小島鉄巳 1), Tetsuo Tokita 1), Urayama success 2), Munetaka Ishiyama 3)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 319-319, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the blood ET-1, cGMP level in patients with chronic cerebrovascular disease
Naoko Takamatsu, Asuka Ito, Yumi Egawa, Shuichi Takagi *, Koichi Inagaki *, Toshiaki Izumi *, Yasushi Kihara tree *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 320-320, 1998.

Japanese Article The measurement of the cerebral fluid biochemistry ingredient by Hitachi 7170
渡辺信子, 長島澄子, 笠羽成一, 小林久幸, 鈴木令子, 真重文子, 橋本佳明, 中原一彦
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 320-320, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the postcibal drawing blood enforcement
Tadaaki Nomura, Mineko Shinozaki, Katsumi Yamazaki, Yoshikazu Yoshida, Takeshi Ishizaki Kotobuki, Mitsuhiro Nakazato, Yoko Yusa, Tomomi Moriya
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 321-321, 1998.

Japanese Article Trend of the electrolyte in the acute remission of the water diuresis deficiency
It is Kikuchi or is, Star method male, Tomomi Tamagawa, Kyoko Watanabe, Mayumi Numata, Nobuo Hayasaka
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 322-322, 1998.

Japanese Article The effect that is centrifugal again serum isolation conservation 24 hours due to the blood-collecting vessel with separating medium later
Buttocks no Reiko Hama, Yusuke Yokoyama, Tree cedar Reiko, Masataka Shiraishi, Aiso justice
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 323-323, 1998.

Japanese Article Action to a quick report for practice support
Juichi Itoi, Takeo Seo, Masahiko Yamamoto, Akemi Yamamoto, Ouchida Yuichi, Tamotsu Yamada Toshie, Masahiko Mori
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 324-324, 1998.

Japanese Article For biochemical examination rapid system construction by BioMajesty (BM) RX-20 combined method
渡野達朗, 酒井利育, 佐々木美佳, 稲葉信夫, 太田抜徳, 櫻林郁之介
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 325-325, 1998.

Japanese Article Induction of the specimen automatic transport system equipped with return journey line
Hideto Miura, Fukuyama spring, Toru Shirata, Yokozawa Makiko, Makoto Tominaga *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 325-325, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of E test "TOSOH" II TSH3G by AIA-21
Masakazu Saito, Ikuo Amino, Miyako Fuse, 高梨茂, 沖深美, Akira Itabashi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 326-326, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the thyroidal allied item measurement by AIA21
山本良, 佐藤光代, 永峰康孝, 島健二*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 326-326, 1998.

Japanese Article About the sensitivity of the measurement of the third generation TSH assay that assumed the fluorescence enzyme immunoassay (FEIA) method a principle
阿部正樹, 斉木良明, 中嶋孝之
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 327-327, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the thyroid hormone measurement by all automatic chemiluminescence immunoassay device 2 models
陳内純子, 中村優子, 宮田義一, 上原正信, 上野一誠
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 329-329, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the thyroidal marker measurement by the chemiluminescence method 3 model
町田保, 岩下正廣, 岩佐恵子, 清水涼子, 鈴木徳二*, 小島鉄巳*, 時田哲男*, 浦山功*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 329-329, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the thyroid allied hormone measurement by Access
Michiko Aramiya, Bridge Kumi, Yuji Moriya, White waves shallows Hiroyuki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 330-330, 1998.

Japanese Article About measurement accuracy and a measurement reagent of the TSH by all active immunity chemiluminescence measuring system IMMULYZE, a difference between Lot in the luminescent substrate
Kazuo Takahashi 1), Suzuki Kiyo 1), Mitsuaki Tanaka 1), Anabara Shukumi 1), Mayumi Ikeda 1), Kogawara Masaaki 1), Shinji Oikawa 1), Ieiri citizens husband 1, 2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 331-331, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of various PSA measurement kits
多田成利, Kanzaki cannot come, Kaori Imai, Yukio Akasaka, Hiromi Muraoka, Takashi Kaga justice *, Katsuyuki Miura **
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 333-333, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of the second generation cardiac troponin T measurement in patients with renal failure
Miki Ogiso, Katsutoshi Hasegawa, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Ogitsu direct communication, Koji Ezaki, Snow bamboo moisture 1, Shigeki Inoue 1
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 333-333, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of a heart trouble prediction early after hospitalization by cardiac troponin T in unstable angina and I and the utility
Eri Nakayama, Takashi Ishikawa, 高須賀広久, Takahiro Kuno, Fumihiko Kitagawa, 和久田光毅, Ogitsu direct communication, Koji Ezaki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 334-334, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of the biochemical marker in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Katsutoshi Hasegawa, Miki Ogiso, Takahiro Kuno, Ogitsu direct communication, Koji Ezaki, Snow bamboo moisture 1, Shigeki Inoue 1
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 335-335, 1998.

Japanese Article Limit control of the management sample trace accuracy for the serum enzyme activity measurement of a check
白井秀明1), 加藤隆則2), 斉藤友幸3), 飯塚儀明4), 雲類鷲雄一5)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 335-335, 1998.

Japanese Article Limit control of the management sample trace accuracy for the serum enzyme activity measurement of a check
加藤隆則1), 白井秀明2), 斉藤友幸3), 飯塚儀明4), 雲類鷲雄一5)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 336-336, 1998.

Japanese Article Outside precision evaluation (EQA) in Rousaibyoins of the whole country
福田隆広*, **, 白井秀明*, 今井晃*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 337-337, 1998.

Japanese Article Outside precision evaluation (EQA) in Rousaibyoins of the whole country
高田貢子*, **, 白井秀明*, 今井晃*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 338-338, 1998.

Japanese Article Outside precision management evaluation (EQA) in Rousaibyoins of the whole country
野田晴彦*, **, 白井秀明*, 今井晃*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 338-338, 1998.

Japanese Article External quality evaluation (EQAS) in Ibaraki
Hideaki Shirai *, **, Takanori Kato *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 339-339, 1998.

Japanese Article Outside precision evaluation (EQAS) in Ibaraki
加藤隆則*, **, 高田和子*, 白井秀明*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 339-339, 1998.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the ERM for the metage as the sample for an outside precision evaluation and the proofreading
多田正人, 大沢智彦, 平岡秀子, 遠藤学, 風間文智, 小池亨, 細萱茂実
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 341-341, 1998.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the ERM for the metage as the sample for an outside precision evaluation and the proofreading
小池亨, 大沢智彦, 多田正人, 平岡秀子, 遠藤学, 風間文智, 細萱茂実
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 341-341, 1998.

Japanese Article Trial of the amylase activity measurements standardization using amylase derived from pancreas in Hyogo
吉田雅明, 入野博文, 辻智子, 中野幸弘*, 中山亮一*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 342-342, 1998.

Japanese Article Trial of the difference correction between institutions in the Kumamoto 10 Hospital
Mayumi Shimamura
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 344-344, 1998.

Japanese Article AST, ALT in wide area medical examination duties, difference correction between institutions of the GGT
山田祐一*1, 中島康仁*1, 進藤聰子*1, 伊藤ひとみ*2, 熊田至*1
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 344-344, 1998.

Japanese Article Management of the self monitoring of blood glucose device in the examination for our hospital department
長澤美知子, 大坪こずゑ, 浅見正敏, 木本英男, 牧瀬淳子, 鈴木節子, 木嶋祥麿*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 346-346, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the self monitoring of blood glucose device
今枝俊輔, 永山円, 倉田貴規
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 346-346, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the basic performance of the fructosamine measurement reagent by the enzyme method
中島千絵, 松熊美千代, 芳賀利一, 下村弘治, 前畑英介
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 347-347, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the HbA1c measurement using the latex
田代桂子, 奥谷真理, 松崎朋子, 佐藤理一郎, 島田勇, 二瓶一夫
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 349-349, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the HbA1c measurement latex immunoagglutination reagent which misappropriated a blood sugar container
大須賀裕至, 氏家真二, 難波俊二, 鈴木徳二, 桑村自奈子*, 小島鉄巳*, 時田哲男*, 浦山功*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 349-349, 1998.

Japanese Article Screening for diabetes in the local inhabitants medical examination using blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c
Authority of Takamatsu celebration, Yasutaka Nagamine, Kenji Shima *, Shigeko Nakamura **, Yasunobu Sagara **
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 350-350, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the glycated albumin in GAA-2000
Kyoko Nakajima, Imamura sentence
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 351-351, 1998.

Japanese Article Study on significance of the sorbitol measurement as the diabetic complication inducer
藤田孝, 古川博, 伊藤聖美, 荻津直通, 篠原力雄1, 江崎幸治
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 352-352, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance of the antiGAD antibody in diabetes
Bushy eyebrows Akemi, Takimoto order Saburo, The Kei Yamamoto sum, Toru Yamanaka, Shuji Matsuo
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 352-352, 1998.

Japanese Article The way of the securing of linearity of a utility of the onset results zone law and each assay
Akira Kuroda, Noriko Tanaka, Masashi Chiba *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 353-353, 1998.

Japanese Article Trial of the criteria range setting by the NCCLS guideline plan in the JA Shimane public welfare ream
Esumi Yukio, Tobimura Kotaro, Kazunori Watanabe, Yasuhiko Fukada *, Akihiko Suyama **
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 354-354, 1998.

Japanese Article Criteria range of the serum lipids using data of each place of the whole country
Hideaki Shirai *, **, Akira Imai *, ***
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 354-354, 1998.

Japanese Article Performance evaluation of [these test LDL]
Koji Matsumoto, Kaori Ishibashi, Kimiko Midani, Noboru Ogawa, Hiroshi Egawa, Norio Takahashi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 356-356, 1998.

Japanese Article Comparison between calculation method and LDL cholesterol level by the direct assay using the Friedewald type
益子潤, 山下友紀, 清水久美子, 泉昌子, 柳田篤, 根本昌夫
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 357-357, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the LDL-C measurement reagent by Hitachi 7350E
Nihonmatsu Hisako, Winter Eiko Muro, Meguro Saki child, Kiyoaki Takahashi, Michiko Yomogida, Tadakatsu Moriyama
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 358-358, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of LDL-C for hyperlipidemia
吉田晃浩1), 日下部貞朗1), 吉村昌昭1), 吉村いづみ1), 内藤通孝2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 358-358, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the these test LDL "first chemistry"
Tomoe Matsuzaki, Yuji Imoto, Takaaki Yamashita, Hironobu Kawashima, Yutaka Ideguchi, Junko Ono
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 359-359, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the LDL direct measurement reagent
Hideko Koizumi, Kaori Yamada, Hideo Shinozaki, Seiichi Iizuka, Kinichi Sano
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 360-360, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the LDL-C direct technique and comparison with the ultracentrifugation
Shigehiko Watanabe, Shigeji Okada, Mitsumasa Konishi, Sue Yoshitaka, Endo method man, Chikugo Yasuyuki, Mariko Isomura
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 360-360, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of LDL - cholesterol direct technique
松原朱實, 兒玉和朗, Sugimoto enthusiast, Kanbe Masayuki *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 361-361, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of LDL - cholesterol direct measurement that assumed high performance liquid chromatography syncrisis
Truth field Kenji, Junko Ito, 大澤進
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 361-361, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility to a clinic in LDL - cholesterol direct technique
Hitoshi Saeki, Yoshinobu Masuda, Swamp Miwako, Yayoi Nishimoto, Shozo Nose, Yutaka Sakai, Kazuo Kage, Hidekazu Okamoto
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 362-362, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation for typing hyperlipidemia of LDL - cholesterol indicative mood reagent
木沢仙次, 新井哲輝, 内藤和香子, 谷浩也, 福田純子, 陣後裕味子, 浅沼春樹, 広岡良文
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 363-363, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the evaluation of the LDL cholesterol measurement by the homozinnias method
森脇貴美, 奈須正人, 河合建志, 宮崎真美, 藤田誠一, 片山善章
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 363-363, 1998.

Japanese Article About LDL - cholesterol criteria range using the direct measurement
Maki Hasegawa, Atsuko Satake, Masato Sato, Masahiro Hosokawa
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 364-364, 1998.

Japanese Article An arteriosclerosis index and sex differences of LDL-C and examination of the aging
野呂幸平, 児玉健一, 高倉功文, 広瀬秀男
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 365-365, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the LDL cholesterol direct measurement method reagent
根間敏郎1)2)3), 廣尾祐二2)3), 村野武義1)2), 渡邊仁1)2), 白井厚治1)2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 365-365, 1998.

Japanese Article Finding in basic examination of the LDL-C measurement and CETP deficiency
蒲綾, Yoko Tanahashi, Takashi Kimura, Tail Koichi Fuchi, Junko Makise, Setsuko Suzuki, Sho Kijima Maro
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 366-366, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the ldl-cholesterol direct measurement in the ischemic heart disease
History of Mitsuru Yoshikawa, Takashi Fujita, Hiroshi Furukawa, Kiyomi Ito, Ogitsu direct communication, Koji Ezaki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 367-367, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of L type Wako HDL-C (liquid article)
清水由美, 川上浩基
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 368-368, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of CRP which gives it to the HDL-C direct measurement method
木村正弘, 宮崎真知子, 河口行雄, 小沢憲治, 後藤清
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 369-369, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the estrangement specimen in the HDL-C direct measurement method
中尾隆之, 永峰康孝, 藤田知代, 水野洋子, 濱井洋子, 島健二*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 369-369, 1998.

Japanese Article Problems of the control survey sample of HDL-C
松原朱實, 津川和子, 田中廣憲, 杉本好, 神辺眞之*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 370-370, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination and matters that require attention of T-CHO reagent KL using the K-factor method
Maruo fence made of branches and twigs, Kazuko Tsugawa, 松原朱實, Sugimoto enthusiast, Kanbe Masayuki *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 370-370, 1998.

Japanese Article About the correction of the difference between the nosocomial model using the cholesterol reagent which is available for the K-factor method
Yasushi Yoshimoto, Michiko Kawano, Mariko Yamamoto, Arrow next Chieko, Middle cedar Yoshio, Tomoko Yoneta, Suizu light * to congratulate
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 371-371, 1998.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the lipids item measurements unionization in Hyogo
Tomoko Tsuji, Masaaki Yoshida, Hirofumi Irino, Yukihiro Nakano *, Ryoichi Nakayama *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 371-371, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of Lp(a) in patients with cerebral infarction
Yoshinori Horikawa
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 372-372, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of TAC-3 test Lp(a)
Yoshinori Horikawa
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 372-372, 1998.

Japanese Article Trial of the condition of a patient analysis with lipoprotein cholesterol
松原朱實, 杉本好, 神辺眞之*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 373-373, 1998.

Japanese Article Dynamics of blood lipoprotein lipase enzyme protein quantity before heparin IV infusion
廣尾祐二 1.3, Toshiro 1.3 between the root, Takeyoshi Murano 1, Jin Watanabe 1, Koji Shirai 2
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 374-374, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination with percent of body fat, BMI and the lipid in the company examination
勝又英明, 黒河輝久, 山屋眞*, 三崎勝之*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 374-374, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the LDL cholesterol indicative mood
徳田彩, 須田英也, 毛利和弘
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 375-375, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the LDL-C direct technique
We remember Kan, Yuko Ihara, Mika Hirabayashi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 376-376, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the LDL-C direct measurement reagent
Corner Eri Kei, Kenji Nagatani, 高階成実, Kaoru Ueno person, Shoji Kuwata, Tree Takashi Nouchi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 377-377, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of LDL - cholesterol direct measurement reagent
Hiroshi Yokoyama, Yuki Suzuki, Tsuyoshi Okamura, 橋本文康, Kazutoshi Sugimoto
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 377-377, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of LDL - cholesterol direct measurement reagent
杉山央充 1), Asako Katsushima 1), Miyuki Matsumoto 1), Yuko Sone 1), Takayuki Yamamoto 1), Michiaki Saito 2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 378-378, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the LDL cholesterol direct measurement method
松本敬子, 河口勝憲, 濱野政弘, 河口豊, 山本誠一, 市原清志, 松田信義
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 379-379, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the these test LDL
Yuji Hayashi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 379-379, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of LDL - cholesterol direct measurement reagent
Fukuyama spring, Toru Shirata, Yokozawa Makiko, Hideto Miura, Makoto Tominaga *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 380-380, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the LDL cholesterol direct measurement method
黒田紀行, 後田恵, 加美長亜由, 稲毛敏宏, 多田達史, 梶川達志
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 381-381, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of "the these test LDL"
山口純也, 西村悦子, 森作治, 笠松綾次
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 382-382, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of LDL - cholesterol direct measurement reagent
Koji Yamamoto, New paddy Shigeki, Yuji Moriki, Tatsuo Ishihara, 永田一九八郎
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 382-382, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the LDL cholesterol direct measurement reagent
城宏史, 深川邦明, 今村文章
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 383-383, 1998.

Japanese Article Measurement evaluation of LDL - cholesterol indicative mood in HR-2400 (JEOL)
佐竹薫, 日吉愼二
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 383-383, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the ldl-cholesterol direct technique reagent
Nobuo Sasaki, Katsuyuki Ohara, Kimiyoshi Kaneko, Mikiko Otani, Yuko Yoshihara, 八杉晃則
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 384-384, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect by the chyle of LDL-CHO calculation (Friedewald type) and the direct assay
仲優彦, 橘高嘉宏, 永井昌代, 大河内惠
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 385-385, 1998.

Japanese Article It is the comparison with the actual value of the indicative mood using the reagent and the conventional calculated value about LDL-C
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 386-386, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of digoxin by all active immunity measuring assembly (AxSYM) and the theophylline measurement
Tatsuya Sugimoto, Seto Toru going
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 386-386, 1998.

Japanese Article A limit and precision management of blood tacrolimus densitometry precision by the IMx method
馬場みや子, 松井朝子, 岡田正彦*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 388-388, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of all automatic capillary electrophoresis apparatus Para Gon CZE2000
下条小百合, 島村英俊, 下条正義, 朝比奈講一, 鈴木郁雄*, 清和富雄*, 鶴田佳代子**
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 388-388, 1998.

Japanese Article Count of M protein detected in our hospital for the past five years
橋詰幸子, 羽生登, 田中順子, 清水敏夫, 日高宏哉*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 389-389, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case of the pacemaker leads incompleteness disconnection that a Holter electrocardiogram was useful
Masato Tsujii, Ichiro Hamaguchi, Batman Masaki, Large relation Sumi, Yasuyo Matsuoka, Saori Nakamura, Manabu Onishi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 393-393, 1998.

Japanese Article One ventricular delay electric potential that died during Holter monitoring wearing suddenly-negative case
渡辺利恵, 三谷典映, 中田恵美子, 東中千鶴子, 猪木正允, 松田勝英, 福井寛人*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 393-393, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the QT analysis in the Holter electrocardiogram
Ogata monkey two, Takako Ishikawa, Jodo Fumiaki, Tadashi Nishihira, Michihiro Utsuki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 394-394, 1998.

Japanese Article Comparison of two interspecies each index of the addition average electrocardiogram
中村尚1), 黒田常子1), 田中修1), 長谷川桂子1), 矢久保修嗣2), 八木洋2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 395-395, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical examination by the ventricular delay electric potential judgment disagreement case by 2 models
木村令奈, 富原健, 一色高明, 宮澤幸久
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 395-395, 1998.

Japanese Article Comparison with the chest measurement in the LP measurement
Shinichi Shiraiwa, Mayumi Miyashiro, Shoichi Hasegawa
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 397-397, 1998.

Japanese Article About the heart trouble prevention of the master two phases study of the multiphasic health screening testee
Masako Munakata, Kayo Yamaguchi, Kazuko Kagawa, Takamitsu Harada, Kanae Nagayama, 岳 Machiko *, Masako Kusumoto *, Izumi Yokoyama **
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 397-397, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the utility of the examination with treadmill in patients with diabetes
Yuko Miwa, Teruyo Sano, Takeyuki Suzuki, Tomomi Koide, Suzuki わか charges
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 398-398, 1998.

Japanese Article Manufacture of the esophageal lead electrocardiogram electrode for children
Eiji Hamamoto, Takao Matsubara, Hideko Zaizen, Hiroko Kawahara
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 398-398, 1998.

Japanese Article Holter electrocardiogram heartbeat change analysis of the sinus tachycardia
Mitsue Tokutake, Kyoko Okano, Hisako Ohba, Shinichi Yamane, Tsutomu Konishi, Takaaki Nakatsu *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 399-399, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the effect by the psychologic factors in the heartbeat change
Atsushi Ichikawa, Yamada dragon one, 立田顕久, Keiko Oomi, Naoki Matsuda *, Hagiwara Hisashi Makoto *, Hiroshi Kasanuki *, Shinichi Suzuki **
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 399-399, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of Brugada syndrome
Excellent Shun Hara kernel, Naoko Kurahashi, Small Akemi Bessho, Koji Akagawa, Tadashi Hayashibara
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 401-401, 1998.

Japanese Article 2 cases that Brugada syndrome was strongly suspected of
Yuichi Maruta, 山本昇秀, Tamiko Kimura, Tomochika Yasuaki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 401-401, 1998.

Japanese Article Significance and problems of the charge time measurement of the implantable cardioverter defibrillator
Jun Yuri, Yoshio Sato, Yoshihiro Ohara, Tetsu Onishi *, Hagiwara Hisashi Makoto *, Hiroshi Kasanuki *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 402-402, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the predictive life in the implantable cardioverter defibrillator
Jun Yuri, Yoshio Sato, Yoshihiro Ohara, Tetsu Onishi *, Hagiwara Hisashi Makoto *, Hiroshi Kasanuki *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 402-402, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the examination of cold water load thermography
Hisayoshi Hoshikawa, Yumi Oguchi, Kumiko Noda, Nobuhiko Takizawa, Kazuo Sugiyama, * Manabu Nagae
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 405-405, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the supersonic wave evidence of small hepatocellular carcinoma
Kazuyoshi Yamashita
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 406-406, 1998.

Japanese Article About a bloodstream evaluation before and after TAE of the hepatocellular carcinoma
渡辺裕子, 石坂克己, 文屋千恵子, 小林伊津美, 野口秀樹, 佐原朗子, 寺尾陽子, 大畑純子
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 407-407, 1998.

Japanese Article The portal venous system in the hepatocirrhosis and abdominal arterial change
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 407-407, 1998.

Japanese Article Diagnostic ultrasound of the chronic liver disease
Miki Toyama, Makiko Ishii, Kenichiro Hirata, Hiroshi Natori
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 408-408, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the difference in echogram of type B cirrhosis and C type cirrhosis
Yukie Kawaguchi, 田村悦哉, Tomoko Yamashita, Atsushi Yano, Yasuyuki Kajimura
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 409-409, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the duodenal submucosal tumor
Nobuko Tanoe, Member of tail feather root example, Satoshi Kawabata, 三浦融
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 410-410, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the traumatic Crisp aneurysm detected in color doppler
平子洋子, 神崎美智, 野崎芳彦*, 玉井英世*, 立花幸人*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 410-410, 1998.

Japanese Article About echographic depiction ability
Noriko Aoki, Manabu Nagae, 宇沼 Noriko, Akemi Yamashita, Naoko Takahashi, Chisato Takeuchi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 411-411, 1998.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the abdominal ultrasonography in the emergency visit
黒岩奎子, 森野友加, 村木香月, 中辻美和子, 森政章, 松本幸一, 山本恵子, 勝田いづみ
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 411-411, 1998.

Japanese Article Usefulness and point to keep in mind of the abdominal ultrasonography for patients with injury
森野友加, 黒岩奎子, 村木香月, 中辻美和子, 森政章, 松本幸一, 山本恵子, 勝田いづみ
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 412-412, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of respiratory function test data
Akira Kaminomiya, Yu Matsuura person, Hitomi Makino, Hideko Kumakura, Arbor religion finished, Teru Mochizuki next
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 413-413, 1998.

Japanese Article About the effect of the examination for GI in the respiratory function test
Takako Ozeki, Hisayoshi Hoshikawa, All the islands are children, Mina Nakayama, Kazuo Sugiyama, Seki Ippei *, Noboru Sugiuchi *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 414-414, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of the filter for the pulmonary function test
House castle Masakazu, Shoichi Hasegawa
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 414-414, 1998.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the filter for the pulmonary function test
砂押克彦, 家城正和, 福岡信恵, 長谷川省一
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 415-415, 1998.

Japanese Article It is effectively utilized the testing information by becoming it a construction of examination of general physiology support system "PLATON" and the uniform management of data
Shiro Nagata, Ichiji Nakano, Yoshiko Nozaki, Yagami なな child, Mayumi Taniguchi, Yori Yamashita thickness, Nishimura dragon will, Isao Kitajima, Seiro Maruyama
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 416-416, 1998.

Japanese Article Exercise tolerance test in the rehabilitation hospital
Yasuo Nagata 1), Valley Hiromi 1), Maki Kurusu 1), Yoshii second son 1), Masanori Iwahashi 2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 416-416, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the exercise tolerability using the oxygen intake reply at the steady load
Yoshii second son 1), Valley Hiromi 1), Maki Kurusu 1), Yasuo Nagata 1), Masanori Iwahashi 2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 417-417, 1998.

Japanese Article About a cardiopulmonary endurance test by the ergograph of patients with respiratory illness
大林準, 中野佐多子, 出口ひさ子, 山中亨, 松尾収二
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 418-418, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the portable small blood gas apparatus using the simple cartridge
平川和美, 池田勝義, 土橋正子, 林実
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 419-419, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the nasal cavity expansion tape effect (nasal cavity aeration degree change) for patients with allergic nasal congestion
Megumi Kobayashi, Kenichi in Tachibana, Hidehiko Maeda *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 420-420, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the examination for rectal anal internal pressure
秋葉新, 大藪泰子, 二瓶一夫, 佐藤知行*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 421-421, 1998.

Japanese Article Glaucoma screening with the amydriasis retinal camera
Tomomi Takahashi, Yasunori Yogo, Country Isao Adachi, Yasuhiro Suzuki, 伊藤倫洋, Rie Ochiai, Kato Michiyo, Chikako Kawase
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 422-422, 1998.

Japanese Article Carotid wall-thickness and arteriosclerosis
田端強志, 井山建二, 高橋修, 黒須巧, 片岡学, 竹内光吉, 安部信行*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 423-423, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of patients with cardiopulmonary arrest
Hiromi Ishida, Yoshitada Kojima, Kubota bud village, 福田篤久
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 424-424, 1998.

Japanese Article It is tried the convalescence guess in patients with cardiopulmonary arrest at time to come to the hospital
福田篤久, 石田浩美, 久保田芽里, 小島義忠
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 424-424, 1998.

Japanese Article Relations of Circadian-hyper-amplitude-tension(CHAT) and the aging
Yasuhiko Tsuchida, Muraoka Kei line, Yoko Murakami, Takuya Suzuki, 岩田好隆, Itaru Oi, Naohiko Watanabe *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 426-426, 1998.

Japanese Article Diurnal blood pressure variation in hypertension and relations with the type A behavior pattern
Keiko Genba, Yumi Enomoto, Misako Hara, Mayumi Yasui, Yuichi Ikeda, Tokuyuki Hirai, Kenichi Doman, Toshiaki Shibazaki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 426-426, 1998.

Japanese Article Example that produced thrombotic occlusion of the coronary artery aneurysm during kawasaki disease follow-up
Shigemi Toyota, Shuichi Takahashi, Toru Yamanaka, Shuji Matsuo
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 427-427, 1998.

Japanese Article Example that presented reversible myocardial disorder by sympathicopathy with the cervical surgery
Ishizaki one ear 1, Kazue Hatori 1, Yuji Katano 1, Hotel Yoshie 1, Sumiko Sakuma 1, Kazuyuki Kudo 1, Tadahiro Kurasawa 2, 織田勝敬 2
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 427-427, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of the Native Tissue Harmonic Imaging method
Yoshiyuki Sumita, Norio Tanaka, Shin Asaoka light, Tsuyoshi Abe, Keiko Katsuki, The good luck mountain Kei Tsu beauty, Izuru Nakasone, Kiichi Masuda
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 428-428, 1998.

Japanese Article About clinical background of young people myocardial infarction
Yubune Norio, 藤井幹久 *, 太田抜徳, 櫻林郁之介, Muneyasu Saito *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 429-429, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case of descending aorta arctation misdiagnosed as left pulmonary artery stenosis in a transthoracic echocardiography
Hiroaki Watanabe
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 431-431, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the malignant lymphoma that formed bulky disease to the left atrium rear
Kenichi Hashimoto, Sumiko Hagino, Hisao Igarashi, Aiko Tezuka, Hideki Hayashi, Yoshio Sasaki, Michio Tanaka ※ 1, Osamu Yanase ※ 2
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 431-431, 1998.

Japanese Article About coronary arteries diameter / aortic dimension in kawasaki disease
Akito Kawai, Yuko Sugihara, Atsuko Nakamura, Ryuzo Hirata, Sato lap, Akio Imanishi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 432-432, 1998.

Japanese Article ANP to see in Ventricular remodeling, change of BNP
岩田由美子, 田中千津, 松井忍*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 434-434, 1998.

Japanese Article Myocardial lesion in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Yasushi Kumagai geisha girl, Hiroyuki Fukuda, Hiroshi Taguchi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 435-435, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the lead deficiency in the foreign pacemaker follow-up
Yoshihiro Ohara, Jun Yuri, Yoshio Sato, Koichi Takeuchi, Hagiwara Hisashi Makoto *, Koji Tamura *, Hiroshi Kasanuki *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 436-436, 1998.

Japanese Article Course of the maze surgery in our institution
Tomomi in Kizu, Yuko Kanekawa, Noriyuki Yamada, Teru Kamimura life
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 436-436, 1998.

Japanese Article Niveau diagnosis of the accessory pathway
井上美奈, 川良徳弘
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 437-437, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the ectopic atrial tachycardia which we can induce electrically which cured radically by catheter ablation
野口慶久, Nishimura dragon will, Seiro Maruyama, Takehiko Matsushita *, Katsuo Kashima *, Spring Beppu Minoru kernel *, Yasuhiro Tanaka *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 437-437, 1998.

Japanese Article Reexamination of the electrocardiogram left ventricular hypertrophy findings in patients with hypertension
Keiko Miyazaki, Yoko Enomoto, Reed Naoki, Junko Yasuda, Akira Kondo intellect, Koji Tanaka, 武干春 1)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 438-438, 1998.

Japanese Article About electrocardiogram abnormal in the acute dissecting thoracic aortic aneurysm
Spring Reiji, Seiichi Yamamoto, Tomoko Miyai, Chisato Wakasa, Atsuko Kajitani, Hanako Fujiwara, Katsunori Yamamoto
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 439-439, 1998.

Japanese Article Electrophysiological evaluation of the carpal tunnel syndrome
Masashi Katayama, Kenji Furushima
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 440-440, 1998.

Japanese Article About relations of silent myocardial ischemia and peripheral nerve conduction velocity, diabetes
Mariko Uehara, Yuka Kobayashi, Asako Sugimoto, Yaeko Tajima, Kiyoshi Goto
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 440-440, 1998.

Japanese Article Usefulness of NEUROMETER in peripheral neuropathy
藤田志保, 丹羽芳江, 小西良光, 宮田栄三*, 荻津直通, 江崎幸治
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 441-441, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the Bickker Staff type brainstem encephalitis which recorded a brainstem function test by Blink reflex and BAEP over time
Ryoji Takano
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 442-442, 1998.

Japanese Article Optimization of the record frequency band in the blink reflex (blink reflex)
佐々木一朗, 角田敏明, 浜田一美, 藤本敏明, 笠倉新平
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 442-442, 1998.

Japanese Article Trial of the examination for motor nerve conduction velocity using the active voice electrode
Osamu Takahashi 1, Arida cause British 2, 野久尾哲 1, Shigeru Sonoda 5, Kazuhisa Domen 2, Tetsuo Ota 2, Fujiko Hotta 2, Yohei Otaka 2, Shoichiro Tochigi 3, Eiichi Saito 4, Takuya Saito 6
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 443-443, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the non-convulsive status epilepticus that EEG finding became the diagnosis
Kuniko Tsuchiya, Yuko Sato, Tadashi Nagai
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 445-445, 1998.

Japanese Article Electroencephalographic frequency analysis of the elderly healthy subject
白滝龍昭, 斎藤美由姫, 大庭雅美, 松原充隆*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 446-446, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the utility of 10-spacing-recording in the temporal lobe epilepsy
Masami Yamanaka, Ryuko Imai, Good luck way, Chikara Kubota, Hiroshi Nakano *, Toru Hoshida **
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 447-447, 1998.

Japanese Article About paperless electro encephalography
Yoshiko Kenichi, Michiko Hosoe, Shiho Matsuo
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 447-447, 1998.

Japanese Article About usefulness of SSEP in the brain death diagnosis
久保田芽里, 石田浩美, 小島義忠, 福田篤久
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 448-448, 1998.

Japanese Article About ABR in the brain stem tumor
Hironobu Okano, Kanikawa Setsuko, Takeshi Ito, Hideaki Sakata *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 449-449, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of SSR in patients with cerebrovascular disorder
Kenji Furushima, Masashi Katayama
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 450-450, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the evaluation of the rotary acetabular roof after the acetabulum turn osteotomy
Naoki Ban, Hiroyuki Izawa, Yasushi Narita term, South Aiko, Takahiro Sawada, Is it Takeuchi?
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 452-452, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the marrow (body of vertebra) by the MRI
Takahiro Sawada, Yasushi Narita term, Hiroyuki Izawa, Naoki Ban, South Aiko, Is it Takeuchi?
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 452-452, 1998.

Japanese Article MRI of the articulus humeri
澤田高広, 成田泰詞, 南愛子, 井澤浩之, 伴直樹, 竹内かな
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 453-453, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the vasospasm by Trans cranial Doppler(TCD)
Noriko Imai, New Kawawa success, Ishigo Keiko, Akemi Takagi, Tomoko Hashimoto
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 454-454, 1998.

Japanese Article Early diagnosis of cerebral vasospasm by TCD
Large relation Sumi, Masato Tsujii, Batman Masaki, Yasuyo Matsuoka, Ichiro Hamaguchi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 455-455, 1998.

Japanese Article About 3 prostatic direction measurements by the sonography of the transabdominal wall
難波正博, 石原桂子, 伊藤隆志, 藤井正子, 長谷川泰子, 水島淳, 荒井陽一*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 456-456, 1998.

Japanese Article Transrectal echo and PSA in prostate cancer
Hiromi Taniguchi, Hideyuki Saita
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 456-456, 1998.

Japanese Article About the Invasion depth of the bladder tumor by the two dimensional echography of the transabdominal wall
寺澤由紀, 伊藤恭子, 両角昇, 赤羽さつき, 上島昌幸, 小坂勝郎
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 457-457, 1998.

Japanese Article About the ultrasonic examination in the malignant lymphoma effect of treatment judgment
川端聡, 田上展子, 尾羽根範員, 三浦融
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 459-459, 1998.

Japanese Article Relative examination of the carotid hardening lesion in patients with cerebral infarction
Masaaki Ishihara, Yuko Miyamae, Rei Sugita, Akira Abe
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 460-460, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the arteriosclerosis using the carotid echo
岩佐真弓, 笠間見芳, 中野稚子, 瀧澤千里, 笹原敬久, 黒川宗一※
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 460-460, 1998.

Japanese Article About a carotid artery echo before and after the carotid artery endarterectomy
Takafumi Katayama, Sumiko Matsuki, The Akira Ui beauty, Eriko Kondo, Machiko Nakatsu, Naruse order
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 461-461, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the great saphenous vein diameter before and after the high rank ligature in primary varicose veins of lower extremities
Satoshi Murakami, Kayoko Nakajima, Mayumi Harada, The Takimoto Kotobuki history, Shuichi Imai, Innocence Hideji *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 461-461, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the index (PFR, TPFR) of the left ventricle expansionability
大久保輝男, 大塚英夫, 長谷川省一
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 462-462, 1998.

Japanese Article About the contribution of the left atrium shrinkage for the increase of the left ventricle pre-load with the ventricular extrasystole
Junichi Hara, Masazumi Kumagai, Yuko Furuhata, Kiyoshi Suzuki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 462-462, 1998.

Japanese Article About an association between circulatory response and left ventricular hypertrophy for the stress load in patients with untreated essential hypertension
田中直宏, The Masumi Ozaki beauty, Keiko Kato, Tomoko Sugiura
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 464-464, 1998.

Japanese Article Electrical safe examination and recommendation of the capacitive coupling type in the high frequency catheter ablation vs. the polar plate
Satoru Saito justice, Makoto Yasuno
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 465-465, 1998.

Japanese Article We examine the use of the antihypertensive agent from an examination for MR
Naoko Matsuda, Masahiro Takahashi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 467-467, 1998.

Japanese Article It is examination in FAST CARD-PC of the graft after coronary artery bypass grafting
Masahiro Takahashi, Naoko Matsuda
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 468-468, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the utility of SSFSE in the pancreas hepatobiliary disease
Naoko Matsuda, Masahiro Takahashi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 468-468, 1998.

Japanese Article Of an HCV antibody in the C type chronic liver disease and the protein constitution association antibody (Core antibody, NS3 antibody, NS4 antibody, NS5 antibody) dynamics
Makoto Nagata, Mihoko Sakamoto, Katsuto Naito, Tsutomu Yuminoji, 細萱茂実, Ozaki sacred sake man, Yoshihiro Akahane *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 471-471, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the NS3 and C type acute hepatitis where the characteristic was found in the ups and downs of the core antibody
東本牧子, 中島重彦, 田中紀子, 忠願寺義通*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 471-471, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case that saw the difference between the reagent early in infection in an HCV test for antibodies
Wakae Sugiura, Sakakibara Suematsu, Minoru Nishimura
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 472-472, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the HCV infection to occur frequently in South Fukuoka
佐久間智美, 高井良美智代, 佐藤悦子, 沼田早苗, 高橋明子, 伊藤亜実, 大田喜孝
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 472-472, 1998.

Japanese Article About the positive rate and liver function test of the HCV antibody in the inhabitants examination
川崎洋子, 河口宏美, 久保木真*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 473-473, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the HCV antibody measurement reagent using new recombinant antigen - chimera antigen -
島英明*, 須永和代*, 市川喜美子*, 中津川庸子*, 久野浩史*, 山口佳織*, 宇津木道弘**
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 475-475, 1998.

Japanese Article A utility and problems of the HCV core antigen test for the detection
Itsu Nakagiri Expo, Miki Okai, Kokufu Naomi, Fukura eyes, Nishimoto is associated, Seiichi Yamamoto, Nobuyoshi Matsuda
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 477-477, 1998.

Japanese Article Nucleic acid extraction automatic system for PCR testing
Watanabe くほみ *, J Heide brand **, C blank Meister **, R Hero **, Toru Hirose *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 478-478, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the HCV-RNA assay by the Koba's amplifier re-core
Kumiko Sato, Yoshitaka Morishita, Yoshimi Hishiki, Mayumi Takatsu, The Aota greens beauty, Shun Nada, Hideko Yamamoto, Satoshi Ichiyama
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 478-478, 1998.

Japanese Article The detection of the hepatitis virus by the real-time PCR using TaqMan probe
関崎恵1, 阿部亜紀1, 川俣治1, 山内寿靖1, 小原道法2
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 479-479, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect on HCV-RNA measurement (RT-PCR measurement) in the patient on dialysis serum and examination of the nucleic acid sampling
勢村利恵 1), 松永兼充 1), Motoaki Anai 1), Kunihiko Hayashi 2), Ryoji Hiwatari 2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 479-479, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect on HCV-RNA measurement (RT-PCR measurement) in the patients on dialysis serum and examination of the nucleic acid sampling
渡邊くほみ1), 林邦彦1), 鈴木徹哉1), 樋渡亮二1), 松永兼充2), 勢村利恵2), 穴井元昭2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 480-480, 1998.

Japanese Article Observation of the HB examination antibody titers in the Osaka City (4 citizens) hospital
Masatoshi Kawabata, Hironari Niimi, Ichiro Hamasaki, Masayuki Aisaka, Shigeki Yokota, Ikuko Ando *, Hiroko Mori **, Medium-grade articles Yumi ***
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 481-481, 1998.

Japanese Article About the HBsAg-positive case in the CLEIA method
Kayoko Nagao, 紅露恭志, Tasuku Mima Kinuko, Munehiro Ichinomiya
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 481-481, 1998.

Japanese Article Development of the HBs antigen detection reagent using all automatic time resolution fluorescence immunoassay device (LPIA-A700)
Well fortune Yasuo, Sect Takaaki Hayashi, Kenichi Yokota *, Masato Takada *, Tamotsu Honma *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 482-482, 1998.

Japanese Article Diachronic examination of the HIV marker in the HIV seroconversion period
金子勇, 坂牧紀一
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 482-482, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the food allergen specific antibody measurement by UniCAP100
村住敏伸, Ishizuka connection, Naoyuki Kasai
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 484-484, 1998.

Japanese Article Antinuclear antibody, image report system in the fluorescent antibody
Katsuya Sugimoto, Music Yasuhiro, Toru Sonoda, Tomonori Wake, Kumiko Saeki, Morio Ito, Sadayuki Ito *, Yutaka Kubota *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 485-485, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the ELISA that immobilized a homologous antigen of multiple disease marker antinuclear antibody
Junko Miyake, Hiroko Asanuma, Tatsuro Sato, Kanda Kenro, Shoji Miyawaki *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 486-486, 1998.

Japanese Article AntiScl-70 by the ELISA, antiJo-1, examination about the clinical usefulness of the antiCENP-B antibody test for the detection
浅沼浩子, 三宅淳子, 佐藤達郎, 苅田憲郎, 宮脇昌二*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 487-487, 1998.

Japanese Article The basic examination of the MESACUP CENP-B test using all automatic EIA measuring assembly MAOS2 and the utility
History of Soma, Yasuo Hashimoto, Hiroshi Tanaka, Susumu Iwata
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 487-487, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the anticardiolipin antibodies with all automatic EIA devices
田中千賀子, 瀬戸山由美子, 室谷孝志, 原島典子, *青木和利
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 488-488, 1998.

Japanese Article Problems of the STS method in the examination of syphilis
Sachi Tokutake husband, Tatsuya Iijima, Fumiko Hirabayashi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 488-488, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the antiTP antibody detection kit by the immunochromatographic measurement
Oda plane, Naoko Komura, 黒田雅顕, Yasuo Ono, Yukihisa Miyazawa
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 489-489, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the immunoglobulin measurement reagent
畠山裕司, 斉藤篤, 佐藤睦子, 下平一憲, 中居恵子, 伊藤忠一
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 491-491, 1998.

Japanese Article About homologous antigen of urinary excretory type IgA of the schoolchild with the leukocyturia
後藤明子, 内田壱夫
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 491-491, 1998.

Japanese Article A change and allowable limit of error limit between the individual in the physiological individual of the immune serum ingredient
細萱茂実, 内藤勝人, 坂本美穂子, 長田誠, 尾崎由基男
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 492-492, 1998.

Japanese Article Measurement of CRP by 250 vitro analyzers
Hitana Masahiro, Yoshiyuki Nakayama, Fumio Sato, Keiko Hirasawa, Kanuka Etsuo, Yasuko Iwanami, Shunichi Murakami, Noriaki Takaichi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 493-493, 1998.

Japanese Article About the usefulness of the new whole blood SAA measurement reagent
竹下武範, 吉岡美弥子, 河野富士子, 米家泰子, 山岡和子*, 神辺眞之*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 493-493, 1998.

Japanese Article Application to BNII of the serum amyloid A protein measurement kit (Eiken Chemical)
Kazuyoshi Imazato 1), Shoji Toshimitsu 2), Yoshihiko Kawano 3), 大城勝 4), Nobuhisa Yamane 5)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 494-494, 1998.

Japanese Article Underlying and clinical examination of SAA using TBA-80FR
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 494-494, 1998.

Japanese Article Put it for the cerebrovascular disorder; Helicobacter pylori infection and a Lewis-style blood type
小谷和彦, 長谷川愛子*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 495-495, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the utility of high sensitive PIVKA-II in the early hepatocellular carcinoma
Tomoko Yamashita, 田村悦哉, Atsushi Yano, Yukie Kawaguchi, Yasuyuki Kajimura
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 497-497, 1998.

Japanese Article Comparison of three kinds of high sensitive PIVKA-II assays
Mayumi Ikeda 1), Suzuki Kiyo 1), Anabara Shukumi 1), Mitsuaki Tanaka 1), Kogawara Masaaki 1), Kazuo Takahashi 1), Shinji Oikawa 1), Ieiri citizens husband 1, 2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 498-498, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical utility of high sensitive PIVKA-II
Sumiko Yoshida, Hanaki religion two, Kazumi Tanaka, Masako Nakamura, 富山承郎
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 499-499, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical analysis of the new kit for the PSA measurement as the prostate cancer tumor marker
Miyuki Furusawa 1), Toshi Ishizuka 1), Takashi Yokoyama 1), Tetsuo Hayashi 1), Hiroshi Toma 2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 501-501, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the obtained CA19-9 II EIA kit of the measurements that were similar to the RIA method
Ryuichi Sugiyama, Takashi Otsuka Shiro, Bank Shigeru Oka
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 502-502, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of the high sensitive PIVKA-II measurement in the HCC patients
History of Kubo light, It is Yayoi in a gutter, 舩井久子, Hisashi Tanaka fine weather
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 504-504, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of syphilis testing (TPHA) introduced by Elsia-F750
高橋桂子, 高木博昭, 宋順治, 原正浩
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 505-505, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the syphilis simple test
荒木尚美, 川井和久, 須本裕紀, 戌角紀代美, 永尾朝江, 大里和久
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 505-505, 1998.

Japanese Article Measurement of the HTLV-1 antibody of mother and the child serum by the electrochemical luminescence immunoassay (the ECLIA method)
Gain pond Hideaki, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Ayumi Funakoshi, Yoshiyuki Tanaka, Seita Miki, Tetsuo Toyota
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 507-507, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the IgM-related antimouse gamma-globulin human antibody
井上淳, 千葉逸子, 菅野由紀, 藤木直美, 福田節子, 池野廣幸, 鈴木健
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 508-508, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of soluble Fas in patients with SLE
Mitsuo Ogi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 508-508, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of CELL-DYN4000 (dyna bot)
River existence intellect Yasuko, Hiroshi Kubota, It is Tomoko in a piece, Chika Nagaoka, Tetsuo Fukuda, 東畠正満, Noriyuki Tatsumi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 515-515, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of all automatic general hemanalysis device CELL-DYN4000
Tree Michiko Kawada, Yashiro Izumi, Takashi Koike child, Masayuki Komiya, Shinji Oikawa, Ieiri citizens husband *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 515-515, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the blood corpuscle analyzer mainly on the latest model
Naoko Yamaguchi, Chizuko Kuramoto, 丹羽欣正, Chikara Kubota, Hiroshi Nakano
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 516-516, 1998.

Japanese Article The apoptotic cells detection with the blood cell differential counting system and supporting diagnosis of the infectious mononucleosis
吉田雅代, 谷保道代, 岡田雅江, 金子昌枝, 麻田真由美, 多賀千之
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 517-517, 1998.

Japanese Article The detection of ATL cells by automatic blood cell count device (STKS)
小島良久, 林良二, 細田英郎, 山崎龍一, 中島誠司, 高橋信介, 永田一九八郎
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 517-517, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of erythrocyte membrane dysproteinemia in hereditary spherocytosis
Mayumi Takao, Yutaka Ideguchi, Yumiko Ikegami, Unoike Yumiko, Atsuko Ishikawa, Kiyoko Nakamura, Hironobu Kawashima, Junko Ono
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 518-518, 1998.

Japanese Article Measurement of the blood corpuscle membrane complement response control factor in the paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
Nobuko Araki, Reiko Aibaru, 梶原希哉, Cedar beauty clause, Megumi Ide, Seishi Osabe *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 518-518, 1998.

Japanese Article Abnormal hemoglobin discovered by geriatric diseases medical examination accidentally, Hb MalmO
田岡敬子, 池田さおり, 高井幸枝, 黒田優子, 細川春美, 小西勉, 原野昭雄*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 519-519, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of PT, APTT, fibrinogen, TT, the HT measurement by all automatic coagulation measuring assembly STA Compact
Yuko Chiba, Harumi Ishii, Yoko Yazawa, Kogushi Keiichi, Takemasa Nakagawa *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 519-519, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of automatic coagulation fibrinolysis measuring assembly BCS
Yoko Teruya, Toru Kinjo, 崎山健伸, Tatsumi Nagamine, Noriko Kinjo, Yohena Kozo
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 520-520, 1998.

Japanese Article Circadian rhythm of the plasminogen activator inhibitor by LPIA PAI-1
高柳富美恵, 桜井典子*, 岡部雅一**, 小幡雅人***
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 521-521, 1998.

Japanese Article Usefulness of a deep vein thrombosis diagnosis and the coagulation study
福塚勝弘, 前川芳明, 山中亨, 松尾収二
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 524-524, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case of the congenital protein C deficiency
牧俊哉, 岡田智子, 鈴木伯香, 中野茂, 中島正三
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 525-525, 1998.

Japanese Article About examination of the TM of serum, the culture supernatant liquid in collagenosis and the associated diseases
Noriko Akiniwa, Noriko Sawada, Hiroyuki Maekawa, 古谷信滋, Hidemasa Uchimura
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 527-527, 1998.

Japanese Article Monitoring in the oral anticoagulant therapy
柴田一泰, 大口典子, 伊藤弘子, 深見晴恵, 瀬古周子, 上田和裕, 坪井直哉*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 527-527, 1998.

Japanese Article Development of the active % revision standard curve in the coagulation study
大沼沖雄, 和田由美
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 528-528, 1998.

Japanese Article Prothrombin time, control survey about the thrombotest
The Tamagawa truth, Mt. Maekawa friend, Mikata Ryota, Masayuki Kimura, Yuriko Kiyose, Kaoru Sano
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 529-529, 1998.

Japanese Article Consideration of INR calibration curve for AK Calibrant
大江由利子, 玉川真, 片岡清子, 藤尾たか子, 古川惠子*, 長栄恵美子**
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 529-529, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the PT, thrombotest by the use of calibrator for the INR standard curve making
吉田隆, 三橋裕行, 桑田昇治, 木野内喬
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 530-530, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the platelet agglutinating capacity in the acute phase cerebral infarction
中西睦*, 中井規隆*, 朝日慈津子*, 磯貝豊一*, 梅村敏隆**
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 531-531, 1998.

Japanese Article A thrombasthenia merger pregnant example
Ako Isomura, Miho Kanazawa, Yumi Hattori, Kozo Iwata, Yoji Okita
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 532-532, 1998.

Japanese Article About platelet aggregation and estrangement in the excessive quantity of drawing blood
高橋勝1), 荒井宏和1), 長山典子1), 金田登志貞1), 今井忠朗2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 532-532, 1998.

Japanese Article Control survey of the blood count with the human fresh blood in Shizuoka
Sachiko Torii, Kanji Kamibayashi, Tonooka Igusa, Toshihiko Matsuoka, Hiroki Inoue
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 533-533, 1998.

Japanese Article About the personal physiological band in the blood test
Junko Sano, Hideko Jinbo, Hiroko Ono, Yoshikazu Aoki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 534-534, 1998.

Japanese Article Usefulness of SE-9000 in the peripheral blood stem cell sampling time judgment
塩谷千恵子, 松本弘, 柴田耕三, 片井敦雄, 田中孝, 振津琢磨
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 536-536, 1998.

Japanese Article About the utility of the stem cells monitor program in SE-9000
Yasushi Sasaki sincerity, Toshiharu Nishimura, 岩見潔冀
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 536-536, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the periphery CD34-positive cell kinetics before and after peripheral blood stem cell sampling (PBSCH)
松岡美鈴, 浜田恭子, 森典代, 雑賀智子, 澤村和子, 沖満雄, 高橋功*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 537-537, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the allogeneic peripheral blood CD34-positive cells transplant
小田島知子, 八重樫俊典, 小野寺典夫*, 伊藤亮助*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 537-537, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of CD34 positive selection in self-peripheral blood stem cell (APBSC)
木下律子, 近藤明子, 川崎幸子, 水野祐子, 鈴木由喜子, 大崎加代子, 渡辺朝子, 山田公作
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 538-538, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of acute myeloid leukemia that assumed a chloroma initially occurring, and occurred approximately two years later
塚井一夫, 小坂悦子, 石本健司, 古川栄子, 高橋正倫, 高野尚之*, 前川路子*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 538-538, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the acute myelomonocytic leukaemia that occurred in pancreas with a mass
古賀さつき, 百田敏彦, 石橋敦子, 嵯峨山映子, 中村紀代子, 川島博信, 井手口裕, 小野順子
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 540-540, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of AML with TMDS which presented a state at revival for M6
前川敦子, 田坂文重, 山本純子, 姫井紀美子, 長谷川泰子, 水島淳
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 540-540, 1998.

Japanese Article Five cytogenetic discussion that were regarded as Atypical CML or chronic myelomonocytic leukemia(CMML)
Tatsuya Hashimoto, Kazumi Kokubo, Mieko Takahashi, Sayoko Horiguchi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 541-541, 1998.

Japanese Article 2 cases of Transient Abnormal Myelopoiesis(TAM)
前川芳明, 津田勝代, 斎藤徹, 山中亨, 松尾収二
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 542-542, 1998.

Japanese Article The reactiveness of the CD45 antibody in the hematopoietic organ malignant tumor and utility of the CD45blast gating method
Junko Nakayama, Minoru Sugano, Toru Haga, Shinji Adachi, Isamu Shimada, Kazuo Nihei
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 542-542, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case of morphologically lymphocytic leukemia with positive CD2, CD7, CD34, CDl17, CDl3 with suspected PLL
Masanobu Tanaka, South Kaori, Misao Takamori
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 543-543, 1998.

Japanese Article The detection of the antigen in the blood cytoplasm by the flow cytometry method
三浦利彦1), 大平未佳1), 小関信子1), 星野敦2), 舩渡忠男2), 佐々木毅2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 544-544, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the neutrophilic alkaline phosphatase (NAP) activity in each stage of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
Kiyomi Imoto 1), Tetsu Akatsu 1), Yoko Amuro 1), Atsushi Nagoshi old 2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 545-545, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of the telomerase activity in leukemic cells and the normal hemocyte
小柳陽子, 浅沼康一, 木田孝, 八木橋厚仁, 小林大介, 矢嶋知己, 亀嶋秀和, 渡辺直樹
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 545-545, 1998.

Japanese Article 4 cases of the B19 parvovirus infection
Dove hotel Toshihiko, Mikiko Orihara, Miyuki Matsuyama, Takashi Inada, 本中由芳, Kunio Hayashi *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 546-546, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the HPS 9 case approved in our hospital
手登根稔, 崎山絹代, 宮里尚美, 縄野嘉幸, 金城勉, 宮城景正
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 547-547, 1998.

Japanese Article Two cases of the hemophagocytic syndrome that occurred for a gestation period
合原麗子, 荒木信子, 梶原希哉, 杉美節, 井手めぐみ, 大田喜孝, 今村豊*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 547-547, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the falciparum malaria
遠藤由一, 加藤新一, 大森智子, 千葉恭子, 早坂信夫
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 548-548, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case of the falciparum malaria diagnosed by automatic reticulated corpuscle measuring assembly with having shown abnormal high level
渡邊文子, 椎野由裕, 今村美都, 加藤典子, 古川博, 前野芳正1, 荻津直通, 江崎幸治2
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 548-548, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the hairy cell leukemia Europe and America type model case
木村好秀, 木下勇一, 竹林栄光, 湯藤信彦
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 549-549, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of myelodysplasia in the multiple myeloma
Koichi Sugano, Yoshie Oikawa, Teru Mochizuki next, Akira Mori *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 550-550, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case of Ki-1 lymphoma that occurred for pericardial effusion
仲里幸康*, 比嘉一廣*, 神谷乗敏*, 具志堅善則*, 喜友名正也
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 551-551, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the Sjogren syndrome which was able to estimate the merger of the malignant lymphoma by immunostaining from the abnormal cells which appeared to peripheral blood
高橋裕之, 金盛英里子, 柴彰則, 竹中進, 久保田勝秀, 池田久實
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 552-552, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the morphologic characteristic of the idioblast in CD8-positive adult T cell leukemia (Adult T-cell Leukemia: ATL)
Kazutoyo Sakairi 1), Yumiko Tanaka 1), Hideko Nakagawa 1), Kazumi Gondo 1), Tsutomu Kawada 1), Mieko Takei 2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 552-552, 1998.

Japanese Article Handle a lamella back; the analysis with the scanning electron microscope of the adhesion lymphocytes for the hydrophilic / channeling type block copolymer surface of period 16nm
阿部一彦, 菅原基晃
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 553-553, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis with the transmission electron microscope of the adhesion platelet for the hydrophilic / channeling type block copolymer surface with the different lamella repetition period
阿部一彦, 長尾博明, 菅原基晃
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 553-553, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of TSLS with acute myeloid leukemia (M2)
宇賀神太一, 佐々木美和, 松本繁子, 渡辺務, 庄司和行
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 557-557, 1998.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the examination of blood culture using BacT/Alert in our hospital
藤田和美, 佐藤智明, 池田政勝
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 559-559, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the effective operational law of BACTEC9120
Furukawa Nagako, 相庭玲, Takeshi Nakazawa, Toru Kawashima, Sadami Kawahata
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 560-560, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the galactomannan ELISA method in the deep Aspergillus symptom
木下承晧, Yuji Nakamachi, Isao Nakamoto, Left sea Toshika, Atsuko Iwamatsu, Masahiko Mukai, Shunichi Kumagai
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 560-560, 1998.

Japanese Article basic and clinical assessment of β- glucan test Wako
野上毅, 浦敏郎, 片山善章
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 561-561, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 example of the atypical mycobacteria pollution with the tap water in the endoscopic irrigation antiseptic device
Kumi Sugimoto child, Kyoko Ueno, Hiromi Tashiro
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 563-563, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the tubercle bacillus which grows to Kudo PD nutrient medium, and does not grow to 1% Ogawa medium
黒田俊吉, 小林正孝, 佐藤紘二*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 564-564, 1998.

Japanese Article About the combined effect of an antituberculous agent for Mycobacterium avlum-intracellulare complex and general antibiotics
正木孝幸, 門内信雄, 多田隈理佐子, 梅橋豊蔵
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 565-565, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the MRSA sanitization effect of the mupirocin nasal cavity ointment in the healthcare worker
Yukio Tawada, Mika Sofue, Katsunori Hirai, Noboru Toyota
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 565-565, 1998.

Japanese Article Comparison between drug sensitivity test E-test and agar plate dilution method for the atypical mycobacterial disease
田中孝志, 川上小夜子, 斧康雄, 宮澤幸久
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 567-567, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the nutrient medium for the Neisseria gonorrhoeae measurement in the NCCLS disc test
大木まゆみ, 矢嶋英代, 小栗豊子
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 568-568, 1998.

Japanese Article Trial of the vancomycin resistant enterococcus carrying germ investigation in Kyoto
小森敏明*1, *2, 杉山忠章*1, *3
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 570-570, 1998.

Japanese Article Isolation medium and screening method of the effective O157
笹川泰文, 芳賀博子
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 570-570, 1998.

Japanese Article STEC O103 about basics of best infection case and technique examination of H2:
小杉貴久, 石山雅大, 一戸茂人
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 571-571, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of enterohemorrhagic E. coli O157 by the ELISA method and the Vero toxin detection kit
和泉多映子, 斉藤孝子, 明賀孝子, 新見喜洋
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 572-572, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the inhibitor by the internal control in the PCR false-negative specimen
小川勝, 森田千穂, 渡辺靖, 永井忠, 遠藤耕太郎*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 574-574, 1998.

Japanese Article Sampling in case of the chlamydia trachomatis measurement by the Koba's amplifier re-core and examination of the treatment method
Toshie Iwai, Sanae Yamazaki, Wealth stone Yuki, Yuriko Saito, Hidenori Takahashi, Tsukahara A oneself *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 574-574, 1998.

Japanese Article Use experience of the Koba's amplifier re-core
Toshifumi Miura, Yukio Murase, Takayasu Iida, 岸田捷美, Shoji Sakai, Shinji Fujimoto *, 柴田偉雄 *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 575-575, 1998.

Japanese Article Tuberculosis mycol., Mycobacterium avium using automatic measurement device Koba's amplifier re-core (R) for the PCR testing, basic examination about the M. intracellulare detection
Akiko Tobita, Katsuko Okuzumi, 眞重文子, Akiko Yoneyama, Kazuhiko Nakahara
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 575-575, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the amplification inhibition management by PCR automation Koba's amplifier re-core and internal Control
Masayuki Naruse, Masako Shiraki, Hiroshi Momiyama, Satoru Shiraishi three
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 576-576, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of RFLP, the SSCP by the acid-fast bacillus PCR
Shunsuke Shibuya, Yukimasa Nobuyasu, 澤畑辰男, Tasuku Takano Shigeki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 576-576, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the general infectious diseases by Salmonella serovar Enteritidis
内藤淳, 亀井純子, 巽則雄, 佐野奈緒美, 井上麻由美, 鈴木智子, 澤喜久代, 犬塚和久
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 577-577, 1998.

Japanese Article Experience lysin decarboxylation study-negative Salmonella Enteritidis
土井瑞恵, 河村和徳, 城殿麻利子, 川島誠
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 578-578, 1998.

Japanese Article Drug sensitivity test of vero toxigenicity Escherichia coli
青田菜美, 奈田俊, 山本秀子, 森下芳孝, 日紫喜芳美, 高津真由美, 佐藤久美子, 安形則雄*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 578-578, 1998.

Japanese Article Utility of the yeast-like fungus isolation medium ATG agar straight culture media
Akira Shibata Kei, Hisako Tadokoro, Junko Suzuki, Chie Sato, Hiroshi Ikeno good luck, Takeshi Suzuki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 579-579, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about negative environmental factors to give to trichomonal vaginitis protozoan culture
Akemi Aoki, Koichi Adachi, 岡根大介
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 579-579, 1998.

Japanese Article Computer of the examination of bacteria
熊谷優, 松丸清*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 582-582, 1998.

Japanese Article Construction, induction of the examination of bacteria system
Era Fumiyoshi, Noriyuki Murakami, Takeshi Mitsui, Kunisuke Kubota, Takaaki Yamashita, Hironobu Kawashima, Yutaka Ideguchi, Junko Ono
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 582-582, 1998.

Japanese Article About Eikenella corrodens detected in a suppuration wound
Naoki Tada, Mukozaka Motohide, Arika Hane, The Kawamata University right
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 584-584, 1998.

Japanese Article Niacin test using the Middlebrook 7H10Agar culture media
Masako Sakamoto, 牧園和枝, East Minoru Tsutsumi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 590-590, 1998.

Japanese Article Comparison between MGIT Mycobacterium system and traditional approach
青野昭男, 木内チヨ, 星野孝一, 本多正
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 591-591, 1998.

Japanese Article About false-positive in the immunologic stool occult blood reaction
庄野一正, 芹沢香, 大久保明子
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 595-595, 1998.

Japanese Article Trial of the district survey faecal occult blood management using the para-stool
高橋信一, 菅沼芳明, 高橋秀之, 橘利至*, 山下泰正**, 稲見信幸***, 内田俊一****
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 595-595, 1998.

Japanese Article About the proofreading of all automatic faecal occult blood immunity analyzers
Masaaki Deguchi, Aiko Yamazaki, Katsuhiro Ogawa, Yoshihiro Sakamoto
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 596-596, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the HM-JACK, essence Teru "hemo- auto" reagent
Kyoko Takiguchi, Segawa good tree, Tetsuya Murata
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 597-597, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of all automatic fecal human hemoglobin analyzer HM-JACK
大島登季代, 前田尚廣
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 597-597, 1998.

Japanese Article About an examination for immunologic faecal occult blood fixed-quantity using the general-purpose computer
松田儀一, 松田ふき子, 葛西千枝子, 奥山理
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 598-598, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect of albumin content in the new urine test paper [ clinitek micro albumin / creatinine test paper] and a conventional protein test paper
佐々木美幸, 黒本光一, 左奈田美華, 藤井啓嗣, 古川一郎, 小西一郎
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 599-599, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of urinary lymphocyte subset in the chronic cystitis
難波満喜, 宿谷賢一, 加藤欣一, 秋庭範子, 古谷信滋, 内村英正
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 601-601, 1998.

Japanese Article About a value of being clinically diagnosed of blood urine -Acanthocytosis- derived from a glomerulus
Kyoko Hino, Miki Kataoka, wisteria Rie, 八木慶次郎, Tamotsu Fujii sincerity
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 602-602, 1998.

Japanese Article Study of the urinary sediment
可児チエミ, 稲垣勇夫, 三田登美子, 近藤清志
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 602-602, 1998.

Japanese Article Study of the urinary sediment
可児チエミ, 稲垣勇夫, 三田登美子, 山城詠子, 近藤清志, 西村尚夫
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 603-603, 1998.

Japanese Article Study of the urinary sediment
Isao Inagaki, Eiko Yamashiro, Chiemi Kani, Tomiko Mita
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 603-603, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of Fabry's disease that presented characteristic urinary sediment findings
Harumi Miyahara, Eiko Fujimoto, Kaoru Hayashi, Tomoko Suzuki, Five Satoko Uchikawa
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 606-606, 1998.

Japanese Article Property of atypical cells found in urine with chemotherapy
圓谷勝, Kashiwazaki does not come; 江, Arika Matsumoto, Shigeru Oyama, Toyoko Kasuya, 岩谷靖央
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 607-607, 1998.

Japanese Article Clinical significance and utility of the punctate cells classification
Minako Narita, Kazuo Okuyama, Nobuo Hayasaka
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 608-608, 1998.

Japanese Article Of urinary a very small amount of IgG is underlying; clinical examination
岡田聡, 野澤晶子, 村上志織, 山口登希子, 宮窪好昭, 平田泰良
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 609-609, 1998.

Japanese Article About a utility of average of normal method in the quality control of the examination for urine qualitative analysis
Shizuyo Nakagawa, Yasuko Kanayama, Tanaka Kei, Shrine pan Mayumi, Domiki Tomio, Toshi Fukunaga fine weather *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 610-610, 1998.

Japanese Article Development of the 6800 form Hitachi urine autoanalyzer
Shinobu Usui *1, Yasuaki Kojima *2, Hideyuki Horiuchi *2, Side Toshiaki Hayashi *2
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 610-610, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the 6800 form urine autoanalyzer
Yutaka Kuno, Kumiko Ohashi, Satoshi Motoyoshi, Sachiko Koyama
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 611-611, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic Study of automatic urine analyzer micro-aution MA-4260
遠藤美香, 仲川洋一, 関根武司, 笠原良彦
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 613-613, 1998.

Japanese Article Use experience of all automatic uroscopy device US-3100
浦雅彦, 久下裕香里, 前田和成, 内藤昭智, 秋山利行
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 614-614, 1998.

Japanese Article Relations with albedo and the fixed-quantity level in the urine general qualitative device
西山裕伸, 舛方栄二, 鈴木徳二, 小島鉄巳, 時田哲男, 浦山功*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 614-614, 1998.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the preservative quality of the Alcian blue pyronine stained specimen
橋本秀志, 金田登志貞, 今井忠朗*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 615-615, 1998.

Japanese Article Histologic examination of the kind amniotic corpuscle in the prostatic glandular tissue
横山貴1), 津金美和1), 小松友哉1), 林哲朗1), 堀田茂2), 東間紘3)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 617-617, 1998.

Japanese Article Precision management in the pathology institution in Shiga
岩井宗男, 板谷達弘, 今村真治, 青木茂, 辻田清一, 植田正己
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 619-619, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the prevention of wrinkle method at paraffin specimen manufacture in the brain
平田誠市1), 長谷川富淑2), 武田茂樹1)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 620-620, 1998.

Japanese Article Re-embedding of the poor large brain tissue paraffin block
Miyako Ishiyama, Yoji Ito
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 621-621, 1998.

Japanese Article Glomerule three dimensions model of the Kimmelstil-wilson syndrome
守安岳征, 小野久子, 大森康旨, 西村知己, 山本雅子, 雑賀興慶
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 621-621, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistochemical examination about the growth factor associated with the colorectal cancer liver metastasis
Satoshi Ikeda, Hiroshi Kimura, Noriyuki Fukazawa, Kazumi Sawamura, Emiko Honma, Miho Aizawa, Kiyomi Suzuki, Sanae Yokomizo
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 623-623, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic examination of the meningioma
Shoko Harada, Kaoru Shimizu, Rie Tomioka, Kumiko Otsu, Akinori Nozawa, Masamichi Hara
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 623-623, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistochemical search of vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF(vascular endothelial growth factor) in endocrinal tumor
Yamamoto Akifumi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 624-624, 1998.

Japanese Article Comparison according to according to the type of the p53 cancer-restraining gene product antibody and the company
Yoshiko Shiozawa, The Satoshi Kakita world, Hiroshi Yokoo, Iwakoshi Motoyoshi, Kazuko Yokokawa, Akio Yanagisawa
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 625-625, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of the Ki-1 lymphoma that occurred in the left axillary region
Shinichi Midorikawa 1), Sato Yasuyoshi 1), Takayuki Suzuki 1), Shozo Endo 1), Masayuki Mita 2), Takeo Saito 3)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 627-627, 1998.

Japanese Article One case thought to be Natural Killer-like T-cell Lymphoma
石本健司, 塚井一夫, 後藤賢且, 手塚健一, 高橋正倫, 高野尚之*, 西岡真輔*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 628-628, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic search of chordoma (chordoma)
山田泰寿, 澤野倫子, 守屋弘子, 江沢英史
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 628-628, 1998.

Japanese Article Immunohistologic examination about the expression of CD44 in granulomatous pneumopathy
Takeo Shida, Shigeru Fujimura one, Kudo two male, Katsuhisa Murakami, 冨地信和, 佐熊勉, Tomoyuki Abe
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 629-629, 1998.

Japanese Article The TUNEL method in the paraffin section using the microwave
山田範幸, 安保淳一, 福田涼子, 中村眞一
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 629-629, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the decalcification using EDTA-NH40H
花見恭太, 小山芳徳, 松永江利子, 安達純世, 小野寺清隆, 牛木志保, 麻生晃
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 631-631, 1998.

Japanese Article A good point and the good use of digital single-lens reflex camera in a surgery materials scan
Eiji Yoshitomi 1), Jokouji Ayako 1), Toshika Anzai 1), Brook good luck person 1), Yasushi Ueda 1), Yuka Rokusha 1), Hiroshi Egawa 2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 631-631, 1998.

Japanese Article Trial of the pathological examination report with image
Kenichi Iwaki, Good luck 1, Murahara, Masaki Nagata
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 632-632, 1998.

Japanese Article One case to hold the antiKp^a antibody of the IgG type
Emiko Aoyagi, Masae Endo, Sachiko Saito, Yuko Kondo, Michiaki Saito
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 636-636, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis and examination of transfusion testing workshop results
Machiko Oshida, Isamu Hori two, Kenichi Kushibiki, Emiko Hayashi, Yoshiko Katayama, Shuji Onishi, Keiji Yoshimura, Tadao Tomita
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 637-637, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis and examination of transfusion testing workshop results
Shoji Oshino, Yasushi Kanemitsu, Masanobu Nishikawa, Mizuko Hirashima, Shunichi Nakajo, Nobuo Nagao, Hiroshi Nagai
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 637-637, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the antiglobulin test using various IgG serum
山際純子, 国分寺晃, 前田和宏, 郡谷哲男, 谷脇清助
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 638-638, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case that was full of difficulty for securing of compatible blood
酒井美佳, 田中早苗, 木村恵子, 中出亮, 永尾暢夫, 冨田忠夫
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 641-641, 1998.

Japanese Article Type B that was thought to occur by transfusion, two cases of the hepatitis G
米倉光代, 丹羽弘子, 川畑久, 嶋博, 渡部健次, 戸川敦*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 642-642, 1998.

Japanese Article About unification of the transfusion service in this hospital
Harumi Soda, Kenichi Tai, Junko Miki, Kiyohiko Ino
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 644-644, 1998.

Japanese Article Induction of the transfusion system of administration in connection with an order entry system
Naoki Otomo, Yuko Ishida, Haruna Tamiya, Masako Idei
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 645-645, 1998.

Japanese Article Self-check and problems by the check list of the transfusion service
Hiroshi Nagai, Yoshiko Katayama, Emiko Hayashi, Shunichi Nakajo, Masanobu Nishikawa, Kenichi Kushibiki, Yasushi Kanemitsu, Machiko Oshida
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 645-645, 1998.

Japanese Article Construction of the testing system using the package software in the small institution
Natsue Omi, Mizuho Kihara, Kazumi Ito
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 647-647, 1998.

Japanese Article Systematization in dialysis facilities
Hideko Oya, Haruko Sasaki, Yoshiko Segawa, 浅沼真佐英, Toshiko Kumagai, Hiroko Uesaka, Chie Taguchi *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 648-648, 1998.

Japanese Article Construction of the laboratory study information system
Hideki Fujiwara, Minoru Hirata, Shiro Sasaki, Akira Yuri, Mihoko Tsuchiya, Hideo Ohara, Yoshiaki Sato, Kenkichi Takizawa
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 649-649, 1998.

Japanese Article Construction and laboratory study of the community health medical care welfare information system
石田聖一, 岩佐玲子
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 649-649, 1998.

Japanese Article Development and use of the comprehensive medical care information system
中村淳子, 田窪志保, 木村清隆
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 650-650, 1998.

Japanese Article A medical testing information network system and development of the intranet that unified image information
木村清隆, 中村淳子, 田窪志保
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 650-650, 1998.

Japanese Article Offer of the testing information using in-hospital intranet
Hirofumi Okura, Yukie Okimura, Ichiro Ueno, Minoru Totsuka, Osamu Yamagami
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 651-651, 1998.

Japanese Article A role and systematization of the medical technologist in our hospital outpatient department
内田雅己, 東本恭子, 清水由美子, 西沢奈美, 亀子光明
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 652-652, 1998.

Japanese Article About a role of testing information center (LIC) founded in clinical test cost and the utility
Chiharu Funaki, Etsuko Kojima, Kimi Ito, Depths island Hidetoshi, Descent from a mountain Norihiko
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 652-652, 1998.

Japanese Article Use of the transport system as the hospital function
杉岡陽介, 眞重文子, 中原一彦
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 653-653, 1998.

Japanese Article The meeting for the study activity that utilized a homepage
Masashi Shimose, Noriko Imai
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 654-654, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 case of the endometrial serous adenocarcinoma
Mayumi Kawamura, Ayako Takahashi, Atsuo Mori
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 654-654, 1998.

Japanese Article Two cases of the malignant melanoma in the gynecologic domain
内田一豊, 夏目篤二, 山本明美, 山本司, 松落とし子, 金田なな, 市川寛子
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 655-655, 1998.

Japanese Article About usefulness of the immunostaining in the coelomic fluid cytodiagnosis
奥田敏美, 黒川和男, 大西あゆみ, 野口教彦, 浦岡孝子, 橋本康弘, 郡司有理子, 辻本正彦
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 656-656, 1998.

Japanese Article Application to thoracicoab dominal fluid cytodiagnosis of monoclonal antibody "MOC-31"
Chiyuki Kaneko, Masanori Funahashi 1), Muneo Iwai 2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 657-657, 1998.

Japanese Article One case of the right thigh origin alveolar soft part sarcoma which caused metastases to lung
Yoshiteru Oka, Toshihiro Tateyama, Takeda window, Tamami Aisaka, Sumio Masunaga
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 658-658, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of the aspiration biopsy cytology in the salivary gland lesion
加藤拓, 津嶋朋子, 徳泉美幸, 安藤智子, 高橋久雄, 井田喜博
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 659-659, 1998.

Japanese Article The measurement of blood pepsinogen in the inhabitants examination
佐藤潤一, 田村邦弘, 瀬戸秀子, 高橋金雄
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 663-663, 1998.

Japanese Article Trend of the article published by the examination of clinical hygiene society [public health section] in Japan
Takashi Ichimura Kei, Kayoko Saeki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 663-663, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination of the bone quantity evaluation by the calcaneal bone dry process ultrasonography (Aloka AOS100)
Shinji Ikeyama, 牛田展浩, Yoshinori Mori, Eri Torii, Miki Takayama charges, Fukuoka reason Yuko, Niiya Yoshihide *, Yoji Okita **
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 664-664, 1998.

Japanese Article About pathogens detection surveillance business
Yoshifumi Miyajima, Kazuko Fujimoto, Tadashi Kamata is the way it goes, Isao Miyajima *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 664-664, 1998.

Japanese Article About pathogens detection surveillance business
Kazuko Fujimoto, Yoshifumi Miyajima, Tadashi Kamata is the way it goes, Isao Miyajima *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 665-665, 1998.

Japanese Article About Vibrio parahaemolyticus food poisoning and the pollution fact-finding
Shigetoshi Doi, Narumi Kubota, Mitsunori Doi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 665-665, 1998.

Japanese Article Problems of laboratory study results and the laboratory study of the foreigner residing in Japan
Kobori one or two
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 666-666, 1998.

Japanese Article Association between lifestyle and serum lipids
Nomura cannot come, Yukiyo Hayasaka
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 667-667, 1998.

Japanese Article Correspondence to a utility and the routine laboratory test of the fluorescence DNA automatic analysis device
Hiromi Watanabe, Kiyoshi Ono, Takashi Nakajima *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 667-667, 1998.

Japanese Article About the enforcement situation of the genetic screening by the FISH method and future problems
Etsuko Sato, Yoshimi Takai Tomoyo, Tomomi Sakuma, Sanae Numata, Akiko Takahashi, Yoshitaka Ota
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 668-668, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis of abnormal cells using the chromosomal analysis after the cytokine stimulation in the peripheral blood of the MDS case
山本純子, 難波はるみ, 高橋司, 清水雅代, 三宅実甫子, 上田恭典*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 669-669, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of PCR reaction conditions
川淵靖司, 藤木淳子, 大備美紀, 藤井留美, 山形篤志*, 小林重己*, 牟田幸成*, 柿本裕一*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 670-670, 1998.

Japanese Article Basic examination of the PCR
三橋百合子, 植田伸夫*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 670-670, 1998.

Japanese Article Application as the pigment marker in the electrophoresis of Trypan blue
五十嵐久喜, 椙村春彦
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 671-671, 1998.

Japanese Article About detection significance of CD56 in acute non-lymphocytic leukemia
Hideko Nakagawa 1), Yumiko Tanaka 1), Kazutoyo Sakairi 1), Kazumi Gondo 1), Noriko Wada 1), Satoshi Arakawa 1), Tsutomu Kawada 1), Mieko Takei 2)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 671-671, 1998.

Japanese Article About a utility of gating using the CD45 antibody in hematapostema cells
椎野由裕, Takai eyes, Minako Oki, Noriko Adachi, Hidehiko Akiyama, Ogitsu direct communication, Itsuro Katsuta 1, Koji Ezaki 2
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 672-672, 1998.

Japanese Article Analysis according to the condition of a patient of the lymphocyte subset in tuberculosis
浅井千春, 家田まゆみ, 新谷良英, 五百川均, 沖田洋治
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 673-673, 1998.

Japanese Article Change of the pregnant woman immunocompetence
Pot child *, Seishi Kawashima *, Maki Tanaami *, Masae Hashimoto *, Makoto Tateno *, Yuki Mashita **, 倉茂達徳 **
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 673-673, 1998.

Japanese Article Apoptotic instruction with the irradiation of the person whole blood
Miyuki Aso, Nomura sand charges child, Country relation Nobuo, Hiroyuki Watanoshi, Tatsuya Imai, Yoko Sato, Shigekatsu Wakui, Kentaro Matsuoka, Jun Miyauchi
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 675-675, 1998.

Japanese Article Fact-finding about the pain in the drawing blood
Shiho Kawai, Mitsuko Watanabe, Mitsuyoshi Nanba, Takashi Oyamada, Naoko Suzuki, Teruo Egami, 古谷信滋, Hidemasa Uchimura
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 676-676, 1998.

Japanese Article Duties improvement report of the clinical laboratory (branch laboratory)
Katsuta Izumi, Keiko Yamamoto, Keiko Kuroiwa, Koichi Matsumoto, Miwako Nakatsuji, Masaaki Mori
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 677-677, 1998.

Japanese Article Relation of health supervision and the laboratory technician of the hospital kitchen
Kiyoshi Kosugi, Hiroshi Yamashita
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 677-677, 1998.

Japanese Article Practice support system in the otolaryngology region
Yukio Machida, Masami Kameyama, Tsuguo Ishiwatari, Tokiko Motomiya, 飯野幸永, Tsuyoshi Nomoto *
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 678-678, 1998.

Japanese Article Factor to give it to medical technologist national examination results
Teruko Kitamura, Keiko Ueda, 杉邑芳樹, Teruyoshi Ichimura
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 680-680, 1998.

Japanese Article About a trial in the serology training of immunity
Yukiko Yoshimura
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 681-681, 1998.

Japanese Article Change of the student nature judging from a bedside teaching evaluation
山口聡, 横田和美, 水越聡子, 小林隆志, 三村邦裕
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 682-682, 1998.

Japanese Article Trial as the healthful exercise practice leader training authorization school
Satoko Mizukoshi, Kunihiro Mimura
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 682-682, 1998.

Japanese Article The academic achievement category of the principal school student and findings of the tendency to consciousness
丹波泰子, 狩野元成, 和田浩, 東志津香, 只野智昭, 清水智美, 佐藤陽子
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 683-683, 1998.

Japanese Article About the virus detection of the puncture accident situation and source of infection in our hospital of 4 years
土屋佳子, 櫻井慶造, 押田好美, 塙勇至, 内山幸信*
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 684-684, 1998.

Japanese Article About achievements and the consciousness change of the medical technologist of the examination for ward section which passed through three years after establishment
小山田美穂, 松井明, 木伏由起子, 菅井衣代
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 684-684, 1998.

Japanese Article Informed consent in laboratory tests
Tomomi Yasumoto, Yuri Tamura, Kiyomi Ooka, 前田和考, Takaharu Kohama, Mihoko Makiyama
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 685-685, 1998.

Japanese Article The fact of the rapid test system in the Jichiidai Omiya medical center and future problem
稲葉信夫, 渡野達朗, 伊田美紀, 大門正博, 藤野真治, 太田抜徳, 櫻林郁之介
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 47(3): 685-685, 1998.