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Japanese Journal of Medical Technology

Volume 51, Issue 7 / 2002
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Approach hematologic test to laboratory study clinical condition
Tomonaga ten thousand left man
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 985-989, 2002.

Japanese Article Form diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) of the new WHO classification
Tomonaga ten thousand left man
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 990-995, 2002.

Japanese Article Preliminary study of portal blood flow in the normal patient (Evaluation by pulsed doppler sonography)
Tetsuya Tsubaki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 996-1000, 2002.

Japanese Article Relationship between electrogastrographic activity and sleep stages during all-night sleep
Hideaki Mitani, Shin-ichi Yoshioka, Kazuhisa Maeda, Kazushige Kojima, Ryuzo Kawahara, Yuichi Inoue
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1001-1006, 2002.

Japanese Article Long-term stability of bilirubin IXα dissolved in chloroform during cold storage
Yuji Suzuki
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1007-1010, 2002.

Japanese Article Appearance result analysis of hematology measurements
Masashi Chiba, Miki Sano, Akiko Yamamoto, Yasushi Magarifuchi, junichi Saito, Yoshio Sato
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1011-1016, 2002.

Japanese Article Evaluation of KRD system for the detection of mycrobacteria
前田重隆, 吉田伸子, 林雪子, 平川静代, 山本干穂, 丹羽紀実, 千田一嘉, 一山智
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1017-1021, 2002.

Japanese Article 1 case of the miliary tuberculosis with the BCG bladder infusion therapy
大塚幸広*, 武山茂*, 金井享*, 猪原玉富*, 小島達也**, 宮野勝秋***
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1022-1025, 2002.

Japanese Article One case in acknowledgment of anemia with positive Pappenheimer Body after allogeneic marrow transplantation
Yoko Kishi, Shoichi Kobayashi, Kenji Sasaki, Ryuichi Maeda
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1026-1028, 2002.

Japanese Article Action (development and use of the standardization survey treatment system) to clinical chemistry test value standardization business in Kumamoto
洲崎英兒 1), Junichi Kitagawa 2), Hiroyuki Sugiuchi 3), Seiichi Harada 4), Shoichi Haruta 5), Hirozo Eto 6), 林眞三 7), Mayumi Shimamura 8)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1029-1032, 2002.

Japanese Article Trial of the criteria range setting for the elderly people of clinical chemical test seven items
Esumi Yukio *, Tobimura Kotaro *, Corner Kumiko *, Saori Kadowaki *, Yasuhiko Fukada **
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1033-1037, 2002.

Japanese Article Standardization of enzyme activity measurements on the basis of Enzyme Reference Material(ERM)
永峰康孝1), 南與志子2), 前川鏡子3), 三宅武4), 水野洋子1), 前田篤志5), 工藤勉6), 西村睦7)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1038-1042, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of fecal hemoglobin concentration in the patients affiliated with department of internal medicine
Koji Katayama, Tsuyoshi Goto, Uga field Emi 1, Yasuko Senda
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1043-1047, 2002.

Japanese Article Construction of the pathological diagnosis duties support system in connection with a hospital information system and an endoscopic image filing system
Kenichi Suzuki 1), Shigeru Oyama 1), Arika Matsumoto 1), 圓谷勝 1), Etsuko Taniguchi 1), Noriyuki Nojiri 2), Seiji Igarashi 3), 4, Sakae, Hoshiwa)
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1048-1053, 2002.

Japanese Article Data analysis of remote place patrol practice 22 years
Masashi Sugiura, Reiko Yamamoto 1, Hiroki Kawai
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1054-1058, 2002.

Japanese Article Data analysis of remote place patrol practice 22 years
Masashi Sugiura, Reiko Yamamoto, Hiroki Kawai
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1059-1063, 2002.

Japanese Article Urothelial carcinoma cells
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology 51(7): 1064-1066, 2002.